Beşeri bir faaliyet olan eğitim, bilindiği gibi bireyin yaşantısında kasıtlıolarak istendik davranışlar meydana getirme sürecidir. Beşeri faaliyetlerin en önemli unsurlarından olan eğitim, herhangi bir ülkenin veya bölgenin gelişmişlik ölçütlerinden birisidir. Çünkü ülkelerin kalkınmasınüfusuna verilen eğitim imkânlarıile doğru orantılıolup, eğitimde sağlanan birçok bilgi ve beceri toplumun kalkınmasındaki en büyük dinamiği oluşturmaktadır. Ancak bu beşeri faaliyet ne yazık ki her coğrafyaya eşit oranda dağılmamıştır. Değişen dünya koşullarına uyum sağlamak, bilimsel ve teknolojik gelişmeleri yakalamak için eğitime olan talep giderek artmakta, ülkeler bu talepleri karşılayabilmek için okul, derslik, öğretmen, ders araç gereç vb sayılarınıarttırmak zorunda kalmaktadır. Eğitim sürecinin başarılıbir şekilde amacına ulaşabilmesi için eğitim öğretim imkânlarının yerleşmelere yeterli ve eşit şekilde dağılmışolmasıgerekir. Örgün eğitimde önemli bir yeri olan okul, derslik ve öğretmen başına düşen öğrenci sayılarıeğitimin kalitesini ve erişebilirliğini etkilemektedir. Bu araştırmada Silifke ilçesinde ilköğretim okullarında eğitim öğretim faaliyetleri sırasında, eğitimin kalitesini ve istendik davranışların bireylere kazandırılmasısüreçlerini etkileyen okul, derslik ve öğretmen yeterlilikleri incelenmiştir. Silifke’de 2007-2008 eğitim öğretim yılında faal halde bulunan 53 ilköğretim okulu, bu okullarda 14 867 öğrenci, 569 derslik ve 716 öğretmen bulunmaktadır. İlçe genelinde okul başına 280,5, derslik başına 26,1, öğretmen başına 20,8 öğrenci düşmektedir. Bu değerler Mersin ve Türkiye genel ortalamasından daha düşüktür. Bu durum ilçede eğitime ulaşılabilirliği olumlu yönde etkilemektedir. Ancak ilçe genelindeki bu ortalamalar şehir merkezinde, belde ve köylerde, birleştirilmişsınıfla eğitim yapan okullarda farklılık göstermektedir. Öğrenci sayısının fazla olduğu merkezi okullarda okul, derslik ve öğretmen başına düşen öğrenci sayılarıfazla iken öğrenci sayısının az olduğu belde ve köy okullarında bu değerler düşüktür.
Education; a human activity, is a process of forming required behaviours deliberately in one’s life. Education, which is an important point of human activities, is one of the development criteria of a country or region. Because; development of a country is a positive function of educational facilities given to its people. All the information and skills ensured by meons of education form the basis of development. But, unfortunately, this human activity isn’t be shared equally by all regions. The demond for education is increasing to catch up with the technological and scientific developments and also to accord with the changing world conditions. Countries are obliged to increase the number of schools, classrooms, teachers and equipment to meet this demand. Educational facilities must be shared efficiently and equally by all regions to accomplish the education process successfully. The number of schools, classrooms and teachers, which has an important place in formal education, effects, the quality and accessibility of education. In this research, adequacy of scholl, classroom and teacher each of which effects the quality of education and the process of forming required behaviours are analysed. Research area is the primary schools in Silifke. While the school, classroom and teacher adequacy of primary schools in Silifke is displayed, the number of teacher, classroom and student of 2007-2008 academic year are used. Adequacy of school, classroom and teacher is shown by counting the number of student for each school, classroom and teacher. Accessibility to the educational facilities differs from region to region in the research area. Because of this; while the adequach of school, classroom and student are analysed, primary schools in a city, in a town, in a village or primary school with combinedclasses are dealt with separately. The number of students for each school, classroom and teacher of the primary schools or combined-classes at the city centre, village or town are compared. So the concept of “equal opportunity in education” in the research area is analysed with the help of the number of students to each school, classroom and teacher. The results of Mersin and Turkey are compared with the results of Silifke to have meaning ful analysis. So, the educational edequacy of Silifke is shown. The reseach area is on the west side of Mersin and in Mersin land border. It’s surrounded by Erdemli on the east, Mut and Gülnar on the west, Karaman on the north and Mediterranenan Sea on the South. Silifke is at the crossroads of Konya-Mersin and Antalya-Mersin state highways and far 85 km from Mersin. According to 2007 census, the overall population of Silifke is 111 698. 52 961 of this population live in city centre; 58 737 live in villages and towns. City population consists the % 47,4 of overall population, rural population consists of % 52,6.Within the research area, there is one city, there are 8 villages, 66 towns and overall 75 constant accommodation. The biggest accommodation is the centre of Silifke. There’re 53 active primary schools at the research area and there are 14 867 students, 569 classroom, 716 teachers overall. At primory level, there are 280,5 students for each school, 26,1 students for each classroom and 20,8 students for each teacher throughout Silifke. But these results differ from city centre to rural regions. 15 of the primary schools are at the city centre. There are 220 classroom, 8 178 students and 401 teachers at these schools. The number of students for each classroom increases at the schools which have more students Atatürk Primary School has the most crowded classroom 72,7 , A.N. Hancıoğlu Primary School 70,3 and Göksu Primary School 64,2 follow it. The excess of the number of students for each classroom effects the quality of the educational facilities. There are 6 schools at the centre of the city which have binory education; and there are 9 schools which have normal education. A.N. Hancıoğlu Primary School have the biggest number of students for each teacher 28,8 . Göksu Primary School 25,2 and Atatürk Primary School 24,2 follow it. The smallest number of students for each teacher is seen at the private schools. Besides; Ş.Y. İlhan Akgül 12,5 and Esentepe 75. yıl 12,7 Primary Schools also have the smallest number of students for each teacher. There are 8 villages, 66 towns and overalı 74 constant rural accommodation at the research area. These accommodation are especially at the southern side of the city centre. The northern side is sparsely populated. Nonetheless; just the 32 of these 74 constant rural accommodation have 38 primary schools and some of the accommodation have two or more schools. In some of the towns which don’t have schools, education is continued by carrying the students to other towns. With this system; 3 289 students from 64 different schools are carried to 21 centre. Within the villages and towns; Atayurt Primary School has the most crowded classrooms 34 , Sarıaydın Primary School 28,1 and Yeşilovacık Primary School 27,4 follow it. On the other hand; K.Türkmenli Primary School 6,5 and İmamlı Primary School 13,7 have the least crowded classes. Within the villages and towns; Sarıaydın Primary School 36,1 has the biggest number of students for each teacher A.Ş.Ö.H. Sütmen Primary School 31,4 and Arkum Primary School 29,8 follow it. K.Türkmenli Primary School has the smallest number of students for each teacher. Ovacık Primary School 11,3 follows it. The schools with combined-classes are too much in the research area. Because some regions don’t have schools as the population is sparse.These schools have less students,classrooms and teachers than the other schools. As a result;the number of students for each teacher, classrooms and school is less at the schools with combined- classes. The biggest number of students for each class is at Yeğenli 20 , Nuru 18,5 and Sömek 17,8 Primary School.On the other hand ;the smallest one is at B.Cemal Kirişçi Primary School 3,4 , B.Koyuncu Primary School 5,8 and S.Çatalin Primary School.These schools are generally founded at the towns which have migration potential-like Kıca. There are 16 schools with combined- classes. And there are 679 students,56 classrooms,34 teachers at the schools. The number of students, classrooms and teachers differs according to the schools of cities,towns and villages;this situation effects the number of students for each teacher, class and school. In Silifke, there are 280,5 students for each school, 26,1 students for each class and 20,8 students for each teacher at primary level. Throughout Mersin, there are 444 students for each school, 33 students for each class and 22 students for each teacher. Therefore, throughout our country there are 310 students for each school,33 students for each class and 24 students for each teacher. This means that research area has much beter condition compered to Mersin and Turkey. Throughout Silifke, there is efficient physical condition and teacher for education
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | Research Article |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 1 Ağustos 2009 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2009 Sayı: 22 |