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Yıl 2003, , 69 - 76, 01.04.2003


Yapılan bu çalışmanın amacı, yoğunlaştırılmış yürüyüş ve jogging programının koroner kalp hastalığı risk faktörlerinden olan yüksek dansiteli liporotein (HDL) ve düşük dansiteli lipoprotein (LDL) üzerine olan etkisini araştırmaktır. Çalışmaya, 66 denek ( 30 erkek ve 36 bayan) gönüllü olarak katılmışlardır. Denekler random metodu ile iki gruba ayrılarak, deney (n= 35) ve kontrol (n=31) gruplarını oluşturdular. Deney grubundaki katılımcılar hedef kalp atım sayısının (HKAS) % 50- % 85 arasında yüklenme şiddeti ile 10 hafta süre ile haftada 4 gün olmak üzere arttırılmış yürüyüş ve jogging programına tabi tutuldular. Tüm ölçümler antrenman programından bir gün önce ve sonra ön test ve son test olarak yapıldılar. İstatistiksel analizler, aritmetik ortalama (x), standart sapma ( SD ) ve “t test” olarak yapıldı. Çalışmanın sonunda; ölçümlerde uygulanan aritmetik uygulamalar arası farka ait “ t testi” nde ölçümü yapılan parametrelerden ağırlık, BKI,DKAS, EKAS, TG, TC ve HDL-C erkek denek ve kontrol grupları arasındaki fark, istatistiki açıdan anlamlı bulunmuştur ( p< 0.05), ESBP ve LDL-C değerleri matematiksel olarak anlamlı istatistiksel olarak ise anlamsız bulunmuştur. Bayan denek ve kontrol grupları karşılaştırıldığında ise fark, DKAS, EKAS, TG,TC, LDL-C ve HDL-C değerleri anlamlı bulunmuştur (p< 0.05) ancak ağırlık ve BKI anlamlı bulunmamıştır. Sonuçta; düzenli fiziksel aktivitede bulunan kişilerde HDL-C değeri artarken, LDL-C değerinde düşüş görülmüştür


  • AHA ;Exercise and your heart, American Heart Association Publ.Dallas :9-10, 1999
  • AKGÜN, N: : “Egzersiz Fizyolojisi”, GSGM, E.Ü.Basımevi,C: I, :41-68, c:2 ;158- 178,222,247, İzmir, 1993
  • ASHTON, W.D.,NANCHAHAL, K., WOOD, D.A: “Leisure- time physical activity and coronery risk factors in women”, J Cardiovasc Risc 2000 Aug; 7 (4): 259-66.
  • ASSANELLI, D. BERSATTI, F. FERRARI ,R. BOLLANI, G. FERRARI, M. BALLORDINI, E. GUERRA, GP. PARRINELLO, G.: Effect of leisure time and working activity on principal risk factors and relative interaction in active middle- age men. Coron Artery Dis, 10 (1) : 1-7, 1999.
  • ASTRAND, PO. RODAHL,K.: “Textbook of work physiology, physiological basis of exercise”, 3.Ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company N.York, :139-202,471-474, 1986
  • BAUMAN, A. OWEN,N.:” Habitual physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors”, Sydney, Med J Aust Jan 7; 154 (1) : 22-8, 1991
  • BAYSAL, A ve ark : “Diyet El Kitabı” , 3. Baskı, Hatipoğlu Yayınları, : 237-254, Ankara, 1999
  • BERNSTEIN, M.S.,COSTANZE, M.C., JAMES, R.W., MORRIS, M.A., CAMBEIN,F., RAOUX, S., MORABIA, A.: “Physical activity may modulate effect of ApoE genotype on lipid profile”, Centre Medical Un, Geneva Switzerland, Arterioscler Tromb Vasc Biol Jan; 22 (1) : 133-40, 2002.
  • BİLGİN,R. DONMA, O. GÜNDAY, V. SAĞLIKER, Y.: “Lipid profile and lipoproteins in essantiyel hypertension, “Tr.J. of Med. Sci. 20: 81-83, Ankara, 1994. Blood
  • BROUCH, M. POELMANN, ET. SAVAGE, P. FRAGNOLI- MUN, K. ROSS, S. ADES, PA: “Modest effects of exercise training alone on coronary risk factors and body composition in coronary patients”, J Cardiopulm Rehabil May- Jun ; 20 (3) : 180-8, 2000.
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  • ERKAN, Necmettin.:“Yaşam Boyu Spor”, Bağırgan Yayınevi , :8-10,47,63-76, Ankara, 2000.
  • FORREST,KY. BUNKER, CH. KRISTA, AM. UKOLI, FA. HUSTON, SL. MARKOVIC,N.: “Physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors in a developing population”, Med Sci Sports Exerc sep ; 33 (9) : 1598-604, Pittsburgh USA, 2001.
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  • HALBERT, JA. SILAGAY CA. FINUCANE, PM. WITHERS, RT. HAMDORF, PA.: “Physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors : effect of advice from an exercise specialist in Australian general practise”, Med J Aust Jul 17 ; 173 (2) :84-7, 2000.
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  • HU, G. PEKKARINEN, H. HANNINEN, O. TIAN, H. GUO, Z.: “Relation between commuting leşsure time physical activity and serum lipids in a Chinese urban population”, Finland, Ann Hum Biol Jul-Aug ; 28 (4) : 412-21, 2001.
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  • LEHMANN R, VOKAC, A. NIEDERMANN K, AGOSTI K, SPINAS GA.: “Loss of abdominal fat and improvement of cardiovascular risk profile by regular moderate exercise training in patients with NIDDM ( Non- Insulin- Dependent Diabetes Mellitus)”, Zurich, Diabetologia Nov ; 38 (11) : 1313-9, 1995.
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Yıl 2003, , 69 - 76, 01.04.2003


The purpose of this studyt was to asses the effects of the densely walking and jogging programs on high densty lipoprotein (HDL-C) and low density lipoprotein (LDL-C) . Sixty six person (30 male and 36 female) participated as subject of an expriment. Their age values were male ( x = 46.3 ± 5.7) and female ( x = 44.5± 2.7). Subjects were divided into rwo groups with random method, as training and control groups. Subject of expriment group walket and run four times a week for ten weeks at their target heart rate that was bgetween % 50 and % 85. All measurements were taken a day before and after from the training program as pre and posttest. The statical analysis of datas included mean ( x ), standart deviation ( SD), and paried t – test. The statistical analysis of these measurement showed that when the two groups of male were compared and the difference at weight, BMI, resting heart rate (RHR), resting systolic blood pressure (RSBP), restinng diastolic blood pressure ( RDBP), exercice heart rate (EHR),exercise diastolic blood ptessure (EDBP), TG, TC and HDL-C were found significandly (p < 0,05), but exercise systolic blood pressure (ESBP) and LDL-C were not significantly. The two groups of female were compared and difference at RHR, RSBP, RDBP, EHR, EDBP, TC, TG, LDL-C and HDL-C were found significantly ( p< 0.05) but, weight losing, BMI and ESBP were not significantly. In finally,both genders’ HDL-C increased and LDL-C decreased wih regular physical activities


  • AHA ;Exercise and your heart, American Heart Association Publ.Dallas :9-10, 1999
  • AKGÜN, N: : “Egzersiz Fizyolojisi”, GSGM, E.Ü.Basımevi,C: I, :41-68, c:2 ;158- 178,222,247, İzmir, 1993
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Toplam 69 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA89NS69BN
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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2003
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