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X ve Y Kuşaklarının Çevre Dostu Ürünleri Kullanım Eğilimleri

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 109 - 122, 01.07.2017


Bu çalışmanın amacı, X ve Y kuşaklarının çevre dostu ürünleri kullanma eğilimlerinin kıyaslanarak incelenmesine yöneliktir. Bu çalışma bir devlet üniversitesinde 385 tüketici üzerinde yapılmış olup çalışma verileri değerlendirilirken tanımlayıcı istatistiksel metotların Ortalama, Standart Sapma, Medyan, Frekans, Oran, Minimum, Maksimum yansıra normal dağılım gösteren parametrelerin iki grup karşılaştırmalarında Student t testi kullanılmıştır. Parametreler arası ilişkilerin değerlendirilmesinde Pearson Korelasyon Analizi kullanılmıştır. Çevre dostu ürünleri kullanma eğilimi üzerine etkili risk faktörlerinin analizinde de Lineer Regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. elde edilen bulgular, X kuşağının çevre dostu ürünleri kullanma eğiliminin Y kuşağından fazla olduğunu desteklemektedir. Çevre dostu ürünleri kullanma eğilimleri ölçeğinin alt boyutlarından ekolojik bilinç, çevre sorumluluk bilincinin, çevreye duyarlı ürünleri satın alma ve kullanma bilincinin X kuşağında daha fazla olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Aksoy, R. ve Erdoğan, E., (2008). Yeşil ürün tercih eden tüketici özellikleri: Kdz. Ereğlisi’nde tüketiciler üzerine bir inceleme, 13. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 30 Ekim-1 Kasım, ss.588-597.
  • Amine, L. S., (2003). “An integrated micro and macrolevel discussion of global green issues: It isn’t easy being green”, Journal of International Management, 9. ss.373-393.
  • Cihangir, M., Küçük, F. ve Türkal, H., (2006). “Çevreye Duyarlı Üretim Sistemi Uygulayan İşletmelerde Sistemin Getirdiği İlave Maliyetlerle Bu Maliyetlerin Ürünlere Yüklenilmesinde Karşılaşılan Sorunların Çözümüne Yönelik Bir Değerlendirme”, Akademik Bakış Uluslararası Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler E-Dergisi, (9). ss1-7.
  • Cheah, I, ve Phau, I., (2011). “Attitudes towards environmentally friendly products”, “Attitudes towards environmentally friendly products. The influence of ecoliteracy, interpersonal influence and value orientation”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 29(5). ss.452-472.
  • Costello, B., Lenholt, R. ve Stryker, J., (2004). “Using Blackboard in Library Instruction: Addressing the Learning Styles of Generations X and Y”, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 30(6). ss.452-460.
  • Dispoto, R.G. (1977). “Interrelationships among measures of environmental activity, emotionality and knowledge”, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 37. Summer, ss. 451-459.
  • Getz, D. ve Carlsen, J., (2008). “Wine Tourism among Generations X and Y”, Original Scientific Paper, 56(3). ss.257-269.
  • Hurst, J. L. ve Goog, L.K., (2009). “Generation Y and carreer choice. The Impact of Retail career perceptions, expectations and entitlement perceptions”, Career Development International, 14(6). ss.570-593.
  • Knight, A. (2004). ”Sustainable Consumption The Retailing Paardox”, Consumer Policiy Review, 14(4). ss.113-115.
  • Kinnear, T.C. ve Henion, K.H. II (Eds), “The Conserver Society”, Proceedings of American Marketing Association Conference, American Marketing Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Kinnear, T. C., Taylor, J. R. and Ahmed, S. A., (1974). “Ecologically concerned consumers: Who are they?” Journal of Marketing, 38(2). ss.20-24.
  • Leung, C. ve Rice, J., (2002). “Comparison of Chinese-Australian and Anglo- Australian Environmental Attitudes And Behavior”, Social, Behavior And Personality, 30(3). ss.251-262.
  • Loundsbury, J.W. ve Tournatsky, L.G. (1977). “A scale for assessing attitudes toward environmental quality”, Journal of Social Psychology, 101. ss.299-305.
  • Nakıboğlu, B., Keleş, C., (2008). “Çevreci satın alma ve cinsiyet farklılıkları”, 13. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 30 Ekim-1 Kasım, ss.558-569
  • Maloney, M.P. ve Ward, M.P. (1973). “Ecology: let’s hear from the people”, American Psychologist, 28. July, ss. 583-586.
  • Maloney, M.P., Ward, M.P. ve Braucht, N.G. (1975). “A revised scale for the measurement of ecological attitudes and knowledge”, American Psychologist, 30. ss. 787-791.
  • Mann, S., John, J. P. (Ed.), (2000). “Education for Civic Engegament in Democracy: service Learning and Other Promising Practices”, ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education, India University, 179s.
  • Marshall, D.J., (2005). “Geographical Variation in Offspring Size Effects Across Generations”, OIKOS, 108(3). ss.602-608.
  • Mcgregor, J., (2008). “Generation X: The ‘Lost’ Generation?”, L’abri, 5s.
  • Mengi, Z., (2009). “X, Y ve Z Kuşakları Birbirinden Çok Farklı”, Hürriyet İK, 11 Ekim, 14s.
  • Moisander, J. (2007). Motivational Complexity of Green Consumerism”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, ISSN 1470-6341 ss.2-4.
  • Murphy, P.E., Laczniak, G.R. ve Robinson, R.K., (1979). “An attitudinal and behavioural index of energy conservation”, in Kinnear, T.C. and Henion, K.H. II (Eds), The Conserver Society: Proceedings of American Marketing Association Conference, American Marketing Association, Chicago, II.
  • New Generations at Work: Attracting, Recruiting, Retraining & Training Generation Y, (2006). 25s. Work-attracting-recruiting-retaining-training-generation-y.pdf, (Erişim Tarihi, 01.01.2017).
  • Patterson, G., (2011), “Marketing to Gen X and Gen Y”, March, 45s.
  • Sachdev, S., (2011). “Eco-Friendly Products And Consumer Perception”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(5). ss.279-287.
  • Seçkin, F.S., (2000). “Türkiye‘nin kuşak profili”, Capital Dergisi, (12). ss.100-106.
  • Seligman, C.M., Kriss, M., Darley, J.M., Fazio, R.H., Becker L.J. ve Pryor, J.B., (1979). “Predicting Summer Energy Consumption From Householders’ Attitudes”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 1. ss. 70-90.
  • Shaw, J.S. ve Stroup, R.L., (1990). “Can Consumer Save The Environment?”, Consumer Research Magazine, 73(9). ss.1-11.
  • Shamdasani, P., Chon-Lin, G.O., Richmond, D., (1993). “Exploring Green Consumers in An Oriental Culture: Role of Personal and Marketing Mix Factors”, in Advances in Consumer Research, Eds. Leigh Mcalister And Michael L. Rothschild, Provo, Ut : Association For Consumer Research, 20. ss.488-493.
  • Soule, S., (2001). “Will They Engage? Political Knowledge, Participation and Attitudes of Generations X and Y”, Center for Civic Education, Calabasas, 23s.
  • Synodinos, N.E. (1990). “Environmental Attitudes and Knowledge: A Comparison of Marketing and Business Students with Other Groups”, Journal of Business Research, 2. ss. 161-170.
  • Tanner C. ve Kast, S.W., (2003). “Promoting Sustainable Consumption: Determinants of Green Purchases By Swiss Consumers”,Psychology & Marketing, 20(10). ss.883-902.
  • Van Dam, Y.K. (1991). “A Conceptual Model of Environmentally Conscious Consumer Behaviour”, Marketing Thought Around the World, Proceedings of the 20th European Marketing Academy Conference, 2. ss. 463-483.
  • Weigel, R. ve Weigel, J., (1978). “Environmental Concern - The Development of a Measure”, Environment and Behaviour, March, ss. 3-15.
  • Weingarten R M., (2009). “Four Generations, One Workplace: A Gen X-Y Staff Nurse’s View of Team Building in the Emergency Department”, Journal of Emergency Nursing, 35(1). ss.27-30.
  • Werth, E. P. ve Wert, L., (2011). “Effective Training for Millennial Students”, Adult Learning, ss.12- 19.
  • Yiğit, Z., (2010). X ve Y Kuşaklarının Örgütsel Tutumlar Açısından İncelenmesi ve Bir Örnek Olay, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 157s.
  • Yüksel, C. A. ve Okumuş, A., (2001). “Çevre Dostu Ürün Satın Alma ile İlgisi Bulunan Değişkenlerin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Araştırma” 12(40). ss.29-38

Trends in the Use of Environmentally Friendly Products of Generations X and Y

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 109 - 122, 01.07.2017


Trends in the Use of Environmentally Friendly Products of Generations X and Y


  • Aksoy, R. ve Erdoğan, E., (2008). Yeşil ürün tercih eden tüketici özellikleri: Kdz. Ereğlisi’nde tüketiciler üzerine bir inceleme, 13. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 30 Ekim-1 Kasım, ss.588-597.
  • Amine, L. S., (2003). “An integrated micro and macrolevel discussion of global green issues: It isn’t easy being green”, Journal of International Management, 9. ss.373-393.
  • Cihangir, M., Küçük, F. ve Türkal, H., (2006). “Çevreye Duyarlı Üretim Sistemi Uygulayan İşletmelerde Sistemin Getirdiği İlave Maliyetlerle Bu Maliyetlerin Ürünlere Yüklenilmesinde Karşılaşılan Sorunların Çözümüne Yönelik Bir Değerlendirme”, Akademik Bakış Uluslararası Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler E-Dergisi, (9). ss1-7.
  • Cheah, I, ve Phau, I., (2011). “Attitudes towards environmentally friendly products”, “Attitudes towards environmentally friendly products. The influence of ecoliteracy, interpersonal influence and value orientation”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 29(5). ss.452-472.
  • Costello, B., Lenholt, R. ve Stryker, J., (2004). “Using Blackboard in Library Instruction: Addressing the Learning Styles of Generations X and Y”, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 30(6). ss.452-460.
  • Dispoto, R.G. (1977). “Interrelationships among measures of environmental activity, emotionality and knowledge”, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 37. Summer, ss. 451-459.
  • Getz, D. ve Carlsen, J., (2008). “Wine Tourism among Generations X and Y”, Original Scientific Paper, 56(3). ss.257-269.
  • Hurst, J. L. ve Goog, L.K., (2009). “Generation Y and carreer choice. The Impact of Retail career perceptions, expectations and entitlement perceptions”, Career Development International, 14(6). ss.570-593.
  • Knight, A. (2004). ”Sustainable Consumption The Retailing Paardox”, Consumer Policiy Review, 14(4). ss.113-115.
  • Kinnear, T.C. ve Henion, K.H. II (Eds), “The Conserver Society”, Proceedings of American Marketing Association Conference, American Marketing Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Kinnear, T. C., Taylor, J. R. and Ahmed, S. A., (1974). “Ecologically concerned consumers: Who are they?” Journal of Marketing, 38(2). ss.20-24.
  • Leung, C. ve Rice, J., (2002). “Comparison of Chinese-Australian and Anglo- Australian Environmental Attitudes And Behavior”, Social, Behavior And Personality, 30(3). ss.251-262.
  • Loundsbury, J.W. ve Tournatsky, L.G. (1977). “A scale for assessing attitudes toward environmental quality”, Journal of Social Psychology, 101. ss.299-305.
  • Nakıboğlu, B., Keleş, C., (2008). “Çevreci satın alma ve cinsiyet farklılıkları”, 13. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 30 Ekim-1 Kasım, ss.558-569
  • Maloney, M.P. ve Ward, M.P. (1973). “Ecology: let’s hear from the people”, American Psychologist, 28. July, ss. 583-586.
  • Maloney, M.P., Ward, M.P. ve Braucht, N.G. (1975). “A revised scale for the measurement of ecological attitudes and knowledge”, American Psychologist, 30. ss. 787-791.
  • Mann, S., John, J. P. (Ed.), (2000). “Education for Civic Engegament in Democracy: service Learning and Other Promising Practices”, ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education, India University, 179s.
  • Marshall, D.J., (2005). “Geographical Variation in Offspring Size Effects Across Generations”, OIKOS, 108(3). ss.602-608.
  • Mcgregor, J., (2008). “Generation X: The ‘Lost’ Generation?”, L’abri, 5s.
  • Mengi, Z., (2009). “X, Y ve Z Kuşakları Birbirinden Çok Farklı”, Hürriyet İK, 11 Ekim, 14s.
  • Moisander, J. (2007). Motivational Complexity of Green Consumerism”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, ISSN 1470-6341 ss.2-4.
  • Murphy, P.E., Laczniak, G.R. ve Robinson, R.K., (1979). “An attitudinal and behavioural index of energy conservation”, in Kinnear, T.C. and Henion, K.H. II (Eds), The Conserver Society: Proceedings of American Marketing Association Conference, American Marketing Association, Chicago, II.
  • New Generations at Work: Attracting, Recruiting, Retraining & Training Generation Y, (2006). 25s. Work-attracting-recruiting-retaining-training-generation-y.pdf, (Erişim Tarihi, 01.01.2017).
  • Patterson, G., (2011), “Marketing to Gen X and Gen Y”, March, 45s.
  • Sachdev, S., (2011). “Eco-Friendly Products And Consumer Perception”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(5). ss.279-287.
  • Seçkin, F.S., (2000). “Türkiye‘nin kuşak profili”, Capital Dergisi, (12). ss.100-106.
  • Seligman, C.M., Kriss, M., Darley, J.M., Fazio, R.H., Becker L.J. ve Pryor, J.B., (1979). “Predicting Summer Energy Consumption From Householders’ Attitudes”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 1. ss. 70-90.
  • Shaw, J.S. ve Stroup, R.L., (1990). “Can Consumer Save The Environment?”, Consumer Research Magazine, 73(9). ss.1-11.
  • Shamdasani, P., Chon-Lin, G.O., Richmond, D., (1993). “Exploring Green Consumers in An Oriental Culture: Role of Personal and Marketing Mix Factors”, in Advances in Consumer Research, Eds. Leigh Mcalister And Michael L. Rothschild, Provo, Ut : Association For Consumer Research, 20. ss.488-493.
  • Soule, S., (2001). “Will They Engage? Political Knowledge, Participation and Attitudes of Generations X and Y”, Center for Civic Education, Calabasas, 23s.
  • Synodinos, N.E. (1990). “Environmental Attitudes and Knowledge: A Comparison of Marketing and Business Students with Other Groups”, Journal of Business Research, 2. ss. 161-170.
  • Tanner C. ve Kast, S.W., (2003). “Promoting Sustainable Consumption: Determinants of Green Purchases By Swiss Consumers”,Psychology & Marketing, 20(10). ss.883-902.
  • Van Dam, Y.K. (1991). “A Conceptual Model of Environmentally Conscious Consumer Behaviour”, Marketing Thought Around the World, Proceedings of the 20th European Marketing Academy Conference, 2. ss. 463-483.
  • Weigel, R. ve Weigel, J., (1978). “Environmental Concern - The Development of a Measure”, Environment and Behaviour, March, ss. 3-15.
  • Weingarten R M., (2009). “Four Generations, One Workplace: A Gen X-Y Staff Nurse’s View of Team Building in the Emergency Department”, Journal of Emergency Nursing, 35(1). ss.27-30.
  • Werth, E. P. ve Wert, L., (2011). “Effective Training for Millennial Students”, Adult Learning, ss.12- 19.
  • Yiğit, Z., (2010). X ve Y Kuşaklarının Örgütsel Tutumlar Açısından İncelenmesi ve Bir Örnek Olay, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 157s.
  • Yüksel, C. A. ve Okumuş, A., (2001). “Çevre Dostu Ürün Satın Alma ile İlgisi Bulunan Değişkenlerin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Araştırma” 12(40). ss.29-38
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Nusret Göksu Bu kişi benim

Alaeddin Koska Bu kişi benim

Mehri Banu Erdem Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Göksu, Nusret vd. “X Ve Y Kuşaklarının Çevre Dostu Ürünleri Kullanım Eğilimleri”. Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 5/3 (Temmuz 2017), 109-122.