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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 78 - 84, 18.03.2022


Aim: In our study, we aimed to evaluate our total intravenous port catheter procedures accompanied by ultrasonography.
Methods: 107 patients over 18 years of age who underwent total intravenous port catheter with ultrasonography in order to perform oncological treatment between January 2014 and January 2019 were included in the study. The files of the patients included in the study were analyzed retrospectively and patient demographic information, malignancy type, accessed vein, duration of operation, and complication rates were evaluated. Patients under 18 years old and whose records could not be reached were excluded from the study.
Results: 72 of the patients included in the study were male and 35 were female, and their mean age was 61.38 ± 11.26. While catheter was placed in the internal jugular vein in 105 of the patients who applied total intravenous port catheter, 2 of patients were placed in the subclavian vein. During the procedure, complications developed in 16 (14.95%) patients. These were arterial puncture and hematoma in 11 patients, pneumothorax in 3 patients, hemothorax in 1 patient, and hemopneumothorax in 1 patient.
Conclusion: The use of ultrasonography in total intravenous port catheter lengthens the processing time and decreases the complication rate as the experience of use increases.


  • Marcy PY, Schiappa R, Ferrero JM, Dahlet C, Brenet O, Yazbec G, et al. Patient satisfaction and acceptance of their totally implanted central venous catheter: a French prospective multicenter study. J Vasc Access. 2017:11;18(5):390-5. doi:10.5301/jva.5000744. PMID: 28731491.
  • Zaghal A, Khalife M, Mukherji D, El Majzoub N, Shamseddine A, Hoballah J, et al. Update on totally implantable venous access devices. Surg Oncol. 2012;21(3):207-15. doi:10.1016/j.suronc.2012.02.003. PMID: 22425356.
  • Singh KR, Agarwal G, Nanda G, Chand G, Mishra A, Agarwal A, et al. Morbidity of chemotherapy administration and satisfaction in breast cancer patients: a comparative study of totally implantable venous access device (TIVAD) versus peripheral venous access usage. World J Surg. 2014;38(5):1084-92. doi: 10.1007/s00268-013-2378-x. PMID: 24305930.
  • Velioğlu Y, Yüksel A, Sınmaz E. Complications and management strategies of totally implantable venous access port insertion through percutaneous subclavian vein. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 2019;27(4):499-507.
  • Breschan C, Graf G, Jost R, Stettner H, Feigl G, Goessler A, et al. Ultrasound-guided supraclavicular cannulation of the right brachiocephalic vein in small infants: a consecutive, prospective case series. Paediatr Anaesth. 2015;25(9):943-9. doi: 10.1111/pan.12700. PMID: 26083730.
  • Calvert N, Hind D, McWilliams R, Davidson A, Beverley CA, Thomas SM. Ultrasound for central venous cannulation: economic evaluation of cost-effectiveness. Anaesthesia. 2004;59(11):1116-20. PMID: 15479322.
  • Wang YC, Lin PL, Chou WH, Lin CP, Huang CH. Long-term outcomes of totally implantable venous access devices. Support Care Cancer. 2017 Jul;25(7):2049-2054. doi: 10.1007/s00520-017-3592-0. PMID: 28181014.
  • Yanık F, Karamustafaoğlu YA, Karataş A, Yörük Y. Experience in totally implantable venous port catheter: analysis of 3000 patients in 12 years. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 2018;26(3):422-428.
  • Niederhuber JE, Ensminger W, Gyves JW, Liepman M, Doan K, Cozzi E. Totally implanted venous and arterial access system to replace external catheters in cancer treatment. Surgery. 1982;92(4):706-12. PMID: 7123491.
  • Machat, S, Eisenhuber, E, Pfarl, G, Stübler, J., Koelblinger, C., Zacherl, J, et al. Complications of central venous port systems: a pictorial review. Insights Imaging. 2019;10(1):86.
  • Biffi R, Corrado F, de Braud F, de Lucia F, Scarpa D, Testori A, et al. Long-term, totally implantable central venous access ports connected to a Groshong catheter for chemotherapy of solid tumours: experience from 178 cases using a single type of device. Eur J Cancer. 1997;33(8):1190-4. PMID: 9301441.
  • Seok JP, Kim YJ, Cho HM, Ryu HY, Hwang WJ, Sung TY. A retrospective clinical study: complications of totally implanted central venous access ports. Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014;47:26-31. doi: 10.5090/kjtcs.2014.47.1.26. PMID: 24570862
  • Kim JT, Oh TY, Chang WH, Jeong YK. Clinical review and analysis of complications of totally implantable venous access devices for chemotherapy. Med Oncol. 2012;29(2):1361-4. doi:10.1007/s12032-011-9887-y. PMID: 21380779.
  • Aziret M, İrkörücü O, Gökler C, Reyhan, E, Çetinkünar, S, Çil, T, et al. Performance of venous port catheter insertion by a general surgeon: a prospective study. Int Surg. 2015;100(5):827–35. doi:10.9738/INTSURG-D-14-00214.1.
  • Krupski G, Froschle GW, Weh FJ, Schlosser GA. Centralvenous access devices in treatment of patients with malignant tumors: venous port, central venous catheter and Hickman catheter. Cost-benefit analysis based on a critical review of the literature, personal experiences with 135 port implantations and patient attitude. Chirurg. 1995;66(3):202-7. PMID: 7750390.
  • Nace CS, Ingle RJ. Central venous catheter "pinch-off" and fracture: a review of two under-recognized complications. Oncol Nurs Forum. 1993;20(8):1227-36. PMID: 8415150.
  • Xu L, Qin W, Zheng W, Sun X. Ultrasound-guided totally implantable venous access ports via the right innominate vein: a new approach for patients with breast cancer. World J Surg Oncol. 2019:25;17(1):196. doi:10.1186/s12957-019-1727-0. PMID: 31767003.
  • Feo CF, Ginesu GC, Bellini A, Cherchi G, Scanu AM, Cossu ML, et al. Cost and morbidity analysis of chest port insertion in adults: Outpatient clinic versus operating room placement. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2017:25;21:81-84. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2017.07.056. PMID: 28794870.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 78 - 84, 18.03.2022


Amaç: Çalışmamızda ultrasonografi eşliğinde uygulanan total intravenöz port katater işlemlerimizi değerlendirmeyi amaçladık.
Metod: Ocak 2014 ve Ocak 2019 tarihleri arasında onkolojik tedavi uygulanması amacıyla ultrasonografi eşliğinde total intravenöz port katater uygulanan 18 yaş üstü 107 olgu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Çalışmaya alınan hastaların dosyaları retrospektif olarak incelenerek hasta demografik bilgileri, malignite tipi, erişilen ven, işlem süresi, oluşan komplikasyon oranları değerlendirildi. 18 yaş altı ve kayıtlarına ulaşılamayan hastalar çalışmaya dahil edilmedi.
Sonuçlar: Çalışmaya dahil edilen hastaların 72’si erkek, 35’i kadın olup ortalama yaşları 61.38 ± 11.26 idi. Total intravenöz port katater uygulanan hastaların 105’inde katatater internal juguler vene yerleştirilirken 2’sinde subklavian vene yerleştirildi. Hastaların 16 (14.95%)’ sında işlem esnasında komplikasyon gelişirken 11 hastada arter ponksiyonu ve hematom, 3 hastada pnömotoraks, 1 hastada hemotoraks ve 1 hastada hemopnömotoraks gelişti.
Sonuç: Total intravenöz port katater yerleşiminde ultrasonografi kullanımı işlem süresini uzatmakla birlikte kullanım deneyimi arttıkça komplikasyon oranını düşürmektedir.


  • Marcy PY, Schiappa R, Ferrero JM, Dahlet C, Brenet O, Yazbec G, et al. Patient satisfaction and acceptance of their totally implanted central venous catheter: a French prospective multicenter study. J Vasc Access. 2017:11;18(5):390-5. doi:10.5301/jva.5000744. PMID: 28731491.
  • Zaghal A, Khalife M, Mukherji D, El Majzoub N, Shamseddine A, Hoballah J, et al. Update on totally implantable venous access devices. Surg Oncol. 2012;21(3):207-15. doi:10.1016/j.suronc.2012.02.003. PMID: 22425356.
  • Singh KR, Agarwal G, Nanda G, Chand G, Mishra A, Agarwal A, et al. Morbidity of chemotherapy administration and satisfaction in breast cancer patients: a comparative study of totally implantable venous access device (TIVAD) versus peripheral venous access usage. World J Surg. 2014;38(5):1084-92. doi: 10.1007/s00268-013-2378-x. PMID: 24305930.
  • Velioğlu Y, Yüksel A, Sınmaz E. Complications and management strategies of totally implantable venous access port insertion through percutaneous subclavian vein. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 2019;27(4):499-507.
  • Breschan C, Graf G, Jost R, Stettner H, Feigl G, Goessler A, et al. Ultrasound-guided supraclavicular cannulation of the right brachiocephalic vein in small infants: a consecutive, prospective case series. Paediatr Anaesth. 2015;25(9):943-9. doi: 10.1111/pan.12700. PMID: 26083730.
  • Calvert N, Hind D, McWilliams R, Davidson A, Beverley CA, Thomas SM. Ultrasound for central venous cannulation: economic evaluation of cost-effectiveness. Anaesthesia. 2004;59(11):1116-20. PMID: 15479322.
  • Wang YC, Lin PL, Chou WH, Lin CP, Huang CH. Long-term outcomes of totally implantable venous access devices. Support Care Cancer. 2017 Jul;25(7):2049-2054. doi: 10.1007/s00520-017-3592-0. PMID: 28181014.
  • Yanık F, Karamustafaoğlu YA, Karataş A, Yörük Y. Experience in totally implantable venous port catheter: analysis of 3000 patients in 12 years. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 2018;26(3):422-428.
  • Niederhuber JE, Ensminger W, Gyves JW, Liepman M, Doan K, Cozzi E. Totally implanted venous and arterial access system to replace external catheters in cancer treatment. Surgery. 1982;92(4):706-12. PMID: 7123491.
  • Machat, S, Eisenhuber, E, Pfarl, G, Stübler, J., Koelblinger, C., Zacherl, J, et al. Complications of central venous port systems: a pictorial review. Insights Imaging. 2019;10(1):86.
  • Biffi R, Corrado F, de Braud F, de Lucia F, Scarpa D, Testori A, et al. Long-term, totally implantable central venous access ports connected to a Groshong catheter for chemotherapy of solid tumours: experience from 178 cases using a single type of device. Eur J Cancer. 1997;33(8):1190-4. PMID: 9301441.
  • Seok JP, Kim YJ, Cho HM, Ryu HY, Hwang WJ, Sung TY. A retrospective clinical study: complications of totally implanted central venous access ports. Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014;47:26-31. doi: 10.5090/kjtcs.2014.47.1.26. PMID: 24570862
  • Kim JT, Oh TY, Chang WH, Jeong YK. Clinical review and analysis of complications of totally implantable venous access devices for chemotherapy. Med Oncol. 2012;29(2):1361-4. doi:10.1007/s12032-011-9887-y. PMID: 21380779.
  • Aziret M, İrkörücü O, Gökler C, Reyhan, E, Çetinkünar, S, Çil, T, et al. Performance of venous port catheter insertion by a general surgeon: a prospective study. Int Surg. 2015;100(5):827–35. doi:10.9738/INTSURG-D-14-00214.1.
  • Krupski G, Froschle GW, Weh FJ, Schlosser GA. Centralvenous access devices in treatment of patients with malignant tumors: venous port, central venous catheter and Hickman catheter. Cost-benefit analysis based on a critical review of the literature, personal experiences with 135 port implantations and patient attitude. Chirurg. 1995;66(3):202-7. PMID: 7750390.
  • Nace CS, Ingle RJ. Central venous catheter "pinch-off" and fracture: a review of two under-recognized complications. Oncol Nurs Forum. 1993;20(8):1227-36. PMID: 8415150.
  • Xu L, Qin W, Zheng W, Sun X. Ultrasound-guided totally implantable venous access ports via the right innominate vein: a new approach for patients with breast cancer. World J Surg Oncol. 2019:25;17(1):196. doi:10.1186/s12957-019-1727-0. PMID: 31767003.
  • Feo CF, Ginesu GC, Bellini A, Cherchi G, Scanu AM, Cossu ML, et al. Cost and morbidity analysis of chest port insertion in adults: Outpatient clinic versus operating room placement. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2017:25;21:81-84. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2017.07.056. PMID: 28794870.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Mustafa Kuzucuoğlu

İlkay Yavaşman

Cenk Balta

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Mart 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Temmuz 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

AMA Kuzucuoğlu M, Yavaşman İ, Balta C. EVALUATION OF TOTAL INTRAVENOUS PORT CATHETER PROCEDURES WITH ULTRASONOGRAPHY. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. Mart 2022;12(1):78-84. doi:10.31832/smj.763143


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