Rehabilitation of the disabled has been defined as “a process aimed at enabling them to reach and maintain their optimal physi
cal, sensory, intellectual and psycho-social levels”. Although some projects have been done in our country, which are to improve
disabled subjects’ education level and workability, their participation in social and work place is very limited. The aim of this
study is to describe education level and work status of the disabled. Two hundred and seventy five people with disabilities living
in different cities of Turkey were interviewed in this study. Education level, occupation and work status of the participants were
collected. In addition to this, the CDC HRQOL-4 was used to measure their health related quality of life. Majority of the sample
(33.8%) are less educated (graduated elementary school). Although 49.1% of the sample participated in various vocational
rehabilitation programs, only 23.3% of them are currently employed. 43.3% of them reported moderate self-rated health. It
was found that self-rated health of the disabled subjects, who could not be employed (currently not working), affected more
than the employed ones. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that unemployment is a very important factor also in
decreasing health related quality of life of the disabled living in Turkey.