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Apikalden Çıkmış Gutta-perka Parçasının Çıkarılması İçin Negatif Apikal Basınç Tekniğinin Kullanımı

Yıl 2021, , 197 - 200, 30.04.2021


vaka raporunun amacı kanal yenileme işlemleri sırasında apikalden çıkmış
gutta-perka parçasının çıkarılması için negatif apikal basınç tekniği
kullanımını sunmaktır. 22 yaşında kadın hasta kliniğe #26 numaralı dişinde şiddetli
ağrı, şişlik ve perküsyon ve palpasyona hassasiyet sebebiyle kliniğe başvurdu.
Periaipkal radyograf #26 numaralı dişinde yetersiz doldurulmuş önceden yapılmış
kanal tedavisi olduğunu gösterdi. Kanal yenileme işlemleri sırasında,
gutta-perka mezial kök kanalının apikalinden çıktı. Hasta bir gün sonra tekrar
çağrıldı. İkinci seansta, şiliğin arttığı gözlendi. Kalsiyum hidroksit patını
uygulamak için kullanılan uçlarından biri dental ünitin aspiratörüne adapte
edildi. Uç kanalda mümkün olduğunca derine yerleştirildi. Birkaç denemeden
sonra, apikalden çıkmış gutta-perka çıkarıldı ve hasta bir gün sonra tekrar çağrıldı.
Parçanın çıkarılmasından bir gün sonra, şişlik azaldı. Kanallara bir hafta
süreyle kalsiyum hidroksit yerleştirildi. Dördüncü seansta, hasta
asemptomatikti ve tedavi bu seansta tamamlandı.

Anahtar Kelimeler: gutta-perka,
negatif apikal basınç, kanal yenileme

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Chugal N, Mallya SM, Kahler B, Lin LM. Endodontic Treatment Outcomes. Dent Clin North Am. 2017;61:59-80.
  • Lin LM, Skribner JE, Gaengler P. Factors associated with endodontic treatment failures. J Endod. 1992;18:625-7.
  • Lin LM, Rosenberg PA, Lin J. Do procedural errors cause endodontic treatment failure? J Am Dent Assoc. 2005;136:187-93; quiz 231.
  • Paik S, Sechrist C, Torabinejad M. Levels of evidence for the outcome of endodontic retreatment. J Endod. 2004;30:745-50.
  • Torabinejad M, Corr R, Handysides R, Shabahang S. Outcomes of nonsurgical retreatment and endodontic surgery: a systematic review. J Endod. 2009;35:930-7.
  • Rechenberg DK, Paque F. Impact of cross-sectional root canal shape on filled canal volume and remaining root filling material after retreatment. Int Endod J. 2013;46:547-55.
  • Seltzer S, Naidorf IJ. Flare-ups in endodontics: I. Etiological factors. 1985. J Endod. 2004;30:472-8.
  • Somma F, Cammarota G, Plotino G, Grande NM, Pameijer CH. The effectiveness of manual and mechanical instrumentation for the retreatment of three different root canal filling materials. J Endod. 2008;34:466-9.
  • Kesim B, Ustun Y, Aslan T, Topcuoglu HS, Sahin S, Ulusan O. Efficacy of manual and mechanical instrumentation techniques for removal of overextended root canal filling material. Niger J Clin Pract. 2017;20:761-66.
  • Ruiz-Hubard EE, Gutmann JL, Wagner MJ. A quantitative assessment of canal debris forced periapically during root canal instrumentation using two different techniques. J Endod. 1987;13:554-8.
  • Song M, Kim HC, Lee W, Kim E. Analysis of the cause of failure in nonsurgical endodontic treatment by microscopic inspection during endodontic microsurgery. J Endod. 2011;37:1516-9.
  • Tronstad L, Asbjornsen K, Doving L, Pedersen I, Eriksen HM. Influence of coronal restorations on the periapical health of endodontically treated teeth. Endod Dent Traumatol. 2000;16:218-21.
  • Cheung GS. Survival of first-time nonsurgical root canal treatment performed in a dental teaching hospital. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2002;93:596-604.
  • Hoen MM, Pink FE. Contemporary endodontic retreatments: an analysis based on clinical treatment findings. J Endod. 2002;28:834-6.
  • Zhang R, Yang H, Yu X, Wang H, Hu T, Dummer PM. Use of CBCT to identify the morphology of maxillary permanent molar teeth in a Chinese subpopulation. Int Endod J. 2011;44:162-9.

Use of Negative Apical Pressure Technique for Removal of Apically Extruded Gutta-percha Fragment

Yıl 2021, , 197 - 200, 30.04.2021


The aim of this case report was to present using
negative apical pressure technique for removal of apically extruded
gutta-percha during retreatment procedures. A 22 year-old female patient was
referred to the clinic with severe pain, swelling, and tenderness to percussion
and palpation in the tooth of #26. Periapical radiograph showed previous root
canal treatment of tooth #26 with incomplete root canal fillings. During
retreatment procedures gutta-percha apically extruded from mesial root canal. The
patient was recalled after one day. At the second session, it was observed that
the swelling was increased. One of the tips for calcium hydroxide paste
application was adjusted to suction of dental unit. Tip was placed into the
canal as deep as possible. After a few attempts, apically extruded gutta-percha
was removed and the patient was recalled after one day. At one day from the
fragment removal, the swelling was decreased. Calcium hydroxide paste was
placed into the canals for one week. At the fourth session, the patient was
asymptomatic and the treatment was completed at this session.

Keywords: gutta-percha, negative
apical pressure, retreatment

Proje Numarası



  • Chugal N, Mallya SM, Kahler B, Lin LM. Endodontic Treatment Outcomes. Dent Clin North Am. 2017;61:59-80.
  • Lin LM, Skribner JE, Gaengler P. Factors associated with endodontic treatment failures. J Endod. 1992;18:625-7.
  • Lin LM, Rosenberg PA, Lin J. Do procedural errors cause endodontic treatment failure? J Am Dent Assoc. 2005;136:187-93; quiz 231.
  • Paik S, Sechrist C, Torabinejad M. Levels of evidence for the outcome of endodontic retreatment. J Endod. 2004;30:745-50.
  • Torabinejad M, Corr R, Handysides R, Shabahang S. Outcomes of nonsurgical retreatment and endodontic surgery: a systematic review. J Endod. 2009;35:930-7.
  • Rechenberg DK, Paque F. Impact of cross-sectional root canal shape on filled canal volume and remaining root filling material after retreatment. Int Endod J. 2013;46:547-55.
  • Seltzer S, Naidorf IJ. Flare-ups in endodontics: I. Etiological factors. 1985. J Endod. 2004;30:472-8.
  • Somma F, Cammarota G, Plotino G, Grande NM, Pameijer CH. The effectiveness of manual and mechanical instrumentation for the retreatment of three different root canal filling materials. J Endod. 2008;34:466-9.
  • Kesim B, Ustun Y, Aslan T, Topcuoglu HS, Sahin S, Ulusan O. Efficacy of manual and mechanical instrumentation techniques for removal of overextended root canal filling material. Niger J Clin Pract. 2017;20:761-66.
  • Ruiz-Hubard EE, Gutmann JL, Wagner MJ. A quantitative assessment of canal debris forced periapically during root canal instrumentation using two different techniques. J Endod. 1987;13:554-8.
  • Song M, Kim HC, Lee W, Kim E. Analysis of the cause of failure in nonsurgical endodontic treatment by microscopic inspection during endodontic microsurgery. J Endod. 2011;37:1516-9.
  • Tronstad L, Asbjornsen K, Doving L, Pedersen I, Eriksen HM. Influence of coronal restorations on the periapical health of endodontically treated teeth. Endod Dent Traumatol. 2000;16:218-21.
  • Cheung GS. Survival of first-time nonsurgical root canal treatment performed in a dental teaching hospital. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2002;93:596-604.
  • Hoen MM, Pink FE. Contemporary endodontic retreatments: an analysis based on clinical treatment findings. J Endod. 2002;28:834-6.
  • Zhang R, Yang H, Yu X, Wang H, Hu T, Dummer PM. Use of CBCT to identify the morphology of maxillary permanent molar teeth in a Chinese subpopulation. Int Endod J. 2011;44:162-9.
Toplam 15 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Diş Hekimliği
Bölüm Olgu Sunumu

Hakan Arslan 0000-0003-4890-1062

Ezgi Doğanay Yıldız 0000-0003-4113-7794

Ertuğrul Karataş Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8145-8763

Proje Numarası YOK
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Arslan H, Doğanay Yıldız E, Karataş E. Use of Negative Apical Pressure Technique for Removal of Apically Extruded Gutta-percha Fragment. Selcuk Dent J. 2021;8(1):197-200.