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The Impacts of Shia Policy of Iran in South Africa: Al-Jihad and Qıbla Mass Movements

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 99 - 122, 30.06.2022


For Iran, an important ally of the USA against the Soviet Union, the revolution in 1979 was a breaking point in its relations with the West. At the same time, security concerns originating from Israel pushed Tehran to follow sectarian-based policies in its domestic-foreign policy by sticking to Ayatollah Khomeini's velayet-i faqih project. Therefore, the Iranian state has succeeded in associating itself with the imamate, which Shia considers one of the principles of faith, with real political concerns. On the other hand, in the African policy of Iran, which has turned to South-South cooperation with the aim of breaking the economic embargoes, the politics followed in the political, economic, security and religious fields are not independent of each other. Therefore, it has become a matter of curiosity whether there are Shiite Muslims in the Republic of South Africa, the most powerful economy of the African continent. In this context, as a result of our research, we were informed about al-Jihad, which took on a Shiite character by being influenced by the Iranian revolution, and the Qibla Movement, which emerged 12 years after the revolution in question. At the same time, the political participation processes of South African Muslims accelerated the formation of these Shiite movements. In this study, it will be possible to get an idea about whether the sectarian policies followed by the Islamic Republic of Iran have reached the southernmost part of Africa by looking closely at the al-Jihad and Qibla Movements.


  • Achmat Cassiem, Leaders or leadership: A critique of the Muslim Judicial Council. Cape Town: Qible Mass Movement.
  • Ahjum, Gadija. “A Muslim Woman’s (re-) Making of Her Religious Identity through Activism in Qibla”. Annual Review of Islam in Africa 11 (2012), 55-59.
  • Borer, Tristan Anne. Challenging the State: Churches as Political Actors in South Africa, 1980-1994. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1998.
  • Bozan, Metin. İmâmiyye Şîa’sının Oluşumu: Masum On İki İnancının Ortaya Çıkışı. İSAM Yayınları, 2. Baskı, Ankara 2018.
  • Cassiem, Achmad. Intellectual roots of the oppressed and Islam’s triumph over Apartheid. Cape Town: Silk Road International Publishers & Distributors, 1992.
  • Cassiem, Achmad. Intellectual roots of the oppressed and Islam’s triumph over Apartheid. Cape Town: Silk Road International Publishers & Distributors, 1992.
  • Cassiem, Achmad. Quest for Unity. Cape Town: Silk Road International Publishers, 1992.
  • Cassiem, Achmad. The begging bowl: Hunger, starvation, malnutrition & Muslims. Cape Town, Silk Road International Publishers, 1993.
  • Directorate of Intelligence Report. Sub-Saharan Africa Growing Iranian Activity. ABD: CIA, 1 Kasım 1984.
  • el-Kummî, Ebû Ca’fer Muhammed b. Alî b. el-Hüseyn b. Mûsâ b. Bâbeveyh. Şiî- İmâmiyye’nin İnanç Esasları. Çev. Ethem Ruhi Fığlalı. Ankara, Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, 1978.
  • el-Makrizî, Takiyyuddin. Mevaiz ve’l-İtibar fİ Zikr ve’l-Âsar. Beyrut, 1968, II.
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  • Esack, Farid. “Contemporary Religious Thought in South Africa and the emergence of Quranic Hermeneutical Notions”. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 2/2 (1991). 206-226.
  • Esack, Farid. “Liberation, Human Rights, Gender and Islamic Law: The South African Case”. Human Rights and Modern Application of Islamic Law. ed. R. T.Wogt-T. Lindholm. 163-196. Oslo: National Institute of Human Rights, 1992.
  • Esack, Farid. “Three Islamic Strands in the South African Struggle for Justice”. Third World Quarterly 10/2 (1988). 473-498.
  • Fığlalı, Ethem Ruhi. İmamiyye Şîası. İstanbul, 1984.
  • Hammıng, Tore Refslund. Diffusion of İslâmic Discourse: Saudi and Iranian Influence in Lagos and Cape Town. Paris: Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Mart 2014.
  • Haron, Muhammed. “Qibla Mass Movement and its Leadership: Engaging with the Quran in an African Setting”. Iran: 10th International Conference on Quranic Researches Qum, 21 Nisan 2017.
  • Haron, Muhammed. Muslims in South Africa: an annotated Bibliography“. Cape Town: South African Library in association with Center for Contemporary Islam, 1997.
  • Jeenah, Na’eem. “Jihad is a Form of Struggle in the Resistance to Apartheid in South Africa”. Twenty-First Century Jihad Law, Society and Military Action. eds. Elisabeth Kendall-Ewan Stein. 201-215. I.B.Tauris, 2015.
  • Jeenah, Na’eem. “PAGAD: Fighting fire with fire”. Impact International 26/9 (1996). Jeppie, Shamil. “Amandla and Allahu Akbar: Muslims and Resistance in South Africa c. 1970-1987”. Journal for the Study of Religion 4/1 (1991).
  • Le Roux, C. du P.- Jhazbay, Igbal. “The Contemporary Path of Qibla Thought: A Hermeneutical Reflection”. Journal for Islamic Studies 12 (1992), 84-100.
  • Le Roux, C.J.B.-Nel H.W. “Radical İslâmic Fundamentalism in South Africa An Exploratory Study”. Journal for Contemporary History 23/2 (1998), 1-24.
  • Lehmann, Uta. “The Impact of the Iranian Revolution on Muslim Organizations in South Africa during the Struggle against Apartheid”. Journal for the Study of Religion 19/1 (2006). 23-39.
  • Matthee, Heinrich. Muslim Identities and political strategies: A case study of Muslims in the greater Cape Town area of South Africa, 1994-2000. Kassel: University of Kassel, kassel university press, 2008.
  • Moosa, Ebrahim. “South Africa: Muslim Leadership in Crisis”. Afkar/Inquiry 1/5 (1984), 60-70.
  • Nkrumah, Gorkeh Gamal. “Islam: A Self-Assertive Political Factor in Contemporary South Africa”. Journal Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs 10/2 (1989), 520-526.
  • Onat, Hasan. Emeviler Devri Şii Hareketleri ve Günümüz Şiiliği. İstanbul: Endülüs, 2017.
  • Palombo Matthew. “The Emergence of Islamic Liberation Theology in South Africa”. Journal of Religion in Africa 44 (2014).
  • Şeyh Müfîd, Ebû Abdillâh Muhammed. Tashîhu’l-İtikâdâti’l-İmâmiyye. thk. Hüseyin Dergahi. Beyrut, Dâru’l-Müfid, 1993.
  • Sidiropoulos Elizabeth vd. South African Survey 1996/97. Johannesburg: South African Institute of Race Relations, 1998.
  • Tayob. Abdulkader. Islamic Resurgence in South Africa: The Muslim Youth Movement. Cape Town: UCT Press, 1995.
  • Wellhausen, Julius. İslamiyetin İlk Devrinde Dini-Siyasi Muhalefet Partileri. Çev. Fikret Işıltan. Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu, 3. Baskı, 2019.
  • Yaşa, Feyza. İran İslâm Devrimi Sonrası Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti’nde Şiîlik. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2021.

Güney Afrika’da İran’ın Şiî Politikasının Etkileri: el-Cihad ve Kıble Hareketleri

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 99 - 122, 30.06.2022


ABD’nin Sovyetlere karşı önemli bir müttefiki olan İran için 1979 yılında yaşanan devrim Batı ile ilişkilerinde kırılma noktası mahiyetindedir. Aynı zamanda İsrail kaynaklı güvenlik endişeleri Tahran’ı Ayetullah Humeyni’nin velayet-i fakih projesine sadık kalarak iç-dış siyasetinde mezhep temelli politikalar izlemeye itmiştir. Diğer yandan üzerindeki ekonomik ambargoları kırma gayesiyle Güney-Güney işbirliğine yönelen İran’ın Afrika politikasında siyasi, ekonomik, güvenlik ve dini alanlarda izlediği siyaset birbirinden bağımsız değildir. Dolayısıyla Afrika kıtasının en güçlü ekonomisi Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti’nde Şiî Müslümanların var olup olmadığı merak konusu haline gelmiştir. Bu kapsamda araştırmalarımız sonucunda İran devriminden etkilenerek Şiî karaktere bürünen el-Cihad ve mevzu bahis devrimden 12 yıl sonra ortaya çıkan Kıble Hareketi’nden haberdar olunmuştur. Bu çalışmada söz konusu iki oluşuma yakından bakılarak İran İslâm Cumhuriyeti’nin izlediği mezhepçi politikaların Afrika’nın en güneyine erişip erişmediği hakkında fikir edinilebilecektir.


  • Achmat Cassiem, Leaders or leadership: A critique of the Muslim Judicial Council. Cape Town: Qible Mass Movement.
  • Ahjum, Gadija. “A Muslim Woman’s (re-) Making of Her Religious Identity through Activism in Qibla”. Annual Review of Islam in Africa 11 (2012), 55-59.
  • Borer, Tristan Anne. Challenging the State: Churches as Political Actors in South Africa, 1980-1994. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1998.
  • Bozan, Metin. İmâmiyye Şîa’sının Oluşumu: Masum On İki İnancının Ortaya Çıkışı. İSAM Yayınları, 2. Baskı, Ankara 2018.
  • Cassiem, Achmad. Intellectual roots of the oppressed and Islam’s triumph over Apartheid. Cape Town: Silk Road International Publishers & Distributors, 1992.
  • Cassiem, Achmad. Intellectual roots of the oppressed and Islam’s triumph over Apartheid. Cape Town: Silk Road International Publishers & Distributors, 1992.
  • Cassiem, Achmad. Quest for Unity. Cape Town: Silk Road International Publishers, 1992.
  • Cassiem, Achmad. The begging bowl: Hunger, starvation, malnutrition & Muslims. Cape Town, Silk Road International Publishers, 1993.
  • Directorate of Intelligence Report. Sub-Saharan Africa Growing Iranian Activity. ABD: CIA, 1 Kasım 1984.
  • el-Kummî, Ebû Ca’fer Muhammed b. Alî b. el-Hüseyn b. Mûsâ b. Bâbeveyh. Şiî- İmâmiyye’nin İnanç Esasları. Çev. Ethem Ruhi Fığlalı. Ankara, Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, 1978.
  • el-Makrizî, Takiyyuddin. Mevaiz ve’l-İtibar fİ Zikr ve’l-Âsar. Beyrut, 1968, II.
  • er-Râzî, Ebû Ca’fer Muhammed b. Ya’kūb b. İshâk el-Küleynî. el-Usûl mine’l-Kâfî. thk. Ali Ekber el-Ğifârî. Beyrut, Dârü Sa‘b-Dâru’t-Teâruf, 1401/1981, Cilt: 1.
  • Esack, Farid. “Contemporary Religious Thought in South Africa and the emergence of Quranic Hermeneutical Notions”. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 2/2 (1991). 206-226.
  • Esack, Farid. “Liberation, Human Rights, Gender and Islamic Law: The South African Case”. Human Rights and Modern Application of Islamic Law. ed. R. T.Wogt-T. Lindholm. 163-196. Oslo: National Institute of Human Rights, 1992.
  • Esack, Farid. “Three Islamic Strands in the South African Struggle for Justice”. Third World Quarterly 10/2 (1988). 473-498.
  • Fığlalı, Ethem Ruhi. İmamiyye Şîası. İstanbul, 1984.
  • Hammıng, Tore Refslund. Diffusion of İslâmic Discourse: Saudi and Iranian Influence in Lagos and Cape Town. Paris: Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Mart 2014.
  • Haron, Muhammed. “Qibla Mass Movement and its Leadership: Engaging with the Quran in an African Setting”. Iran: 10th International Conference on Quranic Researches Qum, 21 Nisan 2017.
  • Haron, Muhammed. Muslims in South Africa: an annotated Bibliography“. Cape Town: South African Library in association with Center for Contemporary Islam, 1997.
  • Jeenah, Na’eem. “Jihad is a Form of Struggle in the Resistance to Apartheid in South Africa”. Twenty-First Century Jihad Law, Society and Military Action. eds. Elisabeth Kendall-Ewan Stein. 201-215. I.B.Tauris, 2015.
  • Jeenah, Na’eem. “PAGAD: Fighting fire with fire”. Impact International 26/9 (1996). Jeppie, Shamil. “Amandla and Allahu Akbar: Muslims and Resistance in South Africa c. 1970-1987”. Journal for the Study of Religion 4/1 (1991).
  • Le Roux, C. du P.- Jhazbay, Igbal. “The Contemporary Path of Qibla Thought: A Hermeneutical Reflection”. Journal for Islamic Studies 12 (1992), 84-100.
  • Le Roux, C.J.B.-Nel H.W. “Radical İslâmic Fundamentalism in South Africa An Exploratory Study”. Journal for Contemporary History 23/2 (1998), 1-24.
  • Lehmann, Uta. “The Impact of the Iranian Revolution on Muslim Organizations in South Africa during the Struggle against Apartheid”. Journal for the Study of Religion 19/1 (2006). 23-39.
  • Matthee, Heinrich. Muslim Identities and political strategies: A case study of Muslims in the greater Cape Town area of South Africa, 1994-2000. Kassel: University of Kassel, kassel university press, 2008.
  • Moosa, Ebrahim. “South Africa: Muslim Leadership in Crisis”. Afkar/Inquiry 1/5 (1984), 60-70.
  • Nkrumah, Gorkeh Gamal. “Islam: A Self-Assertive Political Factor in Contemporary South Africa”. Journal Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs 10/2 (1989), 520-526.
  • Onat, Hasan. Emeviler Devri Şii Hareketleri ve Günümüz Şiiliği. İstanbul: Endülüs, 2017.
  • Palombo Matthew. “The Emergence of Islamic Liberation Theology in South Africa”. Journal of Religion in Africa 44 (2014).
  • Şeyh Müfîd, Ebû Abdillâh Muhammed. Tashîhu’l-İtikâdâti’l-İmâmiyye. thk. Hüseyin Dergahi. Beyrut, Dâru’l-Müfid, 1993.
  • Sidiropoulos Elizabeth vd. South African Survey 1996/97. Johannesburg: South African Institute of Race Relations, 1998.
  • Tayob. Abdulkader. Islamic Resurgence in South Africa: The Muslim Youth Movement. Cape Town: UCT Press, 1995.
  • Wellhausen, Julius. İslamiyetin İlk Devrinde Dini-Siyasi Muhalefet Partileri. Çev. Fikret Işıltan. Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu, 3. Baskı, 2019.
  • Yaşa, Feyza. İran İslâm Devrimi Sonrası Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti’nde Şiîlik. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2021.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kültürel çalışmalar, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Din Araştırmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Feyza Yaşa 0000-0001-8746-426X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Haziran 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Mayıs 2022
Kabul Tarihi 27 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Yaşa, Feyza. “Güney Afrika’da İran’ın Şiî Politikasının Etkileri: El-Cihad Ve Kıble Hareketleri”. Turkish Journal of Shiite Studies 4/1 (Haziran 2022), 99-122.

Turkish Journal of Shiite Studies, Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.