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Yıl 2016, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 4, 297 - 308, 01.12.2016


Rock cutting is developing area in mining and tunnelling sectors. In order to open an

excavation inside or surface of the rock masses, they should be dig up to obtain required engineered

volume. Beside the conventional blasting methods result in total breakage of the selected parts of rock

masses, rock cutting machineries are used in some engineering projects which they have cutting bits to

trim the rock masses into small chips. Drag bits, as a type, is one of the bit kinds which researchers have

analysed for its design parameters for different rock masses. When rock bit cutting performances are

under consideration, laboratory cutting tests are performed and rocks are cut with different bit profiles

to evaluate its design parameters. In these researches cutting traces have mostly been photographed for

test file data. It was realised here in this research and analyzed some of these images for their colour

properties. Different coloured sectors were determined along the selected cutting trace images which

were compared also with the cutting force records of the related cutting tests. The colour distribution

and colour difference areas of the trace images were then analysed with the cutting actions and rock

mass features. The resultant enhanced coloured images and cutting forces fluctuation data obtained

during cutting tests of drag bits showed that colour analysed can also be the indicators of cutting

performance if they are carefully appraised.


  • Akkoyun, O., Careddu, N., Marras, G., 2013, "An Investigation of Colour Properties of Orosei Limestones (Italy) by Using Computer Program", Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 548, pp. 173-182.
  • Baykan, N.A., Yılmaz, N., Kansun, G., 2010, "Case Study in Effects of Color Spaces for Mineral Identification", Scientific Research and Essays, Vol. 5 (11), pp. 1243-1253.
  • Concha-Lozano, N., Lafon, D. Sabiri, N., Gaudon,P., 2013, "Color Thresholds for Aesthetically Compatible Replacement of Stones on Monuments", Color Research & Application, Vol.38 (5), pp. 356–363.
  • Dursun, A.E., 2012, Rock Cutting Properties of Limestone Rock Formations Located at NW Site of Konya city, (Konya sehir merkezinin KB’da yer alan kirectaslarinin kesilebilirligi), PhD Thesis, (Dissertation date: Dec.18th 2012) Selcuk University, Graduate School of Natural Science, Mining Engineering Department, Campus, Konya, Turkey, (in Turkish).
  • Evans, I., 1984, "Basic Mechanics of The Point Attack Pick", Colliery Guardian, May 1984, pp. 189-193.
  • Fonseca, B.M.S., 2012, Influencia do Nevoeiro Salino na Degradacao de Materiais Ceramicos Aplicados em Construcoes, MSc Thesis, Univ. Nova De Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, 165, Portugal.
  • Gokay, M.K., Uzdemir, Ö., 1999, "Digital Classification of Marble Slap Surface Colours", (Mermer renklerinin sayisal olarak siniflandirilmasi), Journal of Konya Chambers of Industry, Vol. 30, pp.25-27, Konya, Turkey, (in Turkish).
  • Gokay, M.K., Gundogdu, I.B., 2000, "Colour Analyses and Application of Colour Analyses for Marble Slap Surfaces", (Renk analizi ve mermerlerde renk analizi uygulamalari), Journal of Stone World & Stone and Stone Technologies in Turkey, Vol. 17, pp. 90-96, Izmir, Turkey, (in Turkish).
  • Gokay, M.K., Gundogdu, I.B., 2001, "Classification of Marble Colour by Using Digital Analyses and Usage of This Method in Marble Cutting and Dimensioning Factories", (Mermer renklerinin sayisal analiz yoluyla siniflandirilmasi ve mermer isleme tesislerindeki kullanilabilirligi), Mining Journal, (Madencilik Dergisi), Mining Engineering Chambers of Turkey, Vol. 40, (2-3- 4), pp.3-10, Ankara, Turkey, (in Turkish).
  • Gokay, M.K., 2003, "Evaluation of Marble Colour Homogeneity", (Mermer renk homojenliginin sayisal degerlendirilmesi), Journal of Stone World & Stone and Stone Technologies in Turkey, Vol. 34, pp.160-173, Izmir, Turkey, (in Turkish).
  • Gokay, M.K., Dogan, K., 2006, " Identification of Colours for Marble Mass", (Mermerlerde hacimsel renk dagiliminin arastirilmasi). 5th Marble Symposium of Turkey, (Türkiye V. Mermer Sempozyumu, ed. Ersoy, M.). Mining Engineering Chambers of Turkey, MERSEM-2006, 2-3 February 2006, pp. 131-140, Afyon, Turkey, (in Turkish).
  • Gokay, M.K., Gundogdu, I.B., 2007, "Colour Identification of Some Turkish Marbles", Construction and Building Material, Vol. 22, 7, July 2008, pp. 1342-1349.
  • Gokay, M.K., Dursun A.E., 2013, "Usage of Boom Type Roadheader for Tuffitic Rock Masses in Nevsehir Region in Turkey", (Nevsehir bölgesi tüflerinin kazisinda kollu galeri acma makinelerinin kullanilabilirliginin arastirilmasi), Selcuk University, Journal of Engineering, Science & Technology, SUJEST, Vol. 1 (1), ISSN: 2147-9364 (Electronic), pp. 13-18, (in Turkish).
  • Gundogdu, I.B., Gokay, M.K., 1999, "Digital Image Analysis of Marble Slap Surface", (Mermerlerin sayisal goruntu analizleri), 10th Engineering Week of Turkey, S.Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey, 20-23 October 1999, (in Turkish).
  • Gundogdu, I.B., Gokay, M.K., 2003, "Colour Homogeneity of Marble Slap Surface- Digital Analyses of Natural Marble Slap Surface Motifs", (Mermer yüzey rengindeki homojenlik, mermer desenlerinin sayisal incelenmesi), 4th Marble Symposium of Turkey, (Türkiye IV. Mermer Sempozyumu). Mining Engineering Chambers of Turkey, MERSEM-2003, Afyon, Turkey, pp.231-242, 18-19 December 2003, (in Turkish).
  • Hunter, R.S., 1948, "Photoelectric Color-difference Meter", JOSA, V38, N7, 661. (Proceedings of the Winter Meeting of the Optical Society of America).
  • Joblove, G. H., Greenberg, D., 1978, "Color Spaces for Computer Graphics", Computer Graphics, Vol.12 (3), pp. 20–25, Doi:10.1145/965139.807362.
  • Merchant, M. E., 1945, "Basic Mechanics of Metal Cutting Process", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 11, A-168.
  • McFeat-Smith, I., Fowell R.J., 1977, "Correlation of Rock Properties and the Cutting Performance of Tunnelling Machines", Proceedings of a Conference on Rock Engineering, CORE-UK, Conference organized jointly by the British Geotechnical Society and Deparment of Mining Engineering, The University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 581-602.
  • Pascua, N.G., Sanchez de Rojas, M.I., Frias, M., 1999, "Measurement of Colour in Different Construction Materials. The restoration in sandstone buildings", Materiales de Construccion, Vol. 49, 253, Doi:10.3989/mc.1999.v49.i253.455
  • Poynton, C.A., 2003, Digital Video and HDTV: Algorithms and Interfaces, Morgan Kaufmann, USA, ISBN 1-55860-792-7
  • Roxborough, F.F., 1973, "Cutting Rock with Picks", The Mining Engineer, Jun1973, pp. 445-452.
  • Sousa, L., Goncalves, B., 2013, "Differences in the Quality of Polishing Between Sound and Weathered Granites", Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 69 (4), pp. 1347-1359.

Kama Keskinin Oluşturduğu İzlerdeki Renkler ve Kesme Sırasında Ölçülen Kesme Kuvvetiyle İlişkisi

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 4, 297 - 308, 01.12.2016


Maden ve tünel kazı aşamalarında, kaya kesme çalışmaları üzerinde araştırma yapılan konular arasındadır. Kayaçların içinde veya üzerinde herhangi bir mühendislik uygulaması için bir boşluk
oluşturulacaksa, orada kaya kütlesinin parçalara ayrılarak boşaltılması gerekecektir. Kayaçları istenen boyutlara göre tamamen parçalayarak kazılması işlemlerini içeren klasik patlatma-yükleme-taşıma sistemine karşılık kazıcı makinelerin keski uçlarıyla kayayı çentikleyerek sürekli kazması ve otomatik olarak yüklemesine bağlı mekanizasyon sistemleri de geliştirilmiştir. Bu uygulamalarda kullanılan keski uçlarının hangi kaya kütlelerinde daha verimli olduğunun araştırılması uçların tasarım parametrelerinin belirlenmesinde önemlidir. Bu çalışmalarda, keski izlerinin fotoğrafları veri olarak arşivlenen sonuçlardandır. Bu araştırma kapsamında, kama keski uçlarının kullanıldığı kesme deneylerinde ortaya çıkan keski izleri üzerinde renk analizleri yapılmıştır. Keski izlerinde belirlenen renk öbeklenmeleriyle, bu kesme deneyleri sırasında ölçülen kesme kuvveti değişimleri karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Ölçülen ve grafiği çizilen kesme kuvveti değişimleriyle, keski izlerinde belirlenen renk farklılıklarının belirli ölçüde uyum içinde olduğu ve keski izlerinde belirlenecek renk öbeklenme ve kodlamalarının kesme performansı hakkında fikir verebileceği değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır.


  • Akkoyun, O., Careddu, N., Marras, G., 2013, "An Investigation of Colour Properties of Orosei Limestones (Italy) by Using Computer Program", Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 548, pp. 173-182.
  • Baykan, N.A., Yılmaz, N., Kansun, G., 2010, "Case Study in Effects of Color Spaces for Mineral Identification", Scientific Research and Essays, Vol. 5 (11), pp. 1243-1253.
  • Concha-Lozano, N., Lafon, D. Sabiri, N., Gaudon,P., 2013, "Color Thresholds for Aesthetically Compatible Replacement of Stones on Monuments", Color Research & Application, Vol.38 (5), pp. 356–363.
  • Dursun, A.E., 2012, Rock Cutting Properties of Limestone Rock Formations Located at NW Site of Konya city, (Konya sehir merkezinin KB’da yer alan kirectaslarinin kesilebilirligi), PhD Thesis, (Dissertation date: Dec.18th 2012) Selcuk University, Graduate School of Natural Science, Mining Engineering Department, Campus, Konya, Turkey, (in Turkish).
  • Evans, I., 1984, "Basic Mechanics of The Point Attack Pick", Colliery Guardian, May 1984, pp. 189-193.
  • Fonseca, B.M.S., 2012, Influencia do Nevoeiro Salino na Degradacao de Materiais Ceramicos Aplicados em Construcoes, MSc Thesis, Univ. Nova De Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, 165, Portugal.
  • Gokay, M.K., Uzdemir, Ö., 1999, "Digital Classification of Marble Slap Surface Colours", (Mermer renklerinin sayisal olarak siniflandirilmasi), Journal of Konya Chambers of Industry, Vol. 30, pp.25-27, Konya, Turkey, (in Turkish).
  • Gokay, M.K., Gundogdu, I.B., 2000, "Colour Analyses and Application of Colour Analyses for Marble Slap Surfaces", (Renk analizi ve mermerlerde renk analizi uygulamalari), Journal of Stone World & Stone and Stone Technologies in Turkey, Vol. 17, pp. 90-96, Izmir, Turkey, (in Turkish).
  • Gokay, M.K., Gundogdu, I.B., 2001, "Classification of Marble Colour by Using Digital Analyses and Usage of This Method in Marble Cutting and Dimensioning Factories", (Mermer renklerinin sayisal analiz yoluyla siniflandirilmasi ve mermer isleme tesislerindeki kullanilabilirligi), Mining Journal, (Madencilik Dergisi), Mining Engineering Chambers of Turkey, Vol. 40, (2-3- 4), pp.3-10, Ankara, Turkey, (in Turkish).
  • Gokay, M.K., 2003, "Evaluation of Marble Colour Homogeneity", (Mermer renk homojenliginin sayisal degerlendirilmesi), Journal of Stone World & Stone and Stone Technologies in Turkey, Vol. 34, pp.160-173, Izmir, Turkey, (in Turkish).
  • Gokay, M.K., Dogan, K., 2006, " Identification of Colours for Marble Mass", (Mermerlerde hacimsel renk dagiliminin arastirilmasi). 5th Marble Symposium of Turkey, (Türkiye V. Mermer Sempozyumu, ed. Ersoy, M.). Mining Engineering Chambers of Turkey, MERSEM-2006, 2-3 February 2006, pp. 131-140, Afyon, Turkey, (in Turkish).
  • Gokay, M.K., Gundogdu, I.B., 2007, "Colour Identification of Some Turkish Marbles", Construction and Building Material, Vol. 22, 7, July 2008, pp. 1342-1349.
  • Gokay, M.K., Dursun A.E., 2013, "Usage of Boom Type Roadheader for Tuffitic Rock Masses in Nevsehir Region in Turkey", (Nevsehir bölgesi tüflerinin kazisinda kollu galeri acma makinelerinin kullanilabilirliginin arastirilmasi), Selcuk University, Journal of Engineering, Science & Technology, SUJEST, Vol. 1 (1), ISSN: 2147-9364 (Electronic), pp. 13-18, (in Turkish).
  • Gundogdu, I.B., Gokay, M.K., 1999, "Digital Image Analysis of Marble Slap Surface", (Mermerlerin sayisal goruntu analizleri), 10th Engineering Week of Turkey, S.Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey, 20-23 October 1999, (in Turkish).
  • Gundogdu, I.B., Gokay, M.K., 2003, "Colour Homogeneity of Marble Slap Surface- Digital Analyses of Natural Marble Slap Surface Motifs", (Mermer yüzey rengindeki homojenlik, mermer desenlerinin sayisal incelenmesi), 4th Marble Symposium of Turkey, (Türkiye IV. Mermer Sempozyumu). Mining Engineering Chambers of Turkey, MERSEM-2003, Afyon, Turkey, pp.231-242, 18-19 December 2003, (in Turkish).
  • Hunter, R.S., 1948, "Photoelectric Color-difference Meter", JOSA, V38, N7, 661. (Proceedings of the Winter Meeting of the Optical Society of America).
  • Joblove, G. H., Greenberg, D., 1978, "Color Spaces for Computer Graphics", Computer Graphics, Vol.12 (3), pp. 20–25, Doi:10.1145/965139.807362.
  • Merchant, M. E., 1945, "Basic Mechanics of Metal Cutting Process", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 11, A-168.
  • McFeat-Smith, I., Fowell R.J., 1977, "Correlation of Rock Properties and the Cutting Performance of Tunnelling Machines", Proceedings of a Conference on Rock Engineering, CORE-UK, Conference organized jointly by the British Geotechnical Society and Deparment of Mining Engineering, The University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 581-602.
  • Pascua, N.G., Sanchez de Rojas, M.I., Frias, M., 1999, "Measurement of Colour in Different Construction Materials. The restoration in sandstone buildings", Materiales de Construccion, Vol. 49, 253, Doi:10.3989/mc.1999.v49.i253.455
  • Poynton, C.A., 2003, Digital Video and HDTV: Algorithms and Interfaces, Morgan Kaufmann, USA, ISBN 1-55860-792-7
  • Roxborough, F.F., 1973, "Cutting Rock with Picks", The Mining Engineer, Jun1973, pp. 445-452.
  • Sousa, L., Goncalves, B., 2013, "Differences in the Quality of Polishing Between Sound and Weathered Granites", Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 69 (4), pp. 1347-1359.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Kemal Gökay

Arif Emre Dursun Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Gökay, M. K., & Dursun, A. E. (2016). DRUG BIT CUTTING TRACE IMAGE COLOURS AND CUTTING FORCE FLUCTUATION RELATION. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 4(4), 297-308.
AMA Gökay MK, Dursun AE. DRUG BIT CUTTING TRACE IMAGE COLOURS AND CUTTING FORCE FLUCTUATION RELATION. sujest. Aralık 2016;4(4):297-308. doi:10.15317/Scitech.2016.59
Chicago Gökay, Mehmet Kemal, ve Arif Emre Dursun. “DRUG BIT CUTTING TRACE IMAGE COLOURS AND CUTTING FORCE FLUCTUATION RELATION”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi 4, sy. 4 (Aralık 2016): 297-308.
EndNote Gökay MK, Dursun AE (01 Aralık 2016) DRUG BIT CUTTING TRACE IMAGE COLOURS AND CUTTING FORCE FLUCTUATION RELATION. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi 4 4 297–308.
IEEE M. K. Gökay ve A. E. Dursun, “DRUG BIT CUTTING TRACE IMAGE COLOURS AND CUTTING FORCE FLUCTUATION RELATION”, sujest, c. 4, sy. 4, ss. 297–308, 2016, doi: 10.15317/Scitech.2016.59.
ISNAD Gökay, Mehmet Kemal - Dursun, Arif Emre. “DRUG BIT CUTTING TRACE IMAGE COLOURS AND CUTTING FORCE FLUCTUATION RELATION”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi 4/4 (Aralık 2016), 297-308.
MLA Gökay, Mehmet Kemal ve Arif Emre Dursun. “DRUG BIT CUTTING TRACE IMAGE COLOURS AND CUTTING FORCE FLUCTUATION RELATION”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, c. 4, sy. 4, 2016, ss. 297-08, doi:10.15317/Scitech.2016.59.


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