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Yıl 2004, , 119 - 126, 01.08.2004


Egzersiz ve kas doku hasarı birçok bilim dalının ilgisini çekmektedir. Bu alanda özellikle uluslar arası literatürde oldukça fazla çalışma yapılmaktadır. Konuyla ilgili çalışmaların derlenip genel yargıların ortaya konması önem taşımaktadır. Egzersizle oluşan doku hasarı literatürde yaygın olarak kas hasarı (muscle damage) terimiyle ifade edilmektedir. Bu hasar genel olarak iki yolla tespit edilmektedir. Birincisi görüntüleme teknikleri, ikincisi ise kasa özel enzim aktivitelerinin plazmadaki oranlarının takip edilmesidir. Egzersizle oluşan kas hasarı temel olarak iki yolla açıklanmaktadır. Birincisi alışık olunmayan egzersiz, ikincisi ise doku zedelenmesiyle ortaya çıkan bazı metabolik ve kimyasal olaylardır. Kas hasarı özellikle miyofibrillerin Z bandındaki kopmalardan kaynaklanan yapısal bozulma sonucu meydana gelmektedir. Kas lif tiplerinin Z bandı kalınlıklarının farklı olması, aynı egzersizin farklı lif tiplerinde farklı miktarlarda hasar meydana getirmesinin bir açıklaması olabilir. Maraton, ultra maraton gibi uzun süre efor gerektiren spor disiplinlerinde iskelet kası hasarının yanında kalp kasında da infarktüse benzer hasar meydana gelmektedir. Bunun yanında hasarın miktarı yaş, cinsiyet, ırk, kasılma çeşidi ve özellikle antrenman durumuna göre farklılıklar göstermektedir. Egzersizle oluşan kas hasarını azaltmak için çeşitli farmakolojik ajanlar kullanılabileceği gibi egzersiz öncesi ısınma ve germe hareketleri, egzersiz sonrası ise aktif soğuma ve masaj uygulamaları hasarı azaltabilmekte ve tedavi edici nitelik taşımaktadır


  • KONIG D., SCHUMACHER YO., HEINRICH L., SCHMID A, BERG A., DICKHUTH HH., “Myocardial Stres After Competitiv Exercise In Professionel Road Cyclist”., Med Sci Sports Exercise , 35 (10): pp.1678-1683, 2003
  • OHBA H., TAKADA H., MUSHA H., NAGASHIMA J, MORI N, AWAYA T, OMIYA K., MURAYAMA M., Effect Of Prolonged Strenuous Exercise On Plasma Levels Of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide And Brain Natriuretic Peptide In Helty Men., Am Heart J. 142 (5) pp.751-758., 2001
  • RIFAI N., DOUGLES PS., OTEOOLE M., RIMM E., GINSBURG GS., “Cardiac Troponin T And I, Electrocardiographic Wall Mation Analys, And Ejection Fraction In Athlets Participation In The Hawai Ironmen Triathlon”. Am J Cardiol. 83; pp. 1085-89 ,1999
  • SHAVE RE., DAWSON E, WHYTE PG, GEORGE K., BALL D., GAZE CD., COLLINSON P., “Cardiac Troponin T In Female Athletes During Two-Day Mountain Marathon”., Scott Med J., 48; pp. 41-42, 2003
  • SHAVE RE., DAWSON E, WHYTE G, GEORGE K., BALL D., COLLINSON P.GAZE CD., “The Cardiospecificity Of The Third- Generation cTnT Assay After Exercise-Indüced Muscle Damage”., Med Sci Sports Exercise 34(4); pp. 651-654., 2002
  • SIMITH LL., MILES MP., “Exercise Induce Muscle Injury And Inflamation,” Exercise And Sport Science (William E., Garrett JR., Ed.) pp. 163-173., USA .2000
  • ROTH S.M., MARTEL GF., IVEY FM., LEMMER JT., METTER EJ., HURLEY BF., ROGERS MA., “High-Volume, Heavy-Resistance Strength Training And Muscle Damage In Young And Older Women”. J Appl. Physiol.; 88 (3), pp. 1112-1118, 2000
  • BROWN S., DAY S., DONELLY A., “Indirect Evidence Of Human Skeletal Muscle Damage And Collogen Breakdown After Eccentric Muscle Action”, J Sport Science., 17 (5), pp.397-402., 1999
  • FRIDEN J., SJOSTROM M., EKBLOM B., “Myofibrillar Damage Falloving Intense Eccentric Exercise In Man”. Int. Sports Med. 4; pp.170-176, 1983
  • STARON SR., HIKITA S., Muscular Responses To Exercise And Training. “Exercise And Sport Science” (Wıllıam E., Garrett, J.R., Ed.,) pp.163-173., USA ,2000
  • MURRAY R.K., GRANNER D.K., MAYES P.A., RODWEL V.W.; Harper’in Biyokimyası, 24.Baskı, Barış Kitabevi, pp. 24-68 İstanbul, (1998)
  • AMELINK GJ, VAN DER WAL WA, WOKKE JH, VAN ASBECK BS, BAR PR. “Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage In The Rat: The Effect Of Vitamin E Deficiency”. Pflugers Arch. Oct;419(3-4): pp.304-9,1991
  • BOMPA, T.O., Periodiazition Theory And Methodology Of Training. 4 Edition, Champaign Human Kinetics. Orlando. (1999)
  • TUCKER J.F, COLLINS R.A, ANDERSON R.A. “Value Of Serial Myoglobin Levels In The Elderly Diagnosis Of Patients Admitted For Acute Myocardial Infarction”. Ann Emerg Med. 24: pp. 704, 1994
  • AMSTRONG RB. “Initial Events In Exercise – Induced Muscular Injury”. Med. Sci Sports Exercise., 22; pp. 429-435, 1990
  • TSUNG S., “Creatine Kinase Isoenzyme Pattern In Human Tissue Obtained At Surgery”. Clin Chem 22 , pp. 173. 1976
  • APPLE F.S. “Acute Myocardial Infarction And Coronary Reperfusion: Serum Cardiac Markers For The 1990s”. Am J Clin Pathol; 97, pp. 217–226 1992
  • WU A.H., GORNET T.G., HARKER C.C., CHEN H.L., “Role Of Rapid Immunoassays For Urgent ("Stat") Determinations Of Creatine Kinase Isoenzyme MB”. Clin Chem 35, pp. 1752–1756. 1989
  • GILLUM R.F., FORMANN S.P., PRINEAS R.J., “International Diagnostic Criteria For Acute Myocardial Infarction And Stroke”. Am Heart J, 108, pp. 150–158 ,1984
  • LOTT J.A., STANG J.M; “Serum Enzymes And Isoenzymes In The Diagnosis And Differentinal Diagnosis Of Myocardiyal Ischemia And Necrosis”. Clin. Chem., 26: pp. 1241-1250, 1980
  • GIBLER W.B, LEWIS L.M, ERB R.E. “Early Detection Of Acute Myocardial Infarction In Patients Presenting Chest Pain And Nondiagnostic Ecgs: Serial CK-MB Sampling In The Emergency Department”. Ann Emerg Med 19: pp. 1359, 1990
  • SCHWANE J.A., JOHNSON S.R., VANDENAKKER C.B, ARMSTRONG R.B; “Delayed-Onset Muscular Soreness And Plasma CRP And LDH Activities After Downhill Running”. Med. Sci. Sports. Exerc., 15: pp. 51-56, 1983
  • ŞEN B., Akut Miyokart Enfarktüsünde Serum Troponin T Değerlerinin CK-M Ve Miyoglobin Değerleriyle Karşılaştırılması., (UT) Sağlık Bakanlığı Haydarpaşa Numune Hastanesi Biyokimya Ve Klinik Biyokimya Servisi., İstanbul (1992)
  • APPLE FS., ROGERS MA., SHERMAN WM., IVY JL., “Comparision Of Serum Creatin Kinase And Creatin Kinase MB Activities, Post Maraton Race Versus Myocardial Infarction”. Clinica Chimica Acta, 138; pp. 111-118, 1984
  • GIBLER W.B, GIBLER C.D, “Weinshenker E. Myoglobin As Early Indicator Of Acute Myocardial Infarction”. Ann Emerg Med 21: pp. 504, 1994
  • HEDGES J.R, GIBLER W.B, YOUNG G.P. “Multicenter Study Of Creatinine Kinase MB Use: Effect On Chest Pain Clinical Decision Making”. Acad Emerg Med 3, pp.7, 1996
  • ÖZEREN A., Akut Miyokart Enfarktüsünde Troponin I, Myoglobin Ve CK-MB nin Diagnostik Etkinliğinin Ve Akut Faz Reaktanlarının Karşılaştırılması (UT) Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı., ss.17-18, Konya (1999)
  • GREEN G.B LI D.J, BESSMAN E.S. “The Prognostic Significance Of Troponin I And T”. Acad Emerg Med 5:758, (1998)
  • CHAPELLE , JP:, Cardiac Troponin I And T: Recent Players In The Of Myocardial Markers., Clin. Chem Lab Med., 37(1), pp.11-20., 1999
  • SCHWANE J.A., BUCKLEY RT., DIPAOLO DP., ATKINSON MAL., SHEPHERD JR., “Plasma Creatine Kinase Responses Of 18- To 30-Yr-Old African-American Men To Eccentric Exercise” , Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 23 (2), pp. 370-378, 2000
  • BLACK HR., QUALICH H., GARELECK CB., “Racial Differences In Serum Creatin Kinase Levels”. Ame J. Med. 81, pp. 478-487, 1983
  • SERWOOD RA., LAMBERT A., NEWHAM DJ., WASIF WS., PETERS TJ. “The Effect Of Eccentric Exercise On Serum Creatin Kinas Aktivity In Different Ethnic Groups”, Ahh Clin Biochem; 33, pp. 324-329, 1996
  • OLERUD JE., HOMER LD., CARROL HW., “Incidence Of Acute Exertional Rhabdomyolysis”. Arch Int Med 136, pp. 692-697, 1976
  • NEWHAM DJ, JONES DA, EDWARDS RH. “Plasma Creatine Kinase Changes After Eccentric And Concentric Contractions”. Muscle Nerve.; 9(1), pp. 59-63. 1986
  • SCHNEIDER C.M., DENNEHY C.A., RODEARMEL S.J., HAYWARD J.R. “Effects Of Physical Activity On Creatine Phosphokinase And The Isoenzyme Creatine Kinase-MB”. Ann Emerg Med; 25 , pp. 520–524. 1995
  • VINCENT HK., VINCENT KR., “The Effect Of Training Status On The Serum Creatine Kinase Response, Soreness And Muscle Fonction Fallowing Resistance Exercise”., J. Sports Med. 18, pp. 431-437, 1997
  • CLARKSON PM, BYRNES WC, MCCORMICK KM, TURCOTTE. LP, WHITE JS. “Muscle Soreness And Serum Creatine Kinase Activity Following Isometric, Eccentric, And Concentric Exercise”. Int J. Sports Med.;7(3), pp. 152-51., 1986.
  • DAVID S., J. PAUL ASTON, NICOLAS S., DALLIMORE, HELEN M.S., WILLIAMS AND NEIL WILLIS., “Effect Of Exercise Plasma Pirüvate Kinase And Creatin Kinase Activity”., Clınica Chemica Acta., 132, pp. 127-132 ,1983
  • NOSAKA K, CLARKSON PM. “Influence Of Previous Concentric Exercise On Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage”. J Sports Sci.;15(5), pp. 477-83,1997
  • THORSTENSSON, A., B., SJODIN, P., TESCH, J. KARLSSON. “Actomyosin ATPase, Myokinase, CPK, And LDH In Hüman Fast And Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers”. Acta Physiol. Scand. 99, pp. 225-229, 1997
  • MALTZER H.Y., HOLY P.A., “Black-White Differences In Serum Creatin Phosphokinase Activity”, Clin. Chim . Acta., 54, pp. 215- 224, 1974
  • LUCIA A, SERRATOSA L., SABORIDO A., PARDO J., BORAITA A., MORAN M., BANDERS F., MEGIAS A., CICHARO JL. “Short- Term Effect Of Marathon Running: No Evidence Of Cardiac Dysfunction”. Med Sci Sport Exerc., 31(10), pp. 1414-1421, 1999
  • PEREZ AC., DOLIVEIRA AC, ESTEVEZ E, MOLINA AJ, PRIETO JG., ALVEREZ AI., “Mitokondrial Sarcoplazmic Membrane And Protein Degredation In Heart Mscle In exercise Rats”, Act. Physiol. Scandinavica 178 (1), pp. 61, 2003
  • WHYT GP., GEORGE K., SHARMA S., LUMLEY S, GATES P, PRASED K. MCKENNA WJ. “Cardiac Fatigue Following Prolonged Endurance Exercise Of Differing Distances”. Med Sci Sports Exercise , 32 (6), pp. 1067-1072, 2000
  • YINGJIE C., ROBERT, C.S. SHANNON M., MACKEY B., KAREN L., KELLY, J.T., FRED S.A. “Cardiak Troponin T Alteration In Myocardium And Serum Of Rats After Stresful, Prolonged Intense Exercis”. J Appl Phsiol., 88, pp. 1749-1755, 2000
  • BONETTI A., TIRELLI F., ALBERTINI R., MONICA C., MONICA M., TREDICI G. “Serum Cardiac Troponin T After Repeated Endurance Exercise Events”. Int J Sport Med., 17 (44), pp. 259-265., 1996
  • HAZAR S. “Farklı Türdeki Kuvvet Antrenmanlarının İskelet ve Kalp Kası Enzim Aktivitelerine Akut Etkisi” (DT), Gazi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Anabilim Dalı, 39-86; Ankara (2004)
  • PHIL B. F. MARGARET A.W., LURIE S., FELLOW F. “Regular Exercise And Subclinical Myocürdial Injury During Prolanged Exercise”., Jama 19, pp. 282-86, 1999
  • DEMİREL H. Egzersizle oluşan kas Hasarı, 7. Uluslar arası Spor Bilimleri Kongresi, ss. 291-293 , 2002
  • AMELINK GJ, VAN DER KALLEN CJ, WOKKE JH, BAR PR. “Dantrolene Sodium Diminishes Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage In The Rat”. Eur J Pharmacol. Apr 10;179(1-2), pp. 187-92, 1990
  • JACOBS SC, BOOTSMA AL, WILLEMS PW, BAR PR, WOKKE JH. “Prednisone Can Protect Against Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage”. J Neurol. May;243(5), pp. 410-6. 1996
  • KOOT RW, AMELINK GJ, BLANKENSTEIN MA, BAR PR. “Tamoxifen And Oestrogen Both Protect The Rat Muscle Against Physiological Damage”. J. Steroid Biochem Mol Biol.;40(4-6), pp. 689-95, 1991
  • DUARTE JA, SOARES JM, APPELL HJ. “Nifedipine Diminishes Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage In Mouse”. Int J Sports Med. 13(3), pp. 274-7. 1992
  • SHIMOMURA Y, SUZUKI M, SUGIYAMA S, HANAKI Y, OZAWA T. “Protective Effect Of Coenzyme Q10 On Exercise-Induced Muscular Injury”. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 15;176(1), pp. 349-55. 1991
  • EVANS RK, KNIGHT KL, DRAPER DO, PARCELL AC. “Effects Of Warm-Up Before Eccentric Exercise On Indirect Markers Of Muscle Damage”. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 34(12), pp. 1892-9, 2002
  • SAXTON JM, DONNELLY AE. “Light Concentric Exercise During Recovery From Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage”. Int J Sports Med. 16(6), pp. 347-51, 1995
  • HOWATSON G, VAN SOMEREN KA. “Ice Massage. Effects On Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage”. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. , 43(4), pp. 500-5., 2003
  • SMITH LL, KEATING MN, HOLBERT D, SPRATT DJ, MCCAMMON MR, SMITH SS, ISRAEL RG. “The Effects Of Athletic Massage On Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, Creatine Kinase, And Neutrophil Count: A Preliminary Report”. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 19(2), pp. 93-9. 1994


Yıl 2004, , 119 - 126, 01.08.2004


Exercise and muscle tissue damage concerns many science branches.On this subject there have been lots of studies especially in the international literature. İt is important to expose the general assumptions arranging studies on this subject. Exercise induced tissue damage is generally called as muscle damage. This damage is mainly diagnosed in two ways. The first way is the visualization methods, the other one is the observing the rates of enzyme activities exclusive to the muscle in the plasma. Exercise induced muscle damage is expressed in two ways. The first one is unaccustomed exercise, the second one is metabolic and chemical cases based upon tissue damage. Muscle damage is basicly caused by structural deformation resulted from breaking off of myofibrils in Z lines. That the thickness of the Z line of the muscle fibre types is various can be the cause of the different levels of damages in different fiber types when exposed to the same exercise. In endurence exercises such as marathon, ultra marathon, damages like myocardial infarction as well as skeletal muscle damage can be seen. Meanwhile the level of the damage can differ in relation with the age, race, sex, the type of contraction and the training condition. In order to reduce exercise induced muscle damage, various pharmacologic agents can be used. On the other hand preexercise warm up and streching activities, and post-exercise active resting and massage can reduce and cure the damage


  • KONIG D., SCHUMACHER YO., HEINRICH L., SCHMID A, BERG A., DICKHUTH HH., “Myocardial Stres After Competitiv Exercise In Professionel Road Cyclist”., Med Sci Sports Exercise , 35 (10): pp.1678-1683, 2003
  • OHBA H., TAKADA H., MUSHA H., NAGASHIMA J, MORI N, AWAYA T, OMIYA K., MURAYAMA M., Effect Of Prolonged Strenuous Exercise On Plasma Levels Of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide And Brain Natriuretic Peptide In Helty Men., Am Heart J. 142 (5) pp.751-758., 2001
  • RIFAI N., DOUGLES PS., OTEOOLE M., RIMM E., GINSBURG GS., “Cardiac Troponin T And I, Electrocardiographic Wall Mation Analys, And Ejection Fraction In Athlets Participation In The Hawai Ironmen Triathlon”. Am J Cardiol. 83; pp. 1085-89 ,1999
  • SHAVE RE., DAWSON E, WHYTE PG, GEORGE K., BALL D., GAZE CD., COLLINSON P., “Cardiac Troponin T In Female Athletes During Two-Day Mountain Marathon”., Scott Med J., 48; pp. 41-42, 2003
  • SHAVE RE., DAWSON E, WHYTE G, GEORGE K., BALL D., COLLINSON P.GAZE CD., “The Cardiospecificity Of The Third- Generation cTnT Assay After Exercise-Indüced Muscle Damage”., Med Sci Sports Exercise 34(4); pp. 651-654., 2002
  • SIMITH LL., MILES MP., “Exercise Induce Muscle Injury And Inflamation,” Exercise And Sport Science (William E., Garrett JR., Ed.) pp. 163-173., USA .2000
  • ROTH S.M., MARTEL GF., IVEY FM., LEMMER JT., METTER EJ., HURLEY BF., ROGERS MA., “High-Volume, Heavy-Resistance Strength Training And Muscle Damage In Young And Older Women”. J Appl. Physiol.; 88 (3), pp. 1112-1118, 2000
  • BROWN S., DAY S., DONELLY A., “Indirect Evidence Of Human Skeletal Muscle Damage And Collogen Breakdown After Eccentric Muscle Action”, J Sport Science., 17 (5), pp.397-402., 1999
  • FRIDEN J., SJOSTROM M., EKBLOM B., “Myofibrillar Damage Falloving Intense Eccentric Exercise In Man”. Int. Sports Med. 4; pp.170-176, 1983
  • STARON SR., HIKITA S., Muscular Responses To Exercise And Training. “Exercise And Sport Science” (Wıllıam E., Garrett, J.R., Ed.,) pp.163-173., USA ,2000
  • MURRAY R.K., GRANNER D.K., MAYES P.A., RODWEL V.W.; Harper’in Biyokimyası, 24.Baskı, Barış Kitabevi, pp. 24-68 İstanbul, (1998)
  • AMELINK GJ, VAN DER WAL WA, WOKKE JH, VAN ASBECK BS, BAR PR. “Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage In The Rat: The Effect Of Vitamin E Deficiency”. Pflugers Arch. Oct;419(3-4): pp.304-9,1991
  • BOMPA, T.O., Periodiazition Theory And Methodology Of Training. 4 Edition, Champaign Human Kinetics. Orlando. (1999)
  • TUCKER J.F, COLLINS R.A, ANDERSON R.A. “Value Of Serial Myoglobin Levels In The Elderly Diagnosis Of Patients Admitted For Acute Myocardial Infarction”. Ann Emerg Med. 24: pp. 704, 1994
  • AMSTRONG RB. “Initial Events In Exercise – Induced Muscular Injury”. Med. Sci Sports Exercise., 22; pp. 429-435, 1990
  • TSUNG S., “Creatine Kinase Isoenzyme Pattern In Human Tissue Obtained At Surgery”. Clin Chem 22 , pp. 173. 1976
  • APPLE F.S. “Acute Myocardial Infarction And Coronary Reperfusion: Serum Cardiac Markers For The 1990s”. Am J Clin Pathol; 97, pp. 217–226 1992
  • WU A.H., GORNET T.G., HARKER C.C., CHEN H.L., “Role Of Rapid Immunoassays For Urgent ("Stat") Determinations Of Creatine Kinase Isoenzyme MB”. Clin Chem 35, pp. 1752–1756. 1989
  • GILLUM R.F., FORMANN S.P., PRINEAS R.J., “International Diagnostic Criteria For Acute Myocardial Infarction And Stroke”. Am Heart J, 108, pp. 150–158 ,1984
  • LOTT J.A., STANG J.M; “Serum Enzymes And Isoenzymes In The Diagnosis And Differentinal Diagnosis Of Myocardiyal Ischemia And Necrosis”. Clin. Chem., 26: pp. 1241-1250, 1980
  • GIBLER W.B, LEWIS L.M, ERB R.E. “Early Detection Of Acute Myocardial Infarction In Patients Presenting Chest Pain And Nondiagnostic Ecgs: Serial CK-MB Sampling In The Emergency Department”. Ann Emerg Med 19: pp. 1359, 1990
  • SCHWANE J.A., JOHNSON S.R., VANDENAKKER C.B, ARMSTRONG R.B; “Delayed-Onset Muscular Soreness And Plasma CRP And LDH Activities After Downhill Running”. Med. Sci. Sports. Exerc., 15: pp. 51-56, 1983
  • ŞEN B., Akut Miyokart Enfarktüsünde Serum Troponin T Değerlerinin CK-M Ve Miyoglobin Değerleriyle Karşılaştırılması., (UT) Sağlık Bakanlığı Haydarpaşa Numune Hastanesi Biyokimya Ve Klinik Biyokimya Servisi., İstanbul (1992)
  • APPLE FS., ROGERS MA., SHERMAN WM., IVY JL., “Comparision Of Serum Creatin Kinase And Creatin Kinase MB Activities, Post Maraton Race Versus Myocardial Infarction”. Clinica Chimica Acta, 138; pp. 111-118, 1984
  • GIBLER W.B, GIBLER C.D, “Weinshenker E. Myoglobin As Early Indicator Of Acute Myocardial Infarction”. Ann Emerg Med 21: pp. 504, 1994
  • HEDGES J.R, GIBLER W.B, YOUNG G.P. “Multicenter Study Of Creatinine Kinase MB Use: Effect On Chest Pain Clinical Decision Making”. Acad Emerg Med 3, pp.7, 1996
  • ÖZEREN A., Akut Miyokart Enfarktüsünde Troponin I, Myoglobin Ve CK-MB nin Diagnostik Etkinliğinin Ve Akut Faz Reaktanlarının Karşılaştırılması (UT) Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı., ss.17-18, Konya (1999)
  • GREEN G.B LI D.J, BESSMAN E.S. “The Prognostic Significance Of Troponin I And T”. Acad Emerg Med 5:758, (1998)
  • CHAPELLE , JP:, Cardiac Troponin I And T: Recent Players In The Of Myocardial Markers., Clin. Chem Lab Med., 37(1), pp.11-20., 1999
  • SCHWANE J.A., BUCKLEY RT., DIPAOLO DP., ATKINSON MAL., SHEPHERD JR., “Plasma Creatine Kinase Responses Of 18- To 30-Yr-Old African-American Men To Eccentric Exercise” , Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 23 (2), pp. 370-378, 2000
  • BLACK HR., QUALICH H., GARELECK CB., “Racial Differences In Serum Creatin Kinase Levels”. Ame J. Med. 81, pp. 478-487, 1983
  • SERWOOD RA., LAMBERT A., NEWHAM DJ., WASIF WS., PETERS TJ. “The Effect Of Eccentric Exercise On Serum Creatin Kinas Aktivity In Different Ethnic Groups”, Ahh Clin Biochem; 33, pp. 324-329, 1996
  • OLERUD JE., HOMER LD., CARROL HW., “Incidence Of Acute Exertional Rhabdomyolysis”. Arch Int Med 136, pp. 692-697, 1976
  • NEWHAM DJ, JONES DA, EDWARDS RH. “Plasma Creatine Kinase Changes After Eccentric And Concentric Contractions”. Muscle Nerve.; 9(1), pp. 59-63. 1986
  • SCHNEIDER C.M., DENNEHY C.A., RODEARMEL S.J., HAYWARD J.R. “Effects Of Physical Activity On Creatine Phosphokinase And The Isoenzyme Creatine Kinase-MB”. Ann Emerg Med; 25 , pp. 520–524. 1995
  • VINCENT HK., VINCENT KR., “The Effect Of Training Status On The Serum Creatine Kinase Response, Soreness And Muscle Fonction Fallowing Resistance Exercise”., J. Sports Med. 18, pp. 431-437, 1997
  • CLARKSON PM, BYRNES WC, MCCORMICK KM, TURCOTTE. LP, WHITE JS. “Muscle Soreness And Serum Creatine Kinase Activity Following Isometric, Eccentric, And Concentric Exercise”. Int J. Sports Med.;7(3), pp. 152-51., 1986.
  • DAVID S., J. PAUL ASTON, NICOLAS S., DALLIMORE, HELEN M.S., WILLIAMS AND NEIL WILLIS., “Effect Of Exercise Plasma Pirüvate Kinase And Creatin Kinase Activity”., Clınica Chemica Acta., 132, pp. 127-132 ,1983
  • NOSAKA K, CLARKSON PM. “Influence Of Previous Concentric Exercise On Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage”. J Sports Sci.;15(5), pp. 477-83,1997
  • THORSTENSSON, A., B., SJODIN, P., TESCH, J. KARLSSON. “Actomyosin ATPase, Myokinase, CPK, And LDH In Hüman Fast And Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers”. Acta Physiol. Scand. 99, pp. 225-229, 1997
  • MALTZER H.Y., HOLY P.A., “Black-White Differences In Serum Creatin Phosphokinase Activity”, Clin. Chim . Acta., 54, pp. 215- 224, 1974
  • LUCIA A, SERRATOSA L., SABORIDO A., PARDO J., BORAITA A., MORAN M., BANDERS F., MEGIAS A., CICHARO JL. “Short- Term Effect Of Marathon Running: No Evidence Of Cardiac Dysfunction”. Med Sci Sport Exerc., 31(10), pp. 1414-1421, 1999
  • PEREZ AC., DOLIVEIRA AC, ESTEVEZ E, MOLINA AJ, PRIETO JG., ALVEREZ AI., “Mitokondrial Sarcoplazmic Membrane And Protein Degredation In Heart Mscle In exercise Rats”, Act. Physiol. Scandinavica 178 (1), pp. 61, 2003
  • WHYT GP., GEORGE K., SHARMA S., LUMLEY S, GATES P, PRASED K. MCKENNA WJ. “Cardiac Fatigue Following Prolonged Endurance Exercise Of Differing Distances”. Med Sci Sports Exercise , 32 (6), pp. 1067-1072, 2000
  • YINGJIE C., ROBERT, C.S. SHANNON M., MACKEY B., KAREN L., KELLY, J.T., FRED S.A. “Cardiak Troponin T Alteration In Myocardium And Serum Of Rats After Stresful, Prolonged Intense Exercis”. J Appl Phsiol., 88, pp. 1749-1755, 2000
  • BONETTI A., TIRELLI F., ALBERTINI R., MONICA C., MONICA M., TREDICI G. “Serum Cardiac Troponin T After Repeated Endurance Exercise Events”. Int J Sport Med., 17 (44), pp. 259-265., 1996
  • HAZAR S. “Farklı Türdeki Kuvvet Antrenmanlarının İskelet ve Kalp Kası Enzim Aktivitelerine Akut Etkisi” (DT), Gazi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Anabilim Dalı, 39-86; Ankara (2004)
  • PHIL B. F. MARGARET A.W., LURIE S., FELLOW F. “Regular Exercise And Subclinical Myocürdial Injury During Prolanged Exercise”., Jama 19, pp. 282-86, 1999
  • DEMİREL H. Egzersizle oluşan kas Hasarı, 7. Uluslar arası Spor Bilimleri Kongresi, ss. 291-293 , 2002
  • AMELINK GJ, VAN DER KALLEN CJ, WOKKE JH, BAR PR. “Dantrolene Sodium Diminishes Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage In The Rat”. Eur J Pharmacol. Apr 10;179(1-2), pp. 187-92, 1990
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Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA83BF35EN
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Serkan Hazar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2004
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2004

Kaynak Göster

APA Hazar, S. (2004). EGZERSİZE BAĞLI İSKELET VE KALP KASI HASARI. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(3), 119-126.

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