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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 25, 127 - 144, 01.06.2013


Indexes, refer to a value representative of a statistical indicator and used to measure
the change in the proportional indicator (Web Finance, 2012). Indices, the whole of a
large number of data into a format that can be understood and interpreted. Learning costs
at universities an index to be created, interpreted and converted to a comparable figure.
In the literature, applications are made under the name of cost of living index, city life
index and student life index, developed by institutions and non-governmental
organizations. The main purpose of these indices is to calculate the costs of education in
various universities and cities. The first of these studies was carried out in 1987 by the
American Institute for Economic Research. This institution has calculated the cost of
living indices 11.000 cities around the World. It will also, has developed an indicator
which is consists of student’s consumption expenditures, health expenditures and rent
expenses (ERI, 2012).
Royal Bank of Scotland has developed an index created with student’s food and
accommodation expenses. The index which is called "Student Life Index" is updated
every year (RBS, 2010). The other index was created in the UK in 2006. According to this
index 135 universities index value started to publish every year in the UK (PUSH, 2012).
An indicator called "Student Price Index" was developed by Kansas State University
in 2010. This indicator is created taking into account the student housing, social life, food
and textbooks expenses (Wandersee, 2011).
Similarly, a “Student Living Index” will be created in Turkey may help the
stakeholders in decision-making. The purpose of the study in this direction; Student will
encounter during their university studies are to demonstrate the financial statement to
create “Student Living Index”. Stakeholders in this index will not only students. Their
families, universities, Board of Higher Education and businesses direct to plan of this
index within the framework.
In this study, the data used in the calculation of the index were obtained from the
websites of various governmental agencies and the students. Survey method was used for
data collection from students. The data were collected from students from 19 different
universities located in 16 metropolitan (Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, Diyarbakır,
Erzurum, Eskisehir, Turkey, Gaziantep, Istanbul, Izmir, Kayseri, Istanbul, Konya, Mersin,
Istanbul, Samsun) in Turkey between the dates of 05/01/2012 and 30/05/2012. Istanbul
due to the number of its population is divided into two parts, including European and
Universe of the study consisted of Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty
formal education students. Convenience sampling method was used to determine the mass
of the sample. Face-to-face interview questionnaire was applied by 20 interviewers. A
total of 2643 questionnaires were taken into account in this study. SPSS 20 statistical
package was used analysis of the data.
The results of this study, taking into account the changes and improvements will be
updated every year. State institutions, the Higher Education Council, universities and
companies will become a shareholder of this index.
The balance of a student's monthly financial expenditure can be formulated as
NFD = OHT – ( AK + B + BK) In this formula, NFD; the student's monthly financial balance, OHT; the student's
monthly spend, AK; family's financial contribution, B; the amount of student student
scholarship and BK, shows that the student's individual gain.
Study's findings and comments are summarized below.
• Costs as necessary for the folding of student learning; housing, food,
transportation, stationery, social activities and clothing. Amounts of expenditure
on these items separately identified and the amounts of total expenditure has been
reached. According to the results of the students in metropolitan areas with the
average monthly expenditure was found to be 568,61 TL. This amount is
composed 230,7 TL housing, 174,49 TL food, 76,28 TL transportation, 30,13 TL
stationery, 32,39 TL social activities and 24.62 TL clothing expenditures.
Approximately 71% of these expenditures consist of housing and food expenses.
Students separate minimum budget for clothing. Istanbul European has the highest
number average monthly spend 674.68 TL and Sakarya has the lowest number
average monthly spend 500,64 TL. The European side of Istanbul, the Anatolian
side of Istanbul and Antalya are the most expensive provinces for students.
Sakarya, Ankara and Samsun are relatively cheap for students.
• Students are used to finance these costs are basically three sources are available.
These family support, scholarships and personal gain. In today's conditions, 260
TL scholarship is given to students and assuming that students are not working, it
has been identified the amount to be financed 308.61 TL. This amount is the
lower limit of the families that should be funded. If the student does not want to
use credit and scholarships, education costs should be funded by the entire family.
• Within the scope of the study, "Student Living Index" calculated by taking the
averages. Within the framework of the existing data base index, the average of
total expenditure "100" was accepted and determined. In other words, students'
average monthly expenditure amounts to 568.61 TL, "100" is determined as the
benchmark index. Accordingly, the index value is calculated in each city.
According to this index values Sakarya, Konya, Samsun, Diyarbakır, Kayseri,
Mersin, Adana, Kocaeli and Erzurum under the main index, Bursa, Eskisehir,
Gaziantep, Izmir, Ankara, Antalya and Istanbul took place on the main index.
• Students will contribute to the economy of the city which they are trained.
Therefore, accurate identification of student needs and planning must be done in
this direction. At this point, the index numbers should be read correctly and
analysed by the stakeholders.
• Here, a significant decrease mission administration of the country. The number of
students receiving scholarships and the amount of scholarship should be increased
taking into account Turkey's economic conditions and the income.distribution.


Yıl 2013, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 25, 127 - 144, 01.06.2013


Bir üniversite tercih edilirken birçok değişken göz önünde bulundurulur. Bu değişkenlerden biri de üniversite eğitiminin maliyetidir. Bu maliyet; bölgelere, illere hatta ilçelere göre farklılık gösterebilmektedir. Bu farklılık öğrenimin finansmanı, üniversitelerde yeni bölümlerin açılması, üniversitelere kaynak aktarımı ve hatta işletmelerin yatırımları açısından önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; öğrencilerin üniversite eğitimleri süresince karşılaşacakları finansal tabloyu ortaya çıkaracak bir “Öğrenci Geçim Endeksi” oluşturmaktır. Bu endeksin paydaşları sadece öğrenciler olmayacaktır. Öğrenci aileleri, üniversiteler, YÖK ve işletmeler de bu endeks çerçevesinde planlamalarına yön verebilecektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda verilerin bir kısmı anket yöntemi ile öğrencilerden, bir kısmı ise ilgili kurum ve kuruşlardan elde edilerek toplanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda şehir bazında öğrenciler için aylık geçim endeksleri oluşturulmuştur.

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Diğer ID JA77AT55GR
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Alper Veli Çam Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Haziran 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 25

Kaynak Göster

APA Çam, A. V. (2013). PAYDAŞLAR AÇISINDAN YENİ BİR ENDEKS UYGULAMASI: ÖĞRENCİ GEÇİM ENDEKSİ. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13(25), 127-144.