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Biçimsel Olmayan Mentorluk Yoluyla Öz-Etkinliğin Artırılması

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 19, - , 01.06.2013


Mentorluk faaliyetlerinin örgütsel bağlılığı, tatmini, sosyalizasyonu, iletişim ve bilgi paylaşımı ve öğrenmeyi arttırıcı etkisinin olduğu, işdevrini düşürdüğü yönünde pek çok araştırmaya rastlamak mümkündür. Bu araştırma daha çok bir kişisel özellik olan çalışanların öz-etkinliklerinin mentorluk aracılılığıyla arttırılıp artırılmayacağına odaklanmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan 110 teknokent çalışanından elde edilen bulgular analiz edildiğinde; “mentorluğun psikososyal işlevlerinden koçluk ve benimsenme, kariyer işlevlerinden ise koruma ve beceri kazandırma” ile “öz-etkinlik boyutlarından yılmama ve sürekli çaba-ısrar inançları” arasında ilişkiler bulunmuştur.


  • Allen, T.D. (2003), “Mentoring others: A dispositional and motivational approach”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 62(1), 134–154.
  • Allen, T.D. (2004), “Protégé selection by mentors: Contributing individual and organizational factors”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 65(3), 469–483.
  • Allen, T.D., & L.T. Eby (2004), “Factors related to mentor reports of mentoring functions provided: Gender and relational characteristics”, Sex Roles, 50(1), 129–139.
  • Allen, T.D., L.T. Eby, M.L. Poteet, E. Lentz, L. Lima (2004), “Career Benefits Associated With Mentoring for Proteges: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(1), 127.
  • Bandura, A. (1993), “Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning”, Educational psychologist, 28(2), 117–148.
  • Bandura, A. (1995), “Self-efficacy in changing societies”, Cambridge Univ. Pr.
  • Boyd, N.G., & G.S. Vozikis (1994), “The influence of self-efficacy on the development of entrepreneurial intentions and actions”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 18, 63–63.
  • Bozionelos, N., & G. Bozionelos (2010), “Mentoring received by protégés: its relation to personality and mental ability in the Anglo-Saxon organizational environment”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(4), 509–529.
  • Chao, G.T. (1997), “Mentoring Phases and Outcomes”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 51(1), 15–28.
  • Chen, C.C., P.G. Greene, A. Crick (1998), “Does entrepreneurial self-efficacy distinguish entrepreneurs from managers?”, Journal of Business venturing, 13(4), 295–316.
  • Dreher, G.F., & T.H. Cox Jr (1996), “Race, gender, and opportunity: A study of compensation attainment and the establishment of mentoring relationships”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 81(3), 297.
  • Eby, L.T. (1997), “Alternative Forms of Mentoring in Changing Organizational Environments: A Conceptual Extension of the Mentoring Literature”, Journal of vocational behavior, 51(1), 125–144.
  • Ensher, E.A., & S.E. Murphy (1997), “Effects of race, gender, perceived similarity, and contact on mentor relationships”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 50(3), 460–481.
  • Ensher, E.A., C. Thomas, S.E. Murphy (2001), “Comparison of traditional, step-ahead, and peer mentoring on protégés’ support, satisfaction, and perceptions of career success: A social exchange perspective”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 15(3), 419–438.
  • Fagenson, E.A. (1989), “The mentor advantage: Perceived career/job experiences of protégés versus non-protégés”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 10(4), 309–320.
  • Fowler, J.L., & J.G. O’Gorman (2005), “Mentoring functions: a contemporary view of the perceptions of mentees and mentors”, British Journal of Management, 16(1), 51–57.
  • Gibson, S.K. (2004), “Being mentored: The experience of women faculty”, Journal of Career Development, 30(3), 173–188.
  • Gist, M.E. (1987), “Self-efficacy: Implications for organizational behavior and human resource management”, Academy of Management Review, 472–485.
  • Gist, M.E., & T.R. Mitchell (1992), “Self-efficacy: A theoretical analysis of its determinants and malleability”, Academy of Management Review, 183–211.
  • Keleş, M.K. (2007), “Türkiye’de teknokentler: bir ampirik inceleme”, Sosyal Bilimler.
  • Kram, K.E., & L.A. Isabella (1985), “Mentoring alternatives: The role of peer relationships in career development”, Academy of management Journal, 110–132.
  • Lyness, K.S., & D.E. Thompson (2000), “Climbing the corporate ladder: do female and male executives follow the same route?”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 85(1), 86.
  • Nielson, T.R., D.S. Carlson, M.J. Lankau (2001), “The supportive mentor as a means of reducing work-family conflict”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59(3), 364–381.
  • Noe, R.A. (1988), “An investigation of the determinants of successful assigned mentoring relationships”, Personnel Psychology, 41(3), 457–479.
  • Olson, D.A., & D. Jackson (2009), “Expanding leadership diversity through formal mentoring programs”, Journal of Leadership Studies, 3(1), 47–60.
  • Payne, S.C., & A.H. Huffman (2005), “A longitudinal examination of the influence of mentoring on organizational commitment and turnover”, The Academy of Management Journal, 158–168.
  • Ragins, B.R., & T.A. Scandura (1997), “The way we were: Gender and the termination of mentoring relationships”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 82(6), 945.
  • Ragins, B.R., & T.A. Scandura (1999), “Burden or blessing? Expected costs and benefits of being a mentor”, Journal of Organizational Behavior; Journal of Organizational Behavior.
  • Ragins, B.R., & E. Sundstrom (1989), “Gender and power in organizations: A longitudinal perspective”, Psychological bulletin, 105(1), 51.
  • Ramaswami, A., G.F. Dreher, R. Bretz, C. Wiethoff (2010), “Gender, mentoring, and career success: The importance of organizational context”, Personnel Psychology, 63(2), 385–405.
  • Saffold, F. (2005), “Increasing self-efficacy through mentoring”, Academic Exchange Quarterly. Winter. Rapid Intellect Group, Inc, 9(4).
  • Scandura, T.A. (1997), “Mentoring and organizational justice: An empirical investigation”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 51(1), 58–69.
  • Scandura, T.A., & E.A. Williams (2001), “An investigation of the moderating effects of gender on the relationships between mentorship initiation and protégé perceptions of mentoring functions”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59(3), 342–363.
  • Stajkovic, A.D., & F. Luthans (1998), “Self-efficacy and work-related performance: A meta-analysis”, Psychological bulletin, 124(2), 240.
  • Thomas, C.H., & M.J. Lankau (2009), “Preventing burnout: The effects of LMX and mentoring on socialization, role stress, and burnout”, Human Resource Management, 48(3), 417–432.
  • Wei, M., D.W. Russell, R.A. Zakalik (2005), “Adult attachment, social self-efficacy, self-disclosure, loneliness, and subsequent depression for freshman college students: A longitudinal study”, Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52(4), 602.
  • Wilson, J.A., & N.S. Elman (1990), “Organizational benefits of mentoring”, The Executive, 88–94.
  • Wood, R., & A. Bandura (1989), “Social cognitive theory of organizational management”, Academy of management Review, 361–384.
  • Yıldırım, F., & İ. İlhan (2010a), “Genel özyeterlilik ölçeği Türkçe formunun geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalişmasi”, Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 21(4), 301.

Biçimsel Olmayan Mentorluk Yoluyla Öz-Etkinliğin Artırılması

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 19, - , 01.06.2013


Mentorluk faaliyetlerinin örgütsel bağlılığı, tatmini, sosyalizasyonu, iletişim ve bilgi paylaşımı ve öğrenmeyi arttırıcı etkisinin olduğu, işdevrini düşürdüğü yönünde pek çok araştırmaya rastlamak mümkündür. Bu araştırma daha çok bir kişisel özellik olan çalışanların öz-etkinliklerinin mentorluk aracılılığıyla arttırılıp artırılmayacağına odaklanmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan 110 teknokent çalışanından elde edilen bulgular analiz edildiğinde; “mentorluğun psikososyal işlevlerinden koçluk ve benimsenme, kariyer işlevlerinden ise koruma ve beceri kazandırma” ile “öz-etkinlik boyutlarından yılmama ve sürekli çaba-ısrar inançları” arasında ilişkiler bulunmuştur.


  • Allen, T.D. (2003), “Mentoring others: A dispositional and motivational approach”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 62(1), 134–154.
  • Allen, T.D. (2004), “Protégé selection by mentors: Contributing individual and organizational factors”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 65(3), 469–483.
  • Allen, T.D., & L.T. Eby (2004), “Factors related to mentor reports of mentoring functions provided: Gender and relational characteristics”, Sex Roles, 50(1), 129–139.
  • Allen, T.D., L.T. Eby, M.L. Poteet, E. Lentz, L. Lima (2004), “Career Benefits Associated With Mentoring for Proteges: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(1), 127.
  • Bandura, A. (1993), “Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning”, Educational psychologist, 28(2), 117–148.
  • Bandura, A. (1995), “Self-efficacy in changing societies”, Cambridge Univ. Pr.
  • Boyd, N.G., & G.S. Vozikis (1994), “The influence of self-efficacy on the development of entrepreneurial intentions and actions”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 18, 63–63.
  • Bozionelos, N., & G. Bozionelos (2010), “Mentoring received by protégés: its relation to personality and mental ability in the Anglo-Saxon organizational environment”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(4), 509–529.
  • Chao, G.T. (1997), “Mentoring Phases and Outcomes”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 51(1), 15–28.
  • Chen, C.C., P.G. Greene, A. Crick (1998), “Does entrepreneurial self-efficacy distinguish entrepreneurs from managers?”, Journal of Business venturing, 13(4), 295–316.
  • Dreher, G.F., & T.H. Cox Jr (1996), “Race, gender, and opportunity: A study of compensation attainment and the establishment of mentoring relationships”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 81(3), 297.
  • Eby, L.T. (1997), “Alternative Forms of Mentoring in Changing Organizational Environments: A Conceptual Extension of the Mentoring Literature”, Journal of vocational behavior, 51(1), 125–144.
  • Ensher, E.A., & S.E. Murphy (1997), “Effects of race, gender, perceived similarity, and contact on mentor relationships”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 50(3), 460–481.
  • Ensher, E.A., C. Thomas, S.E. Murphy (2001), “Comparison of traditional, step-ahead, and peer mentoring on protégés’ support, satisfaction, and perceptions of career success: A social exchange perspective”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 15(3), 419–438.
  • Fagenson, E.A. (1989), “The mentor advantage: Perceived career/job experiences of protégés versus non-protégés”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 10(4), 309–320.
  • Fowler, J.L., & J.G. O’Gorman (2005), “Mentoring functions: a contemporary view of the perceptions of mentees and mentors”, British Journal of Management, 16(1), 51–57.
  • Gibson, S.K. (2004), “Being mentored: The experience of women faculty”, Journal of Career Development, 30(3), 173–188.
  • Gist, M.E. (1987), “Self-efficacy: Implications for organizational behavior and human resource management”, Academy of Management Review, 472–485.
  • Gist, M.E., & T.R. Mitchell (1992), “Self-efficacy: A theoretical analysis of its determinants and malleability”, Academy of Management Review, 183–211.
  • Keleş, M.K. (2007), “Türkiye’de teknokentler: bir ampirik inceleme”, Sosyal Bilimler.
  • Kram, K.E., & L.A. Isabella (1985), “Mentoring alternatives: The role of peer relationships in career development”, Academy of management Journal, 110–132.
  • Lyness, K.S., & D.E. Thompson (2000), “Climbing the corporate ladder: do female and male executives follow the same route?”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 85(1), 86.
  • Nielson, T.R., D.S. Carlson, M.J. Lankau (2001), “The supportive mentor as a means of reducing work-family conflict”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59(3), 364–381.
  • Noe, R.A. (1988), “An investigation of the determinants of successful assigned mentoring relationships”, Personnel Psychology, 41(3), 457–479.
  • Olson, D.A., & D. Jackson (2009), “Expanding leadership diversity through formal mentoring programs”, Journal of Leadership Studies, 3(1), 47–60.
  • Payne, S.C., & A.H. Huffman (2005), “A longitudinal examination of the influence of mentoring on organizational commitment and turnover”, The Academy of Management Journal, 158–168.
  • Ragins, B.R., & T.A. Scandura (1997), “The way we were: Gender and the termination of mentoring relationships”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 82(6), 945.
  • Ragins, B.R., & T.A. Scandura (1999), “Burden or blessing? Expected costs and benefits of being a mentor”, Journal of Organizational Behavior; Journal of Organizational Behavior.
  • Ragins, B.R., & E. Sundstrom (1989), “Gender and power in organizations: A longitudinal perspective”, Psychological bulletin, 105(1), 51.
  • Ramaswami, A., G.F. Dreher, R. Bretz, C. Wiethoff (2010), “Gender, mentoring, and career success: The importance of organizational context”, Personnel Psychology, 63(2), 385–405.
  • Saffold, F. (2005), “Increasing self-efficacy through mentoring”, Academic Exchange Quarterly. Winter. Rapid Intellect Group, Inc, 9(4).
  • Scandura, T.A. (1997), “Mentoring and organizational justice: An empirical investigation”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 51(1), 58–69.
  • Scandura, T.A., & E.A. Williams (2001), “An investigation of the moderating effects of gender on the relationships between mentorship initiation and protégé perceptions of mentoring functions”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59(3), 342–363.
  • Stajkovic, A.D., & F. Luthans (1998), “Self-efficacy and work-related performance: A meta-analysis”, Psychological bulletin, 124(2), 240.
  • Thomas, C.H., & M.J. Lankau (2009), “Preventing burnout: The effects of LMX and mentoring on socialization, role stress, and burnout”, Human Resource Management, 48(3), 417–432.
  • Wei, M., D.W. Russell, R.A. Zakalik (2005), “Adult attachment, social self-efficacy, self-disclosure, loneliness, and subsequent depression for freshman college students: A longitudinal study”, Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52(4), 602.
  • Wilson, J.A., & N.S. Elman (1990), “Organizational benefits of mentoring”, The Executive, 88–94.
  • Wood, R., & A. Bandura (1989), “Social cognitive theory of organizational management”, Academy of management Review, 361–384.
  • Yıldırım, F., & İ. İlhan (2010a), “Genel özyeterlilik ölçeği Türkçe formunun geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalişmasi”, Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 21(4), 301.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Nurettin İbrahimoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Aralık 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 19

Kaynak Göster

APA İbrahimoğlu, N. (2013). Biçimsel Olmayan Mentorluk Yoluyla Öz-Etkinliğin Artırılması. Sosyoekonomi, 19(19).
AMA İbrahimoğlu N. Biçimsel Olmayan Mentorluk Yoluyla Öz-Etkinliğin Artırılması. Sosyoekonomi. Nisan 2013;19(19). doi:10.17233/se.51685
Chicago İbrahimoğlu, Nurettin. “Biçimsel Olmayan Mentorluk Yoluyla Öz-Etkinliğin Artırılması”. Sosyoekonomi 19, sy. 19 (Nisan 2013).
EndNote İbrahimoğlu N (01 Nisan 2013) Biçimsel Olmayan Mentorluk Yoluyla Öz-Etkinliğin Artırılması. Sosyoekonomi 19 19
IEEE N. İbrahimoğlu, “Biçimsel Olmayan Mentorluk Yoluyla Öz-Etkinliğin Artırılması”, Sosyoekonomi, c. 19, sy. 19, 2013, doi: 10.17233/se.51685.
ISNAD İbrahimoğlu, Nurettin. “Biçimsel Olmayan Mentorluk Yoluyla Öz-Etkinliğin Artırılması”. Sosyoekonomi 19/19 (Nisan 2013).
JAMA İbrahimoğlu N. Biçimsel Olmayan Mentorluk Yoluyla Öz-Etkinliğin Artırılması. Sosyoekonomi. 2013;19. doi:10.17233/se.51685.
MLA İbrahimoğlu, Nurettin. “Biçimsel Olmayan Mentorluk Yoluyla Öz-Etkinliğin Artırılması”. Sosyoekonomi, c. 19, sy. 19, 2013, doi:10.17233/se.51685.
Vancouver İbrahimoğlu N. Biçimsel Olmayan Mentorluk Yoluyla Öz-Etkinliğin Artırılması. Sosyoekonomi. 2013;19(19).