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Güçlendirmede Yönetici ve İşgören Algılamalarının Karşılaştırılması

Yıl 2011, Sayı: 25, 209 - 225, 01.02.2011


Bu araştırmanın amacı, otel işletmeleri yöneticilerinin güçlendirme kapsamındaki uygulamalarının, işgören beklentilerini karşılayıp karşılamadığını; yönetici ve işgören algılamalarıçerçevesinde belirleyebilmektedir. Araştırmanın amacınıgerçekleştirmek için, konuyla ilgili ayrıntılıliteratür taramasıyapılmışve konuyla ilgili oluşturulan anket, çok aşamalıörnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak Türkiye’nin 7 bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren beşyıldızlıotel işletmelerindeki toplam 641 yönetici ve 854 işgören üzerinde uygulanmıştır. Çalışmada, kullanılan ölçeğin geçerlik ve güvenirliğine ilişkin analizler gerçekleştirilmişolup, örneklem gruba uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde, yüzde, frekans dağılımı, aritmetik ortalama, faktör analizi ve bağımsız örneklemler için t-testi, kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, yöneticilerin işgörenleri güçlendirmeye yönelik algılamalarıile, işgörenlerin bu davranışların gerçekten yöneticileri tarafından sağlanıp sağlanmadığına ilişkin algılamalarıarasında, güçlendirmenin geneli ve tüm boyutları yetki ve sorumluluk, işzenginleştirme, katılım, güven ve destek, motivasyon, kaynak ve bilgi paylaşımı, iletişim ortamı, takım çalışması, eğitim ve öğrenme, ödül ve geri besleme arasında anlamlıfarklılıklar belirlenmiştir.


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Comparison of the Perceptions of the Managers and Employees on Empowerment

Yıl 2011, Sayı: 25, 209 - 225, 01.02.2011


In any organization regardless of the sector type they are operating, managers being on a decision-making position can benefit employees to adopt the business by guiding them and giving ownership and responsibility to their work. And this case will bring on that employees, who are the practitioners of decisions made by managers, will be actively have a voice in any decision they participate in the process of a job or organization. In fact, such an understanding, bring out the case of empowerment the employees. Especially with this point of view, when the employees and management of them are taken into account, giving them the authority and responsibility, providing suitable environment to work, and taking steps toward empowerment will significantly contribute the organization in achieving its objectives. Employees’ finding administrative practices for empowerment inadequate emerges a negative case for empowerment. At this stage, particularly, factors such as not having qualified employee for empowerment, policy deficiencies, role ambiguity may play a part. For employee empowerment barriers which will emerge in the form of administrative obstacles, reasons such as protecting areas of administrative convenience, the administrative concept of mastering all things, the manager's self-distrust, the fear of losing authority and control, lack of knowledge, skills and capacities of employee to done given assignments can be given as examples. Empowering the elements such as participation of employees to management, giving them responsibilities and clearance, work enrichment, and perception of these elements by the employees will contribute to both the related literature and establishment managers in the point of searching whether the expectations of employees are met or not, whether functioning will be made for empowering period and precautions that will be taken or possibly taken regarding the issue. On the other hand, surveys carried out related to the issue of empowering in establishments condense on the frame of perceptions of managers or employees. However, some problems unsignification, inacception, etc. in the perception of activities that the managers carry out for the issue of empowering by employees due to various reasons make the situation difficult for the managers as empowerers to achieve in these applications. In this frame, it is needed the determination of the perceptions of employees as the empowered, and it is revealed the necessity of clarification of how these applications of managers are perceived by employees, and this increases the importance of studies carried out in this area. Accordingly, the aim of this survey is the evaluation of hotel establishment managers’ application in the scope of empowering and whether they meet the expectations of employees towards their perceptions. In this frame, manager applications evaluations related to empowering and employee evaluations were compared in this survey, and it is interpreted in the scope of the aim of this survey. To achieve the aim of it, a detailed literature review was carried out and the empowering scale developed for this issue was applied on total 641 managers and 854 employees in five-star hotel establishments that are active in 7 regions of Turkey by using the multi-stage sampling method. The employees were asked to state their participation grades of each statement related to managers’ applicationsinapplications for empowering in the scope of 5 graded Likert scale 1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree . At the same time, the mentioned scale was also applied to managers and it was tested how much they had applied the attitudes presented in the survey related to empowering. It was benefited from content validity criteria for the validity and reliability of the scale used in the survey. In this scope, to test the reliability and validity analyses of the scale used in the survey, a pre-application was made on a group which had similar qualities to the target group. Before that, to contribute in providing the structural and content validity of the scale, the poll forms were analyzed by the people who are experts and had made researches on their areas, their ideas and contributions on the context, scope, comprehensibility, number of statements, etc. of the poll were taken, and the poll was applied on 78 employees and 42 managers working in 4 five-star hotels that are active in Ankara and were added to the population with pre-application. Based on the data obtained with the results of pre-application, the scale was applied to target group after being revised. After the final application of the poll, its dimensional validities in terms of structural reality and factor load were calculated by carrying out the factor analyses. To analyze the data, percentage, frequency distribution, arithmetic mean, factor analysis and t -test was used for independent sample. In this regard, employees evaluation of empowering practices of managers rated with all aspects of empowering authority and responsibility, job enrichment, participation, trust and support, motivation, resource and information sharing, communication environment, teamwork, education and learning, reward and feedback and independent t-test was used to analyze if there are significant differences between managers’ and employees’ opinions about performed applications and are interpreted toward the study. According to the study results, difference between managers’ perceptions to the empowerment of employees and the employees’ perception to these behaviors, if they are really provided by the administration, are at 0.001 levels. These differences between managers’ and employees’ opinions have been identified in empowerment in general and in all aspects authority and responsibility, job enrichment, participation, trust and support, motivation, resource and information sharing, communication environment, teamwork, education and learning, reward and feedback . According to these differences of opinions, although managers of hotel businesses say they provided necessary environments and conditions about authority and responsibility, job enrichment, participation, trust and support, motivation, resource and information sharing, communication environment, teamwork, education and learning, reward and feedback topics, employees indicate in survey responses that all these issues are not as specified. As a result, hotel business administrators in their responses to empowerment scale indicated that they provided the required environment and conditions for empowerment of their employees, while the employees for the same case, indicated by giving more negative responses to the related statements that the mentioned practices are not same as the administrators indicated. This subject in question naturally leads to differences of perception between administrators as empowerers and employees as the empowered. In this context, propositions for elimination of the factors which causes the perceptions of the employees of empowerment to be negative were developed in accordance with the results of the study and the aid of related literature


  • Altunışık, Remzi, Coşkun, Recai, Bayraktaroğlu, Serkan ve Yıldırım, Engin. (2004). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. SPSS Uygulamalı. Sakarya: Sakarya Kitabevi.
  • Avcı, Turgay ve Karatepe, Osman. M. (2000). işletmenin sınır biriminde çalışan işgörenlerin tatmini: Ampirik bir değerlendirme. 8. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildirileri, İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi, 543-570.
  • Ayhan, D. Yaşar. ve Karatepe, Osman.M. (1999). Kurumsal imaj ile ürün imajının kurumsal kimlik üzerindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir literatür incelemesi, 4. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildirileri, Antakya: Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 112-125.
  • Bacharach, S. B. and Lawler, E. J. (1982). Power and Politics in Organizations: The Social Psychology of Conflict, Coalitions and Bargaining. San Fransisco:. Jossey-Bass Publisher.
  • Balcı, Ali (2001). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma, Yöntem-Teknik-İlkeler (3. Baskı). Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi.
  • Baş, Türker (2001). Anket. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Bolat, Tamer (2003). Personeli güçlendirme: davranışsal ve bilişsel boyutta incelenmesi ve yönetim kavramlarıyla karşılaştırılması. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17 (4), 199- 219.
  • Bowen, David ve Lawler, Edward. E. (1992). The empowerment of service workers: What, why, how, and when. Sloan Management Review, 33 (3, :31-39.
  • Brower, Michael J. (1995). Empowering teams: What, why and how. Empowerment in Organisations, 3 (1), 13-25.
  • Büyüköztürk, Şener (2003). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı. Ankara: PegemA Yayıncılık.
  • Cacioppe, Ron (1998). Structured empowerment: An award-winning program at the burswood resort hotel, Leadership and Organization Devolopment Journal, 19 (5), 3-11.
  • Carless, Sally, A. (2004). Does psychological empowerment mediate the relationship between psychological climate and job satisfaction, Journal of Business and Psychology, 18 (4), 405-425.
  • Ceylan, Adnan (2002). Çalışanların güçlendirme algıları üzerine tuzla bölgesindeki ticari bankalarda bir araştırma, Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi:Öneri, (5) 17, 113-120.
  • Chebat, Jean C. ve Kollias, Paul (2000). The impact of empowerment on customer employees’ roles in service organizations, Journal of Service Research, 3 (1), 66-81.
  • Chow, I. Hau, Wing-Chun, L. Thamis, Sha, Zhanquan and Hong, Jiehua (2005). The ımpact of developmental experience, empowerment and organizational support on catering service staff performance, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 25 (3), 478-495.
  • Conger, Jay. A. and Kanungo, R.N. (1988). The empowerment process: Integrating theory and practice, Academy of Management Review, 13 (3), 471-482.
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Toplam 84 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Elbeyi Pelet Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Sayı: 25

Kaynak Göster

APA Pelet, E. (2011). Güçlendirmede Yönetici ve İşgören Algılamalarının Karşılaştırılması. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(25), 209-225.

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