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Yıl 2015 ,
Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, - , 02.11.2015
Yunus Emre Taşğit
Ercan Ergün
Murat Bayat
In the area of strategic management, business environment ve organizational cultures are regarded as the most important issues affecting the success of businesses. Although these issues have received considerable attention ve reached a certain maturity in the international literature, they still have remained fairly shallow in the strategic management literature in Turkey. In the research, it is intended to fill this gap in the literature by identifying with the impact of the business environment characteristics on organizational culture. Quantitative research method was used in the study ve data were obtained using the survey technique. According to the results, a significant relationship has been determined between diversity ve market culture; between environmental pressure, complexity ve hierarchy culture; between environmental dynamism ve adhocracy culture
Adler, P. S., Borys, B., (1996), “Two types of bureaucracy: Enabling and coercive”,
Administrative Science Quarterly, 41, 61–89.
Adler, P. S., Goldoftas, B., Levine, D. I., (1999), “Flexibility versus efficiency? A case
study of model changeovers in the Toyota production system”, Organization
Science, 10, 43–68.
Ahmad, N. H., Ramayah, T., Wilson, C., Kummerow, L., (2010), “Is entrepreneurial
competency and business success relationship contingent upon business
environment? A study of Malaysian SMEs”, International Journal of
Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 16 (3), 182-203.
Alvesson, M., (2002), “Understanding organizational culture”, London: Sage.
Appiah-Adu, K., Blankson, C., (1998), “Business Strategy, Organizational Culture,
and Market Orientation”, Thunderbird International Business Review, 40 (3),
Appleby, R. C., (1991), “Modern Business Administration”, 5th Edition, Pıtman
Bateman T. S., Snell, S. A., (2002), “Management Competing in the New Era”, 5th
Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Belassi, W., Kondra, A. Z., Tukel, O. I., (2007), “New Product Development Projects:
The Effects of Organizational Culture”, Project Management Journal, 38 (4),
Berson, Y., Oreg, S., Dvır, T., (2008), “CEO values, organizational culture and firm
outcomes”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29, 615–633.
Bourgeois, L. J., III. (1985), “Strategic goals, perceived uncertainty, and economic
performance in volatile environments”, Academy of Management Journal, 28,
Brandenburger, A. M., Nalebuff, B. J., (1998), “Ortaklaşa Rekabet”, (Çev: Levent
Cinemre), Scala yayıncılık.
Burns, T., Stalker, G. M., (1961), “The management of innovation”. London:
Büyüköztürk, Ş., (2006), “Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı”, Pegem A
Cameron, K., Quinn, R.E., (1999), “Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture:
Based on the Competing Values Framework”, Addison-Wesley.
Chan, A., (1997), “Corporate culture of a clan organization”, Management Decision,
(2), 94–99.
Chatman, J., Jehn, K. (1994), “Assessing the relationship between industry
characteristics and organisational culture: how different can you be?”,
Academy of Management Journal, 37 (3), 522-53.
Cheung, S. O., Wong, P. S. P., Wu, A. W.Y., (2011), “Towards an organizational
culture framework in construction”, International Journal of Project
Management, 29 (1), 33-44.
Chi, T., (2009), “Measurement of business environment characteristics in the US
technical textile industry: an empirical study”, The Journal of The Textile
Institute. 100 (69, 545–555.
Dastmalchian, A., Lee, S., Ng, I., (2000), “The interplay between organizational and
national cultures: a comparison of organizational practices in Canada and
South Korea using the Competing Values Framework”, The International
Journal of Human Resource Management, 11 (2), 388-412.
Day, S. G., (1994), “The capabilities of market-driven organizations”, Journal of
Marketing, 58 (October): 37–52.
Deal, T. B., Kennedy, A., (1982), “Corporate Culture: The Rites and Rituals of
Corporate Life”, Addison-Wesley.
Decarolis, D. M., Deeds, D. L., (1999), “The impact of stocks and flows of
organizational knowledge on firm performance: an empirical investigation of the
biotechnology industry”, Strategic Management Journal, 20, 953-968.
Denison, D. R., (1990), “Corporate culture and organizational effectiveness”, John
Wiley & Sons.
Denison, D. R., Mishra, A. H., (1995), “Toward a theory of organizational culture and
effectiveness”, Organization Science, 6, 204-23.
Deshpande, R., Farley, J., Webster, F., (1993), “Corporate Culture, Customer
Orientation, and Innovativeness in Japanese Firms: A Quadrad Analysis”,
Journal of Marketing, 57, 23-37.
Dess, G. G., Beard, D.W., (1984), “Dimensions of organizational task environments”,
Administrative Science Quarterly, 29 (1), 52–73.
Dess, G. G., Ireland, R. D., Zahra, S. A., Floyd, S. W., (2003), “Emerging issues in
corporate entrepreneurship”, Journal of Management, 29, 351–378.
Duncan, R. B., (1972), “Characteristics of organizational environments and perceived
environmental uncertainty”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 17 (3), 313–327.
Emery F. E., Trist E. L., (1965), “The causal texture of organizational environments”,
Human Relations, 18 (1), 21-32.
Fiol, C. M., Lyles, M. A., (1985), “Organizational learning”, Academy of Management
Review, 10 (4), 803–813.
Fuentes-Fuentes, M. M., Albacete-Sáez, C. A., Lloréns-Montes, F. J., (2004), “The
impact of environmental characteristics on TQM principles and organizational
performance”, Omega, 32, 425 – 442.
George, G., Sleeth R. G., Siders, M. A., (1999), “Organızıng Culture: Leader Roles,
Behavıors, and Reınforcement Mechanısms”, Journal of Busıness and
Psychology, 13 (4), Summer, 545-555.
Giffords, E. D., Dina, R. P., (2003), “Changing Organizational Cultures”,
Administration in Social Work, 27 (1), 69-81.
Goffee, R., Jones, G., (1998), “The Character of a Corporation: How Your Company’s
Culture Can Make or Break Your Business”, Harper Business.
Gonzalez-Benito, J., Rocha, D. R., Queiruga, D., (2010), “The environment as a
determining factor of purchasing and supply strategy: An empirical analysis of
Brazilian firms”. Int. J. Production Economics, 124, 1–10.
Grant, R.M., (2005), “Contemporary Strategy Analysis”, 5th Edition. Backwell
Harrington, S. J., Guimaraes, T., (2005), “Corporate culture, absorptive capacity and
IT success”, Information and Organization, 15, 39–63.
Harrison, R., Stokes, H., (1992), “Diagnosing Organisational Culture”, Pfeiffer.
Hitt, A.M., Ireland, R.D., Hoskisson, R.E., (2005), “Strategic Management:
Competitiveness and Globalization (Concepts and Cases)”, 6th Edition,
Thomson Corporation.
Hui, L. T., Fatt, Q. K., (2007), “Strategic organizational conditions for risks reduction
and earnings management: A combined strategy and auditing paradigm”,
Accounting Forum, 31, 179–201.
Ireland, R. D., Hitt, M. A., Sirmon, D. G., (2003), “A model of strategic
entrepreneurship: The construct and its dimensions”, Journal of Management,
, 963–989.
Jarnagin, C., Slocum, J. W., (2007), “Creating corporate cultures through mythopoetic
leadership”, Organizational Dynamics, 36, 288-302.
Jawahar, I. M., McLaughlin, G. L., (2001), “Toward a descriptive stakeholder theory:
an organizational life cycle approach”, Academy of Management Review, 26,
Jones, R. A., Jimmieson, N. L., Griffiths, A., (2005), “The impact of organizational
culture and reshaping capabilities on change implementation success: The
mediating role of readiness for change”, Journal of Management Studies, 42
(2), 359–384.
Kangas L. M., (2009), “Assessıng the value of the relatıonshıp between
organızatıonal culture types and knowledge management ınıtıatıves”, Journal
of Leadershıp Studıes, 3 (1), 29-38.
Lawrence, P. R., Lorsch, J. W., (1967), “Organization and environment; managing
differentiation and integration”, Harvard Business School Press.
Lee, S. K. J., Yu, K., (2004), “Corporate culture and organizational performance”,
Journal of Managerial Psychology, 19 (4), 340-359.
Lemon, M., Sahota, P. S., (2004), “Organizational culture as a knowledge repository
for increased innovative capacity”, Technovation, 24, 483–498.
Lewis, D. S., French E., Steane, P., (1997), “A culture of conflict”, Leadership &
Organization Development Journal, 18 (6), 275–282.
Linnenluecke, M. K., Griffiths, A., (2009), “Corporate sustainability and organizational
culture”, Journal of World Business, doi:10.1016/j.jwb. 2009.08.006
Longenecker J. G., Pringle, C. D., (1984), “Management”, 6th Edition, Charles E.
Merrill Publishing Company.
Louis, M. R., (1980), “Surprise and sense making: what newcomers experience in
entering organizational settings”, Admin. Sci. Quart, 25, 226-251.
MacIntosh, E. W., Doherty, A., (2010), “The influence of organizational culture on job
satisfaction and intention to leave”, Sport Management Review, 13, 106–117.
Martin, J., (1992), “Cultures in Organizations: Three Perspectives”, Oxford University
McCarthy, E., (1998), “The Dynamics of Culture, Organizational Culture and Change”,
AI & Soc, 12, 155-184.
Miller, D., Friesen, P. H., (1983), “Strategy-making and environment: the third link”,
Strategic Management Journal, 4 (3), 221–225.
Mintzberg, H., (1979), “The structuring of organizations”, Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Nunnally, J. C., (1978), “Psychometric theory”, McGraw-Hill.
Ogbonna, E., Whipp, R., (1999), “Strategy, Culture and HRM: evidence from the UK
food retailing sector”, Human Resource Management Journal, 9 (4), 75-81.
Peter, T. J., Waterman, Jr. R. H., (1982), “In search of excellence: lessons from
America’s best-run companies”, Harper and Row.
Pool, S.W., (2000), “Organizational culture and its relationship between job tension in
measuring outcomes among business executives”, Journal of Management
Development, 19 (1), 32-49.
Porter, M. E., (1980), “Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and
Competitors”, Free Press.
Quinn, R. E., (1988), “Beyond rational management: Mastering the paradoxes and
competing demands of high performance”, Jossey-Bass.
Quinn, R. E., Rohrbaugh, J., (1983), “A Spatial Model of Effectiveness Criteria:
Towards a Competing Values Approach to Organizational Analysis”,
Management Science, 29, 263–377.
Quinn, R. E., Spreitzer, G. M., (1991), “The psychometrics of the competing values
culture instrument. In Woodman, R. W., Pasmore, W. A., Editors, “Research in
organizational change and development”, 5, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Rhys, A., (2009), “Organizational Task Environments and Performance: An Empirical
Analysis”, International Public Management Journal, 12 (1), 1-23.
Robbins, S.P., (1989), “Organizational Theory: Structure, Design and Applications”,
Rueda-Manzanares, A., Aragon-Correa J. A., Sharma, S., (2008), “The Influence of
Stakeholders on the Environmental Strategy of Service Firms: The Moderating
Effects of Complexity, Uncertainty and Munificence”, British Journal of
Management, 19, 185-203.
Schein, E. H., (1984), “Coming to a new awareness of organizational culture”, Sloan
Management Review, 25 (2), 3-16.
Schein, E. H., (1990), “Organizational culture”, American Psychologist, 45, February,
Schneıder, W. E., (1994), “The reengineering alternative: A plan for making your
current culture work”, Irwin.
Sharfman, M. P., Dean, J. W., (1991), “Conceptualizing and measuring the
organizational environment: A multidimensional approach”, Journal of
Management, 17 (4), 681–700.
Tosti, D. T., (2007), “Alıgnıng The Culture and Strategy for Success”, Performance
Improvement, 46 (1), January, 21-25.
Tsui, A. S., Wang, H., Xin K. R., (2006), “Organizational Culture in China: An Analysis
of Culture Dimensions and Culture Types”, Management and Organization
Review, 2 (3), 345-376.
Ülgen, H., Mirze, S. K., (2004), “İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim”, Literatür Yayıncılık.
Velliquette, A., Rapert, M., (2001), “A profile of organizational culture: Implications for
services marketing”, Services Marketing Quarterly, 23, 69-86.
Wallach, E. J., (1983), “Individuals and organizations: The cultural match”, Training
and Development Journal, 37, 28–36.
Yasai-Ardekani M., (1989), Effects of environmental scarcity and munificence on the
relationship of context to organizational structure”, Academy of Management
Journal, 32 (1), 131-56.
Yılmaz, C., Ergun, E., (2008), “Organizational culture and firm effectiveness: An
examination of relative effects of culture traits and the balanced culture
hypothesis in an emerging economy”, Journal of World Business 43, 290-306.
Youngblood, M. D., (2000), “Winning Cultures for the new economy, Strategy &
Leadership, 28 (6), 4-9.
Otel İşletmelerinin İş Çevresi Özelliklerinin Kurum Kültürü Türleri Üzerindeki Etkisi
Yıl 2015 ,
Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, - , 02.11.2015
Yunus Emre Taşğit
Ercan Ergün
Murat Bayat
İş çevresi ve kurum kültürü yönetim alanında işletmelerin başarısını etkileyen en önemli unsurlar arasında gösterilmektedir. Her iki konu arasındaki ilişki uluslararası literatürde gereken ilgiyi görmüş ve belirli bir olgunluğa ulaşmış olmasına rağmen Türkiye ölçeğinde oldukça sığ kalmıştır. Bu araştırma; iş çevresinin, kurum kültürü üzerindeki etkisini tespit ederek alan yazındaki bu boşluğu kapatmayı amaçlamaktadır. Nicel araştırma yöntemi ve anket tekniği kullanılarak verileri elde edilen araştırmada ilgi çekici sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre iş çevresi özelliklerinden çeşitliliğin hâkim olduğu ortamlarda kurum kültürü olarak pazar kültürünün, çevresel baskı ve kompleksliğin egemen olduğu iş ortamlarında hiyerarşi kültürünün ve dinamizmin baskın olduğu iş çevrelerinde ise adhokrasi kültürünün tercih edildiği belirlenmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: İş Çevresi, Kurum Kültürü, Hizmet Sektörü, Otel İşletmeleri
Adler, P. S., Borys, B., (1996), “Two types of bureaucracy: Enabling and coercive”,
Administrative Science Quarterly, 41, 61–89.
Adler, P. S., Goldoftas, B., Levine, D. I., (1999), “Flexibility versus efficiency? A case
study of model changeovers in the Toyota production system”, Organization
Science, 10, 43–68.
Ahmad, N. H., Ramayah, T., Wilson, C., Kummerow, L., (2010), “Is entrepreneurial
competency and business success relationship contingent upon business
environment? A study of Malaysian SMEs”, International Journal of
Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 16 (3), 182-203.
Alvesson, M., (2002), “Understanding organizational culture”, London: Sage.
Appiah-Adu, K., Blankson, C., (1998), “Business Strategy, Organizational Culture,
and Market Orientation”, Thunderbird International Business Review, 40 (3),
Appleby, R. C., (1991), “Modern Business Administration”, 5th Edition, Pıtman
Bateman T. S., Snell, S. A., (2002), “Management Competing in the New Era”, 5th
Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Belassi, W., Kondra, A. Z., Tukel, O. I., (2007), “New Product Development Projects:
The Effects of Organizational Culture”, Project Management Journal, 38 (4),
Berson, Y., Oreg, S., Dvır, T., (2008), “CEO values, organizational culture and firm
outcomes”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29, 615–633.
Bourgeois, L. J., III. (1985), “Strategic goals, perceived uncertainty, and economic
performance in volatile environments”, Academy of Management Journal, 28,
Brandenburger, A. M., Nalebuff, B. J., (1998), “Ortaklaşa Rekabet”, (Çev: Levent
Cinemre), Scala yayıncılık.
Burns, T., Stalker, G. M., (1961), “The management of innovation”. London:
Büyüköztürk, Ş., (2006), “Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı”, Pegem A
Cameron, K., Quinn, R.E., (1999), “Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture:
Based on the Competing Values Framework”, Addison-Wesley.
Chan, A., (1997), “Corporate culture of a clan organization”, Management Decision,
(2), 94–99.
Chatman, J., Jehn, K. (1994), “Assessing the relationship between industry
characteristics and organisational culture: how different can you be?”,
Academy of Management Journal, 37 (3), 522-53.
Cheung, S. O., Wong, P. S. P., Wu, A. W.Y., (2011), “Towards an organizational
culture framework in construction”, International Journal of Project
Management, 29 (1), 33-44.
Chi, T., (2009), “Measurement of business environment characteristics in the US
technical textile industry: an empirical study”, The Journal of The Textile
Institute. 100 (69, 545–555.
Dastmalchian, A., Lee, S., Ng, I., (2000), “The interplay between organizational and
national cultures: a comparison of organizational practices in Canada and
South Korea using the Competing Values Framework”, The International
Journal of Human Resource Management, 11 (2), 388-412.
Day, S. G., (1994), “The capabilities of market-driven organizations”, Journal of
Marketing, 58 (October): 37–52.
Deal, T. B., Kennedy, A., (1982), “Corporate Culture: The Rites and Rituals of
Corporate Life”, Addison-Wesley.
Decarolis, D. M., Deeds, D. L., (1999), “The impact of stocks and flows of
organizational knowledge on firm performance: an empirical investigation of the
biotechnology industry”, Strategic Management Journal, 20, 953-968.
Denison, D. R., (1990), “Corporate culture and organizational effectiveness”, John
Wiley & Sons.
Denison, D. R., Mishra, A. H., (1995), “Toward a theory of organizational culture and
effectiveness”, Organization Science, 6, 204-23.
Deshpande, R., Farley, J., Webster, F., (1993), “Corporate Culture, Customer
Orientation, and Innovativeness in Japanese Firms: A Quadrad Analysis”,
Journal of Marketing, 57, 23-37.
Dess, G. G., Beard, D.W., (1984), “Dimensions of organizational task environments”,
Administrative Science Quarterly, 29 (1), 52–73.
Dess, G. G., Ireland, R. D., Zahra, S. A., Floyd, S. W., (2003), “Emerging issues in
corporate entrepreneurship”, Journal of Management, 29, 351–378.
Duncan, R. B., (1972), “Characteristics of organizational environments and perceived
environmental uncertainty”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 17 (3), 313–327.
Emery F. E., Trist E. L., (1965), “The causal texture of organizational environments”,
Human Relations, 18 (1), 21-32.
Fiol, C. M., Lyles, M. A., (1985), “Organizational learning”, Academy of Management
Review, 10 (4), 803–813.
Fuentes-Fuentes, M. M., Albacete-Sáez, C. A., Lloréns-Montes, F. J., (2004), “The
impact of environmental characteristics on TQM principles and organizational
performance”, Omega, 32, 425 – 442.
George, G., Sleeth R. G., Siders, M. A., (1999), “Organızıng Culture: Leader Roles,
Behavıors, and Reınforcement Mechanısms”, Journal of Busıness and
Psychology, 13 (4), Summer, 545-555.
Giffords, E. D., Dina, R. P., (2003), “Changing Organizational Cultures”,
Administration in Social Work, 27 (1), 69-81.
Goffee, R., Jones, G., (1998), “The Character of a Corporation: How Your Company’s
Culture Can Make or Break Your Business”, Harper Business.
Gonzalez-Benito, J., Rocha, D. R., Queiruga, D., (2010), “The environment as a
determining factor of purchasing and supply strategy: An empirical analysis of
Brazilian firms”. Int. J. Production Economics, 124, 1–10.
Grant, R.M., (2005), “Contemporary Strategy Analysis”, 5th Edition. Backwell
Harrington, S. J., Guimaraes, T., (2005), “Corporate culture, absorptive capacity and
IT success”, Information and Organization, 15, 39–63.
Harrison, R., Stokes, H., (1992), “Diagnosing Organisational Culture”, Pfeiffer.
Hitt, A.M., Ireland, R.D., Hoskisson, R.E., (2005), “Strategic Management:
Competitiveness and Globalization (Concepts and Cases)”, 6th Edition,
Thomson Corporation.
Hui, L. T., Fatt, Q. K., (2007), “Strategic organizational conditions for risks reduction
and earnings management: A combined strategy and auditing paradigm”,
Accounting Forum, 31, 179–201.
Ireland, R. D., Hitt, M. A., Sirmon, D. G., (2003), “A model of strategic
entrepreneurship: The construct and its dimensions”, Journal of Management,
, 963–989.
Jarnagin, C., Slocum, J. W., (2007), “Creating corporate cultures through mythopoetic
leadership”, Organizational Dynamics, 36, 288-302.
Jawahar, I. M., McLaughlin, G. L., (2001), “Toward a descriptive stakeholder theory:
an organizational life cycle approach”, Academy of Management Review, 26,
Jones, R. A., Jimmieson, N. L., Griffiths, A., (2005), “The impact of organizational
culture and reshaping capabilities on change implementation success: The
mediating role of readiness for change”, Journal of Management Studies, 42
(2), 359–384.
Kangas L. M., (2009), “Assessıng the value of the relatıonshıp between
organızatıonal culture types and knowledge management ınıtıatıves”, Journal
of Leadershıp Studıes, 3 (1), 29-38.
Lawrence, P. R., Lorsch, J. W., (1967), “Organization and environment; managing
differentiation and integration”, Harvard Business School Press.
Lee, S. K. J., Yu, K., (2004), “Corporate culture and organizational performance”,
Journal of Managerial Psychology, 19 (4), 340-359.
Lemon, M., Sahota, P. S., (2004), “Organizational culture as a knowledge repository
for increased innovative capacity”, Technovation, 24, 483–498.
Lewis, D. S., French E., Steane, P., (1997), “A culture of conflict”, Leadership &
Organization Development Journal, 18 (6), 275–282.
Linnenluecke, M. K., Griffiths, A., (2009), “Corporate sustainability and organizational
culture”, Journal of World Business, doi:10.1016/j.jwb. 2009.08.006
Longenecker J. G., Pringle, C. D., (1984), “Management”, 6th Edition, Charles E.
Merrill Publishing Company.
Louis, M. R., (1980), “Surprise and sense making: what newcomers experience in
entering organizational settings”, Admin. Sci. Quart, 25, 226-251.
MacIntosh, E. W., Doherty, A., (2010), “The influence of organizational culture on job
satisfaction and intention to leave”, Sport Management Review, 13, 106–117.
Martin, J., (1992), “Cultures in Organizations: Three Perspectives”, Oxford University
McCarthy, E., (1998), “The Dynamics of Culture, Organizational Culture and Change”,
AI & Soc, 12, 155-184.
Miller, D., Friesen, P. H., (1983), “Strategy-making and environment: the third link”,
Strategic Management Journal, 4 (3), 221–225.
Mintzberg, H., (1979), “The structuring of organizations”, Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Nunnally, J. C., (1978), “Psychometric theory”, McGraw-Hill.
Ogbonna, E., Whipp, R., (1999), “Strategy, Culture and HRM: evidence from the UK
food retailing sector”, Human Resource Management Journal, 9 (4), 75-81.
Peter, T. J., Waterman, Jr. R. H., (1982), “In search of excellence: lessons from
America’s best-run companies”, Harper and Row.
Pool, S.W., (2000), “Organizational culture and its relationship between job tension in
measuring outcomes among business executives”, Journal of Management
Development, 19 (1), 32-49.
Porter, M. E., (1980), “Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and
Competitors”, Free Press.
Quinn, R. E., (1988), “Beyond rational management: Mastering the paradoxes and
competing demands of high performance”, Jossey-Bass.
Quinn, R. E., Rohrbaugh, J., (1983), “A Spatial Model of Effectiveness Criteria:
Towards a Competing Values Approach to Organizational Analysis”,
Management Science, 29, 263–377.
Quinn, R. E., Spreitzer, G. M., (1991), “The psychometrics of the competing values
culture instrument. In Woodman, R. W., Pasmore, W. A., Editors, “Research in
organizational change and development”, 5, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Rhys, A., (2009), “Organizational Task Environments and Performance: An Empirical
Analysis”, International Public Management Journal, 12 (1), 1-23.
Robbins, S.P., (1989), “Organizational Theory: Structure, Design and Applications”,
Rueda-Manzanares, A., Aragon-Correa J. A., Sharma, S., (2008), “The Influence of
Stakeholders on the Environmental Strategy of Service Firms: The Moderating
Effects of Complexity, Uncertainty and Munificence”, British Journal of
Management, 19, 185-203.
Schein, E. H., (1984), “Coming to a new awareness of organizational culture”, Sloan
Management Review, 25 (2), 3-16.
Schein, E. H., (1990), “Organizational culture”, American Psychologist, 45, February,
Schneıder, W. E., (1994), “The reengineering alternative: A plan for making your
current culture work”, Irwin.
Sharfman, M. P., Dean, J. W., (1991), “Conceptualizing and measuring the
organizational environment: A multidimensional approach”, Journal of
Management, 17 (4), 681–700.
Tosti, D. T., (2007), “Alıgnıng The Culture and Strategy for Success”, Performance
Improvement, 46 (1), January, 21-25.
Tsui, A. S., Wang, H., Xin K. R., (2006), “Organizational Culture in China: An Analysis
of Culture Dimensions and Culture Types”, Management and Organization
Review, 2 (3), 345-376.
Ülgen, H., Mirze, S. K., (2004), “İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim”, Literatür Yayıncılık.
Velliquette, A., Rapert, M., (2001), “A profile of organizational culture: Implications for
services marketing”, Services Marketing Quarterly, 23, 69-86.
Wallach, E. J., (1983), “Individuals and organizations: The cultural match”, Training
and Development Journal, 37, 28–36.
Yasai-Ardekani M., (1989), Effects of environmental scarcity and munificence on the
relationship of context to organizational structure”, Academy of Management
Journal, 32 (1), 131-56.
Yılmaz, C., Ergun, E., (2008), “Organizational culture and firm effectiveness: An
examination of relative effects of culture traits and the balanced culture
hypothesis in an emerging economy”, Journal of World Business 43, 290-306.
Youngblood, M. D., (2000), “Winning Cultures for the new economy, Strategy &
Leadership, 28 (6), 4-9.
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Kaynak Göster
Taşğit, Y. E., Ergün, E., & Bayat, M. (2015). Otel İşletmelerinin İş Çevresi Özelliklerinin Kurum Kültürü Türleri Üzerindeki Etkisi. Seyahat Ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 12(2).
Dergimiz EBSCOhost, Index Copernicus, Ulakbim, DRJI, Research Bible, SOBİAD ve ASOS tarafından indekslenmektedir.