Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2023, , 190 - 201, 30.09.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, havalı tabanca ve havalı tüfek sporcularının somatotip, vücut yağ yüzdesi, üst ekstremite uzunluğu ve el kavrama kuvvetlerinin karşılaştırılmasıdır. Araştırmaya 30 yıldız ve genç atıcı (havalı tabanca n=15, 6 kadın ve 9 erkek; havalı tüfek n=15, 6 kadın ve 9 erkek) gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Katılımcıların somatotip, vücut yağ yüzdesi, beden kütle indeksi, üst ekstremite uzunluğu (kol, üst kol, ön kol ve işaret parmağı uzunluğu) ve el kavrama kuvveti ölçümleri alınmıştır. Araştırma gruplarının somatotip özelliklerinin belirlenmesinde ise Heath Carter metodu, vücut yağ yüzdelerinin hesaplanmasında Siri formülü kullanılmıştır. Havalı tabanca ve havalı tüfek sporcularının antropometrik ve somatotip özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması amacı ile tanımlayıcı istatistikler ve hipotez testleri (parametrik verilerde bağımsız gruplar için t testi, parametrik olmayan verilerde Mann Whitney U testi) SigmaPlot yazılımı aracılığı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Havalı tüfek sporcularının havalı tabanca sporcularına göre anlamlı yüksek boy uzunluğu, kol uzunluğu, ön kol ve üst kol uzunluğuna ve anlamlı düşük vücut yağ yüzdesine sahip oldukları tespit edilmekle birlikte; işaret parmağı uzunluğu gruplar arası anlamlı farklı bulunmamıştır. Havalı tabanca sporcuları anlamlı yüksek endomorfi ile mezomorfi (havalı tabanca ve havalı tüfek sırasıyla; endomorfi: 4.0±1.1’e 2.6±0.7, mezomorfi: 5.0±1.9’a 3.5±1.2), düşük ektomorfi skoruna sahiptir (sırasıyla 2.0±0.7’ye 2.7±0.7). El kavrama kuvveti dominant ve non-dominant taraflarda her iki disiplin arasında anlamlı farklı değildir. Havalı tabanca sporcuları endomorfik mezomorf (4-5-2), havalı tüfek sporcularının ise dengeli mezomorf (3-4-3) somatotipe sahiptir. Sonuç olarak; her iki atıcılık disiplini de somatotip ve antropometrik özellikler açısından farklılık göstermektedir (havalı tüfek sporcuları daha uzun ve daha yüksek ektomorfik, havalı tabanca sporcularının daha yüksek vücut yağ yüzdeli ve daha yüksek endomorfik ve mezomorfik) ve antrenörler için bu farklılığın yetenek seçimi ve belirlenmesinde dikkate alınması önerilmektedir.

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Bu araştırma 20. Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri Kongresi’nde sözlü olarak sunulmuştur. Yazarlar, çalışmaya katılan tüm sporculara teşekkür eder.


  • Aydın, A. S., Arıkan, Ş., & Revan, S. (2019). Havalı tabanca atıcılarının somatotip özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(2), 222-228. doi: 10.31680/gaunjss.560458.
  • Bayios, I. A., Bergeles, N. K., Apostolidis, N. G., Noutsos K. S., & Koskolou, M. D. (2006). Anthropometric, body composition and somatotype differences of Greek elite female basketball, volleyball and handball players. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 46(2), 271-80.
  • Belincon, F. (2010). Sports medical study of olympic shooting modalities. Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid.
  • Carter, J. (2002). Part 1: The Heath-Carter anthropometric somatotype. Somatotype Instruction Manual, 1-25.
  • Charles, L. E., Burchfiel C. M., Fekedulegn D., Kashon M. L., Webster Ross G., Sanderson W. T., & Petrovitch H. (2006). Occupational and other risk factors for hand-grip strength: The honolulu-Asia aging study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 63(12), 820-27. doi: 10.1136/oem.2006.027813.
  • Erdogan, M., Sağıroğlu, İ., Şenduran, F., & Ateş, O. (2016). Elit atıcıların el kavrama kuvveti ile atış performansları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(3), 38-46.
  • Gualdi-Russo, E., & Zaccagni, L. (2001). Somatotype, role and performance in elite volleyball players. The Journal of Sport Medicine and Physical Fitness, 41, 256-62.
  • Gutnik, B., Aurelijus, Z., Ilona, Z., Aleksandras, A., Derek, N., & Sergei, S. (2015). Body physique and dominant somatotype in elite and low-profile athletes with different specializations. Medicina, 51(4), 247-52. doi: 10.1016/j.medici.2015.07.003.
  • Günther, C., Bürger, M., Rickert, A. M. & Schulz, C. U. (2008). Key pinch in healthy adults: Normative values. Journal of Hand Surgery, 33(2), 144-48. doi: 10.1177/1753193408087031.
  • Hanten, W. P., Chen,W. Y., Austin, A. A., Brooks, R. E., Carter, H. C., Law, C. A., Morgan, M. K., Sanders, D. J., Swan, C. A., & Vanderslice, A. L. (1999). Maximum grip strength in normal subjects from 20 to 64 years of age. Journal of Hand Therapy, 12(3), 193-200. doi: 10.1016/S0894-1130(99)80046-5.
  • Hawkins, R. (2011). Identifying mechanic measures that best predict air-pistol shooting performance. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 11(3), 499-509. doi: 10.1080/24748668.2011.11868568.
  • Hawkins, R., & Bertrand, P. (2015). Relationship between twelve mechanic measures and score for national-level pistol shooters. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 15(1), 332-42. doi: 10.1080/24748668.2015.11868796.
  • Hawkins, R., & Sefton, J. M. (2011). Effects of stance width on performance and postural stability in national-standard pistol shooters. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29(13), 1381-87. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2011.593039.
  • Hawkins, R. (2013). Effects of stance angle on postural stability and performance with national-standard air pistol competitors. European Journal of Sport Science, 13(5), 483-89. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2012.755569.
  • Heath, B. H., & Carter, J. L. (1967). A modified somatotype method. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 27(1), 57-74.
  • Hegeman, J., Shapkova, E., Honnegger, Y. F., & Allum, J. H. (2008). Effect of age and height on trunk sway during stance and gait. Journals of Vestibular Research, 17, 75-87. doi: 10.1093/gerona/56.7.M438.
  • Hopper, D. M. (1997). Somatotype in high performance female netball players may influence player position and the incidence of lower limb and back injuries. British Journal of Sport Medicine, 31(3), 197-99.
  • Hue, O., Simoneau. M., Marcotte, J., Berrigan, F., Doré, J., Marceau, P., Marceau, S., Tremblay, A., & Teasdale, N. (2007). Body weight is a strong predictor of postural stability. Gait and Posture, 26(1), 32-38. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2006.07.005.
  • Jackson, A. S., & Pollock, M. L. (1978). Generalized equations for predicting body density of men. British Journal of Nutrition, 40(3), 497-504. doi: 10.1079/bjn19780152.
  • Kayihan, G. (2013). Relationship between efficiency of pistol shooting and selected physical-physiological parameters of police. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 36(4), 819-32. doi: 10.1108/PIJPSM-03-2013-0034.
  • Konttinen, N., Mets, T., Lyytinen, H., & Paananen, M. (2003). Timing of triggering in relation to the cardiac cycle in nonelite rifle shooters. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 74(4), 395-400. doi: 10.1080/02701367.2003.10609110.
  • Laaksonen, M. S., Finkenzeller, T., Holmberg, H. C., & Sattlecker, G. (2018). The influence of physiobiomechanical parameters, technical aspects of shooting, and psychophysiological factors on biathlon performance: A review. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 7(4), 394-404. doi: 10.1016/j.jshs.2018.09.003.
  • Lang, D., & Zhou, A. (2022). Determinants of shooting performance in elite air rifle shooters. Sports Biomechanics, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2022.2055627.
  • Loh, S. K., Jolene, Z. L., Jing, W. P., Luqman, A., Marcus, L, & Pui, W. K. (2021). Air pistol shooting: upper limb muscle activation between training and simulated competition. Sports Biomechanics, 1-12. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2021.1975812.
  • Mandalidis, D., & O’Brien, M. (2010). Relationship between hand-grip isometric strength and isokinetic moment data of the shoulder stabilisers. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 14(1), 19-26. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2008.05.001.
  • Marinho, B. F., Follmer, B., Esteves, J. V. D. C., & Andreato, L. V. (2016). Body composition, somatotype, and physical fitness of mixed martial arts athletes. Sport Sciences for Health, 12(2), 157-65. doi: 10.1007/s11332-016-0270-4.
  • Molla, R. Y., Sadeghi, H., & Bayati, A. (2018). The comparison of static balance among the elite shooters of the iranian national rifle and pistol shooting team with an emphasis on principle anthropometric indicators. Journal of Clinical Physiotherapy Research, 3(3), 105-12.
  • Mon, D., Zakynthinaki, M. S., & Calero, S. (2019). Connection between performance and body sway/morphology in juvenile olympic shooters. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(1), 75-85. doi: 10.14198/jhse.2019.141.06.
  • Mondal, A., Majumdar, R., & Pal, S. (2011). Anthropoimthy and physiological profile of indian shooter. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 23, 194-405.
  • Mon-López, D., Bernardez-Vilaboa, R., Sillero-Quintana, M., & Fernandez-Balbuena, A. A. (2022). Air shooting competition effects on visual skills depending on the sport level. European Journal of Sport Science, 22(3), 336-43. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2021.1874540.
  • Mon-López, D., Zakynthinaki, M. S., Cordente, C. A., & García-González, J. (2019). The relationship between pistol olympic shooting performance, handgrip and shoulder abduction strength. Journal of Human Kinetics, 69(1), 39-46. doi: 10.2478/hukin-2019-0009.
  • Musaiger, A., Ragheb, M. A., & Al-Marzooq, G. (1994). Body composition of athletes in Bahrain. British Journal of Sport Medicine, 28(3), 157-59.
  • Narin, S., Özyürek, S., & Eraslan, U. (2009). Dominant el kavrama ve parmak kavrama kuvvetinin ön kol antropometrik ölçümlerle ilişkisi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 81-85.
  • Niebuhr, B. R., & Marion, R. (1990). Voluntary control of submaximal grip strength. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 69(2), 96-101. doi: 10.1097/00002060-199004000-00010.
  • Özkan, A., Köklü, Y., Eyüboğlu, E., Akça, F., Koz, M., & Ersöz, G. (2010). Kadın voleybolcularda vücut kompozi̇syonu, somatoti̇p özelli̇kler, anaerobi̇k performans, bacak ve sırt kuvveti̇ arasındaki ili̇şki̇ni̇n beli̇rlenmesi̇. Gazi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(4), 23-34.
  • Petersen, P., Petrick, M., Connor, H., & Conklin, D. (1989). Grip strength and hand dominance: Challenging the 10% rule. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 43(7), 444-47. doi: 10.5014/ajot.43.7.444.
  • Savva, C., Giakas, G., Efstathiou, M., & Karagiannis, C. (2014). Test-retest reliability of handgrip strength measurement using a hydraulic hand dynamometer in patients with cervical radiculopathy. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 37(3), 206-10. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2014.02.001.
  • Siri, W.E. (1961). Body composition from fluid spaces and density: analysis of methods. In: Brozek, J., Henschel, A., eds. Techniques for measuring body composition. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 223-44.
  • Sobhani, V., Rostamizadeh, M., Hosseini, S. M., Hashemi, S. E., Román, I. R., & Mon-López, D. (2022). Anthropometric, physiological and psychological variables that determine the elite pistol performance of women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1102. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19031102.
  • Williams, J. (2009). Book review: Child growth standards. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 51(12), 229. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2009.03503.x.
  • Winter, D. A., Aftab E. P., Francois. P., Milad, I., & Gielo-Perczak, K. (1998). Stiffness control of balance in quiet standing. Journal of Neurophysiology, 80(3), 1211-21. doi: 10.1152/jn.1998.80.3.1211.
  • Zatsiorsky, V. M., & Aktov. A. V. (1990). Biomechanics of highly precise movements: The aiming process in air rifle shooting. Journal of Biomechanics, 23, 35-41. doi: 10.1016/0021-9290(90)90039-6.
  • Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z., Kim, S., & Kim, Y. (2023). A comparative study of the fatigue of the lower extremities according to the type of shoes worn when firing a 10 m air pistol. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 1363. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20021363.


Yıl 2023, , 190 - 201, 30.09.2023


The aim of this study is to compare the somatotype, body fat percentage, upper extremity length and hand grip strength of air pistol and air rifle athletes. 30 youth and junior shooters (air pistols n=15, 6 females and 9 males; air rifles n=15, 6 females and 9 males) voluntarily participated in the research. Somatotype, body fat, body mass index, upper extremity lengths (arm, upper arm, forearm and index fnger length) and hand grip strength measurements os the participants were taken. The Heat Carter method was used to determine the somatotype characteristics of the research groups, and the Siri formula was used to calculate the body fat. Descriptive statistics and hypothesis tests (t-test for parmateric data, Mann Whitney U test for non-parametric data) were carried out using SigmaPlot software to compare anthropometric and somatotype characteristics of air pistol and air rifle athletes. Although it was determined that air rifle athletes had significantly higher body height, arm length, forearm, and upper arm lengths and significantly lower body fat compared to air pistol athletes; index finger length was not significantly different between the groups. Air pistol athletes have significantly high endomorphy and mesomorphy scores (air pistol and air rifle, respectively; endomorphy: 4.0±1.1 vs. 2.6±0.7, mesomorphy: 5.0±1.9 versus 3.5±1.2) and low ectomorphy score (2.0±0.7 vs. 2.7±0.7, respectively). Handgrip strength was not significantly different between the two disciplines on the dominant and non-dominant sides. Air pistol athletes have endomorphic mesomorph (4-5-2), while air rifle athletes have a balanced mesomorph (3-4-3) somatotype. As a result; both shooting disciplines differ in terms of somatotype and anthropometric characteristics (air rifle athletes are taller and more ectomorphic, air pistol athletes have a higher body fat and higher endomorphic and mesomorphic), it is recommended that this difference should be taken into consideration in talent selection and identification for coaches.


  • Aydın, A. S., Arıkan, Ş., & Revan, S. (2019). Havalı tabanca atıcılarının somatotip özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(2), 222-228. doi: 10.31680/gaunjss.560458.
  • Bayios, I. A., Bergeles, N. K., Apostolidis, N. G., Noutsos K. S., & Koskolou, M. D. (2006). Anthropometric, body composition and somatotype differences of Greek elite female basketball, volleyball and handball players. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 46(2), 271-80.
  • Belincon, F. (2010). Sports medical study of olympic shooting modalities. Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid.
  • Carter, J. (2002). Part 1: The Heath-Carter anthropometric somatotype. Somatotype Instruction Manual, 1-25.
  • Charles, L. E., Burchfiel C. M., Fekedulegn D., Kashon M. L., Webster Ross G., Sanderson W. T., & Petrovitch H. (2006). Occupational and other risk factors for hand-grip strength: The honolulu-Asia aging study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 63(12), 820-27. doi: 10.1136/oem.2006.027813.
  • Erdogan, M., Sağıroğlu, İ., Şenduran, F., & Ateş, O. (2016). Elit atıcıların el kavrama kuvveti ile atış performansları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(3), 38-46.
  • Gualdi-Russo, E., & Zaccagni, L. (2001). Somatotype, role and performance in elite volleyball players. The Journal of Sport Medicine and Physical Fitness, 41, 256-62.
  • Gutnik, B., Aurelijus, Z., Ilona, Z., Aleksandras, A., Derek, N., & Sergei, S. (2015). Body physique and dominant somatotype in elite and low-profile athletes with different specializations. Medicina, 51(4), 247-52. doi: 10.1016/j.medici.2015.07.003.
  • Günther, C., Bürger, M., Rickert, A. M. & Schulz, C. U. (2008). Key pinch in healthy adults: Normative values. Journal of Hand Surgery, 33(2), 144-48. doi: 10.1177/1753193408087031.
  • Hanten, W. P., Chen,W. Y., Austin, A. A., Brooks, R. E., Carter, H. C., Law, C. A., Morgan, M. K., Sanders, D. J., Swan, C. A., & Vanderslice, A. L. (1999). Maximum grip strength in normal subjects from 20 to 64 years of age. Journal of Hand Therapy, 12(3), 193-200. doi: 10.1016/S0894-1130(99)80046-5.
  • Hawkins, R. (2011). Identifying mechanic measures that best predict air-pistol shooting performance. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 11(3), 499-509. doi: 10.1080/24748668.2011.11868568.
  • Hawkins, R., & Bertrand, P. (2015). Relationship between twelve mechanic measures and score for national-level pistol shooters. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 15(1), 332-42. doi: 10.1080/24748668.2015.11868796.
  • Hawkins, R., & Sefton, J. M. (2011). Effects of stance width on performance and postural stability in national-standard pistol shooters. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29(13), 1381-87. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2011.593039.
  • Hawkins, R. (2013). Effects of stance angle on postural stability and performance with national-standard air pistol competitors. European Journal of Sport Science, 13(5), 483-89. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2012.755569.
  • Heath, B. H., & Carter, J. L. (1967). A modified somatotype method. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 27(1), 57-74.
  • Hegeman, J., Shapkova, E., Honnegger, Y. F., & Allum, J. H. (2008). Effect of age and height on trunk sway during stance and gait. Journals of Vestibular Research, 17, 75-87. doi: 10.1093/gerona/56.7.M438.
  • Hopper, D. M. (1997). Somatotype in high performance female netball players may influence player position and the incidence of lower limb and back injuries. British Journal of Sport Medicine, 31(3), 197-99.
  • Hue, O., Simoneau. M., Marcotte, J., Berrigan, F., Doré, J., Marceau, P., Marceau, S., Tremblay, A., & Teasdale, N. (2007). Body weight is a strong predictor of postural stability. Gait and Posture, 26(1), 32-38. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2006.07.005.
  • Jackson, A. S., & Pollock, M. L. (1978). Generalized equations for predicting body density of men. British Journal of Nutrition, 40(3), 497-504. doi: 10.1079/bjn19780152.
  • Kayihan, G. (2013). Relationship between efficiency of pistol shooting and selected physical-physiological parameters of police. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 36(4), 819-32. doi: 10.1108/PIJPSM-03-2013-0034.
  • Konttinen, N., Mets, T., Lyytinen, H., & Paananen, M. (2003). Timing of triggering in relation to the cardiac cycle in nonelite rifle shooters. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 74(4), 395-400. doi: 10.1080/02701367.2003.10609110.
  • Laaksonen, M. S., Finkenzeller, T., Holmberg, H. C., & Sattlecker, G. (2018). The influence of physiobiomechanical parameters, technical aspects of shooting, and psychophysiological factors on biathlon performance: A review. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 7(4), 394-404. doi: 10.1016/j.jshs.2018.09.003.
  • Lang, D., & Zhou, A. (2022). Determinants of shooting performance in elite air rifle shooters. Sports Biomechanics, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2022.2055627.
  • Loh, S. K., Jolene, Z. L., Jing, W. P., Luqman, A., Marcus, L, & Pui, W. K. (2021). Air pistol shooting: upper limb muscle activation between training and simulated competition. Sports Biomechanics, 1-12. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2021.1975812.
  • Mandalidis, D., & O’Brien, M. (2010). Relationship between hand-grip isometric strength and isokinetic moment data of the shoulder stabilisers. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 14(1), 19-26. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2008.05.001.
  • Marinho, B. F., Follmer, B., Esteves, J. V. D. C., & Andreato, L. V. (2016). Body composition, somatotype, and physical fitness of mixed martial arts athletes. Sport Sciences for Health, 12(2), 157-65. doi: 10.1007/s11332-016-0270-4.
  • Molla, R. Y., Sadeghi, H., & Bayati, A. (2018). The comparison of static balance among the elite shooters of the iranian national rifle and pistol shooting team with an emphasis on principle anthropometric indicators. Journal of Clinical Physiotherapy Research, 3(3), 105-12.
  • Mon, D., Zakynthinaki, M. S., & Calero, S. (2019). Connection between performance and body sway/morphology in juvenile olympic shooters. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(1), 75-85. doi: 10.14198/jhse.2019.141.06.
  • Mondal, A., Majumdar, R., & Pal, S. (2011). Anthropoimthy and physiological profile of indian shooter. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 23, 194-405.
  • Mon-López, D., Bernardez-Vilaboa, R., Sillero-Quintana, M., & Fernandez-Balbuena, A. A. (2022). Air shooting competition effects on visual skills depending on the sport level. European Journal of Sport Science, 22(3), 336-43. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2021.1874540.
  • Mon-López, D., Zakynthinaki, M. S., Cordente, C. A., & García-González, J. (2019). The relationship between pistol olympic shooting performance, handgrip and shoulder abduction strength. Journal of Human Kinetics, 69(1), 39-46. doi: 10.2478/hukin-2019-0009.
  • Musaiger, A., Ragheb, M. A., & Al-Marzooq, G. (1994). Body composition of athletes in Bahrain. British Journal of Sport Medicine, 28(3), 157-59.
  • Narin, S., Özyürek, S., & Eraslan, U. (2009). Dominant el kavrama ve parmak kavrama kuvvetinin ön kol antropometrik ölçümlerle ilişkisi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 81-85.
  • Niebuhr, B. R., & Marion, R. (1990). Voluntary control of submaximal grip strength. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 69(2), 96-101. doi: 10.1097/00002060-199004000-00010.
  • Özkan, A., Köklü, Y., Eyüboğlu, E., Akça, F., Koz, M., & Ersöz, G. (2010). Kadın voleybolcularda vücut kompozi̇syonu, somatoti̇p özelli̇kler, anaerobi̇k performans, bacak ve sırt kuvveti̇ arasındaki ili̇şki̇ni̇n beli̇rlenmesi̇. Gazi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(4), 23-34.
  • Petersen, P., Petrick, M., Connor, H., & Conklin, D. (1989). Grip strength and hand dominance: Challenging the 10% rule. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 43(7), 444-47. doi: 10.5014/ajot.43.7.444.
  • Savva, C., Giakas, G., Efstathiou, M., & Karagiannis, C. (2014). Test-retest reliability of handgrip strength measurement using a hydraulic hand dynamometer in patients with cervical radiculopathy. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 37(3), 206-10. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2014.02.001.
  • Siri, W.E. (1961). Body composition from fluid spaces and density: analysis of methods. In: Brozek, J., Henschel, A., eds. Techniques for measuring body composition. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 223-44.
  • Sobhani, V., Rostamizadeh, M., Hosseini, S. M., Hashemi, S. E., Román, I. R., & Mon-López, D. (2022). Anthropometric, physiological and psychological variables that determine the elite pistol performance of women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1102. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19031102.
  • Williams, J. (2009). Book review: Child growth standards. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 51(12), 229. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2009.03503.x.
  • Winter, D. A., Aftab E. P., Francois. P., Milad, I., & Gielo-Perczak, K. (1998). Stiffness control of balance in quiet standing. Journal of Neurophysiology, 80(3), 1211-21. doi: 10.1152/jn.1998.80.3.1211.
  • Zatsiorsky, V. M., & Aktov. A. V. (1990). Biomechanics of highly precise movements: The aiming process in air rifle shooting. Journal of Biomechanics, 23, 35-41. doi: 10.1016/0021-9290(90)90039-6.
  • Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z., Kim, S., & Kim, Y. (2023). A comparative study of the fatigue of the lower extremities according to the type of shoes worn when firing a 10 m air pistol. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 1363. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20021363.
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Konular Antrenman
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Emine İlkcan Kurt 0000-0002-2641-3706

Nurdan Varmış 0000-0001-9764-9436

Çağdaş Özgür Cengizel 0000-0001-7224-8935

Elif Cengizel 0000-0001-5148-3821

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 26 Eylül 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

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