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Yıl 2018, , 45 - 80, 11.05.2018


Film Çalışmaları yalnızca tamamlanmış film projeleri ile ilgilenme eğiliminde olup yönetmenlerin işlerine özel önem atfeder, bu yüzden film yapma denemelerinin büyük çoğunluğunun başarısız olduğu gerçeğini göz ardı ederek film projelerinin gerçekleştirilmesinde senaryo yazarları ve yapımcıların merkezi rolünü marjinalize eder. Bu makale, bu eğilime karşı koymak için savaş sonrası (Batı) Almanya’nın önde gelen yapımcılarından Artur Brauner’in başarısız olan, 1970’ler ve 1990’ların başı arasındaki Oskar Schindler hakkında bir biyografik film yapma girişimini incelemektedir. Yapımcı olarak kariyeri anaakım eğlence filmleri ile 3. Reich ve özellikle Holokost ile ilgili filmlerin birleşiminden oluşan Brauner, tıpkı Schindler tarafından kurtarılan Yahudi işçiler gibi Polonya’da Holokosttan sağ kurtulan bir Yahudidir. Bu çalışma, onun Schindler biyografik filminin yapımcısı olarak -senaryo geliştirme ve finansmandan yönetmen ve oyuncularla pazarlıklara kadar- eylemlerinin tamamını inceler, uluslararası boyutunu (Fransa, Birleşik Krallık, İsrail, Birleşik Devletler, Polonya ve Sovyetler Birliği’nden eleman ve ortak yapımcıların dahil oluşları üzerinden) aydınlatır ve (Batı) Alman fonlama kuruluşlarının bu projeyi desteklemeyi reddedişini araştırır.


  • Abbreviations: ABA = Artur-Brauner-Archiv (Artur Brauner Archive), Deutsches Filminstitut (German Film Institute), Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
  • BMI = Bundesministerium des Innern (Federal Ministry of the Interior)
  • CCC = Central Cinema Comp.-Film GmbH, later CCC-Filmkunst FFA = Filmförderungsanstalt (German Federal Film Board)
  • Backheuer & Caspary (1984, 11 July). Letter to A. Brauner. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • Bähr, Mr. (1984, 19 April). Letter to A. Brauner, Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Beyer, F. (Writer/Director). (1974). Jakob der Lügner (Jacob the Liar) [Motion Picture]. German Democratic Republic: DEFA.
  • Bergfelder, T. (2005). International Adventures: German Popular Cinema and European Co-Productions in the 1960s. New York: Berghahn.
  • BMI. (1993, 25 January). Letter to CCC. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Bommarius, E. (undated [May or June 1990]). Letter to A. Brauner. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brandauer, K. M. (1992, 7 October). Letter to A. Brauner. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1983, 18 April). Letter to FFA. Ablage D-G 1983, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1984, 24 March). Letter to H. Kopp. Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1984, 17 April). Letter to H. Kopp. Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1984, 3 May). Letter to Mr. Bähr. Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1984, 2 October). Letter to M. Forstater. Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1985, 29 January). Telegram to M. Forstater. Ablage D-G 1985, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1988, 26 April). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes] on conversation with T. Abuladze. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • Brauner, A. (1988, 18 August). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes] on conversation with T. Abuladze. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1990, 5 January). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes] on conversation with K. M. Brandauer. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1990, 28 May). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes] on conversation with J. Niklas. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 9 June). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes]. ABA_ NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 4 September). Telex to V. Menshov. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 14 September). “Notiz” [notes] on conversation with B. Ganz. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 15 September). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes] on conversation with J. Kijowski. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 23 September). Letter to J. Kijowski. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 25 September). “Notiz” [notes] on conversation with J. Kijowski. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 25 September). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes]. ABA_ NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 8 October). Letter to Mr. Litvinov. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 9 October). Letter to R. Schübel. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner. A (1992, 23 October). Letter to Mr. Schäfer. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 26 November). Fax to Janusz Kijowski (in French, with German translation attached). ABA_NSA2008.1_145, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 27 November). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes] on conversation with J. Kijowski. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 1 December). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes] on conversation with K. M. Brandauer. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 4 January). Letter to Mr. Guhlke and Mr. Hücker. Anlage E-H, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 27 January). Letter to W. Segler. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 13 February). “Notiz” [notes] on conversation with J. Kijowski. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 17 February). Fax to E. Gross. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 18 February). Fax to E. Gross. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 18 February). Letter to Dr. Frohne. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 9 March). Letter to Mr. Litvinov. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 11 March). Letter to Dr. Frohne. ABA_ NSA2008.1_145, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 1 April). Letter to Dr. Frohne. ABA_NSA2008.1_145, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1994, 9 May). Letter to Mr. Caspary & Mr. Bähr. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • Brauner, A. (n.d. [between 4 and 14 September 1992]). Telex to V. Menshov. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (n.d. [October 1992]). Letter to R. Büttner. ABA_ NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (n.d. [early 1993]). Letter to R. Büttner. ABA_ NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, F. (1986, 11 April). Letter to J. Buchheim. Ablage D-G 1986, ABA.
  • Büttner, R. (1992, 2 October). Letter to P. Hengge. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Castle, A. (Ed.) (2009). Stanley Kubrick’s ‘Napoleon’: The Greatest Movie Never Made. London: Taschen.
  • Cavani, L. (Co-Writer/Director). (1974). The Night Porter. U.S./Italy: United Artists.
  • CCC (1983, 20 October). Telex to AP Berlin. Allgemeine Ablage A-C 1983, ABA.
  • CCC (1985, 8 July). Contract with Fimanor Financial Management. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • CCC (1992, June 22). Contract with J. Kijowski (with signature dated 15 October 1992). ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • CCC (1992, 15 October). Contract with J. Kijowski. ABA_ NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • CCC (1992, 26 October). Antrag auf Produktionsförderung aus Mitteln der kulturellen Filmförderung des Bundesministers des Innern: Schindler [Application for a Film Production Subsidy from the Federal Ministry of the Interior: Schindler]. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • CCC. (1992, 4 December). Letter to Mr. Braun. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • CCC.(1993,4January).LettertoE.Baumbauer.ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • CCC. (1993, 16 February). Letter to R. Ziegler. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • CCC. (1993, 24 February). Letter to J. Kijowski (appended to Kijowski & Bernd [1993]). ABA.
  • “Das wär’ unverschämt”: Warum wagen sich deutsche Filmer nicht an das Thema Auschwitz [“That would be shameless”: Why German filmmakers don’t deal with Auschwitz]. (1994, 3 March). Süddeutsche Zeitung. Unpaginated clipping in the folder on Schindler’s List in press clippings collection, DIF.
  • De Sica, V. (Co-Writer/Director). (1970) Der Garten der Finzi Contini (The Garden of the Finzi Cortinis). Italy/West Germany: Documento Film/CCC.
  • Dillmann-Kühn, C. (1990). Artur Brauner und die CCC: Filmgeschäft, Produktionsalltag, Studiogeschichte 1946-1990 [Artur Brauner and CCC: film business, production routines, studio history, 1946- 1990]. Frankfurt am Main: Deutsches Filmmuseum.
  • Fenwick, J. (2018) Stanley Kubrick: Producers and Production Companies. PhD dissertation, De Montfort University, Leicester.
  • FFA (1992, 26 October). Letter to CCC. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA. FFA (1993, 6 January). Letter to CCC. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Ford, A. (Director). (1975). Sie sind frei, Dr. Korczak (The Martyr) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/Israel: CCC.
  • Forstater, M. (1984, 2 October). Letter to A. Brauner. Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Forstater, M. (n.d. [January 1985]). Telegram to A. Brauner. Ablage D-G 1985
  • Fregonese, H. (Director). (1964). Old Shatterhand [Motion Picture]. West Germany/Yugoslavia: CCC.
  • Frohne, Dr. (1993, 15 February). Letter to A. Brauner. ABA_ NSA2008.1_145, ABA.
  • Frohne, Dr. (1993, 5 March). Letter to A. Brauner. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Garncarz, J. (1994). Hollywood in Germany: The Role of American Films in Germany, 1925-1990. In Ellwood, D. W., & Kroes, R. (Eds), Hollywood in Europe: Experiencing a Cultural Hegemony (pp. 94-135). Amsterdam: VU University Press.
  • Gerngroß, P. (1990, 1 February). Letter to G. H. Schiff. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Gremm, W. (Co-Writer/Director). (1981). Nach Mitternacht [After Midnight] [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • Hahne, P. (1984, 28 March). Letter to Bundesarchiv Koblenz. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • Harnack, F. (Director). (1955). Der 20. Juli (The Plot to Assassinate Hitler) [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • Hengge, P. (1992, 14 October). Letter to R. Büttner (CCC). ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Hengge, P. (1992, 1 December). Letter to CCC. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA; also in ABA_NSA2008.1_145.
  • Hengge, P. (n.d.), Ein Engel in der Hölle [An Angel in Hell]. Screenplay “Urversion”, ABA.
  • Hengge, P., & Kijowski, J. (1992, 3 November). Un Ange en Enfer / histoire de Oskar Schindler [An Angel in Hell: The Story of Oskar Schindler]. Screenplay “version II”. ABA.
  • Hoffman, J. (Co-Writer/Director). (1984). Zu Freiwild verdammt (After Your Decrees) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/Poland: CCC.
  • Holland, A. (Co-Writer/Director). (1985). Bittere Ernte (Angry Harvest) [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • Holland, A. (Writer/Director). (1990). Hitlerjunge Salomon (Europa Europa) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/France: CCC.
  • Horton, A. & Hoxter, J. (2014). Screenwriting. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
  • Hughes, D. (2008) The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made. London: Titan.
  • Inhaltsangabe Projekt: Schindler. (1992). Submitted to FFA on 30 September 1992. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 7 July 2008).
  • Kijowski, J. (Co-Writer/Director). (1992). Der Daunenträger (Warsaw: Year 5703) [Motion Picture]. Germany/France/Poland: CCC.
  • Kijowski, J. (1992, 29 September). Letter to A. Brauner (in French, with German translation attached). ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Kijowski, J., & Bernd, A. (1993, 16 February). Vater Courage [Father Courage]. Screenplay (in Polish). ABA.
  • Knorr, W. (1994, 17 February). Warum Schindlers Geschichte kein deutscher Film wurde [Why Schindler’s story did not become a German movie]. Weltwoche (Zurich). Unpaginated clipping in the folder on Schindler’s List in press clippings collection, DIF.
  • Königstorfer, G. (1993, 4 March). Letter to F. Brauner-Rozen (CCC). ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Kopp, H. (1984, 9 April). Letter to A. Brauner. Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Kopp, H. (1984, 26 October). Letter to F. Brauner. Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Krämer, P. (2009). “He’s very good at work not involving little creatures, you know”: Schindler’s List, E.T. and the Shape of Steven Spielberg’s Career. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 7 (1), pp. 23-32.
  • Krämer, P. (2013). The Good German? Oskar Schindler and the Movies, 1951-1993. In Daniel Bernardi, Murray Pomerance and Hava Tirosh-Samuelson (Eds), Hollywood’s Chosen People: The Jewish Experience in American Cinema (pp. 125-40). Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
  • Krämer, P. (2017a). Stanley Kubrick and the Internationalisation of Postwar Hollywood. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 15 (2), pp. 250-69.
  • Krämer, P. (2017b). Stanley Kubrick: Known and Unknown. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 37 (3), pp. 373-95.
  • Lang, F. (Director). (1959). Der Tiger von Eschnapur (Tiger of Bengal) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/France: CCC.
  • Lang, F. (Director). (1959). Das indische Grabmal (The Indian Tomb) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/France: CCC.
  • Litvinov, Mr. (1993, 10 March). Letter to A. Brauner. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Loshitzky, Y. (Ed.) (1997). Spielberg’s Holocaust: Critical Perspectives on Schindler’s List. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • “Made in Germany?” (1994, 4 March). Süddeutsche Zeitung. Unpaginated clipping in the folder on Schindler’s List in press clippings collection, DIF.
  • Martin, P. (Co-Writer/Director). (1960) O sole mio [Motion Picture]. West Germany: Alfa-Film.
  • Martin, P. (Co-Writer/Director). (1961). Adieu, Lebewohl, Goodbye [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • May, P. (Director). (1961). Via Mala [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • Mitrovic, Z. (Director). (1967). Zeugin aus der Hölle (Witness out of Hell) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/Yugoslavia: CCC.
  • Niven, W. J. (1995). The Reception of Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List in the German Media. Journal of European Studies, 25, 165- 89.
  • Nobe, Chris D. (1993, 11 February). Letter to A. Brauner. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • Potocka, Malgorzata (1993, 4 January). Letter to A. Brauner. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • Prince, S. (2000). A New Pot of Gold: Hollywood Under the Electronic Rainbow, 1980-1989. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Rademakers, F. (Director). (1990). Der Rosengarten (The Rose Garden) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/UK: CCC.
  • Reinl, H. (Co-Writer/Director). (1966). Die Nibelungen 1. Teil: Siegfried von Xanten (Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy/Siegfried) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/Yugoslavia: CCC.
  • Rouffio, J. (Co-Writer/Director). (1982). Die Spaziergängerin von Sans Souci (The Passerby) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/France: CCC.
  • Saveljev, V. (Writer/Director). (1993). Der Gehetzte [The Hunted]. [Motion Picture]. Germany/Ukraine: CCC.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 17 April). Letter to C. Pearce. File 8060-05, ABA_ NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 19 June). Letter to A. Brauner. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 26 June). Letter to A. Brauner. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 11 July). Letter to A. Brauner. File 8060-05, ABA_ NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 15 August). Letter to A. Brauner. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 18 August). Letter to A. Brauner. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 18 September). Letter to A. Krieger. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 12 October). Letter to A. Krieger. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 13 November). Letter to A. Brauner. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 21 November). Letter to A. Brauner. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 15 December). Letter to A. Krieger. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schindler Ein Engel in der Hölle / Die Geschichte von Oskar Schindler
  • [An Angel in Hell: The Story of Oskar Schindler]. (1993, February). Screenplay (no author given but almost certainly written by Janusz Kijowski). ABA.
  • Schübel, R. (1992, 22 October). Letter to A. Brauner. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Siodmak, R. (Director). (1964). Der Schut [Motion Picture]. West Germany/France/Italy/Yugoslavia: CCC.
  • Spicer, A., MacKenna, A. T. & Meir. C. (Eds) (2014). Beyond the Bottom Line: The Producer in Film and Television Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic
  • Spielberg, S. (Director). (1993). Schindler’s List [Motion Picture]. U.S.: Universal.
  • Szabo, I. (Co-Writer/Director). (1988). Hanussen [Motion Picture]. West Germany/Hungary: CCC.
  • Studio Janr. (1992, 6 November). Contract with J. Kijowski. ABA_ NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Ulivieri, F. (2017) Waiting for a Miracle: A Survey of Stanley Kubrick’s Unrealized Projects. Cinergie, 12, pp. 95-115. https:/cinergie.unibo. it/article/view/7349/7072.
  • Verhoeven, M. (Co-Writer/Director). (1982) Die weiße Rose (The White Rose) [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • von Ambesser, A. (Director). (1960). Der brave Soldat Schwejk (The Good Soldier Schweik) [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • Wajda. A. (Co-Writer/Director). (1983). Eine Liebe in Deutschland (A Love in Germany) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/France: CCC.
  • Weiss, H. (Director). (1946) Sag die Wahrheit [Tell the Truth] [Motion Picture]. (West) Germany: Studio 54.
  • Weiss, H. (Writer/Director). (1947). Herzkönig [King of Hearts] [Motion Picture]. Germany: CCC.
  • Weisz, F. (Co-Writer/Director). (1980). Charlotte [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • York, E. (Director). (1948). Morituri [Motion Picture]. Germany: CCC. Zbonek, E. (Director). (1963). Mensch und Bestie (Man and Beast) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/Yugoslavia: CCC.


Yıl 2018, , 45 - 80, 11.05.2018


Film Studies tends to deal only with film projects that have been completed and pays particular attention to the work of directors, thus largely ignoring the fact that the vast majority of attempts to make movies fail, and marginalising the crucial role played by scriptwriters and producers in the initiation and development of film projects. To counter this tendency, this essay examines the unsuccessful attempt, between the 1970s and the early 1990s, of Artur Brauner, one of the leading producers in postwar (West) Germany, to make a biopic about Oskar Schindler. Like the Jewish workers rescued by Schindler, Brauner is a Jewish Holocaust survivor from Poland whose career as a producer has combined mainstream entertainment movies with films about the Third Reich and especially about the Holocaust. The essay explores the full range of his activities as a producer on the Schindler biopic – ranging from script development and financing to negotiations with actors and directors; highlights their transnational dimensions (through the involvement of personnel and co- production partners from France, the UK, Israel, the US, Poland, and the Soviet Union); and explores the refusal of (West) German funding bodies to support this project.


  • Abbreviations: ABA = Artur-Brauner-Archiv (Artur Brauner Archive), Deutsches Filminstitut (German Film Institute), Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
  • BMI = Bundesministerium des Innern (Federal Ministry of the Interior)
  • CCC = Central Cinema Comp.-Film GmbH, later CCC-Filmkunst FFA = Filmförderungsanstalt (German Federal Film Board)
  • Backheuer & Caspary (1984, 11 July). Letter to A. Brauner. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • Bähr, Mr. (1984, 19 April). Letter to A. Brauner, Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Beyer, F. (Writer/Director). (1974). Jakob der Lügner (Jacob the Liar) [Motion Picture]. German Democratic Republic: DEFA.
  • Bergfelder, T. (2005). International Adventures: German Popular Cinema and European Co-Productions in the 1960s. New York: Berghahn.
  • BMI. (1993, 25 January). Letter to CCC. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Bommarius, E. (undated [May or June 1990]). Letter to A. Brauner. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brandauer, K. M. (1992, 7 October). Letter to A. Brauner. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1983, 18 April). Letter to FFA. Ablage D-G 1983, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1984, 24 March). Letter to H. Kopp. Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1984, 17 April). Letter to H. Kopp. Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1984, 3 May). Letter to Mr. Bähr. Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1984, 2 October). Letter to M. Forstater. Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1985, 29 January). Telegram to M. Forstater. Ablage D-G 1985, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1988, 26 April). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes] on conversation with T. Abuladze. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • Brauner, A. (1988, 18 August). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes] on conversation with T. Abuladze. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1990, 5 January). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes] on conversation with K. M. Brandauer. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1990, 28 May). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes] on conversation with J. Niklas. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 9 June). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes]. ABA_ NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 4 September). Telex to V. Menshov. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 14 September). “Notiz” [notes] on conversation with B. Ganz. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 15 September). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes] on conversation with J. Kijowski. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 23 September). Letter to J. Kijowski. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 25 September). “Notiz” [notes] on conversation with J. Kijowski. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 25 September). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes]. ABA_ NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 8 October). Letter to Mr. Litvinov. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 9 October). Letter to R. Schübel. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner. A (1992, 23 October). Letter to Mr. Schäfer. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 26 November). Fax to Janusz Kijowski (in French, with German translation attached). ABA_NSA2008.1_145, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 27 November). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes] on conversation with J. Kijowski. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA
  • Brauner, A. (1992, 1 December). “Gedächtnisnotiz” [notes] on conversation with K. M. Brandauer. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 4 January). Letter to Mr. Guhlke and Mr. Hücker. Anlage E-H, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 27 January). Letter to W. Segler. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 13 February). “Notiz” [notes] on conversation with J. Kijowski. ABA_NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 17 February). Fax to E. Gross. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 18 February). Fax to E. Gross. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 18 February). Letter to Dr. Frohne. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 9 March). Letter to Mr. Litvinov. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 11 March). Letter to Dr. Frohne. ABA_ NSA2008.1_145, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1993, 1 April). Letter to Dr. Frohne. ABA_NSA2008.1_145, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (1994, 9 May). Letter to Mr. Caspary & Mr. Bähr. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • Brauner, A. (n.d. [between 4 and 14 September 1992]). Telex to V. Menshov. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (n.d. [October 1992]). Letter to R. Büttner. ABA_ NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, A. (n.d. [early 1993]). Letter to R. Büttner. ABA_ NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Brauner, F. (1986, 11 April). Letter to J. Buchheim. Ablage D-G 1986, ABA.
  • Büttner, R. (1992, 2 October). Letter to P. Hengge. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Castle, A. (Ed.) (2009). Stanley Kubrick’s ‘Napoleon’: The Greatest Movie Never Made. London: Taschen.
  • Cavani, L. (Co-Writer/Director). (1974). The Night Porter. U.S./Italy: United Artists.
  • CCC (1983, 20 October). Telex to AP Berlin. Allgemeine Ablage A-C 1983, ABA.
  • CCC (1985, 8 July). Contract with Fimanor Financial Management. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • CCC (1992, June 22). Contract with J. Kijowski (with signature dated 15 October 1992). ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • CCC (1992, 15 October). Contract with J. Kijowski. ABA_ NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • CCC (1992, 26 October). Antrag auf Produktionsförderung aus Mitteln der kulturellen Filmförderung des Bundesministers des Innern: Schindler [Application for a Film Production Subsidy from the Federal Ministry of the Interior: Schindler]. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • CCC. (1992, 4 December). Letter to Mr. Braun. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • CCC.(1993,4January).LettertoE.Baumbauer.ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • CCC. (1993, 16 February). Letter to R. Ziegler. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • CCC. (1993, 24 February). Letter to J. Kijowski (appended to Kijowski & Bernd [1993]). ABA.
  • “Das wär’ unverschämt”: Warum wagen sich deutsche Filmer nicht an das Thema Auschwitz [“That would be shameless”: Why German filmmakers don’t deal with Auschwitz]. (1994, 3 March). Süddeutsche Zeitung. Unpaginated clipping in the folder on Schindler’s List in press clippings collection, DIF.
  • De Sica, V. (Co-Writer/Director). (1970) Der Garten der Finzi Contini (The Garden of the Finzi Cortinis). Italy/West Germany: Documento Film/CCC.
  • Dillmann-Kühn, C. (1990). Artur Brauner und die CCC: Filmgeschäft, Produktionsalltag, Studiogeschichte 1946-1990 [Artur Brauner and CCC: film business, production routines, studio history, 1946- 1990]. Frankfurt am Main: Deutsches Filmmuseum.
  • Fenwick, J. (2018) Stanley Kubrick: Producers and Production Companies. PhD dissertation, De Montfort University, Leicester.
  • FFA (1992, 26 October). Letter to CCC. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA. FFA (1993, 6 January). Letter to CCC. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Ford, A. (Director). (1975). Sie sind frei, Dr. Korczak (The Martyr) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/Israel: CCC.
  • Forstater, M. (1984, 2 October). Letter to A. Brauner. Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Forstater, M. (n.d. [January 1985]). Telegram to A. Brauner. Ablage D-G 1985
  • Fregonese, H. (Director). (1964). Old Shatterhand [Motion Picture]. West Germany/Yugoslavia: CCC.
  • Frohne, Dr. (1993, 15 February). Letter to A. Brauner. ABA_ NSA2008.1_145, ABA.
  • Frohne, Dr. (1993, 5 March). Letter to A. Brauner. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Garncarz, J. (1994). Hollywood in Germany: The Role of American Films in Germany, 1925-1990. In Ellwood, D. W., & Kroes, R. (Eds), Hollywood in Europe: Experiencing a Cultural Hegemony (pp. 94-135). Amsterdam: VU University Press.
  • Gerngroß, P. (1990, 1 February). Letter to G. H. Schiff. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Gremm, W. (Co-Writer/Director). (1981). Nach Mitternacht [After Midnight] [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • Hahne, P. (1984, 28 March). Letter to Bundesarchiv Koblenz. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • Harnack, F. (Director). (1955). Der 20. Juli (The Plot to Assassinate Hitler) [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • Hengge, P. (1992, 14 October). Letter to R. Büttner (CCC). ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Hengge, P. (1992, 1 December). Letter to CCC. ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA; also in ABA_NSA2008.1_145.
  • Hengge, P. (n.d.), Ein Engel in der Hölle [An Angel in Hell]. Screenplay “Urversion”, ABA.
  • Hengge, P., & Kijowski, J. (1992, 3 November). Un Ange en Enfer / histoire de Oskar Schindler [An Angel in Hell: The Story of Oskar Schindler]. Screenplay “version II”. ABA.
  • Hoffman, J. (Co-Writer/Director). (1984). Zu Freiwild verdammt (After Your Decrees) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/Poland: CCC.
  • Holland, A. (Co-Writer/Director). (1985). Bittere Ernte (Angry Harvest) [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • Holland, A. (Writer/Director). (1990). Hitlerjunge Salomon (Europa Europa) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/France: CCC.
  • Horton, A. & Hoxter, J. (2014). Screenwriting. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
  • Hughes, D. (2008) The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made. London: Titan.
  • Inhaltsangabe Projekt: Schindler. (1992). Submitted to FFA on 30 September 1992. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 7 July 2008).
  • Kijowski, J. (Co-Writer/Director). (1992). Der Daunenträger (Warsaw: Year 5703) [Motion Picture]. Germany/France/Poland: CCC.
  • Kijowski, J. (1992, 29 September). Letter to A. Brauner (in French, with German translation attached). ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Kijowski, J., & Bernd, A. (1993, 16 February). Vater Courage [Father Courage]. Screenplay (in Polish). ABA.
  • Knorr, W. (1994, 17 February). Warum Schindlers Geschichte kein deutscher Film wurde [Why Schindler’s story did not become a German movie]. Weltwoche (Zurich). Unpaginated clipping in the folder on Schindler’s List in press clippings collection, DIF.
  • Königstorfer, G. (1993, 4 March). Letter to F. Brauner-Rozen (CCC). ABA_NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Kopp, H. (1984, 9 April). Letter to A. Brauner. Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Kopp, H. (1984, 26 October). Letter to F. Brauner. Ablage D-G 1984, ABA.
  • Krämer, P. (2009). “He’s very good at work not involving little creatures, you know”: Schindler’s List, E.T. and the Shape of Steven Spielberg’s Career. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 7 (1), pp. 23-32.
  • Krämer, P. (2013). The Good German? Oskar Schindler and the Movies, 1951-1993. In Daniel Bernardi, Murray Pomerance and Hava Tirosh-Samuelson (Eds), Hollywood’s Chosen People: The Jewish Experience in American Cinema (pp. 125-40). Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
  • Krämer, P. (2017a). Stanley Kubrick and the Internationalisation of Postwar Hollywood. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 15 (2), pp. 250-69.
  • Krämer, P. (2017b). Stanley Kubrick: Known and Unknown. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 37 (3), pp. 373-95.
  • Lang, F. (Director). (1959). Der Tiger von Eschnapur (Tiger of Bengal) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/France: CCC.
  • Lang, F. (Director). (1959). Das indische Grabmal (The Indian Tomb) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/France: CCC.
  • Litvinov, Mr. (1993, 10 March). Letter to A. Brauner. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Loshitzky, Y. (Ed.) (1997). Spielberg’s Holocaust: Critical Perspectives on Schindler’s List. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • “Made in Germany?” (1994, 4 March). Süddeutsche Zeitung. Unpaginated clipping in the folder on Schindler’s List in press clippings collection, DIF.
  • Martin, P. (Co-Writer/Director). (1960) O sole mio [Motion Picture]. West Germany: Alfa-Film.
  • Martin, P. (Co-Writer/Director). (1961). Adieu, Lebewohl, Goodbye [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • May, P. (Director). (1961). Via Mala [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • Mitrovic, Z. (Director). (1967). Zeugin aus der Hölle (Witness out of Hell) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/Yugoslavia: CCC.
  • Niven, W. J. (1995). The Reception of Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List in the German Media. Journal of European Studies, 25, 165- 89.
  • Nobe, Chris D. (1993, 11 February). Letter to A. Brauner. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • Potocka, Malgorzata (1993, 4 January). Letter to A. Brauner. Personal collection (item received via fax from CCC on 16 December 2005).
  • Prince, S. (2000). A New Pot of Gold: Hollywood Under the Electronic Rainbow, 1980-1989. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Rademakers, F. (Director). (1990). Der Rosengarten (The Rose Garden) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/UK: CCC.
  • Reinl, H. (Co-Writer/Director). (1966). Die Nibelungen 1. Teil: Siegfried von Xanten (Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy/Siegfried) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/Yugoslavia: CCC.
  • Rouffio, J. (Co-Writer/Director). (1982). Die Spaziergängerin von Sans Souci (The Passerby) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/France: CCC.
  • Saveljev, V. (Writer/Director). (1993). Der Gehetzte [The Hunted]. [Motion Picture]. Germany/Ukraine: CCC.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 17 April). Letter to C. Pearce. File 8060-05, ABA_ NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 19 June). Letter to A. Brauner. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 26 June). Letter to A. Brauner. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 11 July). Letter to A. Brauner. File 8060-05, ABA_ NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 15 August). Letter to A. Brauner. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 18 August). Letter to A. Brauner. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 18 September). Letter to A. Krieger. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 12 October). Letter to A. Krieger. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 13 November). Letter to A. Brauner. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 21 November). Letter to A. Brauner. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schiff, G. H. (1989, 15 December). Letter to A. Krieger. File 8060-05, ABA_NSA2012.2_16, ABA.
  • Schindler Ein Engel in der Hölle / Die Geschichte von Oskar Schindler
  • [An Angel in Hell: The Story of Oskar Schindler]. (1993, February). Screenplay (no author given but almost certainly written by Janusz Kijowski). ABA.
  • Schübel, R. (1992, 22 October). Letter to A. Brauner. ABA_ NSA2008.1_144, ABA.
  • Siodmak, R. (Director). (1964). Der Schut [Motion Picture]. West Germany/France/Italy/Yugoslavia: CCC.
  • Spicer, A., MacKenna, A. T. & Meir. C. (Eds) (2014). Beyond the Bottom Line: The Producer in Film and Television Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic
  • Spielberg, S. (Director). (1993). Schindler’s List [Motion Picture]. U.S.: Universal.
  • Szabo, I. (Co-Writer/Director). (1988). Hanussen [Motion Picture]. West Germany/Hungary: CCC.
  • Studio Janr. (1992, 6 November). Contract with J. Kijowski. ABA_ NSA2008.1_143, ABA.
  • Ulivieri, F. (2017) Waiting for a Miracle: A Survey of Stanley Kubrick’s Unrealized Projects. Cinergie, 12, pp. 95-115. https:/cinergie.unibo. it/article/view/7349/7072.
  • Verhoeven, M. (Co-Writer/Director). (1982) Die weiße Rose (The White Rose) [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • von Ambesser, A. (Director). (1960). Der brave Soldat Schwejk (The Good Soldier Schweik) [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • Wajda. A. (Co-Writer/Director). (1983). Eine Liebe in Deutschland (A Love in Germany) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/France: CCC.
  • Weiss, H. (Director). (1946) Sag die Wahrheit [Tell the Truth] [Motion Picture]. (West) Germany: Studio 54.
  • Weiss, H. (Writer/Director). (1947). Herzkönig [King of Hearts] [Motion Picture]. Germany: CCC.
  • Weisz, F. (Co-Writer/Director). (1980). Charlotte [Motion Picture]. West Germany: CCC.
  • York, E. (Director). (1948). Morituri [Motion Picture]. Germany: CCC. Zbonek, E. (Director). (1963). Mensch und Bestie (Man and Beast) [Motion Picture]. West Germany/Yugoslavia: CCC.
Toplam 140 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Peter Krämer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 11 Mayıs 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Krämer, P. (2018). AN ANGEL IN HELL: ARTUR BRAUNER AND THE ATTEMPT TO MAKE A GERMAN OSKAR- SCHINDLER-BIOPIC. Sinecine: Sinema Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(1), 45-80.

sinecine TR DİZİN ve FIAF tarafından taranmaktadır.