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Regional Convergence in Turkey Regarding Welfare Indicators

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 24, 38 - 50, 06.04.2015


The main aim of this study is to investigate conditional convergence by using welfare indicators at NUTS 2 level in Turkey. We use cross-section analysis for the 1990-2001 time period for the aim of the study. Three growth indicators were used as the dependent variable, which are per capita GDP, per person employed GDP and development index. Hence, the effects of illiterate population rate, high school graduated rate, public capital per person, population growth rate on convergence were investigated. The results of this study show that there is some evidence of unconditional convergence in Turkey in general. Moreover, the results indicate that socio-economic indicators have no effect on regional growth in general. Only the population growth rate which is used in the analysis and per capita GDP as dependent variable has negative and significant results.


  • Altınbaş, S. & F. Doğruel & M. Güneş (2002), “Türkiye’de Bölgesel Yakınsama: Kalkınmada Öncelikli İller Politikası Başarılı mı?”, VI. ODTÜ Uluslararası Ekonomi Kongresi, 11-14 Eylül, Ankara.
  • Artan, S. & M. Berber & R. Yamak (2000), “Türkiye’de yakınlaşma hipotezinin bölgeler bazında geçerliliği üzerine ampirik bir çalışma: 1975-1997”, 9. Ulusal Bölge Bilimi ve Bölge Planlama Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 51-59.
  • Artelaris, P. & D. Kallioras & G. Petrakos (2010), “Regional inequalities and convergence clubs in the European Union new member-states”, Eastern Journal of European Studies, 1(1), 113-133.
  • Azomahou, T.T. & J. El-ouardighi & P. Nguyen-Van & T. Kim Cuong Pham (2011), “Testing convergence of European regions: A semiparametric approach”, Economic Modelling, 28, May, 1202-1210.
  • Baumol, W.J (1986), “Productivity Growth, Convergence and Welfare: What the Long-Run Data Show?”, American Economic Review, 76(5), 1072–85.
  • Barro, R. (1991), “Economic Growth in a Cross-section of Countries”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106, 406-443.
  • Barro, R. & X. Sala-i-Martín (1991), “Convergence across States and Regions”, Brooking Papers of Economic Activity, 1: 107–82.
  • Barro, R. & X. Sala-i-Martín (1992), “Convergence”, Journal of Political Economy, 100(2): 223–51.
  • Caselli, F. & G. Esquivel & F. Lefort (1996), “Reopening the Convergence Debate: A New Look at Cross-Country Growth Empirics”, Journal of Economic Growth, 1, 363-389.
  • Canaleta, C.G. & P.P. Arzoz & M.R. Gárate (2002), “Structural Change, Infrastructure and Convergence in the Regions of the European Union”, European Urban and Regional Studies, 9(2), 115–135.
  • Cheung, Y. & A. Pascula (2004), “Testing for Output Convergence a Re-Examination”, Oxford Economic Papers, 56, 45-63.
  • Costa, M. & S. Iezzi (2004), “Technology spillover and regional convergence process: a statistical analysis of the Italian case”, Statistical Methods and Applications, 13: 375–398.
  • De Long, J.B. (1988), “Productivity Growth, Convergence, and Welfare: Comment”, American Economic Review, 78(5), 1138-1154.
  • Doğruel, F. & S. Doğruel (2003), “Türkiye’de Bölgesel Gelir Farklılıkları ve Büyüme, İktisat ÜzerineYazılar”, Korkut Boratav’a Armağan, İletişim Yayınları.
  • Filiztekin, A. (1998), “Convergence across Regions and Provinces”, Koç University Working Paper Series, No. 1998/08.
  • Gezici F. & G.J.D. Hewings (2004), “Regional Convergence and the Economic Performance of Peripheral Areas in Turkey”, RURDS, Vol. 16, No 2.
  • Islam, N. (1995), “Growth Empirics: A Panel Data Approach”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110, 1127-1170.
  • Karaalp, H.S. & F. Erdal (2012), “Sanayileşmenin Bölgesel Yığılması ve Komşu İllerin Büyümesi Gelir Farklılıklarını Artırır mı? Türkiye için Bir Beta Yakınsama Analizi”, Ege Akademik Bakış, 12 (4), 475-486.
  • Karaca, O. (2004), “Türkiye’de Bölgeler Arası Gelir Farklılıkları:Yakınsama Var mı?”, Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu Tartışma Metni, (2004/7), Ankara, Turkey.
  • Kocenda, E. & D.H. Papell (1997), “Inflation Convergence within the European Union: A Panel Data Analysis”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2(3), 189-198.
  • Kruger, A. & M. Lindahl (2001), “Education for Growth: Why and For Whom”, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 39, No. 4.
  • Lall, S. & S. Yılmaz (2001), “Regional Economic Convergence: Do Policy Instruments Make Difference?”, Annals of Regional Science, 35, 153-166.
  • Lee, K. & M. Pesaran & R. Smith (1993), “Growth and Convergence in a Multi-Country Empirical Stochastic Solow Model”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol.12, 357-392.
  • Loewy, M.B. & D.H. Papel (1996), “Are U.S. Regional Incomes Converging? Some Further Evidence”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 38, 587-598.
  • Michelis, L. & A. Papadopoulos & G. Papanikos (2004), “Regional convergence in Greece in the 1980s: an econometric investigation”, Applied Economics, 36, 881-88.
  • Özgül, S. (2009), “Türkiye’de Refah Göstergeleri Açısından Bölgesel Yakınsama”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Öztürk, L. (2005), “Bölgelerarası Gelir Eşitsizliği: İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Sınıflandırmasına Göre Eşitsizlik Endeksleri İle Bir Analiz, 1965-2001”, Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, (10) 2005, 95-110.
  • Önder, Ö. & E. Deliktaş & M. Karadağ (2010), “The Impact of Public Capital Stock on Regional Convergence in Turkey”, European Planning Studies, 18(7):1041-1055.
  • Romer, Paul M. (1990), “Endogenous Technological Change”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol: 98, No. 5:71-102.
  • Rondinelli, Denis A. (1985), “Applied Methods of Regional Analysis”, Westview Special Studies, Westview Pres, Boulder and London.
  • Sağbaş, İ. (2002), “İller Arası Gelir Farklılıkları ve Yakınsama”, ODTÜ 6. Uluslararası Ekonomi Konferansı, Ankara, Eylül.

Regional Convergence in Turkey Regarding Welfare Indicators

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 24, 38 - 50, 06.04.2015


The main aim of this study is to investigate conditional convergence by using welfare indicators at NUTS 2 level in Turkey. We use cross-section analysis for the 1990-2001 time period for the aim of the study. Three growth indicators were used as the dependent variable, which are per capita GDP, per person employed GDP and development index. Hence, the effects of illiterate population rate, high school graduated rate, public capital per person, population growth rate on convergence were investigated. The results of this study show that there is some evidence of unconditional convergence in Turkey in general. Moreover, the results indicate that socio-economic indicators have no effect on regional growth in general. Only the population growth rate which is used in the analysis and per capita GDP as dependent variable has negative and significant results.


  • Altınbaş, S. & F. Doğruel & M. Güneş (2002), “Türkiye’de Bölgesel Yakınsama: Kalkınmada Öncelikli İller Politikası Başarılı mı?”, VI. ODTÜ Uluslararası Ekonomi Kongresi, 11-14 Eylül, Ankara.
  • Artan, S. & M. Berber & R. Yamak (2000), “Türkiye’de yakınlaşma hipotezinin bölgeler bazında geçerliliği üzerine ampirik bir çalışma: 1975-1997”, 9. Ulusal Bölge Bilimi ve Bölge Planlama Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 51-59.
  • Artelaris, P. & D. Kallioras & G. Petrakos (2010), “Regional inequalities and convergence clubs in the European Union new member-states”, Eastern Journal of European Studies, 1(1), 113-133.
  • Azomahou, T.T. & J. El-ouardighi & P. Nguyen-Van & T. Kim Cuong Pham (2011), “Testing convergence of European regions: A semiparametric approach”, Economic Modelling, 28, May, 1202-1210.
  • Baumol, W.J (1986), “Productivity Growth, Convergence and Welfare: What the Long-Run Data Show?”, American Economic Review, 76(5), 1072–85.
  • Barro, R. (1991), “Economic Growth in a Cross-section of Countries”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106, 406-443.
  • Barro, R. & X. Sala-i-Martín (1991), “Convergence across States and Regions”, Brooking Papers of Economic Activity, 1: 107–82.
  • Barro, R. & X. Sala-i-Martín (1992), “Convergence”, Journal of Political Economy, 100(2): 223–51.
  • Caselli, F. & G. Esquivel & F. Lefort (1996), “Reopening the Convergence Debate: A New Look at Cross-Country Growth Empirics”, Journal of Economic Growth, 1, 363-389.
  • Canaleta, C.G. & P.P. Arzoz & M.R. Gárate (2002), “Structural Change, Infrastructure and Convergence in the Regions of the European Union”, European Urban and Regional Studies, 9(2), 115–135.
  • Cheung, Y. & A. Pascula (2004), “Testing for Output Convergence a Re-Examination”, Oxford Economic Papers, 56, 45-63.
  • Costa, M. & S. Iezzi (2004), “Technology spillover and regional convergence process: a statistical analysis of the Italian case”, Statistical Methods and Applications, 13: 375–398.
  • De Long, J.B. (1988), “Productivity Growth, Convergence, and Welfare: Comment”, American Economic Review, 78(5), 1138-1154.
  • Doğruel, F. & S. Doğruel (2003), “Türkiye’de Bölgesel Gelir Farklılıkları ve Büyüme, İktisat ÜzerineYazılar”, Korkut Boratav’a Armağan, İletişim Yayınları.
  • Filiztekin, A. (1998), “Convergence across Regions and Provinces”, Koç University Working Paper Series, No. 1998/08.
  • Gezici F. & G.J.D. Hewings (2004), “Regional Convergence and the Economic Performance of Peripheral Areas in Turkey”, RURDS, Vol. 16, No 2.
  • Islam, N. (1995), “Growth Empirics: A Panel Data Approach”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110, 1127-1170.
  • Karaalp, H.S. & F. Erdal (2012), “Sanayileşmenin Bölgesel Yığılması ve Komşu İllerin Büyümesi Gelir Farklılıklarını Artırır mı? Türkiye için Bir Beta Yakınsama Analizi”, Ege Akademik Bakış, 12 (4), 475-486.
  • Karaca, O. (2004), “Türkiye’de Bölgeler Arası Gelir Farklılıkları:Yakınsama Var mı?”, Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu Tartışma Metni, (2004/7), Ankara, Turkey.
  • Kocenda, E. & D.H. Papell (1997), “Inflation Convergence within the European Union: A Panel Data Analysis”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2(3), 189-198.
  • Kruger, A. & M. Lindahl (2001), “Education for Growth: Why and For Whom”, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 39, No. 4.
  • Lall, S. & S. Yılmaz (2001), “Regional Economic Convergence: Do Policy Instruments Make Difference?”, Annals of Regional Science, 35, 153-166.
  • Lee, K. & M. Pesaran & R. Smith (1993), “Growth and Convergence in a Multi-Country Empirical Stochastic Solow Model”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol.12, 357-392.
  • Loewy, M.B. & D.H. Papel (1996), “Are U.S. Regional Incomes Converging? Some Further Evidence”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 38, 587-598.
  • Michelis, L. & A. Papadopoulos & G. Papanikos (2004), “Regional convergence in Greece in the 1980s: an econometric investigation”, Applied Economics, 36, 881-88.
  • Özgül, S. (2009), “Türkiye’de Refah Göstergeleri Açısından Bölgesel Yakınsama”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Öztürk, L. (2005), “Bölgelerarası Gelir Eşitsizliği: İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Sınıflandırmasına Göre Eşitsizlik Endeksleri İle Bir Analiz, 1965-2001”, Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, (10) 2005, 95-110.
  • Önder, Ö. & E. Deliktaş & M. Karadağ (2010), “The Impact of Public Capital Stock on Regional Convergence in Turkey”, European Planning Studies, 18(7):1041-1055.
  • Romer, Paul M. (1990), “Endogenous Technological Change”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol: 98, No. 5:71-102.
  • Rondinelli, Denis A. (1985), “Applied Methods of Regional Analysis”, Westview Special Studies, Westview Pres, Boulder and London.
  • Sağbaş, İ. (2002), “İller Arası Gelir Farklılıkları ve Yakınsama”, ODTÜ 6. Uluslararası Ekonomi Konferansı, Ankara, Eylül.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Seda Özgül Bu kişi benim

Metin Karadağ

Yayımlanma Tarihi 6 Nisan 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Nisan 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 24

Kaynak Göster

APA Özgül, S., & Karadağ, M. (2015). Regional Convergence in Turkey Regarding Welfare Indicators. Sosyoekonomi, 23(24), 38-50.
AMA Özgül S, Karadağ M. Regional Convergence in Turkey Regarding Welfare Indicators. Sosyoekonomi. Nisan 2015;23(24):38-50. doi:10.17233/se.01958
Chicago Özgül, Seda, ve Metin Karadağ. “Regional Convergence in Turkey Regarding Welfare Indicators”. Sosyoekonomi 23, sy. 24 (Nisan 2015): 38-50.
EndNote Özgül S, Karadağ M (01 Nisan 2015) Regional Convergence in Turkey Regarding Welfare Indicators. Sosyoekonomi 23 24 38–50.
IEEE S. Özgül ve M. Karadağ, “Regional Convergence in Turkey Regarding Welfare Indicators”, Sosyoekonomi, c. 23, sy. 24, ss. 38–50, 2015, doi: 10.17233/se.01958.
ISNAD Özgül, Seda - Karadağ, Metin. “Regional Convergence in Turkey Regarding Welfare Indicators”. Sosyoekonomi 23/24 (Nisan 2015), 38-50.
JAMA Özgül S, Karadağ M. Regional Convergence in Turkey Regarding Welfare Indicators. Sosyoekonomi. 2015;23:38–50.
MLA Özgül, Seda ve Metin Karadağ. “Regional Convergence in Turkey Regarding Welfare Indicators”. Sosyoekonomi, c. 23, sy. 24, 2015, ss. 38-50, doi:10.17233/se.01958.
Vancouver Özgül S, Karadağ M. Regional Convergence in Turkey Regarding Welfare Indicators. Sosyoekonomi. 2015;23(24):38-50.