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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 38 - 53, 01.09.2014


Bu çalışmada, madencilikte açık ocak nihai sınırlarının belirlenmesinin önemi ve bu amaçla kullanılan blok model kavramı incelenmiştir. Daha sonra açık ocak nihai sınırlarını bulmak için sık kullanılan yöntemlerden Dinamik Programlama, Grafik Teorisi, Hareketli Koni Algoritması ve Maksimum Akış Algoritması detaylı olarak incelenmiştir. Bu dört yöntem kullanılarak iki boyutlu bir blok model örneği üzerinde uygulama yapılmış ve elde edilen sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre yöntemlerin avantaj ve dezavantajları belirtilmiştir.


  • Ataee-Pour, M., 2000. A heuristic algorithm to optimise stope boundaries, Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, 319 p.
  • Barnes, R.J., 1982. Optimizing the ultimate pit, MS Thesis T-2611, Colorado School of Mines.
  • Cai, W.L., 1992. Sensitivity analysis of 3-D model block dimensions in the economic open pit limit design, 23rd APCOM, SME, Colorado, pp. 475-486.
  • Carlson, T.R., Erickson, J.D., O’Brain, D.T. and Pana, M.T., 1966. Computer techniques in mine planning, Mining Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 53-56.
  • Clark, I., 1979. Does Geostatistics Work?, 16th APCOM, AIME, New York, pp. 213-225.
  • Chen, T., 1976. 3D pit design with variable wall slope capabilities. Proceedings 14th APCOM Symposium of the Society of Mining Engineers, AIME, New York, pp. 615–625.
  • Crawford, J.T., 1979. Open Pit Limit Analysis – Some Observations on Its Use, 16th APCOM, Crawford and Hustrulid eds., AIME, New York, pp. 625-634.
  • Crawford, J.T. and Davey, R.K., 1979. Case Study in Open-Pit Limit Analysis, Computer Methods for the 80’s in the Mineral Industry, Weiss, A. ed., AIME, New York, pp.310-317.
  • Davey, R.K., 1979. Mineral Block Evaluation Criteria, Open Pit Mine Planning and Design, ed. J.T. Crawford and W.A. Hustrulid, SME-AIME, New York, pp 83-97.
  • Davey, R.K. and Switzer, J.E., 1979. Computer-Assisted Mineralization Modeling at Kennecott Copper Corporation, Computer Methods for the 80’s in the Mineral Industry, Weiss, A. ed., AIME, New York, pp. 260-267.
  • Dunlop, J.S., 1979. Geostatistical Modelling of an Australian Iron Ore Body, 16th APCOM, AIME, NewYork, pp. 226-239.
  • Elevli, B., 1992. Open pit mine production scheduling using operations research and artificial intelligence, PhD Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 189 p.
  • Erarslan, K., 1996. Development of A Model for Open Pit Limits Optimization Integrated with A Sequencing System, PhD Thesis, ODTÜ, 163 p.
  • Ford, C.R. and Fulkerson, D.R., 1956. Maximal flow through a network, Canadian J. Math., Vol. 8, pp. 399-404.
  • Hustrulid, W. and Kuchta, M., 2006. Open pit mine planning and design, 2nd edition, Taylor and Francis, London, 735 p.
  • Huttagosol, P., 1988. Modified Tree Graph Algorithm for Ultimate Pit Limit Analysis. MS Thesis T-3412. Colorado School of Mines, 396 p.
  • Johnson, T.B., 1968. Optimum Open Pit Mine production scheduling, Operations Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, 120 p.
  • Johnson, T.B. and Sharp, W.R., 1971. A three-dimensional dynamic programming method for optimal ultimate open-pit design, U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 7553, 25 p.
  • Khalokakaie, R., 1999. Computer-Aided Optimal Open Pit Design with Variable Slope Angles, PhD Thesis, University of Leeds.
  • Kim, Y.C., 1979. Open Pit Limit Analysis, Computer Methods for the 80’s in the Mineral Industry, Weiss, A. ed., AIME, New York, pp. 297-303.
  • Koenigsberg, E., 1982. The optimum contours of an open pit mine: an application of dynamic programming, Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on the application of computers and operations research in the mineral industries (APCOM), New York: AIME, pp. 247-287.
  • Kosovac, M. and Kundu, S., 1978. Iron Ore Co. of Canada’s Computerized Analysis Method Speeds Mine Planning and Pit Design, Mining Engineering, July, pp. 767-770.
  • Laurent, M., Placet, J. and Sharp, W., 1977. Optimum design of open-pit mines, Gecamines Rapport, No:04/77, Lubumbashi.
  • Lemieux, M., 1979. Moving cone optimizing algorithm, Computer Methods for the 80’s in the Mineral Industry, Weiss, A. ed., AIME, New York, pp. 329-345.
  • Lerchs, H. ve Grossmann, I.F., 1965. Optimum Pit Design of Open Pit Mines, CIM Bulletin, Vol. 58, No: 633, pp. 47-54.
  • Lipkewich, M.P. and Borgman, L., 1969. Two and three dimensional pit design optimization techniques, A Decade of Digital Computing in the Mineral Industry, AIME, New York, pp. 505–523.
  • Lizotte, Y., 1988. The economics of computerized open pit design, Int. J. of Surface Mining, Balkema, pp. 59-78.
  • Onur, A.H., 1995. Açık işletmelerde nihai sınır tesbitinde yei bir yöntem: Düzeltilmiş Korobov algoritması, Türkiye 14. Madencilik Kongresi, pp. 269-275.
  • Özkan, M., 2006. Açık ocak işletmelerinde optimum nihai sınırın belirlenmesi, Yüksek lisans tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 120 p.
  • Özkan, M. ve Erçelebi S.G., 2007. Determining Ultimate Pit Limit for Kestelek Boron Open Pit Mine Using Lerchs-Grossmann Algorithm, 33rd International Symposium on Application of Computers and Operations Research in The Mineral Industry (APCOM), Santiago, Chile, Editor: Eduardo J. Magri, pp. 303-308.
  • Pana, M.T., 1965. The simulation approach to open-pit design, 5th APCOM, Tucson Arizona, ZZ-1 to ZZ-24.
  • Rychkun, E. and Chen, T., 1979. Open Pit Mine Feasibility Method and Application at Placer Development, Computer Methods for the 80’s in the Mineral Industry, Weiss, A. ed., AIME, New York, pp. 304-309.
  • Whittle, J., 1988. Beyond optimization in open-pit design, 1st Canadian Conference on Computer Applications in the Mineral Industry, Laval University, Quebec City, March 7-9.
  • Wright, E.A., 1987. The use of dynamic programming for open pit mine design: some practical implications, Min.Sci. and Tech., Vol. 6, pp. 79-104.
  • Wright, E.A., 1990. Open pit mine design models, Series on mining engineering, Vol. 8., Trans Tech Publications, 187 p.
  • Yalçın, E., 1991. Dinamik programlama tekniğindeki gelişmeler. Madencilik Dergisi, Sayı No:4.
  • Yalçın, E. ve Saydam, S., 1995. Optimum nihai açık işletme sınırlarını bulan optimizasyon tekniklerinin karşılaştırılması, Türkiye 14. Madencilik Kongresi, pp. 263-268.
  • Yegulalp, T.M. and Arias, A.J., 1992. A fast algorithm to solve the ultimate pit limit problem, Proceeding of 23th International APCOM Symposium, pp. 391-397.
  • Zhao, Y. and Kim, Y.C., 1990. A new graph theory algorithm for optimal ultimate pit design, SME Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, preprint No.90-9.
  • Zhao, Y. and Kim, Y.C., 1992. A new optimum pit limit design algorithm, 23rd APCOM, SME, Colorado, pp. 423-434.

Ultimate Pit Limit Determination Methods

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 38 - 53, 01.09.2014


In this study, the importance of determining the ultimate pit limits and block model concept used for this purpose, were examined. Then Dynamic Programming, Graph Theory, Maximum Flow Algorithm and Moving Cone Algorithm which are commonly used to find the pit limits were examined in detail. A two-dimensional block model example is optimized by using above 4 methods, and the results obtained are compared. According to the results obtained, advantages and disadvantages of the methods are outlined.


  • Ataee-Pour, M., 2000. A heuristic algorithm to optimise stope boundaries, Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, 319 p.
  • Barnes, R.J., 1982. Optimizing the ultimate pit, MS Thesis T-2611, Colorado School of Mines.
  • Cai, W.L., 1992. Sensitivity analysis of 3-D model block dimensions in the economic open pit limit design, 23rd APCOM, SME, Colorado, pp. 475-486.
  • Carlson, T.R., Erickson, J.D., O’Brain, D.T. and Pana, M.T., 1966. Computer techniques in mine planning, Mining Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 53-56.
  • Clark, I., 1979. Does Geostatistics Work?, 16th APCOM, AIME, New York, pp. 213-225.
  • Chen, T., 1976. 3D pit design with variable wall slope capabilities. Proceedings 14th APCOM Symposium of the Society of Mining Engineers, AIME, New York, pp. 615–625.
  • Crawford, J.T., 1979. Open Pit Limit Analysis – Some Observations on Its Use, 16th APCOM, Crawford and Hustrulid eds., AIME, New York, pp. 625-634.
  • Crawford, J.T. and Davey, R.K., 1979. Case Study in Open-Pit Limit Analysis, Computer Methods for the 80’s in the Mineral Industry, Weiss, A. ed., AIME, New York, pp.310-317.
  • Davey, R.K., 1979. Mineral Block Evaluation Criteria, Open Pit Mine Planning and Design, ed. J.T. Crawford and W.A. Hustrulid, SME-AIME, New York, pp 83-97.
  • Davey, R.K. and Switzer, J.E., 1979. Computer-Assisted Mineralization Modeling at Kennecott Copper Corporation, Computer Methods for the 80’s in the Mineral Industry, Weiss, A. ed., AIME, New York, pp. 260-267.
  • Dunlop, J.S., 1979. Geostatistical Modelling of an Australian Iron Ore Body, 16th APCOM, AIME, NewYork, pp. 226-239.
  • Elevli, B., 1992. Open pit mine production scheduling using operations research and artificial intelligence, PhD Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 189 p.
  • Erarslan, K., 1996. Development of A Model for Open Pit Limits Optimization Integrated with A Sequencing System, PhD Thesis, ODTÜ, 163 p.
  • Ford, C.R. and Fulkerson, D.R., 1956. Maximal flow through a network, Canadian J. Math., Vol. 8, pp. 399-404.
  • Hustrulid, W. and Kuchta, M., 2006. Open pit mine planning and design, 2nd edition, Taylor and Francis, London, 735 p.
  • Huttagosol, P., 1988. Modified Tree Graph Algorithm for Ultimate Pit Limit Analysis. MS Thesis T-3412. Colorado School of Mines, 396 p.
  • Johnson, T.B., 1968. Optimum Open Pit Mine production scheduling, Operations Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, 120 p.
  • Johnson, T.B. and Sharp, W.R., 1971. A three-dimensional dynamic programming method for optimal ultimate open-pit design, U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 7553, 25 p.
  • Khalokakaie, R., 1999. Computer-Aided Optimal Open Pit Design with Variable Slope Angles, PhD Thesis, University of Leeds.
  • Kim, Y.C., 1979. Open Pit Limit Analysis, Computer Methods for the 80’s in the Mineral Industry, Weiss, A. ed., AIME, New York, pp. 297-303.
  • Koenigsberg, E., 1982. The optimum contours of an open pit mine: an application of dynamic programming, Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on the application of computers and operations research in the mineral industries (APCOM), New York: AIME, pp. 247-287.
  • Kosovac, M. and Kundu, S., 1978. Iron Ore Co. of Canada’s Computerized Analysis Method Speeds Mine Planning and Pit Design, Mining Engineering, July, pp. 767-770.
  • Laurent, M., Placet, J. and Sharp, W., 1977. Optimum design of open-pit mines, Gecamines Rapport, No:04/77, Lubumbashi.
  • Lemieux, M., 1979. Moving cone optimizing algorithm, Computer Methods for the 80’s in the Mineral Industry, Weiss, A. ed., AIME, New York, pp. 329-345.
  • Lerchs, H. ve Grossmann, I.F., 1965. Optimum Pit Design of Open Pit Mines, CIM Bulletin, Vol. 58, No: 633, pp. 47-54.
  • Lipkewich, M.P. and Borgman, L., 1969. Two and three dimensional pit design optimization techniques, A Decade of Digital Computing in the Mineral Industry, AIME, New York, pp. 505–523.
  • Lizotte, Y., 1988. The economics of computerized open pit design, Int. J. of Surface Mining, Balkema, pp. 59-78.
  • Onur, A.H., 1995. Açık işletmelerde nihai sınır tesbitinde yei bir yöntem: Düzeltilmiş Korobov algoritması, Türkiye 14. Madencilik Kongresi, pp. 269-275.
  • Özkan, M., 2006. Açık ocak işletmelerinde optimum nihai sınırın belirlenmesi, Yüksek lisans tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 120 p.
  • Özkan, M. ve Erçelebi S.G., 2007. Determining Ultimate Pit Limit for Kestelek Boron Open Pit Mine Using Lerchs-Grossmann Algorithm, 33rd International Symposium on Application of Computers and Operations Research in The Mineral Industry (APCOM), Santiago, Chile, Editor: Eduardo J. Magri, pp. 303-308.
  • Pana, M.T., 1965. The simulation approach to open-pit design, 5th APCOM, Tucson Arizona, ZZ-1 to ZZ-24.
  • Rychkun, E. and Chen, T., 1979. Open Pit Mine Feasibility Method and Application at Placer Development, Computer Methods for the 80’s in the Mineral Industry, Weiss, A. ed., AIME, New York, pp. 304-309.
  • Whittle, J., 1988. Beyond optimization in open-pit design, 1st Canadian Conference on Computer Applications in the Mineral Industry, Laval University, Quebec City, March 7-9.
  • Wright, E.A., 1987. The use of dynamic programming for open pit mine design: some practical implications, Min.Sci. and Tech., Vol. 6, pp. 79-104.
  • Wright, E.A., 1990. Open pit mine design models, Series on mining engineering, Vol. 8., Trans Tech Publications, 187 p.
  • Yalçın, E., 1991. Dinamik programlama tekniğindeki gelişmeler. Madencilik Dergisi, Sayı No:4.
  • Yalçın, E. ve Saydam, S., 1995. Optimum nihai açık işletme sınırlarını bulan optimizasyon tekniklerinin karşılaştırılması, Türkiye 14. Madencilik Kongresi, pp. 263-268.
  • Yegulalp, T.M. and Arias, A.J., 1992. A fast algorithm to solve the ultimate pit limit problem, Proceeding of 23th International APCOM Symposium, pp. 391-397.
  • Zhao, Y. and Kim, Y.C., 1990. A new graph theory algorithm for optimal ultimate pit design, SME Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, preprint No.90-9.
  • Zhao, Y. and Kim, Y.C., 1992. A new optimum pit limit design algorithm, 23rd APCOM, SME, Colorado, pp. 423-434.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA47BR69MK
Bölüm Makaleler

Murat Özkan Bu kişi benim

Selamet G. Erçelebi Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Özkan, M., & Erçelebi, S. G. (2014). AÇIK OCAK NİHAİ SINIRLARININ BELİRLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN YÖNTEMLER. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 2(3), 38-53.
Chicago Özkan, Murat, ve Selamet G. Erçelebi. “AÇIK OCAK NİHAİ SINIRLARININ BELİRLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN YÖNTEMLER”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi 2, sy. 3 (Eylül 2014): 38-53.
EndNote Özkan M, Erçelebi SG (01 Eylül 2014) AÇIK OCAK NİHAİ SINIRLARININ BELİRLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN YÖNTEMLER. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi 2 3 38–53.
IEEE M. Özkan ve S. G. Erçelebi, “AÇIK OCAK NİHAİ SINIRLARININ BELİRLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN YÖNTEMLER”, sujest, c. 2, sy. 3, ss. 38–53, 2014.
ISNAD Özkan, Murat - Erçelebi, Selamet G. “AÇIK OCAK NİHAİ SINIRLARININ BELİRLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN YÖNTEMLER”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi 2/3 (Eylül 2014), 38-53.
MLA Özkan, Murat ve Selamet G. Erçelebi. “AÇIK OCAK NİHAİ SINIRLARININ BELİRLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN YÖNTEMLER”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, c. 2, sy. 3, 2014, ss. 38-53.


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