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Artificial Intelligence and Originality in Design

Yıl 2024, , 449 - 469, 10.01.2025


The Purpose of the Study: This paper addresses how artificial intelligence (AI) plays a role in the world of design and how it affects the concept of originality. The paper examines the use of AI in areas such as graphic design, logo design, painting, original designs and web design, and discusses the innovations that this technology brings to design processes. The paper also considers the positive and negative effects of AI on designers. Positive effects include the acceleration of design processes and the access to a wider creative spectrum. On the other hand, the impact of AI on originality is a controversial issue. It is questioned how original the designs produced with AI are and whether these designs have artistic value.

Literature Review/Background: The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the field of design and the reconsideration of the concept of originality are mentioned. While AI offers speed and efficiency in design processes, creative solutions have been addressed through learning from data and algorithms. While the innovations and efficiency advantages offered by AI expand the creative capacities of designers, the concepts of originality and personal expression are evaluated.

Methodology: The research design of the study was qualitative, document scanning method was used as the data collection method, and content analysis method was used to analyse the data. Using the document scanning method, the effects of artificial intelligence in design and the concepts of originality were discussed.

Findings: The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the field of design necessitates a reconsideration of the concept of originality. While AI offers speed and efficiency in design processes, it produces creative solutions through learning from data and algorithms. However, originality in this process can often be derived from existing data or based on style transfers. While the innovations and efficiency advantages offered by AI expand the creative capacities of designers, it may cause you to question the concepts of originality and personal expression.

Conclusion: the paper suggests that AI is an important tool in the design world and predicts that this technology will become even more widespread in the future. However, it is emphasised that AI should be used carefully and consciously in creative processes.


  • AFROUZI, A. E. (2020). The manifestation of the philosophy of artificial intelligence. MetaZihin: Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy of Mind, 1(1), 45-67.
  • AKIN, Ö., & AKIN, C. (1996). Frames of reference in architectural design: Analysing the hyperacclamation (A-h-a-!). Artificial Intelligence and Media (pp. 59-102). Istanbul: Doruk Publications.
  • ARTKIN, F. (2022). Applications of artificial intelligence in mechanical engineering. European Journal of Science and Technology, Suppl 5, 159-163.
  • ARTUT, S. (2019). Expansions of Artificial Intelligence Phenomenon in Contemporary Art Studies. Journal of Human and Human Science Culture Art and Thought, 6(22), 767-783.
  • BAKER, J. L. (2020). Artificial intelligence and creativity: Exploring the boundaries of human and machine originality. Academic Press.
  • BALLI, Ö. (2020). A current evaluation on artificial intelligence and art applications. Journal of Art and Design, 26, 277-306.
  • BALLI, Ö. (2020). An artificial intelligence artist in the context of transhumanism: OBv2. Tykhe, 5(9), 141-162.
  • BROWN, L. M., & Davis, S. T. (2020). Algorithmic creativity: Assessing the potential of AI-generated originality. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Studies, 28(4), 202-215.
  • BOSSEMA, M., ALLOUCH, S. B., PLAAT, A., & SAUNDERS, R. (2023). Human-robot co-creativity: A scoping review. IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 988-995. MAN.2023.00099
  • CHRISTIE'S. (2018, December 12). Is artificial intelligence set to become art's next medium? Retrieved from 0cd01f4e232f4279a525a446d60d4cd1
  • CHUNG, S. (2022). Sketching symbiosis: Towards the development of relational systems. In C. Vear & F. Poltronieri (Eds.), The Language of Creative AI: Practices, Aesthetics and Structures (pp. 259-276). Springer.
  • COLTON, S., & WIGGINS, G. A. (2012). Computational Creativity: The Final Frontier? Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 21-26. Design Studies, 17(4), 341-361.
  • DAVIS, L. M. (2020, August 22). How AI is shaping the future of creative industries. Creative Tech Blog.
  • DEVECI, M. (2022). Reflection of artificial intelligence applications on art and design fields. Vankulu Journal of Social Research, 9, 118-140.
  • DORST, K. (2015). Frame creation and design in the expanded field. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 1(1), 22-33.
  • ELGAMMAL, A., LIU, B., ELHOSEINY, M., & MAZZONE, M. (2017). CAN: Creative Adversarial Networks, Generating "Art" by Learning About Styles and Deviating from Style Norms. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Creativity, 96-103.
  • ELIRI, İ. (2010). Intellectual property rights and applications in fine art works. Journal of Selçuk University Institute of Social Sciences, 23, 61-71.
  • ESEN, G. (2019). Artificial intelligence: Its past and future, Nils J. Nilsson (Mehmet Doğan). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Publishing House.
  • FAN, S. (2020). Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Us? A Guide for the 21st Century (I. Edition). Istanbul: Hep Kitap.
  • GÜNAY, APDM (2021). Subconscious Fictions in Design and Their Impact On Society.
  • GÜNEY, E., & YAVUZ, H. (2020). The role of the artist in the practice of artistic production with artificial intelligence and the changing art phenomenon. Journal of Art and Design, 26, 415-439.
  • KAPIR, B. (2021). Developing algorithmic society based on artificial intelligence. In F. Zengin and B. Kapır (Eds.),
  • MCCORMACK, J., GIFFORD, T., & HUTCHINGS, P. (2019). Autonomy, Authenticity, Authorship and Intention in Computer Generated Art. Leonardo, 52(1), 56-63.
  • MCCOSKER, A., & WILKEN, R. (2020). Machine Vision and the Transformation of Visual Creativity. Media International Australia, 177(1), 86-99.
  • ÖKMEN, Y. E. (2021). The future of narratives with artificial intelligence: The example of "Charisma.Ai". In F. Zengin and B. Kapır (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Media (pp. 407-436). Istanbul: Doruk Publications.
  • ÖKMEN, Y. E. (2021). The future of narratives with artificial intelligence: The example of "Charisma.Ai". In F. Zengin and B. Kapır (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Media (pp. 407-436). Istanbul: Doruk Publications.
  • ÖZDAL, M. A. (2024). The legal dimension of artificial intelligence-supported graphic design. ULISBUD Journal, 3(2), 53-78.
  • ÖZDEMIR, A. (2022). The effect of artificial intelligence on graphic design and designer. Hitit Journal of Social Sciences, 15(2), 628-637.
  • SANDERS, E. B.-N., & STAPPERS, P. J. (2008). Co-creation and the new landscapes of design. CoDesign, 4(1), 5-18.
  • SIVRI, E. (2023). The future of artificial intelligence in libraries: Potential applications in different fields and creating new usage areas. Library Archive and Museum Research Journal, 4(2), 175-184.
  • TALUĞ, D. Y., & EKEN, B. (2023). The intersection of human creativity and artificial intelligence in visual design.
  • THOMPSON, S. J. (2021). Digital accessibility: A guide to inclusive content sharing. Wiley.
  • YILDIRIM, Z. N. (2024, August 3). Top 10 best visual generating artificial intelligence applications: They push the limits of creativity. Hürriyet. zeka-uygulamasi-yaraticiligin-sinirini-zorluyorlar-42498127

Tasarımda Yapay Zekâ ve Özgünlük Kavramı

Yıl 2024, , 449 - 469, 10.01.2025


Giriş ve Çalışmanın Amacı: Bu çalışma, yapay zekânın (YZ) tasarım dünyasında nasıl bir rol oynadığını ve özgünlük kavramını nasıl etkilediğini ele almaktadır. Makale, YZ’nin grafik tasarım, logo tasarımı, resim, özgün tasarımlar ve web tasarımı gibi alanlarda kullanımını incelemekte ve bu teknolojinin tasarım süreçlerine getirdiği yenilikleri tartışmaktadır. Makale, YZ’nin tasarımcılar üzerindeki olumlu ve olumsuz etkilerini de ele almaktadır. Olumlu etkiler arasında, tasarım süreçlerinin hızlanması ve daha geniş bir yaratıcı yelpazeye ulaşılması yer almaktadır. Öte yandan, YZ’nin özgünlük üzerindeki etkisi tartışmalı bir konudur. YZ ile üretilen tasarımların ne kadar özgün olduğu ve bu tasarımların sanat değeri taşıyıp taşımadığı sorgulanmaktadır

Kavramsal/Kuramsal Çerçeve: Yapay zekâ (YZ) teknolojisinin tasarım alanındaki etkisi, özgünlük kavramının yeniden ele alınmasını değinilmiştir. YZ, tasarım süreçlerinde hız ve verimlilik sunarken, verilerden öğrenme ve algoritmalar aracılığıyla yaratıcı çözümler ele alınmıştır. YZ'nin sunduğu yenilikler ve verimlilik avantajları, tasarımcıların yaratıcı kapasitelerini genişletirken, özgünlük ve kişisel ifade kavramlarını değerlendirilmiştir.

Yöntem: Çalışmanın araştırma deseni nitel olmak üzere, veri toplama yöntemi olarak belge tarama yöntemi, ayrıca verilerin analizinde ise içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Belge tarama yöntemi kullanılarak, tasarımda yapay zekânın etkileri ve özgünlük kavramları ele alınmıştır.

Bulgular: Yapay zekâ (YZ) teknolojisinin tasarım alanındaki etkisi, özgünlük kavramının yeniden ele alınmasını zorunlu kılmaktadır. YZ, tasarım süreçlerinde hız ve verimlilik sunarken, verilerden öğrenme ve algoritmalar aracılığıyla yaratıcı çözümler üretir. Ancak, bu süreçte özgünlük genellikle mevcut verilerden türetilmiş veya stil transferlerine dayalı olabilir. YZ'nin sunduğu yenilikler ve verimlilik avantajları, tasarımcıların yaratıcı kapasitelerini genişletirken, özgünlük ve kişisel ifade kavramlarını sorgulamanıza neden olabilir.

Sonuç: Makale, YZ’nin tasarım dünyasında önemli bir araç olduğunu ve gelecekte bu teknolojinin daha da yaygınlaşacağını öngörmektedir. Ancak, YZ’nin yaratıcı süreçlerde dikkatli ve bilinçli bir şekilde kullanılması gerektiği vurgulanmaktadır.


  • AFROUZI, A. E. (2020). The manifestation of the philosophy of artificial intelligence. MetaZihin: Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy of Mind, 1(1), 45-67.
  • AKIN, Ö., & AKIN, C. (1996). Frames of reference in architectural design: Analysing the hyperacclamation (A-h-a-!). Artificial Intelligence and Media (pp. 59-102). Istanbul: Doruk Publications.
  • ARTKIN, F. (2022). Applications of artificial intelligence in mechanical engineering. European Journal of Science and Technology, Suppl 5, 159-163.
  • ARTUT, S. (2019). Expansions of Artificial Intelligence Phenomenon in Contemporary Art Studies. Journal of Human and Human Science Culture Art and Thought, 6(22), 767-783.
  • BAKER, J. L. (2020). Artificial intelligence and creativity: Exploring the boundaries of human and machine originality. Academic Press.
  • BALLI, Ö. (2020). A current evaluation on artificial intelligence and art applications. Journal of Art and Design, 26, 277-306.
  • BALLI, Ö. (2020). An artificial intelligence artist in the context of transhumanism: OBv2. Tykhe, 5(9), 141-162.
  • BROWN, L. M., & Davis, S. T. (2020). Algorithmic creativity: Assessing the potential of AI-generated originality. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Studies, 28(4), 202-215.
  • BOSSEMA, M., ALLOUCH, S. B., PLAAT, A., & SAUNDERS, R. (2023). Human-robot co-creativity: A scoping review. IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 988-995. MAN.2023.00099
  • CHRISTIE'S. (2018, December 12). Is artificial intelligence set to become art's next medium? Retrieved from 0cd01f4e232f4279a525a446d60d4cd1
  • CHUNG, S. (2022). Sketching symbiosis: Towards the development of relational systems. In C. Vear & F. Poltronieri (Eds.), The Language of Creative AI: Practices, Aesthetics and Structures (pp. 259-276). Springer.
  • COLTON, S., & WIGGINS, G. A. (2012). Computational Creativity: The Final Frontier? Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 21-26. Design Studies, 17(4), 341-361.
  • DAVIS, L. M. (2020, August 22). How AI is shaping the future of creative industries. Creative Tech Blog.
  • DEVECI, M. (2022). Reflection of artificial intelligence applications on art and design fields. Vankulu Journal of Social Research, 9, 118-140.
  • DORST, K. (2015). Frame creation and design in the expanded field. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 1(1), 22-33.
  • ELGAMMAL, A., LIU, B., ELHOSEINY, M., & MAZZONE, M. (2017). CAN: Creative Adversarial Networks, Generating "Art" by Learning About Styles and Deviating from Style Norms. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Creativity, 96-103.
  • ELIRI, İ. (2010). Intellectual property rights and applications in fine art works. Journal of Selçuk University Institute of Social Sciences, 23, 61-71.
  • ESEN, G. (2019). Artificial intelligence: Its past and future, Nils J. Nilsson (Mehmet Doğan). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Publishing House.
  • FAN, S. (2020). Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Us? A Guide for the 21st Century (I. Edition). Istanbul: Hep Kitap.
  • GÜNAY, APDM (2021). Subconscious Fictions in Design and Their Impact On Society.
  • GÜNEY, E., & YAVUZ, H. (2020). The role of the artist in the practice of artistic production with artificial intelligence and the changing art phenomenon. Journal of Art and Design, 26, 415-439.
  • KAPIR, B. (2021). Developing algorithmic society based on artificial intelligence. In F. Zengin and B. Kapır (Eds.),
  • MCCORMACK, J., GIFFORD, T., & HUTCHINGS, P. (2019). Autonomy, Authenticity, Authorship and Intention in Computer Generated Art. Leonardo, 52(1), 56-63.
  • MCCOSKER, A., & WILKEN, R. (2020). Machine Vision and the Transformation of Visual Creativity. Media International Australia, 177(1), 86-99.
  • ÖKMEN, Y. E. (2021). The future of narratives with artificial intelligence: The example of "Charisma.Ai". In F. Zengin and B. Kapır (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Media (pp. 407-436). Istanbul: Doruk Publications.
  • ÖKMEN, Y. E. (2021). The future of narratives with artificial intelligence: The example of "Charisma.Ai". In F. Zengin and B. Kapır (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Media (pp. 407-436). Istanbul: Doruk Publications.
  • ÖZDAL, M. A. (2024). The legal dimension of artificial intelligence-supported graphic design. ULISBUD Journal, 3(2), 53-78.
  • ÖZDEMIR, A. (2022). The effect of artificial intelligence on graphic design and designer. Hitit Journal of Social Sciences, 15(2), 628-637.
  • SANDERS, E. B.-N., & STAPPERS, P. J. (2008). Co-creation and the new landscapes of design. CoDesign, 4(1), 5-18.
  • SIVRI, E. (2023). The future of artificial intelligence in libraries: Potential applications in different fields and creating new usage areas. Library Archive and Museum Research Journal, 4(2), 175-184.
  • TALUĞ, D. Y., & EKEN, B. (2023). The intersection of human creativity and artificial intelligence in visual design.
  • THOMPSON, S. J. (2021). Digital accessibility: A guide to inclusive content sharing. Wiley.
  • YILDIRIM, Z. N. (2024, August 3). Top 10 best visual generating artificial intelligence applications: They push the limits of creativity. Hürriyet. zeka-uygulamasi-yaraticiligin-sinirini-zorluyorlar-42498127
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Grafik Tasarımı
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mustafa Günay 0000-0002-9286-6500

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 10 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 27 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Günay, M. (2025). Artificial Intelligence and Originality in Design. ART/Icle: Sanat Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 4(3), 449-469.

ART/icle: Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi

ISSN: 2718-1057
e-ISSN: 2791-7665