Olgu Sunumu
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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 201 - 208, 28.02.2025


Objective: In this study, we wanted to report the clinical and radiological findings of two female patients aged 4 and 6 years, and the results of physiotherapy and rehabilitation after the arthroscopic treatment we performed
Methods: Partial meniscectomy was performed in both cases in the supine position under general anesthesia. She was hospitalized for 2 days after surgery. Patients were taken to physiotherapy program after surgery. While our six-year-old patient received 25 sessions of physiotherapy sessions, our 4-year-old patient received 30 sessions of physiotherapy. The physiotherapy program applied to both patients was applied for 12-15 minutes with cold application and 30 minutes of TENS. In order to gain normal joint space, passive stretching exercises at the margin of pain, isometric exercises to increase muscle strength, and then active exercises for lower extremity muscles were performed to increase muscle strength by the physiotherapist.
Results: Discoid meniscus cases are rare in early ages. Our cases (4-6 years old) show that promising results are possible with arthroscopic treatment of the torn and dislocated lateral meniscus and the physiotherapy program applied for the symptoms after surgery

Etik Beyan

Olgu sunumu olduğu için etik alınmadı


  • Al-Taki, M. M., Nahle I. S., Al-Kutoubi, A., Haidar, R. K. (2014). Posterior dislocation of a discoid meniscus in a child: A case report. J Pediatr Orthop Part B, 23(4), 354-357.
  • Dickhaut, S. C., DeLee, J. C. (1982) The discoid lateral-meniscus syndrome. J Bone Jt Surg, 64(7), 1068-1073.
  • Gupte, C. M., Bull, A. M., Thomas, R. de W., Amis, A. A. (2003) A review of the function and biomechanics of the meniscofemoral ligaments. Arthrosc - J Arthrosc Relat Surg, 19(2), 161-171.
  • Hamada, M., Shino, K., Kawano, K., Araki, Y., Matsui, Y., Doi, T. (1994) Usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging for detecting intrasubstance tear and/or degeneration of lateral discoid meniscus. Arthroscopy, 10(6), 645-653.
  • Kelly, B. T., Green, DW. (2002) Discoid lateral meniscus in children. Current Opinion in Pediatrics, 14(1), 54-61.
  • Kocher, M. S., Dicanzio, J., Zurakowski, D., Micheli, LJ. (2001) Diagnostic performance of clinical examination and selective magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of intraarticular knee disorders in children and adolescents. Am J Sports Med, 29(3), 292-296.
  • Logan, C., Tepolt, F., Kocher, S., Feroe, A., Micheli, L., Kocher, M. (2021) Symptomatic discoid meniscus in children and adolescents: A review of 470 cases. J Pediatr Orthop, 1;41(8), 496-501
  • Rao, P. S., Rao, S. K., Paul, R. (2001) Clinical, radiologic, and arthroscopic assessment of discoid lateral meniscus. Arthroscopy, 17(3), 275-277.
  • Rohren, E. M., Kosarek, F. J., Helms, C. A,. (2001) Discoid lateral meniscus and the frequency of meniscal tears. Skeletal Radiol, 30(6), 316-20.
  • Ryu, K. N., Kim, I. S., Kim, E. J., Ahn, J. W., Bae, D. K., Sartoris, D. J., et al. (1998) MR imaging of tears of discoid lateral menisci. Am J Roentgenol, 171(4), 963-67
  • Saavedra, M., Sepúlveda, M., Tuca, M. J., Birrer, E. Discoid meniscus: Current concepts. (2020) EFORT Open Rev, 1;5/7):371-79.
  • Sabbag, O. D., Hevesi, M., Sanders, T. L., Camp, C. L., Dahm, D. L., Levy, B. A., et al. (2018) Incidence and Treatment Trends of Symptomatic Discoid Lateral Menisci: An 18-Year Population-Based Study. Orthop J Sport Med, 24, 6(9):2325967118797886
  • Samoto, N., Kozuma, M., Tokuhisa, T., Kobayashi, K. (2002) Diagnosis of discoid lateral meniscus of the knee on MR imaging. Magn Reson Imaging, 20(1), 59–64.
  • Singh. K., Helms. C. A., Jacobs, M. T., Higgins, L. D. (2006) MRI appearance of Wrisberg variant of discoid lateral meniscus. Am J Roentgenol, 187(2),384-7.
  • Woods, G. W., Whelan, J. M. (1990) Discoid meniscus. Clinics in Sports Medicine, 9(3), 695-706.


Yıl 2025, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 201 - 208, 28.02.2025


Literatürde menisküs için çok sayıda varyasyon bildirilmiştir. Bu varyasyonların en sık görüleni diskoid menisküstür. Diskoid menisküste menisküs normal veya hilal şeklini kaybederek disk görünümü kazanmıştır. Diskoid menisküsün konjenital varyasyonları arasında lateral diskoid menisküs, medial diskoid menisküse göre daha sık görülür. (Samoto N ve ark., 2002). Tanıda çeşitli MR kriterleri öne sürülmüştür (Samoto ve ark., 2002, Kelly BT ve Green DW, 2002). Diskoid menisküs genellikle asemptomatiktir, ancak anormal klinikler eşlik edebilir (Rohren EM, 2001). Dizde hassasiyet, dizden ses gelmesi, kilitlenme gibi şikayetlere neden olabilir (Rao PS ve ark., 2001). Bu çalışmada 4 ve 6 yaşlarında iki kadın hastaya uyguladığımız artroskopik tedavi sonrası klinik ve radyolojik bulguları ile fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon sonuçlarını bildirmek istedi

Destekleyen Kurum





  • Al-Taki, M. M., Nahle I. S., Al-Kutoubi, A., Haidar, R. K. (2014). Posterior dislocation of a discoid meniscus in a child: A case report. J Pediatr Orthop Part B, 23(4), 354-357.
  • Dickhaut, S. C., DeLee, J. C. (1982) The discoid lateral-meniscus syndrome. J Bone Jt Surg, 64(7), 1068-1073.
  • Gupte, C. M., Bull, A. M., Thomas, R. de W., Amis, A. A. (2003) A review of the function and biomechanics of the meniscofemoral ligaments. Arthrosc - J Arthrosc Relat Surg, 19(2), 161-171.
  • Hamada, M., Shino, K., Kawano, K., Araki, Y., Matsui, Y., Doi, T. (1994) Usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging for detecting intrasubstance tear and/or degeneration of lateral discoid meniscus. Arthroscopy, 10(6), 645-653.
  • Kelly, B. T., Green, DW. (2002) Discoid lateral meniscus in children. Current Opinion in Pediatrics, 14(1), 54-61.
  • Kocher, M. S., Dicanzio, J., Zurakowski, D., Micheli, LJ. (2001) Diagnostic performance of clinical examination and selective magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of intraarticular knee disorders in children and adolescents. Am J Sports Med, 29(3), 292-296.
  • Logan, C., Tepolt, F., Kocher, S., Feroe, A., Micheli, L., Kocher, M. (2021) Symptomatic discoid meniscus in children and adolescents: A review of 470 cases. J Pediatr Orthop, 1;41(8), 496-501
  • Rao, P. S., Rao, S. K., Paul, R. (2001) Clinical, radiologic, and arthroscopic assessment of discoid lateral meniscus. Arthroscopy, 17(3), 275-277.
  • Rohren, E. M., Kosarek, F. J., Helms, C. A,. (2001) Discoid lateral meniscus and the frequency of meniscal tears. Skeletal Radiol, 30(6), 316-20.
  • Ryu, K. N., Kim, I. S., Kim, E. J., Ahn, J. W., Bae, D. K., Sartoris, D. J., et al. (1998) MR imaging of tears of discoid lateral menisci. Am J Roentgenol, 171(4), 963-67
  • Saavedra, M., Sepúlveda, M., Tuca, M. J., Birrer, E. Discoid meniscus: Current concepts. (2020) EFORT Open Rev, 1;5/7):371-79.
  • Sabbag, O. D., Hevesi, M., Sanders, T. L., Camp, C. L., Dahm, D. L., Levy, B. A., et al. (2018) Incidence and Treatment Trends of Symptomatic Discoid Lateral Menisci: An 18-Year Population-Based Study. Orthop J Sport Med, 24, 6(9):2325967118797886
  • Samoto, N., Kozuma, M., Tokuhisa, T., Kobayashi, K. (2002) Diagnosis of discoid lateral meniscus of the knee on MR imaging. Magn Reson Imaging, 20(1), 59–64.
  • Singh. K., Helms. C. A., Jacobs, M. T., Higgins, L. D. (2006) MRI appearance of Wrisberg variant of discoid lateral meniscus. Am J Roentgenol, 187(2),384-7.
  • Woods, G. W., Whelan, J. M. (1990) Discoid meniscus. Clinics in Sports Medicine, 9(3), 695-706.
Toplam 15 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Olgu Sunumu

Özlem Akkoyun Sert 0000-0002-6053-2418

Bayram Sönmez Ünüvar 0000-0003-2095-3645

Kamil Yılmaz 0000-0002-5242-3094

Hasan Gerçek 0000-0001-7459-4452

Tunç Cevat Öğün 0000-0001-5116-7095

Toghrul Ismayılov 0000-0003-2054-8682

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 17 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Akkoyun Sert, Ö., Ünüvar, B. S., Yılmaz, K., Gerçek, H., vd. (2025). TREATMENT AND RESULTS OF RARE LATERAL DİSCOİD MENİSCUS İN CHİLDREN (2 CASE REPORTS). Selçuk Sağlık Dergisi, 6(1), 201-208. https://doi.org/10.70813/ssd.1552383