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Comparison of bone scintigraphy and magnetic resonance imaging in suspected cases of with lumbosacral metastasis in patient with prostate cancer

Yıl 2014, , 14 - 17, 01.03.2014


OBJECTIVES: In this study, we compared the results of scintigraphy with lumbosacral conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in terms of metastasis in prostate cancer cases those had a high risk of bone metastasisMATERIAL AND METHODS: Between February 2010 and February 2012, database of 51 patients between the ages of 56 to 91 years and with suspicious prostate cancer metastasis were analysed. The patients with prostate specific antigen (PSA) ≥20 ng/ml or Gleason score ≥7 were considered as suspicious in terms of prostate cancer metastasis. PSA, pathology, MRI, and scintigraphy findings of the patients were studied retrospectively. RESULTS: Thirty-five out of 51 patients (68.6%) scintigraphy revealed findings of metastasis with whole-body bone scan. Of these 35 patients, 33 had evidence of metastasis in the lumbosacral region. MRI revealed metastases in only nine (17.6%) cases in the lumbosacral region of the 33 patients. In 22 patients (43.1%) with lumbosacral region metastasis, PSA was below 100 ng / ml. Only in one of these patients (1.96%), MRI found evidence of metastasis. PSA was above 100 ng/ml in11 (21.5%) patients who had scintigraphic findings consistent with metastases. MRI was also consistent with metastasis in eight (15.6%) of these patients. Three of the 33 patients had GS


  • Carlin BI, Andriole GL. The natural history,skeletal complications, and management of bone metastases in patients with prostate carcinoma. Cancer 2000;88:2989-2994.
  • R. D. Loberg, C. J. Logothetis, E. T. Keller, and K. J. Pienta. Pathogenesis and treatment of prostate cancer bone metastases: targeting the lethal phenotype. J Clin Oncol 2005;23: 8232–8241.
  • National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Clinical practice guidelines in oncology. Prostate cancer vol. 1. 2011.
  • A. Heidenreich, P.J. Bastian, J. Bellmunt, M. Bolla, S. Joniau, M.D. Mason,et al. “Guidelines on prostate cancer” in Urology EAU, European Association of Urology, 2012.
  • Carter, H.B. and A.W. Partin. Diagnosis and Staging of Prostate Cancer. İn: Walsh, P.C., A.B. Retik, E.D. Vaughan and A.J. Wein (Ed): Campbell’s Urology 8th. Ed WB Saunders; 2002. p.3055-3079
  • Hricak H, Choyke PL, Eberhardt SC, Leibel SA, Scardino PT. Imaging prostate cancer: A multidisciplinary Perspective. Radiology 2007;43:28-53.
  • Shie P, Cardarelli R, Brandon D, Erdman W, Abdulrahim N. Meta-analysis: comparison of F-18 Fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography and bone scintigraphy in the detection of bone metastases in patients with breast cancer. Clin Nucl Med 2008; 33: 97-101
  • H. Schirrmeister, A. Guhlmann, K. Elsner et al. Sensitivity in detecting osseous lesions depends on anatomic localization: planar bone scintigraphy versus 18F PET. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1990, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 1623–1629
  • Daldrup-Link HE, Franzius C, Link TM, Laukamp D, Sciuk J, Jürgens H, et al. Whole body MR imaging for detection of bone metastases in children and young adults: comparison with skeletal scintigraphy and FDG PET. AM J RoentgenoL. 2001;177:229–236. 12. 12.
  • S. V. Kattapuram, J. S. Khurana, J. A. Scott, and G. Y. El-Khoury. Negative scintigraphy with positive magnetic resonance imaging in bone metastases. Skeletal Radiol. 1990;19(2):113-6. 13. 13.
  • Gosfield E, Alavi A, Kneeland B. Comparison of radionuclide bone scans and magnetic resonance imaging in detecting spinal metastases. J Nucl Med 1994; 34:2191-2198 14. 14.
  • C Messiou , G Cook , N M deSouza . Imaging metastatic bone disease from carcinoma of the prostate. Br J Cancer 2009; 101:1225–1232. 15. 15.
  • B. Tombal, A. Rezazadeh, P. Therasse, P. J. Van Cangh, B. Vande Berg, and F. E. Lecouvet. Magnetic resonance imaging of the axial skeleton enables objective measurement of tumor response on prostate cancer bone metastases.Prostate 2005; 5(2):178–187 16. 16.
  • Montemurro F, Russo F, Martinicich L, Cirillo S, Gatti M, Aqlieta M, et al. Dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in monitoring bone metastases in breast cancer patients receiving bisphosphonates and endocrine therapy. Acta Rad 2004;45 : 71–74. 17. 17.
  • Charles-Edwards EM, deSouza NM Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and its application to cancer. Cancer Imaging 2006;16 : 135–143. 18. 18.
  • Wang CK, Li CW, Hsieh TJ, Chien SH, Liu GC, Tsai KB. Characterisation of bone and soft tissue tumours with in vivo 1H MR spectroscopy: initial results. Radiology 2004; 232:599–605.

Prostat kanserine bağlı lumbosacral kemik metastazı şüphesi olan vakalarda sintigrafi ile magnetik rezonans görüntüleme yöntemlerinin karşılaştırılması

Yıl 2014, , 14 - 17, 01.03.2014


AMAÇ: Bu çalışmada prostat kanseri tanısı konan ve kemik metastazı riski yüksek vakalarda metastaz bulguları yönünden sintigrafi sonuçlarına karşılık konvansiyonel lumbosakral manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) sonuçlarını değerlendirdik.MATERYAL METOD: Şubat 2010 ile Şubat 2012 arasında yaşları 56 ile 91 arasında olan prostat kanseri tanısı almış, metastazı olabileceği düşünülen 51 hastaya ilişkin kayıtlar değerlendirilmeye alındı. Prostat spesifik antijen (PSA) ≥20 ng/ml veya Gleason skoru (GS) ≥7 değeri taşıyan hastalar metastaz yönünden şüpheli olarak değerlendirildi. Hastaların PSA, patoloji, MRG ve sintigrafi bulguları retrospektif olarak incelendi.BULGULAR: Çalışmaya alınan 51 hastanın 35'inde (%68,6) sintigrafi ile yapılan tüm vücut kemik taramasında metastaz bulguları saptandı. Bu 35 hastanın 33'ünde metastaz bulguları lumbosakral bölgedeydi. Sintigrafisinde lumbosakral bölgede metastaz şüphesi olan 33 hastanın dokuzunda (%17,6) MRG'de metastaz tespit edildi. Sintigrafiyle lumbosakral bölgede metastazı olan hastaların 22'sinde (%43,1) PSA 100 ng/ml'nin altındaydı. Bu hastaların sadece birinde (%1,96) MRG' de metastaz tespit edildi. Sintigrafide metastaz ile uyumlu 11 (%21,5) hastada PSA 100 ng/ml'nin üzerindeydi. Bu hastaların sekizinde (%15,6) MRG' de metastaz ile uyumlu görünüm vardı. Otuz üç hastadan üçünün GS'u yedinin altındaydı. MRG'de metastaz bulguları olan dokuz hastanın GS'u ise yedinin üstündeydi.SONUÇ: Sintigrafiyle lumbosakral metastaz tespit edilen vakaların sadece % 27'sinde MRG yöntemiyle bulgular desteklenmiştir. Literatür verileri göz önüne alındığında bu durumun sintigrafinin yalancı poztiflik oranıyla ilgili olabileceği düşünülmüştür.


  • Carlin BI, Andriole GL. The natural history,skeletal complications, and management of bone metastases in patients with prostate carcinoma. Cancer 2000;88:2989-2994.
  • R. D. Loberg, C. J. Logothetis, E. T. Keller, and K. J. Pienta. Pathogenesis and treatment of prostate cancer bone metastases: targeting the lethal phenotype. J Clin Oncol 2005;23: 8232–8241.
  • National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Clinical practice guidelines in oncology. Prostate cancer vol. 1. 2011.
  • A. Heidenreich, P.J. Bastian, J. Bellmunt, M. Bolla, S. Joniau, M.D. Mason,et al. “Guidelines on prostate cancer” in Urology EAU, European Association of Urology, 2012.
  • Carter, H.B. and A.W. Partin. Diagnosis and Staging of Prostate Cancer. İn: Walsh, P.C., A.B. Retik, E.D. Vaughan and A.J. Wein (Ed): Campbell’s Urology 8th. Ed WB Saunders; 2002. p.3055-3079
  • Hricak H, Choyke PL, Eberhardt SC, Leibel SA, Scardino PT. Imaging prostate cancer: A multidisciplinary Perspective. Radiology 2007;43:28-53.
  • Shie P, Cardarelli R, Brandon D, Erdman W, Abdulrahim N. Meta-analysis: comparison of F-18 Fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography and bone scintigraphy in the detection of bone metastases in patients with breast cancer. Clin Nucl Med 2008; 33: 97-101
  • H. Schirrmeister, A. Guhlmann, K. Elsner et al. Sensitivity in detecting osseous lesions depends on anatomic localization: planar bone scintigraphy versus 18F PET. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1990, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 1623–1629
  • Daldrup-Link HE, Franzius C, Link TM, Laukamp D, Sciuk J, Jürgens H, et al. Whole body MR imaging for detection of bone metastases in children and young adults: comparison with skeletal scintigraphy and FDG PET. AM J RoentgenoL. 2001;177:229–236. 12. 12.
  • S. V. Kattapuram, J. S. Khurana, J. A. Scott, and G. Y. El-Khoury. Negative scintigraphy with positive magnetic resonance imaging in bone metastases. Skeletal Radiol. 1990;19(2):113-6. 13. 13.
  • Gosfield E, Alavi A, Kneeland B. Comparison of radionuclide bone scans and magnetic resonance imaging in detecting spinal metastases. J Nucl Med 1994; 34:2191-2198 14. 14.
  • C Messiou , G Cook , N M deSouza . Imaging metastatic bone disease from carcinoma of the prostate. Br J Cancer 2009; 101:1225–1232. 15. 15.
  • B. Tombal, A. Rezazadeh, P. Therasse, P. J. Van Cangh, B. Vande Berg, and F. E. Lecouvet. Magnetic resonance imaging of the axial skeleton enables objective measurement of tumor response on prostate cancer bone metastases.Prostate 2005; 5(2):178–187 16. 16.
  • Montemurro F, Russo F, Martinicich L, Cirillo S, Gatti M, Aqlieta M, et al. Dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in monitoring bone metastases in breast cancer patients receiving bisphosphonates and endocrine therapy. Acta Rad 2004;45 : 71–74. 17. 17.
  • Charles-Edwards EM, deSouza NM Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and its application to cancer. Cancer Imaging 2006;16 : 135–143. 18. 18.
  • Wang CK, Li CW, Hsieh TJ, Chien SH, Liu GC, Tsai KB. Characterisation of bone and soft tissue tumours with in vivo 1H MR spectroscopy: initial results. Radiology 2004; 232:599–605.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2014
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Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

AMA Sağlam HS, Köse O, Kumsar Ş, Budak S, Aydemir H, Adsan Ö. Prostat kanserine bağlı lumbosacral kemik metastazı şüphesi olan vakalarda sintigrafi ile magnetik rezonans görüntüleme yöntemlerinin karşılaştırılması. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. Mart 2014;4(1):14-17. doi:10.5505/sakaryamj.2014.49469


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