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Konfüçyüs’ün Yeniden Keşfi ve Çin’in Dış Politikasında Dönüşüm

Yıl 2013, Sayı: 29, 223 - 237, 01.02.2013


ÇHC, 2000’li yıllardan bu yana kalkınma, barışve istikrarın temini için Konfüçyüs felsefesine ve değerlerine yeniden sahip çıkmaya başlamıştır. Çinli liderlerin uyumlu bir toplum oluşturmak, halk, devlet ve bireyler arasında uyum ve bütünlüğü sağlamak için giriştiği çabalar, Konfüçyüs ilkeleri ve felsefesinin yeni açılan okullarda ve enstitülerde yoğun olarak işlenmesi, ailenin ahlak ilkeleri olarak topluma Konfüçyanist ilkelerin benimsetilmeye çalışılmasıKonfüçyanizmin yeniden dirilişi olarak görülmektedir. Günümüzde Çin devlet yönetiminde ve toplumunda politik Konfüçyanizm Batı–tarzıliberal demokrasiden “daha iyi bir şey” olarak görülürken, Çinli entelektüeller Konfüçyanizm’i, Çin dışpolitikasına eklemlemeye çalışmaktadırlar. Bu bağlamda Konfüçyanist felsefe ile eklemli olan modern Çin dışpolitikası, ahlaki ve barışçıl bir uluslararasıilişkiler sistemine işaret ederken, diğer taraftan başta ABD olmak üzere uluslararasısistemin büyük güçlerinin uluslararasıhukuk ihlallerine eleştiriler yöneltmektedir. Bununla birlikte ÇHC’nin Müslüman nüfusun yaygın biçimde yaşadığıDoğu Türkistan ve Uygur Türk Bölgesi’ne karşıizlemişolduğu politika, “Konfüçyanizme Yeniden Dönüş” söylemlerine tezat oluşturmaktadır. Çünkü Konfüçyanist dışpolitika, barış, hakkaniyet, uyum ve işbirliğine referans vermekte, tüm insanlığıhak ve adalete davet etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Çin dışpolitikasıüzerindeki yansımasıdikkate alınarak Konfüçyüs’ün Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’nde yeniden nasıl keşfedilmeye çalışıldığıortaya koyulmaktadır. Bu çerçevede, Taoizm, Budizm, Maoizm gibi Çin siyaset düşünce ekollerine değinilmiş; Çin uluslararasıilişkiler teorisinin temel noktalarıbu kapsamda belirtilmiştir. Bilge Konfüçyüs’un şahsında, Konfüçyanist siyaset teorisini ve dışpolitika anlayışıirdelenirken, kısaca güç geçişi teorisi ve Çin dışpolitikasına hâkim olan barış, çoğulculuk ve milliyetçilik gibi söylemlere çalışmada yer verilmiştir.


  • AKÇADAĞ, Emine (2010). “Yükselen Güç Çin’in Dünden Bugüne Dış Politika Analizi”, BİLGESAM,–guec– cinin–duenden–buguene–d–politika–analizi–&catid=107:analizler–cin&Itemid=137.
  • AKGÜN, Birol (2010). “Çin İzlenimleri I: Ejderin Ayak Sesleri”, Stratejik Düşünce Enstitüsü.–yazilari/611/cin–izlenimleri–i–ejderin–ayak–sesleri.aspx.
  • ANIL, Yaşar Şahin, ÖZBEK, Şasev (2007). Konfüçyüs, İstanbul: Kastaş Yayınevi, 2007.
  • ATEŞ, Selahattin (2009). “Eski Çin’i Yeniden Keşfetmek”, USAK Stratejik Gündem,–%C3%A7in%E2%80%99i–yeniden– ke%C5%9Ffetmek.html.
  • BELL, Daniel A. (2009). “War, Peace, and China's Soft Power: A Confucian Approach”, Diogenes.
  • BIJIAN, Zheng (2005). “China's “Peaceful Rise” to Great–Power Status.–bijian/chinas–peaceful–rise–to–great–power– status.
  • BLUMENTHAL, Daniel (2010), “What Happened to China’s ‘Peaceful Rise’?”.
  • BUSSMANN, Margit (2007). “Do Hegemons Distribute Private Goods? A Test of Power-Transition Theory”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 51 (1).
  • CAO, Qing (2007). “Confucian Vision of a New World Order?: Culturalist Discourse, Foreign Policy and the Press in Contemporary China”, International Communication Gazette, 69 (431).
  • CHAN, Steve (2007). China, the US and the Power-Transition Theory: A Critique. UK: Routledge.
  • CHAU, Dao Minh (1996). “Administrative Concepts in Confucianism and Their İnfluence on Development in Confucian Countries”, Asian Journal of Public Administration, 18 (1).
  • CHEUNG, Gordon C. K. (2008). “International Relations Theory in Flux in View of China's 'Peaceful Rise”, Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies., 26 (1).
  • CIA The World Factbook, “China”–world– factbook/geos/ch.html.
  • COOPER, J.C. (2003). Taoculuk Nedir? Eski Çin Bilgelik Öğretisine Giriş. (Çeviren: İ. Zeki Eyuboğlu). İstanbul: Omega Yayınları.
  • DHAMMAJOTI, Ven Dr Beligalle (2010). “Socio-Political Aspect of Buddhism: Buddhist Doctrine for All”.
  • DREYER, Teufel (2007). “Chinese Foreign Policy”, FPRI, 12 (5).
  • DUMBAUGH, Kerry (2008). “China’s Foreign Policy: What Does It Mean for U.S. Global Interests?”, CRS Report For Congress.
  • GEERAERTS, Gustaaf, JING, Men (2001). “International Relations Theory in China”. Global Society, 15 (3).
  • HSIUNG, James C. (2008). “China’s Second Ascent & International Relations (IR) Theory”,
  • Hoare-Vance, Stephen J. (2009). “The Confucius Institutes And China’s Evolving Foreign Policy”. A Thesis in Master of Arts in Political Science. University of Canterbury.
  • HUI, Victoria Tin–bor (2004). “Toward a Dynamic Theory of International Politics: Insights from Comparing Ancient China and Early Modern Europe”, International Organization, 58 (1). Cambridge University Press.
  • HUGHES, Christopher R. (2007). “Globalisation and Nationalism: Squaring the Circle in Chinese International Relations Theory”.
  • JIANDE, Lu (2009). “Confucian Politics and Its Redress: From Radicalism to Gradualism”, Diogenes, 56 (83).
  • KEARNS, Paul. “3 Confucian Concepts: How Can They Be Applied in a Globalizing Corporate World?”,
  • KELLIHER, Daniel (1994). “Chinese Communist Political Theory and the Rediscovery of the Peasantry”, Modern China, 20, (4).
  • KONFÜÇYÜS (1998). Söyleşimler. (Çeviren: İsmail Akyıldız). İstanbul: Gün Yayıncılık.
  • KONFÜÇYÜS (2004). Seçmeler. (Çeviren: Mehmet Türdeş). İstanbul: Morpa Kültür Yayınları.
  • LEMKE, Douglas (1997). “The Continuation of History: Power Transition Theory and the End of the Cold War”, Journal of Peace Research, 34 (1).
  • LI, Jing (2007). “Chinese Nationalism and its Foreign Policy Implications”, USC US–China Institute.
  • LÛN–YÜY (1998). Konfüçyüs’ün Öğretileri. (Çeviren: Ali Manav). İstanbul: Sümer Kitabevi.
  • MILLER, Nicholas J.S. (2011). “Pragmatic Nationalism and Confucianism: The New Ideology of the CCP”,– nationalism–and–confucianism–the–new–ideology–of–the–ccp&catid=65%3Amakale–ve– raporlar&Itemid=71&lang=en. CESRAN.
  • NG–QUINN, Michael (1983). “The Analytic Study of Chinese Foreign Policy”, International Studies Quarterly. 27 (2).
  • OKAY, Bülent (2004). Konfüçyüs. İstanbul: Okyanus Yayınları.
  • ORGANSKI, A. F. K., KUGLER, Jacek (2011). “The Power Transition: A Retrospective and Prospective Evaluation”, spr07/readings/Kugler&Organski%20-%20Power%20Transition.pdf.
  • PALMER, Martin (2000). Yin ve Yang. (Çeviren: Nafiz Güder). İstanbul: Dharma Yayınları.
  • PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY (1968). The Wisdom of Confucious (Konfüçyüs’ün Bilgeliği). (Çeviren: Neşe Olcaytu). İstanbul: Anahtar Kitaplar Yayınevi.
  • POLATLI, Ahmet (2009). “Taoizm”.
  • REID, Gilbert (1923). “Revolution as Taught by Confucianism”, International Journal of Ethics, 33 (2), 188–201.
  • ROMAR, Edward J. (2009). “Harmony as Strategic Intent: How the Confucian Concept of Harmony Can Contribute to Firm Success”, MEB 2009–7 th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking, Budapest, Hungary.
  • SANDIKLI, Atilla (2008). “Geleceğin Süper Gücü Çin”, BİLGESAM.–sueper– guecue–cin&catid=107:analizler–cin&Itemid=137.
  • SCOBELL, Andrew (2005). “Strategic Culture and China: IR Theory Versus the Fortune Cookie?”, Strategic Insights, IV (10).
  • ŞATANA, Nil, ÖZPEK, Burak Bilgehan (2010). “A.B.D ve Türkiye’de Geçmişten Günümüze Güvenlik Çalışmaları”, ORSAM Ortadoğu Etütleri, 2(2).
  • TUĞCU, Akif (2011). “Çin’de Konfüçyüs Öğretisinin Dirilişi”, USAK Stratejik Gündem.–konfi%C3%A7y%C3%BCs– %C3%B6%C4%9Fretisinin–dirili%C5%9Fi.html.
  • UYGUR, Cihan (2009). “Çin Dış Politikası 1: Çin–Latin Amerika İlişkileri”, TÜRKSAM.
  • YAO, Souchou (2007). Konfüçyen Kapitalizm. (Çeviren: Zehra Savan). İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • YAQING, Qin (2009). “Development of International Relations Theory in China”, International Studies, 46 (185).–2/185.
  • YAQING, Qin (2011). “Why is There No Chinese International Relations Theory?”
  • YIHONG, Pan (1988). “Traditional Chinese Theories of Foreign Relations and Tang Foreign Policy”, Asian Review, II, avid C. Lam Institute for East West Studies (LEWI), Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • YU, Bin (1994). “The Study of Chinese Foreign Policy: Problems and Prospect”, World Politics, 46 (2).
  • YU DAN (2010). Konfüçyüs: Modern Dünyada Kadim Bilgelik. (Çeviren: Çağlayan Erendağ). İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları.
  • XIA, Ming (2011), “China Threat or a Peaceful Rise of China?”,–china–politics–007.html.
  • XIN, Liu, “Contexts and Issues of Contemporary Political Philosophy in China”, China.htm.
  • XINNING, Song (2001). “Building International Relations Theory with Chinese Characteristics”, Journal of Contemporary China.
  • ZHIMIN, Chen (2005). “Nationalism, Internationalism and Chinese Foreign Policy”, Journal of Contemporary China, 14(42).

The Rediscovery of Confucius and The Transformation for the Chinese Foreign Policy

Yıl 2013, Sayı: 29, 223 - 237, 01.02.2013


Since 2000 people`s Republic of China has begun to promote the Confucian philosophy and values to provide a peace and stability for the comprehensive development of Modern China. Chinese leaders are making effort to integrate people and state so that they could form social and political harmony among them. Nowadays Confucian principles and philosophy are deeply studied in Chinese universities and institutes. It has been inserted in Chinese school curriculum. Confucian principles are being seen as moral principles for the family and community. Resurrection of Confucianism in the Chinese state and society is regarded as an indigenous ideology alternative to western political thoughts and better substitute of Western-style liberal democracy. Now Chinese intellectuals are trying to apply Confucian ideology and principles into Chinese foreign policy. In this context, the study of contemporary international relation system with special reference to Chinese foreign policy will be very interesting and important for the student of international relation studies because this ancient philosophy is based on tolerance and peaceful coexistence. There is possibility that Chinese foreign policy based on Confucian philosophy would very much against the assertive foreign policy of USA which is dominating the world power. But the fact is that People’s Republic of China’s policies regarding East Turkistan and Uighur Turk Regions where Muslim population are in majority, contrasts to the discourse of “Return into Confucianism”. China is violating all internationally recognized norms and values in this region despite its claim in Confucian philosophy based foreign policy. Neither China is ready to accept their many rights and demands which are justified as per international law. Nowadays, there are many unresolved international issues which need to be solved as soon as possible.Every state has some insuperable problems with other state in international spheres. At this juncture it is expected that Confucianism philosophy can help to resolve these problem because there are some good elements in it such as ethics, knowledge and wisdom. Confucius is regarded as an ancient philosopher and thinker who lived centuries ago. Inspite of this, his philosophy seems still fresh and thought provoking. We can use Confucian heritage as an instrument to perceive modern world affairs and how to be dealt with it. Therefore norms and values of this philosophy exist in every culture and civilization. Every citizen of this globalized world wants to live with these basic principles of Confucian philosophy and practice in their daily life. Now we are required to examine Confucian norms and values in theory and practice of China’s domestic and foreign policy. People’s Republic of China is claiming to adopt the Confucian norms, values and wisdom in their political, social and economic life. Rest of the world is observing the impact of Confucian doctrine from China’s foreign policy to economy. World feels that China has rediscovered Confucius philosophy as its indigenous doctrine and trying to apply this doctrine in every sphere of nation’s life whether it is social political or economic. So they could integrate everything with own root. It looks that Confucianism made China more confident to assert itself as a world power. It integrated different social groups. It boosted their moral values and provided the strength to their economy. It is hoped that next Chinese generation will attract toward Confucius and Confucianism due to its indigenous roots. So they could march more confidently as a nation all together. The resurgence of the ancient Chinese culture, civilization, traditions and wisdom is not only related to Confucianism phenomenon but it is also true with other religious traditions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Modern liberal western thoughts also affected the mind of new generation of China. Therefore, China turned to its ancient cultural and intellectual heritage to assert itself in the modern world. Therefore it is exporting its cultural and civilizational values to the modern world, a lot of people in the world getting impressed by contemporary Confucian China. Internationally recognized academics and intellectuals are discussing about its significance. The philosophy of Confucianism includes six administration arts. These are the rectification, the rule of law, instruction of people, progress of people, the taking public opinion into account and the doctrine of the mean. These administrative arts are significant to perceive the Confucian state society. Contemporary China is trying to apply these Confucian management principles and doctrines in its state and society, believing that it would be more powerful instrument to inspire the people for the rule of law and their wellbeing. It can help in the economic development and progress of China. Public opinion will be given significance in the state administration so there would be no public grievances


  • AKÇADAĞ, Emine (2010). “Yükselen Güç Çin’in Dünden Bugüne Dış Politika Analizi”, BİLGESAM,–guec– cinin–duenden–buguene–d–politika–analizi–&catid=107:analizler–cin&Itemid=137.
  • AKGÜN, Birol (2010). “Çin İzlenimleri I: Ejderin Ayak Sesleri”, Stratejik Düşünce Enstitüsü.–yazilari/611/cin–izlenimleri–i–ejderin–ayak–sesleri.aspx.
  • ANIL, Yaşar Şahin, ÖZBEK, Şasev (2007). Konfüçyüs, İstanbul: Kastaş Yayınevi, 2007.
  • ATEŞ, Selahattin (2009). “Eski Çin’i Yeniden Keşfetmek”, USAK Stratejik Gündem,–%C3%A7in%E2%80%99i–yeniden– ke%C5%9Ffetmek.html.
  • BELL, Daniel A. (2009). “War, Peace, and China's Soft Power: A Confucian Approach”, Diogenes.
  • BIJIAN, Zheng (2005). “China's “Peaceful Rise” to Great–Power Status.–bijian/chinas–peaceful–rise–to–great–power– status.
  • BLUMENTHAL, Daniel (2010), “What Happened to China’s ‘Peaceful Rise’?”.
  • BUSSMANN, Margit (2007). “Do Hegemons Distribute Private Goods? A Test of Power-Transition Theory”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 51 (1).
  • CAO, Qing (2007). “Confucian Vision of a New World Order?: Culturalist Discourse, Foreign Policy and the Press in Contemporary China”, International Communication Gazette, 69 (431).
  • CHAN, Steve (2007). China, the US and the Power-Transition Theory: A Critique. UK: Routledge.
  • CHAU, Dao Minh (1996). “Administrative Concepts in Confucianism and Their İnfluence on Development in Confucian Countries”, Asian Journal of Public Administration, 18 (1).
  • CHEUNG, Gordon C. K. (2008). “International Relations Theory in Flux in View of China's 'Peaceful Rise”, Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies., 26 (1).
  • CIA The World Factbook, “China”–world– factbook/geos/ch.html.
  • COOPER, J.C. (2003). Taoculuk Nedir? Eski Çin Bilgelik Öğretisine Giriş. (Çeviren: İ. Zeki Eyuboğlu). İstanbul: Omega Yayınları.
  • DHAMMAJOTI, Ven Dr Beligalle (2010). “Socio-Political Aspect of Buddhism: Buddhist Doctrine for All”.
  • DREYER, Teufel (2007). “Chinese Foreign Policy”, FPRI, 12 (5).
  • DUMBAUGH, Kerry (2008). “China’s Foreign Policy: What Does It Mean for U.S. Global Interests?”, CRS Report For Congress.
  • GEERAERTS, Gustaaf, JING, Men (2001). “International Relations Theory in China”. Global Society, 15 (3).
  • HSIUNG, James C. (2008). “China’s Second Ascent & International Relations (IR) Theory”,
  • Hoare-Vance, Stephen J. (2009). “The Confucius Institutes And China’s Evolving Foreign Policy”. A Thesis in Master of Arts in Political Science. University of Canterbury.
  • HUI, Victoria Tin–bor (2004). “Toward a Dynamic Theory of International Politics: Insights from Comparing Ancient China and Early Modern Europe”, International Organization, 58 (1). Cambridge University Press.
  • HUGHES, Christopher R. (2007). “Globalisation and Nationalism: Squaring the Circle in Chinese International Relations Theory”.
  • JIANDE, Lu (2009). “Confucian Politics and Its Redress: From Radicalism to Gradualism”, Diogenes, 56 (83).
  • KEARNS, Paul. “3 Confucian Concepts: How Can They Be Applied in a Globalizing Corporate World?”,
  • KELLIHER, Daniel (1994). “Chinese Communist Political Theory and the Rediscovery of the Peasantry”, Modern China, 20, (4).
  • KONFÜÇYÜS (1998). Söyleşimler. (Çeviren: İsmail Akyıldız). İstanbul: Gün Yayıncılık.
  • KONFÜÇYÜS (2004). Seçmeler. (Çeviren: Mehmet Türdeş). İstanbul: Morpa Kültür Yayınları.
  • LEMKE, Douglas (1997). “The Continuation of History: Power Transition Theory and the End of the Cold War”, Journal of Peace Research, 34 (1).
  • LI, Jing (2007). “Chinese Nationalism and its Foreign Policy Implications”, USC US–China Institute.
  • LÛN–YÜY (1998). Konfüçyüs’ün Öğretileri. (Çeviren: Ali Manav). İstanbul: Sümer Kitabevi.
  • MILLER, Nicholas J.S. (2011). “Pragmatic Nationalism and Confucianism: The New Ideology of the CCP”,– nationalism–and–confucianism–the–new–ideology–of–the–ccp&catid=65%3Amakale–ve– raporlar&Itemid=71&lang=en. CESRAN.
  • NG–QUINN, Michael (1983). “The Analytic Study of Chinese Foreign Policy”, International Studies Quarterly. 27 (2).
  • OKAY, Bülent (2004). Konfüçyüs. İstanbul: Okyanus Yayınları.
  • ORGANSKI, A. F. K., KUGLER, Jacek (2011). “The Power Transition: A Retrospective and Prospective Evaluation”, spr07/readings/Kugler&Organski%20-%20Power%20Transition.pdf.
  • PALMER, Martin (2000). Yin ve Yang. (Çeviren: Nafiz Güder). İstanbul: Dharma Yayınları.
  • PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY (1968). The Wisdom of Confucious (Konfüçyüs’ün Bilgeliği). (Çeviren: Neşe Olcaytu). İstanbul: Anahtar Kitaplar Yayınevi.
  • POLATLI, Ahmet (2009). “Taoizm”.
  • REID, Gilbert (1923). “Revolution as Taught by Confucianism”, International Journal of Ethics, 33 (2), 188–201.
  • ROMAR, Edward J. (2009). “Harmony as Strategic Intent: How the Confucian Concept of Harmony Can Contribute to Firm Success”, MEB 2009–7 th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking, Budapest, Hungary.
  • SANDIKLI, Atilla (2008). “Geleceğin Süper Gücü Çin”, BİLGESAM.–sueper– guecue–cin&catid=107:analizler–cin&Itemid=137.
  • SCOBELL, Andrew (2005). “Strategic Culture and China: IR Theory Versus the Fortune Cookie?”, Strategic Insights, IV (10).
  • ŞATANA, Nil, ÖZPEK, Burak Bilgehan (2010). “A.B.D ve Türkiye’de Geçmişten Günümüze Güvenlik Çalışmaları”, ORSAM Ortadoğu Etütleri, 2(2).
  • TUĞCU, Akif (2011). “Çin’de Konfüçyüs Öğretisinin Dirilişi”, USAK Stratejik Gündem.–konfi%C3%A7y%C3%BCs– %C3%B6%C4%9Fretisinin–dirili%C5%9Fi.html.
  • UYGUR, Cihan (2009). “Çin Dış Politikası 1: Çin–Latin Amerika İlişkileri”, TÜRKSAM.
  • YAO, Souchou (2007). Konfüçyen Kapitalizm. (Çeviren: Zehra Savan). İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • YAQING, Qin (2009). “Development of International Relations Theory in China”, International Studies, 46 (185).–2/185.
  • YAQING, Qin (2011). “Why is There No Chinese International Relations Theory?”
  • YIHONG, Pan (1988). “Traditional Chinese Theories of Foreign Relations and Tang Foreign Policy”, Asian Review, II, avid C. Lam Institute for East West Studies (LEWI), Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • YU, Bin (1994). “The Study of Chinese Foreign Policy: Problems and Prospect”, World Politics, 46 (2).
  • YU DAN (2010). Konfüçyüs: Modern Dünyada Kadim Bilgelik. (Çeviren: Çağlayan Erendağ). İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları.
  • XIA, Ming (2011), “China Threat or a Peaceful Rise of China?”,–china–politics–007.html.
  • XIN, Liu, “Contexts and Issues of Contemporary Political Philosophy in China”, China.htm.
  • XINNING, Song (2001). “Building International Relations Theory with Chinese Characteristics”, Journal of Contemporary China.
  • ZHIMIN, Chen (2005). “Nationalism, Internationalism and Chinese Foreign Policy”, Journal of Contemporary China, 14(42).
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Sayı: 29

Kaynak Göster

APA Sayın, Y. (2013). Konfüçyüs’ün Yeniden Keşfi ve Çin’in Dış Politikasında Dönüşüm. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(29), 223-237.

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