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Palyatif Bakım Merkezlerinde Çalışan Hemşirelerin Karşılaştığı Zorluklar

Yıl 2024, , 42 - 56, 16.07.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışma, palyatif bakım merkezlerinde çalışan hemşirelerin yaşadıkları zorlukları belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Yöntem: Veriler, araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan tanımlayıcı veri toplama formu ve Palyatif Bakım Zorlukları Ölçeği (PBZÖ) kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde; sayı, yüzde ve ortalamalar, Independent t testi, One Way ANOVA testi, Mann Whitney U testi, Kruskal-Wallis testi, Spearman Korelasyon testi, basit doğrusal regresyon analiz testi kullanılmıştır. İstatistiksel testlerin anlamlılık düzeyi p<0,05 olarak kabul edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan hemşirelerin %92,5’i kadın, %49,1’i 31-40 yaş arasında, %75,5’i lisans mezunu, %82,1’inin palyatif bakım hastalarıyla çalışma süresi 0-5 yıl olduğu belirlenmiştir. Hemşirelerin PBZÖ toplam puan ortalaması 42,82±7,69, ölçek alt boyutlarından “multidisipliner ekiplerde iletişim” 8,60±2.,38, “hasta ve aile ile iletişim” 9,44±2,29, “uzman desteği” 7,44±2,35, “belirtilerin azaltılması” 8,83±2,55 ve “iletişim koordinasyonu” alt boyutu puan ortalamaları 8,50±2,59 olarak orta düzeyin üzerinde bulunmuştur. Çalışmaya katılan hemşireler iş ortamı koşullarının uygunsuzluğunu, iş yükü fazlalığını, mobbingi, kurum kültürü yetersizliğini, birebir karar verememeyi, fiziksel, ekonomik ve sosyo kültürel etkenleri palyatif bakım engeli olarak gördükleri belirlenmiştir. PBZÖ toplam puanı ve alt boyutları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılığın olduğu saptanmıştır (p<0,05). Hemşireler, yara bakımı, trakeostomi bakımı, pozisyon verme ve solunum desteği uygulamalarında ekip iletişimi ve uzman desteğine ihtiyaç duyduklarını ve zorlandıklarını belirtmişlerdir.
Sonuç: Palyatif bakımda çalışan hemşireler birçok zorlukla karşılaşmakta ve yaşadıkları bu engellerin kaldırılmasına yönelik sağlık hizmetleri ve politikaların güçlendirilmesinin önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir.

Proje Numarası



  • World Health Organization. Integrating palliative care and symptom relief into primary health care: A WHO guide for planners, implementers and managers. Geneva: e Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO; 2018. Available at: Accessed February 6, 2020
  • Senel G, Uyar, M. Palliative care. Palliative Care Association Bulletin; 2015. Available at:, Accessed February 4, 2022
  • Walker ME. Global perspectives: Palliative care around the world. In Holtslander L, Peacock S, Bally J ed. Hospice Palliative Home Care and Bereavement Support. Cham: Springer; 2019. P.121-136.
  • Palliative care. World Health Organization web site. Available at: Accessed March 29, 2022
  • Kelley AS, Morrison RS. Palliative care for the seriously ill. New England Journal of Medicine, 2015;373(8):747-55.
  • Aldridge MD, Hasselaar J, Garralda E, van der Eerden M, Stevenson D, McKendrick K, Meier DE. Education, implementation, and policy barriers to greater integration of palliative care: a literature review. Palliative medicine, 2016;30(3):224-39.
  • Uzen Cura S, Ates E. The difficulties that palliative care unit nurses have while caring the dying patients. Journal of Academic Research in Nursing, 2020;6(3):483-90.
  • Uslu-Sahan F, Terzioglu F. Nurses’ knowledge and practice toward gynecologic oncology palliative care. Journal of Palliative Care & Medicine, 2017;7(4):1-5.
  • Davies N, Maio L, Paap JVR, Mariani E, Jaspers B, Sommerbakk R, IMPACT Research Team. Quality palliative care for cancer and dementia in five European countries: some common challenges. Aging & Mental Health, 2014;18(4):400-10.
  • Blaževičienė A, Newland JA, Čivinskienė V, Beckstrand RL. Oncology nurses’ perceptions of obstacles and role at the end-of-life care: cross sectional survey. BMC palliative care, 2017;16(1):1-8.
  • Okcin F. Oncology palliative care nurses examination of professional life experiences. Journal of Celal Bayar University Health Sciences Institute, 2019;6(4):234-46.
  • Danielsen BV, Sand AM, Rosland JH, Førland O. Experiences and challenges of home care nurses and general practitioners in home-based palliative care–a qualitative study. BMC Palliative Care, 2018;17(1):95.
  • Palliative Care Council of South Australia. Multicultural palliative care guidelines eastwood south australıa: palliative care Australia. Available at: Accessed April 23, 2020
  • World Health Organization web site. Infographic: Improving access to palliative care. Available at: Accessed March 03, 2022
  • Turkish Statistical Institute website. Turkey statistics, 2019 Available at: Accessed June 8, 2021
  • Elcigil A. Palliative care nursing. Gulhane Medical Journal, 2012;54(4):329-34.
  • Ayed A, Sayej S, Harazneh L, Fashafsheh I, Eqtait F. The nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards the palliative care. Journal of Education and Practice, 2015;6(4):91-9. ISSN 2222-288X.
  • Uysal N, Senel G, Karaca S, Kadıogulları N, Kocak N, Oguz G. Symptoms seen in inpatient palliative care and impact of palliative care unit on symptom control. The Journal of the Turkish Society of Algology, 2015;27(2):104-10.
  • Ozcelik S. Wiew to palliative care and the role of nursing. Journal of Medicine and Palliative Care, 2020;1(3):76-82.
  • Temelli G, Cerit B. Perceptions of palliative care nurses related to death and palliative care practices. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 2021;84(2):378-98.
  • Kudubes AA, Bektas M, Ayar D, Bektas I, Altan S, Aricioglu A. Palliative care difficulties and psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the self-esteem based palliative care practice scale. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 2019;12(1):162-75.
  • Nakazawa Y, Miyashita M, Morita T, Umeda M, Oyagi Y, Ogasawara T. The palliative care self-reported practices scale and the palliative care difficulties scale: Reliability and validity of two scales evaluating self-reported practices and difficulties experienced in palliative care by health professionals. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 2010;13(4),427-37.
  • Schroeder K, Lorenz K. Nursing and the future of palliative care. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2018;5(1):4.
  • Muldrew DH, McLaughlin D, Brazil K. Ethical issues experienced during palliative care provision in nursing homes. Nursing Ethics, 2019;26(6):1848–60.
  • Damak N, Kumsar AK. Knowledge levels of nurses about palliative care and perceptions of good death. Sakarya University Journal of Holistic Health, 2020;3(1):1-14.
  • Batbas CS, Yakar B, Pirincci E. Palliative care and hospice. Journal of Continuing Medical Education, 2021;30(2):136-143.
  • Kudubes AA, Bektas M. The Predict of palliative care knowledge and practice in the palliative care difficulties of nursing students: Descriptive research, Journal of Traditional Medical Complementary Therapies, 2021;4(3):385-93.
  • Atakoglu YR, Turen S, Istangir D. Challenges and affecting factors for nurses in the integration of home health service and palliative care. CURARE - Journal of Nursing 2023;3:23-30.
  • Unver S, Kızılcık Ozkan Z, Girgin BN. The palliative care difficulty levels of the nursing students during clinical practices. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 2021;57(3):1466-73.
  • Nakazawa Y, Yamamoto R, Kato M, Miyashita M, Kizawa Y, Morita T. Improved knowledge of and difficulties in palliative care among physicians during 2008 and 2015 in Japan: association with a nationwide palliative care education program. Cancer, 2018;124(3):626-35.
  • Eskigulek Y, Kav S. Looking at dignified care with the eye of palliative care patients and nurses. Journal of Turkish Nurses Association, 2020;1(1):1-18.
  • LeBaron VT, Palat G, Sinha S, Chinta SK, Jamima BJB, Pilla UL, Beck SL. Recommendations to support nurses and improve the delivery of oncology and palliative care in India. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 2017;23(2):188.
  • General Directorate of Health Services in Health Quality, Accreditation and Employee Rights Department. Quality Standards in Health Hospital Version 6.1. Ankara, Türkiye; 2020. Available at: Accessed November 24, 2021
  • Kyc SJ, Bruno CJ, Shabanova V, Montgomery AM Perceptions of neonatal palliative care: similarities and differences between medical and nursing staff in a level IV neonatal ıntensive care unit. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 2020;23(5):662-669.
  • Salmani N, Mandegari Z, Bagheri I, Fallah Tafti B. Palliative care in neonatal intensive care units: Challenges and solutions. Iranian Journal of Neonatology IJN, 2018;9(2):33-41.
  • Chuah PF, Lim ML, Choo SL, Woo GY, To HK, Lau KY, Lian SB. A qualitative study on oncology nurses’ experiences of providing palliative care in the acute care setting. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare, 2017;26(1):17-25.
  • Satır NN, Aydın Avcı D. The cultural sensitivity and nurses experienced by nurses care of immigrants. SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019;4(9):6-14.
  • Boluktas RP. Spiritual care in palliative care patients. Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Journal of Social Sciences, 2018;6(13):51-72.
  • Aktas YY, Ugur HG, Orak OS. Investigation of the opinions of nurses concerning the transcultural nursing care. International Refereed Journal of Nursing Researches, 2016;8:120-135.
  • Akıncı Vural Z. Corporate Culture. 5th ed. Istanbul, Türkiye: Iletisim Publishers; 2016.
  • Banerjee SC, Manna R, Coyle N, Shen MJ, Pehrson C, Zaider T, Bylund CL. Oncology nurses’ communication challenges with patients and families: A qualitative study. Nurse Education in Practice, 2016;16(1):193-201.
  • Ozveren H, Kırca K, Gulnar E, Gunes NB. The impact of palliative care course on nursing students’ knowledge. Journal of Academic Research in Nursing, 2018;4(2):100-10.
  • Arıcı N. The impact of mobbing on the job satisfaction of nurses: A meta analysis work [dissertation]. Ankara: University of Gazi; 2019.
  • Ozturk I. Investigating of mobbing related graduate theses in fıeld of health in Turkey. International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies, 2019;(25):119-36.
  • Bıcak D, Akca D. Communication in Palliative Care. Poster (pp 125) at: Palliative Care and Hospice Congress with International Participation; March 9-11, 2018; İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Chong L, Abdullah A. Community palliative care nurses’ challenges and coping strategies on delivering home-based pediatric palliative care: A qualitative study. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 2017;34(2):125-31.
  • Karahan I, Ozdemir A. A general view to costs for the hospitalized patients in palliative care unit: A single centre experience. Ankara Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal, 2018;53(2):92-96.
  • Calıskan AN, Kose SD. Cost analysis of palliative care centers: Example of Denizli State Hospital. Eurasian Journal of Health Technology Assessment, 2020;4(2):68-89.
  • Kavsur Z, Sevimli E. The comparison palliative care services of Turkey with some developed countries. International Journal of Social Sciences Academy, 2020;2(4):715-30.

Challenges Faced by Nurses Working in Palliative Care Centers

Yıl 2024, , 42 - 56, 16.07.2024


Objective: This study was conducted to determine the difficulties experienced by nurses working in palliative care centers.
Methods: Data were collected using the descriptive "Personal and Professional Introductory Information Form" prepared by the researcher and the "Palliative Care Difficulties Scale (PCDS)". In the evaluation of the data; numbers, percentages and means, Independent t-test, One Way ANOVA test, Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Spearman Correlation test, and simple linear regression analysis test were used. The significance level of statistical tests was accepted as p<0.05.
Results: It was determined that 92.5% of the nurses participating in the study were women, 49.1% were between the ages of 31-40, 75.5% had a bachelor's degree, and 82.1% worked with palliative care patients for 0-5 years. The total mean score of nurses' PCDS was 42.82±7.69, sub-dimensions of the scale communication in multidisciplinary teams 8.60±2.38, communication with patient and family 9.44±2.29, expert support 7.44±2.35, the mean score of 44±2.35, reducing symptoms 8.83±2.55, and communication coordination sub-dimension was 8.50±2.59, which was above the medium level. It was determined that the nurses participating in the study considered the inconvenience of work environment conditions, excessive workload, mobbing, the inadequacy of corporate culture, inability to make one-to-one decisions, and physical, economic and socio-cultural factors as palliative care barriers. Nurses stated that they needed team communication and expert support in wound care, tracheostomy care, positioning, and respiratory support practices, and they had difficulties. It was determined that there was a significant difference between the PCDS total score and its sub-dimensions (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Nurses working in palliative care face many difficulties and it is thought that it is important to strengthen health services, and policies to remove these obstacles.

Proje Numarası



  • World Health Organization. Integrating palliative care and symptom relief into primary health care: A WHO guide for planners, implementers and managers. Geneva: e Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO; 2018. Available at: Accessed February 6, 2020
  • Senel G, Uyar, M. Palliative care. Palliative Care Association Bulletin; 2015. Available at:, Accessed February 4, 2022
  • Walker ME. Global perspectives: Palliative care around the world. In Holtslander L, Peacock S, Bally J ed. Hospice Palliative Home Care and Bereavement Support. Cham: Springer; 2019. P.121-136.
  • Palliative care. World Health Organization web site. Available at: Accessed March 29, 2022
  • Kelley AS, Morrison RS. Palliative care for the seriously ill. New England Journal of Medicine, 2015;373(8):747-55.
  • Aldridge MD, Hasselaar J, Garralda E, van der Eerden M, Stevenson D, McKendrick K, Meier DE. Education, implementation, and policy barriers to greater integration of palliative care: a literature review. Palliative medicine, 2016;30(3):224-39.
  • Uzen Cura S, Ates E. The difficulties that palliative care unit nurses have while caring the dying patients. Journal of Academic Research in Nursing, 2020;6(3):483-90.
  • Uslu-Sahan F, Terzioglu F. Nurses’ knowledge and practice toward gynecologic oncology palliative care. Journal of Palliative Care & Medicine, 2017;7(4):1-5.
  • Davies N, Maio L, Paap JVR, Mariani E, Jaspers B, Sommerbakk R, IMPACT Research Team. Quality palliative care for cancer and dementia in five European countries: some common challenges. Aging & Mental Health, 2014;18(4):400-10.
  • Blaževičienė A, Newland JA, Čivinskienė V, Beckstrand RL. Oncology nurses’ perceptions of obstacles and role at the end-of-life care: cross sectional survey. BMC palliative care, 2017;16(1):1-8.
  • Okcin F. Oncology palliative care nurses examination of professional life experiences. Journal of Celal Bayar University Health Sciences Institute, 2019;6(4):234-46.
  • Danielsen BV, Sand AM, Rosland JH, Førland O. Experiences and challenges of home care nurses and general practitioners in home-based palliative care–a qualitative study. BMC Palliative Care, 2018;17(1):95.
  • Palliative Care Council of South Australia. Multicultural palliative care guidelines eastwood south australıa: palliative care Australia. Available at: Accessed April 23, 2020
  • World Health Organization web site. Infographic: Improving access to palliative care. Available at: Accessed March 03, 2022
  • Turkish Statistical Institute website. Turkey statistics, 2019 Available at: Accessed June 8, 2021
  • Elcigil A. Palliative care nursing. Gulhane Medical Journal, 2012;54(4):329-34.
  • Ayed A, Sayej S, Harazneh L, Fashafsheh I, Eqtait F. The nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards the palliative care. Journal of Education and Practice, 2015;6(4):91-9. ISSN 2222-288X.
  • Uysal N, Senel G, Karaca S, Kadıogulları N, Kocak N, Oguz G. Symptoms seen in inpatient palliative care and impact of palliative care unit on symptom control. The Journal of the Turkish Society of Algology, 2015;27(2):104-10.
  • Ozcelik S. Wiew to palliative care and the role of nursing. Journal of Medicine and Palliative Care, 2020;1(3):76-82.
  • Temelli G, Cerit B. Perceptions of palliative care nurses related to death and palliative care practices. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 2021;84(2):378-98.
  • Kudubes AA, Bektas M, Ayar D, Bektas I, Altan S, Aricioglu A. Palliative care difficulties and psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the self-esteem based palliative care practice scale. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 2019;12(1):162-75.
  • Nakazawa Y, Miyashita M, Morita T, Umeda M, Oyagi Y, Ogasawara T. The palliative care self-reported practices scale and the palliative care difficulties scale: Reliability and validity of two scales evaluating self-reported practices and difficulties experienced in palliative care by health professionals. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 2010;13(4),427-37.
  • Schroeder K, Lorenz K. Nursing and the future of palliative care. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2018;5(1):4.
  • Muldrew DH, McLaughlin D, Brazil K. Ethical issues experienced during palliative care provision in nursing homes. Nursing Ethics, 2019;26(6):1848–60.
  • Damak N, Kumsar AK. Knowledge levels of nurses about palliative care and perceptions of good death. Sakarya University Journal of Holistic Health, 2020;3(1):1-14.
  • Batbas CS, Yakar B, Pirincci E. Palliative care and hospice. Journal of Continuing Medical Education, 2021;30(2):136-143.
  • Kudubes AA, Bektas M. The Predict of palliative care knowledge and practice in the palliative care difficulties of nursing students: Descriptive research, Journal of Traditional Medical Complementary Therapies, 2021;4(3):385-93.
  • Atakoglu YR, Turen S, Istangir D. Challenges and affecting factors for nurses in the integration of home health service and palliative care. CURARE - Journal of Nursing 2023;3:23-30.
  • Unver S, Kızılcık Ozkan Z, Girgin BN. The palliative care difficulty levels of the nursing students during clinical practices. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 2021;57(3):1466-73.
  • Nakazawa Y, Yamamoto R, Kato M, Miyashita M, Kizawa Y, Morita T. Improved knowledge of and difficulties in palliative care among physicians during 2008 and 2015 in Japan: association with a nationwide palliative care education program. Cancer, 2018;124(3):626-35.
  • Eskigulek Y, Kav S. Looking at dignified care with the eye of palliative care patients and nurses. Journal of Turkish Nurses Association, 2020;1(1):1-18.
  • LeBaron VT, Palat G, Sinha S, Chinta SK, Jamima BJB, Pilla UL, Beck SL. Recommendations to support nurses and improve the delivery of oncology and palliative care in India. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 2017;23(2):188.
  • General Directorate of Health Services in Health Quality, Accreditation and Employee Rights Department. Quality Standards in Health Hospital Version 6.1. Ankara, Türkiye; 2020. Available at: Accessed November 24, 2021
  • Kyc SJ, Bruno CJ, Shabanova V, Montgomery AM Perceptions of neonatal palliative care: similarities and differences between medical and nursing staff in a level IV neonatal ıntensive care unit. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 2020;23(5):662-669.
  • Salmani N, Mandegari Z, Bagheri I, Fallah Tafti B. Palliative care in neonatal intensive care units: Challenges and solutions. Iranian Journal of Neonatology IJN, 2018;9(2):33-41.
  • Chuah PF, Lim ML, Choo SL, Woo GY, To HK, Lau KY, Lian SB. A qualitative study on oncology nurses’ experiences of providing palliative care in the acute care setting. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare, 2017;26(1):17-25.
  • Satır NN, Aydın Avcı D. The cultural sensitivity and nurses experienced by nurses care of immigrants. SETSCI Conference Proceedings, 2019;4(9):6-14.
  • Boluktas RP. Spiritual care in palliative care patients. Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Journal of Social Sciences, 2018;6(13):51-72.
  • Aktas YY, Ugur HG, Orak OS. Investigation of the opinions of nurses concerning the transcultural nursing care. International Refereed Journal of Nursing Researches, 2016;8:120-135.
  • Akıncı Vural Z. Corporate Culture. 5th ed. Istanbul, Türkiye: Iletisim Publishers; 2016.
  • Banerjee SC, Manna R, Coyle N, Shen MJ, Pehrson C, Zaider T, Bylund CL. Oncology nurses’ communication challenges with patients and families: A qualitative study. Nurse Education in Practice, 2016;16(1):193-201.
  • Ozveren H, Kırca K, Gulnar E, Gunes NB. The impact of palliative care course on nursing students’ knowledge. Journal of Academic Research in Nursing, 2018;4(2):100-10.
  • Arıcı N. The impact of mobbing on the job satisfaction of nurses: A meta analysis work [dissertation]. Ankara: University of Gazi; 2019.
  • Ozturk I. Investigating of mobbing related graduate theses in fıeld of health in Turkey. International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies, 2019;(25):119-36.
  • Bıcak D, Akca D. Communication in Palliative Care. Poster (pp 125) at: Palliative Care and Hospice Congress with International Participation; March 9-11, 2018; İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Chong L, Abdullah A. Community palliative care nurses’ challenges and coping strategies on delivering home-based pediatric palliative care: A qualitative study. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 2017;34(2):125-31.
  • Karahan I, Ozdemir A. A general view to costs for the hospitalized patients in palliative care unit: A single centre experience. Ankara Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal, 2018;53(2):92-96.
  • Calıskan AN, Kose SD. Cost analysis of palliative care centers: Example of Denizli State Hospital. Eurasian Journal of Health Technology Assessment, 2020;4(2):68-89.
  • Kavsur Z, Sevimli E. The comparison palliative care services of Turkey with some developed countries. International Journal of Social Sciences Academy, 2020;2(4):715-30.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hemşirelik (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Sibel Özdemir Özmen 0000-0002-9099-527X

Alev Yıldırım Keskin 0000-0003-0981-5364

Proje Numarası Yok
Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 16 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Özdemir Özmen S, Yıldırım Keskin A. Challenges Faced by Nurses Working in Palliative Care Centers. STED. 2024;33(1):42-56.