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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 25, 329 - 356, 01.06.2013


Measure the innovation performance of countries demonstrating innovation in the
literature, and there are many indications. Employment in knowledge-intensive sectors,
Total Factor Productivity (TFP), Research and Development (R&D) spending, the number
of patent applications and registered, entrepreneurs, researchers and technicians, the
number of high-tech exports, royalties and license fees, industrial added value, innovation
capacity and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)'s exports are some of
these indicators. Considered to be the most important indicators of innovation, R&D
expenditures, advanced technology, information and technology, human resources, labor's
share in exports of indicators is of great importance.
R&D shares’ height in the The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at the developed
European Countries (EU) is drawn attention. In the new EU accession countries and
Turkey, these rates remained below the EU-27 average. Naturally, there is a linear
relationship between development and R&D expenditure can be mentioned. The share of
exports of high-tech goods that are exported to the United Kingdom, France, Finland,
Germany and Denmark are higher. In terms of these ratios, Turkey remains far quite
behind Poland and Romania.
Innovation of new ideas, products, processes or the implementation of other aspects of
the company can be defined as a creative high value added activities. Economists often
focus on product and process innovation. Our product range and improve the quality of
product innovation, the act of bringing a new product on the market. For example, Apple
iPod, a portable device to listen to music once upon a time in comparison with the Sony
Walkman product. Process innovation is to provide a new product or process or
development management.
Companies can move to higher levels of existing institutional dimension and show
sensitivity to switch to innovation, by increasing the efficiency of the competitiveness of
the national and international arena stage has to store a serious stages. As a result of R&D
activities, new products and new markets emerge from the production methods depends
on the flow of information. As a result of this knowledge generation, increasing the
competitiveness of companies and provide a basis for development. In today's world,
information and communication technologies, the emergence of something new can be
followed by everyone fast and timely manner. Information produced by a company and
brand with these technologies, national and international scale to be learned quickly, and
begins to spread and may provide a significant contribution to the provision of the
company's development in the area.
The international system after the end of the Second World War from the beginning
of the crisis, the introduction of long-term growth conjuncture of the 1970s, a central role
in decision-making processes of nation-state economies are based on the location of the
national capital, multinational companies began to dominate the decision-making
processes of international economic order based on markets conjuncture that started to
leave, the national capital and the nation-state with the loss of the relative importance of
the national market is not going to be worn and thesis refers to itself with the ideological
discourse of globalization.
Since the 1980s, the process of globalization, regional markets, and strengthens their
ties with each other to ensure compliance with the international system has experienced an acceleration recorded significant improvements. In this process, all major
industrialized countries to implement economic policies in order to liberalize their
financial markets in many developing countries followed by the industrialized countries.
International trade liberalization in the areas of investment and finance, capitalism,
given new impetus to work on a global scale institutionalization. Tax, investment, trade,
finance and the economy of the state-based policies, such as social security, states, create
employment and improve their social welfare due to the global economic actors in terms
of their need for foreign capital began to take shape in line with expectations.
With the process of globalization and the political developments in the rapidly
growing international competition and globalization have led to rethinking the role of the
state, the state in each country entered a period of re-structuring and interaction in the
international arena to compete with other countries to come to the level of management
reform forced to in countries.
Innovation that contributes to economic growth by increasing productivity and
competitiveness throughout the world is considered to be an important factor in shaping
economic activities. Lies in the development of innovative ideas behind many of today
make life easier for people. If the owners of these ideas to support innovative activities,
productive research institutions, with the knowledge and technology centers, more and
more engaged in R&D investment, the countries of specialization has been an effective
innovation system. These countries (Japan, Germany, South Korea and the U.S.) the
socio-economic development by investing in innovation have made considerable
There are two different innovation sizes that innovation, technological and
organizational (organizational). Inter-organizational level networking (networking) and
collaboration, today, has become more important than in the past in terms of
competitiveness. In addition, the company in-house (intrafirm) organizational innovations
aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of technological change play a vital role in
providing benefits. Taken in terms of the level of technology, especially technology-based
innovation (technology-based) development and dissemination of new technologies for
small firms (diffusion) is started to play a more important role.
Cross-border activities concepts of such as multinational enterprises, international
investment, international trade, product development, production, resource creation,
marketing, organizational structures, change, change capitalism functions, integrated
international markets, an emerging economic restructuring, international businesses
determination, adaptation capacity, tough competition, flexibility, strengthening the social
relations around the world, it has become geographically remote local units are affected
by each other, local, and personal social experiences, pass-through, pass-through cultures,
the rapid development of information technology and etc. refers to the phenomenon of
The main factors that led to globalization in terms of factors come to the fore. These
elements are accelerating globalization can be expressed as fiber optics, satellites and
computer technology to increase global communication, integrated and coordinated
throughout the world of product design, manufacturing, sales and services, and multinational
enterprises, international growing free trade agreements, trade, finance, business,
products and services created around the world to regulations and standards, strengthening
of financial markets, increasingly, information, technology, and the rapid and fascinating
developments in the field of informatics, computer and internet popularization, the expansion of national and international trade networks, increased foreign investment and
international companies and so on.


Yıl 2013, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 25, 329 - 356, 01.06.2013


Literatürde inovasyonu ölçen ve ülkelerin inovasyon performanslarını ortaya koyan birçok gösterge bulunmaktadır. Bilgi yoğun sektörlerdeki istihdam, Toplam Faktör Verimliliği (TFV), AR&GE harcamaları, patent başvuru ve tescil sayıları, girişimci, araştırmacı ve teknisyen sayıları, ileri teknoloji ihracatı, royalti ve lisans ücretleri, endüstri katma değeri, inovasyon kapasitesi ile Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri (BİT)’nin ihracatı bu göstergelerden bazılarıdır. İnovasyonun en önemli göstergeleri olarak değerlendirilen; AR&GE harcamaları, ileri teknoloji ihracatı ile bilgi ve teknolojideki insan kaynaklarının işgücü içerisindeki payı göstergeleri oldukça önem arzetmektedir. Gelişmiş AB ülkelerinde, GSYH içinde AR&GE paylarının yüksekliği dikkat çekmektedir. AB’ye yeni katılan ülkeler ve Türkiye’de ise bu oranlar, AB-27 ortalamasının altında seyretmektedir. Doğal olarak, gelişmişlik ile AR&GE harcamaları arasında doğrusal bir ilişkiden söz edilebilmektedir. İleri teknoloji ihracatının ihraç edilen mallar içerisindeki payının İngiltere, Fransa, Finlandiya, Almanya ve Danimarka’da yüksek olduğu görülmektedir. Bu oranlar bakımından Türkiye ise, Polonya ve Romanya’nın oldukça gerisinde kalmaktadır.

Toplam 0 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA27UG44NM
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Mehmet Arif Şahinli Bu kişi benim

Efecan Kılınç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Haziran 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 25

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahinli, M. A., & Kılınç, E. (2013). İNOVASYON VE İNOVASYON GÖSTERGELERİ: AB ÜLKELERİ VE TÜRKİYE KARŞILAŞTIRMASI. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13(25), 329-356.