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Yıl 2018, , 205 - 224, 26.12.2018


The Olympic Games Bid is one of the critical issues
that has recently occupied sport societies in many countries and cities
considering becoming candidates to host the games. Istanbul is one of the
cities that has been regularly nominated to host the games since the 1990s. Our
research aims to examine and identify the positive and negative outcomes of the
summer Olympic Games Bids in Istanbul between 1993 and 2013. Whereas current research
in the literature focuses on the legacies of hosting sporting events, this
study concentrates mainly on the outcomes of the biddings. The increase in the
number of cities withdrawing their candidacy while the process continues and
the decrease in the number of candidate cities make this research relevant.
Within the scope of the research, semi-structured interviews were conducted
with nine senior officials in charge of past Istanbul's Olympic candidacies,
and written reports and bidding documents were examined. Findings from the
study indicate the existence of many tangible and intangible outputs as a
result of Istanbul's Olympic candidacies. However, many of these outcomes have
remained "impacts", only a limited part of which could be transformed
into legacies. The study concludes that a variety of outcomes such as
contribution to the promotion of the city and the country, acceleration of
transportation and infrastructure development, an increase in capacity to host
sporting events, the formation of inter-organizational cooperation, and the
development of sports networks have been determined. On the other hand,
negative outputs have also been identified, such as increased frustration in
society and a decreased public trust in the evaluation process. Findings from
the research are predicted to contribute to possible future bidding in Istanbul
and the process of legacy-planning of sports organizations preparing to bid for
large-scale sports events. 


  • Abebe N, Bolton MT, Pavelka M, Pierstorff M (2014): Bidding for Development: How the Olympic Bid Process Can Accelerate Transportation Development. Springer Science+Business, Media New York.
  • Alberts, HC (2009): Berlin’s Failed Bid to Host the 2000 Summer Olympic Games: Urban Development and the Improvement of Sports Facilities. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33, 502–516.
  • Andranovich G, Burbank MJ, Heying CH (2001): Olympic cities: Lessons learned from mega-event politics. Journal of urban affairs, 23(2), 113-131.
  • BBC (2016): Rome 2024 Olympic bid collapses in acrimony (14 Aralık 2017)
  • Bilsel C, Zelef H (2011): Mega Events in Istanbul from Henri Prost's master plan of 1937 to the twenty-first-century Olympic bids. Planning Perspectives, 26(4), 621-634.
  • (2015): İşte Türkiye'de bugüne kadar kurulan koalisyon hükümetleri. (12 Haziran 2017)
  • Diaey T, Jerome J, Tjusevs P, Zamboni G. (2011): Bidding: how can you win even if you lose?: Identifying the legacies of lost bids to host a sports mega event. FIFA master book. 57-69.
  • Girginov, V., Hills, L (2008): A Sustainable Sports Legacy: Creating a Link between the London Olympics and Sports Participation. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 25:14, 2091-2116.
  • Homma, K, Masumoto N (2013): A Theoretical Approach for the Olympic Legacy Study Focusing on Sustainable Sport Legacy. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 30:12, 1455-1471.
  • International Olympic Committee (2008): 2016 Candidature Procedure and Questionnaire. (10 Aralık 2017)
  • Kim, Y (2004): Seoul: Complementing Economic Success with Games. 59-81. In: J Gugler (Ed), World Cities Beyond the West: Globalization, Development and Inequality, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Latouche, D (2007): Montreal 1976. 1896-2012. In: J Gold and M Gold (Eds.), Olympic cities: City agendas, planning, and the world’s games. Routledge, London.
  • Lauermann, J (2014): Legacy after the bid?. IOC Olympic Studies Centre.
  • Masterman, G (2008): Losing Bids Winning legacies: an examination of the need to plan for Olympic Legacies prior to bidding. International Symposium for Olympic Research, International Centre for Olympic Studies.
  • Miles MB, Huberman AM, Saldana J (2013): Qualitative data analysis. Sage Publications, USA.
  • Nauright, J (2004): Global Games: Culture, Political Economy and Sport in the Globalised World of the 21st Century. Third World Quarterly, 25-7, 1325–1336.
  • Oliver, R (2011): Toronto's Olympic Aspirations: A Bid for the Waterfront. Urban Geography, 32(6), 767-787.
  • Pound, D (2004): Inside the Olympics: A behind-the-scenes look at the politics, the scandals, and the glory of the games. John Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
  • Preuss, H (2007): The Conceptualisation and Measurement of Mega Sport Event Legacies. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 12:3-4, 207-228.
  • Preuss, H. (2015): A framework for identifying the legacies of a mega sport event, Leisure Studies, 34:6, 643-664.
  • Searle, G (2002): Uncertain legacy: Sydney’s Olympic stadiums. European Planning Studies, 10.7, 845–60.
  • Short, JR (2008): Globalization, Cities, and the Summer Olympics. City, 12-3, 322–340.
  • Solberg, HA, Preuss, H (2006): Major sport events and long-term tourism impacts. Journal of Sport Management, 21(2), 215–236.
  • Tolzmann, MC (2014): Global localities: Olympic bidding as a case study in globalization. Sport in Society, 17, 593-608.
  • Tomlinson A (2014): Olympic legacies: recurrent rhetoric and harsh realities. Contemporary Social Science, 9:2, 137-158.
  • Torres CR (2012): On the Merit of the Legacy of Failed Olympic Bid. IOC Olympic Studies Centre.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanlık (2016): Geçmiş Hükümetler. (20 Aralık 2017)
  • Waitt, G (2003): Social Impacts of the Sydney Olympics. Annals of Tourism Research, 30-1, 194–215.
  • Weed, M, Coren, E, Fiore, J, Wellard, I, Chatziefstathiou, D, Mansfield, L, Dowse, S (2015): The Olympic Games and raising sport participation: a systematic review of evidence and an interrogation of policy for a demonstration effect. European Sport Management Quarterly, 15:2, 195-226.
  • Xing, X, Church, AG, O’Reilly N, Pegoraro A, Nadeau J, Schweinbenz A, Heslop L, Se´guin B (2008): Olympic Games Host and Bid City Marketing: Exploring Issue Management in the Relationships Among Event Stakeholder Groups. International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 9-4, 321– 35.
  • Yıldırım A, Şimşek H (2008): Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Sözkesen Matbaacılık, Ankara.
  • Yin, RK (2013): Case study research: Design and methods. Sage publications, USA.
  • Zimbalist, A (2015): Circus Maximus: The Economic Gamble Behind Hosting the Olympics and the World Cup. The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C.


Yıl 2018, , 205 - 224, 26.12.2018


Olimpiyat Oyunları adaylığı, son dönemde birçok
ülkede spor kamuoyunu ve de oyunlara aday olmayı düşünen şehirlerdeki yerel
halkı meşgul eden önemli konulardan biridir. İstanbul da 1990’lı yıllardan bu
yana düzenli olarak oyunlara ev sahipliği yapmak için aday olan şehirlerarasında
yer almıştır. Bu araştırmanın amacı İstanbul’un 1993-2013 yılları arasında
gerçekleşen Olimpiyat Oyunları adaylıkları neticesinde ortaya çıkan olumlu ve
olumsuz çıktıların incelenmesi ve tanımlanmasıdır. Literatürde yer alan güncel
bilimsel araştırmalar, ağırlıklı olarak, spor etkinliklerine ev sahipliği
yapılması neticesinde ortaya çıkan mirasa odaklanırken, bu araştırmada adaylık
neticesinde ortaya çıkan etkilere odaklanılmıştır. Son dönemde Olimpiyat Oyunları
adaylığı süreci devam ederken adaylıktan çekilen şehirlerin sayısının artması
ve aday olan ülke sayısının düşmesi bu araştırmayı önemli kılmaktadır. Araştırma
kapsamında İstanbul’un Olimpiyat Oyunları adaylıkları sürecinde görev almış
dokuz üst düzey yetkili ile yarı yapılandırılmış mülakatlar gerçekleştirilmiş,
bu konuda hazırlanmış yazılı raporlar ve başvuru dokümanları incelenmiştir. Araştırmadan
elde edilen bulgular, İstanbul’un Olimpiyat Oyunları adaylıkları neticesinde
birçok somut ve soyut çıktının varlığına işaret etmektedir. Ancak bu çıktıların
birçoğu “etki” olarak kalmış, yalnızca kısıtlı bir kısmı ise mirasa
dönüşebilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda şehrin ve ülkenin tanıtımına katkı
sağlanması, ulaşım ve altyapı gelişiminin ivme kazanması, spor etkinliklerine
ev sahipliği yapma kapasitesinin artması, örgütler arası iş birliklerinin
oluşması, spor şebekelerinin gelişmesi gibi birtakım çıktılar tespit edilmiştir.
Öte yandan, toplumda yaşanan hayal kırıklığı, halkın değerlendirme sürecine olan
inancının azalması gibi olumsuz çıktılar da mevcuttur. Araştırmadan elde edilen
bulguların İstanbul’un gelecekte gerçekleşmesi muhtemel yeni bir adaylık
sürecine ve büyük boyutlu spor etkinliklerine aday olmayı planlayan Türk spor
örgütlerinin miras planlama sürecine katkısı olacağı öngörülmektedir.


  • Abebe N, Bolton MT, Pavelka M, Pierstorff M (2014): Bidding for Development: How the Olympic Bid Process Can Accelerate Transportation Development. Springer Science+Business, Media New York.
  • Alberts, HC (2009): Berlin’s Failed Bid to Host the 2000 Summer Olympic Games: Urban Development and the Improvement of Sports Facilities. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33, 502–516.
  • Andranovich G, Burbank MJ, Heying CH (2001): Olympic cities: Lessons learned from mega-event politics. Journal of urban affairs, 23(2), 113-131.
  • BBC (2016): Rome 2024 Olympic bid collapses in acrimony (14 Aralık 2017)
  • Bilsel C, Zelef H (2011): Mega Events in Istanbul from Henri Prost's master plan of 1937 to the twenty-first-century Olympic bids. Planning Perspectives, 26(4), 621-634.
  • (2015): İşte Türkiye'de bugüne kadar kurulan koalisyon hükümetleri. (12 Haziran 2017)
  • Diaey T, Jerome J, Tjusevs P, Zamboni G. (2011): Bidding: how can you win even if you lose?: Identifying the legacies of lost bids to host a sports mega event. FIFA master book. 57-69.
  • Girginov, V., Hills, L (2008): A Sustainable Sports Legacy: Creating a Link between the London Olympics and Sports Participation. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 25:14, 2091-2116.
  • Homma, K, Masumoto N (2013): A Theoretical Approach for the Olympic Legacy Study Focusing on Sustainable Sport Legacy. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 30:12, 1455-1471.
  • International Olympic Committee (2008): 2016 Candidature Procedure and Questionnaire. (10 Aralık 2017)
  • Kim, Y (2004): Seoul: Complementing Economic Success with Games. 59-81. In: J Gugler (Ed), World Cities Beyond the West: Globalization, Development and Inequality, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Latouche, D (2007): Montreal 1976. 1896-2012. In: J Gold and M Gold (Eds.), Olympic cities: City agendas, planning, and the world’s games. Routledge, London.
  • Lauermann, J (2014): Legacy after the bid?. IOC Olympic Studies Centre.
  • Masterman, G (2008): Losing Bids Winning legacies: an examination of the need to plan for Olympic Legacies prior to bidding. International Symposium for Olympic Research, International Centre for Olympic Studies.
  • Miles MB, Huberman AM, Saldana J (2013): Qualitative data analysis. Sage Publications, USA.
  • Nauright, J (2004): Global Games: Culture, Political Economy and Sport in the Globalised World of the 21st Century. Third World Quarterly, 25-7, 1325–1336.
  • Oliver, R (2011): Toronto's Olympic Aspirations: A Bid for the Waterfront. Urban Geography, 32(6), 767-787.
  • Pound, D (2004): Inside the Olympics: A behind-the-scenes look at the politics, the scandals, and the glory of the games. John Wiley and Sons, Toronto.
  • Preuss, H (2007): The Conceptualisation and Measurement of Mega Sport Event Legacies. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 12:3-4, 207-228.
  • Preuss, H. (2015): A framework for identifying the legacies of a mega sport event, Leisure Studies, 34:6, 643-664.
  • Searle, G (2002): Uncertain legacy: Sydney’s Olympic stadiums. European Planning Studies, 10.7, 845–60.
  • Short, JR (2008): Globalization, Cities, and the Summer Olympics. City, 12-3, 322–340.
  • Solberg, HA, Preuss, H (2006): Major sport events and long-term tourism impacts. Journal of Sport Management, 21(2), 215–236.
  • Tolzmann, MC (2014): Global localities: Olympic bidding as a case study in globalization. Sport in Society, 17, 593-608.
  • Tomlinson A (2014): Olympic legacies: recurrent rhetoric and harsh realities. Contemporary Social Science, 9:2, 137-158.
  • Torres CR (2012): On the Merit of the Legacy of Failed Olympic Bid. IOC Olympic Studies Centre.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanlık (2016): Geçmiş Hükümetler. (20 Aralık 2017)
  • Waitt, G (2003): Social Impacts of the Sydney Olympics. Annals of Tourism Research, 30-1, 194–215.
  • Weed, M, Coren, E, Fiore, J, Wellard, I, Chatziefstathiou, D, Mansfield, L, Dowse, S (2015): The Olympic Games and raising sport participation: a systematic review of evidence and an interrogation of policy for a demonstration effect. European Sport Management Quarterly, 15:2, 195-226.
  • Xing, X, Church, AG, O’Reilly N, Pegoraro A, Nadeau J, Schweinbenz A, Heslop L, Se´guin B (2008): Olympic Games Host and Bid City Marketing: Exploring Issue Management in the Relationships Among Event Stakeholder Groups. International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 9-4, 321– 35.
  • Yıldırım A, Şimşek H (2008): Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Sözkesen Matbaacılık, Ankara.
  • Yin, RK (2013): Case study research: Design and methods. Sage publications, USA.
  • Zimbalist, A (2015): Circus Maximus: The Economic Gamble Behind Hosting the Olympics and the World Cup. The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Cem Tınaz 0000-0002-9595-4995

Becca Leopkey Bu kişi benim

Paul Salisbury Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

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