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Yıl 2022, , 277 - 304, 29.06.2022


Bu makalenin amacı, ev sahibi ülkelerdeki göçmenlerin politik katılımını (oy kullanma, kurumsallaşmış ve kurumsallaşmamış politik faaliyetler) konu alan ulusal ve uluslararası alandaki ampirik çalışmaları derlemektir. Göçmenlerin göç sonrası politik faaliyetleri hem ev sahibi ülkenin demokratik iklimi hem göçmenlerin entegrasyonu açısından son derece önemlidir. Bu nedenle göçmenlerin politik katılımının altında yatan sosyal psikolojik süreçlerin açıklanması büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada, göçmenlerin politik katılımındaki dinamik incelenmiş ve bu sürece grup düzeyinde ve bireysel düzeyde etki eden faktörler derlenmiştir. Grup düzeyi değişkenleri arasında sosyal adaletsizlik, etkililik algısı, sosyal kimlik ve gruplar arası temas gibi faktörlerin göçmenlerin politik katılımı üzerindeki etkilerine, bireysel farklılıklar arasında ise eğitim, cinsiyet, kuşak gibi bireysel özelliklere odaklanılmıştır. Son olarak, geçmiş çalışmaların sınırlılıkları tartışılmış ve gelecek çalışmalarda göz önünde bulundurulması gereken konulara dikkat çekilmiştir.


  • Acar, Y. G. ve Uluğ, Ö. M. (2016). Examining Prejudice Reduction Through Solidarity and Togetherness Experiences Among Gezi Park Activists in Turkey. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 4(1), 166-179.
  • Adams, J. S. (1963). Toward an Understanding of Inequity. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 67 (5), 422–436.
  • Bagci, S. C. ve Turnuklu, A. (2018). Intended, Unintended, and Unknown Consequences of Contact: The Role of Positive and Negative Contact on Out-Group Attitudes, Collective Action Tendencies, and Psychological Well-Being. Social Psychology, 50, 7-23.
  • Berry, J. W. (2001). A Psychology of Immigration. Journal of Social Issues, 57(3), 615-631.
  • Bilodeau, A. (2008). Immigrants’ Voice through Protest Politics in Canada and Australia: Assessing the Impact of Pre-Migration Political Repression. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 34 (6), 975-1002.
  • Birt, C. M. ve Dion, K. L. (1987). Relative deprivation theory and responses to discrimination in a gay male and lesbian sample. British Journal of Social Psychology, 26, 139-145.
  • Black, J. H. (1987). The Practice of Politics in Two Settings: Political Transferability Among Recent Immigrants to Canada. Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue Canadienne de Science Politique, 20 (4), 731-753.
  • Bloemraad, I. ve Trost, C. (2008). It’s a family affair: Inter-generational mobilization in the spring 2006 protests. American Behavioral Scientist, 52, 507–532.
  • Bloemraad, I. ve Vermeulen, F. (2014). Immigrants’ political incorporation. M. Martiniello ve J. Rath (Ed.), An introduction to immigrant incorporation studies: European perspectives içinde (227–249). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
  • Cakal, H., Hewstone, M., Güler, M. ve Heath, A. (2016). Predicting support for collective action in the conflict between Turks and Kurds: Perceived threats as a mediator of intergroup contact and social identity. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 19(6), 732-752.
  • Chui, T. W. L., Curtis, J. E. ve Lambert, R. D. (1991). Immigrant background and political participation: examining generational patterns. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 16(4), 375-396.
  • Cole, E. R. (2009). Intersectionality and research in psychology. American Psychologist, 64(3), 170–180.
  • Crosby, F. (1976). A model of egoistical relative deprivation. Psychological Review, 83(2), 85–113.
  • Dion, K. L. (2002). The social psychology of perceived prejudice and discrimination. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 43, 1–10.
  • Dixon, J., Durrheim, K. ve Tredoux, C. (2007). Intergroup contact and attitudes towards the principle and practice of racial equality. Psychological Science, 18, 867-872.
  • Dixon, J., Tropp, L. R., Durrheim, K. ve Tredoux, C. (2010). “Let them eat harmony”: Prejudice-reduction strategies and attitudes of historically disadvantaged groups. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19, 76–80.
  • Dovidio, J. F., Gaertner, S. L. ve Saguy, T. (2009). Commonalty and the complexity of “we”: Social attitudes and social change. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 13, 3-20.
  • Duncan, L. E. (1999). Motivation for Collective Action: Group Consciousness as Mediator of Personality, life Experiences, and Women’s Rights Activism. Political Psychology, 20(3), 611-635.
  • Gezici-Yalcin, M. (2007). Collective Action of Immigrants from Turkey Living in Germany. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Philipps-Universität Marburg
  • Glasford, D. E. ve Dovidio, J. F. (2011). E pluribus unum: Dual identity and minority group members’ motivation to engage in contact, as well as social change. Journal of Experimental Social Pscyhology, 47, 1021-1024.
  • Glick, P. ve Fiske, S.T. (1996). The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory: Differentiating Hostile and Benevolent Sexism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70(3), 491-512.
  • Grant, P. R. (2008). The protest intentions of skilled immigrants with credentialing problems: A test of a model integrating relative deprivation theory with social identity theory. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47(4), 687-705.
  • Hässler, T., Ullrich, J., Bernardino, M., Shnabel, N., van Laar, C., Valdenegro, D…, Ugarte, L. M. (2020). A large-scale test of the link between intergroup contact and support for social change. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(4), 380-386.
  • Hayward, L. E., Tropp, L. R., Hornsey, M. J. ve Barlow, F. K. (2017). How negative contact and positive contact with Whites predict collective action among racial and ethnic minorities. British Journal of Social Psychology, 57(1), 1-20.
  • Kaya, O. ve Mamatoğlu, N. (2019). Kimlik Gücü ile Kolektif Eylem Arasındaki İlişkide Sosyal Adaletin Düzenleyici Rolü. Kıbrıs Türk Psikiyatri ve Psikoloji Dergisi, 1(2), 68-75
  • Klandermans, B. (1997). The Social Psychology of Protest. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Klandermans, B. (2014). Identity Politics and Politicized Identities: Identity Processes and the Dynamics of Protest. Political Psychology, 35, 1-22.
  • Klandermans, B. (2015). Collective Action. A. R. Oberschall (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2. Baskı) içinde (49-54). Elsevier.
  • Klandermans, B., van der Tom, J. ve van Stekelenburg, J. (2008). Embeddedness and grivances: Collective action participation among immigrants. American Sociological Review, 73, 992-1012.
  • Klandermans, B., van der Toorn, J. ve van Stekelenburg, J. (2008). Embeddedness and Identity: How Immigrants Turn Grievances into Action. American Sociological Review, 73(6), 992-1012.
  • Koopmans, R. (2004) Migrant mobilisation and political opportunities: variation among German cities and a comparison with the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 30(3), 449-470.
  • Kranendonk, M. ve Vermeulen, F. (2019) Group identity, group networks, and political participation: Moroccan and Turkish immigrants in the Netherlands. Acta Polit, 54, 625–666.
  • Michon, L. ve Vermeulen, F. (2013) Explaining Different Trajectories in Immigrant Political Integration: Moroccans and Turks in Amsterdam, West European Politics, 36(3), 597-614.
  • Mummendey, A., Kessler, T., Klink, A. ve Mielke, R. (1999). Strategies to Cope With Negative Social Identity: Predictions by Social Identity Theory and Relative Deprivation Theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(2), 229-245.
  • Parkin, M. ve Zlotnick, F. (2011). English Proficiency and Latino Participation in U.S. Elections. Politics & Policy, 39(4), 515-537.
  • Pettigrew, T. F. ve Tropp, L. R. (2006). A meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90(5), 751–783.
  • Pilati, K. ve Morales, L. (2016). Ethnic and immigrant policies vs. mainstream politics: the role of ethnic organizations in shaping the political participation of immigrant-origin individuals in Europe. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(15), 2796-2817.
  • Reichert, F. (2017). Conditions and constraints of political participation among Turkish students in Germany. Cogent Psychology, 4(1).
  • Runciman, W. G. (1966). Relative deprivation and social justice: A study of attitudes to social inequality in twentieth-century England. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Saab, R., Harb, C. ve Moughalian, C. (2017). Intergroup Contact as a Predictor of Violent and Nonviolent Collective Action: Evidence From Syrian Refugees and Lebanese Nationals. Peace and Conflict Journal of Peace Psychology, 23 (3), 297-306.
  • Saguy, T., Tausch, N., Dovidio, J. ve Pratto, F. (2009). The irony of harmony: Intergroup contact can produce false expectations for equality. Psychological Science, 20, 114-121.
  • Simon, B. ve Grabow, O. (2010). The politicization of migrants: Further evidence that politicized collective identity is a dual identity. Political Psychology, 31(5), 717-738.
  • Simon, B. ve Ruhs, D. (2008). Identity and Politicization Among Turkish Migrants in Germany: The Role of Dual Identification. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(6), 1354-1366.
  • Simon, B., Loewy, M., Stürmer, S., Weber, U., Freytag, P., Habig, C., Kampmeier, C. ve Spahlinger, P. (1998). Collective identification and social movement participation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(3), 646–658.
  • Simon, B., Reichert, F., Schaefer, C. D., Bachmann, A. ve Renger, D. (2015). Dual Identification and the (De-)Politicization of Migrants: Longitudinal and Comparative Evidence. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 25, 193-203. Doi:10.1002/casp.2206
  • Stürmer, S. ve Simon, B. (2004). Collective action: Towards a dual-pathway model. European Review of Social Psychology, 15, 59-99.
  • Tajfel, H. ve Turner, J. C. (1979). An integrative theory of inter-group conflict. W.G. Austin ve S. Worchel (Ed.), The social psychology of inter-group relations içinde (33-47). Monterey. C.A: Brooks/Cole.
  • Tausch, N., Becker, J. C., Spears, R., Christ, O., Saab, R., Singh, P. ve Siddiqui, R. N. (2011). Explaining radical group behavior: Developing emotion and efficacy routes to normative and nonnormative collective action. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101, 129–148.
  • Tausch, N., Saguy, T. ve Bryson, J. (2015). How does intergroup contact affect social change? Its impact on collective action and individual mobility intentions among members of a disadvantaged group. Journal of Social Issues, 71(3), 536-553. Doi: 10.1111/josi.12127
  • Tausch, N., Spears, R. ve Christ, O. (2009). Religious and national identity as predictors of attitudes towards the 7/7 bombings among British Muslims: An analysis of UK opinion poll data. International Review of Social Psychology, 22(3-4), 103-126.
  • Tillie, J. (2004). Social Capital of Organisations and Their Members: Explaining the Political Integration of Immigrants in Amsterdam. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 30 (3), 529-541.
  • Togeby, L. (2004). It depends…How organisational participation affects political participation and social trust among second-generation immigrants in Denmark. Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies, 30(3), 509-528.
  • Tropp, L. R., Hawi, D. R., van Laar, C. ve Levin, S. (2012). Cross-ethnic friendships, perceived discrimination, and their effects on ethnic activism over time: A longitudinal investigation of three ethnic minority groups. British Journal of Social Psychology, 51, 257-272.
  • Ufkes, E. G., Calcagno, J., Glasford, D. R. ve Dovidio, J. F. (2016). Understanding how common ingroup identity undermines collective action among disadvantaged-group members. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 63, 26-35.
  • van Stekelenburg, J. (2013). The Political Psychology of Protest: Sacrificing for a Cause. European Psychologist, 18 (4), 224-234.
  • van Stekelenburg, J. ve Klandermans, B. (2013). The social psychology of protest. Current Sociology Review Article, 61, 886-905.
  • van Zomeren, M. (2019). Intergroup contact and collective action: A match made in hell, or in heaven?. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 3, 75-82. action. Journal of Social Issues, 65, 645–660.
  • van Zomeren, M., Postmes, T. ve Spears, R. (2008). Toward an integrative social identity model of collective action: A quantitative research synthesis of three socio-psychological perspectives. Psychological Bulletin, 134, 504–535.
  • van Zomeren, M., Postmes, T. ve Spears, R. (2012). On conviction’s collective consequences: Integrating moral conviction with the social identity model of collective action. British Journal of Social Psychology, 51, 52-71.
  • Verkuyten, M. (2017). Dual identity and immigrants’ protest against dicrimination: The moderating role of diversity ideologies. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 20(6), 924–934.
  • Verkuyten, M. ve Yildiz, A. A. (2007). National (Dis)identification and Ethnic and Religious Identity: A Study Among Turkish-Dutch Muslims. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33(10), 1448-1462.
  • Walker, I. ve Mann, L. (1987). Unemployment, Relative Deprivation, and Social Protest. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 13(2), 275-283.
  • Wiley, S., Figueroa, J. ve Lauricella, T. (2014). When does dual identity predict protest? The moderating roles of anti-immigrant policies and opinion-based group identity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 209-215.
  • Wright, S. C. ve Lubensky, M. (2009). The struggle for social equality: Collective action versus prejudice reduction. S. Demoulin, J. P. Leyens ve J. F. Dovidio (Ed.), Intergroup misunderstandings: Impact of diver- gent social realities içinde (291–310). Oxford, United Kingdom: Psychology Press.
  • Wright, S. C. ve Tropp, L. R. (2002). Collective action in response to disadvantage: Intergroup perceptions, social identification, and social change. I. Walker ve H. J. Smith (Ed.), Relative deprivation: Specification, development, and integration içinde (200–236). Cambridge University Press.
  • Wright, S. C., Taylor, D. M. ve Moghaddam, F. M. (1990) The relationship of perceptions and emotions to behavior in the face of collective inequality. Social Justice Research ,4(3), 229–250.


Yıl 2022, , 277 - 304, 29.06.2022


The aim of this paper is to review empirical studies on political participation (voting, institutionalized and noninstitutionalized political activities) of immigrants in host countries. Political participation of immigrants in post migration period has critical consequences both for the democracies of the host countries and the integration of immigrants. Therefore, it is highly important to understand the social psychological processes underlying the political participation of immigrants. In this paper, the dynamics of political participation of immigrants are scrutinized and the group and individual level factors that affect the political involvement processes of immigrants in receiving societies are summarized. Among the group level variables, the effects of social injustice, perceived efficacy, social identity and intergroup contact on the political participation of immigrants are discussed. As for the individual differences, the focus were the individual characteristics such as education, gender and generation of immigrants. Finally, the limitations of previous studies as well as issues that should be taken into account in future studies are remarked.


  • Acar, Y. G. ve Uluğ, Ö. M. (2016). Examining Prejudice Reduction Through Solidarity and Togetherness Experiences Among Gezi Park Activists in Turkey. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 4(1), 166-179.
  • Adams, J. S. (1963). Toward an Understanding of Inequity. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 67 (5), 422–436.
  • Bagci, S. C. ve Turnuklu, A. (2018). Intended, Unintended, and Unknown Consequences of Contact: The Role of Positive and Negative Contact on Out-Group Attitudes, Collective Action Tendencies, and Psychological Well-Being. Social Psychology, 50, 7-23.
  • Berry, J. W. (2001). A Psychology of Immigration. Journal of Social Issues, 57(3), 615-631.
  • Bilodeau, A. (2008). Immigrants’ Voice through Protest Politics in Canada and Australia: Assessing the Impact of Pre-Migration Political Repression. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 34 (6), 975-1002.
  • Birt, C. M. ve Dion, K. L. (1987). Relative deprivation theory and responses to discrimination in a gay male and lesbian sample. British Journal of Social Psychology, 26, 139-145.
  • Black, J. H. (1987). The Practice of Politics in Two Settings: Political Transferability Among Recent Immigrants to Canada. Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue Canadienne de Science Politique, 20 (4), 731-753.
  • Bloemraad, I. ve Trost, C. (2008). It’s a family affair: Inter-generational mobilization in the spring 2006 protests. American Behavioral Scientist, 52, 507–532.
  • Bloemraad, I. ve Vermeulen, F. (2014). Immigrants’ political incorporation. M. Martiniello ve J. Rath (Ed.), An introduction to immigrant incorporation studies: European perspectives içinde (227–249). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
  • Cakal, H., Hewstone, M., Güler, M. ve Heath, A. (2016). Predicting support for collective action in the conflict between Turks and Kurds: Perceived threats as a mediator of intergroup contact and social identity. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 19(6), 732-752.
  • Chui, T. W. L., Curtis, J. E. ve Lambert, R. D. (1991). Immigrant background and political participation: examining generational patterns. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 16(4), 375-396.
  • Cole, E. R. (2009). Intersectionality and research in psychology. American Psychologist, 64(3), 170–180.
  • Crosby, F. (1976). A model of egoistical relative deprivation. Psychological Review, 83(2), 85–113.
  • Dion, K. L. (2002). The social psychology of perceived prejudice and discrimination. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 43, 1–10.
  • Dixon, J., Durrheim, K. ve Tredoux, C. (2007). Intergroup contact and attitudes towards the principle and practice of racial equality. Psychological Science, 18, 867-872.
  • Dixon, J., Tropp, L. R., Durrheim, K. ve Tredoux, C. (2010). “Let them eat harmony”: Prejudice-reduction strategies and attitudes of historically disadvantaged groups. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19, 76–80.
  • Dovidio, J. F., Gaertner, S. L. ve Saguy, T. (2009). Commonalty and the complexity of “we”: Social attitudes and social change. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 13, 3-20.
  • Duncan, L. E. (1999). Motivation for Collective Action: Group Consciousness as Mediator of Personality, life Experiences, and Women’s Rights Activism. Political Psychology, 20(3), 611-635.
  • Gezici-Yalcin, M. (2007). Collective Action of Immigrants from Turkey Living in Germany. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Philipps-Universität Marburg
  • Glasford, D. E. ve Dovidio, J. F. (2011). E pluribus unum: Dual identity and minority group members’ motivation to engage in contact, as well as social change. Journal of Experimental Social Pscyhology, 47, 1021-1024.
  • Glick, P. ve Fiske, S.T. (1996). The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory: Differentiating Hostile and Benevolent Sexism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70(3), 491-512.
  • Grant, P. R. (2008). The protest intentions of skilled immigrants with credentialing problems: A test of a model integrating relative deprivation theory with social identity theory. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47(4), 687-705.
  • Hässler, T., Ullrich, J., Bernardino, M., Shnabel, N., van Laar, C., Valdenegro, D…, Ugarte, L. M. (2020). A large-scale test of the link between intergroup contact and support for social change. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(4), 380-386.
  • Hayward, L. E., Tropp, L. R., Hornsey, M. J. ve Barlow, F. K. (2017). How negative contact and positive contact with Whites predict collective action among racial and ethnic minorities. British Journal of Social Psychology, 57(1), 1-20.
  • Kaya, O. ve Mamatoğlu, N. (2019). Kimlik Gücü ile Kolektif Eylem Arasındaki İlişkide Sosyal Adaletin Düzenleyici Rolü. Kıbrıs Türk Psikiyatri ve Psikoloji Dergisi, 1(2), 68-75
  • Klandermans, B. (1997). The Social Psychology of Protest. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Klandermans, B. (2014). Identity Politics and Politicized Identities: Identity Processes and the Dynamics of Protest. Political Psychology, 35, 1-22.
  • Klandermans, B. (2015). Collective Action. A. R. Oberschall (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2. Baskı) içinde (49-54). Elsevier.
  • Klandermans, B., van der Tom, J. ve van Stekelenburg, J. (2008). Embeddedness and grivances: Collective action participation among immigrants. American Sociological Review, 73, 992-1012.
  • Klandermans, B., van der Toorn, J. ve van Stekelenburg, J. (2008). Embeddedness and Identity: How Immigrants Turn Grievances into Action. American Sociological Review, 73(6), 992-1012.
  • Koopmans, R. (2004) Migrant mobilisation and political opportunities: variation among German cities and a comparison with the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 30(3), 449-470.
  • Kranendonk, M. ve Vermeulen, F. (2019) Group identity, group networks, and political participation: Moroccan and Turkish immigrants in the Netherlands. Acta Polit, 54, 625–666.
  • Michon, L. ve Vermeulen, F. (2013) Explaining Different Trajectories in Immigrant Political Integration: Moroccans and Turks in Amsterdam, West European Politics, 36(3), 597-614.
  • Mummendey, A., Kessler, T., Klink, A. ve Mielke, R. (1999). Strategies to Cope With Negative Social Identity: Predictions by Social Identity Theory and Relative Deprivation Theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(2), 229-245.
  • Parkin, M. ve Zlotnick, F. (2011). English Proficiency and Latino Participation in U.S. Elections. Politics & Policy, 39(4), 515-537.
  • Pettigrew, T. F. ve Tropp, L. R. (2006). A meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90(5), 751–783.
  • Pilati, K. ve Morales, L. (2016). Ethnic and immigrant policies vs. mainstream politics: the role of ethnic organizations in shaping the political participation of immigrant-origin individuals in Europe. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(15), 2796-2817.
  • Reichert, F. (2017). Conditions and constraints of political participation among Turkish students in Germany. Cogent Psychology, 4(1).
  • Runciman, W. G. (1966). Relative deprivation and social justice: A study of attitudes to social inequality in twentieth-century England. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Saab, R., Harb, C. ve Moughalian, C. (2017). Intergroup Contact as a Predictor of Violent and Nonviolent Collective Action: Evidence From Syrian Refugees and Lebanese Nationals. Peace and Conflict Journal of Peace Psychology, 23 (3), 297-306.
  • Saguy, T., Tausch, N., Dovidio, J. ve Pratto, F. (2009). The irony of harmony: Intergroup contact can produce false expectations for equality. Psychological Science, 20, 114-121.
  • Simon, B. ve Grabow, O. (2010). The politicization of migrants: Further evidence that politicized collective identity is a dual identity. Political Psychology, 31(5), 717-738.
  • Simon, B. ve Ruhs, D. (2008). Identity and Politicization Among Turkish Migrants in Germany: The Role of Dual Identification. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(6), 1354-1366.
  • Simon, B., Loewy, M., Stürmer, S., Weber, U., Freytag, P., Habig, C., Kampmeier, C. ve Spahlinger, P. (1998). Collective identification and social movement participation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(3), 646–658.
  • Simon, B., Reichert, F., Schaefer, C. D., Bachmann, A. ve Renger, D. (2015). Dual Identification and the (De-)Politicization of Migrants: Longitudinal and Comparative Evidence. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 25, 193-203. Doi:10.1002/casp.2206
  • Stürmer, S. ve Simon, B. (2004). Collective action: Towards a dual-pathway model. European Review of Social Psychology, 15, 59-99.
  • Tajfel, H. ve Turner, J. C. (1979). An integrative theory of inter-group conflict. W.G. Austin ve S. Worchel (Ed.), The social psychology of inter-group relations içinde (33-47). Monterey. C.A: Brooks/Cole.
  • Tausch, N., Becker, J. C., Spears, R., Christ, O., Saab, R., Singh, P. ve Siddiqui, R. N. (2011). Explaining radical group behavior: Developing emotion and efficacy routes to normative and nonnormative collective action. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101, 129–148.
  • Tausch, N., Saguy, T. ve Bryson, J. (2015). How does intergroup contact affect social change? Its impact on collective action and individual mobility intentions among members of a disadvantaged group. Journal of Social Issues, 71(3), 536-553. Doi: 10.1111/josi.12127
  • Tausch, N., Spears, R. ve Christ, O. (2009). Religious and national identity as predictors of attitudes towards the 7/7 bombings among British Muslims: An analysis of UK opinion poll data. International Review of Social Psychology, 22(3-4), 103-126.
  • Tillie, J. (2004). Social Capital of Organisations and Their Members: Explaining the Political Integration of Immigrants in Amsterdam. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 30 (3), 529-541.
  • Togeby, L. (2004). It depends…How organisational participation affects political participation and social trust among second-generation immigrants in Denmark. Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies, 30(3), 509-528.
  • Tropp, L. R., Hawi, D. R., van Laar, C. ve Levin, S. (2012). Cross-ethnic friendships, perceived discrimination, and their effects on ethnic activism over time: A longitudinal investigation of three ethnic minority groups. British Journal of Social Psychology, 51, 257-272.
  • Ufkes, E. G., Calcagno, J., Glasford, D. R. ve Dovidio, J. F. (2016). Understanding how common ingroup identity undermines collective action among disadvantaged-group members. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 63, 26-35.
  • van Stekelenburg, J. (2013). The Political Psychology of Protest: Sacrificing for a Cause. European Psychologist, 18 (4), 224-234.
  • van Stekelenburg, J. ve Klandermans, B. (2013). The social psychology of protest. Current Sociology Review Article, 61, 886-905.
  • van Zomeren, M. (2019). Intergroup contact and collective action: A match made in hell, or in heaven?. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 3, 75-82. action. Journal of Social Issues, 65, 645–660.
  • van Zomeren, M., Postmes, T. ve Spears, R. (2008). Toward an integrative social identity model of collective action: A quantitative research synthesis of three socio-psychological perspectives. Psychological Bulletin, 134, 504–535.
  • van Zomeren, M., Postmes, T. ve Spears, R. (2012). On conviction’s collective consequences: Integrating moral conviction with the social identity model of collective action. British Journal of Social Psychology, 51, 52-71.
  • Verkuyten, M. (2017). Dual identity and immigrants’ protest against dicrimination: The moderating role of diversity ideologies. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 20(6), 924–934.
  • Verkuyten, M. ve Yildiz, A. A. (2007). National (Dis)identification and Ethnic and Religious Identity: A Study Among Turkish-Dutch Muslims. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33(10), 1448-1462.
  • Walker, I. ve Mann, L. (1987). Unemployment, Relative Deprivation, and Social Protest. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 13(2), 275-283.
  • Wiley, S., Figueroa, J. ve Lauricella, T. (2014). When does dual identity predict protest? The moderating roles of anti-immigrant policies and opinion-based group identity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 209-215.
  • Wright, S. C. ve Lubensky, M. (2009). The struggle for social equality: Collective action versus prejudice reduction. S. Demoulin, J. P. Leyens ve J. F. Dovidio (Ed.), Intergroup misunderstandings: Impact of diver- gent social realities içinde (291–310). Oxford, United Kingdom: Psychology Press.
  • Wright, S. C. ve Tropp, L. R. (2002). Collective action in response to disadvantage: Intergroup perceptions, social identification, and social change. I. Walker ve H. J. Smith (Ed.), Relative deprivation: Specification, development, and integration içinde (200–236). Cambridge University Press.
  • Wright, S. C., Taylor, D. M. ve Moghaddam, F. M. (1990) The relationship of perceptions and emotions to behavior in the face of collective inequality. Social Justice Research ,4(3), 229–250.
Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Selen Göksal 0000-0002-2728-6200

Filiz Kunuroglu 0000-0002-2728-6200

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Göksal, S., & Kunuroglu, F. (2022). SOSYAL DEĞİŞİM İÇİN GÖÇMENLERİN SESİ: GÖÇMENLERİN POLİTİK KATILIMINA SOSYAL PSİKOLOJİK BAKIŞ. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 22(55), 277-304.
AMA Göksal S, Kunuroglu F. SOSYAL DEĞİŞİM İÇİN GÖÇMENLERİN SESİ: GÖÇMENLERİN POLİTİK KATILIMINA SOSYAL PSİKOLOJİK BAKIŞ. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi. Haziran 2022;22(55):277-304. doi:10.21560/
Chicago Göksal, Selen, ve Filiz Kunuroglu. “SOSYAL DEĞİŞİM İÇİN GÖÇMENLERİN SESİ: GÖÇMENLERİN POLİTİK KATILIMINA SOSYAL PSİKOLOJİK BAKIŞ”. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi 22, sy. 55 (Haziran 2022): 277-304.
EndNote Göksal S, Kunuroglu F (01 Haziran 2022) SOSYAL DEĞİŞİM İÇİN GÖÇMENLERİN SESİ: GÖÇMENLERİN POLİTİK KATILIMINA SOSYAL PSİKOLOJİK BAKIŞ. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi 22 55 277–304.
IEEE S. Göksal ve F. Kunuroglu, “SOSYAL DEĞİŞİM İÇİN GÖÇMENLERİN SESİ: GÖÇMENLERİN POLİTİK KATILIMINA SOSYAL PSİKOLOJİK BAKIŞ”, Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, c. 22, sy. 55, ss. 277–304, 2022, doi: 10.21560/
ISNAD Göksal, Selen - Kunuroglu, Filiz. “SOSYAL DEĞİŞİM İÇİN GÖÇMENLERİN SESİ: GÖÇMENLERİN POLİTİK KATILIMINA SOSYAL PSİKOLOJİK BAKIŞ”. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi 22/55 (Haziran 2022), 277-304.
MLA Göksal, Selen ve Filiz Kunuroglu. “SOSYAL DEĞİŞİM İÇİN GÖÇMENLERİN SESİ: GÖÇMENLERİN POLİTİK KATILIMINA SOSYAL PSİKOLOJİK BAKIŞ”. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, c. 22, sy. 55, 2022, ss. 277-04, doi:10.21560/
Vancouver Göksal S, Kunuroglu F. SOSYAL DEĞİŞİM İÇİN GÖÇMENLERİN SESİ: GÖÇMENLERİN POLİTİK KATILIMINA SOSYAL PSİKOLOJİK BAKIŞ. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi. 2022;22(55):277-304.