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Circulation of Heavy Metals in Soil-Plant-Animal Metabolic System with Special Reference to Cadmium

Yıl 1999, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 18, 42 - 58, 15.12.1999


Environmental pollution with heavy metals draws widespread concern due to the potentially toxic effect on humans. Cadmium is present naturally in the air mainly as a result of volcanic emissions and release by vegetation. Furthermore, extensive use of phosphate fertilisers has accumulated cadmium in agricultural land especially in countries where they are used for many years. Cadmium (Cd) is a nonessential trace element and is considered as a pollutant. Cadmium pollution in the environment occurs from smelting industries, attrition of automobile tyres, and burning of diesel and heating oil. Cadmium is added to soils with phosphatic fertilisers and with sewage sludge application to agricultural land. Soil and the aboveground parts of plants also receive additions through the atmosphere, particularly in areas near metal smelters. Several factors affect the activity of cadmium in soils and its availability for plant uptake such as soil pH; the amount of Cd present; the metal sorption capacity of the soil; the presence of micro-elements and of macronutrients; soil temperature, moisture content and soil aeration. Certain skin penetration of soluble cadmium compounds can take place when they are applied as a solution to the skin. Skin is not though the main route of cadmium uptake. The respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts are the two main routes of absorption in man and animals. Airborne cadmium is a potential danger for animals through its deposition to grassland which is grazed by them and not through direct inhalation. Cadmium is translocated through the food chain of soil, roots, vegetation and animals to man and is an accumulative poison and in daily life large populations of animals and man are exposed to low levels of cadmium in the environment and in food

Destekleyen Kurum



  • Albert, R.E., Lippmann, M. and Peterson, H.T.J. (1971). The effects of cigarette smoking on the kinetics of bronchial clearance in humans and monkeys. In: Inhaled Particles, 3rd edition, (Ed.) Walton, W.H., Unwin Brothers, London.
  • Anderson, A. and Hahlin, M. (1981). Cadmium effects from phosphorus fertilisation in field experiments. Swedish J. Agric. Res., 11: pp. 3-10.
  • Archer, F.C. and Hodgson, I.H. (1987). Total and extractable trace element contents of soils in England and Wales. J. Soil Sci., 38: pp. 421-431.
  • Bingham, F.T., Page, A.L., Mitchell, G.A. and Strong, J.E. (1979). Effects of liming on acid soil amended with sewage sludge enriched with Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn on yield and cadmium content of wheat grain. J. Environ. Quality, 8: pp. 202-207.
  • Bramley, R.G.V. (1990). Cadmium in New Zealand agriculture. New Zealand J. Agric. Res., 33: 4, pp. 505-519.
  • Bridges, E.M. (1989). Toxic metals in amenity soil. Soil Use and Management, 5: pp. 91- 100.
  • Chaney, R.L. and Hornick, S.B. (1977). Accumulation and effects of cadmium on crops. In: Cadmium 77. Ed. Proc. of the First International Cadmium Conference, San Francisco, Metal Bulletin, London.
  • Chaney, R.L., Stoewsand, G.S., Bache, C.A. and Lisk, D.J. (1978). Cadmium deposition and hepatic microsomal induction in mice fed lettuce grown on municipal sludge- amended soil. J. Agric. and Food Chemistry, 26: pp. 992-994.
  • Doyle, J.J., Pfander, W.H., Grebing, S.E. and Pierce, J.O. (1974). Effect of dietary cadmium on growth, cadmium absorption and cadmium tissue levels in growing lambs. J. Nutrition, 104: pp. 160-166.

Ağır Metallerin Toprak-Bitki-Hayvan Metabolik Sisteminde Sirkülasyonu: Kadmium Örneği

Yıl 1999, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 18, 42 - 58, 15.12.1999


Ağır metallerin neden olduğu çevre kirliliği, insanlar üzerindeki potansiyel toksik etkilerinden dolayı geniş çapta ilgi çekmektedir. Kadmiyum, volkanik emisyonlar sonucunda havada doğal olarak bulunur. Fosfatlı gübreler, özellikle uzun yıllar aşırı derecede kullanıldığı ülkelerde tarım topraklarında kadmiyum birikimine neden olmuştur. Kadmiyum esansiyel olmayan zehirli bir iz elementtir. Çevrede kadmiyum kirliliğine, fabrika bacaları, otomobil lastikleri ve petrol ürünlerinin yakılması neden olmaktadır. Kadmiyum topraklara fosfat ve hayvan gübreleri yoluyla karışmaktadır. Toprak ve bitkilerin toprak üstü aksamları özellikle maden arıtma tesislerinin olduğu alanlarda ayrıca atmosferden de ilave kadmiyum alırlar. Topraklarda kadmiyum aktivitesini ve bitkiler tarafından alınabilirliğini etkileyen faktörler olarak; toprak pH' sı, toprakta mevcut kadmiyum miktarı, toprağın metal tutma kapasitesi, toprakta mikro besinlerin ve mikro elementlerin mevcudiyeti ile toprak sıcaklığı, nem oranı ve toprak havalandırması sayılabilir. Ayrıca, suda çözülebilir kadmiyum bileşikleri deriye uygulandıklarında deriye nüfuz edebilmeleri minimal da olsa mümkündür, ancak vücuda kadmiyum alımının asıl şekli deri yolu ile değildir. Solunum ve sindirim sistemleri hayvan ve insanlarda kadmiyum absorbsiyonunun temel yollarıdır. Havadaki kadmiyum hayvanlar için solunum yoluyla değil, otladıkları meralarda birikmesi yoluyla potansiyel bir tehlike oluşturınaktadır. Kadmiyum toprak, bitki ve hayvanlar yoluyla insanlara transfer edilen kümülatif bir zehir olup insan ve hayvan populasyonları günlük hayatta çevre ve gıdalardan düşük seviyelerde bile olsa kadmiyuma maruz kalmaktadırlar.


  • Albert, R.E., Lippmann, M. and Peterson, H.T.J. (1971). The effects of cigarette smoking on the kinetics of bronchial clearance in humans and monkeys. In: Inhaled Particles, 3rd edition, (Ed.) Walton, W.H., Unwin Brothers, London.
  • Anderson, A. and Hahlin, M. (1981). Cadmium effects from phosphorus fertilisation in field experiments. Swedish J. Agric. Res., 11: pp. 3-10.
  • Archer, F.C. and Hodgson, I.H. (1987). Total and extractable trace element contents of soils in England and Wales. J. Soil Sci., 38: pp. 421-431.
  • Bingham, F.T., Page, A.L., Mitchell, G.A. and Strong, J.E. (1979). Effects of liming on acid soil amended with sewage sludge enriched with Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn on yield and cadmium content of wheat grain. J. Environ. Quality, 8: pp. 202-207.
  • Bramley, R.G.V. (1990). Cadmium in New Zealand agriculture. New Zealand J. Agric. Res., 33: 4, pp. 505-519.
  • Bridges, E.M. (1989). Toxic metals in amenity soil. Soil Use and Management, 5: pp. 91- 100.
  • Chaney, R.L. and Hornick, S.B. (1977). Accumulation and effects of cadmium on crops. In: Cadmium 77. Ed. Proc. of the First International Cadmium Conference, San Francisco, Metal Bulletin, London.
  • Chaney, R.L., Stoewsand, G.S., Bache, C.A. and Lisk, D.J. (1978). Cadmium deposition and hepatic microsomal induction in mice fed lettuce grown on municipal sludge- amended soil. J. Agric. and Food Chemistry, 26: pp. 992-994.
  • Doyle, J.J., Pfander, W.H., Grebing, S.E. and Pierce, J.O. (1974). Effect of dietary cadmium on growth, cadmium absorption and cadmium tissue levels in growing lambs. J. Nutrition, 104: pp. 160-166.
Toplam 9 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Yalçin Bozkurt Bu kişi benim

Eumorfia Zachou Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 1999
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 1999
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1999 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 18

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Bozkurt Y, Zachou E (01 Aralık 1999) Circulation of Heavy Metals in Soil-Plant-Animal Metabolic System with Special Reference to Cadmium. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 13 18 42–58.

Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.