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Yıl 2007, Sayı: 17, 225 - 240, 01.02.2007


Bu çalışmanın amacıkişilerarasıilişkilerinde yaşadıklarıproblemler bağlamında üniversite öğrencilerinin reddedilme duyarlıklarıile sosyal kaygıdüzeylerini cinsiyet, sosyo-ekonomik düzey ve ebeveyn tutumlarıaçısından incelemektir. Bu çalışma betimsel yöntem kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Araştırma, amacına uygun olarak Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Fatih Eğitim Fakültesinin çeşitli bölümlerinden farklıkategorilerde tesadüfi seçimle 360 kişi üzerinde 180 kız; 180 erkek gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada Bilgi Formu, Reddedilme DuyarlığıÖlçeği ve Sosyal KaygıÖlçeği kullanılmıştır. Veri analizleri için SPSS/WINDOWS programıkullanılmıştır. Gruplar arasıfarklılığıbelirlemek için “ttesti” ve “varyans analizi”, değişkenler arasındaki ilişkileri belirlemek için “korelasyon” kullanılmıştır. Reddedilme duyarlığıüzerinde cinsiyetler ve ebeveyn tutumlarıarasında; sosyal kaygıya ilişkin “sosyal kaçınma”, “eleştirilme kaygısı” ve “bireysel değersizlik” alt boyutlarıüzerinde cinsiyetler ve sosyo-ekonomik düzeyler arasında, “eleştirilme kaygısı” ve “bireysel değersizlik” alt boyutlarıüzerinde ebeveyn tutumlarıarasında da farklılığa rastlanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarıönceki bulgular ışığında kişilerarasıilişkilerde reddedilme duyarlığıve sosyal kaygıkapsamında başka araştırma ve uygulamalara da yol gösterecek bağlamda tartışılmıştır.


  • Asendorpf, J. B. (1990). Development of inhibition during childhood: Evidence for situational specificity and a two-factor model. Developmental Psychology, 26, 721-730.
  • Ayduk, Ö. N. (1999). Impact of self-control strategies on the link between rejection sensitivity and hostility: Risk negotiation through strategic control, Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences & Engineering, 60, (1-B), 0401.
  • Ayduk, Ö. N., Downey, G. & Feldman, S. (2000). Regulating the interpersonal self strategic self-regulation for coping with rejection sensitivity, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 2, 776-792.
  • Berk, M. S. & Andersen, S. M. (2000). The impact of past relationships on interpersonal behavior: Behavioral confirmation in the social-cognitive process of transference, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 5, 546-562.
  • Baumrind, D. (1991). The influence of parenting style on adolescent competence and
  • substance use, Journal of Early Adolescence, 11, 56-95.
  • Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and Loss: Attachment, Basic Books, New York.
  • Bowlby, J. (1973).Attachment and Loss: Separation, Anxiety and Anger, Basic Books, NY.
  • Bowlby, J. (1980). Attachment and Loss: Sadness and Depression, Basic Books, New York.
  • Creasey, G. & McInnis, M. H. (2001). Affective responses, cognitive appraisals, and conflict tactics in late adolescent romantic relationships: Associations with attachment orientations, Journal of Counseling Psychology, 48, 2, 85-96.
  • Cui, X. J. & Vaillant, G. E. (1997). Does depression generate negative life events?, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 185, Nr.5, pp.145-150.
  • Downey, G. & Feldman, S. (1996). Implications of rejection sensitivity for intimate 1327-1343.
  • Downey, G., Lebolt, A. & O’shea, K. (1995). Implications of rejection sensitivity for adolescent peer and dating relationships, Paper Presented at The Biennial Meeting of The Society for Research on Adolescence, Indianapolis.
  • Erözkan, A. (2004). Romantik ilişkilerde reddedilmeye dayalı incinebilirlik bilişsel değerlendirme ve başaçıkma, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, KTÜ-SBE, Trabzon.
  • First, M. B., Frances, M.D. & Pincus, M.D. (1999). Diagnostic and
  • Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-IV, Washington DC.
  • Freidland, N. & Keinan, G. (1999). The effects of stress, ambiguity, tolerance and trait anxiety on the formation of casual relationship, Journal of Research of Personality, 25, 3, 88-107.
  • Harb, G. C., Liebowitz, M. R. & Schneier, F. R. (2002). The psychometric properties of interpersonal sensitivity measure in social anxiety disorder, Behaiıour Research and Therapy, 40, 5, 961-979.
  • LaFollette, H. (1996). Personal Relationships: Love, Identity and Morality, Blackwell Publishing, Cambridge.
  • Lieb, R., Wittchen, H. U., & Höfler, M. (2000). Parental psychopathology, parenting styles, and the risk of social phobia in offspring: A prospective longitudinal community
  • study, Archives of General Psychiatry, 57, 859-866.
  • Liebowitz, M. R. (2000). Social phobia or social anxiety disorder: What’s in a name?, Archives of General Psychiatry, 57, 1, 181-192.
  • Mansell, W. & Clarck, M. D. (1999). How do I appear to others? Social anxiety and processing of the observable self, Behaviour Research and Therapy, 37, 3, 419-434.
  • Mellings, M.B. & Alden, E.L. (2000). Cognitive process in social anxiety: The effects of self-focus, rumination and anticipatory processing, Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38, 4, 243-257.
  • Mearns, J. (1991). Coping with a breakup negative mood regulation expectancies and depression following the end of a romantic relationship, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 1, 327-334.
  • Neal, J. A. & Edelmann, R. J. (2003). The etiology of social phobia: toward a developmental profile, Clinic Psychology
  • Review, 23, 761-786.
  • Nezlek, J. B. (1999). Body image and day-to-day social interaction, Journal of Personality, 67, 2, 793-817.
  • Özbay, Y. ve Palancı, M. (2001). Sosyal kaygı ölçeği: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. VI. Ulusal Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Kongresi, ODTÜ, 5-7 Eylül Ankara.
  • Öztürk, M. O. (2002). Ruh Sağlığı ve Bozuklukları, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul.
  • Pollard, C. A. & Henderson, J. G. (1994). Four types of social phobia in a community sample, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, 176, 440-445.
  • Rohner, R. P. (1991). Handbook for the study of parental acceptance and rejection. Storrs, CT: University of Connecticut.
  • Rohner, R. P. (1999). Acceptance and rejection. In D. Levinson, J. Ponzetti, & P. Jorgensen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of human emotions (pp. 6-14). New York: Macmillan.
  • Rohner, R. P., Khaleque, A., & Cournoyer, D. E. (2005). Parental acceptance-rejection theory, methods, evidence, and implications. Ethos, 33, 299-334.
  • Schneier, F. R., Liebowitz, M. R. & Harb, G. C. (1992). Social phobia: Comorbidity and morbidity in an epidemiological sample, Archives of General Psychiatry, 49, 282-288.
  • Segrin, C. (1999). Social skills, stressful life events and the development of psychosocial problems, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 18,14-32.
  • Shah, R., & Waller, G. (2000). Parental style and vulnerability to depression: The role of core beliefs. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 188, 19-25.
  • Sweet, H. B. (1996). Perceptions of undergraduate male experiences in heterosexual romantic relationships: A sex role norms analysis, Section B: The Sciences & Engineering, 57, (1-B) 0767.
  • Thomas, A. R. (2000). Social anxiety disorder, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 59, 27-31.
  • Weiner, J. (1998). Peer status of children and adolescents: A review of the literature, Learning Disabilities Research, 2, 62-79.
  • WHO. The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders, Geneva: World Health Organization (ICD-10 Ruhsal ve Davranışsal Bozuklukların Sınıflandırılması, Çevirenler: Çuhadaroğlu F., Kaplan İ., Özgen G., Öztürk O., Rezaki M. ve Uluğ B.), Medikomat, Ankara, (1993).
  • Yavuzer H. (2001). Ana-Baba ve Çocuk, (On dördüncü basım) Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • Yavuzer, H. (2002). Çocuk Psikolojisi, (Yirmi ikinci basım) Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul.
Yıl 2007, Sayı: 17, 225 - 240, 01.02.2007


The aim of this study is to investigate the relationships between university students' rejection sensitivities -it refers to various problems at the interpersonal relationships- and social anxiety levels. Gender, socio-economic status and parenting styles differences were also searched in this context. For this purpose 360 180 females; 180 males students are randomly recruited from Karadeniz Technical University Fatih Faculty of Education's various departments. Main instruments are Information Form, Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire and Social Anxiety Scale. SPSS for WINDOWS was used for data analyses. The group differences were analyzed by t-test and F statistics. Correlational statistics was also employed to search for relationships among all variables. The findings showed that there is a difference between the gender and parenting styles according to the scores of the university students that they got from the rejection sensitivity; the gender and socio-economic status according to the scores that they got from the subdimensions of social anxiety “social avoidance”, “being criticized anxiety” and “individual worthlessness”, parenting styles according to the scores that they got from the subdimensions of social anxiety “being criticized anxiety” and “individual worthlessness”. The results are discussed in the light of previous findings and in the context of rejection sensitivity and social anxiety, conducting future research for implications as well


  • Asendorpf, J. B. (1990). Development of inhibition during childhood: Evidence for situational specificity and a two-factor model. Developmental Psychology, 26, 721-730.
  • Ayduk, Ö. N. (1999). Impact of self-control strategies on the link between rejection sensitivity and hostility: Risk negotiation through strategic control, Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences & Engineering, 60, (1-B), 0401.
  • Ayduk, Ö. N., Downey, G. & Feldman, S. (2000). Regulating the interpersonal self strategic self-regulation for coping with rejection sensitivity, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 2, 776-792.
  • Berk, M. S. & Andersen, S. M. (2000). The impact of past relationships on interpersonal behavior: Behavioral confirmation in the social-cognitive process of transference, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 5, 546-562.
  • Baumrind, D. (1991). The influence of parenting style on adolescent competence and
  • substance use, Journal of Early Adolescence, 11, 56-95.
  • Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and Loss: Attachment, Basic Books, New York.
  • Bowlby, J. (1973).Attachment and Loss: Separation, Anxiety and Anger, Basic Books, NY.
  • Bowlby, J. (1980). Attachment and Loss: Sadness and Depression, Basic Books, New York.
  • Creasey, G. & McInnis, M. H. (2001). Affective responses, cognitive appraisals, and conflict tactics in late adolescent romantic relationships: Associations with attachment orientations, Journal of Counseling Psychology, 48, 2, 85-96.
  • Cui, X. J. & Vaillant, G. E. (1997). Does depression generate negative life events?, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 185, Nr.5, pp.145-150.
  • Downey, G. & Feldman, S. (1996). Implications of rejection sensitivity for intimate 1327-1343.
  • Downey, G., Lebolt, A. & O’shea, K. (1995). Implications of rejection sensitivity for adolescent peer and dating relationships, Paper Presented at The Biennial Meeting of The Society for Research on Adolescence, Indianapolis.
  • Erözkan, A. (2004). Romantik ilişkilerde reddedilmeye dayalı incinebilirlik bilişsel değerlendirme ve başaçıkma, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, KTÜ-SBE, Trabzon.
  • First, M. B., Frances, M.D. & Pincus, M.D. (1999). Diagnostic and
  • Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-IV, Washington DC.
  • Freidland, N. & Keinan, G. (1999). The effects of stress, ambiguity, tolerance and trait anxiety on the formation of casual relationship, Journal of Research of Personality, 25, 3, 88-107.
  • Harb, G. C., Liebowitz, M. R. & Schneier, F. R. (2002). The psychometric properties of interpersonal sensitivity measure in social anxiety disorder, Behaiıour Research and Therapy, 40, 5, 961-979.
  • LaFollette, H. (1996). Personal Relationships: Love, Identity and Morality, Blackwell Publishing, Cambridge.
  • Lieb, R., Wittchen, H. U., & Höfler, M. (2000). Parental psychopathology, parenting styles, and the risk of social phobia in offspring: A prospective longitudinal community
  • study, Archives of General Psychiatry, 57, 859-866.
  • Liebowitz, M. R. (2000). Social phobia or social anxiety disorder: What’s in a name?, Archives of General Psychiatry, 57, 1, 181-192.
  • Mansell, W. & Clarck, M. D. (1999). How do I appear to others? Social anxiety and processing of the observable self, Behaviour Research and Therapy, 37, 3, 419-434.
  • Mellings, M.B. & Alden, E.L. (2000). Cognitive process in social anxiety: The effects of self-focus, rumination and anticipatory processing, Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38, 4, 243-257.
  • Mearns, J. (1991). Coping with a breakup negative mood regulation expectancies and depression following the end of a romantic relationship, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 1, 327-334.
  • Neal, J. A. & Edelmann, R. J. (2003). The etiology of social phobia: toward a developmental profile, Clinic Psychology
  • Review, 23, 761-786.
  • Nezlek, J. B. (1999). Body image and day-to-day social interaction, Journal of Personality, 67, 2, 793-817.
  • Özbay, Y. ve Palancı, M. (2001). Sosyal kaygı ölçeği: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. VI. Ulusal Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Kongresi, ODTÜ, 5-7 Eylül Ankara.
  • Öztürk, M. O. (2002). Ruh Sağlığı ve Bozuklukları, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul.
  • Pollard, C. A. & Henderson, J. G. (1994). Four types of social phobia in a community sample, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, 176, 440-445.
  • Rohner, R. P. (1991). Handbook for the study of parental acceptance and rejection. Storrs, CT: University of Connecticut.
  • Rohner, R. P. (1999). Acceptance and rejection. In D. Levinson, J. Ponzetti, & P. Jorgensen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of human emotions (pp. 6-14). New York: Macmillan.
  • Rohner, R. P., Khaleque, A., & Cournoyer, D. E. (2005). Parental acceptance-rejection theory, methods, evidence, and implications. Ethos, 33, 299-334.
  • Schneier, F. R., Liebowitz, M. R. & Harb, G. C. (1992). Social phobia: Comorbidity and morbidity in an epidemiological sample, Archives of General Psychiatry, 49, 282-288.
  • Segrin, C. (1999). Social skills, stressful life events and the development of psychosocial problems, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 18,14-32.
  • Shah, R., & Waller, G. (2000). Parental style and vulnerability to depression: The role of core beliefs. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 188, 19-25.
  • Sweet, H. B. (1996). Perceptions of undergraduate male experiences in heterosexual romantic relationships: A sex role norms analysis, Section B: The Sciences & Engineering, 57, (1-B) 0767.
  • Thomas, A. R. (2000). Social anxiety disorder, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 59, 27-31.
  • Weiner, J. (1998). Peer status of children and adolescents: A review of the literature, Learning Disabilities Research, 2, 62-79.
  • WHO. The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders, Geneva: World Health Organization (ICD-10 Ruhsal ve Davranışsal Bozuklukların Sınıflandırılması, Çevirenler: Çuhadaroğlu F., Kaplan İ., Özgen G., Öztürk O., Rezaki M. ve Uluğ B.), Medikomat, Ankara, (1993).
  • Yavuzer H. (2001). Ana-Baba ve Çocuk, (On dördüncü basım) Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • Yavuzer, H. (2002). Çocuk Psikolojisi, (Yirmi ikinci basım) Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Sayı: 17

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