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Kalkınma İşbirliğinde Etkinlik Arayışları ve Yeni Aktörler: Paradigma Dönüşümü

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4, 23 - 43, 01.10.2017


Kalkınma yardımları, II. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında uluslararası ekonomi-politik açısından, sanayileşmiş zengin Batılı devletlerin önemli bir politika aracı olmuş; özellikle Soğuk Savaş döneminde yaşanan kutuplar arası mücadelede liberal blok ile sosyalist blok tarafından dünyanın geri kalan bölgelerinde üstünlük sağlama arayışlarında önemli ölçüde kullanılmıştır. Söz konusu yardımlar öte yandan, yardım yapılan ülkelerde kalkınma süreçlerine yeterli düzeyde katkı yapmadığı gibi bağımlı kılma, tek yönlü-dikey, şartlılık ve katılım ve uyum gibi sorunlar nedeniyle eleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla düzenlenen yüksek düzeyli forumlarda bu soruna çözümler aranmış ve gelinen nokta itibarıyla, kalkınmanın yalnızca iktisadi bakış ve kamu finansmanı ile sağlanamayacağı; ayrıca özel sektör, sivil toplum ve diğer aktörlerin de sürece dahil edilmesi gibi yönetişim felsefesinin kalkınmada işbirliğini etkinliğinin artırılması bağlamında bir paradigma dönüşümüne katkı sağladığı görülmüştür. Çalışmamızda, kalkınma yardımlarında etkinliğin artırılmasına yönelik düzenlenen söz konusu forumları ve sürece dahil olan yeni aktörlerin konumları ve bu dönüşüme etkisi değerlendirilmektedir.


  • Abdenur, A. ve Fonseca, J. (2013). The North’s Growing Role in South-South Cooperation: Keeping the Foothold. Third World Quarterly, 34(8), s.1475-1491.
  • Assunção, M. ve Esteves, P. (2014). The BRICS and the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC). BPC Policy Brief, 4(3), Mart 2014., 09.01.2017.
  • Ayhan, E. ve M. Önder (2017). “Yeni Kamu Hizmeti Yaklaşımı: Yönetişime Açılan Bir Kapı”, Gazi İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, C:3, S:2.
  • Balch, J. (2014). Why Do Parliaments Matter to Development Effectiveness? http: //, 26.11.2015.
  • Barder, O. (2011a). What Happened in Busan? http: //, 18.03.2016.
  • Barder, O. (2011b). Brian Atwood (OECD-DAC Chair) Reflects on Busan Progress-Busan HLF4: The Will and the Way. Center for Global Development Blog. http: //, 18.03.2016.
  • Bartenev, V. ve Glazunova, E. (2013). International Development Cooperation: Set of Lectures. Moskova: Dünya Bankası.
  • Besharati, N.A. (2013). A Year After Busan: Where is the Global Partnership Going. South African Institute of International Affairs., 08.01.2017.
  • BIAC (Business and Industry Advisory Committee to OECD). (2014). Private Sector Perspectives on Private Financing for Sustainable Development. BIAC Discussion Paper., 18.03.2016.
  • BM (2008). Background Study for the Development Cooperation Forum: Trends in South-South Cooperation and Triangular Development Cooperation (ECOSOC). New York.
  • Blankson, P. (2014). Civil Society’s Campaign for Effective Development: The Istanbul Principles., 03.11.2015.
  • BMZ (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development). (2015). Strategy on Government-Civil Society Cooperation in Post-2015 Development Policy. BMZ Strategy Paper 5. 4.pdf, 14.01.2017.
  • Byiers, B. ve Rosengren, A. (2012). Common or Conflicting Interests? Reflections on the Private Sector (for) Development Agenda. European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) Discussion Paper No.131. Conflicting-Interests-Private-Sector-Development-Agenda-2012.pdf, 19.01.2017.
  • Chahoud, T. (2008). Financing for Development Series: Southern Non-DAC Actors in Development Cooperation. German Development Institute Briefing Paper 13., 22.01.2017.
  • Chidgey, D. (2013). The Role of Parliaments in Aid and Sustainable Development Effectiveness. http: //, 27.11.2015.
  • Coulloudon, V. (2015). Protecting Civil Society’s Role in Development Cooperation. http: //, 04.11.2015.
  • Craviotto, N. (2014). Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation: A Feminist Perspective Following the First High Level Meeting. http: //, 29.11.2015.
  • Cross, P. (2014). Country Ownership, Power and Development., 28.10.2015.
  • Çalışkan, E. ve M. Önder (2017). “Başkanlık Sistemi ve Mevcut Kamu Kurumları Üzerine Olası Etkileri”, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi/The Journal of International Social Research, 10:49.
  • Davies, P. (2010). A Review of the Roles and Activities of New Development Partners. CFP Working Paper Series No.4. 824291468330960846/pdf/ 538660NWP0CFPW10Box345632B01PUBLIC1.pdf, 20.01.2017.
  • Davies, P. (2011). The Role of the Private Sector in the Context of Aid Effectiveness. OECD Consultative Finding Document., 22.01.2017.
  • Development and Cooperation (D+C). (2014). How Experts Assess the Results of the High-LevelMeeting (HLM) of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) in Mexico City., 21.03.2016.
  • Di Bella, J., Grant, A., Kindornay, S. ve Tissot, S. (2013). How to Engage the Private Sector for Development. The North-South Institute Policy Brief., 12.01.2017.
  • Dicke, V. (2012). New Paradigms in a New Millenium, Development and Cooperation.
  • Effective Development Cooperation. (2015). Background. wordpress/effective-development-co-operation-background/, 03.10.2015.
  • Eğilmez, M. (2013). Küresel Ekonomik Görünüm. 2013/04/kureselekonomik-gorunum.html, 3 Nisan 2016.
  • Eklöf, G. (2014). The Future Role of the Private Sector in Development Cooperation: An Overview of Key Policy Processes. CONCORD, İsveç.
  • Esteves, P., da Costa Maia, F., de Abreu, A., Niv, A. ve Assunção, M. (2011).
  • Farah, A. M.; Ayhan, E. ve Önder, M. (2017). Dış Yardımların Alıcı Ülkelerin Sosyo-Ekonomik Yapısına Etkisi: Etiyopya Örneği, I.Uluslararası Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Öğrenci Kongresi, 12-13 Ekim 2017, Selçuk Üniversitesi İİBF, Konya,
  • Fine, P. (2015). It’s Time We Broaden the Definition of Country Ownership., 25.10.2015.
  • Fraeters, H. (2011). Three-Way Learning: The South-South Agenda in Busan. World Bank Blogs., 20.03.2016.
  • Glennie, J. (2011a). Busan Has Been An Expression of Shifting Geopolitical Realities. The Guardian, 02.12.2011. http: //, 19.03.2016.
  • Glennie, J. (2011b). The OECD Should Give Up Control of the Aid Agenda. The Guardian, 29.04.2011. apr/29/oecd-control-aid-agenda, 05.10.2015.
  • Greenhill, R. ve Prizzon, A. (2012). Who Foots the Bill After 2015? What New Trends in Development Finance Mean for the Post-MDGs. ODI Working Paper 360., 13.01.2017.
  • Heiner, J., Klingebiel, S. ve Mahn, T. (2014). How to Shape Development Cooperation? The Global Partnership and the Development Cooperation Forum. German Development Institute Brifing Paper 3., 28.01.2017.
  • Inter-Parliamentary Union. (2014). Draft Common Principles for Paliamentary Development., 28.01.2017.
  • Jones, R. (2013). CSOs and Their Roles in the Post 2015 Framework., 07.11.2015.
  • Jones, S. (2014). Global Partnership Gathers in Mexico Amid Faltering Progress and Scepticism. The Guardian, 14.04.2014. http: //, 30.11.2015
  • Kharas, H. (2012). The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation. Brookings Institution Policy Paper 2012-04. global-partnership-kharas.pdf, 23.01.2017.
  • Kharas, H. (2014). Improve Aid Effectiveness. 2014/04/improve-aideffectiveness/, 25.10.2015.
  • Kharas, H., Jung, W., Makino, K. (2011). Overview: An Agenda for the Busan High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness. Kharas, H., Jung, W., Makino, K. (editörler), Catalysing Development: A New Vision for Aid. Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press, s.3-40.
  • Kindornay, S. ve Morton, B. (2009). Development Effectiveness: Towards New Understandings. The North South Institute Issues Brief. Development-effectiveness-towards-new-understandings.pdf, 05.01.2017.
  • Klingebiel, S. ve Leiderer, S. (2011). Two-Speed Aid Effectiveness. The Broker Online, 06.12.2011., 16.03.2016.
  • Kondoh, H. (2015). Convergence of Aid Models in Emerging Donors? Learning Processes, Norms and Identities, and Recipients. JICA-RI Working Paper No: 106., 20.01.2017.
  • Kuga, M., Aoyagi, K. ve Akiyama, T. (2006). The Private Sector and Development: A Review of the Development Role of Developed Country Private Enterprise. Akiyama, T. ve Sasakoa, Y. (editörler), In Search of New Approaches to Japanese Development Assistance. Tokyo: Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development, s.210-238.
  • Kwakkenbos, J. ve Romero, M.J. (2013). Engaging the Private Sector for Development: The Role of Development Finance Institutions, Private Sector Development: Ein neuer Businessplan für Entwicklung? Viyana: ÖFSE, s.25-30.
  • Leiszen, M., ve Balogh, R., Zazvorkova, M. ve Sutrop, M. (2013). Development Effectiveness and the Role of Civil Society Organisations. Trialog Policy Digest No.6. df, 11.01.2017.
  • Martini, J., Mongo, R., Kalambay, H., Fromont, A., Ribesse, N. ve Dujardin, B. (2012). Aid Effectiveness from Rome to Busan: Some Progress But Lacking Bottom-Up Approaches or Behaviour Changes. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 17(7), Temmuz 2012, s.931- 933.
  • Mawdsley, E. (2014). A Post Aid World? Paradigm Shift in Foreign Aid and Development Cooperation at the 2011 Busan High Level Forum. Geographical Journal, Mart 2014, s.1-12.
  • Nallari, R., Yusuf, S., Griffith, B. ve Bhattacharya, R. (2011). Frontiers in Development Policy-A Primer on Emerging Issues. Washinghton DC: Dünya Bankası.
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Search for Effectiveness in Development Cooperation and New Actors: Paradigm Transformation

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4, 23 - 43, 01.10.2017


Development assistance has been an important policy instrument of the industrialized, rich Western countries in respect of international political-economy since the end of II. World War; and largely employed both by the Liberal Block and the Socialist Block particularly in the bi-polar Cold War maneuvering to establish superiority in other regions of the World. The development assistances, on the other hand, has been criticized for the problems of creating dependency, onesidedness, conditionality, and lack of participation and low adaptation as well as not contributing to the development processes adequately in the assistance recipient countries. The solutions for these problems were sought in high-level forums organized for this purpose, and it is understood that development cannot be achieved only through economic perspectives and public funding; As well as the involvement of the private sector, civil society and other actors in the development process in the context of governance philosophy, has contributed to a paradigm shift enhancing the effectiveness in development cooperation. In our study, the forums and the new actors involved in the development cooperation process in order to increase the effectiveness of development assistances and the impacts of this paradigm transformation were evaluated.


  • Abdenur, A. ve Fonseca, J. (2013). The North’s Growing Role in South-South Cooperation: Keeping the Foothold. Third World Quarterly, 34(8), s.1475-1491.
  • Assunção, M. ve Esteves, P. (2014). The BRICS and the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC). BPC Policy Brief, 4(3), Mart 2014., 09.01.2017.
  • Ayhan, E. ve M. Önder (2017). “Yeni Kamu Hizmeti Yaklaşımı: Yönetişime Açılan Bir Kapı”, Gazi İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, C:3, S:2.
  • Balch, J. (2014). Why Do Parliaments Matter to Development Effectiveness? http: //, 26.11.2015.
  • Barder, O. (2011a). What Happened in Busan? http: //, 18.03.2016.
  • Barder, O. (2011b). Brian Atwood (OECD-DAC Chair) Reflects on Busan Progress-Busan HLF4: The Will and the Way. Center for Global Development Blog. http: //, 18.03.2016.
  • Bartenev, V. ve Glazunova, E. (2013). International Development Cooperation: Set of Lectures. Moskova: Dünya Bankası.
  • Besharati, N.A. (2013). A Year After Busan: Where is the Global Partnership Going. South African Institute of International Affairs., 08.01.2017.
  • BIAC (Business and Industry Advisory Committee to OECD). (2014). Private Sector Perspectives on Private Financing for Sustainable Development. BIAC Discussion Paper., 18.03.2016.
  • BM (2008). Background Study for the Development Cooperation Forum: Trends in South-South Cooperation and Triangular Development Cooperation (ECOSOC). New York.
  • Blankson, P. (2014). Civil Society’s Campaign for Effective Development: The Istanbul Principles., 03.11.2015.
  • BMZ (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development). (2015). Strategy on Government-Civil Society Cooperation in Post-2015 Development Policy. BMZ Strategy Paper 5. 4.pdf, 14.01.2017.
  • Byiers, B. ve Rosengren, A. (2012). Common or Conflicting Interests? Reflections on the Private Sector (for) Development Agenda. European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) Discussion Paper No.131. Conflicting-Interests-Private-Sector-Development-Agenda-2012.pdf, 19.01.2017.
  • Chahoud, T. (2008). Financing for Development Series: Southern Non-DAC Actors in Development Cooperation. German Development Institute Briefing Paper 13., 22.01.2017.
  • Chidgey, D. (2013). The Role of Parliaments in Aid and Sustainable Development Effectiveness. http: //, 27.11.2015.
  • Coulloudon, V. (2015). Protecting Civil Society’s Role in Development Cooperation. http: //, 04.11.2015.
  • Craviotto, N. (2014). Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation: A Feminist Perspective Following the First High Level Meeting. http: //, 29.11.2015.
  • Cross, P. (2014). Country Ownership, Power and Development., 28.10.2015.
  • Çalışkan, E. ve M. Önder (2017). “Başkanlık Sistemi ve Mevcut Kamu Kurumları Üzerine Olası Etkileri”, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi/The Journal of International Social Research, 10:49.
  • Davies, P. (2010). A Review of the Roles and Activities of New Development Partners. CFP Working Paper Series No.4. 824291468330960846/pdf/ 538660NWP0CFPW10Box345632B01PUBLIC1.pdf, 20.01.2017.
  • Davies, P. (2011). The Role of the Private Sector in the Context of Aid Effectiveness. OECD Consultative Finding Document., 22.01.2017.
  • Development and Cooperation (D+C). (2014). How Experts Assess the Results of the High-LevelMeeting (HLM) of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) in Mexico City., 21.03.2016.
  • Di Bella, J., Grant, A., Kindornay, S. ve Tissot, S. (2013). How to Engage the Private Sector for Development. The North-South Institute Policy Brief., 12.01.2017.
  • Dicke, V. (2012). New Paradigms in a New Millenium, Development and Cooperation.
  • Effective Development Cooperation. (2015). Background. wordpress/effective-development-co-operation-background/, 03.10.2015.
  • Eğilmez, M. (2013). Küresel Ekonomik Görünüm. 2013/04/kureselekonomik-gorunum.html, 3 Nisan 2016.
  • Eklöf, G. (2014). The Future Role of the Private Sector in Development Cooperation: An Overview of Key Policy Processes. CONCORD, İsveç.
  • Esteves, P., da Costa Maia, F., de Abreu, A., Niv, A. ve Assunção, M. (2011).
  • Farah, A. M.; Ayhan, E. ve Önder, M. (2017). Dış Yardımların Alıcı Ülkelerin Sosyo-Ekonomik Yapısına Etkisi: Etiyopya Örneği, I.Uluslararası Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Öğrenci Kongresi, 12-13 Ekim 2017, Selçuk Üniversitesi İİBF, Konya,
  • Fine, P. (2015). It’s Time We Broaden the Definition of Country Ownership., 25.10.2015.
  • Fraeters, H. (2011). Three-Way Learning: The South-South Agenda in Busan. World Bank Blogs., 20.03.2016.
  • Glennie, J. (2011a). Busan Has Been An Expression of Shifting Geopolitical Realities. The Guardian, 02.12.2011. http: //, 19.03.2016.
  • Glennie, J. (2011b). The OECD Should Give Up Control of the Aid Agenda. The Guardian, 29.04.2011. apr/29/oecd-control-aid-agenda, 05.10.2015.
  • Greenhill, R. ve Prizzon, A. (2012). Who Foots the Bill After 2015? What New Trends in Development Finance Mean for the Post-MDGs. ODI Working Paper 360., 13.01.2017.
  • Heiner, J., Klingebiel, S. ve Mahn, T. (2014). How to Shape Development Cooperation? The Global Partnership and the Development Cooperation Forum. German Development Institute Brifing Paper 3., 28.01.2017.
  • Inter-Parliamentary Union. (2014). Draft Common Principles for Paliamentary Development., 28.01.2017.
  • Jones, R. (2013). CSOs and Their Roles in the Post 2015 Framework., 07.11.2015.
  • Jones, S. (2014). Global Partnership Gathers in Mexico Amid Faltering Progress and Scepticism. The Guardian, 14.04.2014. http: //, 30.11.2015
  • Kharas, H. (2012). The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation. Brookings Institution Policy Paper 2012-04. global-partnership-kharas.pdf, 23.01.2017.
  • Kharas, H. (2014). Improve Aid Effectiveness. 2014/04/improve-aideffectiveness/, 25.10.2015.
  • Kharas, H., Jung, W., Makino, K. (2011). Overview: An Agenda for the Busan High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness. Kharas, H., Jung, W., Makino, K. (editörler), Catalysing Development: A New Vision for Aid. Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press, s.3-40.
  • Kindornay, S. ve Morton, B. (2009). Development Effectiveness: Towards New Understandings. The North South Institute Issues Brief. Development-effectiveness-towards-new-understandings.pdf, 05.01.2017.
  • Klingebiel, S. ve Leiderer, S. (2011). Two-Speed Aid Effectiveness. The Broker Online, 06.12.2011., 16.03.2016.
  • Kondoh, H. (2015). Convergence of Aid Models in Emerging Donors? Learning Processes, Norms and Identities, and Recipients. JICA-RI Working Paper No: 106., 20.01.2017.
  • Kuga, M., Aoyagi, K. ve Akiyama, T. (2006). The Private Sector and Development: A Review of the Development Role of Developed Country Private Enterprise. Akiyama, T. ve Sasakoa, Y. (editörler), In Search of New Approaches to Japanese Development Assistance. Tokyo: Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development, s.210-238.
  • Kwakkenbos, J. ve Romero, M.J. (2013). Engaging the Private Sector for Development: The Role of Development Finance Institutions, Private Sector Development: Ein neuer Businessplan für Entwicklung? Viyana: ÖFSE, s.25-30.
  • Leiszen, M., ve Balogh, R., Zazvorkova, M. ve Sutrop, M. (2013). Development Effectiveness and the Role of Civil Society Organisations. Trialog Policy Digest No.6. df, 11.01.2017.
  • Martini, J., Mongo, R., Kalambay, H., Fromont, A., Ribesse, N. ve Dujardin, B. (2012). Aid Effectiveness from Rome to Busan: Some Progress But Lacking Bottom-Up Approaches or Behaviour Changes. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 17(7), Temmuz 2012, s.931- 933.
  • Mawdsley, E. (2014). A Post Aid World? Paradigm Shift in Foreign Aid and Development Cooperation at the 2011 Busan High Level Forum. Geographical Journal, Mart 2014, s.1-12.
  • Nallari, R., Yusuf, S., Griffith, B. ve Bhattacharya, R. (2011). Frontiers in Development Policy-A Primer on Emerging Issues. Washinghton DC: Dünya Bankası.
  • Neumayer, E. (2004). Arab-Related Bilateral and Multilateral Sources of Development Finance: Issues, Trends, and the Way Forward. World Economy, 27(2), 2004, s.281-300.
  • OECD. (2003). Rome Declaration on Harmonisation. 1b_rome_declaration.pdf, 15.09.2015.
  • OECD. (2005). The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Five Principles For Smart Aid., 17.09.2015.
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Toplam 89 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Murat Önder Bu kişi benim

Şevki Mert Barış Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Önder, Murat - Barış, Şevki Mert. “Kalkınma İşbirliğinde Etkinlik Arayışları Ve Yeni Aktörler: Paradigma Dönüşümü”. Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 5/4 (Ekim 2017), 23-43.