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Yıl 2007, Sayı: 18, 25 - 47, 01.08.2007


Türkiye’de son on beşyılda toplam özel nihai tüketim harcamalarıher yıl ortalama %67,2 artarken, kredi kartıile yapılan tüketim harcamalarıortalama %104,3 artmıştır. Çalışmada; Türkiye’de kredi kartlarıile yapılan tüketim harcamalarının, diğer faktörler de dikkate alınarak, ekonomideki toplam özel nihai tüketim harcamalarınıne ölçüde etkilediği araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla tüketim harcamalarınıetkileyen faktörlerden; harcanabilir gelir, piyasa faiz oranlarıve enflasyon oranlarına ilaveten kredi kartıile yapılan tüketim harcamalarıbağımsız değişken, toplam özel nihai tüketim harcamalarıbağımlıdeğişken alınarak çoklu regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Analizde 15 yıllık seriler kullanılmıştır. Serilerin birinci farklarıalınarak yeni seriler elde edilmişve regresyon analizi zaman etkisinden arındırılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre toplam özel nihai tüketim harcamalarınıartıran faktörler sıralamasında ilk sırayıkredi kartlarının, ikinci sırayıharcanabilir gelirin aldığı, enflasyon ve faiz oranlarının önemli faktörler olmadığıtespit edilmiştir.


  • ALTONJI, Joseph G., SIOW, Alaysius, “Testing the Response of Consumption to Income Changes With (noisy) Panel Data”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol:102, no:2, May 1987, p:293-328
  • AKDİŞ, Muhammed, Para Teorisi ve Politikası, Beta yayınevi, İstanbul:2001
  • AKALIN, Uğur Selçuk, Makro Ekonomik Modeller ve İktisat Politikaları, Set Yayınevi, İstanbul: 2003
  • ALPERGİN, Pelin, Bireysel Bankacılık, Türkiye Bankalar Birliği Yayın No: 160,Ankara:1990
  • AREN Sadun, 100 Soruda Ekonomi El Kitabı, İstanbul: Gerçek Yayınevi, 1986
  • AUSUBEL, Lawrence M., “ The Failure of Competition in the Credit Card Market”, American Economic Review, vol:81, Issue:1, March 1991, p:50-81
  • Aydın, Savaş, Kredi Kartları, Ankara:1994
  • BACCHETTA, Philippe, GERLACH, Stefan, “Consumption and Credit Constraints: International Evidence”, Journal of Monetary Economics, vol: 40, Issue:2, October 1997, p:207-238
  • BAUM, Donald N., “Consumpyion, Wealth and Real Rate of Interest: A Reexamination”, Journal of Macroeconomics, vol:10, Issue: 1, Winter 1988, p:83-102
  • BECKER, Gary S., MULLIGAN, Casey B., “ The Endonenous Dtermination of Time Preference”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol:112, no:3, August 1997, p:729-759
  • BERLIN, Mitchell, MESTER, Loretta J., “Credit Card Rates and Cosumer Search”, Review of Financial Economics, vol:13, Issue:1-2, 2004, p:179-198
  • BREEDEN, Douglas T., “Consumption, Production, Inflation and Interest Rates: A Synthesis”, Journal of Financial Economics, vol:16, Issue:1, May 1986, p:3-39
  • BRITO, Dagobert L., HARTLEY, Peter R., “Consumer Rationality and Credit Cards”, Journal of Political Economy, vol:103, Issue: 2, April 1995, p:400-433
  • BRUCKNER, Matthias, SCHABERT, Andreas, “Can Many Matter for Interest Rate Policy”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol: 30, Issue:12, December 2006, p:2823-2857
  • CALEM, Paul S., GORDY, Michael B., MESTER, Loretta J.,”Switching Cost and Adverse Selection in the Market for Credit Cards: New Evidence”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol:30, Issue:6, June 2006, p:1653-1685
  • CALEM, Paul S., MESTER, Loretta J., “Consumer Bahavior and the Stickiness as Credit-Card Interest Rate”, American Economic Review, vol:85, Issue:5, December 1995, p:1327,1336
  • CANNER, Glenn B., LUCKETT, Charles A., “Developments in The Pricing of Creidt Card Services”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol:78, Issue:9, September 1992, p:652-666
  • CARGILL, Thomas F., WENDEL, Jeanne, “Bank Creidt Cards: Cosumer Irrationality versue Market Forces”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, vol:30, Issue:2, Winter 1996, p:373-389
  • CARROLL, Christopher D., HOPKİNS, Johns U., “Bufer-Stock Saving and the Life Cycle/Permanent Income Hypothesis”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol:112, no:1, February 1997, p:1-55
  • CARROLL, Christopher D., KIMBALL, Miles S., “Concavity of the Consumption Function”, Econometrica, vol:64, no:4, July 1996, p.981-992
  • ÇEKER Mustafa, Kredi Kartı Uygulaması ve Özel Hukuk Açısından Kredi Kartının Hukuka Aykırı Kullanımı, Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayın No ; 311, Ankara: 1997
  • CHAKROVORTI, Sujit, EMMONS William R., “Who Pays for Credit Cards?”, Journals of Consumers Affairs, vol:37, Issue: 2, Winter 2003, p:208- 230
  • CHAKROVORTI, Sujit, TO, Ted, “A Theory of Credit Cards”, International Journls of Industrial Organiztion, Artical in pres, corrected prof, Elsevier available online 10 August 2006
  • CHEN, Hui-Mci, TSENG, Chian-Hau, “The Performance of Marketing Alliance Between the Tourisim Industry and Credit Card Issuing Banks in Taiwan”, Tourisim Management, vol:26, Issue:1, February 2005;p:15-24
  • DUESENBERRY, j. S., Income, Saving and the Theory of Cosumer Behavior, Harvard University Pres 1949
  • DURKIN, T. A., “Credit Cards: Use and Cosumer Attitudes:1970-2000”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol:86, 2003, p:623-634
  • DORNBUSCH, Rudiger, Fsher Stanley, Makro Ekonomi, Çevirenler: Ak Salih ve Diğerleri, McGraw-Akademi, İstanbul:1998
  • DÜĞER, Hakkı, İktisada Giriş, Kütahya, 1998
  • ERCEG, Christopher, LEVIN, Andrew, “Optimal Monetary Policy With Durable Consumption Goods”, Journal of monetary Economics, vol:53, Issue:7, October 2006, p:1341-1359
  • EREN, Ercan, Makro İktisat, Avcıol yayınları, 3. Baskı, İstanbul:2001
  • FEINBERG, R. A., “Credit CARDS as Spending Facilitating Stimuli: A Conditioning Interpretation”, Journal of Cosumer Research, vol:13, 1986, P:348-356
  • FARIA,Joao,CORNEIRO,Galroa Francisco,”Does Figh Inflation Affect Growth in the Long and Short Run”, Journal of Applied Economics, Vol:4,Issue:1, 2001, p:89-105.
  • FERSON, Wayne E., HARVEY, Campbell R., “Seasonality and Consumption-Based Asset Pricing”, Journal of Finance, vol:47, Issue:2, June 1992, p:511-552
  • FISCHER, S., “Capital Accumulation on the Transition Path on a Monetary Optimizing Model”, Econometrica, vol: 47, 1979, p:1433-1439.
  • FRIEDMAN Milton, ATheory of Consumption, Prenceton Üniversity Pres,1957
  • FORTUNE,Peter, ORTMEYER, David L., “The Roles of Relative Prices, Interest Rates and Bequests in the Cnsumption Function” Journal of Macroeconomics, vol:7, Issue:3, Summer 1985, p:381-400
  • FUHRER, Jeffrey C., “Habit Formation in Consumption and its Implications for Monetary Policy Models”, American Economic Review, vol:90, Issue:3, June 2000, p:367-390
  • GALI, J., “ Variability of Durable and Non-durable Consumption: Evidence for six OECD Countries”, Review of Economics and Statistics, vol:7, Issue:3, 1993, p:418-428
  • GUEST, Ross S., “Population Ageing Capital Mobility and Optimal Saving”, Journal of Policy Modeling, vol:28, Issue:1, January 2006, p:89-102
  • HUMPHREY, David B., “Replacement of Cash by Cards in US Consumer Payments”, Journal of Economics and Business, vol:56, Issue: 3, May-June 2004, p:211-225
  • HUMPHREY, David B., and Others, “Benefits From a Changing Payment Technology in European Banking”, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol:30, Issue:6, June 2006, p:1631-1652
  • HUNT, James M., FLORSHEIM, Renee A., CHATTERJEE, Anindya, KERNAN, Jerome B., “Credit Cards as Spending- Facilitating Stimuli: Feinberg’s Conditioning Hypothesis”, Psychological Reports, vol:67, 1990, p:323-330
  • GROEN, Jeffrey A., “Can Permanent- Income Theory Explain Cross- Sectional Consumption Patterns?”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol: 82, no:3, August 2000, p:431-438.
  •ımlar/tanım.htm (e.t.: 21.07.2005)
  • http// (e.t.:14.09.2005)
  • 4A.xls,erişimtarihi15.03.2006
  •, erişim tarihi 15.03.2006
  • KENNICKELL, A., “ Multiple Imputation in Survey of Consumer Finance”, Federal ReserveBoard SCF Bibliography, available 98.pdf
  • KEYNES, John. M., The General Theroy of Employment, Interest and Money Mc Millan Co Ltd, London: 1936
  • KOSKELA, Erki, VIREN, Matti, “Inflation and the Euler Equation Approach to Consumption Behavior Some Emprical Evidence”, Economics Letters, vol:25, Issue:3, 1987, p:223-238
  • KOVACS, Erzsebet, KOLLAR, Zoltan, “Income and Income Redistribution in 1996 Hungary in Line With OECD Members”, Economic Analysis Working Papers, Directory of Open Access Journals, vol:1, num:11, 2002.
  • LUDVIGSON, Sydney, “Consumption and Credit: A Model of Time- Varying Liqudity Constraints”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol:81, no:3, August 1999, p:434-447
  • LUDVIGSON, Sydney, PAXON,Christina H., “Approximation Bias in Linearized Euler Equation”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol:83, no:2, May 2001, p: 242-256
  • LUCAS, Robert T. Jr., “Inflation and Welfare”, Econometrica,vol:68, Issue:2, March 2000, p:247-274
  • LUSARDI, A., “Permanent Income, Cuuernt Income and Consumption: EvidenceFrom Two Panel Data Sets”, Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, vol:14, Issue:1, January 1996, p:81-90
  • MAIKI, Atsushi, “Changes ın Japanese Houshold Cnsumption and Saving Behavior Before, Duiring and After the Bubble Era: Emprical Analysis Using NSFIE Micro-Data Sets”, Japan And The World Economy, Vol: 18, issue:1, January 2006,2-21
  • McCALL, M., TROMBETTA J., GIPE, A., “Credit Cues and Imression Management: A Preliminary Atempt to Explain the Credit Card Effect”, Psychological Reports, vol:95, Issue:1 August 2004, p:331-337
  • MESTER, Loretta J., “Why are Credit Card Rates Sticky”, Economic Theory, vol:4, Issue:4, May 1994, p:505-530
  • MIZIRAK, Zekeriya, Hanehalkı Tüketim Harcamalarının Yapısal Analizi Konya İli Örneği, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul: 2005
  • OTNES, Cele C., LOWERY,Tina M., Contemporary Consumption Rituals: A Research Antology, LawranceErbram Associates Inc. 2004
  • PAISITTANAND, Sineenad, OLSON, David L., “A Simulation Study of IT Outsourcing in the Credit Card Business”, European Journal of Operation Research, vol:175, Issue:2, December 2006, p:1246-1261
  • PARASIZ İlker, Para Banka ve Finansal Piyasalar, 7. Baskı, Ezgi Kitapevi, Bursa: 2000
  • PEKİN Tevfik, Ekonomiye Giriş, Ege Ünv. İktisad ve Tic. Bil. Fak. Yay. İzmir:1978
  • PRADO, Maria Johe Luengo, “Durables, Nondurables, Down Payments and Consumption”, Journal of Monetary Economics, vol:53, Issue:7, October 2006, p:1509-1539
  • REINHART,Carmen M., VEGH, Carlos A., “Nominal Interest Rates,Consumption Boms, and Lack of Credibility: A Quantitative Examination”, Journal of Development Economics, vol:46, Isuue:2, April 1995, p:257-278
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Yıl 2007, Sayı: 18, 25 - 47, 01.08.2007


While the total private final consumption expenditures in Turkey has increased with an average of 67,2% in the last 15 years, the consumption expenditures made through the credit card have increased with an average of 104,3% per year. In this study, it is researched that to which extent does the expenditures made through credit cards in Turkey, regarding the other factors, affect the total private final expenditures in Turkey. To do this, a multi-regression analysis is performed by taking the factors affecting consumption expenditures, disposable income, market interest rates, consumption expenditures made through credit cards as independent, and taking total private final consumption expenditure as dependent variable. In the analysis 15-year series are used. The first differences between the series are taken to have new series and regression analysis is refined from time effect. According to the analysis results, the first factor increasing the total private final consumption expenditure is credit cards and the next is disposable income whereas the inflation and the interest rates are not found as important


  • ALTONJI, Joseph G., SIOW, Alaysius, “Testing the Response of Consumption to Income Changes With (noisy) Panel Data”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol:102, no:2, May 1987, p:293-328
  • AKDİŞ, Muhammed, Para Teorisi ve Politikası, Beta yayınevi, İstanbul:2001
  • AKALIN, Uğur Selçuk, Makro Ekonomik Modeller ve İktisat Politikaları, Set Yayınevi, İstanbul: 2003
  • ALPERGİN, Pelin, Bireysel Bankacılık, Türkiye Bankalar Birliği Yayın No: 160,Ankara:1990
  • AREN Sadun, 100 Soruda Ekonomi El Kitabı, İstanbul: Gerçek Yayınevi, 1986
  • AUSUBEL, Lawrence M., “ The Failure of Competition in the Credit Card Market”, American Economic Review, vol:81, Issue:1, March 1991, p:50-81
  • Aydın, Savaş, Kredi Kartları, Ankara:1994
  • BACCHETTA, Philippe, GERLACH, Stefan, “Consumption and Credit Constraints: International Evidence”, Journal of Monetary Economics, vol: 40, Issue:2, October 1997, p:207-238
  • BAUM, Donald N., “Consumpyion, Wealth and Real Rate of Interest: A Reexamination”, Journal of Macroeconomics, vol:10, Issue: 1, Winter 1988, p:83-102
  • BECKER, Gary S., MULLIGAN, Casey B., “ The Endonenous Dtermination of Time Preference”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol:112, no:3, August 1997, p:729-759
  • BERLIN, Mitchell, MESTER, Loretta J., “Credit Card Rates and Cosumer Search”, Review of Financial Economics, vol:13, Issue:1-2, 2004, p:179-198
  • BREEDEN, Douglas T., “Consumption, Production, Inflation and Interest Rates: A Synthesis”, Journal of Financial Economics, vol:16, Issue:1, May 1986, p:3-39
  • BRITO, Dagobert L., HARTLEY, Peter R., “Consumer Rationality and Credit Cards”, Journal of Political Economy, vol:103, Issue: 2, April 1995, p:400-433
  • BRUCKNER, Matthias, SCHABERT, Andreas, “Can Many Matter for Interest Rate Policy”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol: 30, Issue:12, December 2006, p:2823-2857
  • CALEM, Paul S., GORDY, Michael B., MESTER, Loretta J.,”Switching Cost and Adverse Selection in the Market for Credit Cards: New Evidence”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol:30, Issue:6, June 2006, p:1653-1685
  • CALEM, Paul S., MESTER, Loretta J., “Consumer Bahavior and the Stickiness as Credit-Card Interest Rate”, American Economic Review, vol:85, Issue:5, December 1995, p:1327,1336
  • CANNER, Glenn B., LUCKETT, Charles A., “Developments in The Pricing of Creidt Card Services”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol:78, Issue:9, September 1992, p:652-666
  • CARGILL, Thomas F., WENDEL, Jeanne, “Bank Creidt Cards: Cosumer Irrationality versue Market Forces”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, vol:30, Issue:2, Winter 1996, p:373-389
  • CARROLL, Christopher D., HOPKİNS, Johns U., “Bufer-Stock Saving and the Life Cycle/Permanent Income Hypothesis”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol:112, no:1, February 1997, p:1-55
  • CARROLL, Christopher D., KIMBALL, Miles S., “Concavity of the Consumption Function”, Econometrica, vol:64, no:4, July 1996, p.981-992
  • ÇEKER Mustafa, Kredi Kartı Uygulaması ve Özel Hukuk Açısından Kredi Kartının Hukuka Aykırı Kullanımı, Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayın No ; 311, Ankara: 1997
  • CHAKROVORTI, Sujit, EMMONS William R., “Who Pays for Credit Cards?”, Journals of Consumers Affairs, vol:37, Issue: 2, Winter 2003, p:208- 230
  • CHAKROVORTI, Sujit, TO, Ted, “A Theory of Credit Cards”, International Journls of Industrial Organiztion, Artical in pres, corrected prof, Elsevier available online 10 August 2006
  • CHEN, Hui-Mci, TSENG, Chian-Hau, “The Performance of Marketing Alliance Between the Tourisim Industry and Credit Card Issuing Banks in Taiwan”, Tourisim Management, vol:26, Issue:1, February 2005;p:15-24
  • DUESENBERRY, j. S., Income, Saving and the Theory of Cosumer Behavior, Harvard University Pres 1949
  • DURKIN, T. A., “Credit Cards: Use and Cosumer Attitudes:1970-2000”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol:86, 2003, p:623-634
  • DORNBUSCH, Rudiger, Fsher Stanley, Makro Ekonomi, Çevirenler: Ak Salih ve Diğerleri, McGraw-Akademi, İstanbul:1998
  • DÜĞER, Hakkı, İktisada Giriş, Kütahya, 1998
  • ERCEG, Christopher, LEVIN, Andrew, “Optimal Monetary Policy With Durable Consumption Goods”, Journal of monetary Economics, vol:53, Issue:7, October 2006, p:1341-1359
  • EREN, Ercan, Makro İktisat, Avcıol yayınları, 3. Baskı, İstanbul:2001
  • FEINBERG, R. A., “Credit CARDS as Spending Facilitating Stimuli: A Conditioning Interpretation”, Journal of Cosumer Research, vol:13, 1986, P:348-356
  • FARIA,Joao,CORNEIRO,Galroa Francisco,”Does Figh Inflation Affect Growth in the Long and Short Run”, Journal of Applied Economics, Vol:4,Issue:1, 2001, p:89-105.
  • FERSON, Wayne E., HARVEY, Campbell R., “Seasonality and Consumption-Based Asset Pricing”, Journal of Finance, vol:47, Issue:2, June 1992, p:511-552
  • FISCHER, S., “Capital Accumulation on the Transition Path on a Monetary Optimizing Model”, Econometrica, vol: 47, 1979, p:1433-1439.
  • FRIEDMAN Milton, ATheory of Consumption, Prenceton Üniversity Pres,1957
  • FORTUNE,Peter, ORTMEYER, David L., “The Roles of Relative Prices, Interest Rates and Bequests in the Cnsumption Function” Journal of Macroeconomics, vol:7, Issue:3, Summer 1985, p:381-400
  • FUHRER, Jeffrey C., “Habit Formation in Consumption and its Implications for Monetary Policy Models”, American Economic Review, vol:90, Issue:3, June 2000, p:367-390
  • GALI, J., “ Variability of Durable and Non-durable Consumption: Evidence for six OECD Countries”, Review of Economics and Statistics, vol:7, Issue:3, 1993, p:418-428
  • GUEST, Ross S., “Population Ageing Capital Mobility and Optimal Saving”, Journal of Policy Modeling, vol:28, Issue:1, January 2006, p:89-102
  • HUMPHREY, David B., “Replacement of Cash by Cards in US Consumer Payments”, Journal of Economics and Business, vol:56, Issue: 3, May-June 2004, p:211-225
  • HUMPHREY, David B., and Others, “Benefits From a Changing Payment Technology in European Banking”, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol:30, Issue:6, June 2006, p:1631-1652
  • HUNT, James M., FLORSHEIM, Renee A., CHATTERJEE, Anindya, KERNAN, Jerome B., “Credit Cards as Spending- Facilitating Stimuli: Feinberg’s Conditioning Hypothesis”, Psychological Reports, vol:67, 1990, p:323-330
  • GROEN, Jeffrey A., “Can Permanent- Income Theory Explain Cross- Sectional Consumption Patterns?”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol: 82, no:3, August 2000, p:431-438.
  •ımlar/tanım.htm (e.t.: 21.07.2005)
  • http// (e.t.:14.09.2005)
  • 4A.xls,erişimtarihi15.03.2006
  •, erişim tarihi 15.03.2006
  • KENNICKELL, A., “ Multiple Imputation in Survey of Consumer Finance”, Federal ReserveBoard SCF Bibliography, available 98.pdf
  • KEYNES, John. M., The General Theroy of Employment, Interest and Money Mc Millan Co Ltd, London: 1936
  • KOSKELA, Erki, VIREN, Matti, “Inflation and the Euler Equation Approach to Consumption Behavior Some Emprical Evidence”, Economics Letters, vol:25, Issue:3, 1987, p:223-238
  • KOVACS, Erzsebet, KOLLAR, Zoltan, “Income and Income Redistribution in 1996 Hungary in Line With OECD Members”, Economic Analysis Working Papers, Directory of Open Access Journals, vol:1, num:11, 2002.
  • LUDVIGSON, Sydney, “Consumption and Credit: A Model of Time- Varying Liqudity Constraints”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol:81, no:3, August 1999, p:434-447
  • LUDVIGSON, Sydney, PAXON,Christina H., “Approximation Bias in Linearized Euler Equation”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol:83, no:2, May 2001, p: 242-256
  • LUCAS, Robert T. Jr., “Inflation and Welfare”, Econometrica,vol:68, Issue:2, March 2000, p:247-274
  • LUSARDI, A., “Permanent Income, Cuuernt Income and Consumption: EvidenceFrom Two Panel Data Sets”, Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, vol:14, Issue:1, January 1996, p:81-90
  • MAIKI, Atsushi, “Changes ın Japanese Houshold Cnsumption and Saving Behavior Before, Duiring and After the Bubble Era: Emprical Analysis Using NSFIE Micro-Data Sets”, Japan And The World Economy, Vol: 18, issue:1, January 2006,2-21
  • McCALL, M., TROMBETTA J., GIPE, A., “Credit Cues and Imression Management: A Preliminary Atempt to Explain the Credit Card Effect”, Psychological Reports, vol:95, Issue:1 August 2004, p:331-337
  • MESTER, Loretta J., “Why are Credit Card Rates Sticky”, Economic Theory, vol:4, Issue:4, May 1994, p:505-530
  • MIZIRAK, Zekeriya, Hanehalkı Tüketim Harcamalarının Yapısal Analizi Konya İli Örneği, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul: 2005
  • OTNES, Cele C., LOWERY,Tina M., Contemporary Consumption Rituals: A Research Antology, LawranceErbram Associates Inc. 2004
  • PAISITTANAND, Sineenad, OLSON, David L., “A Simulation Study of IT Outsourcing in the Credit Card Business”, European Journal of Operation Research, vol:175, Issue:2, December 2006, p:1246-1261
  • PARASIZ İlker, Para Banka ve Finansal Piyasalar, 7. Baskı, Ezgi Kitapevi, Bursa: 2000
  • PEKİN Tevfik, Ekonomiye Giriş, Ege Ünv. İktisad ve Tic. Bil. Fak. Yay. İzmir:1978
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Toplam 89 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Mikail Altan Bu kişi benim

İbrahim Emre Göktürk Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Sayı: 18

Kaynak Göster

APA Altan, M., & Göktürk, İ. E. (2007). TÜRKİYE’DE KREDİ KARTLARININ TOPLAM ÖZEL NİHAİ TÜKETİM HARCAMALARINA ETKİSİ: BİR ÇOKLU REGRESYON ANALİZİ. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(18), 25-47.

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