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VZA-Pencere Analizi ile Borsa İstanbul’da Hisse Senetleri İşlem Gören Tekstil Firmalarının Etkinliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2019, , 107 - 128, 31.10.2019


Küresel rekabet ile ülkelerin ekonomik güçlerinin bir göstergesi olarak üstün oldukları sektörler öne çıkmaktadır. Bu sektörlerin önemi ülkeden ülkeye veya dönemsel olarak değişebilmektedir. Tekstil sektörü, Türkiye’nin ekonomik büyümesine önemli katkı sağlayan sektörlerden biridir. Tekstil sektöründeki firmaların finansal etkinliklerinin performans göstergesi olarak takip edilmesi önemlidir. Her bir firmanın finansal etkinliğinin, sektörün toplam etkinliğine olumlu katkı sağlayacağı aşikârdır. Bu çalışmada, Borsa İstanbul’da (BİST) hisse senetleri işlem gören tekstil sektöründeki 19 firmanın 2008-2017 dönemi için finansal etkinlikleri incelenmiştir. Etkinlik analizi için firmaların finansal göstergelerine göre VZA (Veri Zarflama Analizi)-Pencere Analizi yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Firmaların en yüksek ortalama etkinlik değerinin %94,09 ile 2017 yılında gerçekleştiği görülmüştür. Diğer yıllardaki ortalama etkinlik düzeylerinin %60-%90 aralığında bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ampirik analizlerde ilk 5 firmanın etkinlik değerlerinin %90-%100 aralığında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Yıllık etkinlik skor ortalamalarında, DESA 98.04 skoruyla en başarılı performansı elde etmiştir. Sırasıyla SÖNMEZ 97.40 ve MENDERES 94.74 ile ilk üç sırayı oluşturmuşlardır. İlk üç sıradaki firmaların birbirlerine yakın performansları üçer yıllık pencerelerde de gözlenmiştir. Fakat ortalama skorlarda, üçer yıllık pencere analizinde SÖNMEZ ilk sırada yer alırken, DESA ikinci ve MENDERES ise üçüncü olmuştur. Sıralamalar arasındaki bu küçük farklı lığın sebeplerinden ilki performansların çok yakın seyretmesi, ikincisi ise 2008 yılında SÖNMEZ firmasının elde ettiği düşük puanın (76.11) etkisinin, üç yıllık pencere analizinde azalmış olmasıdır. KARSU ise her iki sıralamada da en düşük ortalama etkinlik skoru ile son sırada yer almıştır.


  • Afzal, M.N.I., and Lawrey, R. (2012). “A Measurement Framework for Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE) Efficiency in ASEAN: A Data Envelopment (DEA) Window Approach”. International Journal of Business and Management 7(18): 57-68.
  • Al-Eraqi, A.S., Mustafa, A., and Khader, A.T. (2010). “An extended DEA windows analysis: Middle East and East African seaports”. Journal of Economic Studies 37(2): 208-218.
  • Alp İ., and Sözen A., (2011). “Efficiency assessment of Turkey's carbonization index”. Energy Sources 33(18): 1678-1691.
  • Al-Refaie, A., Hammad, M., and Li, M. (2016). “DEA window analysis and Malmquist index to assess energy efficiency and productivity in Jordanian industrial sector”. Energy Efficiency 9: 1299-1313.
  • Asmild, M., Paradi, J., C., Aggarwall, V., and Schaffnıt, C. (2004). “Combining DEA Window Analysis with the Malmquist Index Approach in a Study of the Canadian Banking Industry”. Journal of Productivity Analysis 21: 67-89.
  • Charnes, A., Cooper, W. W., and Rhodes, E. (1978). “Measuring the efficiency of decision making units”. European Journal of Operational Research 2: 429–444.
  • Charnes, A., Cooper, W.W., Lewin, A.Y., and Sieford, L. M., (2004). Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory Methodology and Applications, Massachusetts, USA.
  • Chou, Y.C., Sun, C.C., and Yen, H.Y. (2012). “Evaluation of human resources in science and technology by using dynamic Malmquist index approach and window analysis”. African Journal of Business Management 6(4): 5004-5013.
  • Chung, S.-H., Lee, A. H., Kang, H.Y. and Lai, C.-W. (2008). “A DEA window analysis on the product family mix selection for a semiconductor fabricator”. Expert Systems with Application 35: 379-388. (
  • Cook W. D. and Seiford L. M., (2009). “Data envelopment analysis (DEA) – Thirty years on”. European Journal of Operational Research 192: 1-17.
  • Cullinane, K., Song, D.,-W., Ji, P., and Wang, T.,-F. (2004). “An Application of DEA Window Analysis to Container Port Production Efficiency”. Review of Network Economics 3(2): 184-206.
  • Day, D., A. Lewin, and R. Salazar. (2004). Strategic leaders in the U.S. brewing industry: A DEA window analysis, in: Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory, Methodology and Applications, A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper, A.Y. Lewin and L.M. Seiford, eds., Kluwer Academic, Boston/Dordrecht/London.
  • Dyck, G., K. (2015). “Assessment of Port Efficiency in West Africa Using Data Envelopment Analysis. American”. Journal of Industrial and Business Management 5: 208-218.
  • Emrouznejad, A., Parker B. R., and Tavares G., (2008). “Evaluation of research in efficiency and productivity: A survey and analysis of the first 30 years of scholarly literature in DEA”. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 42(3 September): 151-157.
  • Farrell, M. J. (1957). “The measurement of productive efficiency”. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, General, 120:253–281.
  • Halkos, G.E., and Tzeremes, N.G. (2009a). “Economic efficiency and growth in the EU enlargement”. Journal of Policy Modeling 31: 847-862.
  • Halkos, G.E., and Tzeremes, N.G. (2009b). “Exploring the existence of Kuznets curve in countries’ environmental efficiency using DEA window analysis”. Ecological Economics 28: 2168-2176.
  • İSO (2014), Tekstil İmalatı Sanayi. İstanbul Sanayi Odası Yayınları, No:2014/4, İstanbul.
  • Kahveci, E, Celen, Y., and Ekşi, İ.H. (2013). “Türk Mevduat Bankalarının Performansının VZA Pencere Analizi İle Belirlenmesi”. Bankacılar Dergisi 86: 53–66.
  • Kaya, T. And Cinar, Y. (2016). “Analyzing Internal Efficiency Dynamics Of Turkish Banks: Activity Based Multi-Objective Dynamic DEA Model And Its Application”. The Journal of Applied Business Research 32(3): 729-746.
  • Kazley, A.S., and Ozcan, Y.A. (2009). “Electronic medical record use and efficiency: A DEA and window analysis of hospitals”. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 43: 209-216.
  • Kutlar, A., Kabasakal, A., and Torun, P. (2015a). “Dynamic Efficiency Analysis of World Railway Firms: A DEA-Window Analysis with Malmquist Index”. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 15(1): 27-41.
  • Kutlar, A., Kabasakal, A., and Babacan, A. (2015b). “Dynamic Efficiency of Turkish Banks: a DEA Window and Malmquist Index Analysis for the Period of 2003-2012”. Sosyoekonomi 23(24): 71-97.
  • Li, B. (2014). “Analysis of the efficiency of regional tourism based on DEA window technology”. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 12(4): 354-360.
  • Meng, F.Y, Zhou, P., Zhou, D.Q., and Bai, Y. (2014). “Inefficiency and Congestion Assessment of Mix Energy Consumption in 16 APEC Countries by using DEA Window Analysis”. Energy Procedia 61: 2518–2523.
  • Nguyen, T.P.T, Roca, E., and Sharma, P. (2014). “How efficient is the banking system of Asia’s next economic dragon? Evidence from rolling DEA windows”. Applied Economics 46 (22): 2665–2684.
  • Ohe, Y, and Peypoch, N. (2016). “Efficiency analysis of Japanese Ryokans: A window DEA approach”. Tourism Economics 22(6): 1261-1273.
  • Park, J.L, Kim, S.S., Choi, S.Y., Kim, J.H., and Kim, J.J. (2011). “Measuring Relative Efficiency of Korean Construction Company using DEA/Window”. International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering 5(12): 691–695.
  • Pjevčević, D., Radonjić, A., Hrle, Z., and Čolić, V. (2012). “DEA Window Analysis for Measuring Port Efficiencies in Serbia”. Promet-Traffic&Transportation 24(1): 63-72.
  • Pulina, M., Detotto, C., and Paba, A. (2010). “An investigation into the relationship between size and efficiency of the Italian hospitality sector: A window DEA approach”. European Journal of Operational Research 204: 613-620.
  • Ray S.C., (2004). Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory and Techniques for Economics and Operations Research, Cambridge University Pres.
  • Řepková, I. (2014a). “Efficiency of the Czech banking sector employing the DEA window analysis approach”. Procedia Economics and Finance 12: 587–596.
  • Řepková, I. (2014b). “Efficiency of the Slovak Commercial Banks Applying the DEA Window Analysis”. International Journal of Social, Management, Economics and Business Engineering 8(5): 1330–1335.
  • Sharifian, S., Ebrahimi, A., and Alimohammadlou, M. (2017). “An application of window data envelopment analysis methodology with double frontier in the performance assessment of Shiraz university colleges”. Decision Science Letters 6: 269-282.
  • Shawtari, F.A., Ariff, M., and A.Razak, S.H.A. (2015). “Efficiency assessment of banking sector in Yemen using data envelopment window analysis A comparative analysis of Islamic and conventional banks”. Benchmarking: An International Journal 22(6): 1115-1140.
  • Sözen A, and Alp İ., (2009). “Comparison of Turkey's Performance of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Local/Regional Pollutants with EU Countries”. Energy Policy 37(12): 5007-5018.
  • Storto, C., and Capano, B. (2015). “A dynamic efficiency analysis of the Eurepean renewable energy capacity between 2002 and 2011”. Advanced Materials Research 1079-1080: 1274-1279.
  • Sueyoshi, T., Goto, M., and Sugiyama, M. (2013). “DEA window analysis for environmental assessment in a dynamic time shift: Performance assessment of U.S. coal-fired power plants”. Energy Economics 40: 845-857.
  • Sufian, F., and Majid, M.Z.A. (2007). “X-Efficiency and share prices in the Singaporean Banking Sector: A DEA window analysis approach”. Investment Management and Financial Innovations 4(1): 73–90.
  • Wang, K., Shiwei, Y., and Zhang, W. (2013). “China’s regional energy and environmental efficiency: A DEA window analysis based dynamic evaluation”. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 58: 1117-1127.
  • Webb, R.M. (2003). “Levels of Efficiency in UK Retail Banks: A DEA Window Analysis”. International Journal of the Economics of Business 10(3): 305–322.
  • Wu, H., Shi, Y., Xia, Y., and Zhu, W. (2014). “Effectiveness of the policy of circular economy in China: A DEA-based analysis for the period of 11th five-year-plan”. Resources Conservation and Recycling 83: 163-175.
  • Yang, H.H, and Chang, C.Y. (2009). “Using DEA window analysis to measure efficiencies of Taiwan’s integrated telecommunication firms”. Telecommunications Policy 33: 98–108.
  • Zhang, X.P, Cheng, X.M., Yuan, J.H., and Gao, X.J. (2011). “Total-factor energy efficiency in developing countries”. Energy Policy 39:644–650.

Determination of the Efficiencies of Textile Firms Listed in Borsa İstanbul by Using DEA-Window Analysis

Yıl 2019, , 107 - 128, 31.10.2019


Global competition enables countries’ advantageous sectors to stand out as an indicator of their economic power. The importance of these sectors may vary by country or the time period they operate in. The textile industry is one of the sectors that significantly contributes to Turkey’s economic growth. Thus, it is important to monitor the financial activities of the firms in the textile sector as a performance indicator since it is evident that the financial efficiency of each company will contribute positively to the overall efficiency of the whole sector. In this study, the financial activities of 19 firms in the textile sector being traded on Borsa Istanbul (BIST) for the period 2008-2017 are examined. For efficiency analysis, DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) -Window Analysis method was applied by using financial indicators of these companies. It was observed that the highest average efficiency value of the companies was realized in 2017 with 94.09%. The average activity levels in other years were found to be in the range of 60%-90%. In the empirical analysis, the efficiency values of the top five companies were determined to be at the level of 90%-100%. DESA has achieved the most successful performance in average efficiencies with a score of 98.04 when the whole period is considered. SÖNMEZ and MENDERES firms have taken the second and the third places with scores of 97.40 and 94.74, respectively. The close performances of the top three firms were also observed in three-years windows. However, in the three-year window analysis, SÖNMEZ ranked the first, DESA ranked the second and MENDERES ranked the third according to their average scores. One of the reasons for this small difference between the rankings is that, firstly, the firms’ performances have been very close to each other, and secondly the effect of the low score (76.11) obtained by SÖNMEZ in 2008 has been diminished for the firm in the three-year window analysis. KARSU occupied the last place with the lowest average efficiency score in both rankings.


  • Afzal, M.N.I., and Lawrey, R. (2012). “A Measurement Framework for Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE) Efficiency in ASEAN: A Data Envelopment (DEA) Window Approach”. International Journal of Business and Management 7(18): 57-68.
  • Al-Eraqi, A.S., Mustafa, A., and Khader, A.T. (2010). “An extended DEA windows analysis: Middle East and East African seaports”. Journal of Economic Studies 37(2): 208-218.
  • Alp İ., and Sözen A., (2011). “Efficiency assessment of Turkey's carbonization index”. Energy Sources 33(18): 1678-1691.
  • Al-Refaie, A., Hammad, M., and Li, M. (2016). “DEA window analysis and Malmquist index to assess energy efficiency and productivity in Jordanian industrial sector”. Energy Efficiency 9: 1299-1313.
  • Asmild, M., Paradi, J., C., Aggarwall, V., and Schaffnıt, C. (2004). “Combining DEA Window Analysis with the Malmquist Index Approach in a Study of the Canadian Banking Industry”. Journal of Productivity Analysis 21: 67-89.
  • Charnes, A., Cooper, W. W., and Rhodes, E. (1978). “Measuring the efficiency of decision making units”. European Journal of Operational Research 2: 429–444.
  • Charnes, A., Cooper, W.W., Lewin, A.Y., and Sieford, L. M., (2004). Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory Methodology and Applications, Massachusetts, USA.
  • Chou, Y.C., Sun, C.C., and Yen, H.Y. (2012). “Evaluation of human resources in science and technology by using dynamic Malmquist index approach and window analysis”. African Journal of Business Management 6(4): 5004-5013.
  • Chung, S.-H., Lee, A. H., Kang, H.Y. and Lai, C.-W. (2008). “A DEA window analysis on the product family mix selection for a semiconductor fabricator”. Expert Systems with Application 35: 379-388. (
  • Cook W. D. and Seiford L. M., (2009). “Data envelopment analysis (DEA) – Thirty years on”. European Journal of Operational Research 192: 1-17.
  • Cullinane, K., Song, D.,-W., Ji, P., and Wang, T.,-F. (2004). “An Application of DEA Window Analysis to Container Port Production Efficiency”. Review of Network Economics 3(2): 184-206.
  • Day, D., A. Lewin, and R. Salazar. (2004). Strategic leaders in the U.S. brewing industry: A DEA window analysis, in: Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory, Methodology and Applications, A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper, A.Y. Lewin and L.M. Seiford, eds., Kluwer Academic, Boston/Dordrecht/London.
  • Dyck, G., K. (2015). “Assessment of Port Efficiency in West Africa Using Data Envelopment Analysis. American”. Journal of Industrial and Business Management 5: 208-218.
  • Emrouznejad, A., Parker B. R., and Tavares G., (2008). “Evaluation of research in efficiency and productivity: A survey and analysis of the first 30 years of scholarly literature in DEA”. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 42(3 September): 151-157.
  • Farrell, M. J. (1957). “The measurement of productive efficiency”. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, General, 120:253–281.
  • Halkos, G.E., and Tzeremes, N.G. (2009a). “Economic efficiency and growth in the EU enlargement”. Journal of Policy Modeling 31: 847-862.
  • Halkos, G.E., and Tzeremes, N.G. (2009b). “Exploring the existence of Kuznets curve in countries’ environmental efficiency using DEA window analysis”. Ecological Economics 28: 2168-2176.
  • İSO (2014), Tekstil İmalatı Sanayi. İstanbul Sanayi Odası Yayınları, No:2014/4, İstanbul.
  • Kahveci, E, Celen, Y., and Ekşi, İ.H. (2013). “Türk Mevduat Bankalarının Performansının VZA Pencere Analizi İle Belirlenmesi”. Bankacılar Dergisi 86: 53–66.
  • Kaya, T. And Cinar, Y. (2016). “Analyzing Internal Efficiency Dynamics Of Turkish Banks: Activity Based Multi-Objective Dynamic DEA Model And Its Application”. The Journal of Applied Business Research 32(3): 729-746.
  • Kazley, A.S., and Ozcan, Y.A. (2009). “Electronic medical record use and efficiency: A DEA and window analysis of hospitals”. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 43: 209-216.
  • Kutlar, A., Kabasakal, A., and Torun, P. (2015a). “Dynamic Efficiency Analysis of World Railway Firms: A DEA-Window Analysis with Malmquist Index”. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 15(1): 27-41.
  • Kutlar, A., Kabasakal, A., and Babacan, A. (2015b). “Dynamic Efficiency of Turkish Banks: a DEA Window and Malmquist Index Analysis for the Period of 2003-2012”. Sosyoekonomi 23(24): 71-97.
  • Li, B. (2014). “Analysis of the efficiency of regional tourism based on DEA window technology”. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 12(4): 354-360.
  • Meng, F.Y, Zhou, P., Zhou, D.Q., and Bai, Y. (2014). “Inefficiency and Congestion Assessment of Mix Energy Consumption in 16 APEC Countries by using DEA Window Analysis”. Energy Procedia 61: 2518–2523.
  • Nguyen, T.P.T, Roca, E., and Sharma, P. (2014). “How efficient is the banking system of Asia’s next economic dragon? Evidence from rolling DEA windows”. Applied Economics 46 (22): 2665–2684.
  • Ohe, Y, and Peypoch, N. (2016). “Efficiency analysis of Japanese Ryokans: A window DEA approach”. Tourism Economics 22(6): 1261-1273.
  • Park, J.L, Kim, S.S., Choi, S.Y., Kim, J.H., and Kim, J.J. (2011). “Measuring Relative Efficiency of Korean Construction Company using DEA/Window”. International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering 5(12): 691–695.
  • Pjevčević, D., Radonjić, A., Hrle, Z., and Čolić, V. (2012). “DEA Window Analysis for Measuring Port Efficiencies in Serbia”. Promet-Traffic&Transportation 24(1): 63-72.
  • Pulina, M., Detotto, C., and Paba, A. (2010). “An investigation into the relationship between size and efficiency of the Italian hospitality sector: A window DEA approach”. European Journal of Operational Research 204: 613-620.
  • Ray S.C., (2004). Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory and Techniques for Economics and Operations Research, Cambridge University Pres.
  • Řepková, I. (2014a). “Efficiency of the Czech banking sector employing the DEA window analysis approach”. Procedia Economics and Finance 12: 587–596.
  • Řepková, I. (2014b). “Efficiency of the Slovak Commercial Banks Applying the DEA Window Analysis”. International Journal of Social, Management, Economics and Business Engineering 8(5): 1330–1335.
  • Sharifian, S., Ebrahimi, A., and Alimohammadlou, M. (2017). “An application of window data envelopment analysis methodology with double frontier in the performance assessment of Shiraz university colleges”. Decision Science Letters 6: 269-282.
  • Shawtari, F.A., Ariff, M., and A.Razak, S.H.A. (2015). “Efficiency assessment of banking sector in Yemen using data envelopment window analysis A comparative analysis of Islamic and conventional banks”. Benchmarking: An International Journal 22(6): 1115-1140.
  • Sözen A, and Alp İ., (2009). “Comparison of Turkey's Performance of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Local/Regional Pollutants with EU Countries”. Energy Policy 37(12): 5007-5018.
  • Storto, C., and Capano, B. (2015). “A dynamic efficiency analysis of the Eurepean renewable energy capacity between 2002 and 2011”. Advanced Materials Research 1079-1080: 1274-1279.
  • Sueyoshi, T., Goto, M., and Sugiyama, M. (2013). “DEA window analysis for environmental assessment in a dynamic time shift: Performance assessment of U.S. coal-fired power plants”. Energy Economics 40: 845-857.
  • Sufian, F., and Majid, M.Z.A. (2007). “X-Efficiency and share prices in the Singaporean Banking Sector: A DEA window analysis approach”. Investment Management and Financial Innovations 4(1): 73–90.
  • Wang, K., Shiwei, Y., and Zhang, W. (2013). “China’s regional energy and environmental efficiency: A DEA window analysis based dynamic evaluation”. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 58: 1117-1127.
  • Webb, R.M. (2003). “Levels of Efficiency in UK Retail Banks: A DEA Window Analysis”. International Journal of the Economics of Business 10(3): 305–322.
  • Wu, H., Shi, Y., Xia, Y., and Zhu, W. (2014). “Effectiveness of the policy of circular economy in China: A DEA-based analysis for the period of 11th five-year-plan”. Resources Conservation and Recycling 83: 163-175.
  • Yang, H.H, and Chang, C.Y. (2009). “Using DEA window analysis to measure efficiencies of Taiwan’s integrated telecommunication firms”. Telecommunications Policy 33: 98–108.
  • Zhang, X.P, Cheng, X.M., Yuan, J.H., and Gao, X.J. (2011). “Total-factor energy efficiency in developing countries”. Energy Policy 39:644–650.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Apan 0000-0001-9471-4810

İhsan Alp 0000-0002-6306-5114

Ahmet Öztel 0000-0002-9627-7850

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Temmuz 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Apan, M., Alp, İ., & Öztel, A. (2019). Determination of the Efficiencies of Textile Firms Listed in Borsa İstanbul by Using DEA-Window Analysis. Sosyoekonomi, 27(42), 107-128.
AMA Apan M, Alp İ, Öztel A. Determination of the Efficiencies of Textile Firms Listed in Borsa İstanbul by Using DEA-Window Analysis. Sosyoekonomi. Ekim 2019;27(42):107-128. doi:10.17233/sosyoekonomi.2019.04.06
Chicago Apan, Mehmet, İhsan Alp, ve Ahmet Öztel. “Determination of the Efficiencies of Textile Firms Listed in Borsa İstanbul by Using DEA-Window Analysis”. Sosyoekonomi 27, sy. 42 (Ekim 2019): 107-28.
EndNote Apan M, Alp İ, Öztel A (01 Ekim 2019) Determination of the Efficiencies of Textile Firms Listed in Borsa İstanbul by Using DEA-Window Analysis. Sosyoekonomi 27 42 107–128.
IEEE M. Apan, İ. Alp, ve A. Öztel, “Determination of the Efficiencies of Textile Firms Listed in Borsa İstanbul by Using DEA-Window Analysis”, Sosyoekonomi, c. 27, sy. 42, ss. 107–128, 2019, doi: 10.17233/sosyoekonomi.2019.04.06.
ISNAD Apan, Mehmet vd. “Determination of the Efficiencies of Textile Firms Listed in Borsa İstanbul by Using DEA-Window Analysis”. Sosyoekonomi 27/42 (Ekim 2019), 107-128.
JAMA Apan M, Alp İ, Öztel A. Determination of the Efficiencies of Textile Firms Listed in Borsa İstanbul by Using DEA-Window Analysis. Sosyoekonomi. 2019;27:107–128.
MLA Apan, Mehmet vd. “Determination of the Efficiencies of Textile Firms Listed in Borsa İstanbul by Using DEA-Window Analysis”. Sosyoekonomi, c. 27, sy. 42, 2019, ss. 107-28, doi:10.17233/sosyoekonomi.2019.04.06.
Vancouver Apan M, Alp İ, Öztel A. Determination of the Efficiencies of Textile Firms Listed in Borsa İstanbul by Using DEA-Window Analysis. Sosyoekonomi. 2019;27(42):107-28.