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Mirisetinin Testiküler İskemi Reperfüzyon ile İndüklenen Testis ve Akciğer Hasarına Karşı Etkileri

Yıl 2021, , 109 - 114, 22.03.2021


Amaç: Testis torsiyonu birkaç saat içinde tedavi edilmezse erkeklerde testis atrofisine ve kısırlığa neden olabilir. Antioksidan ajanlar testis torsiyonu ile baş etmede hedefler arasındadır. Mirisetin (myricetin, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7-hekzahidroksiflavon, MYR), antioksidan, antikanser, anti-inflamatuar, antiviral ve antidiyabetik aktivitelere sahiptir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: 32 adet Wistar albino erkek sıçan rastgele 4 gruba (n=8) ayrıldı. Grup I sham grup olarak tanımlandı. Grup II, I/R grubunda testis torsiyonu yapıldı. Grup III (MYR 25) ve grup IV'te (MYR 50), detorsiyondan 30 dakika önce 25 ve 50 mg/kg dozlarda MYR intraperitoneal olarak uygulandı. Testis ve akciğer doku örnekleri biyokimyasal olarak incelendi.
Bulgular: Testis ve akciğer dokularında MYR, I/R grubuna kıyasla hem yüksek hem de düşük dozlarda TOS, MPO ve MDA seviyelerini azaltmıştır. Ayrıca MYR uygulanan gruplarda I/R grubuna kıyasla SOD değerleri artmıştır.
Sonuç: Biyokimyasal parametreler değerlendirildiğinde, MYR testis I/R hasarını takiben testis ve akciğer dokuları üzerinde olumlu etkiler gösterdi.


  • 1. Varga J, Zivkovic D, Grebeldinger S, Somer D. Acute scrotal pain in children–ten years’ experience. Urologia internationalis. 2007;78(1):73-7.
  • 2. Sharp VJ, Kieran K, Arlen AM. Testicular torsion: diagnosis, evaluation, and management. American family physician. 2013;88(12):835-40.
  • 3. Zhao LC, Lautz TB, Meeks JJ, Maizels M. Pediatric testicular torsion epidemiology using a national database: incidence, risk of orchiectomy and possible measures toward improving the quality of care. The Journal of urology. 2011;186(5):2009-13.
  • 4. Cuckow P, Frank J. Torsion of the testis. BJU international. 2000;86(3):349-53.
  • 5. Davol P, Simmons J. Testicular torsion in a 68-year-old man. Urology. 2005;66(1):195.
  • 6. Gunther P, Schenk J, Wunsch R, Holland-Cunz S, Kessler U, Troger J, et al. Acute testicular torsion in children: the role of sonography in the diagnostic workup. European radiology. 2006;16(11):2527.
  • 7. Williams CR, Heaven KJ, Joseph DB. Testicular torsion: is there a seasonal predilection for occurrence? Urology. 2003;61(3):638-41.
  • 8. Ziegler Mm AR WT. Acute scrotum. 2003 ed: Mc Graw Hill Professional; 2003.
  • 9. Ralitchkova L, Nanov Z, Gotchev D, Hinev A, Libald T, Wolnik R. Experimental testicular torsion--early and late morphological and enzymohistochemical changes. Zeitschrift fur experimentelle Chirurgie, Transplantation, und kunstliche Organe: Organ der Sektion Experimentelle Chirurgie der Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie der DDR. 1990;23(3):185-8.
  • 10. Williamson R. The continuing conundrum of testicular torsion. British Journal of Surgery. 1985;72(7):509-10.
  • 11. Drlík M, Kočvara R. Torsion of spermatic cord in children: a review. Journal of pediatric urology. 2013;9(3):259-66.
  • 12. Liang T, Metcalfe P, Sevcik W, Noga M. Retrospective review of diagnosis and treatment in children presenting to the pediatric department with acute scrotum. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2013;200(5):W444-W9.
  • 13. Turner TT, Lysiak JJ. Oxidative stress: a common factor in testicular dysfunction. Journal of andrology. 2008;29(5):488-98.
  • 14. Cutrìn JC, Boveris A, Zingaro B, Corvetti G, Poli G. In situ determination by surface chemiluminescence of temporal relationships between evolving warm ischemia‐reperfusion injury in rat liver and phagocyte activation and recruitment. Hepatology. 2000;31(3):622-32.
  • 15. Gonzalez-Flecha B, Cutrin JC, Boveris A. Time course and mechanism of oxidative stress and tissue damage in rat liver subjected to in vivo ischemia-reperfusion. The Journal of clinical investigation. 1993;91(2):456-64.
  • 16. Lanzafame FM, La Vignera S, Vicari E, Calogero AE. Oxidative stress and medical antioxidant treatment in male infertility. Reproductive biomedicine online. 2009;19(5):638-59.
  • 17. Elshaari F, Elfagih R, Sheriff D, Barassi I. Oxidative and antioxidative defense system in testicular torsion/detorsion. Indian journal of urology: IJU: journal of the Urological Society of India. 2011;27(4):479.
  • 18. Wilhelm Filho D, Torres MA, Bordin AL, Crezcynski-Pasa TB, Boveris A. Spermatic cord torsion, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and ischemia–reperfusion injury. Molecular aspects of medicine. 2004;25(1-2):199-210.
  • 19. Prillaman H, Turner T. Rescue of testicular function after acute experimental torsion. The Journal of urology. 1997;157(1):340-5.
  • 20. Schulze-Osthoff K, Bakker A, Vanhaesebroeck B, Beyaert R, Jacob WA, Fiers W. Cytotoxic activity of tumor necrosis factor is mediated by early damage of mitochondrial functions. Evidence for the involvement of mitochondrial radical generation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1992;267(8):5317-23.
  • 21. Lysiak JJ, Turner SD, Nguyen QAT, Singbartl K, Ley K, Turner TT. Essential role of neutrophils in germ cell-specific apoptosis following ischemia/reperfusion injury of the mouse testis. Biology of reproduction. 2001;65(3):718-25.
  • 22. Lysiak JJ, Nguyen QAT, Kirby JL, Turner TT. Ischemia-reperfusion of the murine testis stimulates the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and activation of c-jun N-terminal kinase in a pathway to E-selectin expression. Biology of reproduction. 2003;69(1):202-10.
  • 23. Williams RJ, Spencer JP, Rice-Evans C. Flavonoids: antioxidants or signalling molecules? Free radical biology and medicine. 2004;36(7):838-49.
  • 24. Ong KC, Khoo H-E. Biological effects of myricetin. General Pharmacology: The Vascular System. 1997;29(2):121-6.
  • 25. Phillips P, Sangwan V, Borja-Cacho D, Dudeja V, Vickers S, Saluja AK. Myricetin induces pancreatic cancer cell death via the induction of apoptosis and inhibition of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway. Cancer letters. 2011;308(2):181-8.
  • 26. Tsai SH, Liang YC, Lin‐Shiau SY, Lin JK. Suppression of TNFα‐mediated NFκb activity by myricetin and other flavonoids through downregulating the activity of IKK in ECV304 cells. Journal of cellular biochemistry. 1999;74(4):606-15.
  • 27. Yu M-S, Lee J, Lee JM, Kim Y, Chin Y-W, Jee J-G, et al. Identification of myricetin and scutellarein as novel chemical inhibitors of the SARS coronavirus helicase, nsP13. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters. 2012;22(12):4049-54.
  • 28. Li Y, Ding Y. Minireview: Therapeutic potential of myricetin in diabetes mellitus. Food Science and Human Wellness. 2012;1(1):19-25.
  • 29. Ross JA, Kasum CM. Dietary flavonoids: bioavailability, metabolic effects, and safety. Annual review of nutrition. 2002;22:19-34.
  • 30. Miean KH, Mohamed S. Flavonoid (myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol, luteolin, and apigenin) content of edible tropical plants. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 2001;49(6):3106-12.
  • 31. Park K-S, Chong Y, Kim MK. Myricetin: biological activity related to human health. Applied Biological Chemistry. 2016;59(2):259-69.
  • 32. Circu ML, Aw TY. Redox biology of the intestine. Free radical research. 2011;45(11-12):1245-66.
  • 33. Gaweł S, Wardas M, Niedworok E, Wardas P. Malondialdehyde (MDA) as a lipid peroxidation marker. Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland: 1960). 2004;57(9-10):453.
  • 34. Vardi N, Parlakpinar H, Ates B, Cetin A, Otlu A. Antiapoptotic and antioxidant effects of β-carotene against methotrexate-induced testicular injury. Fertility and sterility. 2009;92(6):2028-33.
  • 35. Robak J, Duniec Z, Rzadkowska-Bodalska H, Olechnowicz-Stepień W, Cisowski W. The effect of some flavonoids on non-enzymatic lipid oxidation and enzymatic oxidation of arachidonic acid. Polish journal of pharmacology and pharmacy. 1986;38(5-6):483-91.
  • 36. Zhao J, Hong T, Dong M, Meng Y, Mu J. Protective effect of myricetin in dextran sulphate sodium-induced murine ulcerative colitis. Molecular medicine reports. 2013;7(2):565-70.
  • 37. Grisham MB, Benoit JN, Granger DN. Assessment of leukocyte involvement during ischemia and reperfusion of intestine. Methods in enzymology. 186: Elsevier; 1990. p. 729-42.
  • 38. Majima HJ, Oberley TD, Furukawa K, Mattson MP, Yen H-C, Szweda LI, et al. Prevention of mitochondrial injury by manganese superoxide dismutase reveals a primary mechanism for alkaline-induced cell death. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1998;273(14):8217-24.
  • 39. McCord JM, Edeas MA. SOD, oxidative stress and human pathologies: a brief history and a future vision. Elsevier; 2005.
  • 40. Topdağı Ö, Tanyeli A, Ekinci Akdemir FN, Eraslan E, Güler MC. Barbaloin Attenuates Oxidative Testicular Injury Induced by Ischemia Reperfusion via Antioxidant Effects. Turkish Journal of Science. 2020;5(1):28-33.
  • 41. Güler MC, Ayhan T, Eraslan E, Ekinci Akdemir FN. Lazaroid U-74389G Decreases Testis Tissue Injury Induced by Testicular Torsion Detorsion: An Experimental Study. International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy. 2020;2(2):96-100.
  • 42. Tanyeli A, Eraslan E, Ekinci Akdemir FN, Güler MC, Güzel Erdoğan D, Polat E, et al. Cryptotanshinone mitigates ischemia reperfusion-induced testicular damage: A experimental study. Annals of Medical Research. 2019;26(11):2549-52.
  • 43. Ohkawa H, Ohishi N, Yagi K. Assay for Lipid Peroxides in Animal-Tissues by Thiobarbituric Acid Reaction. Anal Biochem. 1979;95(2):351-8.
  • 44. Bradley PP, Priebat DA, Christensen RD, Rothstein G. Measurement of cutaneous inflammation: estimation of neutrophil content with an enzyme marker. J Invest Dermatol. 1982;78(3):206-9.
  • 45. Sun Y, Oberley LW, Li Y. A Simple Method for Clinical Assay of Superoxide-Dismutase. Clin Chem. 1988;34(3):497-500.
  • 46. Ware LB, Matthay MA. The acute respiratory distress syndrome. New England Journal of Medicine. 2000;342(18):1334-49.
  • 47. Piantadosi CA, Schwartz DA. The acute respiratory distress syndrome. Annals of internal medicine. 2004;141(6):460-70.
  • 48. Mao M, Huang M. Myricetin attenuates lung inflammation and provides protection against lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury by inhibition of NF-κB pathway in rats. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2017;16(11):2585-93.
  • 49. Soobrattee MA, Neergheen VS, Luximon-Ramma A, Aruoma OI, Bahorun T. Phenolics as potential antioxidant therapeutic agents: mechanism and actions. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis. 2005;579(1-2):200-13.
  • 50. Pekkarinen SS, Heinonen IM, Hopia AI. Flavonoids quercetin, myricetin, kaemferol and (+)‐catechin as antioxidants in methyl linoleate. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 1999;79(4):499-506.
  • 51. Kang KA, Wang ZH, Zhang R, Piao MJ, Kim KC, Kang SS, et al. Myricetin protects cells against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis via regulation of PI3K/Akt and MAPK signaling pathways. International journal of molecular sciences. 2010;11(11):4348-60.
  • 52. Semwal DK, Semwal RB, Combrinck S, Viljoen A. Myricetin: A dietary molecule with diverse biological activities. Nutrients. 2016;8(2):90.
  • 53. Laughton MJ, Halliwell B, Evans PJ, Robin J, Hoult S. Antioxidant and pro-oxidant actions of the plant phenolics quercetin, gossypol and myricetin: effects on lipid peroxidation, hydroxyl radical generation and bleomycin-dependent damage to DNA. Biochemical pharmacology. 1989;38(17):2859-65.
  • 54. Ngwa W, Kumar R, Thompson D, Lyerly W, Moore R, Reid T-E, et al. Potential of Flavonoid-Inspired Phytomedicines against COVID-19. Molecules. 2020;25(11):2707.
  • 55. Anderson D, Basaran N, Dobrzyńska MM, Basaran AA, Yu TW. Modulating effects of flavonoids on food mutagens in human blood and sperm samples in the comet assay. Teratogenesis, carcinogenesis, and mutagenesis. 1997;17(2):45-58.
  • 56. Jiang M, Zhu M, Wang L, Yu S. Anti-tumor effects and associated molecular mechanisms of myricetin. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2019;120:109506.
  • 57. Feng J, Chen X, Wang Y, Du Y, Sun Q, Zang W, et al. Myricetin inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in gastric cancer cells. Molecular and cellular biochemistry. 2015;408(1-2):163-70.
  • 58. Zang W, Wang T, Wang Y, Li M, Xuan X, Ma Y, et al. Myricetin exerts anti-proliferative, anti-invasive, and pro-apoptotic effects on esophageal carcinoma EC9706 and KYSE30 cells via RSK2. Tumor Biology. 2014;35(12):12583-92.
  • 59. Zhang M-J, Su H, Yan J-Y, Li N, Song Z-Y, Wang H-J, et al. Chemopreventive effect of Myricetin, a natural occurring compound, on colonic chronic inflammation and inflammation-driven tumorigenesis in mice. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2018;97:1131-7.
  • 60. Cao J, Chen H, Lu W, Wu Y, Wu X, Xia D, et al. Myricetin induces protective autophagy by inhibiting the phosphorylation of mTOR in HepG2 cells. The Anatomical Record. 2018;301(5):786-95.

The Effects of Myricetin Against Testicular and Lung Injury Induced by Testicular Ischemia Reperfusion Model

Yıl 2021, , 109 - 114, 22.03.2021


Objective: Testicular torsion may lead to testicular atrophy and male infertility if untreated within some hours. Since ischemia reperfusion (I/R) injury is a reason for the harmful effects during testicular torsion, antioxidant agents are among the targets of science to deal with reactive oxygen species (ROS). As a flavonoid member, myricetin (3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7-hexahydroxyflavone, MYR) has antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antidiabetic activities.
Materials and Methods: In this experiment 32 Wistar albino male rats were randomly divided into 4 groups (n=8). Group I was defined as the sham group. In group II, I/R group, testicular torsion detorsion was performed. In group III (MYR 25) and group IV (MYR 50), MYR was administrated intraperitoneally at 25 and 50 mg/kg doses, 30 minutes before detorsion. The testicular and lung tissue samples were examined biochemically.
Results: In both testis and lung tissues, MYR decreased TOS, MDA, and MPO levels at both high and low doses compared to the I/R group. Besides, SOD values increased in MYR treatment groups compared to the I/R group.
Conclusion: MYR performed promising effects on testicular and lung tissues following testicular I/R injury according to biochemical parameters.


  • 1. Varga J, Zivkovic D, Grebeldinger S, Somer D. Acute scrotal pain in children–ten years’ experience. Urologia internationalis. 2007;78(1):73-7.
  • 2. Sharp VJ, Kieran K, Arlen AM. Testicular torsion: diagnosis, evaluation, and management. American family physician. 2013;88(12):835-40.
  • 3. Zhao LC, Lautz TB, Meeks JJ, Maizels M. Pediatric testicular torsion epidemiology using a national database: incidence, risk of orchiectomy and possible measures toward improving the quality of care. The Journal of urology. 2011;186(5):2009-13.
  • 4. Cuckow P, Frank J. Torsion of the testis. BJU international. 2000;86(3):349-53.
  • 5. Davol P, Simmons J. Testicular torsion in a 68-year-old man. Urology. 2005;66(1):195.
  • 6. Gunther P, Schenk J, Wunsch R, Holland-Cunz S, Kessler U, Troger J, et al. Acute testicular torsion in children: the role of sonography in the diagnostic workup. European radiology. 2006;16(11):2527.
  • 7. Williams CR, Heaven KJ, Joseph DB. Testicular torsion: is there a seasonal predilection for occurrence? Urology. 2003;61(3):638-41.
  • 8. Ziegler Mm AR WT. Acute scrotum. 2003 ed: Mc Graw Hill Professional; 2003.
  • 9. Ralitchkova L, Nanov Z, Gotchev D, Hinev A, Libald T, Wolnik R. Experimental testicular torsion--early and late morphological and enzymohistochemical changes. Zeitschrift fur experimentelle Chirurgie, Transplantation, und kunstliche Organe: Organ der Sektion Experimentelle Chirurgie der Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie der DDR. 1990;23(3):185-8.
  • 10. Williamson R. The continuing conundrum of testicular torsion. British Journal of Surgery. 1985;72(7):509-10.
  • 11. Drlík M, Kočvara R. Torsion of spermatic cord in children: a review. Journal of pediatric urology. 2013;9(3):259-66.
  • 12. Liang T, Metcalfe P, Sevcik W, Noga M. Retrospective review of diagnosis and treatment in children presenting to the pediatric department with acute scrotum. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2013;200(5):W444-W9.
  • 13. Turner TT, Lysiak JJ. Oxidative stress: a common factor in testicular dysfunction. Journal of andrology. 2008;29(5):488-98.
  • 14. Cutrìn JC, Boveris A, Zingaro B, Corvetti G, Poli G. In situ determination by surface chemiluminescence of temporal relationships between evolving warm ischemia‐reperfusion injury in rat liver and phagocyte activation and recruitment. Hepatology. 2000;31(3):622-32.
  • 15. Gonzalez-Flecha B, Cutrin JC, Boveris A. Time course and mechanism of oxidative stress and tissue damage in rat liver subjected to in vivo ischemia-reperfusion. The Journal of clinical investigation. 1993;91(2):456-64.
  • 16. Lanzafame FM, La Vignera S, Vicari E, Calogero AE. Oxidative stress and medical antioxidant treatment in male infertility. Reproductive biomedicine online. 2009;19(5):638-59.
  • 17. Elshaari F, Elfagih R, Sheriff D, Barassi I. Oxidative and antioxidative defense system in testicular torsion/detorsion. Indian journal of urology: IJU: journal of the Urological Society of India. 2011;27(4):479.
  • 18. Wilhelm Filho D, Torres MA, Bordin AL, Crezcynski-Pasa TB, Boveris A. Spermatic cord torsion, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and ischemia–reperfusion injury. Molecular aspects of medicine. 2004;25(1-2):199-210.
  • 19. Prillaman H, Turner T. Rescue of testicular function after acute experimental torsion. The Journal of urology. 1997;157(1):340-5.
  • 20. Schulze-Osthoff K, Bakker A, Vanhaesebroeck B, Beyaert R, Jacob WA, Fiers W. Cytotoxic activity of tumor necrosis factor is mediated by early damage of mitochondrial functions. Evidence for the involvement of mitochondrial radical generation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1992;267(8):5317-23.
  • 21. Lysiak JJ, Turner SD, Nguyen QAT, Singbartl K, Ley K, Turner TT. Essential role of neutrophils in germ cell-specific apoptosis following ischemia/reperfusion injury of the mouse testis. Biology of reproduction. 2001;65(3):718-25.
  • 22. Lysiak JJ, Nguyen QAT, Kirby JL, Turner TT. Ischemia-reperfusion of the murine testis stimulates the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and activation of c-jun N-terminal kinase in a pathway to E-selectin expression. Biology of reproduction. 2003;69(1):202-10.
  • 23. Williams RJ, Spencer JP, Rice-Evans C. Flavonoids: antioxidants or signalling molecules? Free radical biology and medicine. 2004;36(7):838-49.
  • 24. Ong KC, Khoo H-E. Biological effects of myricetin. General Pharmacology: The Vascular System. 1997;29(2):121-6.
  • 25. Phillips P, Sangwan V, Borja-Cacho D, Dudeja V, Vickers S, Saluja AK. Myricetin induces pancreatic cancer cell death via the induction of apoptosis and inhibition of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway. Cancer letters. 2011;308(2):181-8.
  • 26. Tsai SH, Liang YC, Lin‐Shiau SY, Lin JK. Suppression of TNFα‐mediated NFκb activity by myricetin and other flavonoids through downregulating the activity of IKK in ECV304 cells. Journal of cellular biochemistry. 1999;74(4):606-15.
  • 27. Yu M-S, Lee J, Lee JM, Kim Y, Chin Y-W, Jee J-G, et al. Identification of myricetin and scutellarein as novel chemical inhibitors of the SARS coronavirus helicase, nsP13. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters. 2012;22(12):4049-54.
  • 28. Li Y, Ding Y. Minireview: Therapeutic potential of myricetin in diabetes mellitus. Food Science and Human Wellness. 2012;1(1):19-25.
  • 29. Ross JA, Kasum CM. Dietary flavonoids: bioavailability, metabolic effects, and safety. Annual review of nutrition. 2002;22:19-34.
  • 30. Miean KH, Mohamed S. Flavonoid (myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol, luteolin, and apigenin) content of edible tropical plants. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 2001;49(6):3106-12.
  • 31. Park K-S, Chong Y, Kim MK. Myricetin: biological activity related to human health. Applied Biological Chemistry. 2016;59(2):259-69.
  • 32. Circu ML, Aw TY. Redox biology of the intestine. Free radical research. 2011;45(11-12):1245-66.
  • 33. Gaweł S, Wardas M, Niedworok E, Wardas P. Malondialdehyde (MDA) as a lipid peroxidation marker. Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland: 1960). 2004;57(9-10):453.
  • 34. Vardi N, Parlakpinar H, Ates B, Cetin A, Otlu A. Antiapoptotic and antioxidant effects of β-carotene against methotrexate-induced testicular injury. Fertility and sterility. 2009;92(6):2028-33.
  • 35. Robak J, Duniec Z, Rzadkowska-Bodalska H, Olechnowicz-Stepień W, Cisowski W. The effect of some flavonoids on non-enzymatic lipid oxidation and enzymatic oxidation of arachidonic acid. Polish journal of pharmacology and pharmacy. 1986;38(5-6):483-91.
  • 36. Zhao J, Hong T, Dong M, Meng Y, Mu J. Protective effect of myricetin in dextran sulphate sodium-induced murine ulcerative colitis. Molecular medicine reports. 2013;7(2):565-70.
  • 37. Grisham MB, Benoit JN, Granger DN. Assessment of leukocyte involvement during ischemia and reperfusion of intestine. Methods in enzymology. 186: Elsevier; 1990. p. 729-42.
  • 38. Majima HJ, Oberley TD, Furukawa K, Mattson MP, Yen H-C, Szweda LI, et al. Prevention of mitochondrial injury by manganese superoxide dismutase reveals a primary mechanism for alkaline-induced cell death. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1998;273(14):8217-24.
  • 39. McCord JM, Edeas MA. SOD, oxidative stress and human pathologies: a brief history and a future vision. Elsevier; 2005.
  • 40. Topdağı Ö, Tanyeli A, Ekinci Akdemir FN, Eraslan E, Güler MC. Barbaloin Attenuates Oxidative Testicular Injury Induced by Ischemia Reperfusion via Antioxidant Effects. Turkish Journal of Science. 2020;5(1):28-33.
  • 41. Güler MC, Ayhan T, Eraslan E, Ekinci Akdemir FN. Lazaroid U-74389G Decreases Testis Tissue Injury Induced by Testicular Torsion Detorsion: An Experimental Study. International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy. 2020;2(2):96-100.
  • 42. Tanyeli A, Eraslan E, Ekinci Akdemir FN, Güler MC, Güzel Erdoğan D, Polat E, et al. Cryptotanshinone mitigates ischemia reperfusion-induced testicular damage: A experimental study. Annals of Medical Research. 2019;26(11):2549-52.
  • 43. Ohkawa H, Ohishi N, Yagi K. Assay for Lipid Peroxides in Animal-Tissues by Thiobarbituric Acid Reaction. Anal Biochem. 1979;95(2):351-8.
  • 44. Bradley PP, Priebat DA, Christensen RD, Rothstein G. Measurement of cutaneous inflammation: estimation of neutrophil content with an enzyme marker. J Invest Dermatol. 1982;78(3):206-9.
  • 45. Sun Y, Oberley LW, Li Y. A Simple Method for Clinical Assay of Superoxide-Dismutase. Clin Chem. 1988;34(3):497-500.
  • 46. Ware LB, Matthay MA. The acute respiratory distress syndrome. New England Journal of Medicine. 2000;342(18):1334-49.
  • 47. Piantadosi CA, Schwartz DA. The acute respiratory distress syndrome. Annals of internal medicine. 2004;141(6):460-70.
  • 48. Mao M, Huang M. Myricetin attenuates lung inflammation and provides protection against lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury by inhibition of NF-κB pathway in rats. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2017;16(11):2585-93.
  • 49. Soobrattee MA, Neergheen VS, Luximon-Ramma A, Aruoma OI, Bahorun T. Phenolics as potential antioxidant therapeutic agents: mechanism and actions. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis. 2005;579(1-2):200-13.
  • 50. Pekkarinen SS, Heinonen IM, Hopia AI. Flavonoids quercetin, myricetin, kaemferol and (+)‐catechin as antioxidants in methyl linoleate. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 1999;79(4):499-506.
  • 51. Kang KA, Wang ZH, Zhang R, Piao MJ, Kim KC, Kang SS, et al. Myricetin protects cells against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis via regulation of PI3K/Akt and MAPK signaling pathways. International journal of molecular sciences. 2010;11(11):4348-60.
  • 52. Semwal DK, Semwal RB, Combrinck S, Viljoen A. Myricetin: A dietary molecule with diverse biological activities. Nutrients. 2016;8(2):90.
  • 53. Laughton MJ, Halliwell B, Evans PJ, Robin J, Hoult S. Antioxidant and pro-oxidant actions of the plant phenolics quercetin, gossypol and myricetin: effects on lipid peroxidation, hydroxyl radical generation and bleomycin-dependent damage to DNA. Biochemical pharmacology. 1989;38(17):2859-65.
  • 54. Ngwa W, Kumar R, Thompson D, Lyerly W, Moore R, Reid T-E, et al. Potential of Flavonoid-Inspired Phytomedicines against COVID-19. Molecules. 2020;25(11):2707.
  • 55. Anderson D, Basaran N, Dobrzyńska MM, Basaran AA, Yu TW. Modulating effects of flavonoids on food mutagens in human blood and sperm samples in the comet assay. Teratogenesis, carcinogenesis, and mutagenesis. 1997;17(2):45-58.
  • 56. Jiang M, Zhu M, Wang L, Yu S. Anti-tumor effects and associated molecular mechanisms of myricetin. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2019;120:109506.
  • 57. Feng J, Chen X, Wang Y, Du Y, Sun Q, Zang W, et al. Myricetin inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in gastric cancer cells. Molecular and cellular biochemistry. 2015;408(1-2):163-70.
  • 58. Zang W, Wang T, Wang Y, Li M, Xuan X, Ma Y, et al. Myricetin exerts anti-proliferative, anti-invasive, and pro-apoptotic effects on esophageal carcinoma EC9706 and KYSE30 cells via RSK2. Tumor Biology. 2014;35(12):12583-92.
  • 59. Zhang M-J, Su H, Yan J-Y, Li N, Song Z-Y, Wang H-J, et al. Chemopreventive effect of Myricetin, a natural occurring compound, on colonic chronic inflammation and inflammation-driven tumorigenesis in mice. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2018;97:1131-7.
  • 60. Cao J, Chen H, Lu W, Wu Y, Wu X, Xia D, et al. Myricetin induces protective autophagy by inhibiting the phosphorylation of mTOR in HepG2 cells. The Anatomical Record. 2018;301(5):786-95.
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Deniz Öztürk 0000-0002-9939-5895

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Mustafa Can Güler 0000-0001-8588-1035

Ersen Eraslan 0000-0003-2424-2269

Hüseyin Baylan 0000-0002-9150-9210

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Mart 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

AMA Öztürk D, Tanyeli A, Güzel D, Güler MC, Eraslan E, Baylan H. The Effects of Myricetin Against Testicular and Lung Injury Induced by Testicular Ischemia Reperfusion Model. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. Mart 2021;11(1):109-114. doi:10.31832/smj.783480


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