Pasif ultrasonik irrigasyon ve XP-Endo Finisher’ın post boşluğu oluşturulmasından sonraki temizleme etkinliği
Yıl 2021,
, 407 - 411, 31.08.2021
Baran Can Sağlam
Ecehan Hazar
Murat Kocak
Sibel Tazegül-kocak
Sevinç Aktemur Türker
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı pasif ultrasonik irrigasyon ve XP-Endo Finisher irrigasyon aktivasyon eğesinin endodontik tedavi görmüş dişlerde post boşluğu hazırlanması sonrasında kök kanal duvarlarının yüzey temizliği üzerindeki etkinliğini değerlendirmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Kırk adet çekilmiş ve kök kanal tedavisi yapılmış diş kullanıldı. Post boşluğu hazırlandıktan sonra dişler dört gruba ayrıldı. Post boşluğuna farklı irrigasyon aktivasyon protokolleri aşağıdaki gibi gerçekleştirildi; kontrol grubu olarak distile su ile kök kanal boşuğu yıkandı (Grup 1), aktivasyon yapılmadan NaOCl / EDTA irrigasyonu yapıldı (Grup 2), pasif ultrasonik aktivasyon ile NaOCl / EDTA irrigasyonu yapıldı (Grup 3) ve XP-Endo Finisher ile NaOCl / EDTA irrigasyonu yapıldı (Grup 4). Kökler ikiye ayrıldı ve kanal duvarları 1000 × büyütme altında taramalı elektron mikroskobu ile incelendi. Smear tabakası varlığı 3 nokta skorlama sistemi ile değerlendirildi. Her örnek için 10 puan elde edildi ve ortalaması alındı. Sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi.
Bulgular: Post boşluğu hazırlandıktan sonra irrigasyon protokollerinin hiçbiri kanal duvarlarını tamamen temizlemedi. Pasif ultrasonik irrigasyon ve XP-Endo Finisher grupları kontrol ve aktivasyon yapılmayan NaOCl / EDTA gruplarından daha düşük skorlar göstermiştir. En yüksek sonuçlar kontrol grubunda izlenmiştir.
Sonuç: Pasif ultrasonik irrigasyon veya XP-Endo Finisher eğesi ile aktivasyon, post boşluğu hazırlanması sonrasında kök kanal duvarlarının temizliğinde daha etkili bulunmuştur.
Destekleyen Kurum
Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi
Proje Numarası
- Referans 1. Wandscher VF, Bergoli CD, Limberger IF, Ardenghi TM, Valandro LF. Preliminary results of the survival and fracture load of roots restored with intracanal posts: weakened vs nonweakened roots. Oper Dent 2014;39:541-555.
- Referans 2. Oliveira LV, Maia TS, Zancope K, Menezes MDS, Soares CJ, et al. Can intra-radicular cleaning protocols increase the retention of fiberglass posts? A systematic review. Braz Oral Res 2018;32:e16
- Referans 3. Dimitrouli M, Gunay H, Geurtsen W, Luhrs AK. Push-out strength of fiber posts depending on the type of root canal filling and resin cement. Clin Oral Investig 2011;15:273–28.
- Referans 4. Goracci C, Ferrari M. Current perspectives on post systems: A literature review. Aust Dent J 2011;56:77–83.
- Referans 5. Belizário LG, Kuga MC, Castro-Núñez GM, Escalante-Otárola WG, Só MVR, et al. Effects of different peracetic acid formulations on post space radicular dentin. J Prosthet Dent 2018;120:92-98.
- Referans 6. Gu XH, Mao CY, Liang C, Wang HM, Kern M, et al. Does endodontic post space irrigation affecs smear layer removal and bonding effectiveness? Eur J Oral Sci 2009;117:597-603.
- Referans 7. Ekim SNA, Erdemir A. Effect of different irrigant activation protocols on push-out bond strength. Lasers Med Sci 2015;30:2143-2149.
- Referans 8. Silveira SB, Alves FR, Marceliano-Alves MF, Sousa JCN, Vieira VT, et al. Removal of root canal fillings in curved canals using either Mani GPR or HyFlex NT followed by passive ultrasonic irrigation. J Endod 2018;442: 299-303.
- Referans 9. Zhao Y, Fan W, Xu T, Tay FR, Gutmann JL, et al. Evaluation of several instrumentation techniques and irrigation methods on the percentage of untouched canal wall and accumulated dentine debris in C‐shaped canals. Int Endod J 2019;52:1354-1365.
- Referans 10. Alves FR, Marceliano-Alves MF, Sousa JCN, Silveira SB, Provenzano JC, et al. Removal of root canal fillings in curved canals using either reciprocating single-or rotary multi-instrument systems and a supplementary step with the XP-Endo Finisher. J Endod 2016;427:1114-1119.
- Referans 11. Serafino C, Gallina G, Cumbo E, Ferrari M. Surface debris of canal walls after post space preparation in endodontically treated teeth: a scanning electron microscopic study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2004;97:381-387.
- Referans 12. Pashley DH, Ciucchi B, Sano H, Horner JA. Permeability of dentin to adhesive agents. Quintessence Int 1993;24:618–631.
- Referans 13. Vichi A, Grandini S, Ferrari M. Comparison between two clinical procedures for bonding fiber posts into a root canal: a microscopicinvestigation. J Endod. 2002;28:355–360.
- Referans14. Imura N, Zuolo ML, Ferreira MO, Novo NF. Effectiveness of the Canal Finder and hand instrumentation in removal of gutta-percha root fillings during root canal retreatment. Int Endod 1996;29:382–386.
- Referans 15. Silva EJNL, Belladonna FG, Zuolo AS, Rodrigues E, Ehrhardt IC, et al. Effectiveness of XP-endo Finisher and XP-endo Finisher R in removing root filling remnants: a micro-CT study. Int Endod J 2018;51:86-91.
- Referans 16. Alkhudhairy FI, Yaman P, Dennison J, McDonald N, Herrero A, et al. The effects of different irrigation solutions on the bond strength of cemented fiber posts. Clin Cosmet Investig Dent 2018;25:221-230.
- Referans 17. De-Deus G, Belladonna FG, de Siqueira Zuolo A, Perez R, Carvalho MS, et al. Micro-CT comparison of XP-endo Finisher and passive ultrasonic irrigation as final irrigation protocols on the removal of accumulated hard-tissue debris from oval shaped-canals. Clin Oral Investig 2019;23:3087-3093.
- Referans 18. Jiang LM, Verhaagen B, Versluis M, Langedijk J, Wesselink P, et al. The influence of the ultrasonic intensity on the cleaning efficacy of passive ultrasonic irrigation. J Endod 2011;375:688-692.
- Referans 19. Schmidt TF, Teixeira CS, Felippe MC, Felippe WT, Pashley DH, et al. Effect of ultrasonic activation of irrigants on smear layer removal. J Endod 2015;41:1359-1363.
- Referans 20. Bernardes R, Duarte M, Vivan R, Alcalde M, Vasconcelos B, et al. Comparison of three retreatment techniques with ultrasonic activation in flattened canals using micro‐computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy. Int Endod J 2016;49:890-897.
- Referans 21. Gu XH, Mao CY, Kern M, Xh G, Liang C, et al. Effect of different irrigation on smear layer removal after post space preparation. J Endod 2009;35:583–586.
- Referans 22. Chen X, Liu H, He Y, Luo T, Zou L. Effects of endodontic sealers and irrigation systems on smear layer removal after post space preparation. J Endod 2018;44:1293-1297.
The cleaning efficacy of passive ultrasonic irrigation and XP-Endo Finisher after post-space preparation
Yıl 2021,
, 407 - 411, 31.08.2021
Baran Can Sağlam
Ecehan Hazar
Murat Kocak
Sibel Tazegül-kocak
Sevinç Aktemur Türker
Background: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of passive ultrasonic irrigation and XP-Endo Finisher on the cleanliness of canal wall surface after post-space preparation.
Methods: Forty endodontically treated mandibular premolar teeth were used. After post-space preparation, the teeth were divided into four groups. Irrigation protocols were performed as follows; distilled water as a control group (Group 1), NaOCl/EDTA without any activation (Group 2), NaOCl/EDTA irrigation with passive ultrasonic activation (Group 3), and NaOCl/EDTA irrigation with XP-Endo Finisher (Group 4). The teeth were split and the canal walls were examined with scanning electron microscope under 1000× magnification. The presence of debris was evaluated with 3-point scoring system. For each sample 10 scores were obtained and averaged. The results were statistically analyzed.
Results: None of the techniques completely cleaned the canal walls after post-space preparation. Passive ultrasonic irrigation and XP-Endo Finisher groups demonstrated lower scores than the control and non-activated NaOCl/EDTA groups. The highest results were recorded in the control group.
Conclusion: The activation with passive ultrasonic irrigation or XP-Endo Finisher was more effective in cleaning of the root canal walls after post-space preparation.
Proje Numarası
- Referans 1. Wandscher VF, Bergoli CD, Limberger IF, Ardenghi TM, Valandro LF. Preliminary results of the survival and fracture load of roots restored with intracanal posts: weakened vs nonweakened roots. Oper Dent 2014;39:541-555.
- Referans 2. Oliveira LV, Maia TS, Zancope K, Menezes MDS, Soares CJ, et al. Can intra-radicular cleaning protocols increase the retention of fiberglass posts? A systematic review. Braz Oral Res 2018;32:e16
- Referans 3. Dimitrouli M, Gunay H, Geurtsen W, Luhrs AK. Push-out strength of fiber posts depending on the type of root canal filling and resin cement. Clin Oral Investig 2011;15:273–28.
- Referans 4. Goracci C, Ferrari M. Current perspectives on post systems: A literature review. Aust Dent J 2011;56:77–83.
- Referans 5. Belizário LG, Kuga MC, Castro-Núñez GM, Escalante-Otárola WG, Só MVR, et al. Effects of different peracetic acid formulations on post space radicular dentin. J Prosthet Dent 2018;120:92-98.
- Referans 6. Gu XH, Mao CY, Liang C, Wang HM, Kern M, et al. Does endodontic post space irrigation affecs smear layer removal and bonding effectiveness? Eur J Oral Sci 2009;117:597-603.
- Referans 7. Ekim SNA, Erdemir A. Effect of different irrigant activation protocols on push-out bond strength. Lasers Med Sci 2015;30:2143-2149.
- Referans 8. Silveira SB, Alves FR, Marceliano-Alves MF, Sousa JCN, Vieira VT, et al. Removal of root canal fillings in curved canals using either Mani GPR or HyFlex NT followed by passive ultrasonic irrigation. J Endod 2018;442: 299-303.
- Referans 9. Zhao Y, Fan W, Xu T, Tay FR, Gutmann JL, et al. Evaluation of several instrumentation techniques and irrigation methods on the percentage of untouched canal wall and accumulated dentine debris in C‐shaped canals. Int Endod J 2019;52:1354-1365.
- Referans 10. Alves FR, Marceliano-Alves MF, Sousa JCN, Silveira SB, Provenzano JC, et al. Removal of root canal fillings in curved canals using either reciprocating single-or rotary multi-instrument systems and a supplementary step with the XP-Endo Finisher. J Endod 2016;427:1114-1119.
- Referans 11. Serafino C, Gallina G, Cumbo E, Ferrari M. Surface debris of canal walls after post space preparation in endodontically treated teeth: a scanning electron microscopic study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2004;97:381-387.
- Referans 12. Pashley DH, Ciucchi B, Sano H, Horner JA. Permeability of dentin to adhesive agents. Quintessence Int 1993;24:618–631.
- Referans 13. Vichi A, Grandini S, Ferrari M. Comparison between two clinical procedures for bonding fiber posts into a root canal: a microscopicinvestigation. J Endod. 2002;28:355–360.
- Referans14. Imura N, Zuolo ML, Ferreira MO, Novo NF. Effectiveness of the Canal Finder and hand instrumentation in removal of gutta-percha root fillings during root canal retreatment. Int Endod 1996;29:382–386.
- Referans 15. Silva EJNL, Belladonna FG, Zuolo AS, Rodrigues E, Ehrhardt IC, et al. Effectiveness of XP-endo Finisher and XP-endo Finisher R in removing root filling remnants: a micro-CT study. Int Endod J 2018;51:86-91.
- Referans 16. Alkhudhairy FI, Yaman P, Dennison J, McDonald N, Herrero A, et al. The effects of different irrigation solutions on the bond strength of cemented fiber posts. Clin Cosmet Investig Dent 2018;25:221-230.
- Referans 17. De-Deus G, Belladonna FG, de Siqueira Zuolo A, Perez R, Carvalho MS, et al. Micro-CT comparison of XP-endo Finisher and passive ultrasonic irrigation as final irrigation protocols on the removal of accumulated hard-tissue debris from oval shaped-canals. Clin Oral Investig 2019;23:3087-3093.
- Referans 18. Jiang LM, Verhaagen B, Versluis M, Langedijk J, Wesselink P, et al. The influence of the ultrasonic intensity on the cleaning efficacy of passive ultrasonic irrigation. J Endod 2011;375:688-692.
- Referans 19. Schmidt TF, Teixeira CS, Felippe MC, Felippe WT, Pashley DH, et al. Effect of ultrasonic activation of irrigants on smear layer removal. J Endod 2015;41:1359-1363.
- Referans 20. Bernardes R, Duarte M, Vivan R, Alcalde M, Vasconcelos B, et al. Comparison of three retreatment techniques with ultrasonic activation in flattened canals using micro‐computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy. Int Endod J 2016;49:890-897.
- Referans 21. Gu XH, Mao CY, Kern M, Xh G, Liang C, et al. Effect of different irrigation on smear layer removal after post space preparation. J Endod 2009;35:583–586.
- Referans 22. Chen X, Liu H, He Y, Luo T, Zou L. Effects of endodontic sealers and irrigation systems on smear layer removal after post space preparation. J Endod 2018;44:1293-1297.