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Genetic Variability and Correlation Studies in Yield and Yield Related Characters of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Genotypes

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 2, 88 - 95, 03.01.2017


Twelve genotypes of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) were evaluated for two years in the field in a randomized complete block design and replicated three times. The results showed year effect to be significant for plant height, grain yield, heading time and greenness of flag leaf, and genotype effect was significant for all the characters. Also, genotype x year interaction was significant for all the characters except for plant height, spike length and kernel weight. The maximum yield among advanced lines studied was obtained from A71-1 (4091.8 kg ha-1) and A74-1 (3926.1 kg ha-1) which were developed through crossing of H. vulgare v. nudum with Bülbül 89 and Karatay 94 cultivars, respectively. Close resemblance between genotypic correlation coefficient (GCV) and phenotypic correlation coefficient (PCV) was observed for grain yield indicating that selection for this character would be effective. Heritability estimates in general were high for all the nine characters studied. Characters studied showed significant positive correlation with grain yield except for plant height and greenness of flag leaf which showed significant positive genotypic correlation only in the second year. Highest heritability couple with high genetic advance was observed for plant height, spike length, number of spikelets per spike, number of kernels per spike, kernel weight per spike, thousand kernel-weight and heading time. Thus, these traits could be used as selection criteria for yield in barley


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  • Akgun, N, A. Topal, M. Akcura, 2012. Evaluation of Central Anatolian barley landraces for crop improvement. Romanian Agricultural Research 29: 87-93.
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  • Alake, C.O., O.J. Ariyo, M.A. Ayo-Vaughan, 2012. Genotypic performance, character correlations and path analysis of pod yield in Abelmoschus caillei (A. Chev.) Stevels. Italian Journal of Agronomy 7: e44, 337-345
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  • Allard, R.W. 1960. Principle of Plant Breeding. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, USA.
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  • Bengtsson, B. O. 1992. Barley genetics. Trends in Genetics 8, 3–5.
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  • Dabholkar, A.R. 1992. Elements of Biometrical Genetics. Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, India.
  • Falconer, D.S., T.F.C. Mackay, 1996. Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. 4th Edn., Benjamin Cummings, England.
  • Freed, R.D., S.P. Eisensmith, E.H. Everson, M. Weber, E. Paul, D. Islcib, 1988. MSTATC: Version 2.10. Michigan State University, USA.
  • Jackson, P.A., D.E. Byth, R.P. Johnston, K.S. Fischer, 1993. Genotype x environment interactions in progeny from a barley cross. 1. Patterns of response among progeny genotypes for grain yield and time to anthesis. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. 33: 619-627.
  • Jalata, Z., A. Ayana, H. Zeleke, 2011. Variability, heritability and genetic advance for some yield and yield related traits in ethiopian barley (Hordeum vulgare landraces and crosses. Int. J. Plant Breed. Genet. 5: 44-52.
  • Jaradat, A.A., M. Shahid, A. Al-Maskri, 2004. Genetic diversity in the Batini barley landrace from Oman: I. Spike and seed quantitative and qualitative traits. Crop Sci. 44: 304-315.
  • Johnson, G.R., K.J. Frey, 1967. Heritability of quantitative attributes of Oats at varying levels of environmental stress. Crop Sci. 7: 43-46.
  • Johnson, H.W., H.F. Robinson, R.E. Comstock, 1955. Estimation of genetic and environmental variability in soybeans. Agron. J. 47: 314-318.
  • Miller, P. A., J.C. Williams, H.F. Robinson, R.F. Cemstock, 1958. Estimates of genotypic and environmental variances in upland cotton and their implication in selection. Agronomy Journal 50: 126-131.
  • Moll, R.H, C.W. Stuber, 1974. Quantitative genetics-emperical results revant to plant breeding. Adv. Agron. 26: 277-313.
  • Poehlman, J.M., D.A. Sleper, 1995. Breeding Field Crops. 4th Edn., Panima Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.
  • Rytger, J.N., C.W. Schaller, A.D. Dickson, 1967. Variation and covariation in agronomic and malting quality characters in barley. II. Interrelation of characters. Crop Sci. 7: 325-326.
  • Singh, S., S. Mahabalram, D.P. Singh, 1986. Agronomic traits contributing to drought tolerance in husk less barley. Rachis 5: 12-13.
  • Singh, M., S. Ceccarelli, 1995. Estimation of heritability using varietal trials data from incomplete blocks. Theor. Applied Genet. 90: 142-145.
  • Van Oosterom, E.J., D. Klejin, S. Ceccarelli, M.M. Nachit, 1993. Genotype by environment interactions of barley in the Mediterranean region. Crop Sci. 33: 669-674.
  • Vimal, S.C., S.R. Vishwakarma, 1998. Heritability and genetic advance in barley under partially reclaimed saline sodic soil. Rachis 17: 56-61.
Yıl 2016, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 2, 88 - 95, 03.01.2017



  • Abdelmula, A.A., W. Link, E. Von Kittlitz, D. Stelling, 1999. Hetrosis and inheritance of drought tolerance in faba bean, Vicia faba L., Plant Breed. 118: 485-490.
  • Adamsen, F.J., P.J. Pinter, E.M. Barnes, R.I. LaMorte, G.W. Wall, S.W. Leavitt, B.A. Kimball, 1999. Measuring wheat senescence with a digital camera. Crop Sci. 39:719–724.
  • Akgun, N, A. Topal, M. Akcura, 2012. Evaluation of Central Anatolian barley landraces for crop improvement. Romanian Agricultural Research 29: 87-93.
  • Akinci, C., M. Yildirim, 2009. Screening of barley landraces by direct selection for crop improvement. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science 59: 33-41.
  • Alake, C.O., O.J. Ariyo, M.A. Ayo-Vaughan, 2012. Genotypic performance, character correlations and path analysis of pod yield in Abelmoschus caillei (A. Chev.) Stevels. Italian Journal of Agronomy 7: e44, 337-345
  • Alemayehu, A. 2005. Biochemical and morphological variation among barley landraces. Afr. Crop Sci. J. 13: 227-238.
  • Allard, R.W. 1960. Principle of Plant Breeding. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, USA.
  • Amin, M.R., N.C.D. Barma, M.A. Razzaque, 1992. Variability, heritability, genetic advance and correlation study in some quantitative characters in durum wheat. Rachis News Lett. 11: 30-32.
  • Atlin, G.N., K.J. Frey, 1990. Selecting oat lines for yield in low-productivity environments. Crop Sci. 30: 556-561.
  • Bengtsson, B. O. 1992. Barley genetics. Trends in Genetics 8, 3–5.
  • Burton, G.W. 1952. Quantitative inheritance in grasses. Proc. 6th Int. Grassland Cong. 1: 277-283.
  • Ceccarelli, S. 1989. Wide adaptation: How wide. Euphytica 40: 197-205.
  • Ceccarelli, S. 1994. Specific adaptation and breeding for marginal conditions. Euphytica 77: 205-219.
  • Ceccarelli, S. 1996. Adaptation to low or high input cultivation. Euphytica 92: 203-214.
  • Ceccarelli, S., S. Grando, 1991. Selection environment and environmental sensitivity in barley. Euphytica 57: 157-167.
  • Dabholkar, A.R. 1992. Elements of Biometrical Genetics. Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, India.
  • Falconer, D.S., T.F.C. Mackay, 1996. Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. 4th Edn., Benjamin Cummings, England.
  • Freed, R.D., S.P. Eisensmith, E.H. Everson, M. Weber, E. Paul, D. Islcib, 1988. MSTATC: Version 2.10. Michigan State University, USA.
  • Jackson, P.A., D.E. Byth, R.P. Johnston, K.S. Fischer, 1993. Genotype x environment interactions in progeny from a barley cross. 1. Patterns of response among progeny genotypes for grain yield and time to anthesis. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. 33: 619-627.
  • Jalata, Z., A. Ayana, H. Zeleke, 2011. Variability, heritability and genetic advance for some yield and yield related traits in ethiopian barley (Hordeum vulgare landraces and crosses. Int. J. Plant Breed. Genet. 5: 44-52.
  • Jaradat, A.A., M. Shahid, A. Al-Maskri, 2004. Genetic diversity in the Batini barley landrace from Oman: I. Spike and seed quantitative and qualitative traits. Crop Sci. 44: 304-315.
  • Johnson, G.R., K.J. Frey, 1967. Heritability of quantitative attributes of Oats at varying levels of environmental stress. Crop Sci. 7: 43-46.
  • Johnson, H.W., H.F. Robinson, R.E. Comstock, 1955. Estimation of genetic and environmental variability in soybeans. Agron. J. 47: 314-318.
  • Miller, P. A., J.C. Williams, H.F. Robinson, R.F. Cemstock, 1958. Estimates of genotypic and environmental variances in upland cotton and their implication in selection. Agronomy Journal 50: 126-131.
  • Moll, R.H, C.W. Stuber, 1974. Quantitative genetics-emperical results revant to plant breeding. Adv. Agron. 26: 277-313.
  • Poehlman, J.M., D.A. Sleper, 1995. Breeding Field Crops. 4th Edn., Panima Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.
  • Rytger, J.N., C.W. Schaller, A.D. Dickson, 1967. Variation and covariation in agronomic and malting quality characters in barley. II. Interrelation of characters. Crop Sci. 7: 325-326.
  • Singh, S., S. Mahabalram, D.P. Singh, 1986. Agronomic traits contributing to drought tolerance in husk less barley. Rachis 5: 12-13.
  • Singh, M., S. Ceccarelli, 1995. Estimation of heritability using varietal trials data from incomplete blocks. Theor. Applied Genet. 90: 142-145.
  • Van Oosterom, E.J., D. Klejin, S. Ceccarelli, M.M. Nachit, 1993. Genotype by environment interactions of barley in the Mediterranean region. Crop Sci. 33: 669-674.
  • Vimal, S.C., S.R. Vishwakarma, 1998. Heritability and genetic advance in barley under partially reclaimed saline sodic soil. Rachis 17: 56-61.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Review Articles

Necdet Akgün

Yayımlanma Tarihi 3 Ocak 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Kasım 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Akgün N (01 Ocak 2017) Genetic Variability and Correlation Studies in Yield and Yield Related Characters of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Genotypes. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 30 2 88–95.

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