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Yıl 2023, , 1 - 12, 31.03.2023


Bu araştırmanın amacı; fiziksel engelli bireylerin toplumsal hayata katılımında sporun etkisinin ve engelli sporcuların, engelli bireylere nasıl rol model olarak, sosyalleşmelerine katkıda bulunduğunun incelenmesidir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda literatürde yapılan çalışmalar araştırılmış ve derlenmiştir. Engellilik bireylerin fiziksel aktivitelere ve top lumsal hayata katılımını genellikle olumsuz etkileyen bir kavram olarak görülmektedir. Ülkemizde ve Dünya genelinde genellikle engelli bireyler fiziksel aktivitelerden kaçınır, toplumsal hayata uzak, içine kapanık bir hayat yaşamayı tercih edebilmektedirler. Ancak engelli olmayı spor yapmak için bir engel olarak görmeyen engelli bireyler, gayretleriyle hem sportif faaliyetlere katılmakta hem başarılı sporcular olabilmekte hem de toplumsal hayata adapte olabilmektedirler. Aynı zamanda, sporcu engelli bireyler, diğer engelli bireylere rol model olmakta ve engellerinden çekinmeden toplumsal hayata adapte olmasına katkıda bulunmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada fiziksel engelli sporcuların toplumsal hayata katılımlarında sporun etkisi ilgili geçmiş yıllardan günümüze bu konuda yapılmış olan çalışmalar literatürde taranmış, derlenmiş ve önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Engellilerin sporun hayatın her sürecinde yer alması, engelli farkındalığının artması ve spor yapması için önemlidir. Engelli çocuklar, engellilik algısını azaltabilir ve onları eğitim kurumlarında engelli sporları hakkında bilgilendirebilir. Seviyelerine uygun eğitimler, seminerler ve çeşitli çalışmalar düzenlemek spor yapmalarını ve rol model olmalarını sağlayabilir.


  • Afacan, E. & Afacan, M.I. (2021). Physical education and sports for the physically disabled in terms of body sociology, African Educational Research Journal, 9(2), 467-473. DOI: 10.30918/AERJ.92.21.060
  • Akyol, B. & Ilkım, M. (2018). Socialization of disabled people with sports activities and their problem encountered in participating in sports activities, Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 20(2), 100-104. DOI: 10.15314/tsed.452256
  • Anatça, Y. V. & Yılmaz, C. (2019). From freak body to paralympic body. Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences, (46), 136-157.
  • Bailey, S. (2008). Athlete first: A history of the Paralympic movement. Print ISBN:9780470058244 |Online ISBN:9780470724323 |DOI:10.1002/9780470724323
  • Berry, B. (2008). Interactionism and animal aesthetics: A theory of reflected social power. Society and Animals 16 (2008) 75-89
  • Bölükbaş, M.G. & Vatansever, Ş. (2022). The effect of exercise on physical fitness in individuals with intellectual disability: a systematic revıew, Spormetre The Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 20(2), 2022, 117-132. DOI: 10.33689/spormetre.991786
  • Bourdieu, P. (1978). Sport and social class. Social Science Information, 17(6), 819–840.
  • Chang, I. Y., Crossman, J., Taylor, J., & Walker, D. (2011). One world, one dream: A qualitative comparison of the newspaper coverage of the 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games. International Journal of Sport Communication, 4(1): 26-49.
  • Cumurcu, B. E., Karlıdağ, R., & Almış, B. H. (2012). Sexuality in the physically disabled. Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 4(1), 84-98.
  • Çebi, M. (2016). Performance in athletes with disabilities, 1. Printing, Sports Publishing House and Bookstore, Ankara, p.26
  • Çelenk, Ç. (2021). Motivation Affects Sports and Life Skills in Physical Disabled People. Propósitos y Representaciones, 9 (SPE3), e1161. Doi:
  • Çevik, O. & Kabasakal, K. (2013). Social Integration of Sports Activities, Disabled Individuals and Sports Examining the Effect on Their Socialization. International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences 3 (2): 74-83
  • DePauw, K. P. (1997). The (1n) visibility of disability: Cultural contexts and “sporting bodies”. Quest, 49(4), 416-430.
  • DePauw, K. P., Gavron, S. J. (2005). Disability sport. Human Kinetics. 2. Edition, Champaign, p:61-115
  • Doğan, B. (2004). Introduction to Sports Sociology and Applied Sports Sociology, Meta Matbaacılık, İzmir. 57-59
  • Elling, A., De Knop, P., Knoppers, A. (2001). The social integrative meaning of sport: A critical and comparative analysis of policy and practice in the Netherlands. Sociology of sport journal, 18(4), 414-434.
  • Gold, J., Gold, M. (2007). Acces for all: The rise of the Paralympic Games. The journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health, 127(3): 133-41. DOI:10.1177/1466424007077348
  • Greenwood, C. M., Dzewaltowski, D. A., & French, R. (1990). Self-efficacy psychological well-being of wheelchair tennis participants and wheelchair nontennis participants. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 7(1), 12-21.
  • Groce, N. E. (1999). Disability in cross-cultural perspective: rethinking disability. The Lancet, 354(9180), 756-757.
  • Güven, B. , Kara, F. M. & Özdedeoğlu, B. (2019). The Socialization Process For Women With Disabilities In Sports: A Double Barrier?. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 10(3), 7-17. Retrieved from
  • Hoşver, P.U., Karadağ, Ö. & Akpınar, S. (2022). Problems faced by sports instructors working in autism sports clubs. Spormetre The Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 20(4), 2022, 166-177. DOI: 10.33689/spormetre.1156752
  • İmamoğlu, O. (2016). Evaluation of Turkey's Degree in Rio Olympic Games. International Journal of Sport Culture and Science, 4(Special Issue 3), 774-788
  • İnan, S., Peker, G. C., Tekiner, S., Ak, F. & Dağlı, Z. (2013). Disability, an overview of the situation of disabled people and health service provision in Turkey. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 12(6), 723-728. DOI: 10.5455/pmb.1-1353872064
  • Jenkins, R. (1991). Disability and social stratification. British Journal of Sociology, 42(4), 557-580.
  • Karadas, B. & Cetiner, H. (2022). The Overview of Paralympic Games in the Scope of Disabled Sports Policies. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 10 (1), 135-155
  • Kenyon G.S. & McPherson B.D. (1973). "Becoming Involved in Physical Activity and Sport: A Process of Socialization", in Rariak G. L. (ed.), Physical Activity: Human Growth and Development, New York, Academic Press, pp. 303—332.
  • Kiuppis, F. (2018). Inclusion in sport: disability and participation. Sport in Society, 21(1), 4-21
  • Martin, J. J., Adams-Mushett, C. & Smith, K. L. (1995). Athletic identity and sport orientation of adolescent swimmers with disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 12(2), 113-123.
  • Moucha, S. A. (1991). The disabled female athlete as a role model. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 62(3), 37-38.
  • Mumcu, H. E. (2018). Disability Sports Policies. 1. Printing, Academic Publishing House, p:180-184.
  • Muraki, S., Tsunawake, N., Hiramatsu, S., Yamasaki, M. (2000). The effect of frequency and mode of sports activity on the psychological status in tetraplegics and paraplegics. Spinal Cord, 38(5), 309.
  • Özay, H.F. (2019). The Effect of Sports on the Participation of Athletes with Physical Disabilities in Public Life. Master's Thesis. Institute of Health Sciences. Marmara University. İstanbul.
  • Özer, D., Şahin, G. (2011). Physical Activity for People with Disabilities: The Final Report of the 2009-2010 Workshops. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, 15(2), 21- 28.
  • Özer Sevimay, D. (2017). Physical Education and Sports for People with Disabilities. 5. Edition, Nobel Academic Publishing, Ankara, p:26-27.
  • Öztürk, A.S. (2007). The Effect of Sports on the Socialization of the Orthopedic Disabled, Gazi University, Institute of Health Sciences, Physical Education and Department of Sports, Master Thesis, Ankara
  • Öztürk, H. (2014). Sports Can Be Teached for Mental Disabled Children Effect on Their Socialization (Diyarbakir Example), Near East University, Health Sciences Institute, Physical Education and Sports Program Master's Thesis, Lefkoşa
  • Payne, W., Reynolds, M., Brown, S. & Fleming, A. (2003). Sports role models and their impact on participation in physical activity: a literature review. Victoria: VicHealth, 74, 1-55
  • Putnam, M. (2002). Linking aging theory and disability models: Increasing the potential to explore aging with physical impairment. The Gerontologist, 42(6), 799- 806.
  • Saçar, Z. (2022).
  • Skinner, J., Zakus, D. H. & Cowell, J. (2008). Development through sport: Building social capital in disadvantaged communities. Sport management review, 11(3), 253-275.
  • Sohi, A. S. & Yusuf, K. B. (1987). The socioeconomic status of elite Nigerian athletes in perspective of social stratification and mobility. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 22(4), 295-303.
  • Sørensen, M., Pensgård, A. M. & Kahrs, N. (2000). Integration of individuals with disability in sport: empowerment in a gender perspective. Kunnskap om idrett, 1(33-39).
  • Söğüt, M. (2006). Sports for Physically Handicapped On Their Socialization Effect, Mersin University Health Graduate School of Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports Master Thesis, Mersin.
  • Thomas, N. & Smith, A. (2019). Disability, sport and society: An introduction. 1. Published, Routledge, Newyork, p:25-27
  • Turner, B. (2001). Disability and the sociology of the body (ss. 252-266). SAGE Publications, Inc.,
  • Victoria, T., Epelman, M., Coleman, B. G., Horii, S., Oliver, E. R., Mahboubi, S., & Jaramillo, D. (2013). Low-dose fetal CT in the prenatal evaluation of skeletal dysplasias and other severe skeletal abnormalities. American Journal of Roentgenology, 200(5), 989-1000.
  • Yeltepe E. H., Yargıç, İ. L. & Karagözoğlu, C. (2016). The effect of regular exercise on anxiety, depression and quality of life in adults undergoing alcohol and substance abuse treatment. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry/Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 17(1).


Yıl 2023, , 1 - 12, 31.03.2023


The purpose of this research; The aim of this study is to examine the effect of sports on the participation of physically disabled athletes in social life and how disabled athletes contribute to their socialization as role models for disabled individuals. For this purpose, studies in the literature were researched and compiled. Disability is generally seen as a concept that negatively affects individuals' participation in physical activities and social life. In our country and around the world, people with disabilities generally avoid physical activities and prefer to live an introverted life away from social life. However, disabled individuals who do not see being disabled as an obstacle to doing sports can participate in sports activities, become successful athletes and adapt to social life with their efforts. At the same time, athletes with disabilities become role models for other disabled individuals and contribute to their adaptation to social life without being afraid of their disabilities. In this study, the literature on the effect of sports on the participation of physically disabled athletes in social life was reviewed, compiled and suggestions were made. It is important for the disabled to take part in sports in every process of life, to increase the awareness of the disabled and to do sports. Disabled children can reduce the perception of disability and inform them about disability sports in educational institutions. Organizing trainings, seminars and various studies suitable for their level can enable them to do sports and become role models.


  • Afacan, E. & Afacan, M.I. (2021). Physical education and sports for the physically disabled in terms of body sociology, African Educational Research Journal, 9(2), 467-473. DOI: 10.30918/AERJ.92.21.060
  • Akyol, B. & Ilkım, M. (2018). Socialization of disabled people with sports activities and their problem encountered in participating in sports activities, Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 20(2), 100-104. DOI: 10.15314/tsed.452256
  • Anatça, Y. V. & Yılmaz, C. (2019). From freak body to paralympic body. Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences, (46), 136-157.
  • Bailey, S. (2008). Athlete first: A history of the Paralympic movement. Print ISBN:9780470058244 |Online ISBN:9780470724323 |DOI:10.1002/9780470724323
  • Berry, B. (2008). Interactionism and animal aesthetics: A theory of reflected social power. Society and Animals 16 (2008) 75-89
  • Bölükbaş, M.G. & Vatansever, Ş. (2022). The effect of exercise on physical fitness in individuals with intellectual disability: a systematic revıew, Spormetre The Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 20(2), 2022, 117-132. DOI: 10.33689/spormetre.991786
  • Bourdieu, P. (1978). Sport and social class. Social Science Information, 17(6), 819–840.
  • Chang, I. Y., Crossman, J., Taylor, J., & Walker, D. (2011). One world, one dream: A qualitative comparison of the newspaper coverage of the 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games. International Journal of Sport Communication, 4(1): 26-49.
  • Cumurcu, B. E., Karlıdağ, R., & Almış, B. H. (2012). Sexuality in the physically disabled. Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 4(1), 84-98.
  • Çebi, M. (2016). Performance in athletes with disabilities, 1. Printing, Sports Publishing House and Bookstore, Ankara, p.26
  • Çelenk, Ç. (2021). Motivation Affects Sports and Life Skills in Physical Disabled People. Propósitos y Representaciones, 9 (SPE3), e1161. Doi:
  • Çevik, O. & Kabasakal, K. (2013). Social Integration of Sports Activities, Disabled Individuals and Sports Examining the Effect on Their Socialization. International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences 3 (2): 74-83
  • DePauw, K. P. (1997). The (1n) visibility of disability: Cultural contexts and “sporting bodies”. Quest, 49(4), 416-430.
  • DePauw, K. P., Gavron, S. J. (2005). Disability sport. Human Kinetics. 2. Edition, Champaign, p:61-115
  • Doğan, B. (2004). Introduction to Sports Sociology and Applied Sports Sociology, Meta Matbaacılık, İzmir. 57-59
  • Elling, A., De Knop, P., Knoppers, A. (2001). The social integrative meaning of sport: A critical and comparative analysis of policy and practice in the Netherlands. Sociology of sport journal, 18(4), 414-434.
  • Gold, J., Gold, M. (2007). Acces for all: The rise of the Paralympic Games. The journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health, 127(3): 133-41. DOI:10.1177/1466424007077348
  • Greenwood, C. M., Dzewaltowski, D. A., & French, R. (1990). Self-efficacy psychological well-being of wheelchair tennis participants and wheelchair nontennis participants. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 7(1), 12-21.
  • Groce, N. E. (1999). Disability in cross-cultural perspective: rethinking disability. The Lancet, 354(9180), 756-757.
  • Güven, B. , Kara, F. M. & Özdedeoğlu, B. (2019). The Socialization Process For Women With Disabilities In Sports: A Double Barrier?. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 10(3), 7-17. Retrieved from
  • Hoşver, P.U., Karadağ, Ö. & Akpınar, S. (2022). Problems faced by sports instructors working in autism sports clubs. Spormetre The Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 20(4), 2022, 166-177. DOI: 10.33689/spormetre.1156752
  • İmamoğlu, O. (2016). Evaluation of Turkey's Degree in Rio Olympic Games. International Journal of Sport Culture and Science, 4(Special Issue 3), 774-788
  • İnan, S., Peker, G. C., Tekiner, S., Ak, F. & Dağlı, Z. (2013). Disability, an overview of the situation of disabled people and health service provision in Turkey. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 12(6), 723-728. DOI: 10.5455/pmb.1-1353872064
  • Jenkins, R. (1991). Disability and social stratification. British Journal of Sociology, 42(4), 557-580.
  • Karadas, B. & Cetiner, H. (2022). The Overview of Paralympic Games in the Scope of Disabled Sports Policies. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 10 (1), 135-155
  • Kenyon G.S. & McPherson B.D. (1973). "Becoming Involved in Physical Activity and Sport: A Process of Socialization", in Rariak G. L. (ed.), Physical Activity: Human Growth and Development, New York, Academic Press, pp. 303—332.
  • Kiuppis, F. (2018). Inclusion in sport: disability and participation. Sport in Society, 21(1), 4-21
  • Martin, J. J., Adams-Mushett, C. & Smith, K. L. (1995). Athletic identity and sport orientation of adolescent swimmers with disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 12(2), 113-123.
  • Moucha, S. A. (1991). The disabled female athlete as a role model. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 62(3), 37-38.
  • Mumcu, H. E. (2018). Disability Sports Policies. 1. Printing, Academic Publishing House, p:180-184.
  • Muraki, S., Tsunawake, N., Hiramatsu, S., Yamasaki, M. (2000). The effect of frequency and mode of sports activity on the psychological status in tetraplegics and paraplegics. Spinal Cord, 38(5), 309.
  • Özay, H.F. (2019). The Effect of Sports on the Participation of Athletes with Physical Disabilities in Public Life. Master's Thesis. Institute of Health Sciences. Marmara University. İstanbul.
  • Özer, D., Şahin, G. (2011). Physical Activity for People with Disabilities: The Final Report of the 2009-2010 Workshops. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, 15(2), 21- 28.
  • Özer Sevimay, D. (2017). Physical Education and Sports for People with Disabilities. 5. Edition, Nobel Academic Publishing, Ankara, p:26-27.
  • Öztürk, A.S. (2007). The Effect of Sports on the Socialization of the Orthopedic Disabled, Gazi University, Institute of Health Sciences, Physical Education and Department of Sports, Master Thesis, Ankara
  • Öztürk, H. (2014). Sports Can Be Teached for Mental Disabled Children Effect on Their Socialization (Diyarbakir Example), Near East University, Health Sciences Institute, Physical Education and Sports Program Master's Thesis, Lefkoşa
  • Payne, W., Reynolds, M., Brown, S. & Fleming, A. (2003). Sports role models and their impact on participation in physical activity: a literature review. Victoria: VicHealth, 74, 1-55
  • Putnam, M. (2002). Linking aging theory and disability models: Increasing the potential to explore aging with physical impairment. The Gerontologist, 42(6), 799- 806.
  • Saçar, Z. (2022).
  • Skinner, J., Zakus, D. H. & Cowell, J. (2008). Development through sport: Building social capital in disadvantaged communities. Sport management review, 11(3), 253-275.
  • Sohi, A. S. & Yusuf, K. B. (1987). The socioeconomic status of elite Nigerian athletes in perspective of social stratification and mobility. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 22(4), 295-303.
  • Sørensen, M., Pensgård, A. M. & Kahrs, N. (2000). Integration of individuals with disability in sport: empowerment in a gender perspective. Kunnskap om idrett, 1(33-39).
  • Söğüt, M. (2006). Sports for Physically Handicapped On Their Socialization Effect, Mersin University Health Graduate School of Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports Master Thesis, Mersin.
  • Thomas, N. & Smith, A. (2019). Disability, sport and society: An introduction. 1. Published, Routledge, Newyork, p:25-27
  • Turner, B. (2001). Disability and the sociology of the body (ss. 252-266). SAGE Publications, Inc.,
  • Victoria, T., Epelman, M., Coleman, B. G., Horii, S., Oliver, E. R., Mahboubi, S., & Jaramillo, D. (2013). Low-dose fetal CT in the prenatal evaluation of skeletal dysplasias and other severe skeletal abnormalities. American Journal of Roentgenology, 200(5), 989-1000.
  • Yeltepe E. H., Yargıç, İ. L. & Karagözoğlu, C. (2016). The effect of regular exercise on anxiety, depression and quality of life in adults undergoing alcohol and substance abuse treatment. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry/Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 17(1).
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Spor Hekimliği
Bölüm Derleme

Canan Bastık 0000-0002-9693-2202

Mert Erkan 0000-0002-2753-0234

Hayrettin Gümüşdağ 0000-0002-1616-8671

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

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