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The Spanish Left During the Transition to Democracy

Yıl 2022, , 117 - 168, 31.01.2022


In this study, the policies followed by the Spanish left during the transition to democracy after the death of Franco in Spain are analysed. The analysis is based on the policies followed by the two major parties representing the left in the country, Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) and Communist Party of Spain (PCE). The attitude of the PSOE and the PCE on critical issues and how they contributed to the democratization process, while the democratic administration was established between 1975-1982 in Spain, are the focal points of the study. The impact of the adopted attitudes on the mentioned parties is also evaluated within this scope. The analyses of Nicos Poulantzas on the overthrow of dictatorships are used in the evaluations. In addition to the aforementioned, the political and economic conditions of the country in the examined period also occupy an important place in the study.


  • Aguiar, F. (2006). The Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), 1879-1988 from Republican to Liberal Socialism. IESA Working Paper Series, 19.
  • Ametzaga, X. I. (2011). Hegoalde and the Post-Franco Spanish State. P.I. Güell, X.I. Ametzaga (Ed.), Basque Political Systems içinde (13-32. ss.). Center for Basque Studies.
  • Anaya, P. O. (2002). European socialists and Spain: The transition to democracy. Palgrave.
  • Andrade, J. (2013). El PCE y el PSOE en (la) Transición. Intelectuales, militantes y medios de comunicación ante la evolución ideológica de la izquierda. Ayer 89(1), 167-196.
  • Anson, B. (2002). The limits of Destalinisation: The Spanish Communist Party 1956-1965. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Londra: London School of Economics and Political Science.
  • Aramberri, J. R. (1979). The political transition in Spain: An interpretation. Socialist Register, 18, 172-203.
  • Azagra, R. G. (2007). La prensa Española Ante la Designación de Adolfo Suárez como Presidente del Gobierno en Julio de 1976. Doxa Comunicación, 5, 59-76.
  • Baker, P. (2000). The Spanish transition to democracy - A missed opportunity for the left?
  • Blanco, M. Á. A. (2020). Famine in Spain during Franco’s dictatorship (1939-52). Journal of Contemporary History, 56(1), 3-27.
  • Bowen, W. H. (2006). Spain during World War II. University of Missouri Press.
  • Bowen, W. H. (2017). Truman, Franco’s Spain, and the Cold War. University of Missouri Press.
  • Carr, R. (1982). Spain, 1808-1975. Oxford University Press.
  • Conversi, D. (2000). The Basques, the Catalans and Spain: Alternative routes to nationalist mobilisation. Hurst & Company.
  • Donofrío, A. (2013). El final del eurocomunismo y el Partido Comunista de España (PCE). Studia Histórica-Historia Contemporánea, 31, 167-191.
  • Foweraker, J. (1987). Corporatist strategies and the transition to democracy in Spain. Comparative Politics, 20(1), 57-72.
  • Harrison, R. J. U. & Corkill, D. (2004). Spain: A modern European economy. Ashgate Publishing.
  • Heywood, P. (1987). Mirror-images: The PCE and PSOE in the transition to democracy in Spain. West European Politics, 10(2), 193-210.
  • Hopkin, J. (2005). From consensus to competition: The changing nature of democracy in the Spanish transition. S. Balfour (Ed.), The Politics of Contemporary Spain içinde (6-26. ss.). Routledge.
  • Kaya, A. R. (2019). İspanya: Faşizmden demokrasiye. Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Kennedy, P. (2009). The Spanish socialist workers’ party: Continuity, innovation and renewal. J. Callaghan, N. Fishman, B. Jackson, M. Mcivor (Ed.), In Search of Social Democracy: Responses to Crisis and Modernisation içinde (93-111. ss.), Manchester University Press.
  • Konuralp, E. (2019). İspanya’da bölgeli devletin tarihsel gelişimi, yasal düzeni ve siyasal yapılanışı. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 14(1), 345-402.
  • Lipset, S. M. (1959). Some social requisites of democracy: Economic development and political legitimacy. The American Political Science Review, 53(1), 69-105.
  • Maravall, J. M. (1979). Political cleavages in Spain and the 1979 general election. Government&Opposition, 14(3), 299-317.
  • Marcus, J. (1983). The triumph of Spanish socialism: The 1982 election. West European Politics, 6(3), 281-286.
  • Mujal-Leon, E. (1980/81). Catalanismo, the left, and the consolidation of Centrism in Spain. World Affairs, 143(3), 298-317.
  • Nicastro, J. A. (1979). Eurocommunism, Spain, and the views of Santiago Carrillo. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Amherst: University of Massachusetts Amherst.
  • Özçer, A. (2006). Çoğul İspanya: Anayasal sistemi ve ayrılıkçı terörle mücadele modeli. İmge Kitabevi.
  • Payne, S. G. (1999). Fascism in Spain. The University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Poulantzas, N. (1976). The crisis of the dictatorships. NLP.
  • Poulantzas, N. (2019). Faşizm ve diktatörlük. (Çev: A. İnsel), İletişim Yayınları.
  • Powell, C. (1996). Juan Carlos of Spain: Self-made monarch. MacMillan.
  • Powell, C. (2016). Revisiting Spain’s transition to democracy. S. Florensa (Ed.), The Arab Transitions In a Changing World: Building Democracies in Light of International Experiences içinde (38-54. ss.). Futurgrafic S.C.C.L.
  • Preston, P. (1987). The Triumph of democracy in Spain. Routledge.
  • Preston, P. (1988). The decline and resurgence of the Spanish Socialist Party during the Franco regime. European History Quartetly, 18, 207-224.
  • Rodríguez, C. (2006). Soğuk savaş döneminde İspanya ile Türkiye’nin Batı Bloku’na katılışı. P. M. Asuero (Ed.), İspanya-Türkiye 16. Yüzyıldan 21. Yüzyıla Rekabet ve Dostluk içinde (319-341. ss.), (Çev: P. B. Çarum), Kitap Yayınevi.
  • Sampere, X. D. (2013). The Workers’ movement and political change in Spain, 1956-1977. International Labor and Working-Class History, 83, 70-85.
  • Soldevilla, G. F. (2009). De las Armas al Parlamento: Los Orígenes de Euskadiko Ezkerra (1976-1977). Revista de Historia Contemporánea, 8, 245-265.
  • Soro, J. M. (2019). Public opinion and political culture in a post-fascist dictatorship (1957-1977). M. Á. R. Carnicer (Ed.), From Franco to Freedom: The Roots of the Transition to Democracy in Spain, 1962-1982 içinde (101-136. ss.), Sussex Academic Press.
  • Suárez-Íñiguez, E. (2011). La transición a la democracia en España: Adolfo Suárez y la Ruptura Pactada. Estudios Politicos, 23, 161-177.
  • Tusell, J. (2000). Historia de España en el siglo XX - IV. La transición democrática y el gobierno socialista. JeSsE.


Yıl 2022, , 117 - 168, 31.01.2022


Bu çalışmada, Francisco Franco’nun 1975 yılında ölümünün ardından demokrasiye geçiş sürecinde İspanya solunun takip ettiği politikalar incelenmektedir. İnceleme, ülkede solu temsil eden iki büyük parti olan İspanyol Sosyalist İşçi Partisi (PSOE) ve İspanya Komünist Partisi (PCE) tarafından izlenen politikalardan yola çıkılarak gerçekleştirilmektedir. İspanya’da, 1975 ile 1982 yılları arasında demokratik bir yönetim kurulurken, PSOE ve PCE’nin kritik konularda ne tarz bir tutum içerisinde oldukları ve demokratikleşme sürecine ne şekilde katkı sundukları, çalışmanın odak noktalarını teşkil etmektedir. Benimsemiş oldukları tutumların sözü edilen partiler üzerinde yaratmış olduğu etki de bu kapsamda değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmaktadır. Yapılan değerlendirmelerde, Nicos Poulantzas’ın, diktatörlük rejimlerinin yıkılmasına ilişkin olarak yapmış olduğu analizlerden yararlanılmaktadır. Belirtilenlere ilaveten ele alınan dönemde ülkenin içerisinde bulunduğu siyasi ve ekonomik koşullar da çalışma içerisinde önemli yer tutmaktadır.


  • Aguiar, F. (2006). The Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), 1879-1988 from Republican to Liberal Socialism. IESA Working Paper Series, 19.
  • Ametzaga, X. I. (2011). Hegoalde and the Post-Franco Spanish State. P.I. Güell, X.I. Ametzaga (Ed.), Basque Political Systems içinde (13-32. ss.). Center for Basque Studies.
  • Anaya, P. O. (2002). European socialists and Spain: The transition to democracy. Palgrave.
  • Andrade, J. (2013). El PCE y el PSOE en (la) Transición. Intelectuales, militantes y medios de comunicación ante la evolución ideológica de la izquierda. Ayer 89(1), 167-196.
  • Anson, B. (2002). The limits of Destalinisation: The Spanish Communist Party 1956-1965. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Londra: London School of Economics and Political Science.
  • Aramberri, J. R. (1979). The political transition in Spain: An interpretation. Socialist Register, 18, 172-203.
  • Azagra, R. G. (2007). La prensa Española Ante la Designación de Adolfo Suárez como Presidente del Gobierno en Julio de 1976. Doxa Comunicación, 5, 59-76.
  • Baker, P. (2000). The Spanish transition to democracy - A missed opportunity for the left?
  • Blanco, M. Á. A. (2020). Famine in Spain during Franco’s dictatorship (1939-52). Journal of Contemporary History, 56(1), 3-27.
  • Bowen, W. H. (2006). Spain during World War II. University of Missouri Press.
  • Bowen, W. H. (2017). Truman, Franco’s Spain, and the Cold War. University of Missouri Press.
  • Carr, R. (1982). Spain, 1808-1975. Oxford University Press.
  • Conversi, D. (2000). The Basques, the Catalans and Spain: Alternative routes to nationalist mobilisation. Hurst & Company.
  • Donofrío, A. (2013). El final del eurocomunismo y el Partido Comunista de España (PCE). Studia Histórica-Historia Contemporánea, 31, 167-191.
  • Foweraker, J. (1987). Corporatist strategies and the transition to democracy in Spain. Comparative Politics, 20(1), 57-72.
  • Harrison, R. J. U. & Corkill, D. (2004). Spain: A modern European economy. Ashgate Publishing.
  • Heywood, P. (1987). Mirror-images: The PCE and PSOE in the transition to democracy in Spain. West European Politics, 10(2), 193-210.
  • Hopkin, J. (2005). From consensus to competition: The changing nature of democracy in the Spanish transition. S. Balfour (Ed.), The Politics of Contemporary Spain içinde (6-26. ss.). Routledge.
  • Kaya, A. R. (2019). İspanya: Faşizmden demokrasiye. Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Kennedy, P. (2009). The Spanish socialist workers’ party: Continuity, innovation and renewal. J. Callaghan, N. Fishman, B. Jackson, M. Mcivor (Ed.), In Search of Social Democracy: Responses to Crisis and Modernisation içinde (93-111. ss.), Manchester University Press.
  • Konuralp, E. (2019). İspanya’da bölgeli devletin tarihsel gelişimi, yasal düzeni ve siyasal yapılanışı. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 14(1), 345-402.
  • Lipset, S. M. (1959). Some social requisites of democracy: Economic development and political legitimacy. The American Political Science Review, 53(1), 69-105.
  • Maravall, J. M. (1979). Political cleavages in Spain and the 1979 general election. Government&Opposition, 14(3), 299-317.
  • Marcus, J. (1983). The triumph of Spanish socialism: The 1982 election. West European Politics, 6(3), 281-286.
  • Mujal-Leon, E. (1980/81). Catalanismo, the left, and the consolidation of Centrism in Spain. World Affairs, 143(3), 298-317.
  • Nicastro, J. A. (1979). Eurocommunism, Spain, and the views of Santiago Carrillo. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Amherst: University of Massachusetts Amherst.
  • Özçer, A. (2006). Çoğul İspanya: Anayasal sistemi ve ayrılıkçı terörle mücadele modeli. İmge Kitabevi.
  • Payne, S. G. (1999). Fascism in Spain. The University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Poulantzas, N. (1976). The crisis of the dictatorships. NLP.
  • Poulantzas, N. (2019). Faşizm ve diktatörlük. (Çev: A. İnsel), İletişim Yayınları.
  • Powell, C. (1996). Juan Carlos of Spain: Self-made monarch. MacMillan.
  • Powell, C. (2016). Revisiting Spain’s transition to democracy. S. Florensa (Ed.), The Arab Transitions In a Changing World: Building Democracies in Light of International Experiences içinde (38-54. ss.). Futurgrafic S.C.C.L.
  • Preston, P. (1987). The Triumph of democracy in Spain. Routledge.
  • Preston, P. (1988). The decline and resurgence of the Spanish Socialist Party during the Franco regime. European History Quartetly, 18, 207-224.
  • Rodríguez, C. (2006). Soğuk savaş döneminde İspanya ile Türkiye’nin Batı Bloku’na katılışı. P. M. Asuero (Ed.), İspanya-Türkiye 16. Yüzyıldan 21. Yüzyıla Rekabet ve Dostluk içinde (319-341. ss.), (Çev: P. B. Çarum), Kitap Yayınevi.
  • Sampere, X. D. (2013). The Workers’ movement and political change in Spain, 1956-1977. International Labor and Working-Class History, 83, 70-85.
  • Soldevilla, G. F. (2009). De las Armas al Parlamento: Los Orígenes de Euskadiko Ezkerra (1976-1977). Revista de Historia Contemporánea, 8, 245-265.
  • Soro, J. M. (2019). Public opinion and political culture in a post-fascist dictatorship (1957-1977). M. Á. R. Carnicer (Ed.), From Franco to Freedom: The Roots of the Transition to Democracy in Spain, 1962-1982 içinde (101-136. ss.), Sussex Academic Press.
  • Suárez-Íñiguez, E. (2011). La transición a la democracia en España: Adolfo Suárez y la Ruptura Pactada. Estudios Politicos, 23, 161-177.
  • Tusell, J. (2000). Historia de España en el siglo XX - IV. La transición democrática y el gobierno socialista. JeSsE.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Siyaset Bilimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Uğur Serçe 0000-0002-0915-5661

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Serçe, U. (2022). DEMOKRASİYE GEÇİŞ SÜRECİNDE İSPANYA SOLU. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 23(42), 117-168.