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Yıl 2019, , 1 - 13, 30.12.2019


technology allows special and applied research in sport and exercise psychology
field. This technology, already constantly developing, offers thrilling
opportunities for natural gaze and eye movement behavior studies of elite and
amateur athletes. Though the idea of observing or tracking the eye movements
seems simple, the technology behind is quite complicated and sensitive. Also,
it necessitates substantial knowledge and experience in both hardware and
software. The high cost of eye-tracking and the long time allocated for data
analyses requires efficient use of resources. The purpose of this paper is to
present basic information to those aiming to study eye-tracking system in the
field of sport science. It is expected to help beginners answer the questions
considering eye-tracking research and give an idea on how to start.


  • Afonso J., Garganta J., McRobert A., Williams M., Mesquita I. (2014). Visual search behaviours and verbal reports during film-based and in situ representative tasks in volleyball. European Journal of Sport Science, 14(2), 177–184.
  • Al-Abood S. A., Bennett S. J., Hernandez F. M., Ashford D., Davids K. (2002). Effect of verbal instructions and image size on visual search strategies in basketball free throw shooting. Journal of Sports Sciences, 20(3), 271–278.
  • Barfoot K.M., Casey M., Callaway A. (2012). Combined EEG and Eye-tracking in Sports Skills Training and Performance Analysis “An Archery Case Study”. University of Surrey.
  • Bojko A. (2013). Eye Tracking the User Experience. A Practical Guide to Research. Rosenfeld Media, LLC.
  • Gidlöf K., Wallin A., Dewhurst R., Holmqvist K. (2013). Gaze Behaviour During Decision Making in a Natural Environment. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 6(1), 3, 1-14.
  • Gidlöf K. (2105). Visual attention during decision-making in natural environments. Doctoral dissertation. Lund University
  • Holmqvist K., Nyström M., Andersson R., Dewhurst R., Jarodzka H., Van de Weijer J. (2011). Eye tracking: A comprehensive guide to methods and measures. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Hossner E.J. (Ed.) (2016). Quiet Eye research – Joan Vickers on target. Current Issues in Sport Science, 1:100.
  • Hancock D. J., Ste-Marie D. M. (2013). Gaze behaviors and decision making accuracy of higher- and lower-level ice hockey referees. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14(1), 66–71.
  • James E. H. (1998). “Visual Attention and Eye Movements,” in Attention, ed. Harold Pashler. London: University College London Press.119–154.
  • Krede R., Vater C., Klostermann A., Hossner E. J. (2017). Eye-tracking technology and the dynamics of natural gaze behavior in sports: A systematic review of 40 years of research. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Lohmeyer Q., Meboldt M., Matthiesen S. (2013). Analyzing Visual Strategies of Novice and Experienced Designers by Eye Tracking Application. International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education 5-6 September 2013, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland
  • Mark W.A., Robert N. S., Shane G. F. (2002) Quiet Eye Duration, Expertise, and Task Complexity in Near and Far Aiming Tasks. Journal of Motor Behavior, 34(2), 197-207.
  • McGuckian T. B., Cole M. H., Pepping G. J. (2018). A systematic review of the technology-based assessment of visual perception and exploration behaviour in association football. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(8), 861–880. Oliveira R. F., Oudejans R. R. D., Beek P. J. (2008). Gaze Behavior in Basketball Shooting: Further Evidence for Online Visual Control. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79(3), 399–404.
  • Pakkert M., Rosemann A. L. P., Duijnhoven J. Van., Donners M. A. H. (2018). Glare quantification for indoor volleyball. Building an Environment.143, 48–58.
  • Panchuk D., Vine S., Vickers J. (2015). Eye Tracking Methods in Sport Expertise. Routledge handbook of sport expertise. 176–187.
  • Panchuk D., Vickers J. N., Hopkins W. G. (2017). Quiet eye predicts goaltender success in deflected ice hockey shots†. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(1), 93–99.
  • Pizzera A., Möller C., Plessner H., Pizzera A., Möller C., Plessner H. (2018). Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport Gaze Behavior of Gymnastics Judges : Where Do Experienced Judges and Gymnasts Look While Judging ? Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 89(1), 112–119.
  • Rodrigues S. T., Vickers J. N., Williams A. M. (2002). Head, eye and arm coordination in table tennis. Journal of Sports Sciences, 20(3), 187–200.
  • Robert R. Horn , Michelle S. Okumura , Melissa G. F. Alexander , Fredrick A. Gardin, Curtis T. Sylvester (2012) Quiet Eye Duration Is Responsive to Variability of Practice and to the Axis of Target Changes. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 83(2), 204-21.
  • Russell M. D., Stewart T. C. (2015). Eye tracking in sport: A guide for new and aspiring researchers. Sport & Exercise Psychology Review, 11(2).
  • Seo Y. Nam Kim, M., Lee D., Jung Y. (2018). Attention to eSports advertisement: effects of ad animation and in-game dynamics on viewers’ visual attention. Behaviour and Information Technology, 37(12), 1194–1202.
  • Uchida Y., Mizuguchi N., Honda M., Kanosue K. (2014). Prediction of shot success for basketball free throws: Visual search strategy. European Journal of Sport Science, 14(5), 426–432.
  • Vickers J. N. (2016). Origins and current issues in Quiet Eye research. Current Issues in Sport Science, 1:101.
  • Vine S. J., Wilson M. R. (2010). Quiet eye training: Effects on learning and performance under pressure. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 22(4), 361–376.
  • Witkowski M., Tomczak M., Bronikowski M., Tomczak E., Marciniak M., Borysiuk Z. (2018). Visual Perception Strategies of Foil Fencers Facing Right- Versus Left-Handed Opponents. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 125(3), 612–625.
  • Wood G., Wilson M. R. (2010). A moving goalkeeper distracts penalty takers and impairs shooting accuracy. Journal of Sports Sciences, 28(9), 937–946.
  • Ziv G., Lidor R. (2015). Focusing attention instructions, accuracy, and quiet eye in a self-paced task an exploratory study. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 13(2), 104–120.


Yıl 2019, , 1 - 13, 30.12.2019


Göz takip teknolojisi, spor ve egzersiz
psikolojisi alanında özel ve uygulamalı birçok çalışma yapılabilmesine imkan
tanımaktadır. Sürekli gelişmekte olan bu teknoloji, elit ve amatör sporcuların
doğal çevrede gerçekleşen görme ve göz hareketleri davranışlarının
araştırılması için heyecan verici imkanlar sunmaktadır. Ancak göz hareketlerini
izleme fikri oldukça basit olsa da arkasındaki teknoloji oldukça karmaşık ve hassastır.
Ayrıca, göz takip sistemini etkin kullanabilmek için ciddi bir bilgi birikimi
ve tecrübe gerekmektedir Göz takip sisteminin çok pahalı olması ve elde edilen
verilerin analizinin oldukça uzun sürede tamamlanmasından dolayı, söz konusu
sistemlere ayrılan kaynakların etkin şekilde kullanılmasını zorunlu
kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, göz takip sistemi ile spor bilimleri alanında
çalışma yapacak araştırmacılara temel bilgilerin kazandırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu makalenin, göz
takip sistemi ile çalışmaya başlayacak araştırmacıların zihinlerinde
oluşabilecek soru işaretlerinin cevaplanmasına ve nasıl bir başlangıç yapmaları
gerektiği hususunda fikir sahibi olmalarına yardımcı olacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Afonso J., Garganta J., McRobert A., Williams M., Mesquita I. (2014). Visual search behaviours and verbal reports during film-based and in situ representative tasks in volleyball. European Journal of Sport Science, 14(2), 177–184.
  • Al-Abood S. A., Bennett S. J., Hernandez F. M., Ashford D., Davids K. (2002). Effect of verbal instructions and image size on visual search strategies in basketball free throw shooting. Journal of Sports Sciences, 20(3), 271–278.
  • Barfoot K.M., Casey M., Callaway A. (2012). Combined EEG and Eye-tracking in Sports Skills Training and Performance Analysis “An Archery Case Study”. University of Surrey.
  • Bojko A. (2013). Eye Tracking the User Experience. A Practical Guide to Research. Rosenfeld Media, LLC.
  • Gidlöf K., Wallin A., Dewhurst R., Holmqvist K. (2013). Gaze Behaviour During Decision Making in a Natural Environment. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 6(1), 3, 1-14.
  • Gidlöf K. (2105). Visual attention during decision-making in natural environments. Doctoral dissertation. Lund University
  • Holmqvist K., Nyström M., Andersson R., Dewhurst R., Jarodzka H., Van de Weijer J. (2011). Eye tracking: A comprehensive guide to methods and measures. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Hossner E.J. (Ed.) (2016). Quiet Eye research – Joan Vickers on target. Current Issues in Sport Science, 1:100.
  • Hancock D. J., Ste-Marie D. M. (2013). Gaze behaviors and decision making accuracy of higher- and lower-level ice hockey referees. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14(1), 66–71.
  • James E. H. (1998). “Visual Attention and Eye Movements,” in Attention, ed. Harold Pashler. London: University College London Press.119–154.
  • Krede R., Vater C., Klostermann A., Hossner E. J. (2017). Eye-tracking technology and the dynamics of natural gaze behavior in sports: A systematic review of 40 years of research. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Lohmeyer Q., Meboldt M., Matthiesen S. (2013). Analyzing Visual Strategies of Novice and Experienced Designers by Eye Tracking Application. International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education 5-6 September 2013, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland
  • Mark W.A., Robert N. S., Shane G. F. (2002) Quiet Eye Duration, Expertise, and Task Complexity in Near and Far Aiming Tasks. Journal of Motor Behavior, 34(2), 197-207.
  • McGuckian T. B., Cole M. H., Pepping G. J. (2018). A systematic review of the technology-based assessment of visual perception and exploration behaviour in association football. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(8), 861–880. Oliveira R. F., Oudejans R. R. D., Beek P. J. (2008). Gaze Behavior in Basketball Shooting: Further Evidence for Online Visual Control. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79(3), 399–404.
  • Pakkert M., Rosemann A. L. P., Duijnhoven J. Van., Donners M. A. H. (2018). Glare quantification for indoor volleyball. Building an Environment.143, 48–58.
  • Panchuk D., Vine S., Vickers J. (2015). Eye Tracking Methods in Sport Expertise. Routledge handbook of sport expertise. 176–187.
  • Panchuk D., Vickers J. N., Hopkins W. G. (2017). Quiet eye predicts goaltender success in deflected ice hockey shots†. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(1), 93–99.
  • Pizzera A., Möller C., Plessner H., Pizzera A., Möller C., Plessner H. (2018). Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport Gaze Behavior of Gymnastics Judges : Where Do Experienced Judges and Gymnasts Look While Judging ? Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 89(1), 112–119.
  • Rodrigues S. T., Vickers J. N., Williams A. M. (2002). Head, eye and arm coordination in table tennis. Journal of Sports Sciences, 20(3), 187–200.
  • Robert R. Horn , Michelle S. Okumura , Melissa G. F. Alexander , Fredrick A. Gardin, Curtis T. Sylvester (2012) Quiet Eye Duration Is Responsive to Variability of Practice and to the Axis of Target Changes. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 83(2), 204-21.
  • Russell M. D., Stewart T. C. (2015). Eye tracking in sport: A guide for new and aspiring researchers. Sport & Exercise Psychology Review, 11(2).
  • Seo Y. Nam Kim, M., Lee D., Jung Y. (2018). Attention to eSports advertisement: effects of ad animation and in-game dynamics on viewers’ visual attention. Behaviour and Information Technology, 37(12), 1194–1202.
  • Uchida Y., Mizuguchi N., Honda M., Kanosue K. (2014). Prediction of shot success for basketball free throws: Visual search strategy. European Journal of Sport Science, 14(5), 426–432.
  • Vickers J. N. (2016). Origins and current issues in Quiet Eye research. Current Issues in Sport Science, 1:101.
  • Vine S. J., Wilson M. R. (2010). Quiet eye training: Effects on learning and performance under pressure. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 22(4), 361–376.
  • Witkowski M., Tomczak M., Bronikowski M., Tomczak E., Marciniak M., Borysiuk Z. (2018). Visual Perception Strategies of Foil Fencers Facing Right- Versus Left-Handed Opponents. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 125(3), 612–625.
  • Wood G., Wilson M. R. (2010). A moving goalkeeper distracts penalty takers and impairs shooting accuracy. Journal of Sports Sciences, 28(9), 937–946.
  • Ziv G., Lidor R. (2015). Focusing attention instructions, accuracy, and quiet eye in a self-paced task an exploratory study. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 13(2), 104–120.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Spor Hekimliği
Bölüm Derleme

Fatih Senduran 0000-0002-9463-7963

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

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