Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2022, , 91 - 104, 30.06.2022


The balance of competition is one of the most critical factors in increasing the attractiveness of football. Football clubs have to have high competitive power, primarily to compete internationally. This direction aims to examine the balance of competition in the last ten seasons in Europe's Big Five Leagues and the Turkish Super League. The study used an extensive data set covering the league scores of 196 clubs in the last ten seasons and HHI and HICB indices between 2011/12-2020/21 seasons in Europe's Big Five and Turkish Super League analysis of the data. It has been determined that there has been a general decrease in the competitive balance of the last ten seasons in Europe's Big Five Leagues, while an increase has been observed in the Turkish Super League. Competition in Italy, Spain, Germany and England Leagues is lower than in Turkey and France. It can be said that the Turkish Super League is more balanced in terms of competitiveness compared to the Big Five Leagues. It has been concluded that the teams' economic situation can be considered a priority factor in determining the competitive balance. Super League clubs have substantial financial resources, incorporation, development of youth development systems (infrastructure), managerial measures to increase broadcasting, matchday and commercial revenues, corporate governance principles, and different incomes to be competitive and have a solid economic structure. It is recommended to cooperate with professionals in the creation of resources.


  • Akşar, T. (2017). Süper lig sportif performans ve sportif rekabetçi dengede iyi yolda. Eko-spor; 2017. Available from: 0717.
  • Birkhhuser, S., Kaserer, C. (2016). Investor presence and competition in majör European Football Leagues, SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2759335
  • Buraimo B., Simmons R. (2006). Market size and attendance in English Premier League football, Working Papers 574562, Lancaster University Management School, Economics Department.
  • CIES (2018). Football Observatory Monthly Report n°40, Competitive balance: A spatio-temporal comparison, sites/mr/mr40/en/ (Date of access: 14 September 2021).
  • Cretton, E. (2015). Increase competitive balance in European football, a strategic approach, Bachelor Project, Haute école de gestion de Genève International Business Management, 1-78.
  • Da Silva, C.D., Abad, C.C.C., Macedo, P.A.P., Fortes G.O.I., Do Nascimento, W.W.G. (2018). Competıtıve Balance In Football: A Comparative study between Brazil and the main European Leagues (2003-2016), J. Phys. Educ. 29, e2945.
  • Deloitte, (2020). Annual Review of Football Finance 2020, 1-36.
  • Deloitte, (2021). Annual Review of Football Finance 2021, 1-64.
  • FİFA (2020). Global Competitive Balance Report: 1-272.
  • Friera, C.M., Guerrero, P.R. (2016). El balance competitivo en la primera división de la liga de fútbol en España. Journal of Sports Economics & Management, 6(1), 18-34.
  • Goossens, K. (2006). Competitive balance in European football: comparison by adapting measures: national measure of seasonal imbalance and top 3, Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport, 2 (2), 77-122.
  • Görün, L. (2020). 2018-2019 sezonu Spor Toto Süper Ligde rekabetçi denge, Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11 (1), 65-79.
  • Groot, L. F. M. (2008). Economics, uncertainty and European football: Trends in competitive balance, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
  • Gürel, S.P., Gökçe, H. (2012). The competitive balance levels in Turkish Basketball and Football Leagues, SMIJ, 8(1), 25-42.
  • Inside World Football, (2017). Ceferin puts “competitive balance” top of UEFA agenda, competitive-balance-top-uefa-agenda/ (Date of access: 05 September 2021).
  • İnan, T. (2018). 30 Years Trend of Competitive Balance in Turkish Football Super League, Journal of Education and Training Studies, 6(1), 63-69.
  • Janssens P., Késenne S. (1987). Belgian football attendances. Tijdschrift Voor Economie and Management, 32(3), 305-315.
  • Karasar, N. (2020). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi: Kavramlar İlkeler Teknikler, 35. Baskı, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık, Ankara.
  • Manasis, V., Avgerinou, V., Ntzoufras, I., Reade J.J. (2011). Measurement of competitive balance in professional team sports using the Normalized Concentration Ratio, Economics Bulletin, 31(3), 2529-2540.
  • Marburger D.R. (1997). Gate revenue sharing and luxury taxes in professional sports. Contemporary Economic Policy, 15(2), 114-123.
  • Michie, J., Oughton, C., (2004). Competitive balance in football: Trends and effects. London: The Sports Nexus.
  • Mondal S., Plumley D. (2020). An analysis of competitive balance in the top 2 divisions of Russian football between 2009-10 and 2018-19, Conference: All-Russian (with international participation) inter-university conference of young researchers "Man In The World Of Sport" At: St. Petersburg, 209-214.
  • Montes, F., Sala-Garrido, R., Usai, A. (2014). "The lack of balance in the Spanish first division football league", European Sport Management, Quarterly, 14(3), 282-298.
  • Owen, P.D., Ryan, M., Weatherston, C.R. (2007). Measuring Competitive Balance in Professional Team Sports Using the Herfindahl- Hirschman Index, Rev Ind Organ, 31, 289-302.
  • Pawlowski, T., Breuer C., Hovemann, A. (2010). Top clubs’ performance and the competitive situation in European domestic football competitions. Journal of Sports Economics, 11, 186-202.
  • Plumley, D., Ramchandani, G., Wilson, R. (2018). Mind the gap: an analysis of competitive balance in the English football league system. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM), 18 (5), 357-375.
  • Ramchandani, G., Plumley, D., Boyes, S., Wilson, R. (2018). A longitudinal and comparative analysis of competitive balance in five European football leagues. Team Performance Management, 24(5/6), 265-282.
  • Ramchandani, G. (2012). Competitiveness of the English Premier League (1992-2010) and ten European football leagues (2010), International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 12, 346-360.
  • Rottenberg, S. (1956). The baseball players' labor market, The Journal of Political Economy, 64, 242-258.
  • Sittl R., Warnke A.J. (2016). Competitive Balance and Assortative Matching in the German Bundesliga, Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, Discussion Paper No. 16-058, 1-36.
  • Szymanski S. (2001). Income inequality, competitive balance and the attractiveness of team sports: Some evidence and a natural experiment from English Soccer. The Economic Journal, 111(469), 69-84.
  • Szymanski, S. (2003). The Economic Design of Sporting Contests, Journal of Economic Literature, 41(4), 1137-1187. Şimşek, H., Yıldırım, A. (2003). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Seçkin Yayıncılık. s.19.
  •, wettbewerb/L1 (Date of access: 16 September 2021).
  • Wagner, F., Preuss H., Könecke T. (2021). A Central Element of Europe’s Football Ecosystem: Competitive Intensity in the “Big Five” Sustainability, 13, 3097, 1-20.
  • Zhao Y-Q., Zhang H., (2018). Competitive balance in the Big Five European Leagues based on Shannon entropy, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Working Paper, 1-32.


Yıl 2022, , 91 - 104, 30.06.2022


The balance of competition is one of the most critical factors in increasing the attractiveness of football. Football clubs have to have high competitive power, primarily to compete internationally. This direction examines the balance of competition in the last ten seasons in Europe's Big Five Leagues and the Turkish Super League. The study used an extensive data set covering the league scores of 196 clubs in the last ten seasons and C5, C5ICB, HHI, and HICB indices between 2011/12-2020/21 seasons in Europe's Big Five and Turkish Super League analysis of the data. It has been determined that there has been a general decrease in the competitive balance of the last ten seasons in Europe's Big Five Leagues, while an increase has been observed in the Turkish Super League. Competition in Italy, Spain, Germany and England Leagues is lower than in Turkey and France. It can be said that the Turkish Super League is more balanced in terms of competitiveness compared to the Big Five Leagues. It has been concluded that the teams' economic situation can be considered a priority factor in determining the competitive balance. Super League clubs have substantial financial resources, incorporation, development of youth development systems (infrastructure), managerial measures to increase broadcasting, matchday and commercial revenues, corporate governance principles, and different incomes to be competitive and have a solid economic structure. It is recommended to cooperate with professionals in the creation of resources.


  • Akşar, T. (2017). Süper lig sportif performans ve sportif rekabetçi dengede iyi yolda. Eko-spor; 2017. Available from: 0717.
  • Birkhhuser, S., Kaserer, C. (2016). Investor presence and competition in majör European Football Leagues, SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2759335
  • Buraimo B., Simmons R. (2006). Market size and attendance in English Premier League football, Working Papers 574562, Lancaster University Management School, Economics Department.
  • CIES (2018). Football Observatory Monthly Report n°40, Competitive balance: A spatio-temporal comparison, sites/mr/mr40/en/ (Date of access: 14 September 2021).
  • Cretton, E. (2015). Increase competitive balance in European football, a strategic approach, Bachelor Project, Haute école de gestion de Genève International Business Management, 1-78.
  • Da Silva, C.D., Abad, C.C.C., Macedo, P.A.P., Fortes G.O.I., Do Nascimento, W.W.G. (2018). Competıtıve Balance In Football: A Comparative study between Brazil and the main European Leagues (2003-2016), J. Phys. Educ. 29, e2945.
  • Deloitte, (2020). Annual Review of Football Finance 2020, 1-36.
  • Deloitte, (2021). Annual Review of Football Finance 2021, 1-64.
  • FİFA (2020). Global Competitive Balance Report: 1-272.
  • Friera, C.M., Guerrero, P.R. (2016). El balance competitivo en la primera división de la liga de fútbol en España. Journal of Sports Economics & Management, 6(1), 18-34.
  • Goossens, K. (2006). Competitive balance in European football: comparison by adapting measures: national measure of seasonal imbalance and top 3, Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport, 2 (2), 77-122.
  • Görün, L. (2020). 2018-2019 sezonu Spor Toto Süper Ligde rekabetçi denge, Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11 (1), 65-79.
  • Groot, L. F. M. (2008). Economics, uncertainty and European football: Trends in competitive balance, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
  • Gürel, S.P., Gökçe, H. (2012). The competitive balance levels in Turkish Basketball and Football Leagues, SMIJ, 8(1), 25-42.
  • Inside World Football, (2017). Ceferin puts “competitive balance” top of UEFA agenda, competitive-balance-top-uefa-agenda/ (Date of access: 05 September 2021).
  • İnan, T. (2018). 30 Years Trend of Competitive Balance in Turkish Football Super League, Journal of Education and Training Studies, 6(1), 63-69.
  • Janssens P., Késenne S. (1987). Belgian football attendances. Tijdschrift Voor Economie and Management, 32(3), 305-315.
  • Karasar, N. (2020). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi: Kavramlar İlkeler Teknikler, 35. Baskı, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık, Ankara.
  • Manasis, V., Avgerinou, V., Ntzoufras, I., Reade J.J. (2011). Measurement of competitive balance in professional team sports using the Normalized Concentration Ratio, Economics Bulletin, 31(3), 2529-2540.
  • Marburger D.R. (1997). Gate revenue sharing and luxury taxes in professional sports. Contemporary Economic Policy, 15(2), 114-123.
  • Michie, J., Oughton, C., (2004). Competitive balance in football: Trends and effects. London: The Sports Nexus.
  • Mondal S., Plumley D. (2020). An analysis of competitive balance in the top 2 divisions of Russian football between 2009-10 and 2018-19, Conference: All-Russian (with international participation) inter-university conference of young researchers "Man In The World Of Sport" At: St. Petersburg, 209-214.
  • Montes, F., Sala-Garrido, R., Usai, A. (2014). "The lack of balance in the Spanish first division football league", European Sport Management, Quarterly, 14(3), 282-298.
  • Owen, P.D., Ryan, M., Weatherston, C.R. (2007). Measuring Competitive Balance in Professional Team Sports Using the Herfindahl- Hirschman Index, Rev Ind Organ, 31, 289-302.
  • Pawlowski, T., Breuer C., Hovemann, A. (2010). Top clubs’ performance and the competitive situation in European domestic football competitions. Journal of Sports Economics, 11, 186-202.
  • Plumley, D., Ramchandani, G., Wilson, R. (2018). Mind the gap: an analysis of competitive balance in the English football league system. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM), 18 (5), 357-375.
  • Ramchandani, G., Plumley, D., Boyes, S., Wilson, R. (2018). A longitudinal and comparative analysis of competitive balance in five European football leagues. Team Performance Management, 24(5/6), 265-282.
  • Ramchandani, G. (2012). Competitiveness of the English Premier League (1992-2010) and ten European football leagues (2010), International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 12, 346-360.
  • Rottenberg, S. (1956). The baseball players' labor market, The Journal of Political Economy, 64, 242-258.
  • Sittl R., Warnke A.J. (2016). Competitive Balance and Assortative Matching in the German Bundesliga, Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, Discussion Paper No. 16-058, 1-36.
  • Szymanski S. (2001). Income inequality, competitive balance and the attractiveness of team sports: Some evidence and a natural experiment from English Soccer. The Economic Journal, 111(469), 69-84.
  • Szymanski, S. (2003). The Economic Design of Sporting Contests, Journal of Economic Literature, 41(4), 1137-1187. Şimşek, H., Yıldırım, A. (2003). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Seçkin Yayıncılık. s.19.
  •, wettbewerb/L1 (Date of access: 16 September 2021).
  • Wagner, F., Preuss H., Könecke T. (2021). A Central Element of Europe’s Football Ecosystem: Competitive Intensity in the “Big Five” Sustainability, 13, 3097, 1-20.
  • Zhao Y-Q., Zhang H., (2018). Competitive balance in the Big Five European Leagues based on Shannon entropy, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Working Paper, 1-32.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Buğra Çağatay Savaş 0000-0002-8698-6311

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