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Impacts of Meaning and Measurement of Risk-on-Risk Disclosure: An Empirical Study

Yıl 2023, , 196 - 209, 30.04.2023


The literature on risk has focused on different issues, such as the quantity and quality aspects of risk, how efficiently it is reported, and its role in increasing transparency. The current study aims to investigate the impact of risk meaning and risk measurement (assessment) on risk disclosure. In light of the empirical findings, this research study provides an in-depth understanding of the relationship between risk meaning and measurement and risk disclosure. This study considers the perceptions of the stakeholders; investors, shareholders (owners), management, and external auditors, because they are either users of risk disclosure or preparers of this kind of information. The data for the study were gathered using a questionnaire, which was distributed to key stakeholders. The study revealed a positive relationship between the meaning of risk and risk disclosure on the one hand and a positive association between the measurement of risk and risk disclosure on the other. This study extended the literature by providing empirical evidence that disclosure of risk can be affected by the meaning and measurement of risk on one side. Furthermore, Provide information about business environments such as those in Sulaimaniyah, Iraq.


  • Abraham, Santhosh, and Paul Cox. 2007. "Analysing the determinants of narrative risk information in UK FTSE 100 annual reports." The British Accounting Review 39 (3):227-48.
  • Abraham, Santhosh, Claire Lesley Marston, and Phil Darby. 2012. Risk reporting: Clarity, relevance and location.
  • ACCA, A. o. (2014). Reporting Risks. available online at
  • Al Smadi, Safaa Adnan. 2017. "Corporate governance and Risk disclosures practices in the annual reports of Jordanian banks." University of Southampton.
  • Altenbach, T, and S Brereton. 1998. "Risk Ranking Methodology for Chemical Release Events. Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management. 4, International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management New York City, NY."
  • Altenbach, T J. 1995. A comparison of risk assessment techniques from qualitative to quantitative. Available online at
  • Amezaga-Alonso, María Teresa, Ernesto Cilleruelo-Carrasco, Enara Zarrabeitia-Bilbao, and Patxi Ruiz-de-Arbulo-López. 2020. "Present and future of risk disclosure in Spanish non-financial listed companies: Presente y futuro de la divulgación de información sobre riesgos en las empresas españolas cotizadas no financieras." Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review 23 (1):18-49.
  • Amran, Azlan, Abdul Manaf Rosli Bin, and Bin Che Haat Mohd Hassan. 2009. "Risk reporting: An exploratory study on risk management disclosure in Malaysian annual reports." Managerial auditing journal.
  • Becker, Jan-Michael, Christian M Ringle, Marko Sarstedt, and Franziska Völckner. 2015. "How collinearity affects mixture regression results." Marketing Letters 26 (4):643-59.
  • Beretta, Sergio, and Saverio Bozzolan. 2004. "A framework for the analysis of firm risk communication." The International Journal of Accounting 39 (3):265-88.
  • Berk, J., & DeMarzo, P. (2007). Corporate Finance. Boston, MA: Pearson Addison Wesley
  • Berre, Max, Marieke Delanghe, Philippe FOULQUIER, and Yan Du. 2019. "Performance 21 Handbook of Business Performance and Value Creation in the 21st Century." Available at SSRN.
  • Boyle, M., 2002. Cleaning up after the Celtic Tiger: scalar ‘Wxes’ in the political ecology of Tiger economies. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers NS 27, 172–194
  • Branson, B. 2015. "Reporting Key Risk Information to the Board of Directors: Top Risk Executives Share & Their Practices." North Carolina State University, POOLE College of Management ERM.
  • Cabedo Semper, José David, and José Miguel Tirado Beltrán. 2009. "Risk information disclosure: a proposal for measurement." Innovar 19 (34):121-34.
  • Campbell, John L, Hsinchun Chen, Dan S Dhaliwal, Hsin-min Lu, and Logan B Steele. 2014. "The information content of mandatory risk factor disclosures in corporate filings." Review of Accounting Studies 19 (1):396-455.
  • Chapter. 2018. "How do we measure risk 1-37." In, 1-37.
  • Caporin, M., Jannin, G., Lisi, F., & Baillet, B. (2014). A survey on the four families of performance measures. Journal of Economic Surveys, 28(5), 917 – 942
  • Chin, Wynne W. 1998. "Commentary: Issues and opinion on structural equation modeling." In, vii-xvi. JSTOR.
  • Chorafas, Dimitris N. 2008. IT auditing and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance: key strategies for business improvement: Auerbach Publications.
  • Cogneau, Philippe and Hübner, Georges, the 101 Ways to Measure Portfolio Performance (January 11, 2009). Available at SSRN:
  • Cole, Cathy J, and Christopher L Jones. 2005. "Management discussion and analysis: A review and implications for future research." Journal of Accounting Literature 24:135.
  • Cox Jr, Louis Anthony, Djangir Babayev, and William Huber. 2005. "Some limitations of qualitative risk rating systems." Risk Analysis: An International Journal 25 (3):651-62.
  • Creemers, B. P. M., Kyriakides, L., & Sammons, P. (2010). Methodological advances in educational effectiveness research. London/New York: Taylor & Francis.
  • Crouhy, Michel., Turnbul, Stuart M., and Wakeman., Lee M. (1999). Measuring risk-adjusted performance. Journal of Risk, 2(1). Available online at
  • Deliotte. 2021. "The risk paragraph in the management board’s report; good practices."
  • Dobler, Michael, Kaouthar Lajili, and Daniel Zéghal. 2011. "Attributes of corporate risk disclosure: An international investigation in the manufacturing sector." Journal of International Accounting Research 10 (2):1-22.
  • Domínguez, Luis Rodríguez, and Ligia Carolina Noguera Gámez. 2014. "Corporate reporting on risks: Evidence from Spanish companies." Revista de Contabilidad 17 (2):116-29.
  • Dowd, K. (2000). Adjusting for risk: An improved Sharpe ratio. International Review of Economics & Finance, 9(3), 209 – 222. Available online at
  • Elmonstri, M., 2014. Review of the strengths and weaknesses of risk matrices. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 4(1), pp. 49–57.
  • Elshandidy, Tamer, and Lorenzo Neri. 2015. "Corporate governance, risk disclosure practices, and market liquidity: Comparative evidence from the UK and I taly." Corporate Governance: An International Review 23 (4):331-56. E ngland, Institute of Chartered Accountants in, and Wales. 2011. "Reporting business risks: Meeting expectations." In.: ICAEW London.
  • Epstein, Marc J, and Adriana Rejc Buhovac. 2005. Identifying, measuring, and managing organizational risks for improved performance: Management accounting guideline: Society of Management Accountants of Canada.
  • Evans, J. R., & Wang, X. (2020). A Cladistics Analysis of Financial Stability and Instability across 58 Countries 2007~ 2012. Available at SSRN 3707261.
  • Fornell, Claes, and David F Larcker. 1981. "Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error." Journal of marketing research 18 (1):39-50.
  • Foulquier, P., and L. Arias. 2016. "How to calibrate risk appetite, tolerance and limits:the issues at stake for capital allocation." ERM and Business Performance, EDHEC Position Paper.
  • Franke, George, and Marko Sarstedt. 2019. "Heuristics versus statistics in discriminant validity testing: a comparison of four procedures." Internet Research. FRC., F. R. . 2009. "Rising to the challenge. A review of Narrative Reporting by UK Listed companies in 2008-2009.".
  • Gonidakis, Fragiskos, Andreas Koutoupis, Panagiotis Kyriakogkonas, and Grigorios Lazos. 2020. "Risk disclosures in annual reports: the role of nonfinancial companies listed on the Athens stock exchange." Journal of Operational Risk 16 (3).
  • Hair, Joe F, Christian M Ringle, and Marko Sarstedt. 2011. "PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet." Journal of Marketing theory and Practice 19 (2):139-52.
  • Hair, Joseph F, and Marko Sarstedt. 2021. "Explanation plus prediction—The logical focus of project management research." Project Management Journal 52 (4):319-22.
  • Hair Jr, Joseph F, G Tomas M Hult, Christian M Ringle, and Marko Sarstedt. 2021. A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM): Sage publications.
  • Hair Jr, Joseph F, G Tomas M Hult, Christian M Ringle, Marko Sarstedt, Nicholas P Danks, and Soumya Ray. 2021. "Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using R: A workbook." In.: Springer Nature.
  • Harper Ho., V. . 2019. "Disclosure overload? Lessons for disclosure and reporting reform from the regulation S-K concept release."
  • Hassan, Mostafa Kamal. 2009. "UAE corporations‐specific characteristics and level of risk disclosure." Managerial auditing journal.
  • Henseler, Jörg, Christian M Ringle, and Marko Sarstedt. 2015. "A new criterion for assessing discriminant validity in variance-based structural equation modeling." Journal of the academy of marketing science 43 (1):115-35.
  • Hodder, L., Koonce, L., & McAnally, M. L. (2001). Behavioral implications of the SEC market risk disclosures. Accounting Horizons, 15, 49-70
  • Holton, Glyn A. 2004. "Defining risk." Financial analysts journal 60 (6):19-25. ISO; 31010/FDIS © IEC, 2009, P.10. 2009.
  • Jöreskog, Karl G. 1971. "Simultaneous factor analysis in several populations." Psychometrika 36 (4):409-26.
  • Jensen, M. C. (1968). The performance of mutual funds in the period 1945-1964. The Journal of Finance, 23(2), 389-416. Available online at
  • Kaplan, Robert S, and Anette Mikes. 2012. "Managing risks: a new framework." Harvard business review 90 (6):48-60.
  • Kelliher, Patrick OJ, D Wilmot, J Vij, and Paul JM Klumpes. 2013. "A common risk classification system for the Actuarial Profession." British Actuarial Journal 18 (1):91-121.
  • Keating, C., and Shadwick, W. 2002 Universal Performance Measure. Journal of Performance Measurement. 6, 2002, 59-84.
  • Kolluru, R.V and Brooks, D.G. (1995) Integrated Risk Assessment and Strategic Management, in: R. Kolluru, S. Bartell, R. Pitblade and S. Stricoff (eds) Risk Assessment and Management Handbook. For Environmental, Health, and Safety Professionals, pp. 11-123, New York: McGraw-Hill
  • KPMG. 2014. "The KPMG Survey of Business Reporting." Better Business Reporting.
  • Kravet, Todd, and Volkan Muslu. 2013. "Textual risk disclosures and investors’ risk perceptions." Review of Accounting Studies 18 (4):1088-122.
  • Lee, Lorraine, Stacie Petter, Dutch Fayard, and Shani Robinson. 2011. "On the use of partial least squares path modeling in accounting research." International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 12 (4):305-28.
  • Linsley, Philip M, and Philip J Shrives. 2006. "Risk reporting: A study of risk disclosures in the annual reports of UK companies." The British Accounting Review 38 (4):387-404.
  • Linsmeir, T.J., Thornton, D.B., Venkatachaam, M. and Welker, M. (2002), “The effect of mandated market risk disclosures on trading volume sensitivity to interest rate, exchange rate and commodity price movement”, Accounting Review, 77(2), 343-77.
  • Lintner., J. 1965. "The valuation of risk assets and the selection of risky investments in stock portfolios and capital budgets." Rev. Econom. Statist. 47 (1):13–37.
  • Markowitz, H. 1952. "Portfolio selection." The Journal of Finance 7 (1):77–91.
  • Mokhtar, Ekramy Said, and Howard Mellett. 2013. "Competition, corporate governance, ownership structure and risk reporting." Managerial auditing journal.
  • Nascimento., J. C. H. B. d., and M. A. d. S. Macedo. (2016). Structural Equation Models using Partial Least Squares: an Example of the Application of SmartPLS® in Accounting Research. REPeC, Brasília,, 10( 3), 282-305.
  • Nichita, Mirela, and Carmen Țurlea. 2015. "Approach regarding a framework for risk reporting in order to enhance the related good practices." Amfiteatru Economic Journal 17 (40):1108-21.
  • Ntim, Collins G, Sarah Lindop, and Dennis A Thomas. 2013. "Corporate governance and risk reporting in South Africa: A study of corporate risk disclosures in the pre-and post-2007/2008 global financial crisis periods." International Review of Financial Analysis 30:363-83.
  • Raithel, Sascha, Marko Sarstedt, Sebastian Scharf, and Manfred Schwaiger. 2012. "On the value relevance of customer satisfaction. Multiple drivers and multiple markets." Journal of the academy of marketing science 40 (4):509-25.
  • Rigdon, Edward E. 2012. "Rethinking partial least squares path modeling: In praise of simple methods." Long range planning 45 (5-6):341-58.
  • Ramakrishna S. (2015). Enterprise compliance risk management: An essential toolkit for banks and financial services. Vol. 641. Singapore, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Sarstedt, Marko, and Nicholas P Danks. 2022. "Prediction in HRM research–a gap between rhetoric and reality." Human Resource Management Journal 32 (2):485-513.
  • Schrand, C., & Elliott, J. (1998). Risk and financial reporting: A summary of the discussion at the 1997 AAA/FASB conference. Accounting Horizons, 12(3), 271-282.
  • Schuberth, Florian, Jörg Henseler, and Theo K Dijkstra. 2018. "Confirmatory composite analysis." Frontiers in psychology 9:2541.
  • Serrasqueiro, Rogério Marques, and Tânia Sofia Mineiro. 2018. "Corporate risk reporting: Analysis of risk disclosures in the interim reports of public Portuguese non-financial companies." Contaduría y administración 63 (SPE2):991-1013.
  • Sharpe, W. F. 1964. "Capital asset prices: A theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk." The Journal of Finance 19 (3):425–42.
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Risk Tanımı ve Ölçümünün Risk Açıklamaları Üzerindeki Etkileri: Ampirik Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2023, , 196 - 209, 30.04.2023


Riskle ilgili literatür, riskin nicelik ve nitelik yönleri, ne kadar etkin bir şekilde raporlandığı ve şeffaflığın artırılmasındaki rolü gibi farklı konulara odaklanmaktadır. Bu çalışma, riskin anlamının ve risk ölçümünün (değerlendirmesinin) risklerin açıklanması üzerindeki etkisini araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ampirik bulgular ışığında, bu araştırma çalışması riskin anlamı ve ölçümü ile riskin açıklanması arasındaki ilişkinin derinlemesine anlaşılmasını sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışma, risklere ilişkin açıklamaları hazırlayan ve risk açıklamalarının kullanıcıları olan yatırımcılar, hissedarlar (sahipler), yönetim ve dış denetçiler gibi paydaşların risk algılarını dikkate almaktadır. Çalışma için veriler, kilit paydaşlara dağıtılan bir anket kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Çalışma, bir yandan riskin anlamı ile risk açıklaması arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğunu, diğer yandan da riskin ölçümü ile risk açıklaması arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bu çalışma, Irak’ın Süleymaniye kentindeki iş çevreleri hakkında bilgi verirken, riskin açıklanmasının bir taraftan riskin anlamından diğer taraftan da ölçümünden etkilenebileceğine dair ampirik kanıtlar sunarak literature katkı sağlamaktadır.


  • Abraham, Santhosh, and Paul Cox. 2007. "Analysing the determinants of narrative risk information in UK FTSE 100 annual reports." The British Accounting Review 39 (3):227-48.
  • Abraham, Santhosh, Claire Lesley Marston, and Phil Darby. 2012. Risk reporting: Clarity, relevance and location.
  • ACCA, A. o. (2014). Reporting Risks. available online at
  • Al Smadi, Safaa Adnan. 2017. "Corporate governance and Risk disclosures practices in the annual reports of Jordanian banks." University of Southampton.
  • Altenbach, T, and S Brereton. 1998. "Risk Ranking Methodology for Chemical Release Events. Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management. 4, International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management New York City, NY."
  • Altenbach, T J. 1995. A comparison of risk assessment techniques from qualitative to quantitative. Available online at
  • Amezaga-Alonso, María Teresa, Ernesto Cilleruelo-Carrasco, Enara Zarrabeitia-Bilbao, and Patxi Ruiz-de-Arbulo-López. 2020. "Present and future of risk disclosure in Spanish non-financial listed companies: Presente y futuro de la divulgación de información sobre riesgos en las empresas españolas cotizadas no financieras." Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review 23 (1):18-49.
  • Amran, Azlan, Abdul Manaf Rosli Bin, and Bin Che Haat Mohd Hassan. 2009. "Risk reporting: An exploratory study on risk management disclosure in Malaysian annual reports." Managerial auditing journal.
  • Becker, Jan-Michael, Christian M Ringle, Marko Sarstedt, and Franziska Völckner. 2015. "How collinearity affects mixture regression results." Marketing Letters 26 (4):643-59.
  • Beretta, Sergio, and Saverio Bozzolan. 2004. "A framework for the analysis of firm risk communication." The International Journal of Accounting 39 (3):265-88.
  • Berk, J., & DeMarzo, P. (2007). Corporate Finance. Boston, MA: Pearson Addison Wesley
  • Berre, Max, Marieke Delanghe, Philippe FOULQUIER, and Yan Du. 2019. "Performance 21 Handbook of Business Performance and Value Creation in the 21st Century." Available at SSRN.
  • Boyle, M., 2002. Cleaning up after the Celtic Tiger: scalar ‘Wxes’ in the political ecology of Tiger economies. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers NS 27, 172–194
  • Branson, B. 2015. "Reporting Key Risk Information to the Board of Directors: Top Risk Executives Share & Their Practices." North Carolina State University, POOLE College of Management ERM.
  • Cabedo Semper, José David, and José Miguel Tirado Beltrán. 2009. "Risk information disclosure: a proposal for measurement." Innovar 19 (34):121-34.
  • Campbell, John L, Hsinchun Chen, Dan S Dhaliwal, Hsin-min Lu, and Logan B Steele. 2014. "The information content of mandatory risk factor disclosures in corporate filings." Review of Accounting Studies 19 (1):396-455.
  • Chapter. 2018. "How do we measure risk 1-37." In, 1-37.
  • Caporin, M., Jannin, G., Lisi, F., & Baillet, B. (2014). A survey on the four families of performance measures. Journal of Economic Surveys, 28(5), 917 – 942
  • Chin, Wynne W. 1998. "Commentary: Issues and opinion on structural equation modeling." In, vii-xvi. JSTOR.
  • Chorafas, Dimitris N. 2008. IT auditing and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance: key strategies for business improvement: Auerbach Publications.
  • Cogneau, Philippe and Hübner, Georges, the 101 Ways to Measure Portfolio Performance (January 11, 2009). Available at SSRN:
  • Cole, Cathy J, and Christopher L Jones. 2005. "Management discussion and analysis: A review and implications for future research." Journal of Accounting Literature 24:135.
  • Cox Jr, Louis Anthony, Djangir Babayev, and William Huber. 2005. "Some limitations of qualitative risk rating systems." Risk Analysis: An International Journal 25 (3):651-62.
  • Creemers, B. P. M., Kyriakides, L., & Sammons, P. (2010). Methodological advances in educational effectiveness research. London/New York: Taylor & Francis.
  • Crouhy, Michel., Turnbul, Stuart M., and Wakeman., Lee M. (1999). Measuring risk-adjusted performance. Journal of Risk, 2(1). Available online at
  • Deliotte. 2021. "The risk paragraph in the management board’s report; good practices."
  • Dobler, Michael, Kaouthar Lajili, and Daniel Zéghal. 2011. "Attributes of corporate risk disclosure: An international investigation in the manufacturing sector." Journal of International Accounting Research 10 (2):1-22.
  • Domínguez, Luis Rodríguez, and Ligia Carolina Noguera Gámez. 2014. "Corporate reporting on risks: Evidence from Spanish companies." Revista de Contabilidad 17 (2):116-29.
  • Dowd, K. (2000). Adjusting for risk: An improved Sharpe ratio. International Review of Economics & Finance, 9(3), 209 – 222. Available online at
  • Elmonstri, M., 2014. Review of the strengths and weaknesses of risk matrices. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 4(1), pp. 49–57.
  • Elshandidy, Tamer, and Lorenzo Neri. 2015. "Corporate governance, risk disclosure practices, and market liquidity: Comparative evidence from the UK and I taly." Corporate Governance: An International Review 23 (4):331-56. E ngland, Institute of Chartered Accountants in, and Wales. 2011. "Reporting business risks: Meeting expectations." In.: ICAEW London.
  • Epstein, Marc J, and Adriana Rejc Buhovac. 2005. Identifying, measuring, and managing organizational risks for improved performance: Management accounting guideline: Society of Management Accountants of Canada.
  • Evans, J. R., & Wang, X. (2020). A Cladistics Analysis of Financial Stability and Instability across 58 Countries 2007~ 2012. Available at SSRN 3707261.
  • Fornell, Claes, and David F Larcker. 1981. "Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error." Journal of marketing research 18 (1):39-50.
  • Foulquier, P., and L. Arias. 2016. "How to calibrate risk appetite, tolerance and limits:the issues at stake for capital allocation." ERM and Business Performance, EDHEC Position Paper.
  • Franke, George, and Marko Sarstedt. 2019. "Heuristics versus statistics in discriminant validity testing: a comparison of four procedures." Internet Research. FRC., F. R. . 2009. "Rising to the challenge. A review of Narrative Reporting by UK Listed companies in 2008-2009.".
  • Gonidakis, Fragiskos, Andreas Koutoupis, Panagiotis Kyriakogkonas, and Grigorios Lazos. 2020. "Risk disclosures in annual reports: the role of nonfinancial companies listed on the Athens stock exchange." Journal of Operational Risk 16 (3).
  • Hair, Joe F, Christian M Ringle, and Marko Sarstedt. 2011. "PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet." Journal of Marketing theory and Practice 19 (2):139-52.
  • Hair, Joseph F, and Marko Sarstedt. 2021. "Explanation plus prediction—The logical focus of project management research." Project Management Journal 52 (4):319-22.
  • Hair Jr, Joseph F, G Tomas M Hult, Christian M Ringle, and Marko Sarstedt. 2021. A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM): Sage publications.
  • Hair Jr, Joseph F, G Tomas M Hult, Christian M Ringle, Marko Sarstedt, Nicholas P Danks, and Soumya Ray. 2021. "Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using R: A workbook." In.: Springer Nature.
  • Harper Ho., V. . 2019. "Disclosure overload? Lessons for disclosure and reporting reform from the regulation S-K concept release."
  • Hassan, Mostafa Kamal. 2009. "UAE corporations‐specific characteristics and level of risk disclosure." Managerial auditing journal.
  • Henseler, Jörg, Christian M Ringle, and Marko Sarstedt. 2015. "A new criterion for assessing discriminant validity in variance-based structural equation modeling." Journal of the academy of marketing science 43 (1):115-35.
  • Hodder, L., Koonce, L., & McAnally, M. L. (2001). Behavioral implications of the SEC market risk disclosures. Accounting Horizons, 15, 49-70
  • Holton, Glyn A. 2004. "Defining risk." Financial analysts journal 60 (6):19-25. ISO; 31010/FDIS © IEC, 2009, P.10. 2009.
  • Jöreskog, Karl G. 1971. "Simultaneous factor analysis in several populations." Psychometrika 36 (4):409-26.
  • Jensen, M. C. (1968). The performance of mutual funds in the period 1945-1964. The Journal of Finance, 23(2), 389-416. Available online at
  • Kaplan, Robert S, and Anette Mikes. 2012. "Managing risks: a new framework." Harvard business review 90 (6):48-60.
  • Kelliher, Patrick OJ, D Wilmot, J Vij, and Paul JM Klumpes. 2013. "A common risk classification system for the Actuarial Profession." British Actuarial Journal 18 (1):91-121.
  • Keating, C., and Shadwick, W. 2002 Universal Performance Measure. Journal of Performance Measurement. 6, 2002, 59-84.
  • Kolluru, R.V and Brooks, D.G. (1995) Integrated Risk Assessment and Strategic Management, in: R. Kolluru, S. Bartell, R. Pitblade and S. Stricoff (eds) Risk Assessment and Management Handbook. For Environmental, Health, and Safety Professionals, pp. 11-123, New York: McGraw-Hill
  • KPMG. 2014. "The KPMG Survey of Business Reporting." Better Business Reporting.
  • Kravet, Todd, and Volkan Muslu. 2013. "Textual risk disclosures and investors’ risk perceptions." Review of Accounting Studies 18 (4):1088-122.
  • Lee, Lorraine, Stacie Petter, Dutch Fayard, and Shani Robinson. 2011. "On the use of partial least squares path modeling in accounting research." International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 12 (4):305-28.
  • Linsley, Philip M, and Philip J Shrives. 2006. "Risk reporting: A study of risk disclosures in the annual reports of UK companies." The British Accounting Review 38 (4):387-404.
  • Linsmeir, T.J., Thornton, D.B., Venkatachaam, M. and Welker, M. (2002), “The effect of mandated market risk disclosures on trading volume sensitivity to interest rate, exchange rate and commodity price movement”, Accounting Review, 77(2), 343-77.
  • Lintner., J. 1965. "The valuation of risk assets and the selection of risky investments in stock portfolios and capital budgets." Rev. Econom. Statist. 47 (1):13–37.
  • Markowitz, H. 1952. "Portfolio selection." The Journal of Finance 7 (1):77–91.
  • Mokhtar, Ekramy Said, and Howard Mellett. 2013. "Competition, corporate governance, ownership structure and risk reporting." Managerial auditing journal.
  • Nascimento., J. C. H. B. d., and M. A. d. S. Macedo. (2016). Structural Equation Models using Partial Least Squares: an Example of the Application of SmartPLS® in Accounting Research. REPeC, Brasília,, 10( 3), 282-305.
  • Nichita, Mirela, and Carmen Țurlea. 2015. "Approach regarding a framework for risk reporting in order to enhance the related good practices." Amfiteatru Economic Journal 17 (40):1108-21.
  • Ntim, Collins G, Sarah Lindop, and Dennis A Thomas. 2013. "Corporate governance and risk reporting in South Africa: A study of corporate risk disclosures in the pre-and post-2007/2008 global financial crisis periods." International Review of Financial Analysis 30:363-83.
  • Raithel, Sascha, Marko Sarstedt, Sebastian Scharf, and Manfred Schwaiger. 2012. "On the value relevance of customer satisfaction. Multiple drivers and multiple markets." Journal of the academy of marketing science 40 (4):509-25.
  • Rigdon, Edward E. 2012. "Rethinking partial least squares path modeling: In praise of simple methods." Long range planning 45 (5-6):341-58.
  • Ramakrishna S. (2015). Enterprise compliance risk management: An essential toolkit for banks and financial services. Vol. 641. Singapore, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Sarstedt, Marko, and Nicholas P Danks. 2022. "Prediction in HRM research–a gap between rhetoric and reality." Human Resource Management Journal 32 (2):485-513.
  • Schrand, C., & Elliott, J. (1998). Risk and financial reporting: A summary of the discussion at the 1997 AAA/FASB conference. Accounting Horizons, 12(3), 271-282.
  • Schuberth, Florian, Jörg Henseler, and Theo K Dijkstra. 2018. "Confirmatory composite analysis." Frontiers in psychology 9:2541.
  • Serrasqueiro, Rogério Marques, and Tânia Sofia Mineiro. 2018. "Corporate risk reporting: Analysis of risk disclosures in the interim reports of public Portuguese non-financial companies." Contaduría y administración 63 (SPE2):991-1013.
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Toplam 78 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ali Alagöz 0000-0003-3873-1936

Omed Mohammed Mamand 0000-0002-0183-677X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Ocak 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Alagöz, A., & Mamand, O. M. (2023). Impacts of Meaning and Measurement of Risk-on-Risk Disclosure: An Empirical Study. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 26(1), 196-209.

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