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Mısır’da Phokaia Kolonizasyonu

Yıl 2014, Sayı: 4, 125 - 149, 01.01.2014


In the Archaic period, Phocaea has been one of the most influential cities with Miletos during the overseas colonization process due to the inadequacy of agricultural areas and the existing sheltered two ports and the presence of strong states from the land. Phocaea, within the twelve Ion city, is the first city to fulfil the sea voyage with 50 rowing vessels. By organizing maritime transport in the Mediterranean, Marmara and the Central Black Sea regions, the city has established many colonies in 7th century B.C. Through extensive trade relations and established colonies, Phocaea has become one of the most advanced cities of Ionia in the first half of the 6th century B.C. As a result of intense trade relations with Egypt, Phocaea is particularly influenced by the magnificent architecture of Egypt from the mid 7th century B.C to 525 BC years. Phocaea, Naukratis more of the character of colonization density emporion style in Egypt, with a port that is understood to be in the nature of trade garrison. However, emporion established here, which is a courtesy of the King, is understood to be limited to a temporary settlement. Thanks to maritime transport, they more had the opportunity to trade based on barter. Phocaea production of ceramics and inscriptions found in Naukratis are evidence proving that Herodotus mentioned the existence of Phocaeans in Egypt. In addition, tiles scrab that is estimated to be made in Egypt and uncovered in the Phokaia excavation and that with earthen various figurines and ceramics found Phocaea and the Egyptian effective palm-leaf column headings presence of Phocaea verify that there is interaction with Egypt in the context of colonization movements in the Archaic period.


  • Akurgal 1956 Akurgal, A., “Foça kazıları ve Kyme sondajları”, Anadolu/Anatolia, I, Ankara.
  • Akurgal 1960 Akurgal, A., “Vom aolischen zum ionischen kapitell”, Anadolu/Anatolia V, Ankara.
  • Akurgal 1962 Akurgal, A., “The early period and the golden age of Ionia”, AJA LXVI, Milwaukee.
  • Akurgal 1993 Akurgal, A., Ege ve İzmir, Yaşar Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı, İstanbul.
  • Braun 1982 Braun, T.F.R.G., “The Greeks in Egypt”, CAH Vol. III (3), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2. Baskı.
  • Boardman 1958 Boardman, J., “A greek vase from Egypt”, JHS 78, Cambridge.
  • Boardman 1999 Boardman, J., The Greeks overseas: The early colonies and trade, Thames and Huston Press, Londra.
  • Boardman 2001 Boardman, J., “Aspects of colonization”, BASOR No: 322, New York.
  • Boardman 2006 Boardman, J., “Egypt”, Mnemosyne Supplements, 193 Vol I, Leiden.
  • Burn 1929 Burn, A.R., “So-called trade leagues in early Greek history and Lelantine War”, JHS 49, Cambridge.
  • Cook 1982a Cook, J. M., “The expansion of the Greek world, eighth to sixth centuries BC”, CAH Vol. III (3), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Cook 1982b Cook, J. M., “The Eastern Greeks”, CAH Vol. III (3), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Cook 1937 Cook, R.M., “Amasis and Greeks in Egypt”, JHS 57 (2), Cambridge.
  • Cook 1946 Cook, R.M., “Ionia and Greece in the eighth and seventh centuries BC”, JHS 66, Cambridge.
  • Cook-Nicholls-Pyle 1998 Cook, J.M.-Nicholls, R.M.-Pyle, D.M, “Old Smyrna excavations: The temples of Athena”, BSA Supplement 30, Athens.
  • Coulton 1976 Coulton, J.J., The Architectural Development of The Greek Stoa, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • Davis 1981 Davis, W.M. “Egypt, Samos, and Arkaik Style in Greek Sculpture”, JEA 67, London.
  • Deacy, S. 2008 Deacy, S., Athena, Taylor&Francis e-library, New York.
  • Dinsmoor 1923 Dinsmoor, W.B., “The aeolic capital of Delphi”, AJA 27, Milwaukee.
  • Gardner 1888 Gardner, E.A., Naukratis II. Cambrige University Press, Cambridge.
  • Greaves 2010 Greaves, A.M., The Land of Ionia: Society and Economy in The Archaic Period, Wiley BlackWell Press, Malden.
  • Graham 1971 Graham, A.J., “Patterns in Early Greek colonisation”, JHS 91, Cambridge.
  • Graham 1982 Graham, A.J., “The colonial expansion of Greece”, CAH Vol. III (3), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Gray 2001 Gray, J.D., “Late Period”, The Oxford encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, Vol. III, Oxford.
  • Gwynn 1918 Gwynn, A., “The character of Greek colonisation”, JHS 38, Cambridge.
  • Hanfmann 1953 Hanfmann, G.M.A., “Ionia, Leader or Follower”, HSCP 61, Cambridge.
  • Hansen 2006 Hansen, M.H., “Emporion”, A study of the use and meaning of the term in the archaic and classical periods. Greek Colonisation: An account of Greek colonies and other settlements overseas, Vol. 1, Mynemosyne Suplementa, Brill, Leiden.
  • Herodotos Herodot Tarihi, (Çev. M. Ökmen), Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Hogarth-Edgar-Gutch,C. 1889 Hogarth, D.G.-Edgar, C.C.-Gutch, C., “Excavations at Naukratis”, BSA 5, Athens.
  • Hogarth-Lorimer-Edgar 1905 Hogard, D.G.-Lorimer, H.L.-Edgar, C.C. “Naukratis 1903”, JHS 25, Cambridge.
  • Hölbl 1984 Hölbl, G., “Ägyptischer einfluß in der Griechischen architektur”, JÖAI Band 55, Baden & Wien.
  • King 1997 King, D., “Pergamene palm capitals and other foliate fancies”, Quaderni Ticinesi 26, Milano.
  • Lesko, 1999 Lesko, B.S., The Great Goddesses of Egypt, University of Oklahoma Press, Oklahoma.
  • Liljenstolpe 1999 Liljenstolpe, P., “The Roman blattkelch capital: typology, origin and aspects of employment”, Opuscula Romana, 1997-1998, Stockolm.
  • Levi 1931 Levi, D., “Arkades”, Annuario X-XII, 1927/29, Rome.
  • Milne 1939 Milne, J.G., “Trade between Greece and Egypt before Alexander the Great”, JEA 25, London.
  • Möller 2000 Möller, A., Naukratis, Trade in Archaic Greece, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Morel 2006 Morel, J.P., “The Phocaean colonization”, The colonization an account of Greek colonies and other settlements overseas I , Mynemosyne Suplementa, Brill, Leiden.
  • Muhs 1994 Muhs, B., “The great temenos of Naukratis”, JARCE 31, San Antonio. Myslıwiec 2001 Myslıwiec, K., “Sais”, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, Vol 3, Oxford.
  • Özyiğit 1998 Özyiğit, S., Foça-Phokaia, Arkadaş Matbaacılık, İzmir.
  • Özyiğit 2001 Özyiğit, Ö., “1999 yılı Phokaia kazı çalışmaları”, KST 22 (II), Ankara.
  • Özyiğit 2003 Özyiğit, Ö., “Phokaia’da Akurgal kazıları ışığında son dönem çalışmaları”, Anadolu/Anatolia 25, Ankara.
  • Özyiğit 2007 Özyiğit, Ö., “2005 yılı Phokaia kazı çalışmaları”, KST 28 (II), Ankara.
  • Petrie 1885 Petrie, W.M.F., “The discovery of Naukratis”, JHS 6, Cambridge.
  • Petrie 1886 Petrie, W.M.F., Naukratis I 1884-1885, Trubner & Co Press, London.
  • Price 1924 Price, E.R., “Pottery of Naukratis”, JHS 44, Cambridge.
  • Roebuck 1951 Roebuck, C., “The organization of Naukratis”, CP 6, Chicago.
  • Roebuck 1959 Roebuck, C., “Ionian trade and colonization”, Monographs on Archeology and Fine Art, IX, Michigan.
  • Schlichting 1982 Schlichting, R. “Neith” ve “Sais”, Lexikon Der Ägyptologie Band IV, Harrassowitz-Verlak, Weisbaden.
  • Serdaroğlu 1967 Serdaroğlu, Ü., “Foça kazılarında bulunan arkeolojik devir mimarlık eserleri”, TTK VI, Ankara.
  • Shaw-Nicholson 1995 Shaw, I.-Nicholson, P. “Neith”, British Museum dictionary of Ancient Egypt, British Museum Press, London.
  • Simon 2001 Simon, C. “Neith”, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Spalinger 1976 Spalinger, A., “The Psammetichus, king of Egypt: I”, JARCE 13, San Antonio.
  • Spalinger 1978 Spalinger, A., “The Psammetichus, king of Egypt: II”, JARCE 15, San Antonio.
  • Talbert 1985 Talbert, R.J.A., Atlas of Classical History, Routledge Publisher, London & Sydney.
  • Wesenberg 1971 Wesenberg, B., Kapitelle und basen, Rheinland-Verl, Düsseldolf.
  • White 1961 White, M.E., “Greek colonisation”, Journal of European History 21, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Mısır’da Phokaia Kolonizasyonu

Yıl 2014, Sayı: 4, 125 - 149, 01.01.2014


Arkaik dönemde Phokaia tarımsal alanların yetersizdi. Ayrıca Kentin, doğu ve kuzey bölgelerinde güçlü devletlerin bulunmasından dolayı karadan açılamamıştır. Mevcut korunaklı iki limanı sayesinde denizcilikte gelişerek denizaşırı kolonizasyon sürecinde Miletos ile birlikte en etkili kentlerinden biri olmuştur. Phokaia, on iki Ion kenti içinde, 50 kürekli gemilerle ilk deniz yolcuğuna çıkan Kent’tir. MÖ 7. yüzyılda tüm Akdeniz, Marmara ve Orta Karadeniz’e kadar daha çok deniz taşımacılığı seferleri düzenleyerek, bu bölgelerde birçok koloni kentler kurmuştur. Yapılan bu yoğun ticari ilişkiler ve kurulan koloniler sayesinde Phokaia MÖ 6. yüzyılın ilk yarısında Ionia’nın en gelişmiş kentlerinden biri olmuştur. Bu süreçte MÖ 7. yüzyılın ortalarından MÖ 525 yıla kadar Mısır’la olan yoğun ticari ilişkileri neticesinde Phokaia’nın Mısır’ın özellikle görkemli mimarisinden etkilendiği anlaşılmaktadır. Phokaia’nın Mısır’daki Naukratis yoğunluklu kolonizasyon karakterinin daha çok emporion tarzında yani bir limana sahip olan ticari garnizon niteliğinde olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Ancak burada kurulan emporion, Kral’ın izniyle kurulmuş geçici bir yerleşimle sınırlı kaldığı anlaşılmaktadır Deniz taşımacılıkları sayesinde daha çok takasa dayalı ticaret yapma imkanı bulmuşlardır. Naukratis’te bulunan Phokaia üretimi seramikler ve ele geçen yazıtlar, Herodotos’un Mısır’daki Phokaia’nın varlığından söz ettiğini ispatlayan delillerdir. Bunlara ek olarak, Phokaia’daki kazıda ele geçen ve Mısır’da yapıldığı tahmin edilen fayans scrabe ile topraktan yapılmış değişik heykelcik ve seramikler ile Mısır etkili palmiye yapraklı sütun başlığının bulunması, Phokaia’nın Arkaik dönemde kolonizasyon hareketleri çerçevesinde Mısır’la etkileşim içerisinde bulunduğunu doğrular niteliktedir.


  • Akurgal 1956 Akurgal, A., “Foça kazıları ve Kyme sondajları”, Anadolu/Anatolia, I, Ankara.
  • Akurgal 1960 Akurgal, A., “Vom aolischen zum ionischen kapitell”, Anadolu/Anatolia V, Ankara.
  • Akurgal 1962 Akurgal, A., “The early period and the golden age of Ionia”, AJA LXVI, Milwaukee.
  • Akurgal 1993 Akurgal, A., Ege ve İzmir, Yaşar Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı, İstanbul.
  • Braun 1982 Braun, T.F.R.G., “The Greeks in Egypt”, CAH Vol. III (3), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2. Baskı.
  • Boardman 1958 Boardman, J., “A greek vase from Egypt”, JHS 78, Cambridge.
  • Boardman 1999 Boardman, J., The Greeks overseas: The early colonies and trade, Thames and Huston Press, Londra.
  • Boardman 2001 Boardman, J., “Aspects of colonization”, BASOR No: 322, New York.
  • Boardman 2006 Boardman, J., “Egypt”, Mnemosyne Supplements, 193 Vol I, Leiden.
  • Burn 1929 Burn, A.R., “So-called trade leagues in early Greek history and Lelantine War”, JHS 49, Cambridge.
  • Cook 1982a Cook, J. M., “The expansion of the Greek world, eighth to sixth centuries BC”, CAH Vol. III (3), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Cook 1982b Cook, J. M., “The Eastern Greeks”, CAH Vol. III (3), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Cook 1937 Cook, R.M., “Amasis and Greeks in Egypt”, JHS 57 (2), Cambridge.
  • Cook 1946 Cook, R.M., “Ionia and Greece in the eighth and seventh centuries BC”, JHS 66, Cambridge.
  • Cook-Nicholls-Pyle 1998 Cook, J.M.-Nicholls, R.M.-Pyle, D.M, “Old Smyrna excavations: The temples of Athena”, BSA Supplement 30, Athens.
  • Coulton 1976 Coulton, J.J., The Architectural Development of The Greek Stoa, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • Davis 1981 Davis, W.M. “Egypt, Samos, and Arkaik Style in Greek Sculpture”, JEA 67, London.
  • Deacy, S. 2008 Deacy, S., Athena, Taylor&Francis e-library, New York.
  • Dinsmoor 1923 Dinsmoor, W.B., “The aeolic capital of Delphi”, AJA 27, Milwaukee.
  • Gardner 1888 Gardner, E.A., Naukratis II. Cambrige University Press, Cambridge.
  • Greaves 2010 Greaves, A.M., The Land of Ionia: Society and Economy in The Archaic Period, Wiley BlackWell Press, Malden.
  • Graham 1971 Graham, A.J., “Patterns in Early Greek colonisation”, JHS 91, Cambridge.
  • Graham 1982 Graham, A.J., “The colonial expansion of Greece”, CAH Vol. III (3), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Gray 2001 Gray, J.D., “Late Period”, The Oxford encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, Vol. III, Oxford.
  • Gwynn 1918 Gwynn, A., “The character of Greek colonisation”, JHS 38, Cambridge.
  • Hanfmann 1953 Hanfmann, G.M.A., “Ionia, Leader or Follower”, HSCP 61, Cambridge.
  • Hansen 2006 Hansen, M.H., “Emporion”, A study of the use and meaning of the term in the archaic and classical periods. Greek Colonisation: An account of Greek colonies and other settlements overseas, Vol. 1, Mynemosyne Suplementa, Brill, Leiden.
  • Herodotos Herodot Tarihi, (Çev. M. Ökmen), Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Hogarth-Edgar-Gutch,C. 1889 Hogarth, D.G.-Edgar, C.C.-Gutch, C., “Excavations at Naukratis”, BSA 5, Athens.
  • Hogarth-Lorimer-Edgar 1905 Hogard, D.G.-Lorimer, H.L.-Edgar, C.C. “Naukratis 1903”, JHS 25, Cambridge.
  • Hölbl 1984 Hölbl, G., “Ägyptischer einfluß in der Griechischen architektur”, JÖAI Band 55, Baden & Wien.
  • King 1997 King, D., “Pergamene palm capitals and other foliate fancies”, Quaderni Ticinesi 26, Milano.
  • Lesko, 1999 Lesko, B.S., The Great Goddesses of Egypt, University of Oklahoma Press, Oklahoma.
  • Liljenstolpe 1999 Liljenstolpe, P., “The Roman blattkelch capital: typology, origin and aspects of employment”, Opuscula Romana, 1997-1998, Stockolm.
  • Levi 1931 Levi, D., “Arkades”, Annuario X-XII, 1927/29, Rome.
  • Milne 1939 Milne, J.G., “Trade between Greece and Egypt before Alexander the Great”, JEA 25, London.
  • Möller 2000 Möller, A., Naukratis, Trade in Archaic Greece, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Morel 2006 Morel, J.P., “The Phocaean colonization”, The colonization an account of Greek colonies and other settlements overseas I , Mynemosyne Suplementa, Brill, Leiden.
  • Muhs 1994 Muhs, B., “The great temenos of Naukratis”, JARCE 31, San Antonio. Myslıwiec 2001 Myslıwiec, K., “Sais”, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, Vol 3, Oxford.
  • Özyiğit 1998 Özyiğit, S., Foça-Phokaia, Arkadaş Matbaacılık, İzmir.
  • Özyiğit 2001 Özyiğit, Ö., “1999 yılı Phokaia kazı çalışmaları”, KST 22 (II), Ankara.
  • Özyiğit 2003 Özyiğit, Ö., “Phokaia’da Akurgal kazıları ışığında son dönem çalışmaları”, Anadolu/Anatolia 25, Ankara.
  • Özyiğit 2007 Özyiğit, Ö., “2005 yılı Phokaia kazı çalışmaları”, KST 28 (II), Ankara.
  • Petrie 1885 Petrie, W.M.F., “The discovery of Naukratis”, JHS 6, Cambridge.
  • Petrie 1886 Petrie, W.M.F., Naukratis I 1884-1885, Trubner & Co Press, London.
  • Price 1924 Price, E.R., “Pottery of Naukratis”, JHS 44, Cambridge.
  • Roebuck 1951 Roebuck, C., “The organization of Naukratis”, CP 6, Chicago.
  • Roebuck 1959 Roebuck, C., “Ionian trade and colonization”, Monographs on Archeology and Fine Art, IX, Michigan.
  • Schlichting 1982 Schlichting, R. “Neith” ve “Sais”, Lexikon Der Ägyptologie Band IV, Harrassowitz-Verlak, Weisbaden.
  • Serdaroğlu 1967 Serdaroğlu, Ü., “Foça kazılarında bulunan arkeolojik devir mimarlık eserleri”, TTK VI, Ankara.
  • Shaw-Nicholson 1995 Shaw, I.-Nicholson, P. “Neith”, British Museum dictionary of Ancient Egypt, British Museum Press, London.
  • Simon 2001 Simon, C. “Neith”, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Spalinger 1976 Spalinger, A., “The Psammetichus, king of Egypt: I”, JARCE 13, San Antonio.
  • Spalinger 1978 Spalinger, A., “The Psammetichus, king of Egypt: II”, JARCE 15, San Antonio.
  • Talbert 1985 Talbert, R.J.A., Atlas of Classical History, Routledge Publisher, London & Sydney.
  • Wesenberg 1971 Wesenberg, B., Kapitelle und basen, Rheinland-Verl, Düsseldolf.
  • White 1961 White, M.E., “Greek colonisation”, Journal of European History 21, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Sabri Arıcı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Arıcı, S. (2014). Mısır’da Phokaia Kolonizasyonu. Seleucia(4), 125-149.
AMA Arıcı S. Mısır’da Phokaia Kolonizasyonu. Seleucia. Ocak 2014;(4):125-149.
Chicago Arıcı, Sabri. “Mısır’da Phokaia Kolonizasyonu”. Seleucia, sy. 4 (Ocak 2014): 125-49.
EndNote Arıcı S (01 Ocak 2014) Mısır’da Phokaia Kolonizasyonu. Seleucia 4 125–149.
IEEE S. Arıcı, “Mısır’da Phokaia Kolonizasyonu”, Seleucia, sy. 4, ss. 125–149, Ocak 2014.
ISNAD Arıcı, Sabri. “Mısır’da Phokaia Kolonizasyonu”. Seleucia 4 (Ocak 2014), 125-149.
JAMA Arıcı S. Mısır’da Phokaia Kolonizasyonu. Seleucia. 2014;:125–149.
MLA Arıcı, Sabri. “Mısır’da Phokaia Kolonizasyonu”. Seleucia, sy. 4, 2014, ss. 125-49.
Vancouver Arıcı S. Mısır’da Phokaia Kolonizasyonu. Seleucia. 2014(4):125-49.