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Yıl 2009, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 125 - 133, 01.08.2009


Çalışmanın amacı; Ankara ilinde bulunan veteran atletlerin, beslenme alışkanlıklarını ve beslenme bilgi düzeylerini saptamaktır. Veteran 32 atlet üzerinde yapılan çalışmada, sporcuların %84.4’ünün erkek, %15.6’sının kadın olduğu saptanmıştır. BKİ (Beden Kütle İndeksi) sınıflamasına göre, katılımcıların %75’i normal vücut ağırlığına sahip, bel çevresi ortalamaları kadın ve erkek için sırasıyla; 77.6 ± 8.5 cm, 86.0 ± 8.7 cm’dir. Meslekleri farklı olan sporcular arasında, BKİ değerleri açısından anlamlı bir farklılık saptanmamasına karşın (F=0.97, p=0.46), sayıca spora katılımı fazla olan emekli bireylerde BKİ değerlerinin düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sporcuların % 75’i doktor tarafından teşhis edilen herhangi bir hastalıkları olmadığını belirtmiştir. Gençlik döneminde herhangi bir spor dalı ile uğraştığını söyleyenler, % 59.4 oranındadır. Sporcuların, %28.1’i ergojenik ürün kullandığını, kullananların ise %55.6’sı vitamin-mineral tableti, %44.4’ü ise yağ yakıcı ve kas kütlesini artırıcı ürün kullandıklarını belirtmiştir. “Müsabaka olduğu günlerde beslenmenizde değişiklik yapar mısınız?” sorusuna, sporcuların %81.3’ü “evet” cevabını vermiştir. %43.8’i yağlı yiyeceklerden uzak durarak karbonhidratlı besinler tükettiğini, %31.3’ü hafif yemekler tercih ettiğini, %6.2’si ise vitamin ve mineral içeriği yüksek besinler tükettiğini belirtmiştir. Beslenme bilgilerini saptamak amacıyla yöneltilen sorulara beklenen yanıtı verenlerin fazla olması olumlu bir bulgudur. Besin tüketim analizinde, enerji alımları veteran bir atlet için yeterli olmasına karşın, enerjinin makro besin öğelerine dağılımında dengesizlik (karbonhidrat tüketimi yetersiz, yağ tüketimi fazla) olduğu saptanmıştır


  • Akyol A., Bilgiç P., Ersoy G., “Fiziksel aktivite, beslenme ve sağlıklı yaşam”. Sağlık Bakanlığı yayını, s. 7, Ankara, 2008.
  • Jokl P., Sethi PM., Cooper AJ., “Master's performance in the New York City Marathon 1983-1999”, Br J Sports Med, 38(4), pp. 408- 412, 2004.
  • Fletcher GF., Balady G., Blair SN., Blumenthal J., Caspersen C., Chaitman B., Epstein S., Froelicher ESS, Froelicher VF., Pina IL., et al. “Exercise Standards for Testing and Training: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association”, Circulation, 94(4), pp. 857-862, 1996.
  • Tanaka H., Seals DR., “Endurance exercise performance in Masters athletes: age-associated changes and underlying physiological mechanisms”, J Physiol, 586(1), pp. 55-63, 2008.
  • Rittweger J., di Prampero PE., Maffulli N., Narici MV., “Sprint and endurance power and ageing: an analysis of master athletic world records”, Proc R Soc B, 276(1657), pp. 683-689, 2009.
  • Pimentel AE., Gentile CL., Tanaka H., Seals DR., Gates PE. “Greater rate of decline in maximal aerobic capacity with age in endurance-trained than in sedentary men”. J Appl Physiol, 94(6), pp. 2406-2413, 2003.
  • Özdemir G., Ersoy G. “Yaşlanma sürecinde egzersiz ve sağlıklı beslenmenin kazandırdıkları”. İlksan matbaacılık,
  • s. 51, Ankara, 2009.
  • Sacheck, JM., Roubenoff, R,, “Nutrition in the exercising elderly”, Clinics in Sports medicine, 18(3), pp. 565-584,1999.
  • Rosenbloom, C., Bahns, M., “What can we learn about diet and physical activity from master athletes?”, Nutrition Today, 40(6), pp. 267-272, 2005.
  • Buyukyazı, G., “Differences in blood lipids and apolipoproteins between master athletes, recreational athletes and sedentary men”, J Sports Med Physical Fitness, 45(1), pp. 112-120, 2005.
  • Yataco, AR., Busby- Whitehead, J., Drinkwater, DT., Katzel, LI., “Relationship of body composition and cardiovascular fitness to lipoprotein lipid profiles in master athletes and sedentary men”, Aging 9(1), pp. 88-94, 1997.
  • Hawkins, SA., Wiswell, RA., Marcell, TJ., “Exercise and the master athlete- A model of succcessful aging?” The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Scİences and Medical Sciences 58, pp. 1009-1011, 2003.
  • Karan A., “Yaşlılıkta egzersiz ve spor”, Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg (Özel Ek A), s. 53-56, 2006.
  • Maharam LG., Bauman PA., Kalman D., Skolnik H., Perle SM., “Masters Athletes: Factors Affecting Performance”, Sports Medicine, 28 (4), pp. 273-285, 1999.
  • Poulıot MC., Despres JP., Lemıeux S., Moorjanı S., Bouchard C.,Tremblay A., Nadeau A., Lupıen PJ., “Waist circumference and abdominal sagittal diameter : best simple anthropometric indexes of abdominal visceral adipose tissue accumulation and related cardiovascular risk in men and women”, Am J Cardiol , 73(7), pp. 460-468 1994.
  • Bayrak ME. Yetişkinlerde ağırlık yönetimi “Şişmanlığın klinik yöntemi”, Türkiye Diyetisyenler Derneği. Ekspres baskı, s.73, İstanbul, 2008.
  • Hagberg, JM., Goldberg, AP., Lakatta, L., O’Connor, FC., Becker, LC., Lakatta, EG., Fleg, JL., “Expanded blood volumes contribute to the increased cardiovascular performance of endurance-trained older men”, J Appl Physiol 85, pp. 484-489, 1998.
  • Bunyard, LB., Katzel, LI., Busby-Whitehead, MJ., Wu, Z., Goldberg, AP., “Energy requirements of middle-aged men are modifiable by physical activity”, Am J Clin Nutr, 68, pp. 1136-1142, 1998.
  • Pratley, RE., Hagberg, JM., Rogus, EM., Goldberg AP., “Enhanced insulin sensitivity and lower waist-to-hip ratio in veteran athletes”, Am J PhysiolEndocrinol Metab, 268, pp. 484-490, 1995.
  • Trappe, S., “Master athletes”, Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 11 Suppl, pp. 196-207, 2001.
  • Ryan, AS., Muller, DC., Elahi, D., “Sequential hyperglycemic-euglycemic clamp to assess beta-cell and peripheral tissue: studies in female athletes”, J Appl Physiol, 91, pp. 872-881, 2001.
  • Rogers, MA. King, DS. Hagberg, JM., Holloszy JO., “Effect of 10 days of physical inactivity on glucose tolerance in veteran athletes”, J Appl Physiol, 68(5), pp. 1833-1837,1990.
  • Rosenbloom, C., Bahns, M., “What can we learn about diet and physical activity from master athletes?” Holistic Nursing Practic, 20(4), pp. 161-166, 2006.
  • Akyüz, S., Garan, A., Haznedaroğlu, E., Eren, F., “Enerji ve spor içecekleri”, Diş Hek Klin Derg, 1, pp. 22-27, 2005.
  • Striegel, H., Simon, P., Wurster, C., Niess, AM., Ulrich, R., “The use of nutritional supplements among veteran athletes”, Int J Sports Med, 27(3), pp. 236-241, 2006.
  • Ersoy, G., “Egzersiz ve spor yapanlar için beslenme”, Nobel yayın, s.111, Ankara, 2004.
  • Blair, SN., Ellsworth, NM., Haskell, WL., Stern, MP., Farquahar, JW., Wood, PD., “Comparison of nutrient intake inmiddle-aged men and women runners and controls”, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 13 (5), pp. 310-315, 1981.
  • Hallfrisch, J., Drinkwater. DT., Muller, DC., Fleg J, Busby Whitehead, M., Andres, R., Goldberg, A., “Physical conditioning status and diet intake in active and sedentary older men”. Nutr Res, 14, pp. 817-827, 1994.


Yıl 2009, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 125 - 133, 01.08.2009


The aim of the study is to determine, the veteran athletes’ nutritional habits and nutrition knowledge levels in Ankara. It has determinated that the study has been done on 32 veteran athletes, 84.4% of the athletes were male, 15.6% of the athletes were female. According to BKI classification 75% of participants were normal body weight, their average waist circumference for women and men, respectively; 77.6 ± 8.5 cm, 86.0 ± 8.7 cm. Between the different professions of the athletes in terms of BMI values were no significant differences (F=0.97, p=0.46), but in spite of this, retired people who participate to sports more than, their BKI values were determined lower. 75% of athletes' were diagnosed by doctors and did not determined any diseas. 59.4% says that they were deal a kind of sports during their youth.. Athletes, 28.1% athletes says that they are using ergogenic product. 55.6% of ergogenic product users are using vitamin-mineral tablets, as if 44.4% 'of them are using fat burner and muscle mass increaser product, When asking the question to the athletes; "In the competition day do you do any differences on your nutrition?” 81.3% of the athletes said “yes”.43.8 of athletes says that they are staying away from fatty foods and consuming carbohydrate foods, 31.3% of athletes are prefering light meals, 6.2% athletes are consuming foods which contains highly vitamins and minerals. It is a positive finding to get more answers were expected to the questions which are asked to determine knowledge about their nutrition. In the analysis of food consumption, although taking energy is enough for a veteran athletes but it’s determined that there is a deficiency (insufficient consumption of carbohydrates, more fat consumption) in macro-nutrients distribution


  • Akyol A., Bilgiç P., Ersoy G., “Fiziksel aktivite, beslenme ve sağlıklı yaşam”. Sağlık Bakanlığı yayını, s. 7, Ankara, 2008.
  • Jokl P., Sethi PM., Cooper AJ., “Master's performance in the New York City Marathon 1983-1999”, Br J Sports Med, 38(4), pp. 408- 412, 2004.
  • Fletcher GF., Balady G., Blair SN., Blumenthal J., Caspersen C., Chaitman B., Epstein S., Froelicher ESS, Froelicher VF., Pina IL., et al. “Exercise Standards for Testing and Training: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association”, Circulation, 94(4), pp. 857-862, 1996.
  • Tanaka H., Seals DR., “Endurance exercise performance in Masters athletes: age-associated changes and underlying physiological mechanisms”, J Physiol, 586(1), pp. 55-63, 2008.
  • Rittweger J., di Prampero PE., Maffulli N., Narici MV., “Sprint and endurance power and ageing: an analysis of master athletic world records”, Proc R Soc B, 276(1657), pp. 683-689, 2009.
  • Pimentel AE., Gentile CL., Tanaka H., Seals DR., Gates PE. “Greater rate of decline in maximal aerobic capacity with age in endurance-trained than in sedentary men”. J Appl Physiol, 94(6), pp. 2406-2413, 2003.
  • Özdemir G., Ersoy G. “Yaşlanma sürecinde egzersiz ve sağlıklı beslenmenin kazandırdıkları”. İlksan matbaacılık,
  • s. 51, Ankara, 2009.
  • Sacheck, JM., Roubenoff, R,, “Nutrition in the exercising elderly”, Clinics in Sports medicine, 18(3), pp. 565-584,1999.
  • Rosenbloom, C., Bahns, M., “What can we learn about diet and physical activity from master athletes?”, Nutrition Today, 40(6), pp. 267-272, 2005.
  • Buyukyazı, G., “Differences in blood lipids and apolipoproteins between master athletes, recreational athletes and sedentary men”, J Sports Med Physical Fitness, 45(1), pp. 112-120, 2005.
  • Yataco, AR., Busby- Whitehead, J., Drinkwater, DT., Katzel, LI., “Relationship of body composition and cardiovascular fitness to lipoprotein lipid profiles in master athletes and sedentary men”, Aging 9(1), pp. 88-94, 1997.
  • Hawkins, SA., Wiswell, RA., Marcell, TJ., “Exercise and the master athlete- A model of succcessful aging?” The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Scİences and Medical Sciences 58, pp. 1009-1011, 2003.
  • Karan A., “Yaşlılıkta egzersiz ve spor”, Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg (Özel Ek A), s. 53-56, 2006.
  • Maharam LG., Bauman PA., Kalman D., Skolnik H., Perle SM., “Masters Athletes: Factors Affecting Performance”, Sports Medicine, 28 (4), pp. 273-285, 1999.
  • Poulıot MC., Despres JP., Lemıeux S., Moorjanı S., Bouchard C.,Tremblay A., Nadeau A., Lupıen PJ., “Waist circumference and abdominal sagittal diameter : best simple anthropometric indexes of abdominal visceral adipose tissue accumulation and related cardiovascular risk in men and women”, Am J Cardiol , 73(7), pp. 460-468 1994.
  • Bayrak ME. Yetişkinlerde ağırlık yönetimi “Şişmanlığın klinik yöntemi”, Türkiye Diyetisyenler Derneği. Ekspres baskı, s.73, İstanbul, 2008.
  • Hagberg, JM., Goldberg, AP., Lakatta, L., O’Connor, FC., Becker, LC., Lakatta, EG., Fleg, JL., “Expanded blood volumes contribute to the increased cardiovascular performance of endurance-trained older men”, J Appl Physiol 85, pp. 484-489, 1998.
  • Bunyard, LB., Katzel, LI., Busby-Whitehead, MJ., Wu, Z., Goldberg, AP., “Energy requirements of middle-aged men are modifiable by physical activity”, Am J Clin Nutr, 68, pp. 1136-1142, 1998.
  • Pratley, RE., Hagberg, JM., Rogus, EM., Goldberg AP., “Enhanced insulin sensitivity and lower waist-to-hip ratio in veteran athletes”, Am J PhysiolEndocrinol Metab, 268, pp. 484-490, 1995.
  • Trappe, S., “Master athletes”, Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 11 Suppl, pp. 196-207, 2001.
  • Ryan, AS., Muller, DC., Elahi, D., “Sequential hyperglycemic-euglycemic clamp to assess beta-cell and peripheral tissue: studies in female athletes”, J Appl Physiol, 91, pp. 872-881, 2001.
  • Rogers, MA. King, DS. Hagberg, JM., Holloszy JO., “Effect of 10 days of physical inactivity on glucose tolerance in veteran athletes”, J Appl Physiol, 68(5), pp. 1833-1837,1990.
  • Rosenbloom, C., Bahns, M., “What can we learn about diet and physical activity from master athletes?” Holistic Nursing Practic, 20(4), pp. 161-166, 2006.
  • Akyüz, S., Garan, A., Haznedaroğlu, E., Eren, F., “Enerji ve spor içecekleri”, Diş Hek Klin Derg, 1, pp. 22-27, 2005.
  • Striegel, H., Simon, P., Wurster, C., Niess, AM., Ulrich, R., “The use of nutritional supplements among veteran athletes”, Int J Sports Med, 27(3), pp. 236-241, 2006.
  • Ersoy, G., “Egzersiz ve spor yapanlar için beslenme”, Nobel yayın, s.111, Ankara, 2004.
  • Blair, SN., Ellsworth, NM., Haskell, WL., Stern, MP., Farquahar, JW., Wood, PD., “Comparison of nutrient intake inmiddle-aged men and women runners and controls”, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 13 (5), pp. 310-315, 1981.
  • Hallfrisch, J., Drinkwater. DT., Muller, DC., Fleg J, Busby Whitehead, M., Andres, R., Goldberg, A., “Physical conditioning status and diet intake in active and sedentary older men”. Nutr Res, 14, pp. 817-827, 1994.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA73UG95RZ
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Öznur Güven Bu kişi benim

Günay Özdemir Bu kişi benim

Gülgün Ersoy Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Güven, Ö., Özdemir, G., & Ersoy, G. (2009). ANKARA İLİNDEKİ VETERAN ATLETLERİN BESLENME BİLGİ VE ALIŞKANLIKLARININ SAPTANMASI. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(3), 125-133.

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