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Beyazlatma Özellikli Bir Diş Macununun İn Vitro Olarak Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 388 - 394, 21.08.2023


Amaç: Beyazlatıcı içerikli deneysel diş macununun, minedeki renk değişimine ve yüzey pürüzlülüğüne olan etkisini değerlendirmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmada 30-adet sağlam, çürüksüz, boyutları birbirine yakın daimi dişler kullanıldı. Dişler rastgele olarak 6 deneysel gruba ayrıldı (n=5); Grup 1: Beyazlatıcı ajan içeren deneysel diş macunu (Zubio Test-1, Dar Kozmetik, İstanbul, Türkiye); Grup 2: Beyazlatıcı ajan içeren deneysel diş macunu (Zubio Test-2); Grup 3: Beyazlatıcı ajan içeren diş macunu (İpana 3D White luxe, İpana P&G, ABD); Grup 4: Bitkisel içerikli bir diş macunu (Gumgumix, Beka ilaç, İstanbul, Türkiye); Grup 5: Kahvede bekletilen; Grup 6: Suda bekletilen. Tüm örneklerden 3 farklı zaman aralığında (T1-T2-T3) renk ve yüzey pürüzlülüğü ölçümleri yapıldı. T1: Tüm örnekler 24-saat kahvede bekletildikten ve renklenmeleri sağlandıktan sonra; T2: Her gün 15 dakika (3 kez-5’er dakika) kahvede bekleme ve 10 saniye (2 kez-10’ar saniye) fırçalama işlemi yaptıktan 7 gün sonra; T3: Her gün 15 dakika (3 kez-5’er dakika) kahvede bekleme ve 10 saniye (2 kez-10’ar saniye) fırçalama işlemi yaptıktan 14 gün sonrayı göstermektedir. Veriler Kruskal-Wallis ve Friedman istatistik testleri ile değerlendirildi (P=0.05).
Bulgular: Tüm test gruplarında renk değişimi görüldü ancak test gruplarının aralarında farklılıklar oluşmadı (P>0.05). Grup 2, sayısal olarak olumlu yönde en büyük değişimi oluştururken, diğer gruplarla arasında istatistiksel bir farklılık ortaya çıkarmadı. Zubio Test-2 diş macununun beyazlatıcı etkisi İpana 3D White luxe ve Gumgumix diş macunları ile benzer bulundu. 14 günlük araştırmanın sonucunda Zubio Test-2, Test-1’e göre daha yüksek yüzey pürüzlülük değerleri sergiledi.
Sonuç: Zubio Test-2’nin, kahvenin neden olacağı renklenmeye karşı geleneksel beyazlatıcı diş macununa benzer koruyucu etki göstererek, renklenmeyi önleyici yönde etkili olabileceği söylenebilir.

Destekleyen Kurum

istanbul Kent Üniversitesi


  • 1. Dağ C, Özalp N. Ağız ve Diş sağlığının vazgeçilmezi: Diş macunları. Acta Odontol Tuic 2013;30:149-56.
  • 2. Martin J, Rivas V, Vildósola P, Moncada L, Oliveria Junior OB, C Saad JRC, et al. Personality style in patients looking for tooth bleaching and its correlation with treatment satisfaction. Braz Dent J 2016;27:60-5.
  • 3. Serraglio CR, Zanella L, Dalla-Vecchia KB, Rodrigues-Junior SA. Efficacy and safety of over-the-counter whitening strips as compared to home-whitening with 10% carbamide peroxide gel-systematic review of RCTs and metanalysis. Clin Oral Investig 2016;20:1-14.
  • 4. Cura M, Fuentes MV, Ceballos L. Effect of low-concentration bleaching products on enamel bond strength at different elapsed times after bleaching treatment. Dent Mater J 2015;34:203-10.
  • 5. Karadas M, Duymus ZY. In vitro evaluation of the efficacy of different over-the-counter products on tooth whitening. Braz Dent J 2015;26:373-77.
  • 6. Soares CNGS, Amaral FLB, Mesquita MF, Franca FMG, Basting RT, Turssi CP. Toothpastes containing abrasive and chemical whitening agents: efficacy in reducing extrinsic dental staining. Gen Dent 2015;63:24-8.
  • 7. Reinhardt J, Balbierz M, Schultz C, Simetich B, Beatty MW. Effect of tooth-whitening procedures on stained composite resins. Oper Dent 2019;44:65–75.
  • 8. Shiozawa M , Takahashi H, Asakawa Y, Iwasaki N. Color stability of adhesive resin cements after immersion in coffee. Clin Oral Invest 2015;19:309–317.
  • 9. Ruiz-López J, Pulgar R, Lucena C, Pelaez-Cruz P, Cardona JC, Perez MM, et al. Impact of short-term dental dehydration on in-vivo dental color and whiteness. Journal of Dentistry 2021;105:103560.
  • 10. Paravina, RD, Pérez, MM, Ghinea, R. Acceptability and perceptibility thresholds in dentistry: a comprehensive review of clinical and research applications. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 2019;31:103-12.
  • 11. Monterubbianesi R, Tosco V, Bellezze T, Giuliani G, Özcan M, Putignano A, Orsini G. A Comparative Evaluation of Nanohydroxyapatite-Enriched Hydrogen Peroxide Home Bleaching System on Color, Hardness and Microstructure of Dental Enamel. Materials 2021;4;14:3072.
  • 12. da Cas NV, Ruat GR, Bueno RPR, Pachaly R, Pozzobon RT. Effect of whitening toothpaste on superficial roughness of composite resin. General Dentistry 2013;61:8-11.
  • 13. Al-Angari SS, Meaigel S, Almayouf N, Quwayhis S, Aldahash A, Al-Angari NS. The Effects of a coffee beverage and whitening systems on surface roughness and gloss of CAD/CAM lithium disilicate glass ceramics. J Appl Biomater Funct Mater 2021;19:22808000211058866.
  • 14. Rode SM, Sato TDP, Matos FS, Correia AMO, Camargo SEA. Toxicity and effect of whitening toothpastes on enamel surface. Brazil Oral Res 2021;35:025.
  • 15. Keyf F, Uzun G, Altunsoy S. Diş hekimliğinde renk seçimi. Hacettepe Üni Diş Hek Fak Derg 2009;33:52-58.
  • 16. Dietschi D, Rossier S, Krejci I. In vitro colorimetric evaluation of the efficacy of various bleaching methods and products. Quintessence Int 2006;37:515-26.
  • 17. Turgut S, Kilinc H, Eyupoglu GB, Bagis B. Color relationships of natural anterior teeth: An In vivo study. Niger J Clin Pract. 2018;21:925-31.
  • 18. Tuncdemir MT, Gulbahce N, Aykent F. Comparison of color stability of two laminate veneers cemented to tooth surfaces with and without preparation. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020;32:554-9.
  • 19. Ertas E, Guler AU, Yucel AC, Koprulu H, Guler E. Color stability of resin composites after immersion in different drinks. Dent Mater J 2006;25:371-6.
  • 20. Omata Y, Uno S, Nakaoki Y, Tanaka T, Sano H, Yoshida S, et al. Staining of hybrid composites with coffee, oolong tea, or red wine. Dent Mater J 2006;25:125-31.
  • 21. Korkut B, Haciali C. Color Stability of Flowable Composites in Different Viscosities. Clin Exp Health Sci 2020;10:454-61.
  • 22. Ozkanoglu S, Akin EGG. Evaluation of the effect of various beverages on the color stability and microhardness of restorative materials. Niger J Clin Pract 2020;23:322-8.
  • 23. Barutcugil C , Yildiz M. Intrinsic and extrinsic discoloration of dimethacrylate and silorane based composites. J Dent 2012;40:57-63.
  • 24. Türkün LS, Türkün M. The effect of one step polishing system on the surface roughness of three esthetic resin composite materials. Oper Dent. 2004;29.203-11.
  • 25. Patel SB, Gordan VV, Barrett AA, Shen C. The effect of surface finishing and storage solutions on the color stability of resin-based composites. J Am Dent Assoc 2004;125:587-94.
  • 26.Güler A. U, Duran İ, Yücel A. Ç, Özkan P. Effects of air-polishing powders on the surface roughness of composite resins. J Dent Sci 2010;5:135-43.
  • 27. Ertaş E, Küçükeşmen HC, Uluhan B. S.D.Ü Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Protetik Diş Tedavisi kliniğine müracaat eden hastaların diş rengi dağılımının saptanması. Süleyman Demirel Üni Tıp Fak Derg 2007;14:28-32.
  • 28. Topçu FT, Sahinkesen G, Yamanel K, Erdemir U, Oktay EA, Ersahan S. Influence of different drinks on the colour stability of dental resin composites. Eur J Dent 2009;3:50-6.
  • 29. Ganss C , Schlueter N, Preiss S, Klimek J. Tooth brushing habits in uninstructed adults--frequency, technique, duration and force. Clin Oral Investig 2009;13:203-8.
  • 30. Suliman S, Sulaiman TA, Olafsson VG, Delgado AJ, Donovan TE, Heymann HO. Effect of time on tooth dehydration and rehydration. J Esthet Restor Dent 2019;31:118-23.
  • 31. Hatırlı H, Karaarslan E.Ş, Yaşa B, Kılıç E, Yaylacı A. Clinical effects of dehydration on tooth color: How much and how long? J Esthet Restor Dent 2021;33:364-70.
  • 32. Koc Vural U, Bagdatli Z, Yilmaz AE, Yalçın Çakır F, Altundaşar E, Gurgan S. Effects of charcoal-based whitening toothpastes on human enamel in terms of color, surface roughness, and microhardness: an in vitro study. Clin Oral Investig 2021;25:5977-85.
  • 33. Vieira-Junior WF, Lima DA, Tabchoury CP, Ambrosano GM, Aguiar FH, Lovadino JR. Effect of toothpaste application prior to dental bleaching on whitening effectiveness and enamel properties. Oper Dent 2016;41:29-38.
  • 34. Cross SE, Kreth J, Wali RP, Sullivan R, Shi W, Gimzewski JK. Evaluation of bacteria-induced enamel demineralization using optical profilometry. Dent Mater 2009;25:1517–26.
  • 35. Pimenta-Dutra AC , Albuquerque RC , Morgan LFDSA, Pereira GM , Nunes E , Horta MCR , Silveira FF. Effect of bleaching agents on enamel surface of bovine teeth: A SEM study. J Clin Exp Dent 2017;9:46-50.
  • 36.Cavalli V, Arrais CA, Giannini M, Ambrosano GM. High-concentrated carbamide peroxide bleaching agents effects on enamel surface. J Oral Rehabil 2004;31:155-9.
  • 37. Mörmann WH, Stawarczyk B, Ender A, Sener B, Attin T, Mehl A. Wear characteristics of current aesthetic dental restorative CAD/CAM materials: Two-body wear, gloss retention, roughness and Martens hardness. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater 2013;20:113–25.
  • 38. Bollen CM, Lambrechts P, Quirynen M. Comparison of surface roughness of oral hard materials to the threshold surface roughness for bacterial plaque retention: A review of literature. Dent Mater 1997;13:258-69.
  • 39. Cehreli ZC, Lakshmipathy M, Yazici R. Effect of different splint removal techniques on the surface roughness of human enamel: a three-dimensional optical profilometry analysis. Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology 2008;24:177-82.
  • 40. Sasahara RMC, Ribeiro FC, Cesar PF, Yoshimura HN. Influence of the finishing technique on surface roughness of dental porcelains with different microstructures. Oper Dent 2006;31:577-83.

Beyazlatma Özellikli Bir Diş Macununun İn Vitro Olarak Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 388 - 394, 21.08.2023



  • 1. Dağ C, Özalp N. Ağız ve Diş sağlığının vazgeçilmezi: Diş macunları. Acta Odontol Tuic 2013;30:149-56.
  • 2. Martin J, Rivas V, Vildósola P, Moncada L, Oliveria Junior OB, C Saad JRC, et al. Personality style in patients looking for tooth bleaching and its correlation with treatment satisfaction. Braz Dent J 2016;27:60-5.
  • 3. Serraglio CR, Zanella L, Dalla-Vecchia KB, Rodrigues-Junior SA. Efficacy and safety of over-the-counter whitening strips as compared to home-whitening with 10% carbamide peroxide gel-systematic review of RCTs and metanalysis. Clin Oral Investig 2016;20:1-14.
  • 4. Cura M, Fuentes MV, Ceballos L. Effect of low-concentration bleaching products on enamel bond strength at different elapsed times after bleaching treatment. Dent Mater J 2015;34:203-10.
  • 5. Karadas M, Duymus ZY. In vitro evaluation of the efficacy of different over-the-counter products on tooth whitening. Braz Dent J 2015;26:373-77.
  • 6. Soares CNGS, Amaral FLB, Mesquita MF, Franca FMG, Basting RT, Turssi CP. Toothpastes containing abrasive and chemical whitening agents: efficacy in reducing extrinsic dental staining. Gen Dent 2015;63:24-8.
  • 7. Reinhardt J, Balbierz M, Schultz C, Simetich B, Beatty MW. Effect of tooth-whitening procedures on stained composite resins. Oper Dent 2019;44:65–75.
  • 8. Shiozawa M , Takahashi H, Asakawa Y, Iwasaki N. Color stability of adhesive resin cements after immersion in coffee. Clin Oral Invest 2015;19:309–317.
  • 9. Ruiz-López J, Pulgar R, Lucena C, Pelaez-Cruz P, Cardona JC, Perez MM, et al. Impact of short-term dental dehydration on in-vivo dental color and whiteness. Journal of Dentistry 2021;105:103560.
  • 10. Paravina, RD, Pérez, MM, Ghinea, R. Acceptability and perceptibility thresholds in dentistry: a comprehensive review of clinical and research applications. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 2019;31:103-12.
  • 11. Monterubbianesi R, Tosco V, Bellezze T, Giuliani G, Özcan M, Putignano A, Orsini G. A Comparative Evaluation of Nanohydroxyapatite-Enriched Hydrogen Peroxide Home Bleaching System on Color, Hardness and Microstructure of Dental Enamel. Materials 2021;4;14:3072.
  • 12. da Cas NV, Ruat GR, Bueno RPR, Pachaly R, Pozzobon RT. Effect of whitening toothpaste on superficial roughness of composite resin. General Dentistry 2013;61:8-11.
  • 13. Al-Angari SS, Meaigel S, Almayouf N, Quwayhis S, Aldahash A, Al-Angari NS. The Effects of a coffee beverage and whitening systems on surface roughness and gloss of CAD/CAM lithium disilicate glass ceramics. J Appl Biomater Funct Mater 2021;19:22808000211058866.
  • 14. Rode SM, Sato TDP, Matos FS, Correia AMO, Camargo SEA. Toxicity and effect of whitening toothpastes on enamel surface. Brazil Oral Res 2021;35:025.
  • 15. Keyf F, Uzun G, Altunsoy S. Diş hekimliğinde renk seçimi. Hacettepe Üni Diş Hek Fak Derg 2009;33:52-58.
  • 16. Dietschi D, Rossier S, Krejci I. In vitro colorimetric evaluation of the efficacy of various bleaching methods and products. Quintessence Int 2006;37:515-26.
  • 17. Turgut S, Kilinc H, Eyupoglu GB, Bagis B. Color relationships of natural anterior teeth: An In vivo study. Niger J Clin Pract. 2018;21:925-31.
  • 18. Tuncdemir MT, Gulbahce N, Aykent F. Comparison of color stability of two laminate veneers cemented to tooth surfaces with and without preparation. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020;32:554-9.
  • 19. Ertas E, Guler AU, Yucel AC, Koprulu H, Guler E. Color stability of resin composites after immersion in different drinks. Dent Mater J 2006;25:371-6.
  • 20. Omata Y, Uno S, Nakaoki Y, Tanaka T, Sano H, Yoshida S, et al. Staining of hybrid composites with coffee, oolong tea, or red wine. Dent Mater J 2006;25:125-31.
  • 21. Korkut B, Haciali C. Color Stability of Flowable Composites in Different Viscosities. Clin Exp Health Sci 2020;10:454-61.
  • 22. Ozkanoglu S, Akin EGG. Evaluation of the effect of various beverages on the color stability and microhardness of restorative materials. Niger J Clin Pract 2020;23:322-8.
  • 23. Barutcugil C , Yildiz M. Intrinsic and extrinsic discoloration of dimethacrylate and silorane based composites. J Dent 2012;40:57-63.
  • 24. Türkün LS, Türkün M. The effect of one step polishing system on the surface roughness of three esthetic resin composite materials. Oper Dent. 2004;29.203-11.
  • 25. Patel SB, Gordan VV, Barrett AA, Shen C. The effect of surface finishing and storage solutions on the color stability of resin-based composites. J Am Dent Assoc 2004;125:587-94.
  • 26.Güler A. U, Duran İ, Yücel A. Ç, Özkan P. Effects of air-polishing powders on the surface roughness of composite resins. J Dent Sci 2010;5:135-43.
  • 27. Ertaş E, Küçükeşmen HC, Uluhan B. S.D.Ü Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Protetik Diş Tedavisi kliniğine müracaat eden hastaların diş rengi dağılımının saptanması. Süleyman Demirel Üni Tıp Fak Derg 2007;14:28-32.
  • 28. Topçu FT, Sahinkesen G, Yamanel K, Erdemir U, Oktay EA, Ersahan S. Influence of different drinks on the colour stability of dental resin composites. Eur J Dent 2009;3:50-6.
  • 29. Ganss C , Schlueter N, Preiss S, Klimek J. Tooth brushing habits in uninstructed adults--frequency, technique, duration and force. Clin Oral Investig 2009;13:203-8.
  • 30. Suliman S, Sulaiman TA, Olafsson VG, Delgado AJ, Donovan TE, Heymann HO. Effect of time on tooth dehydration and rehydration. J Esthet Restor Dent 2019;31:118-23.
  • 31. Hatırlı H, Karaarslan E.Ş, Yaşa B, Kılıç E, Yaylacı A. Clinical effects of dehydration on tooth color: How much and how long? J Esthet Restor Dent 2021;33:364-70.
  • 32. Koc Vural U, Bagdatli Z, Yilmaz AE, Yalçın Çakır F, Altundaşar E, Gurgan S. Effects of charcoal-based whitening toothpastes on human enamel in terms of color, surface roughness, and microhardness: an in vitro study. Clin Oral Investig 2021;25:5977-85.
  • 33. Vieira-Junior WF, Lima DA, Tabchoury CP, Ambrosano GM, Aguiar FH, Lovadino JR. Effect of toothpaste application prior to dental bleaching on whitening effectiveness and enamel properties. Oper Dent 2016;41:29-38.
  • 34. Cross SE, Kreth J, Wali RP, Sullivan R, Shi W, Gimzewski JK. Evaluation of bacteria-induced enamel demineralization using optical profilometry. Dent Mater 2009;25:1517–26.
  • 35. Pimenta-Dutra AC , Albuquerque RC , Morgan LFDSA, Pereira GM , Nunes E , Horta MCR , Silveira FF. Effect of bleaching agents on enamel surface of bovine teeth: A SEM study. J Clin Exp Dent 2017;9:46-50.
  • 36.Cavalli V, Arrais CA, Giannini M, Ambrosano GM. High-concentrated carbamide peroxide bleaching agents effects on enamel surface. J Oral Rehabil 2004;31:155-9.
  • 37. Mörmann WH, Stawarczyk B, Ender A, Sener B, Attin T, Mehl A. Wear characteristics of current aesthetic dental restorative CAD/CAM materials: Two-body wear, gloss retention, roughness and Martens hardness. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater 2013;20:113–25.
  • 38. Bollen CM, Lambrechts P, Quirynen M. Comparison of surface roughness of oral hard materials to the threshold surface roughness for bacterial plaque retention: A review of literature. Dent Mater 1997;13:258-69.
  • 39. Cehreli ZC, Lakshmipathy M, Yazici R. Effect of different splint removal techniques on the surface roughness of human enamel: a three-dimensional optical profilometry analysis. Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology 2008;24:177-82.
  • 40. Sasahara RMC, Ribeiro FC, Cesar PF, Yoshimura HN. Influence of the finishing technique on surface roughness of dental porcelains with different microstructures. Oper Dent 2006;31:577-83.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Diş Hekimliği
Bölüm Araştırma

Dilan Kopuz 0000-0003-2979-6068

Elif Alkan 0000-0001-7167-6946

Neslihan Tekçe 0000-0002-5447-3159

Osman Hayran 0000-0002-9994-5033

Zeynep Bilge Kütük 0000-0003-0562-056X

Bilal Yaşa 0000-0001-7353-4335

Bora Korkut 0000-0001-6360-9436

Dilek Tağtekin 0000-0002-2675-1764

Funda Yanıkoğlu 0000-0001-5708-1030

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Ağustos 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Kopuz D, Alkan E, Tekçe N, Hayran O, Kütük ZB, Yaşa B, Korkut B, Tağtekin D, Yanıkoğlu F. Beyazlatma Özellikli Bir Diş Macununun İn Vitro Olarak Değerlendirilmesi. Selcuk Dent J. 2023;10(2):388-94.