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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 77 - 96, 28.02.2025


Amaç: Bu çalışma, neonatal Wistar albino sıçanların kranial bölgesindeki dil, damak ve burun boşluğundaki Steno bezi gibi bazı organların yetişkin sıçanlarla karşılaştırıldığında histolojik olarak değerlendirilmesini belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı.
Yöntem: Çalışmada 5 adet sağlıklı dişi yenidoğan Wistar albino sıçan kullanıldı. Sıçanlardan elde edilen numuneler %10'luk formalinde iki gün süreyle fikse edildi. Hematoksilen&eozin ve Mallary Azan boyama sonrasında dil, damak ve burun boşluğunun histolojik özellikleri ortaya çıkarıldı.
Bulgular: Yumuşak damağın ön kısmındaki submukoza tabakasında yağ dokusu bulunurken, arka kısmında mukus bezleri gözlendi. Ana papillalar filiform ve fungiform olup, dağınık foliat ve sirkumvallat papillalar da mevcuttu. Yan burun bezleri (Steno bezleri) iyi gelişmişti. Genel olarak yetişkinlerde tek taraflı sinüsün posterosuperior kısmında koronal ve sagittal kesitlerde dört adet etmoturbinat bulunurken, neonatal sıçanlarda iki tane etmoturbinat vardı. İlginç bir şekilde, farede nazofarenksin hemen rostralinde bir septal pencere mevcuttu, ancak yeni doğan sıçanlarda septal pencere görülmedi.
Sonuç: Bu çalışma, yeni doğmuş Wistar albino sıçanının ağız ve burun boşluğunun anatomisine ilişkin temel araştırma özelliklerini rapor etmektedir. Verilerimiz, bu organların yapısını tam olarak incelemeyi amaçlayan diğer çalışmalara ışık tutabilir ve yeni doğmuş Wistar albino sıçanlar üzerinde yapılacak daha sonraki deneysel ve morfolojik çalışmalarda faydalı olabilir.

Etik Beyan

Deney aşamaları, Sivas-Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hayvan Etiği Kurulu tarafından onaylandı (Onay No: 65202830-050.04.04-75).


  • Abaffy, T., Lu, H., Matsunami, H. (2023). ‘’Sex steroid hormone synthesis, metabolism, and the effects on the mammalian olfactory system’’, Cell and Tissue Research, 391, 19–42.
  • Abumandour, M.M.A. (2018). ‘’Surface ultrastructural (SEM) characteristics of oropharyngeal cavity of house sparrow (Passer domesticus)’’, Anatomical Science International, 93(3), 384–93.
  • Akbari, G., Babaei, M., Hassanzadeh, B. (2018). ‘’Morphological study of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) tongue by SEM and LM’’, Anatomical Science International, 93(2), 207–17.
  • Alvites, R.D., Caseiro, A.R., Pedrosa, S.S., Branquinho, M.A., Varejao, A.S.P., Mauricio, A.C. (2018). ‘’The Nasal Cavity of the Rat and Mouse—Source of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Treatment of Peripheral Nerve Injury’’, The Anatomical Record, 301, 1678–89.
  • Bianchi, F., Flisi, S., Careri, M., Riboni, N., Resimini, S., Sala, A., Conti, V., Mattarozzi, M., Taddei, S., Spadini, C., Basini, G., Grolli, S., Cabassi, C.S., Ramoni, R. (2019). ‘’Vertebrate odorant binding proteins as antimicrobial humoral components of innate immunity for pathogenic microorganisms’’, PLoS ONE, 14, 1–16.
  • Bryche, B., Frétaud, M., Deliot, A.S., Galloux, M., Sedano, L., Langevin, C., Deschamps, D., Rameix-Welti, M., Eléouët, J., Goffic, R., Meunier, N. (2020). ‘’Respiratory syncytial virus tropism for olfactory sensory neurons in mice’’, Journal of Neurochemistry, 155, 137–53.
  • Charest, P.L., Vrolyk, V., Herst, P., Lessard, M., Sloboda, D.M., Dalvai, M., Haruna, J., Bailey, J.L., Benoit-Biancamano, M. (2018). ‘’Histomorphologic Analysis of the Late-term Rat Fetus and Placenta’’, Toxicologic Pathology. 46(2), 158–68.
  • Crisler, R., Johnston, N.A., Sivula, C., Budelsky, C.L. (2020). Functional Anatomy and Physiology. Biology and Care, The Laboratory Rat, Third Edition. Pp. 94-95.
  • Davydova, L., Tkach, G., Tymoshenko, A., Moskalenko, A., Sikora, V., Kyptenko, L., Lyndin, M., Muravskyi, D., Maksymova, O., Suchonos, O. (2017). ‘’Anatomical and morphological aspects of papillae, epithelium, muscles, and glands of rats’ tongue: Light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopic study’’, Interventional Medicine and Applied Science, 9(3), 168–77.
  • Demirci, B., Kandil, B., Yüksel, S., Gültiken, M. E. (2023). ‘’Morphological structure of rat tongue using light and scanning electron microscopy’’, Microscopy Research and Technique, 86(1), 75–83.
  • Develioglu, H., Unver Saraydin, S., Bolayir, G. (2006). ‘’Dupoirieux L. Assessment of the effect of a biphasic ceramic on bone response in a rat calvarial defect model’’, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 77(3), 627–31.
  • Emmelin, N. (1987). ''Nerve Interactions in Salivary Glands'', Journal of Dental Research, 66(2), 509–517.
  • Fakoya, A.O., Hohman, M.H., Georgakopoulos, B., Le, P.H. (2024). ‘’ Anatomy, Head and Neck, Nasal Concha’’, In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing.
  • Farrag, F.A., Mahmoud, S.F., Kassab, M.A., Abdelmohdy, F., Shukry, M., Abumandour, M.M.A., Fayed, M. (2022). ‘’Ultrastructural features on the oral cavity floor (tongue, sublingual caruncle) of the Egyptian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): gross, histology and scanning electron microscope’’, Folia Morphologica, 81(3), 650–62.
  • Hakami, Z., Kitaura, H., Honma, S., Wakisaka, S., Takano-Yamamoto, T. (2015). Histochemical Characteristics of Glycoproteins During Rat Palatine Gland Development. In: Sasaki, K., Suzuki, O., Takahashi, N. (eds) Interface Oral Health Science 2014. Springer, Tokyo.
  • Harkema, J.R., Carey, S.A.,Wagner, J.G., Dintzis, S.M., Liggitt, D. (2018). Nose, sinus, pharynx, and larynx. In: Treuting, P.M., Dintzis, S.M., Montine, K.S. (Eds.), Comparative Anatomy and Histology: A Mouse, Rat, and Human Atlas, second ed. Academic Press, London, pp. 89e114.
  • Herbert, R.A., Janardhan, K.S., Pandiri, A.R., Cesta, M.F., Miller, R.A. (2018). ‘’Nose, Larynx, and Trachea’’, Boorman’s Pathology of the Rat, 391–435.
  • Hidayat, R., Wulandari, P. (2021). ‘’Anatomy and Physiology of Animal Model Rats in Biomedical Research’’, Biomedical Journal of Indonesia, 7(2), 265–69.
  • Huang, C.C., Wu, P.W., Fu, C.H., Huang, C.C., Chang, P.H., Wu, C.L., Lee, T.J. (2019). ''What drives depression in empty nose syndrome? A Sinonasal Outcome Test-25 subdomain analysis'', Rhinology, 57(6), 469-476.
  • Hutanu, E., Damian, A., Miclaus, V., Ratiu, I.A., Rus, V., Vlasiuc, I., Gal, A.F. (2022). ‘’Morphometric Features and Microanatomy of the Lingual Filiform Papillae in the Wistar Rat’’, Biology, 11, 920.
  • Igbokwe, C.O., Mbajiorgu, F.E. (2019). ‘’Anatomical and scanning electron microscopic study of the tongue in the African giant pouched rats (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse)’’, Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 48, 455–65.
  • Madkour, F.A., Mohammed, E.S.I., Radey, R., Abdelsabour-Khalaf, M. (2021). ‘’Morphometrical, histological, and scanning electron microscopic investigations on the hard palate of Rahmani sheep (Ovis aries)’’, Microscopy Research and Technique, 1–14.
  • May, A., Tucker, A. (2015). ‘’Understanding the development of the respiratory glands: Development of Respiratory Glands’’, Developmental Dynamics, 244, 525–39.
  • Moe, H., Bojsen-Moller, F. (1971). ‘’The fine structure of the lateral nasal gland (Steno’s gland) of the rat’’, Journal of Ultrastructure Research, 36, 127e148.
  • Nguyen, Q.T., Coburn, G.E.B., Valentino, A., Karabucak, B., Tizzano, M. (2021). ‘’Mouse Mandibular Retromolar Taste Buds Associated With a Mucus Salivary Gland’’, Chemical Senses, 46, 1–11.
  • Obead, W.F., Dawood, G.A., Mahmood, H.B. (2022). ‘’A comperative histological study of the soft palate between rabbits and Guineapigs’’, HIV Nursing, 22(2), 1075–77.
  • Pevsner, J., Hwang, P.M., Sklar, P.B., Venable, J.K., Synder, S.H. (1988). ‘’Odorant-binding protein and its mRNA are localized to lateral nasal gland implying a carrier function’’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 85, 2383–7.
  • Wang, Z., Chang, L., Huang, J., Huang, Z., Li, X., Chen, X., Lai, X., Zhang, G. (2020). ‘’Histological and computed tomographic characteristics of the sinonasal structure of BALB/c mice’’, Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 49, 222–6.
  • Yamaguchi, K., Harada, S., Kanemaru, N., Kasahara, Y. (2001). ‘’Age-related alteration of taste bud distribution in the common marmoset’’, Chemical Senses, 26, 1–6.
  • Zhou, X., Zhang, X., Weng, Y., Fang, C., Kaminsky, L., Ding, X. (2009). ‘’High abundance of testosterone and salivary androgen-binding protein in the lateral nasal gland of male mice’’, The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 117, 81–6.


Yıl 2025, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 77 - 96, 28.02.2025


Purpose: This study was to ascertain the histological evaluation of some organs in the cranial region of newborn Wistar albino rats, such as the tongue, palate, and Steno's gland in the nasal cavity, compared to adult rats.
Methods: 5 healthy female newborn Wistar albino rats were used in the study. Tissues obtained from rats were fixed in 10% formalin for 2 days. The histological features of the tongue, palate and nasal cavity were revealed after Hematoxylin&eosin and Mallory’s Azan stainings.
Results: While there was fatty tissue in the submucosa layer in the ventral section of the soft palate, mucus glands were observed in the dorsal section. The main papillae were filiform and fungiform, and scattered foliate and circumvallate papillae were also present. The lateral nasal glands (Steno’s glands) were well developed. In general, there were four ethmoturbinates in coronal and sagittal sections in the posterosuperior part of the unilateral sinus in adults, whereas there were two in neonatal rats. Unusually, a septal window was visible immediately rostral to the nasopharynx in the mouse, however, no septal window was observed in newborn rats.
Conslusion: This study reports basic research features on the anatomy of the oral and nasal cavity of the newborn Wistar albino rat. Our data may shed light on other studies aimed at fully investigating the structure of these organs, which may be useful in subsequent experimental and morphological studies on newborn Wistar albino rats.

Etik Beyan

The experimental stages were ratified by the Sivas-Cumhuriyet University Animal Ethics Committee (approval No: 65202830-050.04.04-75).


  • Abaffy, T., Lu, H., Matsunami, H. (2023). ‘’Sex steroid hormone synthesis, metabolism, and the effects on the mammalian olfactory system’’, Cell and Tissue Research, 391, 19–42.
  • Abumandour, M.M.A. (2018). ‘’Surface ultrastructural (SEM) characteristics of oropharyngeal cavity of house sparrow (Passer domesticus)’’, Anatomical Science International, 93(3), 384–93.
  • Akbari, G., Babaei, M., Hassanzadeh, B. (2018). ‘’Morphological study of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) tongue by SEM and LM’’, Anatomical Science International, 93(2), 207–17.
  • Alvites, R.D., Caseiro, A.R., Pedrosa, S.S., Branquinho, M.A., Varejao, A.S.P., Mauricio, A.C. (2018). ‘’The Nasal Cavity of the Rat and Mouse—Source of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Treatment of Peripheral Nerve Injury’’, The Anatomical Record, 301, 1678–89.
  • Bianchi, F., Flisi, S., Careri, M., Riboni, N., Resimini, S., Sala, A., Conti, V., Mattarozzi, M., Taddei, S., Spadini, C., Basini, G., Grolli, S., Cabassi, C.S., Ramoni, R. (2019). ‘’Vertebrate odorant binding proteins as antimicrobial humoral components of innate immunity for pathogenic microorganisms’’, PLoS ONE, 14, 1–16.
  • Bryche, B., Frétaud, M., Deliot, A.S., Galloux, M., Sedano, L., Langevin, C., Deschamps, D., Rameix-Welti, M., Eléouët, J., Goffic, R., Meunier, N. (2020). ‘’Respiratory syncytial virus tropism for olfactory sensory neurons in mice’’, Journal of Neurochemistry, 155, 137–53.
  • Charest, P.L., Vrolyk, V., Herst, P., Lessard, M., Sloboda, D.M., Dalvai, M., Haruna, J., Bailey, J.L., Benoit-Biancamano, M. (2018). ‘’Histomorphologic Analysis of the Late-term Rat Fetus and Placenta’’, Toxicologic Pathology. 46(2), 158–68.
  • Crisler, R., Johnston, N.A., Sivula, C., Budelsky, C.L. (2020). Functional Anatomy and Physiology. Biology and Care, The Laboratory Rat, Third Edition. Pp. 94-95.
  • Davydova, L., Tkach, G., Tymoshenko, A., Moskalenko, A., Sikora, V., Kyptenko, L., Lyndin, M., Muravskyi, D., Maksymova, O., Suchonos, O. (2017). ‘’Anatomical and morphological aspects of papillae, epithelium, muscles, and glands of rats’ tongue: Light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopic study’’, Interventional Medicine and Applied Science, 9(3), 168–77.
  • Demirci, B., Kandil, B., Yüksel, S., Gültiken, M. E. (2023). ‘’Morphological structure of rat tongue using light and scanning electron microscopy’’, Microscopy Research and Technique, 86(1), 75–83.
  • Develioglu, H., Unver Saraydin, S., Bolayir, G. (2006). ‘’Dupoirieux L. Assessment of the effect of a biphasic ceramic on bone response in a rat calvarial defect model’’, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 77(3), 627–31.
  • Emmelin, N. (1987). ''Nerve Interactions in Salivary Glands'', Journal of Dental Research, 66(2), 509–517.
  • Fakoya, A.O., Hohman, M.H., Georgakopoulos, B., Le, P.H. (2024). ‘’ Anatomy, Head and Neck, Nasal Concha’’, In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing.
  • Farrag, F.A., Mahmoud, S.F., Kassab, M.A., Abdelmohdy, F., Shukry, M., Abumandour, M.M.A., Fayed, M. (2022). ‘’Ultrastructural features on the oral cavity floor (tongue, sublingual caruncle) of the Egyptian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): gross, histology and scanning electron microscope’’, Folia Morphologica, 81(3), 650–62.
  • Hakami, Z., Kitaura, H., Honma, S., Wakisaka, S., Takano-Yamamoto, T. (2015). Histochemical Characteristics of Glycoproteins During Rat Palatine Gland Development. In: Sasaki, K., Suzuki, O., Takahashi, N. (eds) Interface Oral Health Science 2014. Springer, Tokyo.
  • Harkema, J.R., Carey, S.A.,Wagner, J.G., Dintzis, S.M., Liggitt, D. (2018). Nose, sinus, pharynx, and larynx. In: Treuting, P.M., Dintzis, S.M., Montine, K.S. (Eds.), Comparative Anatomy and Histology: A Mouse, Rat, and Human Atlas, second ed. Academic Press, London, pp. 89e114.
  • Herbert, R.A., Janardhan, K.S., Pandiri, A.R., Cesta, M.F., Miller, R.A. (2018). ‘’Nose, Larynx, and Trachea’’, Boorman’s Pathology of the Rat, 391–435.
  • Hidayat, R., Wulandari, P. (2021). ‘’Anatomy and Physiology of Animal Model Rats in Biomedical Research’’, Biomedical Journal of Indonesia, 7(2), 265–69.
  • Huang, C.C., Wu, P.W., Fu, C.H., Huang, C.C., Chang, P.H., Wu, C.L., Lee, T.J. (2019). ''What drives depression in empty nose syndrome? A Sinonasal Outcome Test-25 subdomain analysis'', Rhinology, 57(6), 469-476.
  • Hutanu, E., Damian, A., Miclaus, V., Ratiu, I.A., Rus, V., Vlasiuc, I., Gal, A.F. (2022). ‘’Morphometric Features and Microanatomy of the Lingual Filiform Papillae in the Wistar Rat’’, Biology, 11, 920.
  • Igbokwe, C.O., Mbajiorgu, F.E. (2019). ‘’Anatomical and scanning electron microscopic study of the tongue in the African giant pouched rats (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse)’’, Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 48, 455–65.
  • Madkour, F.A., Mohammed, E.S.I., Radey, R., Abdelsabour-Khalaf, M. (2021). ‘’Morphometrical, histological, and scanning electron microscopic investigations on the hard palate of Rahmani sheep (Ovis aries)’’, Microscopy Research and Technique, 1–14.
  • May, A., Tucker, A. (2015). ‘’Understanding the development of the respiratory glands: Development of Respiratory Glands’’, Developmental Dynamics, 244, 525–39.
  • Moe, H., Bojsen-Moller, F. (1971). ‘’The fine structure of the lateral nasal gland (Steno’s gland) of the rat’’, Journal of Ultrastructure Research, 36, 127e148.
  • Nguyen, Q.T., Coburn, G.E.B., Valentino, A., Karabucak, B., Tizzano, M. (2021). ‘’Mouse Mandibular Retromolar Taste Buds Associated With a Mucus Salivary Gland’’, Chemical Senses, 46, 1–11.
  • Obead, W.F., Dawood, G.A., Mahmood, H.B. (2022). ‘’A comperative histological study of the soft palate between rabbits and Guineapigs’’, HIV Nursing, 22(2), 1075–77.
  • Pevsner, J., Hwang, P.M., Sklar, P.B., Venable, J.K., Synder, S.H. (1988). ‘’Odorant-binding protein and its mRNA are localized to lateral nasal gland implying a carrier function’’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 85, 2383–7.
  • Wang, Z., Chang, L., Huang, J., Huang, Z., Li, X., Chen, X., Lai, X., Zhang, G. (2020). ‘’Histological and computed tomographic characteristics of the sinonasal structure of BALB/c mice’’, Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 49, 222–6.
  • Yamaguchi, K., Harada, S., Kanemaru, N., Kasahara, Y. (2001). ‘’Age-related alteration of taste bud distribution in the common marmoset’’, Chemical Senses, 26, 1–6.
  • Zhou, X., Zhang, X., Weng, Y., Fang, C., Kaminsky, L., Ding, X. (2009). ‘’High abundance of testosterone and salivary androgen-binding protein in the lateral nasal gland of male mice’’, The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 117, 81–6.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Rasim Hamutoğlu 0000-0002-2474-5336

Serpil Ünver Saraydin 0000-0001-7639-7487

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 30 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Hamutoğlu, R., & Ünver Saraydin, S. (2025). HISTOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF THE RAT CRANIAL REGION. Selçuk Sağlık Dergisi, 6(1), 77-96.