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Eskişehir’de Yaşam Boyu Öğrenme Başlığı Altında Yetişkin Eğitiminin Analizi

Yıl 2015, Sayı: 34, 197 - 211, 01.08.2015


Günümüzde en hızlı eskiyen argümanların başında bilgi gelmektedir. Bilim ve teknoloji öylesine hızlı gelişim gösterir ki, sadece kırk yıl önceki bilgiler değil beş yıl öncesindeki bilgiler dahi yeterliliğini yitirmektedir. Bilginin güncelliğini bu derece hızlı kaybettiği bir dünyada yaşam boyu öğrenme, önemi gittikçe artan kavramlardan biri olarak karşımız çıkar. Yaşam boyu öğrenme; kişisel, toplumsal, sosyal ve istihdam ile ilişkili bir yaklaşımla bireyin; bilgi, beceri, ilgi ve yeterliliklerini geliştirmek amacıyla hayatı boyunca katıldığı her türlü öğrenme etkinlikleri olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu kavram gelişmiş ülkelerde çok uzun yıllardır gündemde olan, daha da önemlisi yaşama geçmiş bir niteliğe sahiptir. Hatta öyle ki; Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde eğitim bütçesinin yarıdan fazlasının, yetişkinlerin eğitimi için harcandığı bilinmektedir. Türkiye için ise kavram yeni olmamakla birlikte yaygın görülmemekte ve günümüz koşullarının çok uzağında yürütülmektedir. Yaşam boyu öğrenmede sadece meslek sahibi olmayanlara ya da meslek değiştirmek isteyenlere yeni meslek kazandırmak değil, aynı zamanda bilgileri sürekli tazelemekte amaçtır. Ancak Türkiye’deki duruma bakıldığında amacın bilgi tazelemek yerine daha çok istihdama yönelik olduğu görülmektedir. Bu araştırmada Türkiye’deki uygulamaların Eskişehir platformu üzerinde masaya yatırılması ve başarılı bir yetişkin eğitiminin kent düzeyinde profilinin çıkarılması amaçlanmaktadır. Meslek edindirme kursları başlığı altında faaliyet gösteren kurumlar üzerinde yürütülecek çalışmada, “Eskişehir’de halk yetişkin eğitiminde neyi öğrenmek istiyor?”, “Bunu nasıl ve hangi yöntemlerle öğrenmek istiyor?” gibi sorulara yanıtlar aranmaktadır. Araştırmada ayrıca şehrin demografik haritasının çıkarılması ve kent halkının şimdiye kadarki memnuniyetlerinin tespit edilip ölçümlenmesi de hedeflenmektedir. Bu çerçevede öncelikle demografik veriler taranıp, sonra genel olarak kent halkına uygulanacak anketlerle beklenti, imkan ve istekler ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Bir dönem kurs almış ve halen kurs alan kursiyerlere uygulanacak ikinci düzey anketlerle kişilerin memnuniyeti ölçümlenirken, kurs müdürleri ve öğretmenleriyle yapılan görüşmelerde uygulayıcıların görüşleri alınarak, başarılı örnek olaylar irdelenmiştir. Nicel ve nitel yöntemlerin birlikte kullanılacağı bu projede Eskişehir halkının yaşam boyu öğrenme perspektifinde şu ana kadar aldıkları ve bundan sonraki beklentileri üzerine genel bir değerlendirmeye ulaşılmıştır. Bu araştırma aynı zamanda sertifikasyonun işletme ve kuruluşlar açısından öneminin irdeleneceği ikinci bir çalışma açısından da öncül bir niteliğe sahiptir.


  • Andersson, P., & Harris J. (2006). “Re-Theorising the Recognition of Prior Learning”. Leicester, UK: NIACE.
  • Andersson, P., Fejes, A., & Ahn, S-E. (2004). Recognition of Prior Vocational Learning in Sweden. Studies in the Education of Adults, 36(1), 57-71. Erişim: Aralık 2010, on/more-information/doc/2010/reforms.pdfBagnall, R. J. (1990) Lifelong education: The institutionalization of an illiberal and regressive ideology? Educational Philosophy and Theory, 22.
  • BFUG, (2003). Bologna Process between Prague and Berlin, Report to the Ministers of Education of the Signatory Countries, Berlin, Reporter: Pavel Zgaga.
  • BFUG, (2009). From London to Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve, Report on the Work Programme of the Bologna Follow-up Group (2007-2009). Benelux Bologna Secretariat.
  • Bjornavold, J. (2000). Making Learning Visible: Identification, Assessment and Recognition of Non-Formal Learning in Europe. Erişim: Ocak 2012, europeaninventory/publications/policy/Cedefop_making_learning_visible.pdf.
  • Cedefop, (2007a). European Principles for Validating Nonformal and Informal Learning. European Guidelines for Validating NonFormal and Informal Learning, Luxembourg. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Erişim: Aralık 2010,
  • Cedefop, (2007b). Recognition and Validation Of Non-Formal And Informal Learning for Vet Teachers and Trainers In the EU Member States. Cedefop Panorama Series 147, Luxembourg. Erişim: Ocak 2012, on_resources/Bookshop/480/5174_en.pdf
  • Cedefop, (2009). European guidelines for validating non formal and informal learning. Luxembourg
  • Chapman, J. D., & Aspin, D. N. (1997). The School, the Community and Lifelong Learning. London: Cassell.
  • Colardyn, D., & Bjornavold, J. (2004). Validation of Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Learning: policy and practices in EU Member States. European Journal of Education, 39(1), 69-89. Erişim: Ocak 2012,
  • Commission of the European Communities, (2006). Adult Learning: It is Never too Late to Learn. Brussels, 23 October, Com (2006) 614 Final. Erişim: Ocak 2012,
  • Dave, R. H. (1976). Foundations of Lifelong Education. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The Treasure within Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twentyfirst Century. UNESCO.
  • Duke, C. (1999). Lifelong Learning: Implication for the University of the 21st Century. Higher Education Management, 11(1),19-35.
  • Duvekot, R., Schuur, K., & Paulusse J. (2005). The Unfinished Story of VPL – Valuation and Validation of Prior Learning in Europe’s Learning Cultures. Vught, Foundation EC-VPL, Kenniscentrum EVC.
  • EC, (2007). Adult Learning Professions in Europe: A Study of the Current Situation, Trends and Issues. Draft interim report, July.
  • Edwards, R., & Usher, R. (2001). Lifelong Learning: A Postmodern Conditi on of Education Adult Education Quarterly, 51(4), 273-287.
  • Eraut, M. (2000). Non-formal Learning, Implicit Learning and Tacit Knowledge in Professional Work. F. Coffield (Ed.), The Necessity of Informal Learning. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Faris, R. (2004). Lifelong Learning, Social Capital and Place Management in Learning Communities and Regions: a Rubic’s Cube or a Kaleidoscope? Erişim: Ocak 2012,
  • Faure, E., Herrera, F., Kaddoura, A. R., Lopes, H., Petrovsky, A. V., Rahnema, M., & Ward, F. C. (1972). Learning to Be: The World of Education Today and Tomorrow. Paris: UNESCO.
  • Field, J. (2005). Social Capital and Lifelong Learning. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Golding, B. (2002). A Learning Community Builds Social Capital: Ballarat East Community. I, Falk, J. Balatt , & B. Golding (Eds.), Building Communities: ACE, Lifelong Learning and Social Capital. Melbourne: Centre for Research and Learning in Regional Australia University of Tasmania Launceston.
  • Ireland Ministry of Education and Science, 2000. Learning for Life: White Paper on Adult Education, July. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h􀆩 p://www.irishti
  • Jarvis, P. (2004). Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice (3rd ed.). Routledge.
  • Livingstone, D. W. (2001). Adults’ Informal Learning: Definitions, Findings, Gaps and Future Research. NALL Paper # 21-2001. Erişim: Aralık 2010,
  • UNESCO (2014) Position Paper on Education Post-2015. ED-14/EFA/POST- 2015/1Watson, L. (2003). Lifelong Learning in Australia. 03/13, Australian Government, Department of Education, Science and Training.
  • Wetzel, D. R. (2010). 10 Secrets to Lifelong Learning for Everyone: The Benefits of Continuing Education for Work and Self Improvement. Erişim: Ocak 2012,,

Analysis of Lifelong Adult Education in Eskişehir

Yıl 2015, Sayı: 34, 197 - 211, 01.08.2015


Information is the primary thing among the arguments going out of date in the quickest way nowadays. Science and technology develop in such quick way; not only forty years old information loses its validity but also even five years old information does so. In a world where information loses its up-to-dateness in such quick way, lifelong learning appears before us as a concept whose importance increases day by day. With an approach related with person, society and employment, lifelong learning is defined as every kind of learning activity in which the person participates during its lifetime in order to develop its knowledge, skills and interest. This concept has been on the popular agenda for many years in the developed countries and more importantly it has been applied into real life situations. And it is even known that more than half of the education budget is spent for the education of adults in United States of America. Even if the concept is not new for Turkey, it is not seen as a widespread application and it is carried out very far away from today’s conditions. The aim in lifelong learning is not to get the people who have no job or want to change their profession to gain a new profession but also to renew their knowledge continuously. However, when looked into the practices in Turkey, it is seen that the aim is mainly toward employment instead of renewing knowledge. In this study, it is targeted to discuss the practices in Turkey within the framework of Eskişehir platform and to develop a profile of a successful adult education at the level of the city. In the study carried out over the institutions operating under the title of vocational courses, the answers for the questions like “Which knowledge do people in Eskişehir want to learn? “How and through which methods do they want to learn this knowledge?” will be sought. It is also aimed in the study to survey demographic map of the city and to measure the satisfaction of the townspeople so far by detecting it. Within this framework, first the demographic data will be scanned and expectations, possibilities and desires will be revealed with the questionnaires that will be applied to the people of the city. While the persons’ satisfactions are measured with the second level questionnaire administered to course attendees who took a course for a period and are currently taking a course, the opinions of the practitioners course managers and teachers will be collected with an interview protocol. The successful cases will also be examined during the study. In this project both quantitative and qualitative research approaches will be used to evaluate of town people about lifelong learning and training. At the same time, this study has a priori quality from the point of a further study in which the importance of certification will be examined in terms of companies and institutions


  • Andersson, P., & Harris J. (2006). “Re-Theorising the Recognition of Prior Learning”. Leicester, UK: NIACE.
  • Andersson, P., Fejes, A., & Ahn, S-E. (2004). Recognition of Prior Vocational Learning in Sweden. Studies in the Education of Adults, 36(1), 57-71. Erişim: Aralık 2010, on/more-information/doc/2010/reforms.pdfBagnall, R. J. (1990) Lifelong education: The institutionalization of an illiberal and regressive ideology? Educational Philosophy and Theory, 22.
  • BFUG, (2003). Bologna Process between Prague and Berlin, Report to the Ministers of Education of the Signatory Countries, Berlin, Reporter: Pavel Zgaga.
  • BFUG, (2009). From London to Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve, Report on the Work Programme of the Bologna Follow-up Group (2007-2009). Benelux Bologna Secretariat.
  • Bjornavold, J. (2000). Making Learning Visible: Identification, Assessment and Recognition of Non-Formal Learning in Europe. Erişim: Ocak 2012, europeaninventory/publications/policy/Cedefop_making_learning_visible.pdf.
  • Cedefop, (2007a). European Principles for Validating Nonformal and Informal Learning. European Guidelines for Validating NonFormal and Informal Learning, Luxembourg. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Erişim: Aralık 2010,
  • Cedefop, (2007b). Recognition and Validation Of Non-Formal And Informal Learning for Vet Teachers and Trainers In the EU Member States. Cedefop Panorama Series 147, Luxembourg. Erişim: Ocak 2012, on_resources/Bookshop/480/5174_en.pdf
  • Cedefop, (2009). European guidelines for validating non formal and informal learning. Luxembourg
  • Chapman, J. D., & Aspin, D. N. (1997). The School, the Community and Lifelong Learning. London: Cassell.
  • Colardyn, D., & Bjornavold, J. (2004). Validation of Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Learning: policy and practices in EU Member States. European Journal of Education, 39(1), 69-89. Erişim: Ocak 2012,
  • Commission of the European Communities, (2006). Adult Learning: It is Never too Late to Learn. Brussels, 23 October, Com (2006) 614 Final. Erişim: Ocak 2012,
  • Dave, R. H. (1976). Foundations of Lifelong Education. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The Treasure within Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twentyfirst Century. UNESCO.
  • Duke, C. (1999). Lifelong Learning: Implication for the University of the 21st Century. Higher Education Management, 11(1),19-35.
  • Duvekot, R., Schuur, K., & Paulusse J. (2005). The Unfinished Story of VPL – Valuation and Validation of Prior Learning in Europe’s Learning Cultures. Vught, Foundation EC-VPL, Kenniscentrum EVC.
  • EC, (2007). Adult Learning Professions in Europe: A Study of the Current Situation, Trends and Issues. Draft interim report, July.
  • Edwards, R., & Usher, R. (2001). Lifelong Learning: A Postmodern Conditi on of Education Adult Education Quarterly, 51(4), 273-287.
  • Eraut, M. (2000). Non-formal Learning, Implicit Learning and Tacit Knowledge in Professional Work. F. Coffield (Ed.), The Necessity of Informal Learning. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Faris, R. (2004). Lifelong Learning, Social Capital and Place Management in Learning Communities and Regions: a Rubic’s Cube or a Kaleidoscope? Erişim: Ocak 2012,
  • Faure, E., Herrera, F., Kaddoura, A. R., Lopes, H., Petrovsky, A. V., Rahnema, M., & Ward, F. C. (1972). Learning to Be: The World of Education Today and Tomorrow. Paris: UNESCO.
  • Field, J. (2005). Social Capital and Lifelong Learning. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Golding, B. (2002). A Learning Community Builds Social Capital: Ballarat East Community. I, Falk, J. Balatt , & B. Golding (Eds.), Building Communities: ACE, Lifelong Learning and Social Capital. Melbourne: Centre for Research and Learning in Regional Australia University of Tasmania Launceston.
  • Ireland Ministry of Education and Science, 2000. Learning for Life: White Paper on Adult Education, July. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h􀆩 p://www.irishti
  • Jarvis, P. (2004). Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice (3rd ed.). Routledge.
  • Livingstone, D. W. (2001). Adults’ Informal Learning: Definitions, Findings, Gaps and Future Research. NALL Paper # 21-2001. Erişim: Aralık 2010,
  • UNESCO (2014) Position Paper on Education Post-2015. ED-14/EFA/POST- 2015/1Watson, L. (2003). Lifelong Learning in Australia. 03/13, Australian Government, Department of Education, Science and Training.
  • Wetzel, D. R. (2010). 10 Secrets to Lifelong Learning for Everyone: The Benefits of Continuing Education for Work and Self Improvement. Erişim: Ocak 2012,,
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Deniz Tascı Bu kişi benim

Cengiz Hakan Aydın Bu kişi benim

Evrim Genç Kumtepe Bu kişi benim

Alper Tolga Kumtepe Bu kişi benim

Güzin Kıcır Kıyık Bu kişi benim

Gökhan Deniz Dinçer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Sayı: 34

Kaynak Göster

APA Tascı, D., Aydın, C. H., Kumtepe, E. G., Kumtepe, A. T., vd. (2015). Eskişehir’de Yaşam Boyu Öğrenme Başlığı Altında Yetişkin Eğitiminin Analizi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(34), 197-211.

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