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Mö II. - Ms IV. Yüzyıllar Arasında Cılıcıa’da Yahudiler

Yıl 2012, Sayı: 2, 109 - 139, 01.01.2012


This study will have the underlying theme of Jewish life and community in Cilicia and how Jews lived in this province without being discriminated, except paying special tax under Roman rule, and were tolerated by the people in the region. Cilicia was on a trade route close to Jerusalem, in a moderate climate by the Mediterranean Sea, and naturally secured by Taurus Mountain. These attributes might attract Jews to flourish in Cilicia, develop their communities throughout the region and reside there for many centuries. In this study, the Jews will be treated as an ethnic group in Cilician society. I will explore their social status in Cilician society, and relations with non Jews in Cilicia, as well as Jews from Asia Minor and Iudaea. Along with it, I will explain, even though the Jews were part of the social networks of the city and shared in many of the characteristics of everyday life, how Jews were able to preserve and advocate their unique customs, lifestyle, and a strong sense of their identity in this society. First, I will explore Jewish social life and discuss how Jews were involved in the Cilician community. Cilician Jews integrated themselves with the Cilician pagan and Christian community. Based on the epigraphic evidence and archaeological findings, Jews shared the same cemeteries with pagans and Christians; used the same language with the people in the region, and had the same rights as Roman citizens of Cilicia. Second, I will discuss how Jews advocated for themselves in the political arena and introduced their Jewish identity and culture to the whole community by participating in city council and rule; such as Menandros town councilor from Corycus; Isakis from Tarsus. I will also explore how Jews identified themselves in society by using Jewish symbols as a demonstration of their identity such as the menorah. Furthermore, I will discuss their role in Cilician economy to elaborate their involvement within trade and commerce.


  • Eski Çağ ve Erken Hıristiyanlık Kaynakları: Acts A handbook on the Greek Text. (translated by Martin M.Culy and Mikeal C.Parsons) Texas: Baylor University Press, 2003.
  • Ammianus Marcellinus
  • Ammianus Marcellinus., Rerum Gestarum Libri qui
  • supersunt. London: William Heineman Ltd, 1946.
  • Book of Psalms Vol. II (Psalms 73-150) (translated from critically revised Hebrew text by Monsignor Edward J. Kissane) Dublin: Browne and Nolan Limited, 1954.
  • Epiphanius of Salamis Epiphanius of Salamis., The Panarion Book I (sects 1-46) (translated by Frank Williams) Koln, 1987. I Maccabees (a new translation with introduction and commentary by Jonathan A. Goldstein) New York: Doubley&Company, 1976.
  • Çağdaş Kaynaklar: Ameling 2004 Ameling, W., Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientes Band II: Kleinasien. Tubingen. Barclay 1996 Barclay, J., Jews in the Mediterranean Diaspora from Alexander to Trojan (323BCE-117 CE) Edinburgh. Barker 1853 Barker, W., Cilicia and its Governors, London. Baron 1958, Baron, S., A Social and Religious History of the Jews,Columbia University Press., NewYork. Bing 1969 Bing, D., A History of Cilicia during the Assyrian Period. Indiana University, Doktora Tezi. Brewster 1993 Brewster, H., Classical Anatolia: the Glory of Hellenism, St. Martin’s Press, New York.
  • Carlebach 1975 Carlebach, A., “Rabbinic References to Fiscus Judaicus” The Jewish Quarterly Review 1, 57-61.
  • Dagron-Feissel 1987 Dagron, G-D. Feıssel., Inscriptions de Cilicie. Paris. Fine 2005 Fine, S., Art and Judaism in the Greco-Roman World:toward a new Jewish Archaeology,Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Hagel-Tomaschitz 1998 Hagel, Westkilikischen Inschriften,Wien. der Haken 1995 Haken, R., “Bronze Votive Ears dedicated to Isis” in Studia Antiqua, Sumptibus Academiae Scientiarum Bohemoslovenicae, Pragae. Harris 1976 Harris, H., Greek Athletics and the Jews,The University of Wales Press, Cardiff. Hock 1978 Hock, R “Paul’s Tentmaking and the Problem of his Social Class” Journal of Biblical Literature 4, 555-564. Ikeda 1982 Ikeda, Y.,“Solomon’s Trade in Horses and Chariots in its International Setting.” Studies in the Period of David and Solomon, Indiana.
  • Keil- Wilhelm 1931 Keil, J-A.Wilhelm., MAMA. Vol. III. Manchester.
  • Levinskaya 1996 Levinskaya, I., The book of Acts in Its Diaspora Setting, Grand Rapids.
  • McKnight-Osborne 2004 McKnight, S-G, Osborne (ed.)., The Face of New Testament: A Survey of Recent Research, Grand Rapids. Meshorer 1967 Meshorer, Y., Jewish Coins of the Second Temple Period, Tel Aviv. Mitford 1980 Mitford, T., “Roman Rough Cilicia”, Aufstieg und Niedergang Der Romischen Welt, 1230-1257. Murray 2004 Murray, M., Playing a Jewish Game: Gentile Christian Judaizing in the First and Second Centuries C.E., Waterloo.
  • Özyıldırım 2005 Özyıldırım, M., “Corycus Piskoposluğu ve IV. Yüzyıla Kadar Kristoloji Tartışmaları”, Olba XII, 199 - 218. Park 2000 Park,J., Conceptions of Afterlife in Jewish Inscriptions. Tubignen. Popko 1995 Popko, M.,(translated from Polish by Iwona Zych). Religions of Asia Minor, Warsaw. Price 1984 Price,S., Rituals and Power: the Roman Imperial Cult in Asia Minor,.New York. Rabello 1980 Rabello, A.M.,“The Legal Conditions of the Jews in the Roman Empire” Aufstieg und Niedergang der Roemischen Welt, 662-762.
  • Richardson 2004 Richardson, P., Building Jewish in the Roman East, Waco. Robert 1960 Robert, L., “Recherches Epigraphiques”, Revue des Etudes Anciennes 62, 276-361. Robinson 2009 Robinson, T.A., Ignatius of Antioch and the Parting of the Jews:Early Jewish-Christian Relations, Massachusetts.
  • Rosenfeld- Menirav 1999 Rosenfeld,B-Joseph,M., “The Ancient Synagogue as an Economic Center”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 4, 259-276.
  • Safrai-Stern 1974 Safrai, S-M. Stern.,”The Jewish People in the First Century: Historical Geography, Political History, Social, Cultural and Religious Life and Institutions”Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum Vol.1-2., Assen. Schley 1987 Schley, D., “I Kings 10:26-29: Reconsideration” Journal of Biblical Literature 106, 595-601.
  • Schwartz- Kalmin 2003 Schwartz, S-R. Kalmin (edit.)., Jewish Culture and Society under the Christian Roman Empire, Leuven. Sherk 1969 Sherk,R., Roman Documents from the Greek East: Senatus Consulta and Epistulae to the Age of Augustus, Maryland. Sherk 1955 Sherk, R., “The Inermes Provincae in Asia Minor.” The American Journal of Philology, 400-413. Simon 1986 Simon, M., Verus Israel: a study of the relations between Christians and Jews in the Roman Empire, 135-425, Oxford.
  • Smallwood 2001 Smallwood, M., The Jews under Roman Rule: A Study in political relations, Boston. Stern 1974 Stern, M.”The Jewish Diaspora” in The Jewish People in the First Century Vol.I. Assen. Syme 1939 Syme, R., “Observation on the Province of Cilicia”, Anatolian Studies, 299-332. Thornton 1990 Thornton, T.C.G., “The Stories of Josephus of Tiberias” Vigiliae Christianae1, 54-63. Trebilco 1991 Trebilco, R., Jewish Communities in Asia Minor, Cambridge. Trebilco 2006 Trebilco, R., “The Jews in Asia Minor, 66-C.235 CE”, The Cambridge History of Judaism, Cambridge
  • Ussishkin 1975 Ussishkin, D., אךןבךה־קבןךהן יהןךיים מקיליקיה, Kadmoniyot 8, 133-134.
  • Ussishkin 1977 Ussishkin, D., “Two lead Coffins from Cilicia”, Israel Exploration Journal 27, 215-218.
  • Van Henten- Van der Horst 1994 Van Henten, J- P.W, Van der Horst., Studies in Early Jewish Epigraphy. Leiden.
  • Van Der Horst 1989 Van Der Horst, P.W., “Jews and Christians in Aphrodisias in the Light of their Relations in Other Cities of Asia Minor” Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrif.
  • Zeitlin, S., “Judaism as a Religion: An Historical
  • Study VI.Galuth: Diaspora (Continued)” The Jewish
  • Quarterly Review 2, 207-241.

Mö II. - Ms IV. Yüzyıllar Arasında Cılıcıa’da Yahudiler

Yıl 2012, Sayı: 2, 109 - 139, 01.01.2012


Bu çalışma, Cilicia’daki Yahudi cemaatini ve onların hayatını inceleyerek, Yahudilerin özel vergi ödemesinin dışında Cilicia’daki halkla bir bütün oluşturduğunu göstermektedir. Cilicia, ticari yol üzerinde ve Hierosolyma’ya yakın olması nedeniyle, Akdeniz kıyısında ve Toros dağlarıyla çevrili doğal bir koruma alanına sahiptir. Cilicia’nın bu özellikleri, Yahudilerin bölgeye yerleşmesine ve bölgenin birçok şehirlerinde yüzyıllar boyunca yaşamalarına neden olmuştur. Bu çalışmada, Yahudiler etnik bir grup olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Onların sosyokültürel hayatı incelenerek, bölgedeki Yahudi olmayan halkla ve Kücük Asia ve Iudaea ile olan ilişkileri anlatılmaktadır. Ayrıca, Yahudilerin Cilicia’da yaşayan toplumla belli bir uyum içinde yaşamış olsalar da kendi kimliklerini nasıl koruduklarına değinilmektedir. Birinci bölümde, bölgedeki Yahudilerin sosyokültürel hayatı incelenmeye çalışılmaktadır. Arkeolojik ve epigrafik bulgular doğrultusunda Yahudilerin Hıristiyan ve pagan mezarlarında gömüldüğü, yazıtların Cilicia’da halkın kullandığı dilde olduğu açıklanacaktır. Yahudilerin Roma vatandaşlarıyla aynı haklara sahip olduğu üzerinde durulmaktadır. İkinci bölümde, Yahudilerin politik hayattaki yeri irdelenmektedir; Corycuslu Menandros ve Tarsuslu Isakis’in şehir konsilinde üye olmaları ve ayrıca, Yahudilerin kendi kimliklerini kullanarak Cilicia’daki halkla bir bütün oluştururken Yahudi dini kimliklerini öne çıkaran –menorah vb.- bazı semboller kullanmaları gibi… Son bölümde ise yazılı belgeler ışığında Yahudilerin Cilicia ekonomisine katkısı ve önemi anlatılmaktadır.


  • Eski Çağ ve Erken Hıristiyanlık Kaynakları: Acts A handbook on the Greek Text. (translated by Martin M.Culy and Mikeal C.Parsons) Texas: Baylor University Press, 2003.
  • Ammianus Marcellinus
  • Ammianus Marcellinus., Rerum Gestarum Libri qui
  • supersunt. London: William Heineman Ltd, 1946.
  • Book of Psalms Vol. II (Psalms 73-150) (translated from critically revised Hebrew text by Monsignor Edward J. Kissane) Dublin: Browne and Nolan Limited, 1954.
  • Epiphanius of Salamis Epiphanius of Salamis., The Panarion Book I (sects 1-46) (translated by Frank Williams) Koln, 1987. I Maccabees (a new translation with introduction and commentary by Jonathan A. Goldstein) New York: Doubley&Company, 1976.
  • Çağdaş Kaynaklar: Ameling 2004 Ameling, W., Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientes Band II: Kleinasien. Tubingen. Barclay 1996 Barclay, J., Jews in the Mediterranean Diaspora from Alexander to Trojan (323BCE-117 CE) Edinburgh. Barker 1853 Barker, W., Cilicia and its Governors, London. Baron 1958, Baron, S., A Social and Religious History of the Jews,Columbia University Press., NewYork. Bing 1969 Bing, D., A History of Cilicia during the Assyrian Period. Indiana University, Doktora Tezi. Brewster 1993 Brewster, H., Classical Anatolia: the Glory of Hellenism, St. Martin’s Press, New York.
  • Carlebach 1975 Carlebach, A., “Rabbinic References to Fiscus Judaicus” The Jewish Quarterly Review 1, 57-61.
  • Dagron-Feissel 1987 Dagron, G-D. Feıssel., Inscriptions de Cilicie. Paris. Fine 2005 Fine, S., Art and Judaism in the Greco-Roman World:toward a new Jewish Archaeology,Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Hagel-Tomaschitz 1998 Hagel, Westkilikischen Inschriften,Wien. der Haken 1995 Haken, R., “Bronze Votive Ears dedicated to Isis” in Studia Antiqua, Sumptibus Academiae Scientiarum Bohemoslovenicae, Pragae. Harris 1976 Harris, H., Greek Athletics and the Jews,The University of Wales Press, Cardiff. Hock 1978 Hock, R “Paul’s Tentmaking and the Problem of his Social Class” Journal of Biblical Literature 4, 555-564. Ikeda 1982 Ikeda, Y.,“Solomon’s Trade in Horses and Chariots in its International Setting.” Studies in the Period of David and Solomon, Indiana.
  • Keil- Wilhelm 1931 Keil, J-A.Wilhelm., MAMA. Vol. III. Manchester.
  • Levinskaya 1996 Levinskaya, I., The book of Acts in Its Diaspora Setting, Grand Rapids.
  • McKnight-Osborne 2004 McKnight, S-G, Osborne (ed.)., The Face of New Testament: A Survey of Recent Research, Grand Rapids. Meshorer 1967 Meshorer, Y., Jewish Coins of the Second Temple Period, Tel Aviv. Mitford 1980 Mitford, T., “Roman Rough Cilicia”, Aufstieg und Niedergang Der Romischen Welt, 1230-1257. Murray 2004 Murray, M., Playing a Jewish Game: Gentile Christian Judaizing in the First and Second Centuries C.E., Waterloo.
  • Özyıldırım 2005 Özyıldırım, M., “Corycus Piskoposluğu ve IV. Yüzyıla Kadar Kristoloji Tartışmaları”, Olba XII, 199 - 218. Park 2000 Park,J., Conceptions of Afterlife in Jewish Inscriptions. Tubignen. Popko 1995 Popko, M.,(translated from Polish by Iwona Zych). Religions of Asia Minor, Warsaw. Price 1984 Price,S., Rituals and Power: the Roman Imperial Cult in Asia Minor,.New York. Rabello 1980 Rabello, A.M.,“The Legal Conditions of the Jews in the Roman Empire” Aufstieg und Niedergang der Roemischen Welt, 662-762.
  • Richardson 2004 Richardson, P., Building Jewish in the Roman East, Waco. Robert 1960 Robert, L., “Recherches Epigraphiques”, Revue des Etudes Anciennes 62, 276-361. Robinson 2009 Robinson, T.A., Ignatius of Antioch and the Parting of the Jews:Early Jewish-Christian Relations, Massachusetts.
  • Rosenfeld- Menirav 1999 Rosenfeld,B-Joseph,M., “The Ancient Synagogue as an Economic Center”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 4, 259-276.
  • Safrai-Stern 1974 Safrai, S-M. Stern.,”The Jewish People in the First Century: Historical Geography, Political History, Social, Cultural and Religious Life and Institutions”Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum Vol.1-2., Assen. Schley 1987 Schley, D., “I Kings 10:26-29: Reconsideration” Journal of Biblical Literature 106, 595-601.
  • Schwartz- Kalmin 2003 Schwartz, S-R. Kalmin (edit.)., Jewish Culture and Society under the Christian Roman Empire, Leuven. Sherk 1969 Sherk,R., Roman Documents from the Greek East: Senatus Consulta and Epistulae to the Age of Augustus, Maryland. Sherk 1955 Sherk, R., “The Inermes Provincae in Asia Minor.” The American Journal of Philology, 400-413. Simon 1986 Simon, M., Verus Israel: a study of the relations between Christians and Jews in the Roman Empire, 135-425, Oxford.
  • Smallwood 2001 Smallwood, M., The Jews under Roman Rule: A Study in political relations, Boston. Stern 1974 Stern, M.”The Jewish Diaspora” in The Jewish People in the First Century Vol.I. Assen. Syme 1939 Syme, R., “Observation on the Province of Cilicia”, Anatolian Studies, 299-332. Thornton 1990 Thornton, T.C.G., “The Stories of Josephus of Tiberias” Vigiliae Christianae1, 54-63. Trebilco 1991 Trebilco, R., Jewish Communities in Asia Minor, Cambridge. Trebilco 2006 Trebilco, R., “The Jews in Asia Minor, 66-C.235 CE”, The Cambridge History of Judaism, Cambridge
  • Ussishkin 1975 Ussishkin, D., אךןבךה־קבןךהן יהןךיים מקיליקיה, Kadmoniyot 8, 133-134.
  • Ussishkin 1977 Ussishkin, D., “Two lead Coffins from Cilicia”, Israel Exploration Journal 27, 215-218.
  • Van Henten- Van der Horst 1994 Van Henten, J- P.W, Van der Horst., Studies in Early Jewish Epigraphy. Leiden.
  • Van Der Horst 1989 Van Der Horst, P.W., “Jews and Christians in Aphrodisias in the Light of their Relations in Other Cities of Asia Minor” Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrif.
  • Zeitlin, S., “Judaism as a Religion: An Historical
  • Study VI.Galuth: Diaspora (Continued)” The Jewish
  • Quarterly Review 2, 207-241.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

Sevim Ayteş Canevello Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ayteş Canevello, S. (2012). Mö II. - Ms IV. Yüzyıllar Arasında Cılıcıa’da Yahudiler. Seleucia(2), 109-139.
AMA Ayteş Canevello S. Mö II. - Ms IV. Yüzyıllar Arasında Cılıcıa’da Yahudiler. Seleucia. Ocak 2012;(2):109-139.
Chicago Ayteş Canevello, Sevim. “Mö II. - Ms IV. Yüzyıllar Arasında Cılıcıa’da Yahudiler”. Seleucia, sy. 2 (Ocak 2012): 109-39.
EndNote Ayteş Canevello S (01 Ocak 2012) Mö II. - Ms IV. Yüzyıllar Arasında Cılıcıa’da Yahudiler. Seleucia 2 109–139.
IEEE S. Ayteş Canevello, “Mö II. - Ms IV. Yüzyıllar Arasında Cılıcıa’da Yahudiler”, Seleucia, sy. 2, ss. 109–139, Ocak 2012.
ISNAD Ayteş Canevello, Sevim. “Mö II. - Ms IV. Yüzyıllar Arasında Cılıcıa’da Yahudiler”. Seleucia 2 (Ocak 2012), 109-139.
JAMA Ayteş Canevello S. Mö II. - Ms IV. Yüzyıllar Arasında Cılıcıa’da Yahudiler. Seleucia. 2012;:109–139.
MLA Ayteş Canevello, Sevim. “Mö II. - Ms IV. Yüzyıllar Arasında Cılıcıa’da Yahudiler”. Seleucia, sy. 2, 2012, ss. 109-3.
Vancouver Ayteş Canevello S. Mö II. - Ms IV. Yüzyıllar Arasında Cılıcıa’da Yahudiler. Seleucia. 2012(2):109-3.