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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 321 - 340, 31.07.2023


Son yıllarda kentlerde ortaya çıkan mekansal, çevresel, ekonomik, kültürel ve sosyal sorunlarda kamu yöneticilerinin süreci yürütme biçimi sıklıkla sorgulanmaktadır. Yukarıdan aşağıya yönetim yaklaşımlarına yönelik eleştiriler artmakta katılım sürecinin kurgusunun başarısız bir şekilde yürütüldüğü yaklaşımlar sorgulanmaktadır. Kentsel alan ve nüfus artışının farkında olan ve bu olguyu lehine çeviren yöneticiler ise başarılı sayılmaktadır. Kamu yöneticileri veya şirketler, kentlerin sosyal, kültürel, mekansal ve ekonomik rekabet düzeyini artırabilmek için farklı arayışlara girmektedir. Bu arayışlardan bir tanesi de sıfırdan bir kent inşa etmektir. Çalışmada nitel araştırma desenlerinden biri olan örnek durum incelemesi (case study) metodolojisi seçilmiştir. Çalışma, Güney Kore’den Songdo, Kanada’dan Sidewalk Labs, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’nden (BAE) Masdar, Portekiz’den PlanIT Valley, Çin ve Singapur’dan Tianjin ve Kuveyt’ten XZero City dahil altı projenin ortaya çıkışı, yenilikçi çözümleri ve proje çıktıları üzerinden kapsamlı bir şekilde değerlendirilmesi üzerine kurgulanmıştır. Ayrıca, kentlerin rekabet gücünü yükseltmede bir araç olarak görülen uygulamaların ortaya çıkardığı endişelere ve sorunlara vurgu yapılarak değerlendirmeler sunulmuştur. İncelenen örneklerden yola çıkarak genel olarak ütopik hayallerle sıfırdan yaratılan kentler uygulamada distopyaya dönüşmektedir.


  • ADONINA, A., AKHMEDOVA, E., KANDALOVA, A. (2018). Realization of Smart City Concept Through Media Technology In Architecture and Urban Space: From Utopia to Reality. In MATEC Web of Conferences. 170(02013), EDP Sciences, France.
  • AMES, M. (2013). Engaging "Apolitical" Adolescents: Analyzing the Popularity and Educational Potential of Dystopian Literature Post-9/11. The High School Journal, 97(1), 3-20. doi:10.1353/hsj.2013.0023. ALLEN, G. (2011), iPhone City: Geleceğin 'akıllı' metropolünde her şey için bir uygulama olacak, Erişim Tarihi: 24.12.2022,
  • ANGELIDOU, M. (2017). The Role of Smart City Characteristics in the Plans of Fifteen Cities. Journal of Urban Technology, 24(4), 3-28.
  • ASHCROFT, B. (2007). Critical utopias. Textual Practice, 21(3), 411-431.
  • AUSTIN, L., LIE, D. (2021). Data Trusts and the Governance of Smart Environments: Lessons From the Failure of Sidewalk Labs’ Urban Data Trust. Surveillance & Society, 19(2), 255-261.
  • BECKER, C. CHITCHYAN, R. DUBOC, L. EASTERBROOK, S. PENZENSTADLER, B. SEYFF, N., VENTERS, C. C. (2015). “Sustainability Design and Software: The Karlskrona Manifesto,” in Proc., 37th Intl. Conference on Software Engineering, 2, IEEE Press, 2015.
  • CAPROTTI, F., SPRINGER, C., HARMER, N. (2015). ‘Eco’For Whom? Envisioning Eco‐urbanism in the Sino‐Singapore Tianjin Eco‐city, China. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(3), 495-517.
  • CARR, C., HESSE, M. (2020). Sidewalk Labs closed down–whither Google’s smart city?. Regions-E-Magazine, 1-9. doi:10.1080/13673882.2020.00001070
  • CARVALHO, L. (2014). Smart cities from scratch? A socio-technical perspective. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 8(1), 43-60.
  • CHINADAILY. (2019). Çin-Singapur Tianjin Eco-City: Dinamik ve Geleceğe Hazır Bir Kent, Erişim Tarihi: 11.11.2022,
  • CUGURULLO, F. (2013). How to build a sandcastle: An Analysis of the Genesis and Development of Masdar City. Journal of Urban Technology, 20(1), 23-37.
  • DATTA A., (2012) India’s ecocity? Environment, Urbanisation, and Mobility in the Making of Lavasa. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 30(6), 982–996.
  • DESOUZA, K. C., HUNTER, M., JACOB, B., YIGITCANLAR, T. (2020). Pathways to the Making of Prosperous Smart Cities: An Exploratory Study On the Best Practice. Journal of urban technology, 27(3), 3-32.
  • DOUGLASS M., HUANG LL. (2007) Globalizing the City in Southeast Asia: Utopia on the Urban Edge – The case of Phu My Hung, Saigon. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 3(2), 1-42.
  • DOCTOROFF, D. L. (2020). Why We’re No Longer Pursuing the Quayside project—and what’s next for Sidewalk Labs. Erişim Tarihi: 13.12.2022,
  • EIDELMAN, G. E. (2013). Landlocked: Politics, Property, and the Toronto Waterfront, 1960-2000. (Doctoral Thesis ). University of Toronto.
  • FILION, P., MOOS, M., & SANDS, G. (2023). Urban Neoliberalism, Smart City, and Big Tech: The Aborted Sidewalk Labs Toronto experiment. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-19.
  • FLORIAN, M.C. (2022). XZero City, Kuveyt'in Kendi Kendine Yeterli Akıllı Kent Önerisi, Erişim Tarihi: 13.12.2022,
  • FLYNN, A., & VALVERDE, M. (2019). Planning on the Waterfront: Setting the Agenda for Toronto’s ‘Smart City’ Project. Planning Theory & Practice, 20(5), 769-775.
  • FLYNN, A., & VALVERDE, M. (2020). Where the Sidewalk Ends: The Governance of Waterfront Toronto’s Sidewalk Labs Deal. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, 36(2019), 263-283.
  • FOSTER, N. (2022). Masdar kenti, Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2022,
  • GAMMELGAARD, B. (2017). The Qualitative Case Study. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 28(4), 910-913.
  • GAVIN (2021). Hiç İnşa Edilmemiş En Akıllı Kent, Erişim Tarihi: 14.09.2022,
  • GREENFIELD, A. (2013). Against the Smart City: A Pamphlet. This is Part I of" The City is Here to Use". 1-129, Do projects. New York City
  • GRIFFITHS, S., SOVACOOL, B. K. (2020). Rethinking the Future Low-Carbon City: Carbon Neutrality, Green Design, and Sustainability Tensions in the Making of Masdar City. Energy Research & Social Science, 62, 101368.
  • GROSSI, G., & PIANEZZI, D. (2017). Smart cities: Utopia or neoliberal ideology?. Cities, 69, 79-85. HALL, P. (2000). Creative Cities and Economic Development. Urban Studies, 37(4), 639-649.
  • HEBEİ HÜKÜMETİ. (2021). Akıllı kent raporu, Erişim Tarihi: 11.11.2022,
  • HU, M. C., WU, C. Y., SHIH, T. (2015). Creating a New Socio-Technical Regime in China: Evidence from the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City. Futures, 70, 1-12.
  • JACKSON, F. (2022). 'Dünyanın en yürünebilir şehri' Kuveyt'te Açılıyor, Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2022,
  • JOHNSON, W.H. (2008). Roles, resources and benefits of intermediate organizations supporting triple helix collaborative R & D: the case of precarn. Technovation, 28(8), 495-505.
  • INCHEON SERBEST EKONOMİK BÖLGESİ. (2022), Küresel ticaret merkezi projesi, Erişim Tarihi: 01.10.2022,
  • KPF. (2022), Songdo Projesi, Erişim Tarihi: 06.11.2022,
  • KUECKER, G. D., HARTLEY, K. (2020). How smart cities became the urban norm: Power and knowledge in New Songdo City. Annals of the American association of Geographers, 110(2), 516-524.
  • LEVITAS, R. (2000). For utopia: The (limits of the) utopian function in late capitalist society. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 3(2-3), 25-43.
  • MADAKAM, S., RAMASWAMY, R. (2015). PlanIT Valley Smart City (an urban operating system). In LMA Convention Journal, 11(1), 43-50.
  • MASDAR CITY. (2022). Masdar City projesi, Erişim Tarihi: 24.12.2022,
  • MATTERN, S. (2020). Post-It Note City. Erişim Tarihi: 24.11.2022,
  • MULHOLLAND, J. (2019). Waterfront Toronto Akıllı Kent Planları. Erişim Tarihi: 09.11.2022,
  • MURRAY, M. J. (2015). Waterfall City (Johannesburg): privatized urbanism in extremis. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 47(3), 503-520.
  • PALING W. (2012). Planning A Future For Phnom Penh: Mega Projects, Aid Dependence And Disjointed Governance. Urban Studies 49(13): 1–24.
  • PEDROSA, A.M., NÄSLUND, D., JASMAND, C. (2012). Logistics Case Study Based Research: Towards Higher Quality. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 42(3), 275-295.
  • PELLICER, S., SANTA, G., BLEDA, A. L., MAESTRE, R., JARA, A. J., SKARMETA, A. G. (2013, July). A Global Perspective of Smart Cities: A Survey. 2013 Seventh International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, 439-444, IEEE, USA.
  • POON, L. (2018). Sleepy in Songdo, Korea’s Smartest City. Erişim Tarihi: 11.10.2022, City Lab
  • PORTO PROTOKOL (2022a). Porto Protokolü. Erişim Tarihi: 24.10.2022,
  • PORTO PROTOKOL (2022b). PlanIt Projesi. Erişim Tarihi: 24.10.2022,
  • POSPISIL, J. (2016). The Historical Development Of Dystopian Literature. Univerzita Palackéhov Olomouci, Doctoral Thesis.
  • RANDEREE, K., AHMED, N. (2018). The Social Imperative in Sustainable Urban Development: The Case of Masdar City in the United Arab Emirates. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 8(2), 138-149.
  • REICHE, D. (2010). Renewable Energy Policies In The Gulf Countries: A Case Study Of The Carbon-Neutral “Masdar City” In Abu Dhabi. Energy Policy, 38(1), 378-382.
  • ROBINSON, P., COUTTS, S. (2019). The Case Of Quayside, Toronto, Canada. Smart City Emergence 2019, 333-350. Elsevier.
  • SHATKIN, G. (2011) Planning privatopolis: Representation and contestation in the development of urban integrated megaprojects. In, Anana Roy and Aihwa Ong (eds.) Worlding Cities: Asian Experiments and the Art of Being Global. 77–97, Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, USA.
  • SIDEWALK LABS, (2022), Sidewalk Toronto projesi, Erişim Tarihi: 10.09.2022,
  • SHAMSUZZOHA, A., NIEMINEN, J., PIYA, S., & RUTLEDGE, K. (2021). Smart City For Sustainable Environment: A Comparison Of Participatory Strategies From Helsinki, Singapore and London. Cities, 114(2021), 1-13.
  • SHELTON, T., ZOOK, M., WIIG, A. (2015). The ‘Actually Existing Smart City’. Cambridge Journal Of Regions, Economy And Society, 8(1), 13-25.
  • SINO-SINGAPUR (2022), Tianjin Eko-Kentinin Özellikleri. Erişim Tarihi: 16.10.2022,
  • SÖDERSTRÖM, O., PAASCHE, T., KLAUSER, F. (2014). Smart Cities As Corporate Storytelling. City, 18(3), 307–320.
  • TIANJIN EKO-KENT PLATFORMU (2022). Tianjin Eko-Kent Platformu. Erişim Tarihi: 14.10.2022,
  • URB. (2022). Yeni Nesil Sürdürülebilir Kentler İçin Yeni Bir Kiyaslama Modeli. Erişim Tarihi: 07.11.2022,
  • URENIO RESEARCH (2015). PlanIT Vadisi Akıllı Kent Stratejisi. Erişim Tarihi: 12.10.2022,,
  • WANG, D., YAO, X., FU, Y. (2022). Livability Assessment of Tianjin Sino-Singapore Eco-City Based on Multi-Source Data. Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science, 4(6), 56-64.
  • VIEIRA, F. (2010). The concept of utopia. Gregory Claeys (eds.). In, The Cambridge Companion To Utopian Literature, 3-27. England : Cambridge University Press.
  • VINCE, G. (2012). Dünyanın En Büyük Eko-Kenti Çin'deki Çorak Arazilerden Yükseliyor. Erişim Tarihi: 06.10.2022,
  • YOO, S. (2017). Songdo: The Hype And Decline Of World's First Smart City. Caprotti, Federico and Yu, Li (eds.). In, Sustainable Cities in Asia, 146- 160. England : Routledge.

Is it Utopia to Build a Smart City from Scratch? Is it Dystopia?

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 321 - 340, 31.07.2023


The way in which public administrators conduct the process in the spatial, environmental, economic, cultural and social problems that have arisen in cities in recent years is frequently questioned. Criticism of top-down management approaches is increasing, and approaches in which the participation process is unsuccessfully designed are questioned. Managers who are aware of the urban area and population growth and turn this phenomenon in their favor are considered successful. Public administrators or companies seek different ways to increase the social, cultural, spatial and economic competitiveness of cities. One of these quests is to build a city from scratch. In the study, the case study methodology, which is one of the qualitative research designs, was chosen. Six projects were extensively evaluated, including Songdo from South Korea, Sidewalk Labs from Canada, Masdar from the United Arab Emirates, PlanIT Valley from Portugal, Tianjin from China and Singapore, and XZero City from Kuwait. In addition, evaluations were presented by emphasizing the concerns and problems that emerged as a result of the practices. Based on the examples examined, it has been seen that creating a city from scratch with utopian dreams in general has turned into a dystopia.


  • ADONINA, A., AKHMEDOVA, E., KANDALOVA, A. (2018). Realization of Smart City Concept Through Media Technology In Architecture and Urban Space: From Utopia to Reality. In MATEC Web of Conferences. 170(02013), EDP Sciences, France.
  • AMES, M. (2013). Engaging "Apolitical" Adolescents: Analyzing the Popularity and Educational Potential of Dystopian Literature Post-9/11. The High School Journal, 97(1), 3-20. doi:10.1353/hsj.2013.0023. ALLEN, G. (2011), iPhone City: Geleceğin 'akıllı' metropolünde her şey için bir uygulama olacak, Erişim Tarihi: 24.12.2022,
  • ANGELIDOU, M. (2017). The Role of Smart City Characteristics in the Plans of Fifteen Cities. Journal of Urban Technology, 24(4), 3-28.
  • ASHCROFT, B. (2007). Critical utopias. Textual Practice, 21(3), 411-431.
  • AUSTIN, L., LIE, D. (2021). Data Trusts and the Governance of Smart Environments: Lessons From the Failure of Sidewalk Labs’ Urban Data Trust. Surveillance & Society, 19(2), 255-261.
  • BECKER, C. CHITCHYAN, R. DUBOC, L. EASTERBROOK, S. PENZENSTADLER, B. SEYFF, N., VENTERS, C. C. (2015). “Sustainability Design and Software: The Karlskrona Manifesto,” in Proc., 37th Intl. Conference on Software Engineering, 2, IEEE Press, 2015.
  • CAPROTTI, F., SPRINGER, C., HARMER, N. (2015). ‘Eco’For Whom? Envisioning Eco‐urbanism in the Sino‐Singapore Tianjin Eco‐city, China. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(3), 495-517.
  • CARR, C., HESSE, M. (2020). Sidewalk Labs closed down–whither Google’s smart city?. Regions-E-Magazine, 1-9. doi:10.1080/13673882.2020.00001070
  • CARVALHO, L. (2014). Smart cities from scratch? A socio-technical perspective. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 8(1), 43-60.
  • CHINADAILY. (2019). Çin-Singapur Tianjin Eco-City: Dinamik ve Geleceğe Hazır Bir Kent, Erişim Tarihi: 11.11.2022,
  • CUGURULLO, F. (2013). How to build a sandcastle: An Analysis of the Genesis and Development of Masdar City. Journal of Urban Technology, 20(1), 23-37.
  • DATTA A., (2012) India’s ecocity? Environment, Urbanisation, and Mobility in the Making of Lavasa. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 30(6), 982–996.
  • DESOUZA, K. C., HUNTER, M., JACOB, B., YIGITCANLAR, T. (2020). Pathways to the Making of Prosperous Smart Cities: An Exploratory Study On the Best Practice. Journal of urban technology, 27(3), 3-32.
  • DOUGLASS M., HUANG LL. (2007) Globalizing the City in Southeast Asia: Utopia on the Urban Edge – The case of Phu My Hung, Saigon. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 3(2), 1-42.
  • DOCTOROFF, D. L. (2020). Why We’re No Longer Pursuing the Quayside project—and what’s next for Sidewalk Labs. Erişim Tarihi: 13.12.2022,
  • EIDELMAN, G. E. (2013). Landlocked: Politics, Property, and the Toronto Waterfront, 1960-2000. (Doctoral Thesis ). University of Toronto.
  • FILION, P., MOOS, M., & SANDS, G. (2023). Urban Neoliberalism, Smart City, and Big Tech: The Aborted Sidewalk Labs Toronto experiment. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-19.
  • FLORIAN, M.C. (2022). XZero City, Kuveyt'in Kendi Kendine Yeterli Akıllı Kent Önerisi, Erişim Tarihi: 13.12.2022,
  • FLYNN, A., & VALVERDE, M. (2019). Planning on the Waterfront: Setting the Agenda for Toronto’s ‘Smart City’ Project. Planning Theory & Practice, 20(5), 769-775.
  • FLYNN, A., & VALVERDE, M. (2020). Where the Sidewalk Ends: The Governance of Waterfront Toronto’s Sidewalk Labs Deal. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, 36(2019), 263-283.
  • FOSTER, N. (2022). Masdar kenti, Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2022,
  • GAMMELGAARD, B. (2017). The Qualitative Case Study. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 28(4), 910-913.
  • GAVIN (2021). Hiç İnşa Edilmemiş En Akıllı Kent, Erişim Tarihi: 14.09.2022,
  • GREENFIELD, A. (2013). Against the Smart City: A Pamphlet. This is Part I of" The City is Here to Use". 1-129, Do projects. New York City
  • GRIFFITHS, S., SOVACOOL, B. K. (2020). Rethinking the Future Low-Carbon City: Carbon Neutrality, Green Design, and Sustainability Tensions in the Making of Masdar City. Energy Research & Social Science, 62, 101368.
  • GROSSI, G., & PIANEZZI, D. (2017). Smart cities: Utopia or neoliberal ideology?. Cities, 69, 79-85. HALL, P. (2000). Creative Cities and Economic Development. Urban Studies, 37(4), 639-649.
  • HEBEİ HÜKÜMETİ. (2021). Akıllı kent raporu, Erişim Tarihi: 11.11.2022,
  • HU, M. C., WU, C. Y., SHIH, T. (2015). Creating a New Socio-Technical Regime in China: Evidence from the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City. Futures, 70, 1-12.
  • JACKSON, F. (2022). 'Dünyanın en yürünebilir şehri' Kuveyt'te Açılıyor, Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2022,
  • JOHNSON, W.H. (2008). Roles, resources and benefits of intermediate organizations supporting triple helix collaborative R & D: the case of precarn. Technovation, 28(8), 495-505.
  • INCHEON SERBEST EKONOMİK BÖLGESİ. (2022), Küresel ticaret merkezi projesi, Erişim Tarihi: 01.10.2022,
  • KPF. (2022), Songdo Projesi, Erişim Tarihi: 06.11.2022,
  • KUECKER, G. D., HARTLEY, K. (2020). How smart cities became the urban norm: Power and knowledge in New Songdo City. Annals of the American association of Geographers, 110(2), 516-524.
  • LEVITAS, R. (2000). For utopia: The (limits of the) utopian function in late capitalist society. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 3(2-3), 25-43.
  • MADAKAM, S., RAMASWAMY, R. (2015). PlanIT Valley Smart City (an urban operating system). In LMA Convention Journal, 11(1), 43-50.
  • MASDAR CITY. (2022). Masdar City projesi, Erişim Tarihi: 24.12.2022,
  • MATTERN, S. (2020). Post-It Note City. Erişim Tarihi: 24.11.2022,
  • MULHOLLAND, J. (2019). Waterfront Toronto Akıllı Kent Planları. Erişim Tarihi: 09.11.2022,
  • MURRAY, M. J. (2015). Waterfall City (Johannesburg): privatized urbanism in extremis. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 47(3), 503-520.
  • PALING W. (2012). Planning A Future For Phnom Penh: Mega Projects, Aid Dependence And Disjointed Governance. Urban Studies 49(13): 1–24.
  • PEDROSA, A.M., NÄSLUND, D., JASMAND, C. (2012). Logistics Case Study Based Research: Towards Higher Quality. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 42(3), 275-295.
  • PELLICER, S., SANTA, G., BLEDA, A. L., MAESTRE, R., JARA, A. J., SKARMETA, A. G. (2013, July). A Global Perspective of Smart Cities: A Survey. 2013 Seventh International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, 439-444, IEEE, USA.
  • POON, L. (2018). Sleepy in Songdo, Korea’s Smartest City. Erişim Tarihi: 11.10.2022, City Lab
  • PORTO PROTOKOL (2022a). Porto Protokolü. Erişim Tarihi: 24.10.2022,
  • PORTO PROTOKOL (2022b). PlanIt Projesi. Erişim Tarihi: 24.10.2022,
  • POSPISIL, J. (2016). The Historical Development Of Dystopian Literature. Univerzita Palackéhov Olomouci, Doctoral Thesis.
  • RANDEREE, K., AHMED, N. (2018). The Social Imperative in Sustainable Urban Development: The Case of Masdar City in the United Arab Emirates. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 8(2), 138-149.
  • REICHE, D. (2010). Renewable Energy Policies In The Gulf Countries: A Case Study Of The Carbon-Neutral “Masdar City” In Abu Dhabi. Energy Policy, 38(1), 378-382.
  • ROBINSON, P., COUTTS, S. (2019). The Case Of Quayside, Toronto, Canada. Smart City Emergence 2019, 333-350. Elsevier.
  • SHATKIN, G. (2011) Planning privatopolis: Representation and contestation in the development of urban integrated megaprojects. In, Anana Roy and Aihwa Ong (eds.) Worlding Cities: Asian Experiments and the Art of Being Global. 77–97, Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, USA.
  • SIDEWALK LABS, (2022), Sidewalk Toronto projesi, Erişim Tarihi: 10.09.2022,
  • SHAMSUZZOHA, A., NIEMINEN, J., PIYA, S., & RUTLEDGE, K. (2021). Smart City For Sustainable Environment: A Comparison Of Participatory Strategies From Helsinki, Singapore and London. Cities, 114(2021), 1-13.
  • SHELTON, T., ZOOK, M., WIIG, A. (2015). The ‘Actually Existing Smart City’. Cambridge Journal Of Regions, Economy And Society, 8(1), 13-25.
  • SINO-SINGAPUR (2022), Tianjin Eko-Kentinin Özellikleri. Erişim Tarihi: 16.10.2022,
  • SÖDERSTRÖM, O., PAASCHE, T., KLAUSER, F. (2014). Smart Cities As Corporate Storytelling. City, 18(3), 307–320.
  • TIANJIN EKO-KENT PLATFORMU (2022). Tianjin Eko-Kent Platformu. Erişim Tarihi: 14.10.2022,
  • URB. (2022). Yeni Nesil Sürdürülebilir Kentler İçin Yeni Bir Kiyaslama Modeli. Erişim Tarihi: 07.11.2022,
  • URENIO RESEARCH (2015). PlanIT Vadisi Akıllı Kent Stratejisi. Erişim Tarihi: 12.10.2022,,
  • WANG, D., YAO, X., FU, Y. (2022). Livability Assessment of Tianjin Sino-Singapore Eco-City Based on Multi-Source Data. Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science, 4(6), 56-64.
  • VIEIRA, F. (2010). The concept of utopia. Gregory Claeys (eds.). In, The Cambridge Companion To Utopian Literature, 3-27. England : Cambridge University Press.
  • VINCE, G. (2012). Dünyanın En Büyük Eko-Kenti Çin'deki Çorak Arazilerden Yükseliyor. Erişim Tarihi: 06.10.2022,
  • YOO, S. (2017). Songdo: The Hype And Decline Of World's First Smart City. Caprotti, Federico and Yu, Li (eds.). In, Sustainable Cities in Asia, 146- 160. England : Routledge.
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe

Abidin Kemeç 0000-0001-9395-4118

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Ocak 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kemeç, A. (2023). SIFIRDAN AKILLI BİR KENT YARATMAK ÜTOPYA MI? DİSTOPYA MI?. Stratejik Ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 7(2), 321-340.
AMA Kemeç A. SIFIRDAN AKILLI BİR KENT YARATMAK ÜTOPYA MI? DİSTOPYA MI?. SSAD. Temmuz 2023;7(2):321-340. doi:10.30692/sisad.1245088
Chicago Kemeç, Abidin. “SIFIRDAN AKILLI BİR KENT YARATMAK ÜTOPYA MI? DİSTOPYA MI?”. Stratejik Ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 7, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2023): 321-40.
EndNote Kemeç A (01 Temmuz 2023) SIFIRDAN AKILLI BİR KENT YARATMAK ÜTOPYA MI? DİSTOPYA MI?. Stratejik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 7 2 321–340.
IEEE A. Kemeç, “SIFIRDAN AKILLI BİR KENT YARATMAK ÜTOPYA MI? DİSTOPYA MI?”, SSAD, c. 7, sy. 2, ss. 321–340, 2023, doi: 10.30692/sisad.1245088.
ISNAD Kemeç, Abidin. “SIFIRDAN AKILLI BİR KENT YARATMAK ÜTOPYA MI? DİSTOPYA MI?”. Stratejik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 7/2 (Temmuz 2023), 321-340.
MLA Kemeç, Abidin. “SIFIRDAN AKILLI BİR KENT YARATMAK ÜTOPYA MI? DİSTOPYA MI?”. Stratejik Ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 321-40, doi:10.30692/sisad.1245088.

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