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Sporcuların başarısında genetik faktörlerin önemi

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3, 109 - 118, 01.04.2017


Genetik faktörlerin atletik performansta önemli olduğu bilinen dayanıklılık, güç, kuvvet, kas fibril kompozisyonu gibi birçok bileşenle doğrudan ilişkisi bulunmaktadır. 2000 yılında Genom Projesi ile insan DNA dizisinin ortaya konması, spor performansı ile ilişkisi bulunan genlerin de araştırılmasını sağlamıştır. Araştırmacılar sporla ilgili genlerin incelendiği bu alanı “Spor Genetiği” olarak adlandırmıştır. Günümüzde 120 genin atletik performansla ilişkisi gösterilmiştir. Bu genlerin bir kısmının dayanıklılık sporcularında ve güç sporcularında farklılıklar gösterdiği keşfedilmiştir. Dayanıklılık sporcuları ACE, ACTN, PPARA gibi genlerin bir çeşidini yüksek frekansta taşırken, kuvvet sporcularının farklı bir çeşidini taşıdığı gösterilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, spor genetiği ile ilgili yapılmış çalışmalara sistamatik alan yazın taraması yapılmış, dayanıklılık ve güç/kuvvet ile ilişkisi sıklıkla çalışılan genler özetlenmiştir


  • Ahmetov, II, A. M. Druzhevskaya, E. V. Lyubaeva, ve ark. (2011): The dependence of preferred compe- titive racing distance on muscle fibre type composi- tion and ACTN3 genotype in speed skaters. Exp Physiol, 96, 1302-1310.
  • Ahmetov, II, ve O. N. Fedotovskaya. (2015): Cur- rent Progress in Sports Genomics. Adv Clin Chem, 70, 247-314.
  • Ahmetov, II, D. N. Gavrilov, I. V. Astratenkova, ve ark. (2013): The association of ACE, ACTN3 and PPARA gene variants with strength phenotypes in middle school-age children. J Physiol Sci, 63, 79- 85.
  • Ahmetov, II, I. A. Mozhayskaya, D. M. Flavell, ve ark. (2006): PPARalpha gene variation and physical performance in Russian athletes. Eur J Appl Phy- siol, 97, 103-108.
  • Ahmetov, II, O. L. Vinogradova, ve A. G. Williams. (2012): Gene polymorphisms and fibril-type com- position of human skeletal muscle. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 22, 292-303.
  • Allison, A. B., M. Kevin Keel, J. E. Philips, ve ark. (2014): Avian oncogenesis induced by lymphoproli- ferative disease virus: a neglected or emerging ret- roviral pathogen? Virology, 450-451, 2-12.
  • Alonso, L., E. Souza, M. Oliveira, ve ark. (2014): Heritability of aerobic power of individuals in nort- heast Brazil. Biol Sport, 31, 267-270.
  • Alvarez, R., N. Terrados, R. Ortolano, ve ark. (2000): Genetic variation in the renin-angiotensin system and athletic performance. Eur J Appl Phy- siol, 82, 117-120.
  • Andersen, R. E., ve D. L. Montgomery. (1988): Physiology of Alpine skiing. Sports Med, 6, 210- 221.
  • Azzazy, H. M., ve M. M. Mansour. (2007): Rogue athletes and recombinant DNA technology: challen- ges for doping control. Analyst, 132, 951-957.
  • Baoutina, A., I. E. Alexander, J. E. Rasko, ve ark. (2008): Developing strategies for detection of gene doping. J Gene Med, 10, 3-20.
  • Bestman, J. E., R. C. Ewald, S. L. Chiu, ve ark. (2006): In vivo single-cell electroporation for trans- fer of DNA and macromolecules. Nat Protoc, 1, 1267-1272.
  • Boris-Lawrie, K. (2007): Bridging fundamental RNA biology, retroviral replication, and oncogene- sis: Karen Beemon wins the 2007 Retrovirology Prize. Retrovirology, 4, 88.
  • Bouchard, C., P. An, T. Rice, ve ark. (1999): Fami- lial aggregation of VO(2max) response to exercise training: results from the HERITAGE Family Study. J Appl Physiol (1985), 87, 1003-1008.
  • Bouchard, C., E. W. Daw, T. Rice, ve ark. (1998): Familial resemblance for VO2max in the sedentary state: the HERITAGE family study. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 30, 252-258.
  • Brzezianska, E., D. Domanska, ve A. Jegier. (2014): Gene doping in sport - perspectives and risks. Biol Sport, 31, 251-259.
  • Butts, B., J. Butler, S. B. Dunbar, ve ark. (2017): ASC Methylation and Interleukin-1beta Are Associ- ated with Aerobic Capacity in Heart Failure. Med Sci Sports Exerc.
  • Calvet, C. Y., F. M. Andre, ve L. M. Mir. (2014): Dual therapeutic benefit of electroporation-mediated DNA vaccination in vivo: Enhanced gene transfer and adjuvant activity. Oncoimmunology, 3, e28540.
  • Charbonneau, D. E., E. D. Hanson, A. T. Ludlow, ve ark. (2008): ACE genotype and the muscle hy- pertrophic and strength responses to strength trai- ning. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 40, 677-683.
  • Chiu, L. L., T. W. Chen, S. S. Hsieh, ve ark. (2012): ACE I/D, ACTN3 R577X, PPARD T294C and PPARGC1A Gly482Ser polymorphisms and physi- cal fitness in Taiwanese late adolescent girls. J Phy- siol Sci, 62, 115-121.
  • Cooper, H. L., N. Feuerstein, M. Noda, ve ark. (1985): Suppression of tropomyosin synthesis, a common biochemical feature of oncogenesis by structurally diverse retroviral oncogenes. Mol Cell Biol, 5, 972-983.
  • Costa, A. M., L. Breitenfeld, A. J. Silva, ve ark. (2012): Genetic inheritance effects on endurance and muscle strength: an update. Sports Med, 42, 449-458.
  • Diamanti-Kandarakis, E., P. A. Konstantinopoulos, J. Papailiou, ve ark. (2005): Erythropoietin abuse and erythropoietin gene doping: detection strategies in the genomic era. Sports Med, 35, 831-840.
  • Dvorak, J., N. Baume, F. Botre, ve ark. (2014): Time for change: a roadmap to guide the implemen- tation of the World Anti-Doping Code 2015. Br J Sports Med, 48, 801-806.
  • Dvorak, J., R. Budgett, M. Saugy, ve ark. (2014): Drawing the map to implement the 2015 World An- ti-Doping Code. Br J Sports Med, 48, 800.
  • edited by Claude, Bouchard, ve P. Hoffman Eric. (2011): Genetic and molecular aspects of sport per- formance (Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, [2011] ©2011).
  • Egorova, E. S., A. V. Borisova, L. J. Mustafina, ve ark. (2014): The polygenic profile of Russian foot- ball players. J Sports Sci, 32, 1286-1293.
  • Eroglu, O., ve R. Zileli. (2015): Genetik Faktörlerin Sportif Performansa Etkisi. Uluslararası Spor, Eg- zersiz ve Antrenman Bilimi Dergisi, 1, 63-76.
  • Eynon, N., J. A. Duarte, J. Oliveira, ve ark. (2009): ACTN3 R577X polymorphism and Israeli top-level athletes. Int J Sports Med, 30, 695-698.
  • Eynon, N., Y. Meckel, M. Sagiv, ve ark. (2010): Do PPARGC1A and PPARalpha polymorphisms influ- ence sprint or endurance phenotypes? Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20, e145-150.
  • Fallahi, A., A. Ravasi, ve D. Farhud. (2011): Gene- tic doping and health damages. Iran J Public Health, 40, 1-14.
  • Fedotovskaia, O. N., D. V. Popov, O. L. Vinogra- dova, ve ark. (2012): [Association of the muscle- specific creatine kinase (CKMM) gene polymorp- hism with physical performance of athletes]. Fiziol Cheloveka, 38, 105-109.
  • Fitch, K. (2016): The World Anti-Doping Code: can you have asthma and still be an elite athlete? Breat- he (Sheff), 12, 148-158.
  • Gessain, A. (1998): [Retroviral oncogenesis. HTLV-I and T-cell acute leukemia-lymphoma in adults]. Ann Pathol, 18, 72-73.
  • Gineviciene, V., A. Pranculis, A. Jakaitiene, ve ark. (2011): Genetic variation of the human ACE and ACTN3 genes and their association with functional muscle properties in Lithuanian elite athletes. Medi- cina (Kaunas), 47, 284-290.
  • Guth, Lisa M., ve Stephen M. Roth. (2013): Genetic influence on athletic performance. Current opinion in pediatrics, 25, 653-658.
  • Hakimi, P., J. Yang, G. Casadesus, ve ark. (2007): Overexpression of the cytosolic form of phosphoe- nolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP) in skeletal muscle repatterns energy metabolism in the mouse. J Biol Chem, 282, 32844-32855.
  • Hruskovicova, H., D. Dzurenkova, M. Selingerova, ve ark. (2006): The angiotensin converting enzyme I/D polymorphism in long distance runners. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 46, 509-513.
  • Hughes, D. (2015): The World Anti-Doping Code in sport: Update for 2015. Aust Prescr, 38, 167-170.
  • Hughes, D. C., S. H. Day, Ahmetov, II, ve ark. (2011): Genetics of muscle strength and power: polygenic profile similarity limits skeletal muscle performance. J Sports Sci, 29, 1425-1434.
  • Inesi, G., D. Lewis, C. Sumbilla, ve ark. (1998): Cell-specific promoter in adenovirus vector for transgenic expression of SERCA1 ATPase in car- diac myocytes. Am J Physiol, 274, C645-653.
  • Jager, L., ve A. Ehrhardt. (2007): Emerging adeno- viral vectors for stable correction of genetic disor- ders. Curr Gene Ther, 7, 272-283.
  • Jamshidi, Y., H. E. Montgomery, H. W. Hense, ve ark. (2002): Peroxisome proliferator--activated re- ceptor alpha gene regulates left ventricular growth in response to exercise and hypertension. Circula- tion, 105, 950-955.
  • Katsnelson, A. (2011): Gene tests for brain injury still far from the football field. Nat Med, 17, 638.
  • King-Himmelreich, T. S., S. Schramm, M. C. Wol- ters, ve ark. (2016): The impact of endurance exer- cise on global and AMPK gene-specific DNA methylation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 474, 284-290.
  • Klebe, S., J. W. Stirling, ve K. A. Williams. (2000): Corneal endothelial cell nuclei are damaged after DNA transfer using a gene gun. Clin Exp Ophthal- mol, 28, 58-59.
  • Lopez-Leon, S., C. Tuvblad, ve D. A. Forero. (2016): Sports genetics: the PPARA gene and athle- tes' high ability in endurance sports. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Biol Sport, 33, 3-6.
  • Maciejewska, A., M. Sawczuk, ve P. Cieszczyk. (2011): Variation in the PPARalpha gene in Polish rowers. J Sci Med Sport, 14, 58-64.
  • Miyahara, T., Y. Umeda, S. Yoshikawa, ve ark. (2012): Selective blockade of apoptosis by in vivo electroporation-mediated gene transfer combined with portal infusion of plasmid DNA attenuates li- ver cirrhosis. Minerva Chir, 67, 249-255.
  • Myerson, S., H. Hemingway, R. Budget, ve ark. (1999): Human angiotensin I-converting enzyme gene and endurance performance. J Appl Physiol (1985), 87, 1313-1316.
  • Nair, V. (2008): Retrovirus-induced oncogenesis and safety of retroviral vectors. Curr Opin Mol Ther, 10, 431-438.
  • Nazarov, I. B., D. R. Woods, H. E. Montgomery, ve ark. (2001): The angiotensin converting enzyme I/D polymorphism in Russian athletes. Eur J Hum Ge- net, 9, 797-801.
  • Pattamaprapanont, Pattarawan, Christian Garde, Odile Fabre, ve ark. (2016): Muscle Contraction In- duces Acute Hydroxymethylation of the Exercise- Responsive Gene Nr4a3. Frontiers in Endocrino- logy, 7, 165.
  • Peeters, M. W., M. A. Thomis, R. J. Loos, ve ark. (2007): Heritability of somatotype components: a multivariate analysis. Int J Obes (Lond), 31, 1295- 1301.
  • Peng, J., Y. Zhao, J. Mai, ve ark. (2012): Short noncoding DNA fragment improve efficiencies of in vivo electroporation-mediated gene transfer. J Gene Med, 14, 563-569.
  • Robertson, Keith D. (2005): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation. in, DNA Methylation and Can- cer Therapy (Springer US: Boston, MA).
  • Roth, S. M. (2012): Critical overview of applicati- ons of genetic testing in sport talent identification. Recent Pat DNA Gene Seq, 6, 247-255.
  • Roth, S. M., S. Walsh, D. Liu, ve ark. (2008): The ACTN3 R577X nonsense allele is under-represented in elite-level strength athletes. Eur J Hum Genet, 16, 391-394.
  • Sakai, T., ve K. Himeno. (2003): Gene gun-based in vivo gene transfer. Application to DNA vaccination. Methods Mol Biol, 215, 181-191.
  • Santiago, C., J. R. Ruiz, A. Buxens, ve ark. (2011): Trp64Arg polymorphism in ADRB3 gene is associ- ated with elite endurance performance. Br J Sports Med, 45, 147-149.
  • Sato, M., E. Akasaka, I. Saitoh, ve ark. (2012): In vivo gene transfer in mouse preimplantation embr- yos after intraoviductal injection of plasmid DNA and subsequent in vivo electroporation. Syst Biol Reprod Med, 58, 278-287.
  • Scanavini, D., F. Bernardi, E. Castoldi, ve ark. (2002): Increased frequency of the homozygous II ACE genotype in Italian Olympic endurance athle- tes. Eur J Hum Genet, 10, 576-577.
  • Shahmoradi, S., A. Ahmadalipour, ve M. Salehi. (2014): Evaluation of ACE gene I/D polymorphism in Iranian elite athletes. Adv Biomed Res, 3, 207.
  • Silventoinen, K., P. K. Magnusson, P. Tynelius, ve ark. (2008): Heritability of body size and muscle strength in young adulthood: a study of one million Swedish men. Genet Epidemiol, 32, 341-349.
  • Simoneau, J. A., ve C. Bouchard. (1995): Genetic determinism of fibril type proportion in human ske- letal muscle. FASEB J, 9, 1091-1095.
  • Soci, U. P., T. Fernandes, V. G. Barauna, ve ark. (2016): Epigenetic control of exercise training- induced cardiac hypertrophy by miR-208. Clin Sci (Lond).
  • Striegel, H., D. Rossner, P. Simon, ve ark. (2005): The World Anti-Doping Code 2003--consequences for physicians associated with elite athletes. Int J Sports Med, 26, 238-243.
  • Thomas, Robert James, Stacey A Kenfield, ve Al- fonso Jimenez. (2016): Exercise-induced biochemi- cal changes and their potential influence on cancer: a scientific review. British Journal of Sports Medi- cine.
  • Tsianos, G., J. Sanders, S. Dhamrait, ve ark. (2004): The ACE gene insertion/deletion polymorphism and elite endurance swimming. Eur J Appl Physiol, 92, 360-362.
  • Vaeyens, R., M. Lenoir, A. M. Williams, ve ark. (2008): Talent identification and development prog- rammes in sport : current models and future directi- ons. Sports Med, 38, 703-714.
  • Wang, Y. X., C. L. Zhang, R. T. Yu, ve ark. (2004): Regulation of muscle fibril type and running endu- rance by PPARdelta. PLoS Biol, 2, e294.
  • Williams, A. G., S. H. Day, J. P. Folland, ve ark. (2005): Circulating angiotensin converting enzyme activity is correlated with muscle strength. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 37, 944-948.
  • Woods, D., M. Hickman, Y. Jamshidi, ve ark. (2001): Elite swimmers and the D allele of the ACE I/D polymorphism. Hum Genet, 108, 230-232.
  • Yang, N., D. G. MacArthur, J. P. Gulbin, ve ark. (2003a): ACTN3 genotype is associated with human elite athletic performance. Am J Hum Genet, 73, 627-631.
  • Yang, Nan, Daniel G. MacArthur, Jason P. Gulbin, ve ark. (2003b): ACTN3 Genotype Is Associated with Human Elite Athletic Performance. American Journal of Human Genetics, 73, 627-631.
  • Zhang, B., H. Tanaka, N. Shono, ve ark. (2003): The I allele of the angiotensin-converting enzyme gene is associated with an increased percentage of slow-twitch type I fibrils in human skeletal muscle. Clin Genet, 63, 139-144.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3, 109 - 118, 01.04.2017


Genetic factors are directly related to many components, such as endurance, strength, muscle fiber composition, which are known to be important for athletic performance. In 2000, the introduction of the human DNA sequence with the Genome Project enabled the search for genes associated with sport performance. Researchers have called this area "Sports Genetics" where the genes related to sports are examined. Today, 120 genetic associations with athletic performance have been reported. It has been discovered that some of these genes show differences in endurance athletes and power athletes. While endurance athletes carry a specific type of gene out of a range of genes, such as ACE, ACTN, PPARA at high frequencies, it has been shown that power athletes carry a different kind. In this study, an systematic literature review of studies on sport genetics has been outlined, and genes that are frequently studied in relation to endurance and power/strength have been summarized


  • Ahmetov, II, A. M. Druzhevskaya, E. V. Lyubaeva, ve ark. (2011): The dependence of preferred compe- titive racing distance on muscle fibre type composi- tion and ACTN3 genotype in speed skaters. Exp Physiol, 96, 1302-1310.
  • Ahmetov, II, ve O. N. Fedotovskaya. (2015): Cur- rent Progress in Sports Genomics. Adv Clin Chem, 70, 247-314.
  • Ahmetov, II, D. N. Gavrilov, I. V. Astratenkova, ve ark. (2013): The association of ACE, ACTN3 and PPARA gene variants with strength phenotypes in middle school-age children. J Physiol Sci, 63, 79- 85.
  • Ahmetov, II, I. A. Mozhayskaya, D. M. Flavell, ve ark. (2006): PPARalpha gene variation and physical performance in Russian athletes. Eur J Appl Phy- siol, 97, 103-108.
  • Ahmetov, II, O. L. Vinogradova, ve A. G. Williams. (2012): Gene polymorphisms and fibril-type com- position of human skeletal muscle. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 22, 292-303.
  • Allison, A. B., M. Kevin Keel, J. E. Philips, ve ark. (2014): Avian oncogenesis induced by lymphoproli- ferative disease virus: a neglected or emerging ret- roviral pathogen? Virology, 450-451, 2-12.
  • Alonso, L., E. Souza, M. Oliveira, ve ark. (2014): Heritability of aerobic power of individuals in nort- heast Brazil. Biol Sport, 31, 267-270.
  • Alvarez, R., N. Terrados, R. Ortolano, ve ark. (2000): Genetic variation in the renin-angiotensin system and athletic performance. Eur J Appl Phy- siol, 82, 117-120.
  • Andersen, R. E., ve D. L. Montgomery. (1988): Physiology of Alpine skiing. Sports Med, 6, 210- 221.
  • Azzazy, H. M., ve M. M. Mansour. (2007): Rogue athletes and recombinant DNA technology: challen- ges for doping control. Analyst, 132, 951-957.
  • Baoutina, A., I. E. Alexander, J. E. Rasko, ve ark. (2008): Developing strategies for detection of gene doping. J Gene Med, 10, 3-20.
  • Bestman, J. E., R. C. Ewald, S. L. Chiu, ve ark. (2006): In vivo single-cell electroporation for trans- fer of DNA and macromolecules. Nat Protoc, 1, 1267-1272.
  • Boris-Lawrie, K. (2007): Bridging fundamental RNA biology, retroviral replication, and oncogene- sis: Karen Beemon wins the 2007 Retrovirology Prize. Retrovirology, 4, 88.
  • Bouchard, C., P. An, T. Rice, ve ark. (1999): Fami- lial aggregation of VO(2max) response to exercise training: results from the HERITAGE Family Study. J Appl Physiol (1985), 87, 1003-1008.
  • Bouchard, C., E. W. Daw, T. Rice, ve ark. (1998): Familial resemblance for VO2max in the sedentary state: the HERITAGE family study. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 30, 252-258.
  • Brzezianska, E., D. Domanska, ve A. Jegier. (2014): Gene doping in sport - perspectives and risks. Biol Sport, 31, 251-259.
  • Butts, B., J. Butler, S. B. Dunbar, ve ark. (2017): ASC Methylation and Interleukin-1beta Are Associ- ated with Aerobic Capacity in Heart Failure. Med Sci Sports Exerc.
  • Calvet, C. Y., F. M. Andre, ve L. M. Mir. (2014): Dual therapeutic benefit of electroporation-mediated DNA vaccination in vivo: Enhanced gene transfer and adjuvant activity. Oncoimmunology, 3, e28540.
  • Charbonneau, D. E., E. D. Hanson, A. T. Ludlow, ve ark. (2008): ACE genotype and the muscle hy- pertrophic and strength responses to strength trai- ning. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 40, 677-683.
  • Chiu, L. L., T. W. Chen, S. S. Hsieh, ve ark. (2012): ACE I/D, ACTN3 R577X, PPARD T294C and PPARGC1A Gly482Ser polymorphisms and physi- cal fitness in Taiwanese late adolescent girls. J Phy- siol Sci, 62, 115-121.
  • Cooper, H. L., N. Feuerstein, M. Noda, ve ark. (1985): Suppression of tropomyosin synthesis, a common biochemical feature of oncogenesis by structurally diverse retroviral oncogenes. Mol Cell Biol, 5, 972-983.
  • Costa, A. M., L. Breitenfeld, A. J. Silva, ve ark. (2012): Genetic inheritance effects on endurance and muscle strength: an update. Sports Med, 42, 449-458.
  • Diamanti-Kandarakis, E., P. A. Konstantinopoulos, J. Papailiou, ve ark. (2005): Erythropoietin abuse and erythropoietin gene doping: detection strategies in the genomic era. Sports Med, 35, 831-840.
  • Dvorak, J., N. Baume, F. Botre, ve ark. (2014): Time for change: a roadmap to guide the implemen- tation of the World Anti-Doping Code 2015. Br J Sports Med, 48, 801-806.
  • Dvorak, J., R. Budgett, M. Saugy, ve ark. (2014): Drawing the map to implement the 2015 World An- ti-Doping Code. Br J Sports Med, 48, 800.
  • edited by Claude, Bouchard, ve P. Hoffman Eric. (2011): Genetic and molecular aspects of sport per- formance (Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, [2011] ©2011).
  • Egorova, E. S., A. V. Borisova, L. J. Mustafina, ve ark. (2014): The polygenic profile of Russian foot- ball players. J Sports Sci, 32, 1286-1293.
  • Eroglu, O., ve R. Zileli. (2015): Genetik Faktörlerin Sportif Performansa Etkisi. Uluslararası Spor, Eg- zersiz ve Antrenman Bilimi Dergisi, 1, 63-76.
  • Eynon, N., J. A. Duarte, J. Oliveira, ve ark. (2009): ACTN3 R577X polymorphism and Israeli top-level athletes. Int J Sports Med, 30, 695-698.
  • Eynon, N., Y. Meckel, M. Sagiv, ve ark. (2010): Do PPARGC1A and PPARalpha polymorphisms influ- ence sprint or endurance phenotypes? Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20, e145-150.
  • Fallahi, A., A. Ravasi, ve D. Farhud. (2011): Gene- tic doping and health damages. Iran J Public Health, 40, 1-14.
  • Fedotovskaia, O. N., D. V. Popov, O. L. Vinogra- dova, ve ark. (2012): [Association of the muscle- specific creatine kinase (CKMM) gene polymorp- hism with physical performance of athletes]. Fiziol Cheloveka, 38, 105-109.
  • Fitch, K. (2016): The World Anti-Doping Code: can you have asthma and still be an elite athlete? Breat- he (Sheff), 12, 148-158.
  • Gessain, A. (1998): [Retroviral oncogenesis. HTLV-I and T-cell acute leukemia-lymphoma in adults]. Ann Pathol, 18, 72-73.
  • Gineviciene, V., A. Pranculis, A. Jakaitiene, ve ark. (2011): Genetic variation of the human ACE and ACTN3 genes and their association with functional muscle properties in Lithuanian elite athletes. Medi- cina (Kaunas), 47, 284-290.
  • Guth, Lisa M., ve Stephen M. Roth. (2013): Genetic influence on athletic performance. Current opinion in pediatrics, 25, 653-658.
  • Hakimi, P., J. Yang, G. Casadesus, ve ark. (2007): Overexpression of the cytosolic form of phosphoe- nolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP) in skeletal muscle repatterns energy metabolism in the mouse. J Biol Chem, 282, 32844-32855.
  • Hruskovicova, H., D. Dzurenkova, M. Selingerova, ve ark. (2006): The angiotensin converting enzyme I/D polymorphism in long distance runners. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 46, 509-513.
  • Hughes, D. (2015): The World Anti-Doping Code in sport: Update for 2015. Aust Prescr, 38, 167-170.
  • Hughes, D. C., S. H. Day, Ahmetov, II, ve ark. (2011): Genetics of muscle strength and power: polygenic profile similarity limits skeletal muscle performance. J Sports Sci, 29, 1425-1434.
  • Inesi, G., D. Lewis, C. Sumbilla, ve ark. (1998): Cell-specific promoter in adenovirus vector for transgenic expression of SERCA1 ATPase in car- diac myocytes. Am J Physiol, 274, C645-653.
  • Jager, L., ve A. Ehrhardt. (2007): Emerging adeno- viral vectors for stable correction of genetic disor- ders. Curr Gene Ther, 7, 272-283.
  • Jamshidi, Y., H. E. Montgomery, H. W. Hense, ve ark. (2002): Peroxisome proliferator--activated re- ceptor alpha gene regulates left ventricular growth in response to exercise and hypertension. Circula- tion, 105, 950-955.
  • Katsnelson, A. (2011): Gene tests for brain injury still far from the football field. Nat Med, 17, 638.
  • King-Himmelreich, T. S., S. Schramm, M. C. Wol- ters, ve ark. (2016): The impact of endurance exer- cise on global and AMPK gene-specific DNA methylation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 474, 284-290.
  • Klebe, S., J. W. Stirling, ve K. A. Williams. (2000): Corneal endothelial cell nuclei are damaged after DNA transfer using a gene gun. Clin Exp Ophthal- mol, 28, 58-59.
  • Lopez-Leon, S., C. Tuvblad, ve D. A. Forero. (2016): Sports genetics: the PPARA gene and athle- tes' high ability in endurance sports. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Biol Sport, 33, 3-6.
  • Maciejewska, A., M. Sawczuk, ve P. Cieszczyk. (2011): Variation in the PPARalpha gene in Polish rowers. J Sci Med Sport, 14, 58-64.
  • Miyahara, T., Y. Umeda, S. Yoshikawa, ve ark. (2012): Selective blockade of apoptosis by in vivo electroporation-mediated gene transfer combined with portal infusion of plasmid DNA attenuates li- ver cirrhosis. Minerva Chir, 67, 249-255.
  • Myerson, S., H. Hemingway, R. Budget, ve ark. (1999): Human angiotensin I-converting enzyme gene and endurance performance. J Appl Physiol (1985), 87, 1313-1316.
  • Nair, V. (2008): Retrovirus-induced oncogenesis and safety of retroviral vectors. Curr Opin Mol Ther, 10, 431-438.
  • Nazarov, I. B., D. R. Woods, H. E. Montgomery, ve ark. (2001): The angiotensin converting enzyme I/D polymorphism in Russian athletes. Eur J Hum Ge- net, 9, 797-801.
  • Pattamaprapanont, Pattarawan, Christian Garde, Odile Fabre, ve ark. (2016): Muscle Contraction In- duces Acute Hydroxymethylation of the Exercise- Responsive Gene Nr4a3. Frontiers in Endocrino- logy, 7, 165.
  • Peeters, M. W., M. A. Thomis, R. J. Loos, ve ark. (2007): Heritability of somatotype components: a multivariate analysis. Int J Obes (Lond), 31, 1295- 1301.
  • Peng, J., Y. Zhao, J. Mai, ve ark. (2012): Short noncoding DNA fragment improve efficiencies of in vivo electroporation-mediated gene transfer. J Gene Med, 14, 563-569.
  • Robertson, Keith D. (2005): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation. in, DNA Methylation and Can- cer Therapy (Springer US: Boston, MA).
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Toplam 76 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA54DP58MT
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Gülhan Erdem Subak Bu kişi benim

Özdemir Fatma Neşe Şahin Bu kişi benim

Recep Sürhat Müniroğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Subak, G. E., Şahin, Ö. F. N., & Müniroğlu, R. S. (2017). Sporcuların başarısında genetik faktörlerin önemi. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(3), 109-118.

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