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Bitkilerde Hücre Duvarı Mekanizmasında Strese Bağlı Meydana Gelen Savunma Cevapları

Yıl 2021, , 174 - 188, 29.12.2021


Bu derlemede, bitki hücre duvarının yapısı, bileşenleri ve çeşitli biyotik ve abiyotik stres faktörlerine bağlı olarak verdiği yanıtlara değinilmektedir. Hücre duvarı streslere karşı bitki direncinin önemli fiziksel bariyer oluşturarak koruyucu rolü üstlenmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra savunma sisteminde sinyal mekanizmasını oluşturmaktadır. Stresin hücre duvarı metabolizması üzerindeki etkileri, hücre duvarı proteinleri ve enzim faaliyetleri üzerine olmaktadır. Stres faktörlerine karşı duvar mekanizması stres kaynağı ve bitki özelliklerine göre değişim göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte, çoğu durumda, iki ana mekanizma vurgulanabilir: (i) ksiloglukan endotransglukosilaz/ hidrolaz (XTH) düzeyinin artması ve (ii) artan hücre duvarı kalınlaşması, ikincil duvarın hemiselüloz ve lignin birikimi ile güçlendirilmesidir. Bu bilgiler ışığı altında, stres koşullarında biyokütle üretimini arttırabilmek için, hücre duvarı üzerindeki stresin sonuçlarını ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla yeni yaklaşımlar ve farklı hücre duvarı analizleri yapılması hedeflenmektedir. Ayrıca hücre duvarı yapısında etkili olan proteinler ile ilgili ileri düzeyde araştırmalar yapılmasının gerekli olduğu kanısındayız.


  • Büyük, İ., Soydam-Aydın, S., & Aras, S. (2012). Bitkilerin stres koşullarına verdiği moleküler cevaplar. Turkish Bulletin of Hygiene & Experimental Biology/Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji, 69(2).
  • Dolferus, R. (2014). To grow or not to grow: a stressful decision for plants. Plant Science, 229, 247-261.
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  • Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A. (2015). Plant physiology and development No.Ed. 6 pp.761 pp.
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  • Anjum, S. A., Xie, X. Y., Wang, L. C., Saleem, M. F., Man, C., & Lei, W. (2011). Morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of plants to drought stress. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(9), 2026-2032.
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  • Carpita, N. C., & McCann, M. C. (2008). Maize and sorghum: genetic resources for bioenergy grasses. Trends in Plant Science, 13(8), 415-420.
  • Barrière, Y., Ralph, J., Méchin, V., Guillaumie, S., Grabber, J. H., Argillier, O., Chabbert, B., & Lapierre, C. (2004). Genetic and molecular basis of grass cell wall biosynthesis and degradability. II. Lessons from brown-midrib mutants. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 327(9-10), 847-860.
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Stress Induced Defence Responses in Cell Wall Mechanisms in Plants

Yıl 2021, , 174 - 188, 29.12.2021


In this review, the structure of the plant cell wall, its components and its responses to various biotic and abiotic stress factors are discussed. The cell wall plays a protective role by creating an important physical barrier for plant resistance against stresses. In addition, it creates a signal mechanism in the defense system. The effects of stress on cell wall metabolism are on cell wall proteins and enzyme activities. The wall mechanism against stress factors varies according to the stress source and plant characteristics. However, in most cases, two main mechanisms can be highlighted: (i) increasing the level of xyloglucan endotransglucosylase / hydrolase (XTH) and (ii) increasing cell wall thickening, strengthening the secondary wall by the accumulation of hemicellulose and lignin. In the light of this information, new approaches and different cell wall analyzes are aimed to reveal the results of stress on the cell wall in order to increase biomass production under stress conditions. In addition, we believe that advanced research is required on proteins that are effective in cell wall structure.


  • Büyük, İ., Soydam-Aydın, S., & Aras, S. (2012). Bitkilerin stres koşullarına verdiği moleküler cevaplar. Turkish Bulletin of Hygiene & Experimental Biology/Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji, 69(2).
  • Dolferus, R. (2014). To grow or not to grow: a stressful decision for plants. Plant Science, 229, 247-261.
  • Kaya, A., & Doganlar, Z. B. (2016). Exogenous jasmonic acid induces stress tolerance in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) exposed to imazapic. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 124, 470-479.
  • Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A. (2015). Plant physiology and development No.Ed. 6 pp.761 pp.
  • Vij, S., & Tyagi, A. K. (2007). Emerging trends in the functional genomics of the abiotic stress response in crop plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 5(3), 361-380.
  • Kacar, B., Katlav, V., Öztürk, Ş., (2006). Bitki Fizyolojisi, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Bhargava, S., & Sawant, K. (2013). Drought stress adaptation: metabolic adjustment and regulation of gene expression. Plant Breeding, 132(1), 21-32.
  • Anjum, S. A., Xie, X. Y., Wang, L. C., Saleem, M. F., Man, C., & Lei, W. (2011). Morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of plants to drought stress. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(9), 2026-2032.
  • Cabello, S., Lorenz, C., Crespo, S., Cabrera, J., Ludwig, R., Escobar, C., & Hofmann, J. (2014). Altered sucrose synthase and invertase expression affects the local and systemic sugar metabolism of nematode-infected Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65(1), 201-212.
  • Mittler, R. (2002). Oxidative stress, antioxidants and stress tolerance. Trends in Plant Science, 7(9), 405-410.
  • Shalata, A., & Tal, M. (1998). The effect of salt stress on lipid peroxidation and antioxidants in the leaf of the cultivated tomato and its wild salt‐tolerant relative Lycopersicon pennellii. Physiologia Plantarum, 104(2), 169-174.
  • Foyer, C. H., Lelandais, M., & Kunert, K. J. (1994). Photooxidative stress in plants. Physiologia Plantarum, 92(4), 696-717. tb03042.x
  • Edreva, A. (2005). Generation and scavenging of reactive oxygen species in chloroplasts: a submolecular approach. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 106(2-3), 119-133.
  • Neill, S. J., Desikan, R., Clarke, A., Hurst, R. D., & Hancock, J. T. (2002). Hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide as signalling molecules in plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 53(372), 1237-1247.
  • Van Breusegem, F., & Dat, J. F. (2006). Reactive oxygen species in plant cell death. Plant Physiology, 141(2), 384-390.
  • Halliwell, B., Gutteridge, J.M.C. (1989). Protection against oxidants in biological systems: the super oxide theory of oxygen toxicity. In: Halliwell, B., Gutteridge, J.M.C. (Eds.), Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine. Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 86–123.
  • Hématy, K., Cherk, C., & Somerville, S. (2009). Host–pathogen warfare at the plant cell wall. Current opinion in plant biology, 12(4), 406-413.
  • Berni, R., Luyckx, M., Xu, X., Legay, S., Sergeant, K., Hausman, J. F., Lutts, S., Cai, G., & Guerriero, G. (2019). Reactive oxygen species and heavy metal stress in plants: Impact on the cell wall and secondary metabolism. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 161, 98-106.
  • Tenhaken, R. (2015). Cell wall remodeling under abiotic stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5, 771.
  • Cho, W. K., Chen, X. Y., Chu, H., Rim, Y., Kim, S., Kim, S. T., Kim, S.W., Park, Z.Y., & Kim, J. Y. (2009). Proteomic analysis of the secretome of rice calli. Physiologia Plantarum, 135(4), 331-341.
  • Lampugnani, E. R., Khan, G. A., Somssich, M., & Persson, S. (2018). Building a plant cell wall at a glance. Journal of Cell Science, 131(2), jcs207373.
  • McFarlane, H. E., Döring, A., & Persson, S. (2014). The cell biology of cellulose synthesis. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 65, 69-94.
  • Polko, J. K., & Kieber, J. J. (2019). The regulation of cellulose biosynthesis in plants. The Plant Cell, 31(2), 282-296.
  • Juge, N. (2006). Plant protein inhibitors of cell wall degrading enzymes. Trends in Plant Science, 11(7), 359-367.
  • McCahill, I. W., & Hazen, S. P. (2019). Regulation of cell wall thickening by a medley of mechanisms. Trends in Plant Science, 24(9), 853-866.
  • Peng, P., & She, D. (2014). Isolation, structural characterization, and potential applications of hemicelluloses from bamboo: A review. Carbohydrate Polymers, 112, 701-720.
  • McCann, M. C. (1991). Architecture of the primary cell wall. The Cytoskeletal Basis of Plant Growth and Form, 109-129.
  • Carpita, N. C., & Gibeaut, D. M. (1993). Structural models of primary cell walls in flowering plants: consistency of molecular structure with the physical properties of the walls during growth. The Plant Journal, 3(1), 1-30.
  • Carpita, N. C., & McCann, M. C. (2008). Maize and sorghum: genetic resources for bioenergy grasses. Trends in Plant Science, 13(8), 415-420.
  • Barrière, Y., Ralph, J., Méchin, V., Guillaumie, S., Grabber, J. H., Argillier, O., Chabbert, B., & Lapierre, C. (2004). Genetic and molecular basis of grass cell wall biosynthesis and degradability. II. Lessons from brown-midrib mutants. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 327(9-10), 847-860.
  • Sampedro, J., & Cosgrove, D. J. (2005). The expansin superfamily. Genome Biology, 6(12), 1-11.
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Toplam 82 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Yapısal Biyoloji
Bölüm Derlemeler

Hatice Çetinkaya 0000-0002-9792-5928

Burcu Seckın Dınler 0000-0001-6289-380X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Çetinkaya, H., & Seckın Dınler, B. (2021). Bitkilerde Hücre Duvarı Mekanizmasında Strese Bağlı Meydana Gelen Savunma Cevapları. Sinop Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(2), 174-188.