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Yıl 2006, Sayı: 16, 633 - 656, 01.08.2006


Gazetecilik mesleğinin büyük medya gruplarının ekonomik gereklerine göre biçimlenmesinin yarattığısorunlar, yeni bir gazetecilik anlayışının ortaya çıkmasına neden oldu. Yurttaşgazeteciliği adıverilen bu yeni gazetecilik hareketi, hem akademisyenler hem de gazeteciler arasında tartışmalara yol açtı. Bu makale, konuyla ilgili tartışmalardan yola çıkarak, 1990’lıyıllarda ABD’de yaygınlaşan, ancak Türkiye’de fazla bilinmeyen yurttaşgazeteciliği deneyiminin doğasıve sonuçlarıhakkında bilgi vermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çerçevede, yurttaşgazeteciliğinin temel argümanları, özellikleri, gazetecilerin değişen rolü ve yeni teknolojilerle ilişkisi üzerinde durulmaktadır. Yurttaşgazeteciliğinin medya girişimlerinin kâr etme amaçlarından kaynaklanan yapısal sınırlamalarıgöz önüne almayan bir girişim olduğu, yüzeysel sorunlarla sınırlıkaldığıbelirtilmektedir.


  • Bagdikian, Ben H. (2004). The New Media Monopoly, Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Bare, John (1998). “A New Strategy”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds), Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press
  • Blom, Daniel A. (2004). “Public Journalism, Social Capital and Quality Management”, National Civic Review, Fall 2004.(43-48).
  • Buckner, Jennie ve Michael Gartner (1998). “Public Journalism in the 1996 Elections”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds)., Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press.
  • Curran, James (2002). “Medya ve Demokrasi: Yeniden Değer Biçme”, Medya Kültür Siyaset içinde, Der. Süleyman İrvan, İkinci Basım, Ankara: Alp Yayınevi.
  • Dvorkin, Jeffrey (2005). “Can Public Radio Journalism Be Re-Invented?”, http://www.npr.org/yourturn/ombudsman/010705.html, 15. 08. 2006
  • Dunleavy, Dennis (2004). “The Next Revolution Will Be Digital”, http://www.digitaljournalist.org/issue0405/dunleavy.html, 20. 08. 2005
  • Dykers, Carol Rees (1998). “Assessing Davis Merritt’s ‘Public Journalism’ Through His Language”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds)., Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press.
  • Friedland, Lewis ve Mira Sotirovic, Katie Daily (1998). “Public Journalism and Social Capital: The Case of Madison, Wisconsin”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds)., Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press.
  • Habermas, Jürgen (2004). “Kamusal Alan”, Kamusal Alan, Editör: Meral Özbek, İstanbul: Hil Yayın.
  • Iggers, Jeremy (1998). Good NewsBad News, Journalism Ethics and the Public Interest, USA:Westview Press.
  • Irby, Kenneth F. (2004). “War Images as Eyewitness”, http://www.poynter.org/content/content_view.asp?id=65426, 20. 08. 2005
  • Keane, John (2002). “Kamusal Alanın Yapısal Dönüşümleri”, Medya Kültür Siyaset içinde, Der. Süleyman İrvan, İkinci Basım, Ankara: Alp Yayınevi.
  • Kaya, Raşit (1985). Kitle İletişim Sistemleri, Ankara: Teori Yayınları.
  • Kurpius, D. D. “Public Journalism and Commercial Local Television News: In Search of a Model.” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 2000, 77(2), 340–354.
  • Lichtenberg, Judith (1999). “Beyond the Public Journalism Controversy”, Civil Society, Democracy, and Civic Renewal içinde, R. K. Fullinwider (ed.), Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield.
  • Lipmann, Walter (1965). Public Opinion, London: The Free Press.
  • Lipmann, Walter (1993). The Phantom Public, USA: Transaction Publishers.
  • Lambeth, Edmund B. (1998a). “Public Journalism As A Democratic Practice”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds)., Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press.
  • Lambeth, Edmund B. (1998b). “Public Journalism as Cultural Change”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds)., Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press.
  • Meyer, Philip (1998). “If It Works, How Will We Know?”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds)., Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press.
  • O’Neill, John (1998). “Piyasada Gazetecilik Yapmak”, Medya ve Gazetecilikte Etik Sorunlar içinde, A. Belsey ve R. Chadwick (der). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Rosen, Jay (1998). “Imagining Public Journalism”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds)., Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press.
  • Rosen, Jay (2004). “Will Mainstream Media Coopt Blogs and the Internet?” World Economic Forum, Jan. 22, 2004, http://www.weforum.org/site/knowledgenavigator.nsf/Content/_S10121?ope n, 17. 09. 2006
  • Schaffer, Jan (2000). “Civic Journalism”, National Civic Review, vol:89, No:3, Fall 2000
  • Schudson, Michael (1998). “The Public Journalism Movement and Its Problems”, The Politics of News The News of Politics, Doris Graber, Denis McQuail ve Pippa Norris (ed.) içinde, USA: Congressional Quarterly Inc.
  • Seib, Philip ve Kathy Fitzpatrick (1997). Journalism Ethics. USA: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
  • The EditorsWeblog (2005). “Is investigative journalism diminishing in quality and quantity?”, http://www.editorsweblog.org/print_newspapers/2005/11/is_investigative_jo urnalism_diminishing.php, 17. 09. 2006
  • Voakes, Paul S. (2004). “A Brief History of Public Journalism”, National Civic Review, Fall 2004
  • Witt, Leonard (2004). “Is Public Journalism Morphing into the Public’s Journalism?”, National Civic Review, Fall2004, Vol. 93 Issue 3.
  • Yu, Yeon-Jung (2003). “OhmyNews Makes Every Citizen a Reporter”, Japan Media Review, http://www.japanmediareview.com/japan/internet/1063672919.php, 17. 09. 2006 İlgili Siteler
  • Blogger, http://www.blogger.com
  • BuzzMachine by Jeff Jarvis, http://www.buzzmachine.com
  • OhmyNews International, http://english.ohmynews.com
  • Pew Center For Civic Journalism, http://www.pewcenter.org
Yıl 2006, Sayı: 16, 633 - 656, 01.08.2006


Today’s journalism has been shaped by the economic interests of medya moguls. This has led to a new understanding of journalism. This new journalism approach, called civic journalism, highly debated among both academicians and journalists. It has been questioned whether civic journalism is a revolution or a return to tradition in the journalism area. This article aims to discuss the nature and the outcomes of civic journalism that became widespread in USA in 1990’s but unknown in Turkey. In this context, it focuses on basic arguments and characteristics of civic journalism, and changing role of journalists, an the relations between civic journalism and new technologies. This article indicates that civic journalism is an approach that neglects economic and structural restrictions of media and limites itself with superficial problems


  • Bagdikian, Ben H. (2004). The New Media Monopoly, Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Bare, John (1998). “A New Strategy”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds), Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press
  • Blom, Daniel A. (2004). “Public Journalism, Social Capital and Quality Management”, National Civic Review, Fall 2004.(43-48).
  • Buckner, Jennie ve Michael Gartner (1998). “Public Journalism in the 1996 Elections”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds)., Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press.
  • Curran, James (2002). “Medya ve Demokrasi: Yeniden Değer Biçme”, Medya Kültür Siyaset içinde, Der. Süleyman İrvan, İkinci Basım, Ankara: Alp Yayınevi.
  • Dvorkin, Jeffrey (2005). “Can Public Radio Journalism Be Re-Invented?”, http://www.npr.org/yourturn/ombudsman/010705.html, 15. 08. 2006
  • Dunleavy, Dennis (2004). “The Next Revolution Will Be Digital”, http://www.digitaljournalist.org/issue0405/dunleavy.html, 20. 08. 2005
  • Dykers, Carol Rees (1998). “Assessing Davis Merritt’s ‘Public Journalism’ Through His Language”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds)., Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press.
  • Friedland, Lewis ve Mira Sotirovic, Katie Daily (1998). “Public Journalism and Social Capital: The Case of Madison, Wisconsin”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds)., Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press.
  • Habermas, Jürgen (2004). “Kamusal Alan”, Kamusal Alan, Editör: Meral Özbek, İstanbul: Hil Yayın.
  • Iggers, Jeremy (1998). Good NewsBad News, Journalism Ethics and the Public Interest, USA:Westview Press.
  • Irby, Kenneth F. (2004). “War Images as Eyewitness”, http://www.poynter.org/content/content_view.asp?id=65426, 20. 08. 2005
  • Keane, John (2002). “Kamusal Alanın Yapısal Dönüşümleri”, Medya Kültür Siyaset içinde, Der. Süleyman İrvan, İkinci Basım, Ankara: Alp Yayınevi.
  • Kaya, Raşit (1985). Kitle İletişim Sistemleri, Ankara: Teori Yayınları.
  • Kurpius, D. D. “Public Journalism and Commercial Local Television News: In Search of a Model.” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 2000, 77(2), 340–354.
  • Lichtenberg, Judith (1999). “Beyond the Public Journalism Controversy”, Civil Society, Democracy, and Civic Renewal içinde, R. K. Fullinwider (ed.), Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield.
  • Lipmann, Walter (1965). Public Opinion, London: The Free Press.
  • Lipmann, Walter (1993). The Phantom Public, USA: Transaction Publishers.
  • Lambeth, Edmund B. (1998a). “Public Journalism As A Democratic Practice”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds)., Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press.
  • Lambeth, Edmund B. (1998b). “Public Journalism as Cultural Change”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds)., Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press.
  • Meyer, Philip (1998). “If It Works, How Will We Know?”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds)., Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press.
  • O’Neill, John (1998). “Piyasada Gazetecilik Yapmak”, Medya ve Gazetecilikte Etik Sorunlar içinde, A. Belsey ve R. Chadwick (der). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Rosen, Jay (1998). “Imagining Public Journalism”, Assessing Public Journalism, Lambeth, Edmund B. Philip E. Meyer, and Esther Thorson (eds)., Colombia and London: Universiy of Missouri Press.
  • Rosen, Jay (2004). “Will Mainstream Media Coopt Blogs and the Internet?” World Economic Forum, Jan. 22, 2004, http://www.weforum.org/site/knowledgenavigator.nsf/Content/_S10121?ope n, 17. 09. 2006
  • Schaffer, Jan (2000). “Civic Journalism”, National Civic Review, vol:89, No:3, Fall 2000
  • Schudson, Michael (1998). “The Public Journalism Movement and Its Problems”, The Politics of News The News of Politics, Doris Graber, Denis McQuail ve Pippa Norris (ed.) içinde, USA: Congressional Quarterly Inc.
  • Seib, Philip ve Kathy Fitzpatrick (1997). Journalism Ethics. USA: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
  • The EditorsWeblog (2005). “Is investigative journalism diminishing in quality and quantity?”, http://www.editorsweblog.org/print_newspapers/2005/11/is_investigative_jo urnalism_diminishing.php, 17. 09. 2006
  • Voakes, Paul S. (2004). “A Brief History of Public Journalism”, National Civic Review, Fall 2004
  • Witt, Leonard (2004). “Is Public Journalism Morphing into the Public’s Journalism?”, National Civic Review, Fall2004, Vol. 93 Issue 3.
  • Yu, Yeon-Jung (2003). “OhmyNews Makes Every Citizen a Reporter”, Japan Media Review, http://www.japanmediareview.com/japan/internet/1063672919.php, 17. 09. 2006 İlgili Siteler
  • Blogger, http://www.blogger.com
  • BuzzMachine by Jeff Jarvis, http://www.buzzmachine.com
  • OhmyNews International, http://english.ohmynews.com
  • Pew Center For Civic Journalism, http://www.pewcenter.org
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Ruhdan Uzun Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2006
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Sayı: 16

Kaynak Göster

APA Uzun, R. (2006). GAZETECİLİKTE YENİBİR YÖNELİM: YURTTAŞ GAZETECİLİĞİ. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(16), 633-656.

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