Yıl 2008,
Sayı: 19, 197 - 212, 01.02.2008
Ali Danışman
Ertan Erkocaoğlan
Bu çalışmada, firmaların rekabetinde önemli bir etken olarak görülen pazar yöneliminin temel boyutu olan müşteri odaklılığın firma performansıüzerindeki etkisi incelenmektedir. İMKB firmalarıüzerinde yapılan araştırmada, pazar yöneliminin temel boyutu olarak müşteri odaklılığın satışlarda büyüme ve karlılığa göre finansal performans göstergeleri üzerinde nasıl bir etkide bulunduğu anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Korelasyon ve regresyon analizi yapılarak elde edilen araştırma sonuçlarına göre, müşteri odaklılığın satışlarda büyüme düzeyini önemli ölçüde etkilediği, ancak karlılık göstergeleri üzerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlıbir etkisinin bulunmadığıgörülmüştür. Araştırma sonuçları, çeşitli açılardan tartışılmıştır.
- Akimova, I. (2000), ”Development of market orientation and competitiveness of Ukraine firms”, European Journal of Marketing, 34/9-10, 1128- 1148.
- Akyol, A. & Akehurst, G. (2003), ”An investigation of export performance variations related to corporate export market orientation”, European Business Review, 15/1, 5-19.
- Antoncic, B. ve Hisrich, R. D. (2001), “Intrapreneurship: Construct Refinement and Cross-cultural Validation”, Journal of Business Venturing, 16, 495- 527.
- Appiah-Adu, K. (1997), ”Market orientation and performance: do the findings established in large firms hold in the small business sector?”, Journal of Euromarketing, 6/3, 1-26.
- Appiah-Adu, K. (1998), ”Market orientation and performance: empirical tests in a transition economy”, Journal of Strategic Marketing , 6, 25-45.
- Appiah-Adu, K. & Sing, S. (1998), ”Customer orientation and performance: a study of SME’s”, Management Decision , 36/6, 385-394.
- Avlonitis, George J. & Gounaris, Spiros P. (1997), ”Marketing orientation and company performance”, Industrial Marketing Management, 26/5, 385-402.
- Atuahene-Gima, K. (1995), “ An Exploratory analysis of the impact of market orientation on new product performance”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 12, 275-293.
- Batra R. (1997), “Executive insights: Marketing issues and challenges in transitional Economies”, Journal of International Marketing, 5, 95– 114.
- Bhuian, S.N. (1997), “Exploring market orientation in banks: an empirical examination in Saudi Arabia”, The Journal of Services Marketing, 11/5,317-328.
- Bhuian, S.N. (1998), “An empirical examination of market orientation in Saudi Arabian manufacturing companies”, Journal of Business Research, 43/1, 13- 25.
- Cameron, J.P. & Freeman, S.J. (1991), “Cultural congruence, strength and type: Relationships of effectiveness” In R.W. Woodman, & A. Passmore (Eds.), Research in organizational change and development, vol.5. Greenwich, CT: JAI Pres (pp.23-58).
- Caruana, A., Gauci, S. & Ferry, M. (1995), “Market orientation and business performance: some evidence from Malta”, In Proceedings of the Marketing Education Group Conference, Bradford, UK, 123-132.
- Caruana, A., Ramaseshan, B. & Ewind, M.T. (1998), “Do universities that are more market oriented perform beter?”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 11/1, 55-70.
- Chang, T.Z. & Chen, S.J.(1998), ”Market orientation, service quality and business profitability: a conceptual model and empirical evidence,” The Journal of Service Marketing, 12/4, 246-264.
- Deng, Shengliang & Dart, Jack (1994), ”Measuring market orientation: a multi-factor, multi-item approach”, Journal of Marketing Management , 10, 725- 742.
- Deng, S.& Dart, J. (1999), ”The market orientation of the Chinese Enterprises during a time of transition”, European Journal of Marketing, 33/5-6, 631-654.
- Deshpande, R. & Zaltman, G. (1982), ”Factor affecting the use of market research information: a path analysis”, Journal of Market Research, 19, February, 14-31.
- Deshpande, Rohit, Farley, John U. & Webster, Frederick E. (1993), ”Corporate culture, customer orientation and innovativeness in Japanese firms: a quadrad analysis”, Journal of Marketing, 57, 23-37.
- Deshpande, Rohit, Farley, John U. & Webster, F.E. (1997),”Factors affecting organizational performance: a five country comparison”, Marketing Science Institute, Report 97-108, Cambridge, MA.
- Deshpande, Rohit & Farley, John U. (1998),”Measuring market orientation: Generalization and Synthesis”, Journal of Market Focused Mangement, 2, 213-232.
- Deshpande´, R. & Farley, U. (2000), “Market-focused organizational transformation in China”, Journal of Global Marketing, 14, 7–35.
- Diamantopoulos, A. & Hart, S. (1993), ”Linking market orientation and company performance: preliminary evidence on Kohli and Jaworski’s framework”, Journal of Strategic Management, 1/2, 93-121.
- Dobni, B.C. & Luffman, G. (2000), ”Market orientation and market strategy profiling: An empirical test of environment-behaviour-action coalignment and its performance implications”, Management Decision, 38/8, 503-519.
- Doyle, P. & Wong, V. (1998), ”Marketing and competitive performance: an empirical study”, European Journal of Marketing, 32, 5/6, 514-535.
- Golden, P.A., Doney, P.M., Johnson, D.M. & Smith, J.R. (1995), ”The dynamics of marketing orientation in transition economies: a study of Russian firms”, Journal of International Marketing, 3/2, 29-49.
- Gray, B., Matear, S., Boshoff, C. & Matheson, P. (1998), ”Developing a better measure of market orientation”, European Journal of Marketing, 32- 9/10, 884-903.
- Greenley, Gordon E. (1995), ”Market Orientation and company performance: empirical evidence from UK companies”, British Journal of Management, 6, 1-13.
- Han, Jin K., Kim, Namwoon ve Srivastava, Rajendra K. (1998), ”Market Orientation and organizational performance: Is innovation a missing link?”, Journal of Marketing, 62, 30-45.
- Harris, Lloyd C. (2001), ”Market orientation and performance: objective and subjective empirical evidence from UK companies”, Journal of Management Studies, 38/1, 17-43.
- Homburg, C. ve Pflesser, C. (2000), “A multiple-layer model of market- oriented organizational culture: measurement issues and performance outcomes”, Journal of Marketing Research, 37, 449–62.
- Hooley, G., Cox, T., Fahy, J., Shipley, D., Beracs, J., Fonfara, K. & Snoj, B. (2000), “ Market orientation in the transition economies of Central Europe: Tests of the Narver and Slater Market Orientation Scales”, Journal of Business Research, 50, 273-285.
- Horng, Shun-Ching & Chen, Cheng-Hsui A. (1998), “Market orientation of small and medium-sized firms in Taiwan ”, Journal of Small Business Management, 36/3, 79-85.
- Jaworski, Bernard J. & Kohli, Ajay K. (1992), “Market orientation: antecedents and consequences”, Working paper, Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge.
- Jaworski, Bernard J. & Kohli, Ajay K. (1993), “Market orientation: antecedents and consequences”, Journal of Marketing, 57, July, 53-70.
- Jaworski, Bernard J. & Kohli, Ajay K. (1996), “Market orientation: review, refinement and roadmap”, Journal of Market-Focused Management, 1, 119-135.
- Kohli, Ajay K.& Jaworski, Bernard J. (1990), “Market orientation: the construct, research propositions, and managerial implications”, Journal of Marketing, 54, 1-18.
- Kohli, Ajay K. , Jaworski, Bernard J. & Kumar, Ajith (1993), “MARKOR: A measure of market orientation”, Journal of Marketing Research , xxx, 467-477.
- Kumar, Kamalesh, Subramanian, Ram & Yauger, Charles (1998), ”Examining the market orientation-performance relationship: a context-specific study,” Journal of Management, 24/2, 201-233.
- Kumar, Kamalesh, Subramanian, Ram & Strandholm, Karen (2002), ”Market orientation and performance. Does organizational strategy matter?,” Journal of Applied Business Research, 18/1, 37-51.
- Maltz, E. & Kohli, A.K.(1996), ”Market intelligence dissemination across functional boundaries” Journal of Marketing Research, 33/1, 47-61.
- Matear, S., Boshoff, C., Gray, B. & Matheson, P. (1997), ”Models of market orientation: a comparative study” paper presented at the 8th World Marketing Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Matsuno, Ken & Mentzer, John T. (2000), ”The effects of strategy type on the market orientation-performance relationship” Journal of Marketing, 64/4, 1- 16.
- Mavondo, Felix T. & Farrell, Mark A. (2000), ”Measuring market orientatio: are there differences between business marketers and consumer marketers?”, Australian Journal of Management, 25/2,223-244.
- Menon, A. & Varadarajan, R. (1992), ”A model of marketing knowledge use within firms” Journal of Marketing, 56/4, 53-71.
- Moorman, C. (1995), ”Organizational market information processes: Cultural antecedents and new product outcomes” Journal of Marketing Research, 32/3, 318-335.
- Narver, John C. & Slater, Stanley F. (1990), “The effect of a market orientation on business profitability”, Journal of Marketing, 54/4, 20–35.
- Narver, John C., Slater, S.F. & Tietje, B.(1998), “Creating a market orientation”, Journal of Market-Focused Management, 2/3, 241-256.
- Ngansathil, W. (2001), Market orientation and business performance: Empirical evidence from Thailand, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, The University of Melbourne.
- Oczkowski, Edvard & Farrell, Mark A. (1998), “Discriminating between measurement scales using non-nested tests and two-stage list squares estimators: the case of market orientation”, International Journal of Reserach Marketing, 15, 349-366.
- Pelham, A.M. (1997a), “Mediating influences on the relationship between market orientation and profitability in small industrial firms”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 22/3, 55-76.
- Pelham, A.M. (1997b), “Market orientation and performance: the moderating effects of products and customer differentation”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 12/5, 276-296.
- Pelham, A.M.& Wilson, D.T. (1996), “A longitudinal study of the impact of market structure, firm structure, strategy and market orientation on dimensions of performance”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 24, 27-43.
- Peng, M. W. (2001), “How entrepreneurs create wealth in transition economies”, Academy of Management Executive, 15/1, 95 –108.
- Peters, T. & Austin, N. (1985) A Passion for Excellence, London: Fontana/Collins
- Peters, T. & Waterman, R. (1982) In Search of Excellence, London: Harper and Row
- Pitt, L., Caruana, A. ve Berthon, P.R. (1996), “Market orientation and business performance: some European evidence”, International Marketing Review, 13, 5-18.
- Pulendran, S., Speed, R. & Widing II, R.E. (2000), “The antecedents and consequences of market orientation in Australia”, Australian Journal of Management, 25/2, 119-144.
- Quinn, R.E. (1988), Beyond rational management, San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass.
- Quinn, R.E. & McGrath, M.R. (1985), Transformation of organizational vultures: A competing values perspective. In P.D. Frost (Ed.), Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
- Quinn, R.E. & Rohrbach, J. (1983), “A spatial model of effectivenes criteria: Toward a competing values approach to organizational analysis”, Management Science, 29(3), 363-377.
- Quinn, R.E. (1988), Beyond rational management, San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass.
- Raju, P.S., Lonial, S.C. & Gupta, Y.P. (1995), “Market orientation and performance in the hospital industry”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 15/4, 34- 41.
- Ruekert, R.W. (1992), “ Developing a market orientation: an organizational strategey perspective”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 9, 225-245.
- Selnes, F., Jaworski, B. J. & Kohli, A.K.(1996), “Market orientation in United States and Scandinavian companies: A cross-cultural study”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 12/2, 139-157.
- Shapiro, B. (1988), “What the hell is market-oriented?” Harward Business Review, 119-125.
- Siguaw, Judy A., Brown, G. & Widing, R.E. (1994), “The Influence of Market Orientation of the Firm on Sales Force Behaviour and Attitudes”, Journal of Marketing Research, 31, 106-116.
- Sin, Y.M., Tse, C.B., Yau, H.M., Lee, S.Y., Chow, R.& Lau, B.Y. (2000), “Market orientation and business performance: an empirical study in mainland China”, Journal of Global Marketing, 14/3, 5-29.
- Sin, Leo Y.M. & Tse, Alan C.B. (2003), “Market orientation and business perfromance: A Comparative study of firms in mainland China and Hong Kong”, European Journal of Marketing, 37, 910-936.
- Sin, Leo Y.M. & Tse, Alan C.B. (2003), “Market orientation and business perfromance: A Comparative study of firms in mainland China and Hong Kong”, European Journal of Marketing, 37, 910-936.
- Sinkula, J.M. (1994), “Market information processing and organizational learning”, Journal of Marketing, 58(1), 35-45.
- Slater, Stanley F. & Narver, John C. (1994a), “Market orientation, customer value and superior performance,” Business Horizons, 22-28.
- Slater, Stanley F. & Narver, John C. (1994b), “Does competitive environment moderate the market orientation-performance relationship,” Journal of Marketing, 58, 46-55.
- Slater, Stanley F. & Narver, John C. (1995), “Market orientation and the learning organization,” Journal of Marketing, 59, 63-74.
- Slater, Stanley F. & Narver, John C. (2000), “The positive of market orientation on business profitability: a balanced replication,” Journal of Business Research, 48, 69-73.
- Van Egeren, E.M. & O’Connor, S. (1998), “Drivers of market orientation and performance in service firms,” Journal of Services Marketing, 12/1, 39-58.
- Wrenn, Bruce (1997), “The market orientation construct: measurement and scaling issues”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 31-54.
- Zebal, M.A (2003), A synthesis model of market orientation for a developing country, the case of Bangladesh, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Victoria University of Technology.
Yıl 2008,
Sayı: 19, 197 - 212, 01.02.2008
Ali Danışman
Ertan Erkocaoğlan
This study investigates the impact of customer orientation as a core dimension of market orientation, considered to be a key for competitiveness, on firm performance. The study specifiacally focuses on how customer orientation as a central dimension of market orientation has an impact on the financial performance of firms in terms of sales growth and profitability. The research findings conducted on IMKB firms indicates customer orientation to have a significant impact on sales growth but not on financial profitability. The implications of the research findings are discussed in different respects
- Akimova, I. (2000), ”Development of market orientation and competitiveness of Ukraine firms”, European Journal of Marketing, 34/9-10, 1128- 1148.
- Akyol, A. & Akehurst, G. (2003), ”An investigation of export performance variations related to corporate export market orientation”, European Business Review, 15/1, 5-19.
- Antoncic, B. ve Hisrich, R. D. (2001), “Intrapreneurship: Construct Refinement and Cross-cultural Validation”, Journal of Business Venturing, 16, 495- 527.
- Appiah-Adu, K. (1997), ”Market orientation and performance: do the findings established in large firms hold in the small business sector?”, Journal of Euromarketing, 6/3, 1-26.
- Appiah-Adu, K. (1998), ”Market orientation and performance: empirical tests in a transition economy”, Journal of Strategic Marketing , 6, 25-45.
- Appiah-Adu, K. & Sing, S. (1998), ”Customer orientation and performance: a study of SME’s”, Management Decision , 36/6, 385-394.
- Avlonitis, George J. & Gounaris, Spiros P. (1997), ”Marketing orientation and company performance”, Industrial Marketing Management, 26/5, 385-402.
- Atuahene-Gima, K. (1995), “ An Exploratory analysis of the impact of market orientation on new product performance”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 12, 275-293.
- Batra R. (1997), “Executive insights: Marketing issues and challenges in transitional Economies”, Journal of International Marketing, 5, 95– 114.
- Bhuian, S.N. (1997), “Exploring market orientation in banks: an empirical examination in Saudi Arabia”, The Journal of Services Marketing, 11/5,317-328.
- Bhuian, S.N. (1998), “An empirical examination of market orientation in Saudi Arabian manufacturing companies”, Journal of Business Research, 43/1, 13- 25.
- Cameron, J.P. & Freeman, S.J. (1991), “Cultural congruence, strength and type: Relationships of effectiveness” In R.W. Woodman, & A. Passmore (Eds.), Research in organizational change and development, vol.5. Greenwich, CT: JAI Pres (pp.23-58).
- Caruana, A., Gauci, S. & Ferry, M. (1995), “Market orientation and business performance: some evidence from Malta”, In Proceedings of the Marketing Education Group Conference, Bradford, UK, 123-132.
- Caruana, A., Ramaseshan, B. & Ewind, M.T. (1998), “Do universities that are more market oriented perform beter?”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 11/1, 55-70.
- Chang, T.Z. & Chen, S.J.(1998), ”Market orientation, service quality and business profitability: a conceptual model and empirical evidence,” The Journal of Service Marketing, 12/4, 246-264.
- Deng, Shengliang & Dart, Jack (1994), ”Measuring market orientation: a multi-factor, multi-item approach”, Journal of Marketing Management , 10, 725- 742.
- Deng, S.& Dart, J. (1999), ”The market orientation of the Chinese Enterprises during a time of transition”, European Journal of Marketing, 33/5-6, 631-654.
- Deshpande, R. & Zaltman, G. (1982), ”Factor affecting the use of market research information: a path analysis”, Journal of Market Research, 19, February, 14-31.
- Deshpande, Rohit, Farley, John U. & Webster, Frederick E. (1993), ”Corporate culture, customer orientation and innovativeness in Japanese firms: a quadrad analysis”, Journal of Marketing, 57, 23-37.
- Deshpande, Rohit, Farley, John U. & Webster, F.E. (1997),”Factors affecting organizational performance: a five country comparison”, Marketing Science Institute, Report 97-108, Cambridge, MA.
- Deshpande, Rohit & Farley, John U. (1998),”Measuring market orientation: Generalization and Synthesis”, Journal of Market Focused Mangement, 2, 213-232.
- Deshpande´, R. & Farley, U. (2000), “Market-focused organizational transformation in China”, Journal of Global Marketing, 14, 7–35.
- Diamantopoulos, A. & Hart, S. (1993), ”Linking market orientation and company performance: preliminary evidence on Kohli and Jaworski’s framework”, Journal of Strategic Management, 1/2, 93-121.
- Dobni, B.C. & Luffman, G. (2000), ”Market orientation and market strategy profiling: An empirical test of environment-behaviour-action coalignment and its performance implications”, Management Decision, 38/8, 503-519.
- Doyle, P. & Wong, V. (1998), ”Marketing and competitive performance: an empirical study”, European Journal of Marketing, 32, 5/6, 514-535.
- Golden, P.A., Doney, P.M., Johnson, D.M. & Smith, J.R. (1995), ”The dynamics of marketing orientation in transition economies: a study of Russian firms”, Journal of International Marketing, 3/2, 29-49.
- Gray, B., Matear, S., Boshoff, C. & Matheson, P. (1998), ”Developing a better measure of market orientation”, European Journal of Marketing, 32- 9/10, 884-903.
- Greenley, Gordon E. (1995), ”Market Orientation and company performance: empirical evidence from UK companies”, British Journal of Management, 6, 1-13.
- Han, Jin K., Kim, Namwoon ve Srivastava, Rajendra K. (1998), ”Market Orientation and organizational performance: Is innovation a missing link?”, Journal of Marketing, 62, 30-45.
- Harris, Lloyd C. (2001), ”Market orientation and performance: objective and subjective empirical evidence from UK companies”, Journal of Management Studies, 38/1, 17-43.
- Homburg, C. ve Pflesser, C. (2000), “A multiple-layer model of market- oriented organizational culture: measurement issues and performance outcomes”, Journal of Marketing Research, 37, 449–62.
- Hooley, G., Cox, T., Fahy, J., Shipley, D., Beracs, J., Fonfara, K. & Snoj, B. (2000), “ Market orientation in the transition economies of Central Europe: Tests of the Narver and Slater Market Orientation Scales”, Journal of Business Research, 50, 273-285.
- Horng, Shun-Ching & Chen, Cheng-Hsui A. (1998), “Market orientation of small and medium-sized firms in Taiwan ”, Journal of Small Business Management, 36/3, 79-85.
- Jaworski, Bernard J. & Kohli, Ajay K. (1992), “Market orientation: antecedents and consequences”, Working paper, Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge.
- Jaworski, Bernard J. & Kohli, Ajay K. (1993), “Market orientation: antecedents and consequences”, Journal of Marketing, 57, July, 53-70.
- Jaworski, Bernard J. & Kohli, Ajay K. (1996), “Market orientation: review, refinement and roadmap”, Journal of Market-Focused Management, 1, 119-135.
- Kohli, Ajay K.& Jaworski, Bernard J. (1990), “Market orientation: the construct, research propositions, and managerial implications”, Journal of Marketing, 54, 1-18.
- Kohli, Ajay K. , Jaworski, Bernard J. & Kumar, Ajith (1993), “MARKOR: A measure of market orientation”, Journal of Marketing Research , xxx, 467-477.
- Kumar, Kamalesh, Subramanian, Ram & Yauger, Charles (1998), ”Examining the market orientation-performance relationship: a context-specific study,” Journal of Management, 24/2, 201-233.
- Kumar, Kamalesh, Subramanian, Ram & Strandholm, Karen (2002), ”Market orientation and performance. Does organizational strategy matter?,” Journal of Applied Business Research, 18/1, 37-51.
- Maltz, E. & Kohli, A.K.(1996), ”Market intelligence dissemination across functional boundaries” Journal of Marketing Research, 33/1, 47-61.
- Matear, S., Boshoff, C., Gray, B. & Matheson, P. (1997), ”Models of market orientation: a comparative study” paper presented at the 8th World Marketing Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Matsuno, Ken & Mentzer, John T. (2000), ”The effects of strategy type on the market orientation-performance relationship” Journal of Marketing, 64/4, 1- 16.
- Mavondo, Felix T. & Farrell, Mark A. (2000), ”Measuring market orientatio: are there differences between business marketers and consumer marketers?”, Australian Journal of Management, 25/2,223-244.
- Menon, A. & Varadarajan, R. (1992), ”A model of marketing knowledge use within firms” Journal of Marketing, 56/4, 53-71.
- Moorman, C. (1995), ”Organizational market information processes: Cultural antecedents and new product outcomes” Journal of Marketing Research, 32/3, 318-335.
- Narver, John C. & Slater, Stanley F. (1990), “The effect of a market orientation on business profitability”, Journal of Marketing, 54/4, 20–35.
- Narver, John C., Slater, S.F. & Tietje, B.(1998), “Creating a market orientation”, Journal of Market-Focused Management, 2/3, 241-256.
- Ngansathil, W. (2001), Market orientation and business performance: Empirical evidence from Thailand, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, The University of Melbourne.
- Oczkowski, Edvard & Farrell, Mark A. (1998), “Discriminating between measurement scales using non-nested tests and two-stage list squares estimators: the case of market orientation”, International Journal of Reserach Marketing, 15, 349-366.
- Pelham, A.M. (1997a), “Mediating influences on the relationship between market orientation and profitability in small industrial firms”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 22/3, 55-76.
- Pelham, A.M. (1997b), “Market orientation and performance: the moderating effects of products and customer differentation”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 12/5, 276-296.
- Pelham, A.M.& Wilson, D.T. (1996), “A longitudinal study of the impact of market structure, firm structure, strategy and market orientation on dimensions of performance”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 24, 27-43.
- Peng, M. W. (2001), “How entrepreneurs create wealth in transition economies”, Academy of Management Executive, 15/1, 95 –108.
- Peters, T. & Austin, N. (1985) A Passion for Excellence, London: Fontana/Collins
- Peters, T. & Waterman, R. (1982) In Search of Excellence, London: Harper and Row
- Pitt, L., Caruana, A. ve Berthon, P.R. (1996), “Market orientation and business performance: some European evidence”, International Marketing Review, 13, 5-18.
- Pulendran, S., Speed, R. & Widing II, R.E. (2000), “The antecedents and consequences of market orientation in Australia”, Australian Journal of Management, 25/2, 119-144.
- Quinn, R.E. (1988), Beyond rational management, San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass.
- Quinn, R.E. & McGrath, M.R. (1985), Transformation of organizational vultures: A competing values perspective. In P.D. Frost (Ed.), Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
- Quinn, R.E. & Rohrbach, J. (1983), “A spatial model of effectivenes criteria: Toward a competing values approach to organizational analysis”, Management Science, 29(3), 363-377.
- Quinn, R.E. (1988), Beyond rational management, San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass.
- Raju, P.S., Lonial, S.C. & Gupta, Y.P. (1995), “Market orientation and performance in the hospital industry”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 15/4, 34- 41.
- Ruekert, R.W. (1992), “ Developing a market orientation: an organizational strategey perspective”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 9, 225-245.
- Selnes, F., Jaworski, B. J. & Kohli, A.K.(1996), “Market orientation in United States and Scandinavian companies: A cross-cultural study”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 12/2, 139-157.
- Shapiro, B. (1988), “What the hell is market-oriented?” Harward Business Review, 119-125.
- Siguaw, Judy A., Brown, G. & Widing, R.E. (1994), “The Influence of Market Orientation of the Firm on Sales Force Behaviour and Attitudes”, Journal of Marketing Research, 31, 106-116.
- Sin, Y.M., Tse, C.B., Yau, H.M., Lee, S.Y., Chow, R.& Lau, B.Y. (2000), “Market orientation and business performance: an empirical study in mainland China”, Journal of Global Marketing, 14/3, 5-29.
- Sin, Leo Y.M. & Tse, Alan C.B. (2003), “Market orientation and business perfromance: A Comparative study of firms in mainland China and Hong Kong”, European Journal of Marketing, 37, 910-936.
- Sin, Leo Y.M. & Tse, Alan C.B. (2003), “Market orientation and business perfromance: A Comparative study of firms in mainland China and Hong Kong”, European Journal of Marketing, 37, 910-936.
- Sinkula, J.M. (1994), “Market information processing and organizational learning”, Journal of Marketing, 58(1), 35-45.
- Slater, Stanley F. & Narver, John C. (1994a), “Market orientation, customer value and superior performance,” Business Horizons, 22-28.
- Slater, Stanley F. & Narver, John C. (1994b), “Does competitive environment moderate the market orientation-performance relationship,” Journal of Marketing, 58, 46-55.
- Slater, Stanley F. & Narver, John C. (1995), “Market orientation and the learning organization,” Journal of Marketing, 59, 63-74.
- Slater, Stanley F. & Narver, John C. (2000), “The positive of market orientation on business profitability: a balanced replication,” Journal of Business Research, 48, 69-73.
- Van Egeren, E.M. & O’Connor, S. (1998), “Drivers of market orientation and performance in service firms,” Journal of Services Marketing, 12/1, 39-58.
- Wrenn, Bruce (1997), “The market orientation construct: measurement and scaling issues”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 31-54.
- Zebal, M.A (2003), A synthesis model of market orientation for a developing country, the case of Bangladesh, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Victoria University of Technology.