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İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Uygulamalarında Estetik Emeğin Rolü: Nitel Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2024, , 534 - 546, 29.11.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı, insan kaynakları yönetimi uygulamalarında estetik emeğin rolünün incelenmesi ve estetik emek deneyimlerine ilişkin betimsel bir çerçeve sunulmasıdır. Fenomenoloji deseninin benimsendiği çalışmada, havacılık ve perakende sektörlerindeki kabin memurları, satış danışmanları ve insan kaynakları yöneticileri ile mağaza yöneticilerine odaklanılmıştır. Araştırmada, amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden ölçüt, maksimum çeşitlilik ve kartopu örnekleme stratejileri kullanılmıştır ve mülakatlar yüz yüze, telefonla veya çevrim içi görüntülü konuşma şeklinde yapılmıştır. Araştırmada, içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın bulguları “seçim”, “çalışan eğitimi”, “disiplin uygulamaları”, “performans değerlendirme”, “çalışan ödüllendirme” ve “işten çıkarma” temaları ile sunulmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda; adayların işe alım mülakatlarında görünüm, konuşma tarzı, tavırlarıyla ilgili belirlenen estetik kriterlere göre değerlendirildiği görülmüştür. Estetik emeği geliştirme amacıyla çalışanlara saç, makyaj, bakım, üniforma ve müşterilerle ilgili eğitimler verilmektedir. Disiplin uygulamaları, gözetim ve uyarıların yoğun şekilde deneyimlendiği ortaya çıkmıştır.

Etik Beyan

Etik kurul raporu alınmıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum





  • Adkins, L. (1995). Gendered work: Sexuality, family and the labour market. Open University Press.
  • Berg, B. L., & Lune, H. (2015). Qualitative research methods in social sciences (Hasan Aydın, Trans. Ed.). Eğitim.
  • Benson, S. P. (1986). Counter cultures: Saleswomen, managers, and customers in American department stores, 1890-1940. University of Illinois Press.
  • Bourdieu, P. (2017). Ayrım (D. F. Şannan & A. G. Berkkurt, Trans.). Heretik Publishing.
  • Bourdieu, P., & Wacquant, L. (2003). Answers for a reflexive anthropology (N. Ökten, Trans.). İletişim.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2018). Qualitative research methods: Qualitative research and research design according to five approaches (M. Bütün & S. B. Demir, Trans. Eds.). Siyasal.
  • Dashper, K. L., & Deborah, D. (2013). The “right” person for the job: Exploring the aesthetics of labor within the events industry. Event Management, 17(2), 135-144.
  • Dean, D. (2005). Recruiting a self: Women performers and aesthetic labour. Work, Employment and Society, 19(4), 761-774.
  • Dion, K., Berscheid, E., & Walster, E. (1972). What is beautiful is good. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 24(3), 285-290.
  • Entwistle, J., & Wissinger, E. (2006). Keeping up appearances: Aesthetic labour in the fashion modelling industries of London and New York. The Sociological Review, 54(4), 774-794.
  • Hall, R., & Broek, D. V. D. (2011). Aestheticising retail workers: Orientations of aesthetic labour in Australian fashion retail. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 33(1), 85-102.
  • Hancock, P., & Tyler, M. (2000). The look of love: Gender and the organization of aesthetics. In J. Hassard, R. Holliday, & H. Willmott (Eds.), Body and organization (pp. 108-125). Sage.
  • Lan, P.-C. (2001). The body as a contested terrain for labor control. In R. Baldoz, C. Koeber, & P. Kraft (Eds.), The critical study of work: Labour, technology and global production (pp. 108-125). Temple University Press.
  • Leidner, R. (1993). Fast food, fast talk: Service work and the routinization of everyday life. University of California Press.
  • Leidner, R. (1991). Serving hamburgers and selling insurance: Gender, work, and identity in interactive service jobs. Gender and Society, 5(2), 154-177.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2015). Qualitative research: A guide to design and practice (S. Turan, Trans. Ed.). Nobel.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2018). Qualitative research and evaluation methods (M. Bütün & S. B. Demir, Trans. Eds.). Pegem Academy.
  • Pettinger, L. (2004). Brand culture and branded workers: Service work and aesthetic labour in fashion retail. Consumption Markets & Culture, 7(2), 165-184.
  • Quinn, B. (2008). Aesthetic labor, rocky horrors and the 007 dynamic. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2(1), 77-85.
  • Ren, X. (2017). Exploiting women’s aesthetic labour to fly high in the Chinese airline industry. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 32(6), 386-403.
  • Ramjattan, V. A. (2019). Working with an accent: The aesthetic labour of international teaching assistants in Ontario universities (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Higher and Adult Education University of Toronto.
  • Nickson, D., Warhurst, C., & Dutton, E. (2005). The importance of attitude and appearance in the service encounter in retail and hospitality. Managing Service Quality, 15(2), 195-208.
  • Otis, E. M. (2008). Beyond the industrial paradigm: Market-embedded labor and the gender organization of global service work in China. American Sociological Review, 73, 15-36.
  • Özer, Ş. L. (2004). Salesperson performance evaluation from customer perspective and criterion development. Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 22(1), 155-179.
  • Saldana, J. (2019). Coding handbook for qualitative researchers (A. T. Akcan & S. N. Şad, Trans. Eds.). Ankara. Pegem Academy.
  • Seçer, Ş. H. (2006). Aesthetic labor: A new view of discrimination against working women. Karatahta Journal of Business Writing, 5, 37-50.
  • Spiess, L., & Waring, P. (2005). Aesthetic labour, cost minimisation and the labour process in the Asia Pacific airline industry. Employee Relations, 27(2), 193-207.
  • Stephen, W. (2007). Are you being served? Gendered aesthetics among retail workers (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Durham University, Durham.
  • Strangleman, T., & Warren, T. (2015). Work and society: Sociological approaches, themes and methods (F. Man, Trans.). Nobel.
  • Swartz, D. (2018). Culture and power: The sociology of Pierre Bourdieu (E. Gen, Trans.). İletişim.
  • Timming, A. R. (2016). The effect of foreign accent on employability: A study of the aural dimensions of aesthetic labour in customer-facing and non-customer-facing jobs. Work, Employment and Society, 1-20.
  • Tsaur, S.-H., & Tang, W.-H. (2013). The burden of aesthetic labor on front-line employees in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 35, 19-27.
  • Tyler, M., & Abbott, P. (1998). Chocs away: Weight watching in the contemporary airline industry. Sociology, 32(3), 433-450.
  • Van Manen, M. (1990). Researching lived experience: Human science for an action sensitive pedagogy. State University of New York Press.
  • Vonk, L. (2021). Peer feedback in aesthetic labour: Forms, logics and responses. Cultural Sociology, 15(2), 213-232.
  • Warhurst, C., Witz, A., & Cullen, A. M. (2000). Aesthetic labor in interactive service work: Some case study evidence from the ‘New’ Glasgow. The Service Industries Journal, 20(3), 1-18.
  • Warhurst, C., & Nickson, D. (2007). Employee experience of aesthetic labour in retail and hospitality. Work, Employment and Society, 21(1), 103-120.
  • Williams, C. L., & Connell, C. (2010). Looking good and sounding right: Aesthetic labor and social inequality in the retail industry. Work and Occupations, 37(3), 349-377.
  • Wolkowitz, C. (2006). Bodies at work. Sage.
  • Wu, L., King, A. C., & Guchait, P. (2020). Hospitality aesthetic labor management: Consumers’ and prospective employees’ perspectives of hospitality brands. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 87, 1-11.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2018). Qualitative research methods in social sciences. Seçkin.

The Role of Aesthetic Labor in Human Resource Management Practices: A Qualitative Study

Yıl 2024, , 534 - 546, 29.11.2024


The purpose of this study is to examine the role of aesthetic labor in human resource management practices and to present a descriptive framework of aesthetic labor experiences. The study, which adopted a phenomenological design, focused on cabin officers, sales consultants, human resources managers and store managers in the aviation and retail sectors. Interviews were conducted face-to-face, by phone or online video chat. Content analysis method was used in the research. The findings of the study are presented under the themes of “selection”, “employee training”, “disciplinary practices”, “performance evaluation”, “employee rewarding” and “dismissal”. As a result of the research, it was observed that candidates were evaluated according to aesthetic criteria determined for their appearance, speaking style and demeanor in recruitment interviews. In order to improve aesthetic effort, employees are given trainings on hair, make-up, grooming, uniforms and customers. Disciplinary practices, supervision and warnings are experienced intensively.


  • Adkins, L. (1995). Gendered work: Sexuality, family and the labour market. Open University Press.
  • Berg, B. L., & Lune, H. (2015). Qualitative research methods in social sciences (Hasan Aydın, Trans. Ed.). Eğitim.
  • Benson, S. P. (1986). Counter cultures: Saleswomen, managers, and customers in American department stores, 1890-1940. University of Illinois Press.
  • Bourdieu, P. (2017). Ayrım (D. F. Şannan & A. G. Berkkurt, Trans.). Heretik Publishing.
  • Bourdieu, P., & Wacquant, L. (2003). Answers for a reflexive anthropology (N. Ökten, Trans.). İletişim.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2018). Qualitative research methods: Qualitative research and research design according to five approaches (M. Bütün & S. B. Demir, Trans. Eds.). Siyasal.
  • Dashper, K. L., & Deborah, D. (2013). The “right” person for the job: Exploring the aesthetics of labor within the events industry. Event Management, 17(2), 135-144.
  • Dean, D. (2005). Recruiting a self: Women performers and aesthetic labour. Work, Employment and Society, 19(4), 761-774.
  • Dion, K., Berscheid, E., & Walster, E. (1972). What is beautiful is good. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 24(3), 285-290.
  • Entwistle, J., & Wissinger, E. (2006). Keeping up appearances: Aesthetic labour in the fashion modelling industries of London and New York. The Sociological Review, 54(4), 774-794.
  • Hall, R., & Broek, D. V. D. (2011). Aestheticising retail workers: Orientations of aesthetic labour in Australian fashion retail. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 33(1), 85-102.
  • Hancock, P., & Tyler, M. (2000). The look of love: Gender and the organization of aesthetics. In J. Hassard, R. Holliday, & H. Willmott (Eds.), Body and organization (pp. 108-125). Sage.
  • Lan, P.-C. (2001). The body as a contested terrain for labor control. In R. Baldoz, C. Koeber, & P. Kraft (Eds.), The critical study of work: Labour, technology and global production (pp. 108-125). Temple University Press.
  • Leidner, R. (1993). Fast food, fast talk: Service work and the routinization of everyday life. University of California Press.
  • Leidner, R. (1991). Serving hamburgers and selling insurance: Gender, work, and identity in interactive service jobs. Gender and Society, 5(2), 154-177.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2015). Qualitative research: A guide to design and practice (S. Turan, Trans. Ed.). Nobel.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2018). Qualitative research and evaluation methods (M. Bütün & S. B. Demir, Trans. Eds.). Pegem Academy.
  • Pettinger, L. (2004). Brand culture and branded workers: Service work and aesthetic labour in fashion retail. Consumption Markets & Culture, 7(2), 165-184.
  • Quinn, B. (2008). Aesthetic labor, rocky horrors and the 007 dynamic. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2(1), 77-85.
  • Ren, X. (2017). Exploiting women’s aesthetic labour to fly high in the Chinese airline industry. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 32(6), 386-403.
  • Ramjattan, V. A. (2019). Working with an accent: The aesthetic labour of international teaching assistants in Ontario universities (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Higher and Adult Education University of Toronto.
  • Nickson, D., Warhurst, C., & Dutton, E. (2005). The importance of attitude and appearance in the service encounter in retail and hospitality. Managing Service Quality, 15(2), 195-208.
  • Otis, E. M. (2008). Beyond the industrial paradigm: Market-embedded labor and the gender organization of global service work in China. American Sociological Review, 73, 15-36.
  • Özer, Ş. L. (2004). Salesperson performance evaluation from customer perspective and criterion development. Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 22(1), 155-179.
  • Saldana, J. (2019). Coding handbook for qualitative researchers (A. T. Akcan & S. N. Şad, Trans. Eds.). Ankara. Pegem Academy.
  • Seçer, Ş. H. (2006). Aesthetic labor: A new view of discrimination against working women. Karatahta Journal of Business Writing, 5, 37-50.
  • Spiess, L., & Waring, P. (2005). Aesthetic labour, cost minimisation and the labour process in the Asia Pacific airline industry. Employee Relations, 27(2), 193-207.
  • Stephen, W. (2007). Are you being served? Gendered aesthetics among retail workers (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Durham University, Durham.
  • Strangleman, T., & Warren, T. (2015). Work and society: Sociological approaches, themes and methods (F. Man, Trans.). Nobel.
  • Swartz, D. (2018). Culture and power: The sociology of Pierre Bourdieu (E. Gen, Trans.). İletişim.
  • Timming, A. R. (2016). The effect of foreign accent on employability: A study of the aural dimensions of aesthetic labour in customer-facing and non-customer-facing jobs. Work, Employment and Society, 1-20.
  • Tsaur, S.-H., & Tang, W.-H. (2013). The burden of aesthetic labor on front-line employees in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 35, 19-27.
  • Tyler, M., & Abbott, P. (1998). Chocs away: Weight watching in the contemporary airline industry. Sociology, 32(3), 433-450.
  • Van Manen, M. (1990). Researching lived experience: Human science for an action sensitive pedagogy. State University of New York Press.
  • Vonk, L. (2021). Peer feedback in aesthetic labour: Forms, logics and responses. Cultural Sociology, 15(2), 213-232.
  • Warhurst, C., Witz, A., & Cullen, A. M. (2000). Aesthetic labor in interactive service work: Some case study evidence from the ‘New’ Glasgow. The Service Industries Journal, 20(3), 1-18.
  • Warhurst, C., & Nickson, D. (2007). Employee experience of aesthetic labour in retail and hospitality. Work, Employment and Society, 21(1), 103-120.
  • Williams, C. L., & Connell, C. (2010). Looking good and sounding right: Aesthetic labor and social inequality in the retail industry. Work and Occupations, 37(3), 349-377.
  • Wolkowitz, C. (2006). Bodies at work. Sage.
  • Wu, L., King, A. C., & Guchait, P. (2020). Hospitality aesthetic labor management: Consumers’ and prospective employees’ perspectives of hospitality brands. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 87, 1-11.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2018). Qualitative research methods in social sciences. Seçkin.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, Örgütsel Davranış
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Fatma Zehra Yıldız 0000-0002-0631-6589

Fulya Aydınlı Kulak 0000-0002-5487-6345

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Kasım 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Kasım 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 10 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldız, F. Z., & Aydınlı Kulak, F. (2024). The Role of Aesthetic Labor in Human Resource Management Practices: A Qualitative Study. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 27(2), 534-546.

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